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1:1 Career Path Consultation Process

1:1 Career Path
Career Consultation Process
Opportunity and capability are biggest obstacles to career growth
Dead end job! 82% cited “lack of career progression” as a good reason to quit a job. This more than %
cited “lack of pay” (Career Addict – 2020)
According to LinkedIn 2022 report “opportunities to learn and grow”
- top for exceptional workplace
- high for employee engagement & retention
Promote from within. They already know company, core values, products… and we know them –
personality, strengths, weaknesses, KSA…
Outsiders are a gamble. New hires are expensive.
Cost of Employee Turnover $630 Billion – 2020 Retention Report by Work Institute
Cost of separation, hiring replacements, lost productivity, ramp up time
Most people plan their vacations better than their vocations
Gen Z has FOMO (millennials to some extent too) they want multiple jobs at one time to feel secure
People value recognition and want a secure future
Career development is the #1 reason for leaving for 10 straight years – William Mahan
50 million people voluntarily left their job in 2022 – zavvy.io
Why individual? Everybody is unique – they have their own experiences, worldview, personality, skillset,
High potential employees need to be engaged with customized paths that they control
Why managers? 3 out of 4 employees say having a bad boss is the most stressful part of their job. – “Got
a Bad Boss?” by Peter Economy
Top performers are promoted to under performing managers because they lack training on management
Peter Principle
Top performers may want to stay technical. While a lower level or under-performing technical one may
have better leadership skills
Managers need a career path to you cant just promote them and then forget about them
Goal of all career plans:
Cooperatively create a roadmap to close personal skill gaps, present growth opportunities, increase
productivity, and/or increase compensation
Discuss potential not promises. “Doing this will help you towards the goal of getting to the next level” not
“Doing this will get you to the next level”
Start with lowest level of management above the individual to ensure full understanding of current
role and next level
2. Chart standard path 1 2 3 Senior… titles above that??? Or others between them
1. Jr – 1 2 3 – Sr – Specialist – Sr Specialist - Architect
2. ………………. Supervisor/Lead – Manager – Sr Manager - Director – Sr Director
3. Review their last 1-2 reviews, 9-box placement, resume, etc.
4. Identify the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) of the next level and of current level
1. Level 1 – theoretical. Not just heard of it but have learned about it thru a book video or class
2. Level 2 – Controlled practice – hands-on group or individual projects from school, pet
projects done on their own (may need help in evaluating this level)
3. Level 3 – Practical Experience – prior job experience, internship…
4. Level 4 – Advanced Experience – demonstrated autonomous
5. Identify the individual’s present KSA – if they do not yet meet current level I will work with them to
get to where they need to be for present role
6. Have individual do a KSA inventory of themselves and review it to see if there are differences in their
perspective and what mgmt. has
1. Articulate an example of how the KSA has been used
7. Identify the Gap between their KSA and next level
8. Meet with person to find out where they want to go long-term (2-5 yrs) and short-term (1 yr or less)
9. Identify 1-2 long term objectives 1-3 years
10. Identify 2-5 short term objectives to help with long-term. These should be 1 month to 1 year
11. Come up with ideas on how to fill the gap from training perspective (class, video, book, shadowing,
12. Develop learning objectives for their training to fill the KSA GAP
ABCD model
1. Audience – who is the individual
2. Behavior desired to learn
3. Conditions to demonstrate the behavior – a test, a demo of their abilities with real
work or hypo work
4. Degree of Accuracy – tolerance levels in being ok-ISH
Set milestones with dates.
Get manager approval
Plan the work then work the plan
Follow up regularly
1. to ensure manager is providing time to work on the plan.
2. Check on short and long-term objectives
3. Evaluate KSA requirements of next position
4. Evaluate personal vs perceived KSA