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ECG Basics.2023

ECG Basics
Clinical Part
Adult One Course
Prepared by:
MS.RN. Reem Ahmad Jarrad
Clinical Nursing Department
The Nursing School
The University of Jordan
By the end of studying this ECG section the student is expected to:
1- Recognize ECG different waves and segments.
2Analyze an ECG strip reporting: heart rate, rhythm, intervals, segments, and
3Recognize significant ischemic myocardial changes as reflected on the ECG.
4- Recall the 12 ECG leads and the myocardial views which each group
5- Define the characteristics of: normal sinus rhythm, sinus bradycardia, and
sinus tachycardia.
Definition of Electrocardiogram ( ECG )
ECG : is a visual representation of the sequence of cardiac electrical
depolarization and repolarization.
Definition of Heart Rhythm
Rhythm : refers to the part of the heart controlling the activation sequence,
which is normally the sinoatrial ( SA ) node.
Definition of Cardiac Axis
Axis: refers to the average direction of spread of depolarization wave through
the ventricles as seen from the front. Normally, the depolarization wave
spreads through the ventricles from 11 o clock to 5 o clock, so the deflections
in aVR are mainly downward ( negative ) and in lead II are upward ( positive ).
Review of Normal Conduction System
ECG Paper
ECG paper is traditionally divided into 1mm squares. Vertically, ten
blocks usually correspond to 1 mV, and on the horizontal axis, the
paper speed is usually 25mm/s, so one block is 0.04s (or 40ms).
Always check the calibration voltage on the right of the ECG, and
paper speed. The following image shows the normal 1mV calibration
Each large square consists of five small squares.
Each large square equals 0.2 second.
Each small square equals 0.04 second.
ECG Waves
- P wave: represents atrial depolarization . P duration < 0.12 seconds . P amplitude <
2.5 mm. It is upright in lead II.
-PR interval: represents the duration of time required for an electrical impulse to
spread from the SA node, through the atrial muscle and the AV node into the
ventricular muscle. Normal value: 3-5 small squares ( = 0.12- 0.2 second )
- QRS complex: represents ventricular depolarization. Width less than 3 small squares
(<0.12 second ).
- T wave: represents ventricular repolarization
-ST segment: segment extending from the end of the QRS complex to the beginning
of the T wave. Normally, on the isoelectric line
- Isoelectric line: is a reference line extending horizontally between the bases of the P
and T-waves.
- QT interval: is counted from the beginning of the R wave to the end of the T wave.
It is longer in females than in males for the same heart rate. QT relates conversely
with heart rate which means faster heart rate leads to shorter QTs.
For example: HR = 75 beat/ minute, QT interval upper limit would be: 0.36 sec in
men, and 0.39 in women. While for HR = 150 b/m, QT max = 0.25 sec in men, and
0.28 sec in women.
Characteristics of Normal Sinus Rhythm
1- P: QRS = 1: 1; this means that every p wave is followed by R wave.
2- Every beat is constituted from P-QRS-T sequence.
3- PR interval ( 0.12-0.2 ) second which is constant beat to beat.
4- Regular R-R intervals ( equal distance between the R-R ).
5- P wave is present and has normal characteristics ( width, height, shape).
6- HR range ( 60 – 100 ) beat/ minute.
Characteristics of Sinus Bradycardia
They are similar to those of normal sinus rhythm except that HR is less than 60
Characteristics of Sinus Tachycardia
They are similar to those of normal sinus rhythm except that HR is more than
100 beat/minute.
Heart Rate Calculation
1- Regular ECG
HR = 300/ number of large squares among R-R or:
HR = 1500/ number of small squares among R-R ( more precise )
HR = 1500/30 = 50 b/m ; HR = 300/6 = 50 b/m ( note R-R intervals are equal)
2- Irregular ECG
- Take a rhythm strip for 6 seconds which corresponds to 30 large squares.
- Count the number of R waves in the 6 second strip
- Multiply the R wave's number by 10
HR = 8*10 = 80 beat/minute ( for the above rhythm strip).
ECG description and interpretation
ECG interpretation: indicates whether the record is normal or abnormal. If
abnormal the underlying pathology needs to be identified.
The ECG descriptive report should include:
2.Heart rate
4.Conduction intervals: PR, QT.
5.Cardiac Axis
6.Description of the shape of the QRS ( narrow, wide, M shaped, peaked ,etc).
7.Description of the ST segment ( elevated; depressed or flat ).
8.Description of the T wave ( tented; flat; peaked, etc ).
9.Relationship between p waves and QRS complexes ( e.g., 1:1 ratio,
sequence, etc ).
10. P wave presence and characteristics.
ECG leads and their depolarization spread angles
Twelve Leads ECG
- Lead : is an electrical picture of the heart.
- Six leads are chest leads from V1 to V6 extending across the precordium.
- Three augmented voltage unipolar limb leads which are: aVR, aVL, aVF
- Three standard bipolar limb leads which are : I, II, III .
10 bodily Electrodes placement
Chest Leads Placement
ECG ischemic Changes
* ST segment depression
* T inversion
* ST elevation
- Cardiac Ischemia: decreased coronary blood flow to the myocardium which
could lead to tissue injury and necrosis ( tissue death ).
ECG leads and Anatomic Groups
ECG Rhythm Strips for ischemic change analysis
Question: determine what ischemic abnormalities are present in the upper
rhythm strips?