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Central Nervous System Summary Notes

The Brain
Major Landmarks
The brain is made of the 1) forebrain, 2) cerebellum, and 3) brainstem
1) Cerebrum is the largest part of the forebrain (83% of volume)
Cerebral hemispheres
Gyri: thick folds
Sulci: grooves
Longitudinal cerebral fissure
→ Corpus callosum: thick nerve bundle at bottom of longitudinal fissure that connects
2) Cerebellum is the second-largest part of the brain
Located in posterior cranial fossa
Also divided into two halves
Transverse cerebral fissure: separates cerebrum from cerebellum
Contains fissures, sulci, gyri
3) Brainstem
Gray and White Matter
Gray Matter
Cell bodies, dendrites, synapses/ axon terminals
Myelin sheath
Cortex: the cerebrum and cerebellum have a surface of gray matter on the outside; thought
processing occurs here in cerebrum
Nuclei: pockets of gray matter deep in the brain, surrounded by white matter
White Matter
Composed of tracts; bundles of nerve fibers (axons)
Deep to cortical gray matter
Connect parts of the brain and to the spinal cord
Gray matter is on the outside of the brain, white matter is on the inside of the brain
However, this flips when we get to the spinal cord because of processing/receiving differences
Meninges are protective layers of connective tissue in the brain and are continuous all the way down
the spinal cord
1) Dura Mater - tough, anchors, has connections to arachnoid mater
Outer periosteal layer: like periosteum
Inner meningeal layer: continues into vertebral canal and forms dural sheath around
spinal cord
→ Dural sinuses: spaces between the separation of periosteal and meningeal layers that
collect blood circulating through the brain; constantly producing CSF, part of vascular
1) Superior sagittal sinus - return of CSF along median line
2) Transverse sinus - return of CSF from rear of head to each ear; between
cerebellum and cerebrum
Folds of Dura Mater
Falx cerebri: separate two cerebral hemispheres
Tentorium cerebelli: separate cerebrum from cerebellum
Falx cerebelli: separate right and left halves of cerebrum
2) Arachnoid Mater - transparent membrane over brain surface
Subarachnoid space separates it from the pia mater below; filled with CSF and blood
3) Pia Mater - extremely thin membrane
Follows brain contours
Follows arteries as they penetrate into the cerebrum
Aqueducts for CSF to flow
Lateral ventricles: one in each cerebral hemisphere
CSF generated here; lined with ependymal cells
Third ventricle: narrow medial space beneath corpus callosum
Fourth ventricle: small chamber between pons and cerebellum
Ventricles connected by…
Interventricular foramen: pore connecting lateral ventricles to third ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct: tube running through midbrain connecting third and fourth ventricles
Central canal: tube connecting fourth ventricle and runs through spinal cord center
Largest passageway
CSF leaves 4th ventricle to go through the central canal, to the spinal cord, to the pia and arachnoid
mater, then flows back up
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Clear, colorless fluid that fills ventricles of the CNS and bathes its external surface
Production of CSF begins with filtration of blood plasma through brain capillaries
Continuously flows CNS, driven by pressure, cilia, brain pulsations from heartbeat
Choroid Plexus: spongy mass of blood capillaries on the floor of each ventricle
Ependymal cells: neuroglia that line ventricles and cover the choroid plexus
Modify filtrate
CSF has more Na+ and Cl- than blood plasma and less K+, Ca2+, glucose, and little protein
Functions of CSF
1) Buoyancy
Brain attains size without being impaired by weight
2) Protection
Protects brain from striking cranium when head is jolted
3) Chemical Stability
Flow of CSF rinses away metabolic wastes from nervous tissue and regulates chemical
The Hindbrain and Midbrain
Medulla Oblongata
Adult brain region that develops from the embryonic myelencephalon
Begins at foramen magnum
Basic functions; sends information to the heart
Pyramids: ridges on anterior surface; separated by anterior median fissure
CN 8, 9, 10, 12 begin or end in medulla
Olives: prominent bulges lateral to each pyramid
Gracile (medial) and cuneate (lateral) fasciculi continue as two pairs of ridges on the posterior
Contains sensory fibers
Ascending and descending fibers connecting the brain and spinal cord pass through the medulla
Medial lemniscus: axons of gracile and cuneate nuclei decussate (cross over) and form
ascending (sensory) tracts to the thalamus for communication
Corticospinal tracts: descending motor tracts in pyramids; carry signals to skeletal
Contains many nuclei
Inferior olivary nucleus: relay center for signals to cerebellum
Reticular formation: loose network of nuclei extending through entire brainstem;
contains cardiac center, vasomotor center, and respiratory center; more posterior
Cross Section of Brain Stem:
Adult brain region developed from embryonic metencephalon
Posteriorly, consists of thick stalks; cerebellar peduncles
Last area for finite control and communication
Cerebellar peduncles connect the pons and midbrain to the cerebellum on posterior side
CN 5, 6, 7, 8
Sensory roles: hearing, equilibrium, taste, facial sensation
Motor roles: eye movement, facial expression, chewing, swallowing, urination,
secretion of saliva and tears
Reticular formation in pons contains additional nuclei concerned with sleep, respiration, &
Brain region that develops from the embryonic mesencephalon
Connects hindbrain to forebrain
Anatomical Features:
Cerebral aqueduct; surrounded by central (periaqueductal) gray substance involved in pain
Continuations of medial lemniscus and reticular formation
Motor nuclei of CN III and IV that control eye movements
Tectum: roof-like; posterior to cerebral aqueduct with four bulges:
1) Two superior colliculi: visual, tracking moving objects
2) Two inferior colliculi: relay signals from ear to thalamus and other parts of brain
Cerebral peduncles: two anterior midbrain stalks that anchor the cerebrum to the brainstem
1) Tegmentum
Red nucleus
Connections run to and from cerebellum for motor control
2) Substantia Nigra
Nucleus within peduncle; dark, melanin
Relays inhibitory motor signals to thalamus and basal nuclei, suppressing
unwanted body movement
Degeneration = Parkinson’s Disease
3) Cerebral Crus
Bundle of nerve fibers connecting communication from cerebrum to pons
Carries corticospinal tracts
Reticular Formation
Loose web of gray matter running vertically through all levels of the brainstem and into the
upper spinal cord
Occupies space between white fiber tracts and brainstem nuclei
Connects to many areas of cerebrum
Basic functions: heart rate, respiration
Sensory input and output; visual sent in from eye to the reticular formation
Functions of Reticular Formation Nuclei
1) Somatic motor control
Adjusting muscle tension for tone, balance, posture
Relay signals from eye and ears to cerebellum
Integrate visual, auditory, balance, and motion stimuli into motor coordination
Gaze centers: allow eyes to track and fixate on objects
Central pattern generators: neural pools producing rhythmic signals to muscles of
breathing and swallowing
2) Cardiovascular Control
Cardiac and vasomotor centers of medulla
3) Pain modulation
Some pain signals ascend through
Some descending analgesic pathways begin in the reticular formation and end in the
spinal cord where they are blocked
4) Sleep and Consciousness
Crucial role
Injury = irreversible coma
5) Habituation
Reticular activating system modulates activity in the cerebral cortex; ignores repetitive,
unimportant stimuli
The Cerebellum
The cerebellum is the largest part of the hindbrain, the second-largest part of the brain, contains more
than half of the brain's neurons.
Granule cells: found in cerebellum; most abundant neuron in the brain
Purkinje cells: large cerebellar neurons; axons project deep into nuclei to synapse with neurons
that lead to the brainstem; huge input side, small output side
Anatomical Features:
Right and left cerebellar hemispheres connected by the vermis
There is a superficial cortex of gray matter with folia (folds), arbor vitae (branching white
Input to the cerebellum goes to the cortex, output comes from the deep nuclei
Cerebellar peduncles: three pairs of stalks that connect the brainstem and cerebellum; their
fibers carry signals to and from the cerebellum
1) Inferior peduncles: connect to the medulla, most spinal input enters the cerebellum
through here
2) Middle peduncles: connected to pons, most input from rest of the brain enters through
3) Superior peduncles: connected to midbrain, carries cerebellar output
1) Motor coordination and locomotor ability
2) Sensory, linguistic, emotional, and other nonmotor functions, including:
Comparing textures of objects
Perceiving space (as tested by pegboard puzzles)
Recognizing objects from different views
Keeping judge of elapsed time and maintaining tapping rhythm
Directing eye movements to compensate for head movement
Judging pitch of tones; distinguishing between spoken words
Helping in verbal association tasks
Planning, scheduling, and emotion control
The Forebrain
Two parts:
1) Diencephalon
Encloses third ventricle, most rostral part
2) Telencephalon
Develops into the cerebrum
1) Thalamus
Ovoid mass each side of brain
Joined by interthalamic adhesion
⅘ of diencephalon
23 nuclei in five groups: anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, ventral
Gateway to cerebral cortex; nearly all input to cerebrum synapses in thalamic nuclei
Not all information is passed along; screens out most of information
Motor control
Relays signals from cerebellum to cerebrum
Memory and emotion
Some of limbic system
2) Hypothalamus
Major CONTROL center
Extends anteriorly to optic chiasm, and posteriorly to mammillary bodies; each
containing 3-4 mammillary nuclei that relay signals from the limbic system to thalamus
Infundibulum: stalk-like structure where the hypothalamus attaches to the pituitary
Contains many nuclei with a variety of visceral, emotional, and behavioral functions
→ Hormone secretion
Anterior pituitary: growth, metabolism, reproduction, stress response
Posterior pituitary: labor contractions, lactation, water conservation
→ Autonomic nervous system
Major integrator
Heart rate, BP, GI secretions
→ Thermoregulation
Hypothalamic thermostat monitors body temps
→ Food and water intake
Regulates hunger and satiety
Osmoreceptors; blood, ADH to conserve water
→ Sleep and circadian rhythms
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
→ Memory
Mammillary nuclei relay signals from hippocampus to thalamus
→ Emotional behavior and sexual response
3) Epithalamus
Pineal gland - endocrine gland
Habenula - relay info from limbic system to midbrain
The Cerebrum
Develops from the telencephalon and is the largest part of the brain
Sensory perception, memory, thought, judgment, voluntary motor actions
Two hemispheres w/ longitudinal fissure
Connected by corpus callosum; white fibrous tract
Gyri and sulci increase amount of cortex for more information-processing
Voluntary motor, motivation, foresight, planning, memory, mood, emotion, social
judgment, aggression
Cognition and conscious thought
Rostral to central sulcus
Between central sulcus and parieto-occipital sulcus
Integrates general senses, taste, and some visual
Where we receive sensory information/ somatosensory (coming in from periphery)
Caudal to parieto-occipital
Primary visual center
Below lateral sulcus
Broca and Wernicke’s areas
Hearing, smell, learning, memory, some vision and emotion
Deep to lateral sulcus
Understanding spoken language, taste, pain, integration from visceral receptors
Cerebral white matter is most of the volume of the cerebrum
Glia and myelinated fibers that transmit signals
Tracts: bundles of nerve fibers in CNS
1) Projection: vertically between higher and lower brain and spinal cord centers; dive
down and in
2) Commissural: crossover cerebral hemispheres; most pass through corpus callosum
3) Association: contact different regions with the same cerebral hemisphere; long
association fibers connect different lobes, short association connect gyri in a lobe; move
laterally (ex: putting together words and processing them as a language)
The cerebral cortex is a layer of gray matter covering the hemispheres
Billions of neurons
40% of brain mass
Stellate cells: spheroidal cell bodies with short axons, and dendrites; receive sensory input and
process information locally
Pyramidal cells: tall, conical with axons that project into white matter below, output neurons
that connect cortex to other CNS parts
90% is the neocortex: six-layered tissue that is evolutionary recent
Many dendrites at top and more axons towards bottom
The limbic system is an important center of emotion and learning, sensation of joy; contains
components in each hemisphere:
Cingulate gyrus: arches over corpus callosum in frontal and parietal lobes
Hippocampus: in medial temporal lobes
Amygdala: rostral to hippocampus
Connected by fiber tracts for circular feedback patterns
Reward and aversion
Basal nuclei are masses of cerebral gray matter buried deep in white matter, lateral to the thalamus
Motor control
Processing and storage of information
Include: caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, collectively called corpus striatum
Putamen and globus are called lentiform nucleus
Sensory perception
Cognition is accomplished by association areas of the cerebral cortex, which is 75% of all brain tissue
Parietal: perceive and attend to stimuli
→ Lesions = Contralateral neglect syndrome: unaware of objects on opposite side of the body
Temporal: identify stimuli
→ Lesions = Agnosia: inability to recognize or identify familiar objects (ex: prosopagnosia - faces)
Frontal: think about world; plan and execute appropriate behaviors
→ Lesions = Personality disorders and socially inappropriate behaviors
Information management in the brain requires
1) Learning - acquiring info
2) Memory - info storage + retrieval
3) Forgetting - eliminating trivial info
Anterograde amnesia: unable to store new information
Retrograde amnesia: unable to recall known information before the injury
The hippocampus is an important limbic system area for memory
→ Memory consolidation: teaching the cerebral cortex until a long term memory is established
there; does not hold the memory, but organizes cognitive information into a unified long-term
The cerebellum is involved in learning motor skills
The amygdala is involved in emotional memory
Emotional feelings and memories involve interactions between the prefrontal cortex and
→ Prefrontal cortex: judgment, intent, and control over emotional expression
Feelings arise from deep brain regions; hypothalamus and amygdala
Food intake
Sexual behavior
Drawing attention to new stimuli
Receives input from sensory systems
Outputs to hypothalamus, influencing somatic and visceral motor systems
→ Heart races, blood pressure increases, hair stands, vomiting ensues
Outputs to prefrontal cortex, controlling expression of emotions
→ Expressing love, controlling anger, overcoming fear
Behavior shaping by learned associations between stimuli, our responses, and reward or
punishment that results
The primary sensory cortex is where sensory input is first received and when one becomes conscious of
a stimuli
Association areas near the primary sensory areas process and interpret the sensory information
Ex: primary visual cortex is boarded by visual association areas
→ Multimodal association areas: receive input from multiple senses and integrate into overall
perception of surroundings
Ex: orbitofrontal cortex receives taste, smell, and visual to provide desirability of food
Our special senses are…
→ Primary visual cortex: far posterior region of occipital lobe; receives visual signals
→ Visual association area: borders primary cortex anteriorly and occupies all the remaining
occipital lobe
→ Temporal lobe deals with recognizing faces and familiar objects
→ Primary auditory cortex: superior region of temporal lobe; receives auditory signals
→ Auditory association area: temporal lobe, inferior to primary cortex; recognize spoken words,
music, voices
→ Signals from inner ear project to cerebellum and brainstem nuclei
→ Primary gustatory cortex: inferior end of postcentral gyrus; receives taste signals
→ Primary olfactory cortex: medial cortex of temporal lobe; receives smell signals
Our general (somatosensory, somesthetic, somatic) senses are…
Heat & Cold
They are distributed over the entire body and involve simple receptors
Signals from head pass through CNs to brain
Signals from body ascend sensory tracts of spinal cord
The thalamus processes input from the contralateral side
Relays signals to postcentral gyrus of parietal lobe
→ Primary somatosensory cortex: cerebral fold caudal to the central sulcus; processes
awareness of stimuli
→ Somatosensory association area: caudal to the postcentral gyrus and in the roof of the
lateral sulcus; makes cognitive sense of stimuli
Sensory homunculus: diagram of sensory inputs to the primary somesthetic cortex in parietal lobe
Upside down sensory map of contralateral side of body
Somatotopy: correspondence between an area of the body and an area of the CNS
Receptors in lower limbs projecting to superior and medial parts of the gyrus
Receptors from face projecting to the inferior and lateral parts of the gyrus
Motor Control
Voluntary motor control involves
1) Motor association (premotor) area
Intention/plan to contract muscle; found in frontal lobes
Neurons compile program required for action
2) Precentral gyrus (primary motor area)
Most posterior gyrus of frontal lobe
Send signals to brainstem and spinal cord for muscle contraction
Exhibits somatotopy, diagrammed as a motor homunculus
Neurons for toe movement are deep in the longitudinal fissure of the medial side of the
The summit of the gyrus controls the trunk, shoulder, and arm
The inferolateral region controls the facial muscles
Homunculus looks distorted because the amount of cortex devoted to a given body
region is proportional to the number of muscles and motor units in that body region
(not body region size)
Boundaries of cortical areas controlling body regions overlap, not sharply defined—a
muscle is controlled by neurons at several points within a general area of gyrus
Neurons involved in motor control:
Upper motor neurons: pyramidal cells of the precentral gyrus
Synapse with lower motor neurons whose axons innervate skeletal muscles
End in nuclei of brainstem and/or form lateral corticospinal tracts
Decussate in medulla
Basal nuclei
Onset and ceasing intentional movements
Hip and shoulder movements in walking
Practiced/learned behaviors; writing, typing, driving
Feedback circuit:
Cerebrum & substantia nigra → basal nuclei → thalamus → back to cerebrum and
substantia nigra
Dyskinesias: movement disorders caused by lesions in basal nuclei (ex: Parkinson’s)
Learning motor skills
Muscle tone and posture
Smooths muscle contraction
Eye and body movements
Coordinates motions of joints
Lesions = ataxia: clumsy, awkward walking
Wernicke Area: posterior to lateral sulcus, left hemisphere; recognition of spoken and written language
Fromulates phrases and transmits plan of speech to Broca
Broca Area: inferior prefrontal cortex, left hemisphere; generates motor program for speech production
Transmits plan/program to primary motor cortex for commands to lower motor neurons
supplying relevant muscles
Emotional language aspects controlled by regions in opposite hemisphere
Affective language area: right
Lesions = prosody: flat, emotionless speech
Aphasia: language deficit from lesions in Wernicke or Broca areas
Cerebral Lateralization
Difference in structure and function between the two hemispheres; specialized for tasks and equally
Spoken and written language
Math and science
Information as fragments
Integrates information
Imagination and insight
Music and art
Patterns and spatial relationships
Comparison of sights, sounds, smells, taste
Cerebral lateralization correlated with handedness, age, and sex
Lateralization develops with age, so children are more resilient to lesions on one side
Males exhibit more lateralization than females and suffer more functional loss with damage