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Digital IC Tester Project Report Using Arduino

AY 2023-24
Semester I
Sr. No
Gr. No
Class: FY (IT-B)
Roll No.
Division: B
Batch: B3
Guided by Prof. Riddhi Mirajkar
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We would like to thank everyone who contributed to successful the completion of this
project. Special thanks go to our Subject Teacher Mrs. Riddhi Mirajkar, Assistant
Professor Department of IT, VIIT for helping and guiding us throughout the project. The
supervision and support that she gave truly helped the progression and smoothness of
the project. The co-operation is much indeed appreciated.
We would also like to thank Technical Lab Assistant Nilesh Bhoj for providing us with the
ICs required for the project.
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In the present world, everything is going to be more developed, attractive and userfriendly. ICs, the main component of each electronic circuit can be used for a wide variety
of purposes and functions. But sometimes due to faulty ICs, the circuit doesn’t work.
Indeed it is a lot of tedious work to debug the circuit and confirm whether the circuit is
creating problems or the IC itself is dead. So to come up with these sorts of problems we
intend to make a project that would confirm whether the IC under consideration is
working properly or not and it also detects Unknown ICs. Hence, the motive of this project
is to develop a low-cost, computer-independent and user-friendly digital Logic Integrated
Circuit (IC) tester. The logic IC tester will be able to test the function of basic 74TTL series
having Logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, XOR etc.). The logic IC functional tester can be
operated in Personal Computer (PC) mode. Arduino IDE has been used to develop the
user interface to transmit the instruction from the computer to the Arduino through the
Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface for PC mode. The final result will be displayed through
LEDs. The logic IC functional tester is successfully built and well-functional without any
errors. In the performance analysis chapter, we have shown the results of different types
of ICs after testing those ICs. Since it is programmable, any number of ICs can be tested
within the constraint.
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1.1 Aim
1.2 Background
1.3 Objective
1.4 Motivation
1.5 Review of Literature
System Architecture
2.1 Integrated Circuit (IC)
2.2 Breadboard
2.3 Arduino UNO
2.3.2 Power pins of Arduino
2.4 ATMEGA328p Microcontroller
2.5 Resistor
2.6 LEDs
2.7 Jumper Wires
2.8 USB Cable
Design and Development
3.1 Hardware Implementation
3.1.1 Block Diagram
3.1.2 Arduino and IED
3.1.3 Arduino and IC
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3.1.4 Working Methodology
3.1.5 Schematic Diagram
Software implementation
3.2.1 Arduino IDE
3.2.2 Operation
3.2.3 Algorithm
3.2.4 Flowchart
Performance Analysis
AND Gate of 7408 IC
NAND Gate of 7400 IC
OR Gate of 7432 IC
NOT Gate of 7404 IC
X-OR Gate of 7486 IC
Future Recommendations
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To design, implement, and evaluate a Digital IC Tester using Arduino, to provide a versatile
and cost-effective solution for testing and verifying digital integrated circuits. The project
aims to develop a user-friendly and efficient testing platform that can accurately identify
the functionality and integrity of various digital ICs, catering to a diverse range of
applications in electronics and embedded systems. Through the integration of Arduinobased hardware and software components, the project aspires to contribute to the
advancement of digital electronics testing methodologies, fostering innovation and
practical solutions in the field.
The dramatic increase in the use of digital integrated circuits (ICs) has created a need for
a fast accurate means of testing such ICs. An IC Tester is to be economically implemented
for small or medium-scale users of such IC's (for example, in the lab) and provides a quick
but thorough check of its functions with minimal operator action. The IC Tester can be
used to test different ICs. The purpose of IC tester is to ensure IC components are in good
condition for use. For testing an IC, different hardware circuits for different ICs are
needed. This is the main trouble and disadvantage. Hence, it is needed to construct an IC
tester to surmount this problem.
The IC tester simply determines unknown ICs and tells whether the ICs are in working condition
or not. The main purpose of the project is to develop a digital IC tester that is very less expensive
and handy than that of what are available in markets. The aim is to check the ICs in very due
course of time and display results of ICs being good or faulty immediately. The necessary input
signal conditions are applied to the inputs of the gate through microcontroller and output of each
gate is monitored and compared with the truth table, and depending on that comparison IC is
tested whether it is good or faulty. The basic function of digital IC tester is to test the logical
functioning of the ICs as described in the truth table/function table. The truth tables are stored in
database while coding of the microcontroller. The test displays the good ICs and faulty ICs on
LEDS. The test is being accomplished with the ICs belonging to the basic logic gate IC series. There
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are many IC tester available in market, varieties of choices are present for users. But we have
developed a tester that is very cheap, portable, easy to handle as well as reconfigurable.
The IC testers available in the market today are too costly for individuals to own. Therefore we
decided to construct an IC tester that is affordable and user-friendly. The motivation is to build an
affordable IC tester for testing the function of 74 series TTL Logic Gates. Furthermore, the IC tester
must be easy to operate, compact, lightweight, portable, and have low power consumption. Next,
the motivation is working with actual components, breadboards, and Arduino boards offers
invaluable hands-on experience. It bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world
applications and also it deepens your understanding of digital electronics, logic circuits, and how
ICs work. It provides a practical perspective on the topics covered in our coursework. It also helps
us develop troubleshooting skills and evolve our problem-solving abilities.
Literature Review
Although not the same but some related works have been done by many researchers. Some of
the related literature has been reviewed and described below:
i] Mirza Shoaib Ahmed Et al. did a work titled “MICROCONTROLLER BASED IC TESTER.” In this work
the authors have designed a microcontroller-based IC tester where it can give the result of IC
within a second. They tried to make sure that the device would work as a less power consumer.
Another special feature of that device is its low cost. Its smaller size makes it unique than others
IC tester.
ii] Liakot Ali and Et al. did the work titled “Design of a low cost IC tester”. In this work, they have
design a microcontroller-based IC tester. The cost of that IC tester is cheaper than other devices.
It is capable of testing combinational circuits as well as sequential circuits with scan-path facilities
efficiently. It can also be used for testing PCB (printed circuit board) interconnection faults.
iii] S.Devika and Et.al have done the work on “IC TESTER USING PIC MICROCONTROLLER”. They
have made the IC tester such a way that is of testing both digital and analog ICs having 14 pin(74
series) and 8 pin(IC 555,LM741) respectively. The heart of the IC tester is PIC 16F877A
iv] J. Trnka and Et.al have done a research on the titled “Practical Limit of IC Tester”. In this paper
they have mentioned all kind of limitations of IC tester in practical field.
V] Maribelle and Et.al did the work on “Microcontroller Based Design of Digital IC Tester with
Multi-Testing and Loop Testing Functions”
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In this chapter, we will understand in detail about various types of components used in
IC tester and their functions.
Arduino Uno
Jumper Wires
USB cable
LEDs (for each pin of the IC)
Unknown IC
Arduino IDE
Power Supply
Male to male
220 ohms
nand, and, or, not, xor
2.1 Integrated Circuit (IC)
An integrated circuit (IC), sometimes called a chip or microchip, is a semiconductor wafer
on which thousands or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors are fabricated.
An IC can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, computer memory, or
microprocessor. A particular IC is categorized as either linear (analogue) or digital,
depending on its intended application.
Linear ICs have continuously variable output (theoretically capable of attaining an infinite
number of states) that depends on the input signal level. As the term implies, the output
signal level is a linear function of the input signal level. Ideally, when the instantaneous
output is graphed against the instantaneous input, the plot appears as a straight line.
Linear ICs are used as audio-frequency (AF) and radio-frequency (RF) amplifiers. The
operational amplifier (op-amp) is a common device in these applications.
Digital ICs operate at only a few defined levels or states, rather than over a continuous
range of signal amplitudes. These devices are used in computers, computer networks,
modems, and frequency counters. The fundamental building blocks of digital ICs are logic
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gates, which work with binary data, that is, signals that have only two different states,
called low (logic 0) and high (logic 1)
2.2 Bread Board
A breadboard consists of a plastic block holding a matrix of electrical sockets of a size
suitable for gripping thin connecting wires, component wires or the pins of transistors
and integrated circuits (ICs). The sockets are connected inside the board, usually in rows
of five sockets. Solderless board- This means that the component does not require any
soldering to fit into the board. We fit the components by plugging their end terminal into
the board. Hence, a breadboard is often called a Plugboard.
The top and bottom holes of a row in a breadboard are connected horizontally, and the
centre part is connected vertically, as shown below. It means a single horizontal line of a
breadboard has the same connection. This is because the metal strips underneath the
breadboard at the top and bottom are connected horizontally. Hence, it provides the same
connection in a row. The two top and bottom parts of a breadboard are generally used for
power connections. The vertical connection of the centre part means a single vertical line
in a breadboard provides the same connection. It is useful when we need to connect the
different components in series.
2.2 Resistor in Series
2.1 Breadboard
For example-Connect two resistors in series is shown as below. It is because the metal
strips underneath the breadboard at the centre are connected vertically. Hence, it provides
similar connectivity through a particular column, as shown below:
2.3 Arduino UNO
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
Input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analogue inputs, a 16 MHz crystal
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oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno differs from all
preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features the
Atmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.
The Arduino Uno can be powered via the USB connection or with an external power supply. The
power source is selected automatically. External (non-USB) power can come either from an ACto-DC adapter (wall-wart) or battery. The adapter can be connected by plugging a 2.1mm centerpositive plug into the board's power jack. Leads from a battery can be inserted in the Ground and
Vin pin headers of the POWER connector. The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20
volts. If supplied with less than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than five volts and the
board may be unstable. If using more than 12V, the voltage regulator may overheat and damage
the board. The recommended range is 7 to 12 volts.
2.3.1 Power pins of Arduino
VIN.The input voltage to the Arduino board when it's using an external power source (as opposed
to 5 volts from the USB connection or other regulated power source). You can supply voltage
through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it through this pin.
5V.The regulated power supply is used to power the microcontroller and other components on
the board. This can come either from VIN via an on-board regulator, or be supplied by USB or
another regulated 5V supply.
3V3. A 3.3 volt supply is generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum current draw is 50 mA.
GND.-Ground pins.
Digital pins- They take input from sensors and give digital output to some of the components
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2.3 ARDUINO UNO Specifications
Built-in led- It is by default connected in the breadboard to pin 13. Whenever pin 13 goes high led
will turn on and vice versa.
Power led- It indicates that your Arduino board is receiving power
Atmega328 microcontroller- It is the main chip it controls all the main functions
Analog inputs-(6) A0 to A5 to connect analog sensors on this pin.
Power pins-To power any components using this
GND and 5v pins-use this pins to provide +5V power and ground to your circuits
Power DC Jack/power connector-This is how u power your Arduino when it's not plugged into a
USB port for power can accept up to 12V
TX and RX (Receive and Transmit) LEDs-This LEDs indicates communication between your
Arduino and your computer. You can expect them to flicker rapidly during sketch upload as well
as during serial communication.
USB Jack- It is used for powering your Arduino Uno through which uploading your sketches to
Arduino and for communicating with your computer
Reset button-Resets the Atmega microcontroller but it won't erase the code which is already
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The ATmega328P microcontroller plays a central role in many Arduino boards, serving as the
brain or main processing unit. Here's an overview of the role and significance of the
ATmega328P in the Arduino ecosystem
Main ProcessorThe ATmega328P is the primary microcontroller used on several Arduino boards, including the
popular Arduino Uno. It serves as the main processing unit responsible for executing the
program (sketch) uploaded to the Arduino.
Flash Memory
ATmega328P contains Flash memory where the Arduino sketch (program) is stored. The Flash
The memory is non-volatile, meaning the program remains in memory even when power is
turned off.
RAM (Random Access Memory)
The microcontroller has a certain amount of RAM for temporary data storage during program
execution. This includes variables, function call stacks, and other runtime data.
Clock Speed:
The ATmega328P typically runs at a clock speed of 16 MHz on most Arduino boards. The clock
speed determines how fast the microcontroller can execute instructions.
Digital and Analog I/O Pins:
The microcontroller has a number of digital and analog input/output pins that are accessible
through the headers on the Arduino board. These pins allow interfacing with external sensors,
actuators, and other devices.
GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output):
The ATmega328P supports general-purpose I/O, allowing you to configure its pins as either
inputs or outputs, and then read digital or analog signals.
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation):
The microcontroller supports PWM, which is useful for controlling the intensity of LEDs, the
speed of motors, and other applications where a variable output is required.
Arduino IDE Compatibility:
The ATmega328P is well-supported by the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Arduino boards with the ATmega328P can be programmed using the Arduino programming
language, which is a simplified version of C/C++.
The ATmega328P's combination of features, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness makes it a
popular choice for many Arduino projects, ranging from simple LED blinking experiments to
more complex robotics and IoT applications.
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2.5 Resistor
A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as
a circuit element. Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage
levels within circuits. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to limit current flow, adjust signal
levels, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines among other uses.
2.4 Resistor and LED
2.6 LED
The LED is the abbreviation of light emitting diode. It is usually made of gallium arsenide, gallium
phosphide semiconductor materials. The LED has two electrodes, a positive electrode and a
negative electrode, it will light only when a forward current passes, and it can be red, blue, green
or yellow light, etc. The color of light depends on the materials it was made. In general, the drive
current for LED is 5-20mA. Therefore, in reality it usually needs an extra resistor for current
limitation so as to protect the LED.
2.7 Jumper Wires
Jumper wires are short wires with connectors at each end, typically used to create
temporary connections between points on a breadboard, circuit board, or other electronic
components. The connectors are often referred to as "male" connectors, and they come in
various types, such as pins or tips that can be easily inserted into sockets or headers. When
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both ends of the jumper wire have the same type of connector (male-to-male), they are
suitable for connecting two points that have matching female connectors.
2.8 USB
A USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable is a common type of cable that is used to connect
various devices to a computer or other host devices. USB cables are widely used for data
transfer, device charging, power supply and connecting peripheral
Different Types of Gates Description
2.5 PIN diagram of 7408 IC and its truth table
The AND gate output is at logic 1 when and only when all its inputs are at logic1, otherwise the
output is at logic 0.
2.6 PIN diagram of 7400 IC and its truth table
The NAND gate output is at logic 0 when, and only when all its inputs are logic 1, otherwise the
output is at logic 1.
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OR GATE: (PIN Configuration Diagram) IC 74LS32
2.8 PIN diagram of 7432 IC and its truth table
The OR gate output is at logic 1 when one or more of its inputs are at logic 1, otherwise the output
is at logic1.
2.9 PIN diagram of 7404 IC and its truth table
The NOT gate output is just the complement of input given.
2.10 PIN diagram of 7486 IC and its truth table
The XOR gate output is at logic 1 when one and only one of its inuts is at logic 1. Otherwise the
output is logic
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This chapter explains how this project will be implemented. It included each process from the
beginning until the end of this project. Each process and method of how software design and
development will be performed in this project is explained in detail.
3.1 Hardware Implementation
In this section, we have explained the overall circuit connection for the logical IC functional
tester and showed all schematic diagrams of the IC tester.
3.1.1 Block diagram of project
Here block diagram actually shows the structural design circuit of the ARDUINO-based IC tester
that we have applied in our project. In our project, we mainly used three components which are
already shown in the block diagram. The components are ARDUINO, and the Breadboard is
having connections of ICs and LEDs. In this project, ARDUINO is interacting with Arduino IDE and
2.11 Block diagram of IC tester.
5 LEDs are connected with registers in a series combination on a breadboard. This circuit
is then connected to the GND or ground socket of Arduino using a jumper wire. Positive
pins of LEDs are connected with Digital pins 4,5,6,7,8 respectively. Each LED represents a
certain IC (logic gate). The Arduino after determining the unknown IC communicates with
the LED to turn on the corresponding LED.
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The ground pin of the IC is connected to the ground socket of Arduino. The VCC pin is
connected to a 5V socket. The 8th pin is the output pin of the IC. It is connected to the
3rd digital pin of Arduino 9th and 10th pins are input pins for the IC they are connected
to the D1 and D2 of Arduino.
3.1.4 Working Methodology:
1.Arduino sends 00,01,10,11 as 4 inputs through jumper wire as input to the IC(9th and 10th pin
of the IC).
2. The IC then sends back 4 outputs, one each for the 4 inputs, through the 8th pin of Arduino
which is connected to D3 of Arduino.
3. This output is stored in a, b, c, d variables.
4. The program then compares these variables with known outputs of IC truth tables.
5. The Arduino then lights up the LED representing that IC/logic gate. For example AND gate (7408)
truth table outputs will always be 0,0,0,1. If the value of a, b, c, d matches with 0,0,0,1 LED
connected to D4 would light up.
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3.1.5 Full Schematic Diagram of IC Tester
Here we have drawn a full schematic diagram of the IC tester. In this diagram, we showed
all connections of LED and ICs interacting with Breadboard and Breadboard with Arduino.
The output of the IC tester will be displayed through LEDs.
2.12 Schematic diagram of IC tester
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3.2 Software Implementation
After doing all connections of Arduino Uno with the breadboard we connect Arduino UNO
using a USB cable to the power supply source which is a laptop as we are also to able
compile and upload our code in Arduino IDE through this device.
3.2.1 Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is an open-source software
application that provides a platform for writing, compiling, and uploading code to Arduino
boards. Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware
and software. The Arduino IDE plays a significant role in real-life applications-based
Once the primary code has been written on the IDE platform, which is often referred to as a
sketch, the Hex File will be sent to and uploaded to the controller on the board. The two most
important components of the IDE environment are an editor and a compiler. Writing the required
code is done with an editor, while creating and uploading codes to a specific Arduino module is
done by using your Compiler. In this environment, both C and C++ languages are supported.
3.2.2 Operation
The IC tester has developed such a way so that it can be user-friendly. Its every operation is
understandable to the users. Users will be able to check different types of IC manually by using
this IC tester. Mainly IC tester depends on the program besides the hardware implementation.
Arduino is playing a very important role in this project. Because it is interacting with both IC and
LEDs. The result of the IC tester will be displayed through LEDs. In this project implementation,
we have used the concept of C programming language to develop the program in Arduino. After
the hardware implementation, we need to upload the corresponding code of the project. If we
want to upload the program, first of all, we need to connect the IC tester to the PC by using a USB
cable of Arduino. Then we can upload the program easily into the IC tester by using the uploading
option of Arduino.
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1. Variable Declaration:
- Declare integer variables `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d` to represent the inputs.
- Declare integer variables for pin assignments: `andLED`, `nandLED`, `orLED`, `notLED`,
and `xorLED`.
2. Pin Configuration:
- Set the pin modes for digital pins 1, 2, and 3 as OUTPUT.
- Set the pin modes for LEDs (`andLED`, `nandLED`, `orLED`, `notLED`, `xorLED`) as
3. Loop Setup:
- Inside the `setup` function, configure the pins for input and output.
4. Main Loop (`loop` function):
- Call functions `part1()`, `part2()`, `part3()`, and `part4()` to read input values for
different combinations of inputs.
- Check the input values (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`) and light up the corresponding LED based on
different logic gate conditions.
5. Part Functions:
- `part1()`, `part2()`, `part3()`, `part4()`: These functions set the inputs `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d`
based on different combinations of digital write to pins 1 and 2 and read the input from
pin 3.
6. LED Conditions:
- If `a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 0 && d == 1`, light up the AND LED.
- If `a == 1 && b == 1 && c == 1 && d == 0`, light up the NAND LED.
- If `a == 0 && b == 1 && c == 1 && d == 1`, light up the OR LED.
- If `a == 1 && b == 0 && c == 1 && d == 0`, light up the NOT LED.
- If `a == 0 && b == 1 && c == 1 && d == 0`, light up the XOR LED.
This algorithm describes the logic gate simulation code. The Arduino reads input values
from different combinations of pins 1 and 2, sets the input variables (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`),
and then checks these variables to determine which LED should be lit based on various
logic gate conditions.
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All the apparatus of the system are connected according to the circuit diagram. The system has
been tested with different types of IC. IC tester is working correctly according to the logic designed
within a second. Also, the IC tester is able to check unknown limited ICs according to design. The
LEDs are showing the result according to the ICs. The detailed implementation result of the system
is described below:
4.1 AND gate of 7408 IC
The unknown IC detected here is of the AND gate and it can be seen that the blue jumper wire is
connected to digital pin no.4 which is in series with LED which confirms the detected gate. We
have checked the 7408 IC which contain 4 two input AND gate. IC tester has checked its 4 internal
gates and identified that all gates are okay. As a result, the LED is blinking. That means whole IC is
2.13 LED Blinking of AND gate
4.2 NAND gate of 7400 IC
The unknown IC detected here is of NAND gate and LED blinking verifies that the IC is in working
condition. It can be seen that the brown jumper wire is connected to digital pin no.5 which is in
series with LED which confirms the detected gate.
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2.14 LED Blinking of NAND gate
4.3 OR GATE OF 7432 IC
The unknown IC detected here is of OR gate and IC tester is working properly for 7432 IC. IC tester
have checked the all-internal gates of IC and identified what kind of gates has been used to design
its schematic diagram. Then it is showing the result using LEDs according to the program.
2.15 LED Blinking of OR gate
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4.4 NOT GATE OF 7404 IC
The unknown IC detected here is of NOT gate and the IC is in working condition. It can be seen
that the white jumper wire is connected to digital pin no.7 which is in series with LED which
confirms the detected gate.
2.16 LED Blinking of NOT gate
4.5 X-OR gate of 7486 IC
Similarly, we have checked another IC which is the X-OR gate. IC tester also checked its internal 4
gates and identified that all gates are okay for that IC. It can be seen that the green jumper wire
is connected to digital pin no.8 which is in series with LED which confirms the detected gate
2.17 LED Blinking of X-OR gate
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The project’s aim and the main objectives have been accomplished properly. The Logic IC
Functional tester is basically an Arduino-based project and gives a response to the user within a
few seconds. The Logic IC Functional tester is able to test the basic gate (74LS08 AND, 74LS32 OR,
74LS00 NAND, 74LS86 XOR, 74LS04 NOT) of 14 pins. There are many ways to build an IC tester.
But we have made the IC tester in such a way that it can be user-friendly. Users just need to set
up IC on the breadboard properly with the correct connections of jumper wires. After that User
will get the desired result. There have been lots of projects on the IC tester but most of them are
microcontroller based. Arduino-based IC testers are rare. Some Arduino-based IC testers are also
available but those are not so user-friendly and the cost is too high with comparatively other
projects. We have used fewer components to accomplish our project. That’s why our IC tester is
looking very simple but effective
5.1 Challenges
Users can test only 5 ICs by using the IC tester which has been made by us. That’s the big limitation
of that project. But there is a valid reason behind that limitation. Internal schematic diagrams of
74LS08 AND, 74LS32 OR, 74LS00 NAND, 74LS86 XOR, and 74LS04 NOT are the same. But our main
target was IC tester could check at least 8 ICs. The Internal schematic diagram of the rest 4 ICs is
not the same as 74LS08 AND. As a result, the user will not be able to check other ICs without valid
ICs for that project. The easiest way to fix that problem is to modify the code. If a user can modify
the code, then he or she will be able to check other ICs like X-NOR and NOR. The main challenge
of the project is how it can be made more effective for the user to check all of the 8 ICs without
modifying the code. For this, we need to do more research on that project and find out a very
good algorithm to fix this problem.
5.2 Future Recommendations
This project has large potential to be improved in a number of ways. This system can be further
developed for many other market ICs other than 74 series IC (such as counters, shift registers,
comparators etc.) used here as it is reconfigurable. The developed IC tester is useful for
educational or academic purposes, but further advanced development can make it efficient for
industrial use. Also, we can modify the program to check the specific gate that is damaged in an
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1. Mirza Shoaib Ahmed, Iqbal Muhammad Umair, Kashif Mehboob
“MICROCONTROLLER BASED IC TESTER.”, Engineering Sciences and Technology,
SCONEST, August 2005.
3. Yasir Hashim, Marwa Awni, Abdullah Mufeed Computer Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraqhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/374352411_Arduino_based_74series_integrated_circuits_testing_system_at_gate_level
4. Design and Development of Arduino Based IC Tester by Md. Tanvir Nurhttp://dspace.ewubd.edu:8080/bitstream/handle/2525/3049/Md._Tanvir_Nur.p
5. Digital IC Tester using Arduino-Prof. D. G. Kanade, Nikhil Zambare and Krishna
Department of Electronics, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Punehttp://www.ijtrd.com/papers/IJTRD20262.pdf
of Engineering and Science Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahmanhttp://eprints.utar.edu.my/89/1/EE-2011-0706544-1.pdf
7. IC Tester (Logic Gates)-https://www.hackster.io/taisir-jibian-rahi/ic-tester-logicgates-268b02
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