AIRPLANE CHARACTERISTICS FOR AIRPORT PLANNING Including Saab–Fairchild 340A Saab SF 340A Saab 340B The technical content of this Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning (ACAP) is approved under the authority of DOA nr. EASA.21J.066 The content of this document is proprietary and confidential to Saab Aircraft AB and may not: a) be used for any purpose other than those for which it was supplied; b) be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Saab Aircraft AB; nor c) be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Saab Aircraft AB Saab Aircraft AB SE–581 88 Linköping Sweden Doc. No: 72LKS 3090 Ref. No: SAAB 340 ACAP 000 Telephone: int+46 13 18 26 16 Telefax: int+46 13 18 41 83 Initial Issue: Apr 01/88 Revision 9 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning RECORD OF REVISIONS REV. No. ISSUE DATE DATE BY REV. INSERTED No. 1 Apr 01/89 –––––––– 2 Feb 01/90 –––––––– 3 May01/94 –––––––– 4 Jul 01/00 –––––––– 5 Jan 01/03 –––––––– 6 Jul 01/03 –––––––– 7 Jan 01/04 –––––––– 8 Jul 01/04 –––––––– 9 Jul 01/05 Jul ISSUE DATE DATE BY REV. INSERTED No. ISSUE DATE DATE BY INSERTED 01/05 Record of Revisions Page 1 Jul 01/00 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning REV. No. ISSUE DATE DATE BY REV. INSERTED No. ISSUE DATE DATE BY REV. INSERTED No. ISSUE DATE DATE BY INSERTED Record of Revisions Page 2 Jul 01/00 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES N, R or D indicates pages which are New, Revised or Deleted respectively. Remove and insert the affected pages and complete the Record of Revisions and the Record of Temporary Revisions as necessary. PAGE SUBJECT Title Page R Record of Revisions DATE 1–1 Jul 01/05 Ch. 2 1–2 Jul 01/00 Ch. 3 L.E.P. R 1–2 Jul 01/05 Contents R 1–2 Jul 01/05 Highlights R 1–1 Jul 01/05 1–1 Jan 01/04 1–1 Jul Manual User Comments List of Chapters R SUBJECT R Ch. 2 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R N DATE 23 Jul 01/05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 1 2 3 4 Jul Jul Jul Jul 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/04 Ch. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 Ch. 6 1 2 3 Jul Jul Jul 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/05 Ch. 4 Ch. 1 PAGE 1 2 3 Jul Jul Jul 01/05 01/04 01/04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 01/05 R R R L.E.P. Page 1 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning SUBJECT PAGE DATE Ch. 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 Ch. 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/04 SUBJECT PAGE DATE L.E.P. Page 2 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT CH/SE/SU PAGE TITLE PAGE 1 RECORD OF REVISIONS 1 L.E.P. 1 CONTENTS 1 HIGHLIGHTS 1 MANUAL USER COMMENTS 1 LIST OF CHAPTERS 1 SCOPE Introduction Abbreviations Ch. 1 AIRPLANE DESCRIPTION General Airplane Description General Airplane Arrangements General Airplane Characteristics Weights Fuel General Airplane Dimensions Airplane Dimensions and Ground Clearances Typical Interior Arrangements Typical Cargo Arrangements Passenger Compartment Dimensions Cargo Compartment Dimensions Passenger Compartment Cross Section Cargo Compartment Cross Section Cargo Compartment Dimensions, Areas and Volumes Entrance Door and Airstairs Cargo Compartment Door and Tail Support Strut Maximum Package Size passing through Door Openings Doors and Exterior Handles Typical Antenna Arrangement External Lighting Ch. 2 AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE Take–Off Runway Length Requirements (ISA day) Landing Runway Length Requirements (ISA day) Payload Range Ch. 3 GROUND MANEUVERING Runway and Space Requirement Pilot External Angles of View Ch. 4 1 2 1 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 5 9 1 4 CONTENTS Page 1 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning SUBJECT CH/SE/SU TERMINAL SERVICING External Servicing Arrangement Terminal Operation Ground Service Connections External Ground Service Connection Data Internal Servicing Entry Door Sill Height Variation Cargo Door Sill Height Variation at Different Airplane Weights Entry Door Sill Height Variation at Different Cargo Loads Cargo Door Sill Height Variation at Different Cargo Loads Ground Towing Requirements Ch. 5 OPERATING CONDITIONS Airport and Community Noise Take–Off Profile Noise Footprint Noise during Ground Operation Propeller Blast Velocities Engine Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures, APU–mode Hazard Areas Ch. 6 PAVEMENT DATA Gear/Tire Footprint Main Landing Gear Loading on Ground Airplane Classification Number (ACN) Ch. 7 PAGE 1 2 5 6 10 11 13 15 16 17 1 2 3 8 11 13 14 1 2 4 CONTENTS Page 2 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning HIGHLIGHTS REVISION NO. 09 Jul 01/05 Pages which are new, deleted or revised are outlined below. SUBJECT PAGES Title Page L.E.P. Contents List of Chapters 1–1 1–2 1–2 1–1 Revised Revised Revised Revised Ch. 1 1 Changed DOA Approval Ch. 2 5 6 7 Added Mod Information Editorial Changes Editorial Changes Added SB Information Editorial Changes Editorial Changes Revised Illustration Added Mod Information Editorial Changes New Page Editorial Changes 8 9 10–22 23 Ch. 4 1 2 3 REASON FOR CHANGE Revised Illustration Added Mod Information Revised Illustration Added Extended Wing Tip Added MOD Information New Illustration Added Mod Information Highlights Page 1 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning To: Saab Aircraft AB Customer Support Technical Publications SE–581 88 Linköping SWEDEN Attn: Telefax: +46 13 18 41 83 MANUAL USER COMMENTS on omissions, procedures, etc. Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning From: Date: Tel/Telex/Telefax: Manual: Topic: ACAP Chap/Sect/Page: Page Date: Comments: Please forward this form, when completed, to the above address. If possible, attach a photo–copy of the relevant manual page with any comments added, as necessary. Tech Pubs Dept Action Date Received ............. V V V To be included in Rev. . . . . , dated . . . . . . . . . . In process Rejected; reason: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................... Manual User Comments Page 1 Jan 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning LIST OF CHAPTERS CHAPTER CHAPTER TITLE 01 Scope 02 Airplane Description 03 Airplane Performance 04 Ground Maneuvering 05 Terminal Servicing 06 Operating Conditions 07 Pavement Data List of Chapters Page 1 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning SCOPE The technical content of this Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning (ACAP) is approved under the authority of DOA nr. EASA.21J.066. 1.1. Introduction The purpose of this document, which conforms to NAS 3601, is to provide the Airport Authorities and Operators with specific SAAB 340 airplane characteristics data for their preparation and accomplishment of general airport planning for service of the SAAB 340 airplane. NOTE: This manual contains information on the SAAB–FAIRCHILD 340A, SAAB SF340A and SAAB 340B airplane. Where differences exist, reference is made to 340A or 340B. NOTE: This manual also contains information on the SAAB 340 Cargo. Where differences exist, they are shown in effectivity, reference or by note. The document is for information only and is not to be used in connection with operation or maintenance of an airplane for which Saab Aircraft Product Support has issued specific manuals. Should data in this document differ from data given in any official SAAB 340 MANUAL, the latter has superior authority to this document. As a result of airplane changes and new available options, the data in this document may alter and must be regarded as subject to change without notice. Revisions or Supplements are issued as required and are not issued in quarterly sequence. For further information on the above, contact any of the following: Saab Aircraft AB S–581 88 LINKOPING, Sweden Telephone: int. + 4613182616 Telefax: int. + 4613184183 Saab Aircraft of America LLC Loudoun Tech. Center 21300 Ridgetop Circle Sterling, Virginia 20166–6520 USA Telephone: int. + 1 703–406–7200 Telefax: int. + 1 703–406–7222 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 1 Page 1 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 1.2. Abbreviations A/C Aircraft ACN Airplane Classification Number ACP Air Cycle Pack APU Auxiliary Power Unit ATA Air Transport Association BEW Basic Empty Weight CBR California Bearing Ratio CG Center of Gravity CL Condition Lever dBA A–weighted Sound Level EPNdB Effective Perceived Noise Level FAR Federal Aviation Regulations (US) FI Flight Idle FWD Forward GI Ground Idle GPU Ground Power Unit ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ISA International Standard Atmosphere JAR Joint Airworthiness Requirements (Europe) K Subgrade Modulus (ie. dense concrete) KCAS Knots Calibrated Airspeed kts Knots L Liter LCN Load Classification Number LDG Landing Gear LH Left Hand MEW Manufacturer’s Empty Weight MIL–STD Military Standards (US) MLG Main Landing Gear MLW Maximum Design Landing Weight MPH Miles Per Hour MTOW Maximum Design Take–off Weight MTW Maximum Design Taxi Weight MZFW Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 1 Page 2 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning Abbreviations, Cont. NAS National Aerospace Standard NLG Nose Landing Gear OEW Operational Empty Weight PCN Pavement Classification Number PL Power Lever P/L Payload PNdB Perceived Noise Decibels PR Ply Rating PRPM Propeller Revolutions Per Minute RH Right Hand SB Service Bulletin S/N Service Newsletter STA Fuselage Station TO Take Off USG US Gallon V Velocity V2 Take–off safety speed WL Water Line ZFW Zero Fuel Weight EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 1 Page 3 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning AIRPLANE DESCRIPTION 2.1. General Airplane Description The airplanes, 340A and 340B versions, which are manufactured by SAAB Aircraft AB, Linkoping, Sweden, are twin–engined, low–wing turboprop airplanes. Essentially, the 340B version differs from the 340A in that it is fitted with uprated engines and a horizontal stabilizer with increased span. The airplanes are designed for up to 37 passengers and three (3) crew members but can be operated in a number of configurations; from 14 passengers in the corporate configuration, to all cargo in the cargo configuration. The fuselage is built in three major sections: – The nose section, including flight deck, radar antenna housing and nose gear well. – The center section including the main part of passenger compartment and space for galley and wardrobe. This section is circular in cross–section. – The rear section, including toilet and cargo compartment. The nose and rear sections are attached to the center section with riveted splices forward of the main entry door and forward of the cargo door. The primary structure is made of large metal panels with bonded doublers and stringers, riveted to the frames. The entire fuselage, including the rear section with cargo compartment is pressurized, except radar antenna housing, nose gear well and tail cap. The main entry door is located on left side of fuselage at forward end, and has a separate retractable airstairs, which is stowed forward of the main entry door during flight. The wing is built in two parts with the manufacturing splice at the aircraft center line. The wing is built up around a front spar and a rear spar, with skin panels stiffened by bonded stringers and riveted ribs. The wing leading edges are removable and made of thick aluminum skin, and are de–iced by flush–type pneumatic boots, actuated by engine bleed air. The space between the two spars comprises an integral fuel tank, one in each wing. Access doors and gravity filler caps are located in the upper skin panels. A single point pressure refueling/defueling system is provided with a receptacle located in the right hand wing leading edge, outside of the nacelle. The flaps and ailerons are hinged to the rear wing spar and are constructed of aluminum alloy and composite material. The horizontal stabilizer is mounted on the aft fuselage and is built up around two aluminum spars with aluminum ribs at the end and at the elevator hinges. It is covered with aluminum sheet faced honeycomb sandwich panels. The leading edge is made of thick aluminum skin and is de–iced by flush type pneumatic boots. The elevators are of a design similar to the stabilizers; with a front and a rear spar, ribs; an upper and a lower skin panel, leading edge and a tip. The spars, ribs and the tip are made of aluminum alloy. All other components are made of composite material, such as glassfibre and kevlar fibre honeycomb sandwich. Each elevator has a trim tab of a honeycomb construction, hinged to the rear spar. The vertical stabilizer and rudder are designed in the same manner as the horizontal stabilizer and elevator. The rudder is provided with a trim tab of similar design to the elevator trim tabs. EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 2 Page 1 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning Each nacelle consists of a semi–monocoque structure which is attached to the wing at the front and rear spar locations and by drag angles to the upper and lower wing skins. It houses the engine, the exhaust system and the main landing gear, which retracts forward into the lower half of the nacelle. The aircraft is equipped with two General Electric CT7 turboprop engines. The engine and the propeller gearbox are mounted in the nacelle as one unit. Each engine drives a four–blade, constant speed composite propeller. The blades are built around two carbonfibre reinforced plastic spars and covered with glassfibre reinforced plastic. Each blade has a de–icer boot which is electrically heated. EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 2 Page 2 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.2. General Airplane Arrangements A23382 EFFECTIVITY: General Airplane Arrangements FIG. 1 Ch. 2 Page 3 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.3. 2.3.1. General Airplane Characteristics Propulsion The airplane is equipped with two General Electric turboprop engines. The engine is structurally integrated with the propeller gearbox into one unit. The engines are complemented by Dowty Rotol, (Hamilton Standard propeller also for 340B), four–bladed composite propellers with full–feathering, reverse and constant speed capability. 340A, Engine type GE C7–5A2, 1735 shp maximum take off 340B, Engine type GE C7–9B, 1870 shp maximum take off GE C7–9B engines are equipped with APR (Automatic Power Reserve) function. 2.3.2. Accommodation General Airplane Arrangements Passenger capacity, basic configuration 35 seats/30 in pitch Cabin volume 1180 ft3 (33.4 m3) Cargo hold volume with aft lavatory 240 ft3 (6.8 m3) without aft lavatory 295 ft3 (8.3 m3) Cargo Airplane Arrangements Ref. FIG. 5 Cargo floor area and cargo volyme. Floor area 2.3.3. Volume approximately REF. ft2 m2 ft3 m3 A 9,49 0,88 75 2,1 B1 30,24 2,81 181 5,1 B2 35,59 3,31 213 6,0 B3 33,73 3,13 202 5,7 B4 44,67 4,15 268 7,6 C1 34,6 5,5 208 5,9 C2 17,4 1,62 123 3,5 Flight Controls All primary flight controls are mechanical with duplicated systems in the elevator and aileron circuits, which are so interconnected, that an override is possible. Each trim tab is operated by an electrical trim tab actuator. The gust locks for elevator and ailerons are mechanically controlled. The gust lock for the rudder is operated from an electrically controlled lock system. 2.3.4. Landing Gear Tricycle type, all with dual wheels, retracting forward. Nose gear design allows towing or pushing of aircraft up to maximum taxi weight and angles up to 120° in both directions. Maximum taxiing angles are 55° in both directions. Main gear is fitted with an anti–skid control system and disc brakes, driven by independent hydraulic systems. 2.3.5. Hydraulics Consists of a 3000 psi (20.6 MPa) power system operating the following systems: Landing gear Wheel brakes Nose wheel steering Flaps Propeller brake (right hand engine) There is a hand type pump provided for emergency operation of the system. The system is powered by a single 28V DC pump. EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 2 Page 4 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.3.6. Doors Equipped with a forward main entrance door with retractable air stair, forward emergency exit door, overhead escape hatch, two overwing emergency exit doors, one cargo door and equipment access doors. All these doors, excluding main entrance door, but including equipment access doors located in the pressurized area, are the plug type. 2.3.7. Electrical The electrical power supply comprises DC and AC systems. 28 VDC power is supplied by a DC starter/generator on each engine. 26/115 VAC 400 Hz power for certain instruments and avionics is provided by a solid state inverter. Power for de–icing and anti–icing is provided by a 115 VAC wild–frequency generator on each engine. Two NiCad batteries provide ground power and engine start capability. An external 28V DC connector is located on right hand side, aft fuselage wing fairing. 2.3.8. Ice protection Leading edges of wing and tailplane are de–iced by flush–type pneumatic boots, actuated by engine bleed air. Propellers, windshields, pitot tubes and engine inlet ducts are electrically heated to prevent ice forming. 2.3.9. Pressurization Differential 7 psi (48 kPa) Sea level cabin altitude up to12000 ft (3660 m) 4500 ft (1370 m) cabin altitude at 25000 ft (7620 m) Pressurization and air conditioning for the flight, passenger and cargo compartments are provided by bleed air from the engines. Air conditioning on the ground is provided by an external ground connector, located on right hand side, aft fuselage wing fairing or an optional auxiliary power unit, stationary in cargo compartment. 2.3.10. Certified Noise Levels (ICAO Annex 16) 340A MTOW lb MLW lb 340B Pre Mod No 3139 Post Mod No 3139 Pre Mod No 2438 Post Mod No 2438 and A/C 380–459 28000 28500 28500 29000 28000 28500 27200 Propeller Dowty Dowty Hamilton S. Dowty Hamilton S. Take– off EPNdB 78.1 78.1 78.4 78.2 78.4 78.2 Lateral EPNdB 85.9 85.9 85.9 86.2 85.9 86.2 Approach EPNdB 84.5 / 91.7 * 84.5 / 91.7 * 91.8 90.1 91.8 90.1 * For 340A Approach, the two numbers reflect minimum and maximum propeller speed. EPNdB (Effective Perceived Noise Level) NOTE: EFFECTIVITY: Regarding Airport and Community Noise, see chapter 6. Ch. 2 Page 5 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.3.11. Runway loading at MTOW (Maximum Take–Off Weight) Rigid pavement LCN 10 (Load Classification Number) Flexible pavement LCN 8. NOTE: EFFECTIVITY: Regarding ACN (Airplane Classification Number), see chapter 7. Ch. 2 Page 6 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.4. Weights 340A AIRLINER TYPICAL SPEC. 340B pre post A/C 160–379 A/C 160–379 SB 340–51–026 Mod No 3139 SB 340–51–026 Mod No 3139 pre post SB 340–51–010 SB 340–51–010 Mod No 2438 Mod No 2438, and WEIGHTS.1 A/C 380–459 lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg MAX DESIGN TAXI WEIGHT (MTW) 28300 12835 28800 13060 28800 13065 29300 13290 MAX DESIGN TAKE–OFF WEIGHT (MTOW) 28000 12700 28500 12930 28500 12930 29000 13155 MAX DESIGN LANDING WEIGHT (MLW) 27200 12340 27200 12340 28000 12700 28500 12930 MAX DESIGN ZERO FUEL WEIGHT (MZFW) 25700 11660 25700 11660 26000 11795 26500 12020 OPERATIONAL EMPTY WEIGHT (OEW) 17615 7990 17615 7990 17945 8140 17945 8140 8085 3670 8585 3895 8055 3655 8555 3880 PAYLOAD (P/L) Weight definitions In accordance with ATA 100 Specification, the following weight terms have been established. MAXIMUM DESIGN TAXI WEIGHT (MTW) Maximum weight for ground maneuver as limited by aircraft strength and airworthiness requirements. (It includes weight of taxi and run–up fuel). MAXIMUM DESIGN TAKE–OFF TAKE OFF WEIGHT (MTOW) Maximum weight for take–off take off as limited by aircraft strength and airworthiness requirements. (This is the maximum weight at start of take–off run). MAXIMUM DESIGN LANDING WEIGHT (MLW) Maximum weight g for landing g as limited by y aircraft strength t th and d airworthiness i thi requirements. i t MAXIMUM DESIGN ZERO FUEL WEIGHT (MZFW) Maximum weight allowed, before usable fuel is loaded in defined sections of the aircraft as limited by strength and airworthiness requirements. OPERATIONAL EMPTY WEIGHT (OEW) Basic empty y weight g or fleet empty y weight g plus operati tional l items. it BASIC EMPTY WEIGHT (BEW) Manufacturer’s empty y weight g plus or minus weight g of standard t d d item it variations. i ti PAYLOAD (P/L) Weight g of passengers, g , cargo g and baggage. gg g EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 2 Page 7 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.5. Fuel Density: 6.7 lb/US gal MASS VOLUME (0.802 kg/L) FUEL STAGE lb kg US gal L MAX TOTAL FUEL 5800 2630 866 3280 USABLE FUEL 5690 2580 850 3220 110 50 16 60 55 25 8 30 UNUSABLE FUEL TRAPPED FUEL The above figures do not include tolerances for change of temperature, fuel specification or tank measuring equipment. (Divide by 2 for fuel quantity in each wing tank). Fuel definitions in accordance with ATA 100 Specification MAX TOTAL FUEL Maximum quantity of fuel which can be contained in the two wing tanks. USABLE FUEL Fuel available for aircraft propulsion. UNUSABLE FUEL Fuel remaining g after a fuel run–out test has been completed in accordance with government’s g regulations. g It includes drainable unusable fuel plus unusable portion of trapped fuel. TRAPPED FUEL Fuel remaining g when aircraft is defueled by y normal means using g the procedures and attitudes specified for draining the tanks. Fuel is stored in one left hand and one right hand integral wing tank. Each wing tank contains two compartments, one inboard and one outboard of the nacelle. A single–point pressure refueling/defueling system is provided with receptacle in the right wing leading edge, outboard of the nacelle. Overwing refueling caps are located in the outboard fuel access panels of each wing tank. Approved Fuel Types Aviation Low Freeze Source Kerosene Kerosene USA JET A JET A–1 JET B (ASTM D–1655–75) (ASTM D–1655–75) (ASTM D–1655–75) – JP–5 JP–4 (MIL–T–5624) (MIL–T–5624) RT TS–1 Regular – (GOST 10227) TS–1 Premium USA Military Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) EFFECTIVITY: Wide cut distillate (GOST 10227) Ch. 2 Page 8 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning General Airplane Dimensions 1 10 ft 2 3m 7 ft 7 ft 7 in (2.13 m) (2.31 m) 340A 28 ft 5 in (8.66 m) 0 5 70 ft 5 in (21.44 m) 0 74 ft 8 in (22.75 m) POST MOD 2571 SCALE 340B 30 ft 4 in (9.24 m) 2.6. 17.5 in (0.45 m) ∅ 11 ft (3.35 m) 19 in (0.42 m) 22 in (0.56 m) 23 ft 10 in (7.26 m) A23383 EFFECTIVITY: General Airplane Dimensions FIG. 2 Ch. 2 Page 9 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.7. Airplane Dimensions and Ground Clearances A23384 EFFECTIVITY: Airplane Dimensions and Ground Clearances FIG. 3 Ch. 2 Page 10 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.8. Typical Interior Arrangements Depending on seat row pitch and furnishing, number of passenger seats may vary from 27 to 37 A23385 EFFECTIVITY: Typical Interior Arrangements FIG. 4 Ch. 2 Page 11 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.9. Typical Cargo Arrangements A COMPARTMENT BARRIER NET SMOKE CURTAIN STA 298.0 BARRIER NET B1 COMPARTMENT STA 363.0 BARRIER NET B2 COMPARTMENT STA 439.5 BARRIER NET B3 COMPARTMENT STA 512.0 BARRIER NET B4 COMPARTMENT STA 608.0 BARRIER NET C1 COMPARTMENT STA 686.0 C2 COMPARTMENT A28195 EFFECTIVITY: Saab 340 Cargo Typical Cargo Arrangements FIG. 5 Ch. 2 Page 12 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.10. Passenger Compartment Dimensions A23386 EFFECTIVITY: Passenger Compartment Dimensions FIG. 6 Ch. 2 Page 13 Jul 01/05 A28278 EFFECTIVITY: Saab 340 Cargo 5.58 ft (1.70 m) BLOCKED EMERGENCY DOOR STA 215 STA 225 ENTRANCE DOOR STA 298 MAX CARGO VOLUME 1270 cu ft (35.8 m3) STA 621 STA 686 STA 733 2.11. 6 ft (1.83 m) COCKPIT DOOR BLOCKED EMERGENCY DOORS CARGO DOOR Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning Cargo Compartment Dimensions Cargo Compartment Dimensions FIG. 7 Ch. 2 Page 14 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.12. Passenger Compartment Cross Section 91in (2,31m) A12854 EFFECTIVITY: 72in (1.83m) Passenger Compartment Cross Section FIG. 8 Ch. 2 Page 15 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.13. Cargo Compartment Cross Section BARRIER NET INSTALLATION TYP AT STA 298, 363, 440, 512 AND 608 A28198 EFFECTIVITY: Saab 340 Cargo Cargo Compartment Cross Section FIG. 9 Ch. 2 Page 16 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.14. Cargo Compartment Dimensions, Areas and Volumes A23387 EFFECTIVITY: Cargo Compartment Dimensions, Areas and Volumes FIG. 10 Ch. 2 Page 17 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.15. Entrance Door and Airstairs 14ft 6in (4.42m) 60in (1.52m) AIRSTAIR STOWED POSITION 26.8in (0.68m) CABIN FLOOR 63.7in (1.62m) 15.5in (0.40m) RELEASE HOOKS ROLLER ARM ENTRANCE DOOR OPEN AND LOCKED 13in (0.33m) CLEARANCE TO FUSELAGE, OPEN POSITION 18in (0.45m) CRITICAL CLEARANCE LIMIT IN TRANSIT AIRSTAIR PARTILLY RETRACTED RELEASE HOOK 94in (2.40m) A23388 EFFECTIVITY: CAUTION: THE STAIR MUST NOT BE FOLED BEFORE THE UPPER SECTION IS IN VERTICAL POSITION TO AVOID DAMEGE TO THE ROLLER ARM BELOW THE THIRD STEP. Entrance Door and Airstairs FIG. 11 Ch. 2 Page 18 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.16. Cargo Compartment Door and Tail Support Strut A12855 EFFECTIVITY: Cargo Compartment Door and Tail Support Strut FIG. 12 Ch. 2 Page 19 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.17. Maximum Package Size passing through Door Openings PACKAGE SIZE LOADING LOCATION HEIGHT WIDTH LENGTH 41.0 in 40.5 in 63.0 in (1.04 m) (1.03 m) (1.60 m) Cargo Compartment C1 + C2 a) Max. size, volume package that will pass through door opening and past the toilet installation. In this case a 6 in. higher spacer must be used under the front end to allow for the difference in floor levels. b) Length limitations: max. size that may be loaded using a 6 in. high spacer as a) above. As b) diagonally 50.0 in 20.0 in 82.0 in (1.27 m) (0.51 m) (2.08 m) 50.0 in 10.0 in 93.0 in (1.27 m) (0.25 m) (2.36 m) 51.0 in 29.0 in 51.0 in (1.30 m) ( 0.74 m) (1.30 m) 43.0 in 44.0 in 45.0 in (1.09 m) (1.12 m) (1.14 m) 55.0 in 18.0 in 64.0 in (1.40 m) (0.46 m) (1.63 m) Cargo Compartment C1 Max. size that may be loaded and tied down. Cargo Compartment C2 Max. size that may be loaded restrained by net. Passenger Door Opening Max. size that will comfortably pass through door opening. EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 2 Page 20 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.18. Doors and Exterior Handles NOTE: Forward R/H and overwing emergency doors are blocked in the Saab 340 Cargo version. OVERWING EMERGENCY EXITS EMERGENCY EXITS LH AND RH SIDE 1. LH SIDE TURN HANDLE CLOCKWISE TO STOP RH SIDE TURN HANDLE COUNTER–CLOCKWISE TO STOP 2. PUSH DOOR INWARDS 1. TURN HANDLE COUNTER– CLOCKWISE TO STOP 2. PUSH DOOR INWARDS EMERGENCY EXIT CREW 1. TURN HANDLE CLOCKWISE TO STOP 2. PUSH HATCH DOWN UNTIL FULLY OPENED AN EXTERNAL KEY OPERATED LOCK IS AVAILABLE FOR THE ENTRANCE AND CARGO DOOR CARGO DOOR ENTRANCE DOOR 1. PULL HANDLE OUTWARDS 2. TURN HANDLE COUNTER– CLOCKWISE TO STOP 3. PUSH DOOR FIRST INWARDS AND THEN SLIDE UPWARDS UNTIL FULLY OPENED 1. TURN HANDLE COUNTER– CLOCKWISE TO STOP 2. PULL DOOR OUTWARDS AND SLIDE TO THE LEFT A23389 EFFECTIVITY: Doors and Exterior Handles FIG. 13 Ch. 2 Page 21 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.19. Typical Antenna Arrangement A23390 EFFECTIVITY: Typical Antenna Arrangement FIG. 14 Ch. 2 Page 22 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 2.20. External Lighting ANTI–COLLISION BEACON (after MOD) NAVIGATION LIGHTS STROBE LIGHTS ANTI–COLLISION BEACON (before MOD) LOGO LIGHTS NAVIGATION LIGHTS TAXI LIGHT (40° BEAM SWEEP) A12856 EFFECTIVITY: WING INSPECTION LIGHTS STAIR LIGHTING (L H WING ROOT) LANDING LIGHTS (WING ROOTS) (11° BEAM SWEEP) ANTI–COLLISION BEACON EMERG. ESCAPE LIGHTS External Lighting FIG. 15 Ch. 2 Page 23 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE 3.1. Take–Off Runway Length Requirements (ISA day) 3.1.1. 340A (CT7–A2 engines) ISA standard day with zero wind. Max. take–off power. Dry paved runway with zero slope. Flaps 15°. Environmental control system off. De–icing system off. Coordinate with using airline for specific requirements prior to facility design. JAR FAR REQUIREMENTS 1830 1525 7000 6000 5000 1220 4000 915 3000 610 AIRPORT PRESSURE ALTITUDE TAKE OFF FIELD LENGTH–ft TAKE OFF FIELD LENGTH–m 2135 8000 ft (2440 m) 6000 ft (1830 m) 4000 ft (1220 m) 2000 ft (610 m) SEA LEVEL AIRPLANE TAKE OFF WEIGHT – lb 2000 21000 22000 23000 24000 25000 26000 27000 28000 9525 9980 10430 10890 11340 11790 12245 12700 AIRPLANE TAKE OFF WEIGHT – kg A25081 EFFECTIVITY: Take–Off Runway Length Requirements 340A (ISA day) FIG. 1 Ch. 3 Page 1 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.1.2. 340B (CT7–9B engines) ISA standard day with zero wind. Max. take–off power. Dry paved runway with zero slope. Flaps 15°. Environmental control system off. De–icing system off. Coordinate with using airline for specific requirements prior to facility design. JAR FAR REQUIREMENTS 1830 1525 7000 6000 5000 1220 4000 915 3000 610 AIRPORT PRESSURE ALTITUDE TAKE OFF FIELD LENGTH–ft TAKE OFF FIELD LENGTH–m 2135 8000 ft (2440 m) WAT–LIMIT 6000 ft (1830 m) 4000 ft (1220 m) 2000 ft (610 m) SEA LEVEL AIRPLANE TAKE OFF WEIGHT – lb 2000 22000 23000 24000 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 9980 10430 10890 11340 11790 12245 12700 13155 AIRPLANE TAKE OFF WEIGHT – kg A25082 EFFECTIVITY: Take–Off Runway Length Requirements 340B (ISA day) FIG. 2 Ch. 3 Page 2 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.1.3. 340A (CT7–A2 engines) ISA standard day +10°C with zero wind. Max. take–off power. Dry paved runway with zero slope. Flaps 15°. Environmental control system off. De–icing system off. Coordinate with using airline for specific requirements prior to facility design. JAR FAR 2135 7000 1830 6000 1525 5000 1220 4000 915 3000 610 AIRPORT PRESSURE ALTITUDE TAKE OFF FIELD LENGTH–ft TAKE OFF FIELD LENGTH–m REQUIREMENTS 8000 ft (2440 m) 6000 ft (1830 m) 4000 ft (1220 m) 2000 ft (610 m) SEA LEVEL AIRPLANE TAKE OFF WEIGHT – lb 2000 21000 22000 23000 24000 25000 26000 27000 28000 9525 9980 10430 10890 11340 11790 12245 12700 AIRPLANE TAKE OFF WEIGHT – kg A25083 EFFECTIVITY: Take–Off Runway Length Requirements 340A (ISA day) FIG. 3 Ch. 3 Page 3 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.1.4. 340B (CT7–9B engines) ISA standard day +10°C with zero wind. Max. take–off power. Dry paved runway with zero slope. Flaps 15°. Environmental control system off. De–icing system off. Coordinate with using airline for specific requirements prior to facility design. JAR FAR REQUIREMENTS 1830 1525 7000 6000 5000 1220 4000 915 3000 610 2000 8000 ft (2440 m) AIRPORT PRESSURE ALTITUDE TAKE OFF FIELD LENGTH–ft TAKE OFF FIELD LENGTH–m 2135 6000 ft (1830 m) 4000 ft (1220 m) WAT–LIMIT 2000 ft (610 m) SEA LEVEL AIRPLANE TAKE OFF WEIGHT – lb 22000 23000 24000 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 9980 10430 10890 11340 11790 12245 12700 13155 AIRPLANE TAKE OFF WEIGHT – kg A25084 EFFECTIVITY: Take–Off Runway Length Requirements 340B (ISA day) FIG. 4 Ch. 3 Page 4 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.2. Landing Runway Length Requirements (ISA day) 3.2.1. 340A (CT7–5A2 engines) ISA standard day with zero wind. Dry paved runway with zero slope. Flaps 20°. Coordinate with using airline for specific requirements prior to facility design. 5500 1676 5000 1524 4500 1372 4000 1219 LANDING FIELD LENGTH –m LANDING FIELD LENGTH ft JAR REQUIREMENTS FAR REQUIREMENTS AIRPORT PRESSURE ALTITUDE 8000ft (2440 m) 6000ft (1830 m) 4000ft (1220 m) 3500 1067 2000ft (610 m) SEA LEVEL 3000 AIRPLANE LANDING WIGHT – kg 914 8165 9072 9979 10886 11794 12701 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 AIRPLANE LANDING WEIGHT – lb A25073 EFFECTIVITY: Landing Runway Length Requirements 340A (ISA day) FIG. 5 Ch. 3 Page 5 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.2.2. 340B (CT7–9B engines) ISA standard day with zero wind. Dry paved runway with zero slope. Flaps 20°. Coordinate with using airline for specific requirements prior to facility design. 5000 1524 4500 1372 4000 3500 1219 1067 LANDING FIELD LENGTH –m LANDING FIELD LENGTH ft JAR REQUIREMENTS FAR REQUIREMENTS AIRPORT PRESSURE ALTITUDE 8000ft (2440 m) 6000ft (1830 m) 4000ft (1220 m) 2000ft (610 m) SEA LEVEL 3000 914 2500 762 AIRPLANE LANDING WIGHT – kg 8165 9072 9979 10886 11794 12701 13608 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 30000 AIRPLANE LANDING WEIGHT – lb A25072 EFFECTIVITY: Landing Runway Length Requirements 340B (ISA day) FIG. 6 Ch. 3 Page 6 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.2.3. 340A (CT7–5A2 engines) ISA standard day with zero wind. Dry paved runway with zero slope. Flaps 35°. Coordinate with using airline for specific requirements prior to facility design. 5000 1524 4500 1372 4000 3500 1219 1067 LANDING FIELD LENGTH –m LANDING FIELD LENGTH ft JAR REQUIREMENTS FAR REQUIREMENTS AIRPORT PRESSURE ALTITUDE 8000ft (2440 m) 6000ft (1830 m) 4000ft (1220 m) 2000ft (610 m) SEA LEVEL 3000 914 2500 762 AIRPLANE LANDING WIGHT – kg 8165 9072 9979 10886 11794 12701 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 AIRPLANE LANDING WEIGHT – lb A25071 EFFECTIVITY: Landing Runway Length Requirements 340A (ISA day) FIG. 7 Ch. 3 Page 7 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.2.4. 340B (CT7–9B engines) ISA standard day with zero wind. Dry paved runway with zero slope. Flaps 35°. Coordinate with using airline for specific requirements prior to facility design. 5000 1524 4500 1372 4000 1219 3500 1067 LANDING FIELD LENGTH –m LANDING FIELD LENGTH ft JAR REQUIREMENTS FAR REQUIREMENTS AIRPORT PRESSURE ALTITUDE 8000ft (2440 m) 6000ft (1830 m) 4000ft (1220 m) 2000ft (610 m) SEA LEVEL 3000 914 2500 762 AIRPLANE LANDING WIGHT – kg 8165 9072 9979 10886 11794 12701 13608 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 30000 AIRPLANE LANDING WEIGHT – lb A25070 EFFECTIVITY: Landing Runway Length Requirements 340B (ISA day) FIG. 8 Ch. 3 Page 8 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.3. Payload Range 3.3.1. Payload Range 340 A ISA standard day with zero wind. 10 minutes manoeuvre. 45 minutes holding at 5000ft (1525m). 100 nautical miles (185km) to an alternate. OEW 17415lb (7900kg). PAX weight assumed to be 190lb (86kg). OEW + PAYLOAD kg 11790 lb 26000 11340 25000 10885 24000 10430 23000 TAKEOFF WEIGHT 12700 kg 28000 lb 11795 kg 26000 lb 9980 22000 9525 21000 9070 20000 8620 19000 8165 18000 10885 kg 24000 lb 9980 kg 22000 lb 9070 kg 20000 lb 0 0 200 370 400 740 600 800 AIR RANGE – NAUTICAL MILES 1110 1480 1000 1200 1400 1850 2220 2590 AIR RANGE – KILOMETERS A25085 EFFECTIVITY: Payload Range 340 A FIG. 9 Ch. 3 Page 9 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 3.3.2. Payload Range 340 B ISA standard day with zero wind. Cruise altitude 19000 ft (5800m). 10 minutes maneuvering. 45 minutes holding at 5000 ft (1525 m). 100 nautical miles (185 km) to an alternate. OEW 17945 lb (8140 kg). PAX weight assumed to be 190lb (86kg). PAYLOAD kg lb 4082 9000 TAKEOFF WEIGHT 3629 8000 3175 7000 13154 kg 29000 lb 2722 6000 12020 kg 26500 lb 2268 5000 1814 4000 1361 3000 907 2000 454 1000 0 0 10886 kg 24000 lb 9979 kg 22000 lb 9072 kg 20000 lb 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 AIR RANGE – NAUTICAL MILES 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 AIR RANGE – KILOMETERS A25086 EFFECTIVITY: Payload Range 340 B FIG. 10 Ch. 3 Page 10 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning GROUND MANEUVERING 4.1. Runway and Space Requirement WING TIP SWEEP 108 FT (33.3 M) POST MOD 2571 WING TIP SWEEP 104 FT (32 M) PRE MOD 2571 WHEEL SWEEP 58 FT (18 M) STEERING ANGLE ° TURN CENTER 58 FT (18 M) MINIMUM PAVEMENT WIDTH (TIRE SLIPPAGE IS NOT CONSIDERED) A29237 EFFECTIVITY: Runway and Space Requirement for an 180° turn with 55° FIG. 1 Ch. 4 Page 1 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning R8 A29236 NOTE: FIG. 2 At 64.8° the INBD MLG will become turn center. TURNING RADII TAXIING TOWING 55° STEERING ANGLE 90° TOWING ANGLE ft m ft m R1 5.4 1.7 R1– 11.0 3.4 INNER MLG R2 27.4 8.4 11.0 3.4 OUTER MLG R3 28.6 8.7 23.4 7.1 NOSE LG R4 34.2 10.4 30.0 9.2 A/C NOSE R5 39.6 12.1 34.8 10.6 RUDDER TIP R6 41.8 12.7 31.6 9.6 H. STAB. TIP R7 51.6 15.7 35.2 10.7 WING TIP R8 * 54.1 16.5 37.4 11.4 WING TIP* Turning radii with 55° nose wheel angle (taxiing) and 90° nose wheel angle (towing) * = Post Mod 2571 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 4 Page 2 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning R3 R4 STEERING ANGLE DEGREES (TYP) R6 20° 25° R1 R7 30° R2 35° 40° TURNING CENTER (TYPICAL) FOR NOSE GEAR STEERING ANGLE AS SHOWN. 45° 50° 55° R5 A29241 FIG. 3 Actual turning radii will be slightly greater than shown due to tire slippage during manoeuvre. R1 measured to center of wheel pair, R2 and R3 measured to outside tire face. NOTE: Steering R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7* angle (degr.) ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m 20 53.4 16.3 76.4 23.3 69.3 21.1 71.1 21.7 83.9 25.6 99.6 30.4 102.0 31.1 25 39.3 12.0 62.2 19.0 56.3 17.1 58.6 17.8 70.7 21.5 85.4 26.0 87.5 26.7 30 29.6 9.0 52.6 16.0 47.7 14.5 50.5 15.4 61.9 18.9 75.8 23.1 78.0 23.8 35 22.5 6.9 45.4 13.8 41.7 12.7 45.0 13.7 55.7 17.0 68.6 20.9 70.8 21.6 40 16.9 5.2 39.9 12.1 37.3 11.4 41.0 12.5 51.0 15.5 63.1 19.2 65.2 19.9 45 12.4 3.8 35.4 10.8 33.9 10.3 38.1 11.6 47.3 14.4 58.6 17.9 61.0 18.6 50 8.7 2.6 31.6 9.6 31.4 9.6 35.9 10.9 44.3 13.5 54.8 16.7 57.1 17.4 55 (Max) 5.4 1.7 28.4 8.6 29.4 9.0 34.2 10.4 41.8 12.7 51.6 15.7 53.8 16.4 Turning radii and turn centers * = Post Mod 2571 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 4 Page 3 Jul 01/05 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 4.2. Pilot External Angles of View A23401 EFFECTIVITY: Pilot External Angles of View FIG. 4 Ch. 4 Page 4 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning TERMINAL SERVICING 5.1. External Servicing Arrangement A23402 EFFECTIVITY: External Servicing Arrangement (Typical Turnaround Station) FIG. 1 Ch. 5 Page 1 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.2. Terminal Operation FIG. 2 and 3 shows typical service times at a terminal. These charts give typical schedules for performing service on the airplane within a given time. Service times could by rearranged to suit availability of personnel, airplane interior configuration, and degree of service required. The times presented reflect ideal conditions for a single airplane. Service requirements may vary according to airplane condition and airline procedure. Note that the charts depict the following: – Passengers enplane and deplane using the airplanes own airstairs. – Use of exterior power supply. – Fuel airplane at 50 psi (345 kPa) pump pressure. Additional time is required for lower pump pressures. Varying airline practices and operating circumstances throughout the world will result in different sequences and time intervals to accomplish the tasks shown. Because of this, ground operations requirements should be coordinated with the using airlines prior to ramp planning. EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 2 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning A23403 EFFECTIVITY: Terminal Operations (Typical 34 seat cabin config.) FIG. 2 Ch. 5 Page 3 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning A12857 FIG. 3 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 4 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.3. Ground Service Connections REAR TOILET SERVICE MESSAGE DOOR PILOT–GROUND CREW GRAVITY REFUELING PRESSURE REFUELING POTABLE WATER (OPTION) BATTERY ENGINE OIL “FUEL” GND CONNECTION PROP. GEAR BOX OIL AIR CONDITION POTABLE WATER DC–POWER (OPTION) “FUEL” GND CONNECTION FUEL DRAIN VALVES OXYGEN CONN. GROUND CREW PILOT FUEL DIPSTICK FWD TOILET SERVICE (OPTION) A23404 EFFECTIVITY: HYDRAUL QUANTITY HYDRAUL REFILL HYDRAUL AND NITR. PRESSURE Ground Service Connections FIG. 4 Ch. 5 Page 5 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.4. External Ground Service Connection Data Hydraulic fluid replenishment. DISTANCE AFT DISTANCE FROM HEIGHT FROM FROM A/C NOSE A/C CENTERLINE GROUND (APPROX) ft m ft m ft m 2.0 0.6 1.0 LH 0.3 LH 5.7 1.7 2.9 0.9 0.9 RH 0.3 RH 5.0 1.5 3.6 1.1 1.0 LH 0.3 LH 5.2 1.6 3.0 0.9 1.0 LH 0.3 LH 3.0 0.9 6.8 2.1 3.5 LH 1.1 LH 8.0 2.4 7.3 2.2 1.8 RH 0.6 RH 4.6 1.4 (Nose gear well) Hydraulic and nitrogen pressure check. Acc. pressure: 1650 psi (11375 kPa) (Nose gear well) Hydraulic fluid quantity check. (Nose gear well) Connection for head set communication ground crew–pilots. (Nose gear well) Door for communication pilots–ground crew. (Inside quick release fastener on door) Oxygen check and replenishment. Acc. pressure: 1850 psi (12755 kPa) Door opens inwards with 2 camlocks. (Compartment pressurized) EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 6 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning External Ground Service Connection Data (Cont.) DISTANCE AFT DISTANCE FROM HEIGHT FROM FROM A/C NOSE A/C CENTERLINE GROUND (APPROX) ft m ft m ft m 10.3 3.1 3.0 RH 0.9 RH 5.2 1.6 13.2 4.0 3.6 RH 1.1 RH 5.6 1.7 45.7 13.9 3.3 RH 1.0 RH 6.1 1.9 19.6 6.0 10.4 LH 3.2 LH 6.6 2.0 11.6 RH 3.5 RH 9.5 LH 2.9 LH 6.8 2.1 11.7 RH 3.6 RH External connection for potable water replenishment. (Option). FWD location: (A/C with AFT Toilet) FWD location: (A/C with FWD Toilet) AFT location: Quick couplings 3/4”, (2 camlocks on door) Propeller gearbox oil. Visual check and replenishment. (Nacelles RH, 4 camlocks) Engine oil. 22.7 6.9 Visual check and replenishment. (Nacelles RH, 2 quick–release fasteners on door) Connection for pressure refueling/defueling. 28.0 8.5 19.0 RH 5.8 RH 6.3 1.9 28.8 8.8 5.6 LH 1.7 LH 4.1 1.3 5.6 RH 1.7 RH Connector: Std. 2.5”. Fueling pressure: Max 50 psi (345 kPa). (RH wing leading edge, 4 quick–release fasteners on door) Dipstick reading fuel quantity (Underwing) EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 7 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning External Ground Service Connection Data (Cont.) Draining fuel tanks (Underwing) DISTANCE AFT DISTANCE FROM HEIGHT FROM FROM A/C NOSE A/C CENTERLINE GROUND (APPROX) ft m ft m ft m 28.8 8.8 3.8 LH 1.2 LH 3.9 1.2 3.8 RH 1.2 RH 24.0 LH 7.3 LH 7.5 2.3 24.0 RH 7.3 RH Gravity refueling caps (Overwing) 29.8 9.1 Connection for DC–ground power unit. 35.2 10.7 2.3 RH 0.7 RH 3.8 1.2 35.4 10.8 3.3 LH 1.0 LH 4.9 1.5 3.3 RH 1.0 RH 1.3 RH 0.4 RH 3.8 1.2 Connector: MIL.STD 3506–1 Voltage: 28VDC, Engine starting 1400–1600 amp (1 quick–release fastener on door) Battery (2 quick–release fastener on door) Connection for ground air conditioning. 36.0 11.0 Connector: Std. 8”. Pressure: Max 1.16 psi (8 kPa). Temp: Max 150°F (+65°C) Min40°F (+5°C) (2 Quick–release fastener on door) EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 8 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning External Ground Service Connection Data (Cont.) DISTANCE AFT DISTANCE FROM HEIGHT FROM FROM A/C NOSE A/C CENTERLINE GROUND (APPROX) ft m ft m ft m AFT Toilet 43.7 13.3 2.5 RH 0.8 4.8 1.5 FWD Toilet (Option) 10.2 3.1 2.3 RH 0.7 4.6 1.4 Connection for toilet servicing. Drain: Std 4” Flush: Quick–coupl. 1” Fluid pressure: 50 psi (345 kPa) Fluid quantity: 1.7 gal (6.43 l) (2 Quick–release fastener on door) EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 9 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.5. Internal Servicing A23405 EFFECTIVITY: Internal Servicing Arrangement (If applicable) FIG. 5 Ch. 5 Page 10 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.6. Entry Door Sill Height Variation 340A A23406 Entry Door Sill height variation at different airplane weights and maximum C.G. range utilization FIG. 6 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 11 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning m in 29% MAC (STA 436.1) 1.70 NOTE: 66.9 TAIL TIPPING RISK OCCURS WHEN C.G. TRAVELS TO 47% MAC (STA 451). 10% MAC (STA 420.5) 1.66 65.3 1.62 63.8 1.58 62.2 1.54 60.6 38% MAC (STA 443.5) 20.7 MAC (STA 429.3) NOTE: 1.50 59.1 1.46 57.5 1.42 55.9 7260 ALL MEASUREMENTS FROM APRON ARE APPROXIMATE. CALCULATION IS BASED ON NORMAL STRUT AND TIRE CONDITION. 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 8160 9070 9980 10890 11790 28000 12700 29000lb 13150 kg AIRPLANE WEIGHT 340B A23407 Entry Door Sill height variation at different airplane weights and maximum C.G. range utilization FIG. 7 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 12 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.7. Cargo Door Sill Height Variation at Different Airplane Weights 1.70 1.66 1.62 1.58 1.54 1.50 1.46 1,42 340A A23408 Cargo Door Sill height variation at different airplane weights and maximum C.G. range utilization FIG. 8 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 13 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning m in 1.70 66.9 NOTE: 1.66 65.3 1.62 63.8 1.58 62.2 ALL MEASUREMENTS FROM APRON ARE APPROXIMATE. CALCULATION IS BASED ON NORMAL STRUT AND TIRE CONDITION. 10% MAC (STA 420.5) 29% MAC (STA 436.1) 1.54 60.6 1.50 59.1 20.7 MAC (STA 429.3) NOTE: 1.46 TAIL TIPPING RISK OCCURS WHEN C.G. TRAVELS TO 47% MAC (STA 451). 57.5 38% MAC (STA 443.5) 1.42 55.9 7260 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 8160 9070 9980 10890 11790 28000 12700 29000lb 13150 kg AIRPLANE WEIGHT 340B A23409 Cargo Door Sill height variation at different airplane weights and maximum C.G. range utilization FIG. 9 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 14 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.8. Entry Door Sill Height Variation at Different Cargo Loads COMPARTMENT EMPTY. A23410 EFFECTIVITY: Entry Door Sill height variation at different cargo loads FIG. 10 Ch. 5 Page 15 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.9. Cargo Door Sill Height Variation at Different Cargo Loads A23411 EFFECTIVITY: Cargo Door Sill height variation at different cargo loads FIG. 11 Ch. 5 Page 16 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 5.10. Ground Towing Requirements In order to determine the drawbar pull and traction wheel load experienced by a tow vehicle, the airplane weight, pavement slope, engine thrust when backing, and coefficient of friction must be known. In the graph examples A and B, see following page, conditions are as follows: 5.10.1. Towing airplane at 26 500 lb(12 020 kg) weight, no pavement slope, no engine thrust and wet concrete surface. Consider the graph as follows: Enter graph at right side where airplane weight is 26 500 lb (12 020 kg). Follow set curve to zero percent slope print. Since ground idle thrust is zero, cross directly into left side graph to set curve for wet concrete. From this point, read off at left side 1015 lbf (460 kp) drawbar pull and downwards 1800 lb (815 kg) total traction tow wheel load needed. 5.10.2. Pushing airplane backwards at 26 500 lb (12 020 kg) weight, one percent pavement upslope, engine idle thrust and wet concrete surface. Consider the graph as follows: Enter graph at right side where airplane weight is 26 500 lb (12 020 kg) Follow set curve to one percent slope print, then transfer to center graph. Since ground idle thrust is present, follow set curve up and into left side graph to set curve for wet concrete. From this point read off at left side 1765 lbf (800 kp) drawbar pull and downwards 3200 lb (1450) total traction tow wheel load needed. EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 5 Page 17 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning A23412 EFFECTIVITY: Ground Towing Requirements FIG. 12 Ch. 5 Page 18 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning OPERATING CONDITIONS 6.1. 6.1.1. Airport and Community Noise Noise during Take–off and Landing The SAAB 340 airplane meets current ICAO Annex 16 and FAR Part 36 noise standards, with substantial margins. The airplane noise footprints for take–off and landing reflect the noise level frames upon a ground level plane at the same elevation as the runway. The noise produced at a given point on the ground by an airplane operation is dependent on a number of factors, such as airplane weight, engine power setting, local topography and weather. The noise footprints for take–off and landing with SAAB 340 have been calculated using an ISA–day as reference condition. (ISA = International Standard Atmosphere used as common reference). Standard atmosphere defines pressure 1013.25 hPa (mb) at MSL (Mean Sea Level) and temperature 15°C at MSL. Further calculation assumptions are 70% relative humidity, 8 kts head wind and no runway slope. For the take–off, three different heights are shown, where the transition to maximum climb power are selected. At landing, the footprints are shown for maximum propeller speed and for minimum propeller speed, with maximum propeller speed selected 2 km (6600 ft) from runway threshold. The noise footprints for take–off and landing have been calculated with the airplane weights as follow: (See also to Chapter 2, Weights). EFFECTIVITY: Take–off Landing 340A 25000 lb 24000 lb 340B 28500 lb 28000 lb Ch. 6 Page 1 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 6.2. Take–Off Profile A23413 EFFECTIVITY: Take–Off Profile for Noise Footprint Calculations, (340A) FIG. 1 Ch. 6 Page 2 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning A23414 EFFECTIVITY: 1650 1650 Noise Footprint 1650 6.3. Noise Footprint – A–Weighted Sound Level, (340A) FIG. 2 Ch. 6 Page 3 Jul 01/04 A23415 EFFECTIVITY: 1650 1650 1650 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning Noise Footprint – PNL (Perceived Noise Level), (340A) FIG. 3 Ch. 6 Page 4 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning TAKE–OFF CONDITIONS: ISA DAY SEA LEVEL AIRPORT 8 KTS HEADWIND NO RUNWAY SLOPE A/C WEIGHT 28500 lb (12930 kg) TRANSITION HEIGHT TO MAX CLIMB POWER AT 1500 ft m ft HEIGHT ABOVE 1500 ft 914 3000 762 2500 610 2000 460 1500 305 1000 152 500 AT 1500 ft, ACCELERATION TO 140 KCAS FLAPS 0° MAX CLIMB POWER (1270 PRPM) AT 140 KCAS 140 KCAS 1500 ft HEIGHT BELOW 1500 ft NORMAL TAKE–OFF POWER (1384 PRPM) FLAPS 15° V=120.8 KCAS (V2 + 7.5) 3300 6600 1 2 9800 13100 16400 4 5 19700 23000 ft 0 0 3 6 7 km DISTANCE FROM BRAKE RELEASE A27977 EFFECTIVITY: Take–Off Profile for Noise Footprint Calculations, (340B) FIG. 4 Ch. 6 Page 5 Jul 01/04 Noise Footprint – A–Weighted Sound Level, (340B) FIG. 5 1000 3300 600 1970 200 660 TAKE–OFF A/C WEIGHT 28000 lb (12700 kg) 3 GLIDE SLOPE A/C WEIGHT 28500 lb (12930 kg) MAX PRPM TRANSITION TO MAX CLIMB POWER AT 500 ft 500 ft MAX. CLIMB POWER 65 70 75 65 dBA 70 75 80 80 85 85 RUNWAY 1000 3300 600 1970 200 1000 ft MIN PRPM MAX PRPM SELECTED 2000 m FROM THRESHOLD 70 65 70 75 80 85 65 660 70 75 85 80 1500 ft 3300 1000 AT 1000 ft 65 AT 1500 ft 65 600 1970 200 660 70 75 85 Ch. 6 Page 6 Jul 01/04 10 9 ft 29500 km 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 26300 23000 19700 16400 13100 9800 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 0 1 2 3300 0 3300 6600 1 0 1 2 2 6600 80 2 DISTANCE TO RUNWAY THRESHOLD 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9800 13100 16400 19700 23000 26300 29500 3 4 5 6 7 DISTANCE FROM RUNWAY THRESHOLD (BRAKE RELEASE) 8 9 10 ft km Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning A23416 EFFECTIVITY: APPROACH LATERAL DISTANCE m ft 1000 3300 600 1970 TAKE–OFF A/C WEIGHT 28000 lb (12700 kg) 3 GLIDE SLOPE A/C WEIGHT 28500 lb (12930 kg) 500 ft MAX PRPM MAX. CLIMB POWER 75 80 75 PNdB 85 90 80 Noise Footprint – PNL (Perceived Noise Level), (340B) FIG. 6 200 TRANSITION TO MAX CLIMB POWER AT 500 ft 85 660 90 95 95 100 100 RUNWAY 1000 MIN PRPM MAX PRPM SELECTED 2000 m FROM THRESHOLD 3300 600 1970 200 660 1000 3300 600 1970 200 660 80 85 85 90 Ch. 6 Page 7 Jul 01/04 9 ft 29500 km 9 95 100 100 1500 ft AT 1500 ft 75 80 85 90 100 10 AT 1000 ft 75 80 75 80 85 90 95 75 1000 ft 8 7 6 5 4 3 26300 23000 19700 16400 13100 9800 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 0 1 2 3300 0 3300 6600 1 0 1 2 2 6600 95 2 DISTANCE TO RUNWAY THRESHOLD 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9800 13100 16400 19700 23000 26300 29500 3 4 5 6 7 DISTANCE FROM RUNWAY THRESHOLD (BRAKE RELEASE) 8 9 10 ft km Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning A23417 EFFECTIVITY: APPROACH LATERAL DISTANCE m ft Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 6.4. Noise during Ground Operation The values given for taxiing and static operation are the A–weighted sound level based on the result of measurements with the microphones at a height of 63 inch (1.6 m). The measurement sites were free from obstructions and covered mainly with short to medium length grass. 6.4.1. Taxiing The table as follow summarizes the average peak dBA level measured with a microphone array on a line 426 ft (130 m) from a taxiing airplane at different power settings. The taxiing was performed at normal taxiing speed and with use of the brakes when required to keep speed. NOTE: An advance of the Power Levers just above Ground Idle (GI) to a ”quiet” position (as judged by the pilot) will give about a 10 dB reduction compared to GI. Also, if possible, engine shut down or propeller feathered on the engine toward a noise sensitive area can be used to reduce the noise. Table, Noise Measured during Taxiing (340B) Microphones on a line 426 ft (130 m) parallel to the runway Normal taxiing speed. Left/Right Engine Average Peak dBA GI (1040 PRPM) 81 Quiet PL Position 71 Prop Feathered/GI 6.4.2. Left Side Right Side 77 79 Shut down/Quiet PL Position Left Side Right Side 65 69 Static Operation The dBA levels, measured at 492 ft (150 m) radius around the airplane with both engines in operation, are presented in the following two figures. The first figure shows the noise footprint for low power operations: – G I/propeller feathered – GI and – Flight Idle (FI). The next figure shows the noise footprint for high power operations: 40, 80 and 100% torque. NOTE: EFFECTIVITY: Halving of the distance will increase the noise levels 6 to 8 dBA. It should be mentioned that the wind has a strong effect on upwind noise propagation. At 150 meter a wind velocity of 13 to 23 MPH (6 to 10 m/s) could decrease the noise some 10 dBA. Ch. 6 Page 8 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 6.4.3. Static Operation at Low Power settings NOTE: 80 70 dBA levels as measured at 492 ft (150 m) radius. Both engines in operation. 60 dBA dBA 60 70 80 POWER GI / PROP FEATHERED GI / 1040 PRPM FI / 1040 PRPM A13394 EFFECTIVITY: Noise during Static Operation at Low Power settings (340 B) FIG. 7 Ch. 6 Page 9 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 6.4.4. Static Operation at High Power settings NOTE: dBA 90 dBA levels as measured at 492 ft (150 m) radius. Both engines in operation. 80 70 70 80 POWER 40% TORQUE 80% 100% A13393 EFFECTIVITY: 90 dBA PRPM ~ 1150 1384 1384 Noise during Static Operation at High Power settings (340 B) FIG. 8 Ch. 6 Page 10 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 6.5. Propeller Blast Velocities Ground Idle NOTE: Power setting: GI Condition Lever: Max Flaps: 15° Standard day At the power setting Ground Idle the propeller blast velocities are below 11 Miles Per Hour (5 meters per second) behind the aircraft. Flight Idle Power setting: FI Condition Lever: Max Flaps: 15° Standard day NOTE: The breakaway point is normally at a power setting between GI and FI. ft 50 m 15 40 30 20 13–23 MPH (6–10 m/s) 10 5 24–34 MPH (11–15 m/s) 10 50 100 150 200 ft 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 m AFT END OF A/C A7360 EFFECTIVITY: Propeller blast velocities, Flight Idle FIG. 9 Ch. 6 Page 11 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning Take Off Power NOTE: Power setting: TO Condition Lever: Max Flaps: 15° Standard day ft m 50 15 40 30 10 20 5 10 46–58 MPH (21–26 m/s) 35–45 MPH (16–20 m/s) 50 100 150 24–34 MPH (11–15 m/s) 200 250 ft 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 m AFT END OF A/C A7359 EFFECTIVITY: Propeller blast velocities, Take Off Power FIG. 10 Ch. 6 Page 12 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 6.6. Engine Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures, APU–mode The diagram below shows the estimated temperature and velocity profiles behind the engine running in max APU–mode. The engine exhaust will meet the smoke limit according to the Proposed Rule in the U.S Federal Register, March 24, 1978. (40 CFR Part 87). MAXIMUM AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) AT 93°F (34°C) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE. m ft 2.4 8 1.8 6 1.2 4 0.6 2 0 0 0.6 2 1.2 4 1.8 6 2.4 8 ft 0 m 0 A7354 EFFECTIVITY: TOTAL TEMPERATURE °F °C 115– 45 140– 60 240– 115 340– 170 540– 280 VELOCITY ft/s m/s 8 25 15 50 100 30 20 6 40 12 60 18 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 24 31 37 43 49 55 61 DISTANCE AFT OF ENGINE Engine Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures, APU–mode FIG. 11 Ch. 6 Page 13 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 6.7. Hazard Areas The hazard areas is the areas within which special care must be taken during start and motor– running of the aircraft engines. The forward hazard area is a very dangerous area. The suctions from the propellers can pull persons and equipment into the propellers. The rear hazard area is a dangerous area. The force of the air behind the propellers and the engine exhaust gases can cause injury and damage. Heat, stones, sand and other objects can cause injury to persons or damage to equipment. PROPELLER AND TURBINE INFLOW DANGER AREA 15 ft (4.5 m) PROPELLER BLAST AND ENGINE EXHAUST DANGER AREA 98 ft (30m) 3.5 ft (1m) A7358 EFFECTIVITY: Hazard Areas FIG. 12 Ch. 6 Page 14 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning LOADING ON PAVEMENT 7.1. Gear/Tire Footprint A7310 Gear/Tire footprint FIG. 1 TYPICAL MAX DESIGN WEIGHTS, SEE SECTION 2. LOAD ON MAIN GEAR Ref. para 7.2. NOSE GEAR TIRE SIZE 17.5x6.25–6 8 PR TYPE THREEPART NOSE GEAR TIRE PRESSURE 55 PSI (3.8 BAR) MAIN GEAR TIRE SIZE 24x7.7 14 PR TYPE VII MAIN TIRE PRESSURE 115 PSI (7.9 BAR) EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 7 Page 1 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 7.2. Main Landing Gear Loading on Ground 340A A23418 EFFECTIVITY: Main Landing Gear loading on ground FIG. 2 Ch. 7 Page 2 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 340B A23419 EFFECTIVITY: Main Landing Gear loading on ground FIG. 3 Ch. 7 Page 3 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 7.3. Airplane Classification Number (ACN) 7.3.1. General 7.3.2. The ACN data are prepared according to the ACN–PCN system described in ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 3 – Pavements, second edition – 1983, appendix 2. – ACN (Airplane Classification Number) is a number expressing the effect of an airplane on a pavement. – PCN (Pavement Classification Number) express the bearing strength of a paved runway for unrestricted operations. ACN/PCN method An airplane with an ACN equal or less than the reported PCN can operate without restrictions on that runway. All runways are classified in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) or evaluated of the airport. 7.3.3. PCN Paved runways are divided into two types: F Runways with flexible pavement (usually asphalt). R Runways with rigid pavement (usually concrete). PCN values for flexible pavements. The four subgrade categories: A High Strength CBR 15 B Medium Strength CBR 10 C Low Strength CBR 6 D Ultra Low Strength CBR 3 PCN values for rigid pavements. The four subgrade categories: A High Strength K = 150 MN/m3 (550 pci) B Medium Strength K = 80 MN/m3 (300 pci) K = 40 MN/m3 (150 pci) K = 20 MN/m3 (75 pci) C D Low Strength Ultra Low Strength PAVEMENT TYPE PCN F R Flexible Rigid SUBGRADE CATEGORY A B C D High Medium Low Ultra Low TIRE–PRESSURE CATEGORY W X Y Z No Limit To 1.5 MPa (217 psi) To 1.0 MPa (145 psi) To 0.5 MPa (73 psi) EVALUATION METHOD T U Technical Using airplane PCN Table 1 EFFECTIVITY: Ch. 7 Page 4 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning 7.3.4. Example Find the ACN (Airplane Classification Number) of an airplane on a pavement. Information: – One runway have PCN 21 F/B/X/T – The airplane gross weight is 12000 Kg – The pavement type is flexible (F) – The subgrade category is medium (B) Procedure: 7.3.5. 1 Go to FIG. 4, Flexible Pavement (F) 2 Find airplane gross weight 12000 Kg 3 Follow the line 12000 up, until you cross the CBR 10 (B) line 4 Follow the horizontal line to the left, until you cross ACN line 5 You find ACN 6 6 The ACN 6 is less than PCN 21, the aircraft can be operate the runway without restrictions. Abbreviations used: EFFECTIVITY: ACN Airplane Classification Number PCN Pavement Classification Number CBR California Bearing Ratio; system for assessing ability of soft surfaces to support airplane operations. K Subgrade strength. MN/m3 Mega Newton per cubic meter pci Pounds per cubic inch Ch. 7 Page 5 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning NOTE: ACN ACN DETERMINED AS REFERENCED IN ICAO AERODROME DESIGN MANUAL PART 3 – PAVEMENTS, SECOND EDITION 1983, APPENDIX 2 93% LOAD ON MAIN GEAR. TO DETERMINE MAIN GEAR LOADING, SEE 7.02 STANDARD TIRES WITH STANDARD INFLATION PRESSURE. 10 SUBGRADE CLASSES 9 8 CBR 3 (ULTRA LOW) CBR 6 (LOW) CBR 10 (MEDIUM) CBR 15 (HIGH) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 21000 22000 9525 10000 23000 10500 24000 11000 25000 26000 11500 27000 12000 28000 12500 29000 lb 13000 kg AIRPLANE GROSS WEIGHT A23421 EFFECTIVITY: Airplane Classification Number (ACN) – Flexible Pavement FIG. 4 Ch. 7 Page 6 Jul 01/04 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning NOTE: ACN 10 ACN DETERMINED AS REFERENCED IN ICAO AERODROME DESIGN MANUAL PART 3 – PAVEMENTS, SECOND EDITION 1983, APPENDIX 2 93% LOAD ON MAIN GEAR. TO DETERMINE MAIN GEAR LOADING, SEE 7.02 STANDARD TIRES WITH STANDARD INFLATION PRESSURE. SUBGRADE CLASSES 9 8 K=20 (ULTRA LOW) K=40 (LOW) K=80 (MEDIUM) K=150 (HIGH) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 21000 9525 22000 10000 23000 10500 24000 11000 25000 26000 11500 27000 12000 28000 12500 29000lb 13000 kg AIRPLANE GROSS WEIGHT A23420 EFFECTIVITY: Airplane Classification Number (ACN) – Rigid Pavement FIG. 5 Ch. 7 Page 7 Jul 01/04