Uploaded by Atharva Tarlekar

OO Testing with CK Metrics: Software Complexity Analysis

OO testing using CK metrics (CKM )
To improve the development of the software & measure complexity of system
Object Oriented metrics
1. number of children in class - Trade Off
Find the number of classes which inherit from parent class
( immediate subclasses only )
2. Depth of inheritance tree - Trade off (0-4)
Find the maximum distance between the root and leaf node
( more dit…more complex design )
3. Weighted method per class - Low
Sum of complexities of methods of the class.
( it predicts how much time and effort is required to develop and maintain the
object )
4. Coupling between the object class - Low
Number of classes which are interdependent on each other (coupled)
5. Response for the class - Low
Number of methods of class + Number of methods called by any of those
6. Lack of Cohesion methods - Low
Measures how much different the methods are to each other
Unit Testing
Focus on the smallest unit/element of software-modules, components, class, methods.
Done using 1. Black box testing ( tester is unknown to the internal structure )
2. White box testing ( internal structure is known to tester )
3. Grey box testing ( White + Black ) ( internal structure is partially known )
( This includes access to internal data structures and algorithms for purpose of
designing the test cases. )
Integration testing
After unit testing, integration Testing is done immediately.
How all units work together is checked.
Performed between two modules ( eg. Compose email & Checking sent box )
Random Integration Testing
- Testing using random inputs
2. Cluster (Integration) Testing
- Testing a system by dividing it into clusters or groups of related components
( based on functionality, priority or complexity )