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Development Frameworks & Methods Coursework

Development Frameworks and Methods
UOG Student Registration ID
: 001072803
Coursework Title
: Development Frameworks and Methods
Course Code
: COMP1648
Coursework Leader
: Ms Christine Du Toit
Due Date
: 28th November 2019
: KMD Institute (Yangon, Myanmar)
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Development Frameworks and Methods
Table of Contents
Section A – Management Summary ........................................................................................ 3
A1 Management Summary for the Nutrarly ................................................................................. 3
A1.1 Background .................................................................................................................. 3
A1.2 Why new system is necessary for Nutrarly.....................................................................4
A1.3 Why DSDM Atern is suitable for Nutrarly’s new system development............................4
A1.4 Benefit of DSDM.............................................................................................................5
A1.5 Drawbacks of DSDM.......................................................................................................7
Section B – High Level Requirements Analysis and MOSCOW Prioritization.......................8
B1 High Level Requirement Analysis............................................................................................8
B1.1 Non-functional Requirements..........................................................................................8
B1.2.1 High-level requirements...............................................................................................9
B1.2.2 High Level Requirements that are hidden in the case study......................................12
B2 MOSCOW Prioritisation.........................................................................................................13
B2.1 Updated high level requirement list with MoSCoW prioritization ...............................13
B2.2 Justifying the reason for MoSCoW Priorities..............................................................14
Section C- Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues................................................... 18
C1. (a) Roles of a data controller within Nutrarly ....................................................................... 18
C1. (b) Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues................................................................19
C2. Management Summary of Purpose of the BCS code of conduct.........................................21
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Development Frameworks and Methods
Section A- Management Summary
A1. Management summary for the Nutrarly
A1.1 Background
Based on the case study, Nutrarly is a company that prepare and distribute meal orders
for the baby and toddlers which is owned by Jules Mayweather. Earlier, Jules Mayweather started
business by preparing the food herself and selling to her friends but it is hard for her to deal with
the demand for baby food. Presently, the business procedures are operated in large factory with
several kitchens. It has over 100 full time employees in different sections such as food
preparation, distribution, IT and customer service. The baby foods are exclusively sold to several
businesses such as supermarkets. A variety of operations in Nutrarly are accepting orders,
processing orders and distributing orders. After a couple of years of distributing baby foods,
Nutrarly has raised as a highly successful business venture.
Later, the new service, customized and perfectly portioned meal for babies and toddlers
is planning to be delivered to the customer. However, many different opinions are got from the
members in the senior team at Nutrarly. The Head of IT, Max Powers, and the CFO, Cathy
McGraw who are the two members of the senior team have negative opinions on the new strategy.
On the other hand, Jules is willing to start the new venture called “NutrarlyNow”.
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A1.2 Why new system is necessary for “Nutrarly”
Due to the negative opinions of the two members of senior team, an external company
called “SystemWorks” is planned to be hired for the development of a brand-new e-commerce
platform for NutrarlyNow. However, the IT department is needed to maintain the new system
once it is completely developed. In order to quickly grow the business, the new venture is planning
to be developed within four months.
Steven Payne, a seasoned consultant at SystemWorks assumed that the users can be
able to search, choose and buy a week supply of meal for babies by using the new system. With
the help of new system, the baby food will be well organized on site at the Nutrarly factory and
later transported to the recipients.
He also assumed that an Agile approach of DSDM Atern would be the perfect approach
for the implementation of new e-commerce website as it involved facilitated workshop to identify
the high level requirement for the new system.
A1.3 Why DSDM Atern is suitable for “Nutrarly” new system development
The new system, “NutrarlyNow” is specified to complete within four months and DSDM
methodology is the most appropriate method for the new system implementation. It can be proved
that DSDM is suited to use for this implementation based on the following six filters of DSDM
(Stapleton, 1997).
Six filters of DSDM
1. “Will the functionality be visible at the user interface?” (Stapleton, 1997)
Yes, the new system will not be complex as it is a web content management system and
be the same as other e-commerce platforms. Thus, the new functionalities will be clearly visible
in the prototype.
2. “Can all classes of end users be identified clearly?” (Stapleton, 1997)
Yes, some of the members from various department at ‘Nutrarly” will involve in the
implementation of the new system and they all are participated in the facilitated workshop to make
the system meet all the business requirements.
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3. “Is the website computationally complex?” (Stapleton, 1997)
No, the e-commerce platform will be developed for the users to easily search, select and
purchase the customized and perfectly portioned meal for babies and complex features and
functions will not be contained.
4. “Is the website potentially large? If it is, can it be split into smaller functional
components?” (Stapleton, 1997)
No. Although the proposed system is not potentially large, there will be many features and
functions. And these functions will be split into smaller functions which make the delivery and
development processes easier.
5. “Is the project really time constraint?” (Stapleton, 1997)
Yes. The brand-new e-commerce platform for “Nutrarly” is needed to run within four
months and thus the proposed implementation is really time constraint.
6. “Are the requirement flexible and only specified at a high level?” (Stapleton, 1997)
Yes. user requirements for the new system are going to be identified and listed in
facilitated workshop. Depending on the business needs, the requirements could be flexible and
specified at a high level.
A1.4 Benefits of DSDM
“Nutrarly” can achieve several benefits by following the eight principles of DSDM Atern
for the new system development.
1. Focus on the business need
Based on the scenario, the facilitated workshop is held by the company to identify the high
level for the system development. With the help of effective facilitated workshop technique in
DSDM approach, Nutrarly can more focus on the need of new e-commerce services for the
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2. Deliver on time
As the implementation for a brand-new e-commerce platform is required to operate within
four months, the tasks in the new system could be divided into time blocks by using the timeboxing techniques in DSDM methodology. In that way, “Nutrarly” could deliver the services to the
customer on time.
3. Collaborate
To implement a successful e-commerce platform, it is essential to cooperate with the
development team. According to the scenario, the facilitated workshop is provided for all the
members from different department so thus new idea and high level requirement for new system
will be well-acquired.
4. Never compromise quality
MosCoW prioritization is one of the effective technique in DSDM methodology and by
using this technique, both business and customer needs for the new system can be analyzed and
system requirements will be identified. Since the new system development for “Nutrarly” is a
small and simple project, the quality of the product would not need to be compromised by the
development team.
5. Build incrementally from firm foundations
The concept of incremental development in DSDM is a useful technique for Nutrarly’s
new system development. With the help of incremental development concept, the feedbacks
based on the delivery will be well understand and the development team can reduce the possible
risks. The foundations will be well established by analyzing the priorities and project viability and
then the possible solutions will be incrementally delivered.
6. Develop iteratively
The new system requirement can be changed throughout the development process since
DSDM allows for changes and so thus the development team can operate the implementation
process with an accurate solution. Besides, the feedback would need to be checked to consider
about the system changes. Once the users’ feedbacks are collected, the new system for
“NutrarlyNow” could be developed iteratively by using the feedbacks.
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7. Communicate continuously and clearly
Modelling, prototyping and facilitated workshop techniques are beneficial in improving
continuous communication within team. Since “Nutrarly” has held facilitated workshop, there will
be good team interaction and receiving feedbacks will be easy.
8. Demonstrate control
In DSDM Atern, it is important that the new system development need to be under control
at all the time. Analysis of delivered system’s processes will be easy if the progresses reports are
visible to the stakeholders. With the help of facilitated workshop, all the stakeholders are in control
of the proposed development.
A1.5 Drawbacks of DSDM
Even though DSDM Atern is suited to use for the new system development, there are
some drawbacks which can negatively affect “Nutrarly”. As the user requirement can be change
every time throughout the development process, extra cost and time will be consumed and the
duration will be longer. An accurate and quick decision cannot be made because of the selfempowering of every participant in facilitated workshop. As the members from IT Department
were not participating in facilitated workshop, the essential requirements will not be easily
Word count for Section A: 1275 words
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Development Frameworks and Methods
Section B- High Level Requirement Analysis and MoSCoW Prioritisation
B1. Requirements Analysis for High Level
B1.1 Non-functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements are the requirements which essentially specifies the
performance of a system. Non-functional requirements that are identified from the facilitated
workshop are described in below table.
Ease of use
It is the ability of the website
which must provide simple
ecommerce functions.
Healthy lifestyle look and
It is the visual interaction of the
feel of website
healthy lifestyle which should be
displayed attractively to the
Digital Buffet look and feel
It is the appearance of the visual
of the website
interaction which should be
displayed like a digital buffet style
to the customer.
Mobile app for “Nutrarly”
It is the mobile app which should
be provided for the users to
interact with the system easily.
Quick website loading
It is the response time of a
system that should speed up the
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B1.2.1 High-level requirements
High level requirements are essential for a system that are directly accessed by users.
Most of the high-level requirements are functional requirements and they are as followed:
Manage Order
In e-commerce platform, ordering process is one of the
fundamental process and the following related functions will be
Select items at least 5 days worth of food items
Create shopping basket
Check out
Select shipping method
Save customer desired meal for future purchase
Once the customer confirm delivery, shipping and logistics
employee will know where to ship the meal orders. Therefore,
it is a high level requirement.
Manage Customers’
This requirement is also a high level requirement. The following
related functions will be included to verify both customers and
admins. They are as followed:
Customer registration
Customer Login/out
In order to create meals and buy baby food, customers need to
create their own account. Afterward, the customers can access
the system by signing in with their accounts.
Create Customize
It is the process which allows the customers to create their own
meals. In this process, the customer can:
Switch off the food options which include selected
View the nutritional values and health guidelines.
Make their own meal which include automatically
calculated nutritional values.
Customers can mix the variety of food items together to get the
baby food. Therefore, this requirement is also high level.
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Generate report
Reporting process is also an essential process for new system
which will be operated by management team. The following
functions will be included in this requirements.
Recording the daily meal orders preparing processes
Producing the report of packaging
Food preparation process can only be done with the daily
reports. So thus, it is a high level requirement.
Manage reporting
CFO will be able to manage the company’s finance process
well by viewing the daily reports which are produced by the
management team. Thus, this requirement is one of the highlevel requirement. It is composed of transactions like:
Reviewing sales management reports
View customers’ information
Evaluating trendy food items for customers
Manage messaging
This requirement is high level because it is the process of
interacting with the customers which will be accessed by
marketing team. The following related transactions will be
Collect customers’ email addresses
Send the relevant message about the marketing
materials to customers’ email address
Control searching
This requirement is also high level for new system. It is
composed of transactions like
Browse and search the specific details of Nutrarly’s
products whether the customer is logged in or not.
Manage customer
It is one of the important requirement for new system and it is
used by the customers to give feedback for the Nutrarly‘s
products. The marketing team can offer the food items that the
customers would like to create if the customer give a grade
based on the quality of the products. It is composed of functions
Write and submit the review
Give the rating to with a comment section
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Read other customers’ review
Manage Enquiry
In this brand new e-commerce platform, enquiry process is also
a vital process for the customers and the following related
functions are included:
Ask queries about the Nutrarly’s food items
Chat with other customers about recommended food
items and problems related to children
With the help of customer questions Therefore, it is a high level
Operate shipment
Shipping and Logistic team will be able to ship the customized
products once they have the customers’ information such as
their addresses and phone numbers. This process will be
supplied by shipping and logistic team. It could involve the
following transactions:
Collect customer shipping address
Transport customized products
Review customers’ request about refunds
Give a full refund if the customer is not satisfied with the
So, this requirement is high level.
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B1.2.2 High Level Requirement that are hidden in the case study
For developing a brand-new ecommerce platform for “Nutrarly”, a number of high level
requirements which are expressed in the facilitated workshop are not enough. Some important
requirements are not described in the case study. Therefore, a deep analysis of some high level
requirements is made which are hidden in the scenario. Below table shows a list of some high
level requirements.
Manage Food Items
Customers will be able to interact with new food options and
purchase food items once the owner register the new food
items in the system. It could involve the following transactions.
Register food items
Update additional information for food items
Update new food options
Therefore, this requirement could be assumed as high level.
Manage Delivery
This process will be accessed by the delivery and logistic team
and once the team configures the delivery schedule, available
delivery time will be displayed and the customers can easily
select the convenient day. It could involve the following
Add format date which will be displayed as the selected
Set a maximum number of weeks
Insert the number of delay hours
Therefore, this requirement could be assumed as high level.
Word count for Section B1: 1025 words
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B.2 MoSCoW prioritization
B2.1 Updated high level requirement list with MosCoW prioritization
High level Requirement
Manage Order
Manage Customers’
Create Customized
Control Searching
Manage Food Items
Generate Report
Operate shipment
Manage Reporting
Manage Messaging
Manage Customer
Manage Delivery
Manage Enquiry
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B2.2 Justifying the reason for MoSCoW prioritization
Requirement 1: Manage Order
: Must have
: As the new system focus on the engagement with more customers and customizable
home deliverables of baby food, the consistent ordering feature with secure online payment
transactions must be provided. Without these functional requirement, the shipment process
cannot be operated.
Requirement 2: Manage Customers’ Account
: Must have
: The ecommerce website can perform only once the customer have their private
accounts along with their personal information such as their name, email address, phone number,
etc. in the system. To access the system, the customer must register the accounts and then they
can login with their own accounts and continue product customization process.
Requirement 3: Create Customized Meal
: Must have
: As the new system is aimed for the customizable home deliverables of baby food,
the customers’ desired meal creating feature with healthy food options must be provided. The
system must display the food options involving selected allergen so that the customer can prevent
from adding this option so that the customers can continue the purchasing process.
Requirement 4: Control Searching process
: Must have
: For the easy product customization process and purchasing process, the new e-
commerce platform must have the search function and the search result must be displayed with
detailed information from a vast array of the food items list. The search function must also be
operated well whether the customers have their private account or not.
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Requirement 5: Manage Food Items
: Must have
: To display the available food items that the customer can create, food items must
be kept into the database. The system must allow the admin to add the detailed information of
the food items such as name, related images, price, nutrition values. Updating the food item
information and new food options for the parents must be allowed because the prices and food
options changes can be happened.
Requirement 6: Generate report
: Must have
: Report for daily meal orders and product packaging must also have in the new
system as it is important for the cook to plan better management for the food preparation and
packaging process.
Requirement 7: Operate Shipment
: Must have
: Shipment process must be provided as it is essential for the shipment and logistic
team to collect the customers’ addresses and transport meal orders. The system must also allow
the admin to review the customers’ requests about refunds and if there is a problem, the team
can give a full refund to the customers.
Requirement 8: Manage Reporting System
: Should have
: The new system should have this functional requirement for CFO to track the
financial report like sales management report, customer information report and popular food items
report so that he can make plan for the future operations and budgets.
Requirement 9: Manage Messaging Feature
: Should have
: For the improvement of customer relationship, the e-commerce platform should
have the messaging feature. The system should allow the marketing team to collect the
customers’ email and then send the message of marketing materials to their email addresses.
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Requirement 10: Manage Customer Feedback
: Should have
: Customer feedback function should be provided as it is important for the
marketing team to plan the management for customers’ desired food items once the customer
submit the rating for the Nutrarly’s product.
Requirement 11: Manage Delivery Schedule
: Could have
: For the smooth checkout process for customer, the delivery schedule function
could be implemented in the new system. However, it is not provided in case study and it could
be implemented in the update version.
Requirement 12: Manage Enquiry Process
: Won’t have
: As customer feedback function will be involved as a functional requirement in the
new e-commerce website, enquiry process is not necessarily required. The new system
implementation can operate well without this requirement. Therefore, it won’t be provided in this
Word count for Section B2.2- 679 words
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Section C- Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues
C1. (a) Roles of a data controller within Nutrarly
(Young, 2019) (Anon., 2017)
As the new system is aimed for the customers’ own creation of meal orders, it is essential
to store both customer and admin personal information within Nutrarly new system. The reports
such as sales report, popular food items report and report about preparation and packaging
arrangements will also be recorded. For all of these information and reports, security is essentially
required and Nutrarly has to ensure that these data are securely stored. The system should not
allow anyone to access unauthorizedly. Identity thieves can misuse the customer credit card
statement and admin data for various illegal purposes.
Therefore, a data controller plays a vital role for Nutrarly’s new system who is responsible
for monitoring the safety and accuracy of personal data such as customer data. The data
controller has to work with the data commissioner’s command and permission and the reports of
every data gathering process and data changes process have to be generated. To keep the
customer data securely and avoid the possible issue that the data controller may face, eight
principles of Data Protection Act has to be followed and so thus the customer can do the ordering
and purchasing process safely. These principles are as follow:
In collecting the customers’ data, Nutrarly must have established standards of usage.
Their information should be stored fairly and transparently by requesting and informing them that
how their information will be used for the Nutralry e-commerce website before collecting the data.
In sharing the customer data, Nutrarly must clarify a specific and legitimate purpose to the
customers that what they are going to use them for. The data controller need to check why the
customer credit card statement are needed for the shipping and logistic team and the marketing
team. Besides, the customer data should not be shared to other companies for individual purpose.
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For the food ordering process and shipping process, the data controller only need to
collect adequate and relevant personal data for the specified use and asking the irrelevant
question should be avoided.
The customer information for shipping process must be accurate and up to date. The data
controller has to check and change their information if it is inaccurate.
The data controller should regularly check the customers’ accounts that they are active or
not. All relevant customer data must be erased from the database, if the customer account is out
of date or no longer necessary.
It is essential that Nutrarly need to have the right to gather the customers’ data. If the
customer request to delete their information, the data controller has responsible to stop holding
their personal data.
In storing the customer data for Nutrarly, all the data must be stored safe and secure to
prevent the possible issues such as unauthorized access and accidental data damage. The data
controller has to ensure that the customers’ data are kept with strong technical security system.
Nutrarly need to make sure that the customer data will not be transferred to the other
countries which are lack of high level protection. Recommended level of protection and
permission are needed to provide if the data are required to send legally to the European
Economic Area (EEA).
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C1. (b) Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues
Legal Issues
In facilitated workshop, one of the potential customer assumed that the website design
should be created as healthy lifestyle. It is important that the user interface designs from other
website should not be copied illegally for Nutrarly’s new system development because it can
cause intellectual property issue.
Besides, copyrighted images of buffet style food items should not be used without
permission in the website and if not, Nutrarly will face some copyright issues.
Social Issues
In shipping process, the incorrect customers’ addresses should not be recorded and if not
the ordered package will be wrongly sent to the inaccurate customer. Consequently, it can lead
to social issues between customers and shipping employees.
Moreover, if the developer will not provide simple e-commerce functions and features for
the customers, they will feel dissatisfied and make more error.
Ethical Issues
The incorrect or misleading food items information should not be displayed in Nutrarly’s
website. The product information should be true and adequate and if not, the customers may have
difficulty in creating customized meals.
In reporting process, the employee should be honest and should not misuse the sales
report and trendy food item report for own purpose as it can harm the Nutrarly’s gross profit and
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Professional Issues
The shipping process is the vital process in new system development and Nutrarly should
not disregard to deal with the refunds problem if the customer request to give it back. Otherwise,
the customers will no longer trust Nutrarly.
Furthermore, the food preparation process will be slowed down, if the management team
is lack of professional responsibilities in generating daily reports. Consequently, the orders will
not be delivered on time and the customers will be dissatisfied with their expectation.
Word count for Section C1 - 850 words
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C2. British Computer Society Code of Conduct
Management Summary of Purpose of the BCS Code of Conduct
In every fields of information technology, there will be certain privacy and security issues
which can lead to a decrease in performance. In order to control all these possible issues,
Nutrarly requires a professional body such as BCS (British Computer Society) Code of Conduct
for all the members at Nutrarly. The purpose of code of conduct for a professional body (BCS) is
mainly to control the members with professional materials by setting out the professional rules
and standards which is needed by society.
According to BCS, these standards are used to manage the issues such as unauthorized
use of company data, unauthorized removal of company records, inappropriate use of technology
and so on. It is also used to preclude the corrupt IT technician or the non-professional developer
from misusing the IT resources upon each other. BCS Code of Conduct has four sections and the
professional issues that could be arisen in Nutrarly deal with SystemWorks.
1. Public Interest
“You shall have due regard for public health, privacy, security and wellbeing of others and
the environment.” (Anon., 2017)
For example- All the customers’ personal data and other Nutrarly’s confidential information will
be delivered to the developer from “SystemWorks” to implement the new system. The developer
might likely to misuse all these data for his own purpose. Safety for all these reports should be
essentially prioritized for the new system that the ordering process, food preparation process,
reporting process and shipping process will not be well operated and some conflicts between
“SystemWorks” and Nutrarly will be occurred if the system developer share the confidential data
to other competitor companies without CEO permission. The developer must understand and
should not ignore the professional legislations and regulations.
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“You shall have due regard for the legitimate right of the third parties” (Anon., 2017)
For example- In facilitated workshop, potential customers want the healthy lifestyle design of
website. In this case, the developer must have experience with many developments to implement
an attractive interface design for them. “Nutrarly” may face with some serious issues if the
developer reuses the similar interaction design form other e-commerce platform. The developer
must give adequate attention on the legitimate right of the third parties to prevent certain issues.
2. Professional Competence and Integrity
“You shall only undertake to do work or provide a service that is within your professional
competence.” (Anon., 2017)
For example- Steven Payne, a seasoned consultant assumed that the new system development
should use an Agile approach and suggested that DSDM Atern would be the best choice for
“NutrarlyNow” new system development. In this case, the system developer must have the
capability to implement the NutrarlyNow e-commerce platform with the professional skill of an
acceptable quality. The developer must clear state about his specialized area. He should not
develop the proposed project without sufficient professional abilities as it can cause time and cost
“You shall respect and value alternative viewpoints and, seek, accept and offer honest
criticisms of work” (Anon., 2017)
For example- In facilitated workshop, different viewpoints, assumptions and suggestions of both
the members at “Nutrarly” are involved and the system developer should not ignore their opinions
and criticisms. If not, it will be hard for NutrarlyNow e-commerce website to meet the high level
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3. Duty to relevant Authority
“You shall not misrepresent or withhold information on the performance of products,
systems or services (unless lawfully bound by a duty of confidentiality not to disclose
such information), or take advantage of the lack of relevant knowledge or inexperience of
others” (Anon., 2017)
For example- One of the potential customers assumed that the response time of the website
should be quick and easy to use. Since the IT department from Nutrarly was not participated in
implementing new system, the system developer might take advantage on this. During the new
development process, some system error will be occurred and he may mislead that the system
doesn’t have any error and it is convenient to use. In this situation, the developer must not
represent the incorrect information on the system performance without exploiting the other
participant’s knowledge or experience. If not the conflicts between customers and Nutrarly will be
4. Duty to Profession
“You shall accept your personal duty to uphold the reputation of the profession and not to
take any action which could bring the profession into disrepute” (Anon., 2017)
For example- The new e-commerce website development has to be completed within four
months. Because of the duration of development process, the developer may skip the important
functions such as food options function, nutritional values and health guidelines function, search
function and so on. The system developer must not offer a poor website experience to the nonexperienced users as it can only damage to his own image and reputation. The developer should
follow the respective standards, rules and laws to sustain the professional quality.
Word count for Section C1 - 826 words
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In part A, the existing situation of the Nutrarly and its processes are well learnt and a deep
analysis of DSDM Atern is made for the new system development. The importance of an Agile
approach of DSDM Atern is acquired by analyzing the six filters of DSDM. The advantages and
drawbacks of DSDM methodology are evaluated well to implement the new e-commerce website.
Throughout part B, the functional and non-functional requirement for high level are
identified by analyzing the given case study and the facilitated workshop. The assumption of the
functional requirements which are not included in the facilitated workshop are also examined. In
addition to this, the updated high level requirement lists are prioritized with the help of the
MoSCow technique and the reasons for these requirements are clearly justified for the new
system development.
In part C, the important role of data controller for the new system development is also
deliberated. To offer an effective and reliable e-commerce website for the Nutrarly’s customers,
legal, social, ethical and professional issues are discussed. Afterwards, professional issues that
might be occurred in Nutrarly are illustrated with BCS Code of Conduct.
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Anon., 2017. BCS-The Chartered Institute for IT. [Online]
Available at: Bcs.org:http://www.bcs.org/category/6030
[Accessed 22 November 2019].
Anon., 2017. The Vinciworks. [Online]
Available at: https://vinciworks.com/blog/8-principles-data-protection-act-gdpr-guide/
[Accessed 20 November 2019].
Stapleton, J., 1997. Dynamic Systems Development Method. 1st edition ed. s.l.:Addison-Wesley
Young, G., 2019. Quadris. [Online]
Available at: https://quadris.co.uk/8-principles-data-protection/
[Accessed 19 November 2019].
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