Words Word Meaning Example sentence class 1. Gigantic Adjective Extremely large There is a gigantic tree called banyan. 2. Thrive Verb To grow, develop or be successful The tree I planted when I was young thrived well. 3. Loose Adjective Not tightly fastened, attached, or held The rope was tied in a loose knot. 4. Resemble Verb To be like or similar to Johnny resembles his father. 5. Forbid Verb Not allow to do something Underaged people are forbidden to use cigarettes. 6. 7. Sympathize Verb Refuse Verb To understand and care about someone’s I sympathize with you I have similar problem unhappy experience before. To say that you will not do or accept something Most of the kids refuses to eat vegetables. 8. Diverse Adjective Different from each other Her interests are very diverse. 9. Sculpture Noun A sculpture of an elephant A piece of art that is made by carving or molding clay, stone, metal, etc., into a sculpture 10. Furious Adjective Very angry I was furious at how slowly the investigation is proceeding. 11. Interfere Verb To become involved in the activities and I tried to advice without concerns of other people when your involvement interfering. is not wanted 12. Expand Verb To increase in size, range, or amount The liquid expands and contracts with changes in temperature. 13. Board 14. Dock Verb Noun To get into or onto (an airplane, a bus, a train, You must have a ticket in order to etc.) board the train. A place for the loading or unloading of A dock is also materials a flat, raised area attached to a building and used for loading and unloading trucks. 15. Bow Noun The front part of a ship 16. Descend Verb To go down: to go or move from a higher to a A herd of goats descended into the lower place or level valley. 17. Thaw Verb To stop being frozen or to cause The weather is beginning to thaw. something to stop being frozen To become warm enough that snow and ice melt 18. Blizzard 19. Elevation Noun Noun A severe snowstorm that goes on for a long We were snowed in by a raging time blizzard. The height of a place Some rare species of the plants can be found only at higher elevations. 20. Desolate Adjective (of a place) having no living things; empty The house stood in a bleak and desolate landscape. 21. Seal 22. Sled Noun Noun a large mammal that eats fish and lives partly in We could see seals on the rocks, the sea and partly on land or ice basking in the sun. a vehicle used The children are playing in the snow with their sleds. for carrying people or goods over snow and ice, having narrow strips of wood or metal on the bottom instead of wheels 23. Survival Noun the state of continuing to live or to exist, esp. The survival of the company in after a dangerous event: such difficult economic times is very uncertain. 24. Sight Noun the ability to see If your sight is poor, you should not drive a car. 25. turbine Noun a type of machine in which a wheel is driven by the movement of liquid or gas so that power is produced A wind turbine