Uploaded by Pavan Ty

2 Assessmt for JHNO

Q1: Which event occurs when the user clicks on an HTML element??
a onclick
b onmouseover
c None
d None
e onchange
f onmouseclick
Q2: Which of the following is not a valid alignment attribute??
a Right
b Left
c Top
d None
e All of above
f None
Q3: What Is K8s??
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
c Kubernetes, also sometimes called K8S (K – eight characters – S), is an open source
backend framework for containerized applications that was born from the Azure data
d Kubernetes, also sometimes called K8S (K – eight characters – S), is an open
source orchestration framework for containerized applications that was born from the
Google data centers.
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
Q4: What are the components of Docker architecture??
a The components of a Docker architecture are the Services, Auth, and Prod.
b The components of a Docker architecture are the Server, client, and Images.
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
e The components of a Docker architecture are the host, client, and registry.
The correct Answer is: None
Q5: _______ manages the assigning nodes to pods depending on resource availability.?
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
c Etcd
d Scheduler
e Flanneld
f Kubectl
Q6: Is it possible to remove the HTML tags from passed data??
a The string_tags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.
b None
c The stripTags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.
d None
e None
f The strip_tags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.
Q7: The clause ORDER is used to sort records in either ascending or descending order.?
a False
b True
c None
d None
e None
f None
Q8: Which of the following attribute triggers event when the length of the media is
a None
b onended
c ondrop
d None
e onemptied
f ondurationchange
Q9: The handler invoked by Kubelet to check if a container’s IP address is open or not is??
a TCPSocketAction
b ExecAction
The correct Answer is: None
d None of the above
The correct Answer is: None
f HTTPGetAction