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Brandon Carter - Alpha Male

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 1–AN ALPHA MALE IS CONFIDENT.................................................................................... 5
Be Positive in your Outlook ........................................................................................................................ 7
Be Prepared .................................................................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 2–BODY LANGUAGE OF THE ALPHA ................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER 3–THE TRUE ALPHA IS FEARLESS ..................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 4–AN ALPHA MALE KNOWS HIMSELF ............................................................................. 14
Listen to Constructive Criticism ............................................................................................................... 15
Be Mindful of your Surroundings ............................................................................................................ 16
CHAPTER 5–THE ALPHA MAKES HIS OWN DESTINY ....................................................................... 18
He Always Has a Plan ................................................................................................................................ 18
He Knows How to Carry Out the plan..................................................................................................... 19
Setting Realistic, Small Term goals .......................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 6–THE ALPHA MALE DRIVE ............................................................................................. 21
Push Yourself to the Limit ........................................................................................................................ 22
CHAPTER 7–THE SOCIAL LIFE OF THE ALPHA MALE ....................................................................... 23
Embrace Who You Are .............................................................................................................................. 24
Understand That People have Different Views ..................................................................................... 25
Realize That the Other Person is Just As Nervous As You Are ............................................................ 25
Learn About More Stuff ............................................................................................................................ 26
BONUS CHAPTER: THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF HIGH TESTOSTERONE ..................................... 27
Why Your Testosterone Is Low & Why You Should Increase It Naturally .......................................... 28
The 10 Commandments Of Maintaining Testosterone On A Diet ..................................................... 32
Thou Shalt Not Avoid Dietary Fats .......................................................................................................... 33
Thou Shalt Not Avoid Cholesterol ........................................................................................................... 33
Thou Shalt Eat Carbohydrates ................................................................................................................. 34
Thou Shalt Eat Spicy Foods ...................................................................................................................... 34
Thou Shalt Not Endurance Train ............................................................................................................. 35
Thou Shalt Take Part in High Intensity Interval Training ..................................................................... 35
Thou Shalt Not Overdo the Caloric Deficit ............................................................................................. 35
Thou Shalt Not Eat Too Often .................................................................................................................. 36
Thou Shalt Intermittent Fast .................................................................................................................... 36
Thou Shalt Eat Cinnamon ......................................................................................................................... 37
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 38
Works Cited................................................................................................................................................. 39
Who is an alpha male?
Well, that is a difficult question to answer.
The reason why it’s a difficult question to answer is, because there’s too much information to tell.
So much that I actually managed to write a book about it.
Let’s start with the simple question– what is an alpha male?
Well, according to Wikipedia, the alpha is the individual in the community with the highest rank.
The original use of the word mostly deals with animals such as gorillas, wolves, and lions.
So, if we use the same definition for humans, it would mean the alpha is the person with the
highest rank. Okay, so who is that guy?
Obviously, the criteria for humans is different from wolves and lions. When it
comes to wild animals, it is usually pretty straightforward– strongest animal of
the pack is the alpha.
The alpha is usually the only male animal who can have sex with the
women of the pack (which means the system completely fails with
humans because you know the rest of the men will gang up and
kill him in under an hour).
Humans function a bit differently. We reached the top of the
food chain, not because we are the strongest animals in the
world, but because we are the smartest. So does that mean
that the smartest person in the world is the alpha male?
Well, I tried to get to the answer to the question using the laziest and most common way we do to
get answers now– I Googled it. I typed examples of alpha males and looked at the results….and
they were a bit surprising.
To be honest, there were some answers I was sort of expecting– almost everyone would agree
that Muhammad Ali would be in there, right? Theodore Roosevelt was featured heavily in there
too, and that makes sense. That guy made masculinity popular and his bio reads US
President/Cowboy/Bear Hunter. Going by most definitions, those guys are certifiably alpha males.
Who else made the list?
Well, Elon Musk and Richard Branson (two billionaire businessman) were on the list as well. So was
Stephen Hawking (scientist), Gordon Ramsey (chef /British guy who swears in those cooking
shows), Wilt Chamberlain (legendary Basketball player and more importantly, a guy who slept with
20,000 women) and a bunch of TV characters (James Bond, Tony Stark, Batman, all the cool guys
from Game of Thrones and every character Liam Neeson ever played).
Now what do you find in common with all those people/characters? I mean, a direct comparison
between Gordon Ramsay and Batman doesn’t exactly work, because everyone knows that Batman
can’t cook for shit and burns his toast. And you can’t argue that it’s because all of them are very
smart– I’m sure that Wilt Chamberlain and Richard Branson are probably very smart but I don’t
think that they are Stephen Hawking smart, do you?
So what is it about them which make them alpha males?
As I said, I can’t give you an easy answer because there are a lot of factors involved. A common
thread among those guys would be to say that all these people are the best at what they do. But
being good at your job doesn’t always necessarily make you an alpha male. For example, how
many American Idol winners have successfully managed to have successful music careers
considering the fact that they have shown the entire world how good they are at singing?
But it is a good start though, because being an alpha male usually lends you the qualities and
mindset you need to become awesome at your job. It also helps you become better in your
personal life, and get you the girl of your dreams. Oh and when I say that it will help you get the
girl of your dreams, I am not talking in one of those vague seduction techniques bullshit where
you sit on a high chair and pretend to be an aloof and condescending. What I am saying is that
when you’re the alpha, you won’t bother with those cheap tricks because you won’t have to.
eing an alpha male (going by whatever definition discussed earlier) means that he is on the
top of the food chain. It means that you are at an elevated position, like in the Lion King
where Simba stands on top of the rock and looks down to see all the animals cheering him on.
You know what? Let’s have some fun here. Picture that scene, only there is a celebrity reporter
there covering the whole event. And he’s going...
“Yes, we are here live at Pride rock where we are expecting the Lion King to make an
appearance. The atmosphere out here is electric. You can hear the noise all giraffes, elephants
and gazelles are making; none of the carnivores are eating the other animals. All are looking
forward to... there he comes!!!
Yes, out comes the Lion King, the legendary son of Mufasa who managed to beat his uncle and
singlehandedly bring back peace to jungle. He seems nervous, he’s getting pushed onto the center
stage by his wife and a pig. Oh boy, that doesn’t seem right. Now he’s shuffling his feet and
looking down at the floor. The guy looks real nervous here. Oh wait, he’s going for the roar. And...
What the heck was that? That sounded like a fart. Oh, and now he’s crying and running away. This
is awkward.”
You didn’t get that at the end of the movie, did you? In fact, you really don’t get many Hollywood
endings where the main character beats all the bad guys, defeats the villain and turns into a
nervous wreck when he goes to talk to the rescued princess, do you? Do you know why this
happens? Because I’m pretty sure that if it was me who just defeated the crazy megalomaniac with
the volcano base and laser sharks, talking to the pretty lady’s going to be pretty easy after that. I’d
be like, girl, I just destroyed a fucking Nazi volcano base with my bare hands, you think your rejection’s
going to hurt me now?
And that’s pretty much how confidence works. Remember the first time you learned how to walk?
Of course you don’t, you were one. But you have seen kids learning how to walk, right? They’d be
all nervous at the beginning, going “what if I fall?” and shit. The reason why they are not confident
because they have been crawling on their hands and knees till that point and walking is a
completely new experience for them.
But you don’t have any problem with walking now, do you? You’re awesome at it now. You don’t
go “what if I fall” when you walk now, because of course you’re not going to fall. Hell, even if you’re
completely drunk and shitfaced, some of you’ll be like, “I can walk in a straight line, I’ll prove it”. And
even if you fall, you’ll only be embarrassed because you are drunk, not because you don’t know
how to walk.
Confidence is a funny thing– here’s a cool line I got when researching confidence, and it pretty
much describes the entire process.
Confidence can be a self–fulfilling prophecy as those without it may fail or not try
because they lack it and those with it may succeed because they have it rather
than because of an innate ability.
Or in other words, confidence is like a switch. Imagine if you’re trying to get the number from the
pretty girl at the bar. If your confidence button is on, then you’ll probably go right in, say
something cool or silly and make her laugh. At that point, you’ll be like hey, this isn’t that hard and
your confidence level goes up. And unless you fuck everything up by saying something disgusting
or offensive, you’ll probably end up getting her number.
But if your confidence switch is off, you won’t even go talk to the girl because you’ll be worried
about rejection and shit. That lowers your confidence, so the next time you do go up to a woman,
you’ll be so out of confidence that you’ll mumble something which she can’t even hear, and she’ll
ignore you and that ends in your confidence being nuked with a mushroom cloud coming out of it.
So essentially, being confident sounds like a straightforward process, you just have to flip the
switch and voila, you are now a confident person whose confidence keeps on feeding you till you
become completely fucking awesome. Just a teeny little problem, how do you flip the switch?
Well, alcohol obviously. It removes all your inhibitions and make you more likely to bring out the
awesome dance moves which you’d be nervous about if you were sober. Of course, the side
effects range from throwing up on her dress to getting beaten up at the club and eventual death
in a ditch, so I wouldn’t recommend it.
So what else can we do?
I’m not talking about those vague ‘think happy thoughts’ routine. I am going to be provide you with
specifics. Are you currently reading this in your pajama’s with a huge bag of Cheetos and food all
over the floor? If that’s the case, you’re a slob. Does that fact worry you to death? Do you ever
think along the lines of what am I doing with my life? If so, congratulations! You’re a regular adult,
just like the millions of people reading this (I hope). Everyone does that at some point of time,
your life is not that special in its crappiness.
Do you know the best way to stop being a slob?
Well, easy. Just stop being a fucking slob!
It’s not rocket science, you used to do it all the time when you were a kid. Your parents would
wake you in the morning (you have alarms for that now), pick up clothes which isn’t stupid (you
are on your own here), go to school (you go to work now, unless you work at a school), get back
home, play with your friends (which is basically exercise/having fun), and go to bed at 7 (you don’t
have to do that, so yay!).
Just stick to a routine, it’s that easy not to be a slob. Pretty soon, you’ll be what ancient people
used to call “a productive member of society”, which is pretty fucking amazing. It will do wonders
for your confidence. The guy going to work can look back and feel happy about himself.
As Colin Firth (in the movie Kingsman) says about the quote by Ernest Hemingway, “There is
nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your
former self.”
Here is a story that I really like about Winston Churchill– a true alpha male. If you don’t know much
about the guy, there are only 2 things you really need to know.
One, he won the fucking World War 2 against the Nazis.
And two, he was freaking amazing at speeches and debates.
There are dozens of awesome speeches he gave (the blood, toil, tears and sweat..., We shall
fight on the beaches..., and never was so much owed by so many to so few..."). He was the
British Prime Minister during the biggest war of all time, so obviously he had to do a lot of
speeches and get into debates about why Hitler is a huge dick (and this was during a time where
calling someone a Nazi didn’t automatically mean a win).
But here’s the thing– he was awful at debates. If someone asked him a harsh question, Churchill
would be like “um, er, yes. I, uh...”. His confidence would get shot to pieces. And the guy hated that.
So what did he do? Well, before every debate, the guy would research thoroughly on it. He would
look at every question which could possibly be asked, every scenario was carefully mapped out.
He would go for debates with supreme confidence, because he knew every question of his
opponent before they could ask it.
This is a good strategy to follow. Just think about the time when you had a test. If you didn’t study
as well as you should, you’ll be among the group outside with a book reading frantically and
asking your friends how well they studied. While the guy who did study everything will be chilling
with no worry in the world (or if he’s a douchebag, he’ll be trolling you going “I’m so nervous, I didn’t
learn the Frederevin equation” and make you flip out completely)
If you are prepared for everything, then you’ll have no reason to worry whether your office project
will go bad, because you know how to fix it. Your holiday will go off without a hitch because you
remembered to do the reservations and all the little things. Your daily routine works out well
because you planned everything and won’t be wasting any time in your life. People will start saying
“wow, that guy is impressive.”
“If you are prepared for everything,
then you’ll have no reason to worry
whether your office project will go
bad, because you know how to fix it.”
Quick question–Who is James Bond? Describe him for me.
I’m sure a lot of you would go “Sean Connery”, or whoever your favorite Bond is, which is not what
I am looking for. There are about 6–7 people who have acted as James Bond and each have
bought a variation of personality to the character, from goofy ass Austin Powers like stuff in the
80’s to the super violent, gritty modern take. But if I am to ask you for the essence of the
character, I’m pretty sure you’ll get a standard response.
Most of you would go “Well, he’s 007. Suave British secret agent, suit, gadgets, bond girls, vodka
martini– shaken not stirred.”
Notice the word suave there? It’s there for whatever version of the character you see, even the
silliest version of James Bond was suave. Now I have always wondered, what the fuck does suave
even mean?
I checked the dictionary for the meaning. “Suave: behaving in a relaxed, confident, and pleasant
way in social situations.”
Basically suave means a cooler version of being cool. We can see James Bond go into a bar, just be
himself and have ladies throw themselves at him (they will end up dying in the next 20 minutes,
but still). So how does he do this?
The trick is in the body language, the way he carries himself.
You don’t see James Bond looking shifty and nervous, shuffling through the crowd, do you? No,
even when he is supposed to be doing all the sneaky spy, stuff, he just looks effortlessly cool and
radiates confidence. How do you do that?
Step 1
Be as Calm as Superman
This is a story about Superman which I heard which can describe the situation the best. See, there
is this highly acclaimed comic book series called All Star Superman which was written by a guy
called Grant Morrison. Years before writing the book, he and the editor were at Comic Con and
they were brainstorming ideas on how to go about the book. Then suddenly they looked up and
saw a guy dressed up like Superman. He even talked to those guys pretending to be Superman for
about half an hour.
Now the writer was intrigued by how the guy was sitting– with one knee drawn up, chin resting on
his arms. He looked totally relaxed. The writer went “Hey, this is how Superman would sit.” The
cover of the comic book is actually him sitting like that on a cloud.
Think about it, if you are the most powerful man in the world, would you be anything but
completely relaxed? There is nothing in the world that can hurt you, nothing to make you nervous.
So you can be completely at peace with the world, totally relaxed and walk around the place as if
you own it.
That my friends, is the key to getting the body language of the alpha. A person can never be an
alpha male unless he is at peace with his surroundings. This has to be the first step. Whatever the
situation is that you find yourself in, you will have to believe that you truly belong in that place.
Step 2
Practice in Front of a Mirror
Do you know the biggest problem us human beings have? I mean, besides war and terrorism and
governance all those kind of serious issues (this isn’t that kind of a book).
The problem is we can’t see ourselves interact with the rest of the world. What we perceive with
our eyes and ears are completely different from what another person sees. For example, have you
ever wondered why you sound completely different on a video of yourselves? Well, it’s because
when you speak, the sound waves travel and reach your ears through the inside of your head
while the rest of the world hears it through the air.
It’s the same with our body language– we do not know what we are doing because our eyes are
located inside our head, not looking at us. Most of you will probably not realize how goofy or
dumb you walk because you can’t see yourself walking.
And that’s why you should use a mirror. You might have probably heard or seen people who
practice their speeches in front of a huge mirror. It’s there to help them see how the audience will
experience the speech. You might also have seen people pumping themselves up by saying “you
can do this!” in front of the mirror. This is the same thing, go stand in front of a full length mirror,
say “you can do this!” and go do step 3.
situation is that you find yourself in, you will have to believe that you truly belong in that place.
Step 3
There are some basic alpha male postures which everyone has agreed demonstrates confidence.
It’s actually been scientifically tested, so I’m guessing it works.
The Assertive Pose
The alpha male always stands tall, with a straight back. Keep your head straight, your shoulders
loose and to the back, take up space and have your legs aligned with your shoulders.
Maintain Eye Contact
Always maintain eye contact with people you are talking to. I’m guessing some of your parents
have already told you this when you were kids, right? Well, they were right, keeping eye contact is
a sign of confidence and respect.
Relax and Smile More
I’ve already said the reason why you should be relaxed. The best way to relax is to smile more.
When you smile, you are subconsciously sending a message to your brain that it’s okay there and
others will get more relaxed after seeing you smile.
Know where your Hands are
When you do talk to people, do not put your hands in your pockets. That is a classic sign of
nervousness and the other person will pick up on it quickly. Instead, learn how to speak with your
hands. Practice hand gestures in front of the mirror. It helps you become more confident and
improves your speech delivery.
Eliminate Nervous Gestures
When you look at the mirror, see if you are fidgeting, playing with your hair or with a pen, rubbing your
hands together or shifting on your feet. These are signs of nervousness and it should be eliminated.
magine that you are in the wild. An alpha wolf. A grizzled veteran of the wilderness who has
been at the top since he can remember. The leader of the pack with a bunch of foxy (or is it
wolfy?) ladies hanging on to your every howl. In short, the wolf dream (which may be a bit plain
compared to the American Dream because they really don’t have a monetary system).
Suddenly a rival appears over the horizon. A majestic looking wolf– young, agile, strong and with a
shiny coat. He’s bigger than you, his eyes are staring intensely into yours. The female wolves have
formed a circle around the both of you, giving you an arena to fight.
The alpha wolf goes all out in the fight. The alpha wolf is fearless. Not because he wants to be, but
because there is no other choice. He can’t skirt and avoid the fight because that would mean the
other wolf won, he would lose all the respect of the pack. The wild operates on a different plane
compared to ours. In the wild, at the top of the food chain, fear will get you killed. Fear has no role
to play in such a situation, it is an instinct the alpha has to bury to survive.
But again, that is not something which we can directly translate over to
deal with humans. For example, if you are an 80 pound man with no
experience or training in fighting, you do not step into the ring with a
MMA heavyweight going “I’m not scared of this fool. I’m fearless
because the ebook told me to”.
*DISCLAIMER– If you do this and get your arm broken, I am in
no way liable.
As I said, we humans are on the top of the food chain not because we are
the strongest, but because we are the smartest. We cannot win just by
burying fear like the alpha wolf, but by understanding it.
What is fear? Why do we have it? Is it useful? Or is it keeping us from
becoming alpha men who are in control of their destinies?
Well, I’ll start from a recent example, the Pixar movie Inside Out deals with a girl and her five emotions.
Now in the movie, there is an emotion called Fear– a purple, timid looking man who is in control over
the part of the brain which causes fear. The makers of the movie said that they designed Fear based
on an open nerve. Do you know what happens when you touch an open nerve?
It hurts. A lot. You know, pain is a lot like fear, none of you really like the stupid feeling and yet it’s
something every one of us has to face. Do you know why we feel pain? Imagine putting your hand
inside a bonfire. If there you could feel no pain, you would keep looking at it for until it got charred
and you can see your bones. Pain is what makes you pull your hand out the moment it starts
causing cell damage. Fear is what keeps you from putting your hand in again.
We cannot function properly by ignoring our fears. Without pain, without fear, we will die. Fear is
what keeps the deer from going, “Hey, that’s a lion! Wonder if she’ll be friends with me”. It makes
us from making rational decisions. In the movie, when the little girl is growing up, fear causes her
to slow down when she sees a wire on the floor by going “Hmmm, I might trip over and fall.”
What an alpha male doesn’t do is to put ‘Fear’ in charge of all your decision making. Are you
scared of going to chat to the pretty woman sitting by the bar table because she may shoot you
down? We all are, there is nothing wrong with that. Is it going to stop you from ever having a
conversation with a woman? After all, if you could live till now without one, what would you be
missing? If you begin to think like that, then you have a problem. Then fear is holding you back.
Being fearless doesn’t mean never being scared of everything ever, but from being brave enough
to take risks. If you don’t go out to talk to the pretty lady just because you are perfectly safe where
you are, then you have a problem with fear.
If you are holding off from going to an interview for a better job just because you are okay with
the current crappy job, then you have a problem with fear.
I repeat, there is nothing wrong with being afraid. Being an alpha male doesn’t mean that he
automatically loses the emotion and becomes an unblinking cyborg, that’s not how life (or biology)
works. What an alpha male doesn’t do is having a low paying but safe job stop him from trying to
getting his dream job. It doesn’t make him stop trying to reach the next level.
What I mean when I say that the alpha male is fearless is that when the push comes to the
shove, when he has to take that leap of faith to reach the next level, he becomes absolutely
fearless and jump.
f you ask me to give me the defining characteristic of an alpha male, the one thing that every
person who can be considered an alpha male has, I’ll have to say it’ll probably be self–
awareness. A man can never know about anything unless he knows himself. Unless we know who
we are and what our limitations are, we can never learn about what we can achieve.
Take the case of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the guy is an inspiration to bodybuilders everywhere. He
also had an awesome movie career and even had a great political career as well. He was one of
the first true crossover superstars; similar to what Dwayne Johnson (the Rock) is today.
But here’s the thing– I don’t know whether you have noticed or not, but every character he has
played is a walking cartoon. Have you noticed? In terms of stereotypical leading man/action heroes,
you know– like James Bond or Tom Cruise, he doesn’t exactly fit. Everyone calls him Arnold
because his last name is unpronounceable, he had an incredibly thick accent and he has never
been an exceptional Oscar caliber actor. Hell, he wasn’t even an incredible martial artist like the
rest of his competition during the 80’s. So, how come he is the biggest and most recognizable
action star of the generation?
He became self–aware, that’s how. In an era which was defined by big egos, Arnold completely
ignored the rules and took a hard look at himself. He knew he didn’t have the acting chops and
that his accent would be unrecognizable– so he focused on the positives instead. His biggest hits
at the time were movies like Conan the Barbarian and the Terminator– roles which really didn’t
need much talking (or acting) to work. Later by the time when he was comfortable as an actor, he
had the courage to begin making fun of his characters, when the other action stars tried to play
those ridiculous characters with a straight face. Ultimately it made him versatile, much more
confident as an actor and way more successful than anyone of the era.
One of the greatest things about human beings is how different each one of us is. If you take a
sample size of around a million people, the odds are there will be one supremely talented Mozart
level musician in the group. Maybe there is an equally talented football player there. And a great
poet, a great astronomer and a great physicist…you get the idea. But I guarantee you that it would
be impossible to find someone who can do everything.
None of us can be the best at everything– that’s just a fact. Every one of us have flaws. Not just fun
quirks either, most of the time everyone will have some kind of giant fucked up flaw which are
objectively horrible. It could be anything from health problems to crippling social anxiety or
behavioral issues. And that’s fine, it doesn’t make you any less of a man than any Alpha male. The
problem comes if you start to employ the “plugging your ears and going lalalalalala” to deal with
your problems. That doesn’t work.
That approach demonstrates what a complete lack of self–awareness is like. Have you ever had a
boss who was a complete fucking idiot? Who didn’t know jack shit about what he was supposed to
be doing, someone who actually managed to fail upwards?
Here’s a good rule of thumb– if someone says that you are a fucking idiot, odds are that they are
right. I mean, I don’t know you, but it’s reasonable to assume that you could be one.
But unless they tell you why you are a fucking idiot, then, it’s like, their opinion, man. If they can’t
articulate why you are a complete fucking idiot, he might as well have said that bulldogs are not
related to an actual bull. It’s a completely useless statement, and unless the next line from the guy
is about the location to buried treasure, ignore that fool. And do not let it hurt you.
But if you are standing in a ditch trying to pee into an 1000 volt electric wire when he calls you a
complete idiot, then maybe he might have a point, right? If that is the case, you really have two
options in front of you. One, ignore the guy and get killed in the next 10 seconds, or two– process
the information he gave, put your dick back in your pants and get out of the ditch. In this
particular scenario, he might have just saved your life.
People hate being told what to do, that’s a fact. I think it may have something to do with your
parents making you do chores and stuff all the time; but the first thing that goes through your
head when someone tells you what to do is “fuck this, I’m an adult. I’ll do whatever I want”. That’s
what is essentially called having an ego– we are subconsciously trained to ignore what everyone
says because we know for a fact that we are right. Teenagers do this all the time; they have just
graduated from being a kid to semi adulthood, so that’s why they seem to have a chip on their
shoulder. Like they have to prove to the world that they are adults, and adults do whatever they
want, so the automatic response is to reject every bit of criticism that comes their way.
Now I’m not saying that it is a good or a bad thing, it’s just the way things are. I’m not telling you to
change everything about yourself; the secret to self–awareness is being open to the possibility
that you could be wrong, even on stuff that you feel you are an expert at. You should use the new
information to make yourselves better.
A good example would be talking about the scientific method– the basis of science is that
everyone should accept theories which make the most sense, even if it replaces a more famous
person’s theory. Everyone followed Newton’s laws of motion for centuries, he was a God at that
point. Then around a hundred years ago a German guy with silly hair came saying something
about “e=mc ^2” which challenged everything. None of the scientists went “No this theory is wrong.
Newton made the original theory, are you saying this kid is smarter than Newton? Look at him
sticking his tongue out in photos, he looks like a complete nutcase!” No, they looked at all the
complicated equations and went “Holy shit! This guy is right.” Then the scientists were able to get a
better understanding about the universe because they didn’t get caught up on their egos.
You know, when I typed the words be mindful of your surroundings, what I immediately
pictured was the old guy in the Karate Kid saying this to the Karate kid. It’s kind of lines you usually
see in martial arts movies. I think Bruce Lee may have said it too in Enter the Dragon when he says
a lot of cool mystical things at the beginning.
“But what does it have to do here?” you may ask. “Are you saying that reading this book will make me a
King fu genius? Or are you saying that being an alpha male will make me a master of martial arts?”
Well, no sadly (If you want to learn martial arts, you’ll have to go to a dojo. Books won’t help you.
Sorry). But being mindful of your surroundings has a huge role to play in understanding yourself,
and consequently to becoming an alpha male.
Why is surroundings important? Well, for one thing, you happen to live in the middle of it. The
purpose of your life, or at least what you are going to do for most of your life, is interacting with
your surroundings. If you are at McDonalds and want a cheeseburger, you can’t exactly get it in
your mouth unless you wait in line, order the thing and stuff it in your mouth. All of those things
constitute your surroundings.
So what does it mean when someone tells you to be mindful of your surroundings? Well, picture
yourself on the first day of your new job at a big office. This is the first job you’ve had, and you are
excited. You have a desk for yourself, and you put on headphones and start listening to music as
you begin to crunch numbers (your job is vice number cruncher). You do this every day for two
years, and when the time for promotions comes in, you get passed in favor of another dude who
was there for a year. Why? Because you spent two years without knowing anyone in the office and
the other guy spent time assimilating to his environment, got to know all the other coworkers and
demonstrated management skills. You ignored the environment, tried to make it your own and
boxed everyone out. And now he’s your boss.
The alpha male is the master of his environment. He doesn’t start that way. Just as the alpha lion
starts out as a cub and grows into the King that he is, the alpha male starts off as a newbie in the
jungle. He respects the dynamics of the jungle, understands how different people function there. He
doesn’t try to be the alpha overnight by being bawdy and violent, nor does he ignore all the rules
and be the lone wolf. He becomes the alpha the right way, by earning the respect of the jungle.
“The alpha male is the
master of his environment.”
ow much control do you have in your life? Think about it, you are one tiny person living in a
world which is billions of times bigger than you are. There are currently about 7.3 billion
people living here you have to compete against for everything from food to jobs and sex.
And we are not always in control over your situation. You can’t exactly go “I want to marry Scarlett
Johansson tomorrow, preferably before lunch” and expect that to happen (besides, she’s already
married). I’m also pretty sure that most of you can’t get that dream job you’ve always wanted by
barging in to the boss’s office and giving out a speech.
Except the alpha male usually gets to do this consistently. Remember, this is one of the defining
traits of the alpha we have already talked about, his ability to get to the top. It is one of the major
hallmarks of an alpha male. The alpha male controls his own destiny.
So, how does he do that?
Well, I’ve already talked about it in the previous chapter, where the alpha male understands the
dynamics of his environment and earns the respect of his peers. Now we look into it more closely.
How does the alpha control his destiny?
Quick question– have you seen the Dark Knight? Of course you have, everyone has seen that
movie. What I am thinking about specifically is the scene at the hospital where the Joker is talking
with Two Face wearing a nurse’s outfit and goes “do I really look like a guy with a plan?” His
delivery cracked me up when I first saw it.
But here’s the thing– he really did have a plan. Several plans, in fact. The first scene of the movie
involves him stealing a lot of money with about eight people and having all of them kill each other
till he got all the money. And there are about fifty plans for the rest of the movie, from killing
random people to murdering judges and police commissioners and taking out entire mob bosses.
Even at the end when his final master plan with the boats is stopped by Batman, he still has a
backup plan. He eventually won in the end, his final plan caused Batman to retire for ten years.
The Dark Knight’s version of the Joker is considered one of the greatest villains of all time. He’s the
alpha male of super villains, but unlike all the other villains like Darth Vader or all the Marvel bad
guys, he isn’t a super powerful demigod. No, he’s just a guy in cheap clown makeup with a plan.
And the plan is what makes him who he is.
Do you have a plan on how to go about in your life? Even if it’s a trivial thing like where to eat
lunch next Thursday, having a plan always helps. However, when it comes to the bigger picture,
having a plan is completely essential. You rarely slip into success overnight, it just doesn’t happen.
You can’t wish to be a world famous Football player and spend hours planning out how to get
there, doing all the training regiments with montage sequence where you put drink egg yolks in a
glass while the soundtrack of Rocky plays in the background. You can’t be a legendary artist if you
refuse to learn to paint. And you won’t get a promotion and you will be stuck in the same old
deadbeat job unless you have a clear plan on how to get out of there.
I mean, seriously dude, you got to have a plan.
Here’s how a lot of people make plans– if their objective is to lose weight, their plan is usually I
should lose about 20 pounds in 4 weeks. About 90% of the people ends up not even losing a single
pound. Have you been in this position? And do you know what the problem is?
Well, the problem is that it is a stupid plan. Now I’m not saying that you can’t lose 20 pounds in
four weeks or it’s an unrealistic expectation. You probably have seen all those TV shows where
professional trainers make them work out their asses off, screaming like a drill sergeant. They end
up losing even more weight. I mean if they can do it, why can’t you? But do you know what’s the
difference between you and those guys? They have signed a contract and spend the whole 4
weeks doing nothing but exercise. While you can’t do the same on account of having a fucking life
and a job!
That’s the biggest obstacle most people have in their plans– they have to contend with having a
regular life and routine in addition to their plan. If you are to successfully carry out your plan, then
you will have to do either of two things, change your plan in order to accommodate your normal
routine, or change your normal routine to get more of your plan done.
And I am not saying that your plan is the most important thing and you will be a pussy if don’t give
preference to it. You can’t tell a working single mother that she should spend hours trying to make
it as an opera singer and ignore her kids, priorities are important. But if she is truly wants to sing
in a high pitched voice, she should be looking for ways to make proper use of her time. And she
can do this by…
Have you seen people who go “I want to be the biggest movie star in the world” and end up not
even standing in front of a camera? Well, it’s a common sight. In fact, you probably have seen
hundreds of people who claim their ambition is to be the best in the world. But the problem here
is that they are setting too high a bar– you can’t get there overnight. Based on current salary, the
biggest movie star in the world would be Robert Downey Jr. But what people don’t realize is that it
took him about 25 years and numerous battles against drugs and alcohol to finally get a big break
with a movie which was meant for him to play. Even then he has to bring his ‘A’ game in all the
movies he makes– getting to the top and staying there is one hell of a struggle.
Most people don’t like to make that struggle. We are living in an age of instant gratification, we
need all those things now! And when those people fail to be successful overnight, then their base
response is why bother, I’m never going to get there. And that’s the problem; they set our sights on
something so unattainable that they get disillusioned when things don’t go their way.
That’s why you have to set short term goals for your plans. Want to be the biggest movie star in
the world? Well first off, you need to learn how to act because movie starts are supposed to do
that a lot. You could try joining the drama club or act on stage at first, test out the waters. Next
step would be honing your skills, once you are better at acting so you’ll be able to get better roles.
The more roles you get, the more confident you’ll become. Once you get to that level, you’ll be
able to blow away the casting directors, and you’ll get a small non speaking part in a hallmark
movie. Just like you always wanted!
Sounds easier when you think it like that, isn’t it? From that point on, you’ll be able to get bigger
roles and transition into a reasonably well known what’s his face actor and eventually into the
biggest star in the world. But to get there you have to start with the drama club. And that’s it
really, that’s how alphas control their destiny, they go about it one day at a time.
here is one specific characteristic of an Alpha male that usually separates them from the rest
of the men out there and that is their relentless will to succeed. You have all seen training
montages of athletes, right? The ones where they pump iron while inspirational music plays and
they keep on going about how hard they train and how they are ready for the challenge ahead?
Yeah, those are mostly fake, a director probably made them pump for 20 seconds and edited it to
look cool.
Wait, that’s not what I’m getting at. What those guys say in those videos, on being focused and
ready; that’s how an alpha male thinks. The alpha male always have an unquenchable thirst, that
overwhelming will to win, the intense drive which takes them towards their goal. In so many cases,
just that alone can take the alpha within touching distance of their goal.
It makes sense, if you think about it. Complacency has no place in the life of an alpha male. Take
sports for example; there have been a lot of great teams who win championships over the years.
But how many great sporting dynasties can you name? Teams who keep on winning the title year
after year? There are not that many.
That’s because when a lot of teams finally win the title, the players, the guys in those inspiring
montages are finally rewarded after years of hard work and celebrate. The title soon loses
meaning to them, and when the next year comes along, most of them are too busy shining their
medals to put up too much of a fight. I’m not saying they are bad, they are still great players. But
the truly legendary players are the ones who party hard the day they win the championship and
chuck the medal in the closet the next day to work for the next season. And people will remember
their name for years to come. Hell, everyone still knows who Babe Ruth is and that guy played in
the 1920’s.
So, how do you get that drive?
Here’s a workout analogy for you– do you know how many pushups you should do every day? Is it
50? Or a hundred? Or 300?
The answer is– do it until you reach your breaking point. Nobody knows what your limit is, so
telling you to do a certain number is pointless. Oh, you should still have a target, a fixed number in
mind, but the odds are you won’t reach it the first time you try. You will do a few, maybe ten or
twent depending on your physical condition and then you’ll break down, exhausted from the
workout. The trick to reaching 300 pushups is to stretch the breaking point from 5 to 6 to 10 to 20,
30, 50, 100….
That’s the attitude an alpha male brings to their personal and professional life, the will to push
your own limits and boundaries. They don’t half ass a job, ever. You won’t see an alpha male not
give his hundred percent on anything, whether it is at a job, going on a date or helping their
friends. If their boss gives them a job they have to complete in a week, the alpha doesn’t grumble
and complain to his friends about it, he relishes the challenge.
“You won’t see an alpha male
not give his hundred percent
on anything, whether it is
at a job, going on a date
or helping their friends.”
e have already talked about how the biggest difference between man and beast is the fact
that we are social animals. An alpha lion of a wolf can stay on top even if he is a grumpy
old cat who doesn’t talk to anyone. Humans can’t. We have to communicate with other people for
even the most basic stuff, like ordering food or buying stuff. Even with the internet and all, we still
cannot function without social interaction.
In terms of business and our professional life, these things are even more significant. Almost
everyone at work talks about stuff like networking, there are hundreds of corporate parties and
other events where people just stand around in circles and talk. Your personal life involves even
more talking; the easiest way to start sleeping on the couch is to ignore your girlfriend every time
you see her.
So, how does the alpha male feature in terms of human contact? Well, that’s a hard question, to
be honest. I would like to say that the alpha male is the extroverted, life of the party type complete
fun guy. And it’s certainly true, a lot of alpha males have those qualities. They are the guys who are
instantly able to make a connection with anybody they meet, be it the seven year old nephew of
your housekeeper or the vice president of sales of a major corporation to the guys hanging out
with your roommate.
If you are one of those guys, then congratulations! You can skip this chapter to the end. Clearly, if
you are comfortable with talking, if you are a good communicator and if you can make small talk
with anyone, then it gives you a huge leg up. I’m talking to the other guys. You know, the rest of us
guys who are not comfortable in social surroundings, those who don’t know how to make small talk
and absolutely hate talking about the weather. Does it mean that you can never be an alpha male?
Not necessarily. See, when I said earlier that the alpha male knows about himself and has a lot of
self–awareness, this is a part of what I meant. Some people are not that good at talking to others;
it’s just how they are. There are a lot of introverted people out there who actually prefer a quiet
place without having to talk more than they should. They get uncomfortable in social situations
and don’t like having to interact with a lot of people. And that’s perfectly fine. If this sounds a lot
like you, then don’t worry. You can be an alpha male too, but the first step is to understand who
you are and make subtle adjustments to your life.
Not too much, just some basic steps which will help you face people, be a bit more comfortable
dealing with other people. It starts with
How many of you like Ghostbusters? Lots of people like Ghostbusters, right? It’s a fun movie.
Okay, how about Star Wars? Yeah, most of you would like Star Wars too.
And Twilight? How many of you like Twilight?
The number of you would be booing the question right now. Twilight is one of those movies which
seem to be universally hated by all men. And to be fair, it’s kind of a shitty movie, especially
compared to Ghostbusters or Star Wars.
But if you are a guy and if you happen to like Twilight. Or maybe you have a guy friend who likes
the movie. Now, what does it tell you about the guy? Does it mean that his taste in movies, in
culture and everything is completely horrible? And that you won’t be able to connect with the guy
because your viewpoints are so different?
No. He just happens to like a movie you don’t like. That’s it.
People put a lot of emphasis on stuff, on what is cool and in style and all that. There might be a
certain type of music which everyone is into, old black and white movies which are better than
everything else or fashion and clothes which you are supposed to wear. It’s a lot like peer pressure
in high school where you try to fit in and do what all the cool kids are doing. And most of you
suppress what you like and try to follow the crowd.
Guess what? You don’t have to do that anymore. I’m assuming that you are old enough to
understand what you like and don’t like. Are you a fan of Twilight? Cool. What does it say about
your taste in movies? Nothing. You like what you like. The movie spoke to you and you got a
reaction which the rest of the guys didn’t get. Really smart people feel the same way about weird
art which looks like a cat spilled paint all over the canvas– we don’t give them any grief about their
shitty taste, do we?
What I am saying is, you have to embrace who you are. Be yourself, because you are awesome.
You have to understand that being an alpha male or a wildly successful person is not worth
changing your whole personality over. Because at the end of it, success doesn’t mean anything if
you still don’t enjoy your life. If that means watching Twilight with your girlfriend, you won’t be
able to do that if you are in an art gallery staring at a Jackson Pollock painting wondering what the
fuck is going on.
P.S – When I say be yourself and don’t change your personality, I meant that for regular people. If you
are, say a huge bigoted racist with a Hitler mustache who gives Nazi salutes in public, then you really
should look into changing your whole personality.
This is a direct correlation with what I said right now. When I talked about Star Wars and
Ghostbusters; do you know that a lot of people don’t like those movies? And a lot of people see
them and go ‘meh’. And there are some people who got so deep into Star Wars that they made it
into a religion (seriously, look it up).
You may fall into one of these groups. Or maybe you may fall into a different group altogether.
What you have to realize is that people can have so many different variations in reactions based
on seeing the same movie. When you replace ‘movie’ with ‘life’ then the variations will be endless.
They will almost always react in a different way to a situation than how you react. The most
important thing you have to consider is that they are not wrong, it’s how they view the situation.
You should always respect their opinion, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it.
Have you ever had those awkward silences in conversations? Of course you do, everyone does. In
fact, scientists have carried out a test and found out that for two people meeting together and
talking for the first time, there are on average 8 awkward silences per minute. All those movies have
lied to you; there is no way James Bond is going to talk to the pretty girl without dropping 8
ummm’s, and errr’s and uhhh’s.
So there you go. The next time you go up to the pretty lady sitting alone in the bar and feel like
you can’t get a word out, then you are just doing what every single person in the planet ever has
done. That awkwardness isn’t some special hell for you. Everyone goes through it, including the
girl. So when you eventually do say a coherent sentence, she’ll be grateful for it.
Do you know how those cool smart people have those long interesting conversations about stuff
where you go I wish I could talk like that? Well, there’s an easy way and a hard way for that. The
easy way is to learn how to bullshit very well. It works fairly well in the short term, especially if the
guy you are talking to is bullshitting as well and don’t know squat about the subject at hand.
The hard way, the one that is followed by all the alphas, is read. That’s it. Learn more about
everything. The alpha males have that drive, that desire to know everything about everything.
Because for a human being, the real currency we have is knowledge, it’s the one thing which
consistently elevates from where we once where. Let me put it to you this way; you can’t expect to
get into NASA with only fourth grade knowledge, can you? Same thing with knowledge, the more
you know, the better your position in life will be.
The alpha male knows this. He is always trying to better himself by hitting the books, by taking
care of himself, by taking care of his friends and loved ones and generally being awesome.
And that’s what I hope you’ll be– just an
awesome guy on his way towards being an
alpha male.
The 10 Commandments Of High Testosterone
by Christopher Walker
i folks, my name is Christopher Walker and I’m the author of the TestShock Program.
Brandon and I were sitting in the Loews Hotel in Santa Monica, CA with Greg O’Gallagher
(Kinobody) and some other friends when the topic of the Ultimate Alpha came up in
Brandon Carter – the real-life ultimate alpha – was, of course, accompanied by a beautiful woman
and her friend.
We were talking about what “makes” an alpha male. And of course, you just read Brandon’s
brainchild of that conversation – this book.
There are a lot important psychological elements related to coming into your own as an alpha male.
But don’t get it twisted, if you have low testosterone levels, you’re biologically limited as a man.
You can act as alpha as you want, but low T levels will kill your mojo – no matter how hard you try.
It’s important to realize that healthy testosterone levels are necessary if you want to live up to
your potential as a man – especially as an alpha male.
Testosterone is the chief male steroid hormone, and it drives almost everything you do as a man
and is responsible for distinguishing us from women. Men with lower T levels tend to take a “beta”
male role in societies, while higher T levels correlate with a more alpha mentality and appearance.
For example, even in ape societies, it’s not uncommon to see that the alpha ape will have T levels
twice as high as the other male apes. He’s in charge, and everybody knows it.
In my own journey to naturally increasing my T levels to 1200 ng/dL, I came across a lot of tips and
protocols that I now teach to hundreds of thousands of guys just like yourself.
I’ve got so many tips, in fact, that even after compiling most of them into the TestShock Program
itself – I’ve still got a blog full of new articles on the subject, being published almost daily.
However, for this book I think it’s important to distill down some of my favorite tips into what I call
The 10 Commandments Of High Testosterone.
Use this checklist to naturally optimize your testosterone levels (without the need to go on
medical testosterone replacement therapy).
There are many reasons why a man’s testosterone can be low, but there are two very common
reasons. So common in fact, that they make up for MOST of Western men’s hormonal issues
in general.
Micronutrient Deficiencies
Poor Dieting Practices
1 Micronutrient Deficiencies
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are one of the most common, yet easy-to-fix, causes of low
testosterone in men. Long story short – your endocrine system needs certain vitamins and
minerals to act as “fuel” in order to produce testosterone naturally.
When you’re deficient, your tank is on empty.
And your T drops.
It’s that simple.
But when you eliminate the deficiencies, your T will go back up into the normal range, like
Again, it’s a simple – but often overlooked – “insider” trick, based in pure logic and scientific data.
None of that flashy marketing you see everywhere else.
In my own life, one of the first things I did was eliminate all the vitamin and mineral
deficiencies that were holding my endocrine system back from producing optimal levels of
testosterone naturally.
This small move was PARAMOUNT to the rapid T-enhancement results I got in the months to follow.
Why? Because my endocrine system finally had the “hormonal fuel” it needed to run properly.
This small tweak yields huge results when your testosterone is low.
Within months from eliminating these deficiencies, my body fat was dropping quickly, my sex
drive reappeared instantly, and my stamina and sense of well-being increased noticeably.
After that, over the course of the following year or so, I increased my Testosterone well over 1000
ng/dL for the first time ever.
And it was easy.
My life was forever changed for the better.
It’s amazing, but your body’s ability to properly produce testosterone is
one of the most important things in a man’s life.
It’s kinda like losing a finger (my brother cut off one of
his fingers a few years ago with a ping pong table...
long story)...
Before you lose the finger, you take it for granted.
You have ten fingers.
And you don’t notice any of them in particular.
But when one is gone, everything is different.
You notice – every. single. day.
Same with testosterone...
When you’re healthy – well, you’re healthy. You take it for
But when your T levels are in the tank, you notice...
And it sucks.
You start to search for everything you can do to get your T mojo back.
You want your libido back. You want muscle mass. You want to lose that stubborn body fat. You
want to get rid of that lingering anxiety and insomnia.
So you try all sorts of complicated stuff. And most of it doesn’t work, unfortunately.
But here’s the kicker...
You can do something very simple that DOES work...
Step 1: Eliminate your vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Supplement with a daily micronutrient support blend that has everything your body needs, and
nothing it doesn’t. No extra filler nonsense.
You can go on Amazon and buy all of the individual minerals
and vitamins you’ll need – that’s what I did at first...
But it ended up costing me over $200/month! And I was
a broke college kid.
Luckily you don’t have to do that anymore if you don’t
want to. I made a TestShock-specific testosteronesupport blend called QuickFix that has everything you
need in one place.
Step 2: Poor Dieting Practices.
With the Alpha Male Mentality comes a desire to obtain an Alpha physique... ripped abs and
significant muscle mass. Something imposing and strong.
And whether we want to do it or not, this requires some kind of adherence to a dieting protocol.
You can’t eat in excess of your body’s metabolic rate without getting fat. Most guys understand
this, and in the pursuit of the ideal physique, they follow different dieting practices — some (like
Full Body Blitz) are well-designed.
Others are not.
A lot of guys can get ripped, but in the process they sacrifice their testosterone levels. And their
libido goes in the tank.
What good is that awesome physique if you can’t use it?
No matter what dieting protocol you’re on, I advise my clients to follow certain good-dieting
You need to focus on doing certain things on the diet to keep yourself hormonally healthy.
I call these the 10 Commandments Of Maintaining Testosterone On A Diet.
t is well known among the testosterone community that dieting decreases a man’s
testosterone levels.
In this study, six men who were between 20% and 74% overweight took part in an 18-day study
during which each man lost about 4.1% of their body weight in fat. All men saw decreased
testosterone rates across the board. This is because to lose weight there is one basic thing you
MUST do…
Create a caloric deficit.
Basically what this means is that you must burn more energy during the day then you put in your
body. Burn more calories than you eat.
The problem is, when your body doesn’t get all the energy it needs, it starts to cut down energy
use on processes that are not entirely relevant to survival. One of those is testosterone
production, as we see in the aforementioned study. (1)
Caloric deficits also put your body under stress, increasing cortisol levels. Cortisol is the arch
nemesis of testosterone. When one goes up, the other goes down. So…
• Are you stuck at the weight you aren’t happy with?
• Are you stuck with this pesky body fat around your waist?
The bad news is your testosterone levels will go down while you are cutting weight, but it is worth
it. (1) Men with lower amounts of body fat produce much higher testosterone levels than men
with a little (or a lot) more chub.
This is in part due to the amount of insulin and estrogen your body produces when you have
more body fat. Testosterone has a lot of enemies – not just cortisol. Insulin and, more obviously,
estrogen have negative effects on testosterone levels. But that’s another topic, and it that’s not
why you are here.
Whatever the reason for your diet, you do not want to lose an ounce of your manhood in pursuit
of that six pack.
While cutting fat, your testosterone levels will be under attack, so you must protect them.
Here are the commandments:
This is commandment number one because it falls
under a mistake that many men make when trying to
cut body fat: avoiding fat. Maybe it has something to do
with ingesting “fat” while losing “fat” but you should not
avoid fats in your diet.
Testosterone is a lipid-based hormone. It NEEDS fat
to be produced in the first place. (1)
In this study, 30 men were asked to switch from their regular diets to a low-fat diet. The results
showed a significant drop in testosterone levels when the diet changed.
There are good fats and bad fats for testosterone production– keep that in mind. Stay away from
polyunsaturated fats and trans fats and move towards monounsaturated fats and saturated fats.
Good foods to eat are avocados, nuts, and fatty fish. (2) You should get about 30% of your daily
calories from good fats as a part of this commandment.
Many men also believe they need to avoid foods high in
cholesterol in order to lose weight. The truth is, the
Leydig cells need cholesterol to produce the
testosterone you need. (3)
Interestingly enough, the final process of testosterone
production is when the Leydig cells convert cholesterol
into free testosterone.
There is a type of “good” cholesterol called HDL cholesterol. You can get this type of good
cholesterol by eating foods like beans, shellfish, avocados, garlic, oats, and even red wine. (4)
Low-carb diets seem like the popular thing nowadays.
Maybe that’s because these commandments hadn’t
been revealed yet. While cutting carbs is a way to
cutting fat, for men it seems that you need
carbohydrates to maintain those testosterone levels
whilst dieting.
In this study, testosterone levels were tested in 7 men in
both a high-carbohydrate diet and a high-protein diet.
Results showed that men on the high-carb diet actually
had higher testosterone and lower cortisol than the men on the high-protein diet.
This is because GnRH, a precursor in testosterone production, is produced based on the amount
of glucose in the body. A main source of glucose is carbohydrates, so less carbs means less
glucose which means less testosterone production in the end. (1)
Some foods that are healthy sources of carbs are sweet potatoes, legumes, milk, fruits, plain
popcorn, potations and whole grains. (5)
More specifically, you should eat spicy foods containing
capsaicin- an alkaloid found in chili peppers. Capsaicin
bonds with the pain receptors to create the burning
sensation you feel when you eat it. (6)
In animal testing, capsaicin has been known to
increase testosterone levels in rodents. It is also
known to increase endorphins, adrenaline, and
happiness in humans.
In a study published in the Journal of Physiology and Behavior, 118 men were asked to eat certain
spicy foods and rate the level of spiciness of each meal. After their testosterone levels were tested,
it was found that men with higher testosterone were more tolerant of the spicy meals. (6)
So if you do that Blazin’ Wing Challenge at Buffalo Wild Wings, you not only might seem manlier,
you may actually become more of a man.
To create the caloric deficit you need, you may want to
exercise to make the deficit more pronounced. This is a
good idea…unless you are endurance training.
Endurance aerobic exercise raises cortisol, which is the
arch nemesis of testosterone. If you want to maintain
those testosterone levels in the gym, stay away from
the treadmill.
Instead of doing endurance training, try interval
training. This means, for example, going 90% of your
energy for 30 seconds, then taking it down for 30
seconds, going back to 90% for 30 seconds, and so on
and so forth.
HIIT is a popular way to optimize testosterone
production. When you do short bursts at high intensity,
your body burns sugar instead of fat because sugar is
more readily accessible, then over the next 36 hours or so, your body burns fat. Testosterone
levels have also been found to increase over this time period. (7)
If you are lifting weights to create the caloric deficit and maintain muscles mass, don’t work out for
too long. Keep the workout short and intense with high weight and low reps.
The logic here is simple. If you want to do a quick fat
loss and cut your calorie count by 30-40%, your body
will get hit with the full effects of a caloric deficit i.e.
high cortisol, low testosterone. (1)
If you want to protect your testosterone levels you need
to stick in the slower to moderate fat loss range. Do not
overdo the caloric deficit. Keep the deficit under 25% in
order to protect your testosterone.
The fat loss will be slower, but you’ll maintain more muscle mass along the way.
The six small meals advice, along with the low-carb
diet advice, are not the best ways to keep your
testosterone levels high. Every time you eat, your
testosterone goes down. (1)
Composition of the meal can determine HOW MUCH
testosterone levels go down, but every time you
eat, testosterone levels will decrease at the time
of consumption.
The more times you eat, the more times your testosterone goes down. So if you eat six times
a day, you are subject to six testosterone decreases a day, regardless of the meal size and
A popular solution to the problem proposed by the 8th
commandment is intermittent fasting.
Essentially this means eating two larger meals a day. A
situation could be skipping breakfast, eating your meals
at 1pm and 7pm and then fasting until 1pm the next day
and repeating the process.
This not only reduces the amount of times your
testosterone decreases, but has been found to increase
testosterone in men.
To read more about intermittent fasting, read here: http://www.testshock.com/intermittentfasting-testosterone-levels-5-facts-will-blow-mind.
Eating just a small amount of cinnamon with your food
every day is a great way to keep your testosterone
levels up. Plus it tastes pretty good too.
Basically what it comes down to is that
cinnamaldehyde, a key component in cinnamon,
increases insulin sensitivity so your body does not have
to produce as much insulin. When your body is not
producing as much insulin, your testosterone levels will
stay high while dieting.
Sprinkle cinnamon in your morning coffee (it doesn’t have to be a lot) and you should be good to go.
If you’d like to read more on cinnamon and testosterone, read here:
o there you have it. If you follow those 10 Commandments you will be able to maintain your
hormonal health on a cut.
Simple, right?
If you want more help getting your Testosterone levels naturally high, then head on over to
http://testshockbook.com to get the free 374 page program.
Kuoppala, Ali. “6 Ways to Keep Testosterone Levels High When Dieting.” Anabolic Men. N.p., 28
May 2015. Web. 03 July 2015.
HelpGuide. “Choosing Healthy Fats.” : Good Fats, Bad Fats, and the Power of Omega-3s. N.p., n.d.
Web. 03 July 2015.
McKay, Brett. “Testosterone Week: How I Doubled My Testosterone Levels Naturally and You
Can Too.” The Art of Manliness. N.p., 18 Jan. 2013. Web. 03 July 2015.
Harding, Charlotte. “Foods That Boost Your Good Cholesterol.” Mail Online. Associated
Newspapers, n.d. Web. 03 July 2015.
FoodNetwork. “Sweet Potatoes : Food Network.” Healthy Carbs : A List of Healthy Carbs : Food
Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 July 2015.
Gray, Richard. “Why Liking Hot Curries Really Does Make You the Alpha Male: Men Who Enjoy
Spicy Food Have Higher Testosterone Levels.” Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 15 Dec.
2014. Web. 03 July 2015.
TestBoostersReview. “Boost Testosterone and HGH Levels Naturally With HIIT.” Test Boosters
Review.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 July 2015.