ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET THE START OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE PH o o o o o o o entrep has been related with launching new business today, however a lot of ppl and org has considered entrep as an important life skill that is beyond just starting a ventures entrepreneurship is a life skill that readies a person to manage the vague and undefines future particularly in the business environment entrepreneurship is composed of collective mindsets and skillsets that can empower an indiv to create and act on opportunities of any kind for himself no need to build a business in order to think and act like an entrepreneur NOTE: highest form of entrepreneurship is franchising o o o ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET o set of skills that enable ppl to identify and make the most of opportunities, overcome, and learn from setbacks, and succeed in a variety of settings o IMPORTANCE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET o having an entrepreneurial mindset allows us to escape the conditioning that might otherwise hold us back from starting our own business ENTREPRENEURSHIP VIEWS 1. 2. Predictive Approach (older view) consider entrepreneurship as a linear process where there are steps to do, and the results are usually predictive traditional entrep is supported by the predictive approach entrepreneurs using predictive approach, identify the goals they wanted to attain and search for available resources works best during times of ambiguity and when there is enough info where to base decisions most well-known and established companies make use of this approach o for the reason that they have predetermined goals, their problems are clear, and they are in possession of dependable info Creation Approach (newer view) sees entrep as a mindset and a method that needs practice and used only when the future is unpredictable and not certain entrepreneurs who use this approach define their goals based from the resources available at hand these entrepreneurs do not delay the action they wanted to take despite scarcity of the resources often, small businesses always begin with creation most entrepreneurs start their ventures w/ a broad idea that they feels is worth trying and most likely to succeed in the initial phase of a business, creation is vital over prediction o o o o PH is known as a developing country. always challenged by high poverty rate compared against Asian countries entrep has become the solution to poverty through job formation, wealth creation, and social empowerment entrepreneur seek to create wealth the PH govt sees entrep as the sole means to address the poverty problem the 1987 consti identifies entrepreneurship as an instrument of economic growth the role of private enterprises in supporting fair distribution of income and wealth, satisfying production of goods and services and escalating productivity is emphasized in Article XIII Section 1 the intention is to raise the quality of Filipino’s lives the govt’s obj of economic dev and job formation has been placed in the supervision of the Ph Development Plan (PDP) wc strengthens the thrust on entrep by way of trade and investment. the pursuit is on strengthening the Ph competitiveness and contribution to job formation the evolution of entrep has been influenced by fast integration of economies and globalization of markets today, entrep lessons are embedded into the school curriculum to cultivate a culture of enterprise and nurture tomorrow’s competitive entrepreneurs the country has now regarded entrep as a way of thinking and not just an economic term these days, entrep has become a way of motivating innovative individuals to pursue opportunities regardless of its risks THE SKILLS IMPORTANT IN ENTREP o o these skills could only work for those who are eager to take action in order to develop these skills, am entrepreneur needs to learn by doing putting an idea into action is the most important thing to live a more entrepreneurial and influencing life FIVE IMPORTANT SKILLS IN ENTREP o skills of play - allows the imagination to explore - only work for those who are eager to take action o skills of experimentation - cause for entrepreneur to act so as to learn - and they are first in making action as could be in the form of going out in the street and gather real time data, instead of just using google in finding information o skills of empathy - being sympathetic with the feelings, situation, purposes, opinions, and want of other people - putting one’s foot in the shoes of another SOME OF THE LIFE SKILLS INCLUDES o o o o skills of creativity - being open-minded and letting loose one’s ability to create and discover opportunities, and resolve problem - intention is using skills of creativity, not just to discover or search for opportunity but to form them skills of reflection - organize all the four skills mentioned above and taking time to reflect is the most vital skill of all skills SEVERAL WAYS TO DO REFLECTION 1. narrative describing what happened in terms of what took place, what was made in the people involved 2. emotional need to understand that being entrepreneur is not that easy 3. perceptive focus one’s side and feedback, understanding or figuring out 4. analytical not all who wants to become entrepreneur will be successful, need to have logical reasoning on the factors that needs to consider 5. evaluative concerns on what went well and what went bad, or whether the experience is useful or not 6. critical considering the role played in any situation, approach applied, what could be done, lessons and experience in mind, and anticipation of the possible result o negotiating - abt setting boundaries, ensuring for good relationship, and understanding that a good rapport is necessary to give any business a best chance for success o problem solving - concerns creating situations for minor technical difficulties to major financial health o relationship building - involves the community-and-take relationship with suppliers, investors, and even employees o mindfulness - the ability to disconnect from pressure and focus on being in the moment by technique such as breathing meditation to better manage one’s thoughts, feelings, and escape from being burdened by them TYPES OF ENTREP o intrapreneurship - encouraging people to discover high risk, high reward concept which support a big corporate organization o entrepreneurial inside - almost similar with above, but entrepreneur’s functions inside any type of org, govt agencies, NPO, and coop o buying a franchise - major companies allowed other to buy rights to offer same products o buying a small business - proper way to enter business, entrepreneur buys out the existing owner and takes management operations of small business o social entrepreneurship - pursuing innovation, innovative application that has likelihood of solving community-based problems o family business - only managed by members of the family o serial entrepreneurs - entrepreneurs who constantly crafts with a fresh idea and starts new businesses THE TRUTH ABOUT ENTREPRENEURSHIP o o o o o o o entrep is not solely for start up entrepreneurs do not have exceptional personality qualities entrep can be taught yet entails practice entrepreneurs are not so much a risk taker entrepreneurs work in partnership more than they compete - the community is a vital partner of an entrepreneur entrepreneurs are more on doing than planning entrep is truly life skill - a skill that is useful in every success of a man resilience - being able to deal with setbacks agility - speedily and conclusively adjust to dynamic changes in the environment and the situation ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET AND OPPORTUNITY 1. Curiosity being curious is rlly shared among successful entrepreneurs curiosity leads to questions, and questions leads to answers this trait strengthens the ability to understand things with a new standpoint nobody knows everything, and curious ppl are conscious of this being humble and open-minded lead to greater knowledge and greater knowledge allows more detailed reflection 2. Commitment continuing to keep going and persist amidst problems rejection and disappointments are essential elements of an entrepreneur’s life which needs to be endured lessons must be taken from rejection and should not affect the confidence of the entrepreneur this focus should be on achievements, because it would motivate the entrepreneur to persevere as he moves forward and continues to harvest good outcomes 3. Optimism tough attitude towards challenges makes up successful entrepreneurs every time a situation happens, the entrepreneur should be hopeful in exploring its many learning opportunities 4. Flexibility entrepreneurship is a challenging filled with its unpredicted demands and continuous problems it helps to deal with a series of difficult situations, solve problems easily and make progress from obstacles 5. Ownership successful entrepreneurs always trust that their success comes form their own ability they have high internal focus of control whatever life throws at them, they will be able to make or break them through their own actions, decisions, and responses 6. Leadership a successful entrepreneur always guides, motivates, and empowers his teams it is usual for him to share his vision with his team to inspire these ppl through convincing communication and involving his team, an effective entrepreneur is able to attain his visions 7. Connection in entrep creating network is very important entrepreneurs must choose those ppl that would form his collective links so that he could breed his ideas there should be emotional and financial bonds For several decades now there has been a constant debate whether entrepreneurs are self-made, or they possess unique gifts. Sometimes, ppl has mistaken entrepreneurs as those born with exceptional genes. Today, entrepreneurial mindset makes entrepreneurs move forward even during difficult situations. Entrep mindset makes possible innovations and taking risks and the ability to accept failures. Thus, entrep mindset is important for business. MINDSET: ITS CHARAC AND ESSENTIALS MINDSET belief that qualities like intelligence and talent are fixed or changeable traits word was coined by Carol Dweck in her book, “Mindset” o based rom her research abt personalities have diff mindsets which are fixed vs. growth mindset o in reality, there are numerous mindsets, but fixed and growth mindsets are her important discoveries for ppl living in today’s fast changing and very complex FIXED MINDSET ppl with mindset perceive that their talents and abilities are set they consider their brains and talents are sufficient to become successful and endure life by becoming smart they personally take positive criticisms of their capabilities success is based on lunch or possibly from sort of prejudicial advantage they always want to avoid challenges, failure, and tell themselves they do not have expertise believe that these qual are inborn, fixed, and unchangeable GROWTH MINDSET at traits can be changed, developed, and strengthened by working on them lities could be developed by commitment, determination, and obviously hard arting point of the lifelong success for everyone hance their performance and take mistakes as lessons to what they wanted to do despite failures Fixed Mindset I’m either good at it, or I’m not When I’m frustrated, I give up I don’t like to be challenged When I fall, I’m no good Tell me I’m smart If you succeed, I feel threatened My abilities determine everything Growth Mindset I can learn anything I want to. When I’m frustrated, I persevere I want to challenge myself When I fall, I learn Tell me I try hard If you succeed, I’m inspired My effort and attitude determine everything CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET Several charac often common to successful entrepreneurs. o 8. Self-respect in business, it is also vital to take care of both the body, mind, and spirit taking care of oneself daily through rest, exercise, and diet is essential always have ample rest and sleep for renewing one’s energy take time to exercise and whatever one enjoys o OPPORTUNITY RECOGNITION USING MINDSET OPPORTUNITY o it is a means to generate profits by creating unique, innovative, and desirable products or services which are not being fund in the market yet o in order for the opportunity to be feasible, the idea should be able to create value o the common form of value is economic or the ability to make profit. however, it is also vital to consider SOCIAL VALUE o it addresses social need or provide benefits to the society ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE o opportunity to preserve the natural surroundings ESSENTIALS OF THE ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET: Essential things in order to rlly employ and initiate successful mindsets. 1. Passion First o real entrepreneurs look for what rlly are important to them what they truly wanted to and bring together their business around those things o most of the times a company has so many problems. the best way to be involved and continue doing business during difficult times is to have a sense of meaning and purpose 2. Everything is possible o the mindset is about believing that entrepreneurs are capable of accomplishing unexpected results o they trust that an idea could be possible to turn into reality 3. 100% accountable o entrepreneur always believe that they have the power to choose their responses to any circumstances because they have this 100% accountable mindset 4. We are connected o entrepreneurs believe that they can achieve their dreams not by being alone though they love to be independent o they wanted to lead by helping other ppl to do their tasks and fulfill their dreams without seeking anything in return 5. Live life to give o most ppl especially business ppl wanted to offer their time and resources for a valuable cause o as ppl in business profit more, they tend to give more o know today, as CSR 6. Attitude of gratefulness o ppl focus much of their thoughts on what they do not possess o seldom do ppl give their attention to their accomplishments and their present dynamics except for entrepreneurs 7. The time is now o this mindset for entrepreneurs refers to recognizing that all their powers exist in the moment entrepreneurs believe that they cannot change history and the future is uncertain the important thing is to take action now OPPORTUNITY RECOGNITION o USE OF DESIGN THINKING These few years, the design thinking process has increasingly become well-known. Possibly, this is due to the high success of big and global companies that made use of this process. Known also as “outside the box thinking” said process is not just merely a process; but completely opens a new way of thinking. Said process provides a pool of practical means to help apply this new mindset. Design thinking helps improve the world through the generation of innovative solutions from ordinary problems to the most complicated ones being experienced every day. Hence design thinking is now being taught in top colleges and universities globally and being promoted in all business levels. DESIGN THINKING PROCESS (HASSO PLATTNER OF INSTITUTE OF DESIGN STANFORD) DESIGN THINKING a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match the people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity o use to design products, services, environments, and digital experiences design thinking is a combination of desirability, feasibility, and viability a constant process of trying to find innovative solutions to problems through deep understanding and empathy of the target user offers means of digging that it deeper to disclose ways of improving user experience involves the process of questioning, the said process involves inquiring abt the problem, inquiring on the assumptions, and inquiring on what the implications would be o ideas are usually formed brainstorming sessions in order to restructure the problems in human centric ways 1. Collaboration Ideation Experimentation and iteration A bias towards action this is abt providing solutions to problems that focuses on human needs and user response the purpose of design thinking is to form a pond of perspectives and ideas the core design thinking principle at the same time a step in the design thinking process ideas are turned into prototypes. the said prototypes are tested and feedback from users are taken design thinking is an applied and practical solution-based method that is more focus on action than on discussion ORIGINS OF THE DESIGN THINKING in the 50’s and 60’s onwards design thinking emerged because of the issues of collective problem solving or significant societal changes by engineers, architects, and industrial designers 1969 the book titled “Sciences of the Artificial” of Herbert Simon, first mentioned abt design thinking as a way of thinking follows a flexible and non-linear fashion, rather than sequential steps the process often occurs in parallel and be repeated directly Empathize: Research abt users’ needs gain empathetic understanding of the problem you’re trying to solve, typically through user research Empathy-building methods o empathy interviews – most effective interview is constantly asking why even the answers already given o immersion and observation - ethnography o extreme users – one sought to restructure problems and discover best insights o ask what, how, and why in curiosity – must always a considered factor. the design questioning can lead the observation into more abstract user motivation what: give details what actions has taken place how: completion of the action that happened in what why: educated guesses could be formed after the user’s motivation and emotion as he completes the action in the what SOME OF THE PRINCIPLES ABT DESIGN THINKING Human-centricity and empathy a cognitive scientist and Nobel prize laureate. contributors of numerous ideas in the principles of design thinking 1970s design thinking began to combine the human, technological, strategic needs and innovation technology across a wide range of industries 21st century many variants of design thinking that came out with different number of stages in the process 2. Define: State Your User’s Needs and Problems accumulate the info gathered during empathize stage then, analyze observations and synthesize them to define the core problems you and your team have identified Guidelines in generating question o strengthen the good – retain all the positive aspect of the customer needs are intensified o eliminate the bad – all the bad components within the problem are taken out o search the opposite – using design thinking, the problem needs to be transformed into opportunity o enquiry of the assumptions – inquiry abt the assumption at hand 3. Ideate: Challenge Assumptions and Create Ideas designers are prepared to start generating ideas solid bg of knowledge from the first two phases means you can start to “think outside the box”, look for alternative ways to view the problem and identify innovative solutions to the problem statement you’ve created Numerous ideation techniques o brainstorming – more relaxed and informal way of solving a problem using imaginative thinking o brainwrite – a serial process of asking participants to write down their ideas abt specific question or problem on sheet of paper. participants pass this idea on to someone else who read the ideas and adapt the ideas and take process only 15 mins. o worst possible idea – members look for the worst solution in ideation period. a reverse way of examining their ideas, contest assumption, and obtain insights in discovering great ideas o scamper – aims to look for solutions to problem. more engrossed on the process of discovering unfamiliar STORYTELLING IN THE DESIGN PROCESS 4. Prototype: Start to Create Solutions experimental phase aim is to identify the best possible solution for each problem found should produce some inexpensive, scaled-down versions of the product (or specific features found within the product) to investigate the ideas you’ve generated Benefits of prototyping o timely feedback o prompt changes save time and cost o validation prior for development o user search and user testing storytelling offers the opportunity of hearing feedback abt the product from the consumers mouth or see how the product could be used in real life in the design process, the essential problems that consumers face when using a product or a service are known through storytelling o this knowledge abt the problems are reflected in the formulation of the solution based on the test made by the consumers to understand the storytelling and how it is implemented in the design process, we need to explore its different parts and how they are put into a unified component called “a story” gen, every story has the ff elements: o domain – what o player – who (involved in the story telling: consumers) o story flow – how (each story had three main phases: beginning, middle, end) When storytelling is used in every stage to build a usercentered solution. therefore, the storytelling is used throughout the design process, yet there is a different usage goal in each phase generally, the storytelling can be used as three pair phases: o problem framing o solution framing o solution implementation DOUBLE DIAMOND DESIGN THINKING PROCESS developed by British Design Council, aims to achieve creativity and innovation through applying the design thinking methodology involves four steps that take the design process from the problem space, when designers explore the problem, including its complex nature, and end with a clear definition of the problem PROBLEM PHASE 5. Test: Try your Solutions Out evaluators rigorously test prototypes although this is the final phase, design thinking is iterative teams often use the results to redefine one or more further problems. so you can return to previous stages to make further iterations, alterations and refinements – to find or rule out alternative solutions POWER OF STORYTELLING stories are abt special events of real ppl and their respective lives that can inspire opportunities, ideas, and solutions stories offer actual details to be used in picturing solutions to certain problems storytelling is the core of structure and functions of every human being to connect events as a complete experience through time a vital instrument for feedback at each step in the design process, the events and lessons experiences are described through storytelling Discover / Understand— helps ppl define what the problem is which involved talking to the respondents. examine and collect info abt the design challenge o mind maps o multi-perspective problem framing o brainstorming o reversed brainstorming o desk research o field research (interviews, focus groups, observations) o consumer journey map Define — convergent part of the problem phase, allows the idea to be narrowed into clear definition of the problem o root-cause analysis o 5 why’s o user story o affinity analysis SOLUTION PHASE BUILDING BUSINESS MODEL Develop — inspires ppl/consumer to offer multiple answers to the well-defined problem trying to find motivation from elsewhere and codesigning with the variety of diverse ppl o minimum viable product o rapid prototyping o storytelling o consumer journey mapping Deliver — include experimenting solutions in a familiar way, discarding those are not feasible, and refining the ones that will work o surveys o think aloud o shadowing DOUBLE DIAMOND AND IDEO DESIGN THINKING PROCESS 1. 2. 3. problem framing helps the design team to engage the users to define the problem using a qualitative date from consumer phenomenological study – based on the live experience of the consumers multiple stories selling session can be held with the consumer who meet with the persona characteristics (persona empathy map) the advantage of storytelling tool is that it helps to create empathy with the problem solution framing design team would number potential solutions that needs to be tested and evaluated to understand which is the best solution from the user’s perspective solution implementation one of the practical features of the design thinking process is the ability to get consumer feedback abt the product or services to improve in the future While the storytelling can be used in different stages of the design process as above, it is a suitable tool to collected personalized experiences from the consumers. It may be hard to build a generalized data based on it because of the different nature of each consumer’s story, but I believe this is one of the strengths of the tool. It helps us to understand the empathic experience that the users face when using a product or a service. This unique strength point can be valuable for the design thinking process especially when it targets specific problems such as medical interventions or personalized use cases. In sum, the storytelling is a powerful communication tool that enables us as a human being to understand more about our emotional experiences. This makes it an effective method to use during the design process. It can be used during the design thinking process phases with a different goal in each stage. Storytelling can help us to gather personalized emotional data about our consumer’s experience which can be hard to collect using other research methods such as the survey and consumer journey mapping. a good product and/or service does not automatically turn into a commercial success business model makes the diff be success in the laboratory and success in the marketplace define the foundation of a business operations involves the product or service offering, the targeted customers, and the economic engine that will enable a business to meet the profitability and growth objectives business model assessment is essential for startups, new and recognized which need to discover, preserve, or advance their business models WHAT IS A BUSINESS MODEL? acc to Management Guru Peter Drucker, a business model is supposed to answer who your customer is, what value you can create/ add for the customer, and how you can do that at reasonable costs defines the foundation of its company’s core value proposition, targeting customers key resources, and assume revenue streams offers a framework for success and overcoming challenges DIFF TYPES OF BUSINESS MODELS (TRADITIONAL) manufacturers o distributors o retailers o franchise o o o o brick and mortar o bricks and clicks o o direct sales o high touch o o family owned o person or registered company wc makes finished product from raw mats to make profit entity that purchased non-competing product or product lines, store them in warehouse and re-sell to retailers or directly to customers purchased goods from wholesaler (secondary level) or directly from the manufacturer (zero-level of distribution channel) can be manufacturer, distributor, retailer highest form of entrepreneurship franchisor – provides assets to business propriety, knowledge, business process, trademark franchisee – a royalty, often an initial fee for the right to do business under the franchisor’s name and system refers to the old fashion, street side business that sells product or services to customers ftf in an office or store (e.g., grocery stores, dental clinics, gas stations) company combines its online and physical presence place order online and pick-up product from the physical store directly sold to customer, ftf conversation or small gathering use a lot of human interaction in order for their experience to be highly personalize operates on trust and credibility (salon, auto dealers) owned and operated by family o MODERN BUSINESS MODELS nickel and dime o o freemium e-commerce o o o o subscription o aggregator o o online marketplace o hidden revenue o o data licensing/data selling o agency based o affiliate marketing o dropshipping o network marketing o o o o crowd sourcing o blockchain o o o low touch o makes use of the lower price strategy and selling basic product or service additional amounts are charged for other perks and service are required combi of free and paid services normally used by tech companies abjuration of the old-style bricks and mortar business model focuses on buying and selling of goods creating a web store using internet offers a long-term contract to customers by paying a fix amt every month or year network model the company acts a middleman bet two indiv parties most companies provide info or source in a single industry collection of diff sellers into one platform offers services for free (google, fb, twt) don’t pay for search engines but earns from advertisement of the businesses major elements in the web tech where company buys info to perform its operations and gain profit partner companies that specialize in doing non-core business activities such as advertising, digital marketing, pr, events, janitorial advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company's products and services owner has no ownership of the product on hold multilevel marketing work on direct marketing or direct selling philosophy no retail shop but offering to the target market directly the most ppl that become part of the pyramid structure, more money are gained by selling more goods and getting more ppl on board (avon, boardwalk) solicits intellectual info of users on what value-added concept is being imputed on the product or service offering digital ledger that is irreversible and decentralized no owns or control the digital base but anyone can contribute to it bitcoin, ethereum, litcoin (crypto market) minimum human assistance or intervention razor and blade o consulting o social enterprise o no need to keep big sales force or the company may focus on the improving tech to further lessen human involvement to make experience better one item is sold at a low price or given for free to intensify selling of complementary goods composed of experienced and qualified professionals put up a business more for creating positive change but with profit BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS an entrepreneur may focus on every segment or blocks of the business model systematically until he is able to close the gaps every block describes the factor that a startup needs to study the thoughts and ideas of the entrepreneur are kept intact and focused although the blocks can be modified as the need arises each block is very much interconnected. as one blocked is change, the other blocks are required to be revisited because they may need to be changed INFRASTRUCTURE 1. key partners type of partnership strategic alliance coopetition joint venture buyer-supplier relationship 2. key activities categories marketing sales design development operations distribution customer experience 3. key resources physical o equipment o machines o inventory o building o vehicles o manufacturing plants o distribution networks intellectual o non-physical, intangible resources such as brand patents propriety knowledge copyrights partnership customer lists customer knowledge employee employee o employees are the biggest and most vital resources of the company but are often overload financial o all business have key resources in finance, however some will have stronger financial resources compared to others OFFERING VALUE PROPOSITION - business’ way of generating value in their product or service when targeting potential customers - is a statement consisting of he reasons someone should do business with the company o this compute through adding all the benefits that the products could provide to the customer - CVP is a description f other user’s experiences that he or she will realize upon buying and using of a product - without CVP, companies are walking blindly in the market CUSTOMER 1. customer relationship types 2. 3. personal assistance dedicated personal assistance self-service automated services communities co-creation customer segments mass niche segmented diversified multi-sided platform channels phases that channel may pass through awareness education purchase delivery after sales CUSTOMERS AND MARKETS customers are the core of every business every business should always try to attract new customers for profit and to stay in its industry the customers are the real bosses of any company—having an increasing number of customers is the only way to grow a business for an entrepreneur, he needs to reflect on the market he is abt to enter the moment he starts the process of creating a good business concept and model he needs to understand the needs of his customers, satisfy their needs, and retain them the key to always being successful in business is to understand very well the market and those customers inside MARKET any place where manufacturers, distributors, and retailers sell and consumer buy — marketplace may also speak of the whole group of buyers for a product and/or service (marketing) inside the market are competitive companies that offer similar products and/or services (economics) o psychology, marketing, economics o the price of the product and/or service are dictated by the market due mainly from demands and competition market are always dynamic, hence businesses must always monitor the trends and the changing needs of customers in starting a new business. an entrepreneur must understand the market and those that inside it an entrepreneur needs to identify first those customers they intend to sell to and how to reach them an entrepreneur must also understand all the potential factors that contribute to the market they enter into o these factors shall determine how will they market to customers, beat competition, and create their own business plan it is essential to understand customers, their needs, their personality, their attitudes, and even their budgets 7 STEP SELLING PROCESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. prospective – identify target customers pre-approach – how to reach them approach demonstration/ presentation inquiry selling closing retention FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE CHANGES IN THE MARKETPLACE 1. 2. 3. 4. economic situations innovations lifestyles new fashions THINGS THAT CUSTOMERS LOOK FOR WHEN BUYING AN OFFERING WHETHER A PRODUCT OR SERVICE OR BOTH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. price experience design convenience reliability – the product should be dependable and meets the customer’s needs compatibility functionality – the product that they’re buying will serve their purpose CUSTOMERS APPROACHES IN EXACTLY DESCRIBING THE PERFECT CUSTOMER an essential component of every business because they are the ones who uses and judges the quality of those products and services being brought from the market in order to for the business to flourish, every business needs to retain old customers and make new ones for the entrepreneur, he needs to consider that every customer needs are valuable and profitable CONSUMER OR BUSINESS GEOGRAPHIC o defining the target market according to the place they do work, vacation, or businesses DEMOGRAPHIC o described by means of age, gender, education level, marital status, religious affiliation PSYCHOGRAPHIC o based on intrinsic lifestyle, personality, beliefs, lifestyles, and behaviors POTENTIAL PANDOY — POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS o cannot be considered customer yet o needs little bit of convincing and assistance to hopefully change GENERATIONS NEW NETNOT — NEW CUSTOMER o first customer who had just bough sumth from the business o must be watchful in dealing with first time customers o “first impression lasts” COHORT o groups of subjects who shares similar characteristics LIFESTYLE o whether infancy, childhood. adolescence, adulthood TYPES OF CUSTOMERS every customer is unique, there is no single formula to approach them. in order to identify the best approach on how to handle customers, it is necessary to know them first IMPULSIVE ICOY — IMPUKSIVE CUSTOMER o customer that makes instant buying decision based on cravings or if provided when conditions are right o no consideration abt the price or value of the product o highly influenced by his current mood when shopping DISCOUNT DABOY — DISCOUNT CUSTOMER o customer who never buys a product or avail services on full price but only on discount rate o difficult to retain the customer when the discount stopped applying LOYAL LANDO —LOYAL CUSTOMER o satisfied customer that keeps coming back who wants more to purchase CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP TARGET CUSTOMER GROUP TARGET MARKET a group of possible consumers or organizational buyers to whom a company wants to sell its products or services. therefore, it makes sense to focus all the marketing efforts to reach them with the company’s marketing message an entrepreneur needs to identify exactly the pain points and preference that his product or service offering would be resolving for the intended users it must be clear who those ppl that are in need or want of this offering whether they are indiv, families, or businesses BEHAVIORAL o based on customer loyalty, more popular and fave tool for imagining the customer’s experience a rep of a typical customer’s experience over time instead of a snapshot story intended to give awareness of the customer’s complex buying trip most journey mapping formal looks like a timeline that consists of a series of user actions o the timeline is elaborated containing thoughts and emotions to form a story this story is summarized and refined to create visualizations the map helps to set whether customers become frustrated on their way to buying and beyond a well-thought-out customer journey map is very helpful but not all companies are taking full advantage of it in order to discover more opportunities mapping customer journey must aim for business impact unfortunately, most customer journey map do not consider the company side and focus only on the customer side o it is vital to include both sides to map and cultivate the connections bet the company and customers o it is important to modify the map based on the unique needs of the company and the goal that has been set KEY COMPONENTS OF JOURNEY MAP 1. ACTOR – persona / user / customer 2. SCENARIO + EXPECTATIONS a. the situation which the journey maps talk about 3. JOURNEY PHASE a. various level stages in the journey of an actor 4. 5. ACTIONS, MINDSET, AND EMOTIONS a. concrete behavior and steps b. ACTIONS — not meant to be a granular step by step records of events c. MINDSET — corresponds to the thought, motivations, and information of the actor d. EMOTIONS — distinct line across the journey phase, drawn accurately based on the customer’s experience OPPORTUNITIES a. insights obtained from mapping IMPORTANCE OF A CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP the intention of CJM is rlly to solve customer’s problems and help them be successful in using the product or service for a long period of time SOME IMPORTANCE OF A JOURNEY MAP refocus a company with incoming perspective form a new target customer base for a customer-focused mindset all over the company 4. real time marketing o makes use of the power of tech to interrelate with customer in an actual time 5. viral marketing o places marketing manager on the internet like Facebook and Instagram so they can share and expanded their customers 6. digital marketing o this considers leveraging the power of internet tool like email and social networking to back up marketing effort CREATING A PERSONAL BRAND for indiv who form their businesses using their expertise such as an author, public speaker, coach, consultant, and freelance, the idea of personal branding is familiar and comes naturally for them it makes sense too for an entrepreneur to build a reputable personal brand BENEFITS OF PERSONAL BRANDING o trust and authority position himself authority o get featured in media to fit and be found by media or other publications, magazines build a network it clearly articulates who the entrepreneurs is how he does, and how he help other o o attract more customers helps him o premium pricing with a strong personal brand, charging premium pricing is justifiable without the brand, the entrepreneur becomes a commodity that competes on prices o create a lasting platform business will surely evolve, and entrepreneur may jump with different platforms WHAT IS ENTREPRENEURSHIP MARKETING it is more abt a marketing spirit that distinguishes itself from traditional marketing practices this type of marketing for entrepreneurs avoids many of the fundamental principles of marketing wc usually aimed for big and well-known companies it makes use of new and non-traditional marketing practices that makes entrepreneurs stand out from their competitors MARKETING STRATEGIES 1. relationship marketing o building a solid connection between the brand and customer 2. expeditionary marketing o forming market and creating innovative product o entrepreneur acts as leader, not follower 3. one-to-one marketing o customers are marketed to as indiv o tailor-fitted