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5 Key Focus Points - Epic of Gilgamesh - Jason Bonilla

Jason Bonilla
Prof. Viliesid
English 203
18 September 2023
5 Key Focus Points - Epic of Gilgamesh
1. What does the text show us about the ancient Sumerian culture? (name 3 examples)
a. Throughout the text, we learn of various unique aspects of Sumerian culture
through factors like the people and setting. One of the most important and instant
aspects of the culture is the religious view Sumerians had and the beliefs they
shared. Polytheism was instantly apparent in the culture as there was belief in
multiple gods who also actively interacted with humans and their affairs. Two
Examples are Shamash and Ishtar who influenced numerous events showing their
deeply religious worldview. Adding onto religion, we see a great focus on the
afterlife from the Sumerians. After all, Gilgamesh is on the ultimate quest for
immortality. There is a clear intent to break through human limits in order to live
forever. Separately, we can see how important urban planning and agriculture was
to their city-states. There is impressive engineering and architectural skills
showcased throughout all of Uruk.
2. Gilgamesh’s journey teaches that leadership doesn’t just involve success and glory. There
is humility and in Gilgamesh’s case, he also must acknowledge his own mortality.
Enkidue’s death was the main factor in pushing Gilgamesh to make such a realization.
That same realization would also serve to shifting the way he ruled and caring about his
people more.
3. This story questions the mortality of humans and the purpose of life as a whole. It teaches
that death is something no one can escape. However, immortality can be reached in other
forms. That being through one’s legacy and the effect they can leave for future
4. Gilgamesh and Enkidu had a very strong friendship due to the nature of how they reached
that point having gone from rivals to friends. The two balance each other out and
Enkidu’s majorly affects Gilgamesh, leading him to realistic answers for his unrealistic
5. This epic follows the hero’s journey by starting off with a call to adventure in the way of
Enkidu being introduced to Gilgamesh which shifts the direction he was initially taking.
Then, there were the trials and challenges that heroes typically face throughout their
journey such as the multiple battles faced. Eventually, the story shows the transformation
in Gilgamesh after Enkidu’s death and how it changes Gilgamesh’s life.