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Receiving Jesus Worthily Worksheet

Q1. When did the disciples who went to Emmaus recognise Jesus?
ANS. While the disciples were at supper, Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to
them. Then, their eyes were opened, and they recognised Jesus.
Q2. If we have committed mortal sins, what must we do before receiving Holy Communion?
ANS. If we have committed mortal sins, we have to get forgiveness of sin through the sacrament
of reconciliation and receive Jesus with a pure heart.
Q3. What are the things necessary to receive Holy Communion with proper devotion?
ANS. The preparations necessary for receiving Holy Communion are:
01. Be in a state of Grace.
02. Fast at least one hour before receiving the Holy Communion.
03. Have proper preparation and devotion.
Q4. How do all of us become one in Jesus?
ANS. The Holy Eucharist is a banquet of mutual love and service. Those who eat the same bread
should live in communion. We must show mutual love and friendship. Thus, all of us have to
become one in Jesus.
Q5. What does the peace wish in the Holy Mass remind us?
ANS. When we receive Holy Communion, which is a sacrament of love, we must remember we
have to live in love and communion with God and our fellow - beings. Thus, the peace wishing in
the Holy Mass reminds us of love.
Q6. In the Holy Eucharist Jesus gives his own...... and……..as the food for our souls. (Ans: Body and
Q7. Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist on the………. (Ans: Pascal feast day)
Q8. The two disciples talking about the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus were travelling
to………….. (Ans: Emmaus)
Q9. We need…………. to receive the body and blood of Jesus (Ans: Holiness)
Q10. We should not receive Holy Communion with………… sin (Ans: Mortal)
Q11. We need………..and………. to receive Holy Communion (Ans: Preparation, devotion)
Q12. Jesus instituted the………… on the Pascal feast day (Ans: Holy Eucharist)