%1 x=6 x = 6 y=5 y = 5 ans0=x*y ans0 = 30 ans1=x^2+y^2 ans1 = 61 ans2=x/(3*y) ans2 = 0.4000 %2 disp(['The number x is ' num2str(x) '.']) The number x is 6. disp(['The number y is ' num2str(y) '.']) The number y is 5. disp(['The number xy is ' num2str(ans0) '.']) The number xy is 30. %3 w=randi([1 100]) w = 86 if mod(w,2) == 0 disp('The number w is even') else disp('The number w is odd') end The number w is even %4 fibonacciArray = zeros(1,20); fibonacciArray(1) = 0; fibonacciArray(2) = 1; for i = 3:20 fibonacciArray(i) = fibonacciArray(i-1) + fibonacciArray(i-2); end disp('Fibonacci Numbers:'); 1 Fibonacci Numbers: disp(fibonacciArray); 0 1 1 2 3 %5 figure; f = @(x) sin(x); g = @(x) x-1; xVals = linspace(0,3,1000); y=f(xVals); plot(xVals,y) ylim([-1.5,1.5]) xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); hold on y=g(xVals); plot(xVals,y) ylim([-1.5,1.5]); grid on hold off %6 figure; f = @(t,y) t-y.^2; xlabel('t'); 2 5 8 13 21 ylabel('y'); xlim([0,5]); ylim([-3,10]); yticks([-3,0,5,10]); quiver244(f,0,5,-3,10,'b') xlim([0,5]); ylim([-3,10]); xlabel('t'); ylabel('y'); yticks([-3,0,5,10]); %7 samplePlots244(f,0,5,-3,10,5,2,'r') samplePlots244(f,0,5,-3,10,2,2,'r') samplePlots244(f,0,5,-3,10,3,9,'r') 3 4