BIOL 220 – Human Anatomy Chapter 9 – Joints Vocabulary 1. Articulation - surface that is complimentary to other bone surface 2. Synarthroses – immovable bone 3. Amphiarthroses - slightly movable joints 4. Diarthroses - freely movable joints 5. Fibrous joint - Two or more bones joined by connective tissue containing many fibers (sutures) 6. Cartilaginous joint - Cartilaginous joints are joints in which the bones are attached by cartilage. These joints allow for only a little movment, such as in the spine or ribs. 7. Synovial joint - A fully moveable joint in which the synovial (joint) cavity is present between the two articulating bones 8. Structural classification - relies on the anatomical organization of the joint 9. Functional classification - based on range of motion of the joint 10. Suture - interlocking line of union between bones 11. Syndesmoses - A joint in which the bones are united by a ligament or a sheet of fibrous tissue. 12. Gomphoses - Peg-in-socket joints of teeth in alveolar sockets 13. Fibrous connection is the periodontal ligament 14. Synostoses - closed, immovable sutures 15. Ligaments - Connect bone to bone 16. Synarthrosis - immovable joint 17. Diarthrosis - freely movable joint 18. Amphiarthrosis - slightly movable joint 19. Interosseous membrane - flexible membrane connecting radius and ulna & tibia and fibula 20. Synchondroses - a joint in which the bones are united by hyaline cartilage 21. Symphses - Slightly movable joint 22. Ends of the articulating bones are covered with hyaline cartilage, but a disc of fibrocartilage connects the bones 23. Epiphyseal plate - Growth plate, made of cartilage, gradually ossifies 24. Fibrocartilage - cartilage that contains fibrous bundles of collagen, such as that of the intervertebral disks in the spinal cord. 25. Hyaline cartilage - Most common type of cartilage; it is found on the ends of long bones, ribs, and nose 26. Intervertebral discs - fibrocartilage pads that separate and cushion the vertebrae 27. Pubic symphysis - cartilaginous joint at which two pubic bones fuse together 28. Articular cartilage - hyaline cartilage that covers ends of bones in synovial joints 29. Joint cavity - filled with synovial fluid 30. Articular capsule - sleevelike structure around a synovical joint composed of a fibrous capsule and synovial membrane 31. Fibrous layer - outer layer consisting of dense irregular connective tissue consisting of Sharpey's fibers that secure to bone matrix 32. Synovial membrane - The lining of a joint that secretes synovial fluid into the joint space. 33. Synovial fluid - Secretion of synovial membranes that lubricates joints and nourishes articular cartilage 34. Weeping lubrication - pressure on joints squeezes synovial fluid into and out of articular cartilage 35. Reinforcing ligaments - capsular, extracapsular, intracapsular 36. Articular disc - meniscus; a fibrocartilage structure found between the bones of some synovial joints; provides padding or smooths movements between the bones; strongly unites the bones together 37. Bursae - flattened fibrous sacs lined with synovial membrane and containing a thin film of synovial fluid 38. Tendon sheath - elongated bursa that wraps completely around a tendon subjected to friction 39. Gliding movement - one flat bone surface glides or slips over another similar surface 40. Angular movement - increase or decrease the angle between two bones 41. Rotational movement - Very specific, whole bone moves as a unit (flip/flop) EX: ulna/radius (move hand) 42. Flexion - Decreases the angle of a joint 43. Extension - increases the angle of a joint 44. Abduction - Movement away from the midline of the body 45. Adduction - Movement toward the midline of the body 46. Circumduction - the circular movement at the far end of a limb 47. Elevation - raising a body part 48. Depression - Lowering a body part 49. Protraction - moving a body part forward and parallel to the ground 50. Retraction - moving a body part backward and parallel to the ground 51. Supination - Palm up 52. Pronation - palm down 53. Opposition - Movement of the thumb to touch the fingertips 54. Inversion - Turning the sole of the foot inward 55. Eversion - moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle 56. Dorsiflexion - bending of the foot or the toes upward 57. Plantar flexion - pointing toes 58. Plane joint - allows only gliding movement. 59. Hinge joint - Joint between bones (as at the elbow or knee) that permits motion in only one plane 60. Pivot joint - rotating bone turns around an axis; i.e. connection between radius/ulna and humerus 61. Uniaxial - movement in one plane 62. Condylar joint - a shallow ball-and-socket joint with limited mobility 63. Saddle joint - type of joint found at the base of each thumb; allows grasping and rotation 64. Biaxial - movement in 2 planes 65. Multiaxial - movement in or around all 3 planes 66. Ball-and-socket joint - shoulder and hip 67. Muscle tone - the state of balanced muscle tension that makes normal posture, coordination, and movement possible 68. Bicondylar joint - allow movement mostly in one axis with limited rotation around a second axis, two convex condyles articulating with concave or flat surfaces 69. Knee 70. Torn cartilage - common injury to meniscus of knee joint 71. Sprain - An injury in which the ligaments holding bones together are stretched too far and tear. 72. Dislocation - twisting a joint causes the cartilage between to be damaged 73. Bursitis - inflammation of a bursa usually caused by a blow or friction 74. Tendonitis - inflammation of tendon sheaths typically caused by overuse 75. Arthritis - inflammation of a joint 76. Osteoarthritis - inflammation of the bones and joints 77. Rheumatoid arthritis - a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the joints and some organs of other body systems are attacked 78. Gout - hereditary metabolic disease that is a form of acute arthritis, characterized by excessive uric acid in the blood and around the joints 79. Mesenchyme - embryonic connective tissue Joint Classification 1. Compare and contrast the three functional classifications of joints. Synarthroses are immovable joints Amphiarthroses are slightly immovable joints Diarthroses are freely movable joints Synarthroses and amphiarthroses are usually in the axial skelton where as Diarthroses are found on the limbs 2. How are the functional and structural classifications of joins similar and different? Function is based on the amount of movement allowed whereas structure is what the stuff that binds the bones is made of and weather there’s a joint cavity. Structure is related to function 3. Compare and contrast the three structural classifications of joints. Fibrous- Bones connected with collagenic fibers Cartilaginous –bones connected by cartilage Synovial- connected bones are separated by joint cavity, covered with articular cartilage, and enclosed within an articular capsule lined with synovial membrane 4. Make a chart (three total) for each type of structural classification. Include for each sub category: a. Bone connection b. Joint cavity c. Amount of movement d. Functional purpose e. Distinguishing factors f. Example vity inous tion of ent tissue; regular able, or movable e hly e nal e uishing es ng bones , by collagen moses, and oses h with united by y e friction, nsion & ssion, bsorbent ndroses, ses al are ed movable; d w/ ect to r sign e, and d within ular line with l ane t. Resist ssion Synovial Joints 1. What commonalities do ALL synovial joints have? Why are these important? Synovial joints are the most movable joints in the body. All are Diarthroses All have fluid filled joint cavity Most joints in the body are these 2. Make a chart that details the structure (types of tissue, where it’s located, etc.) and function of these basic parts of the synovial joint: a. Articular cartilage b. Joint cavity c. Articular capsule d. Synovial fluid e. Reinforcing ligaments f. Articular disc g. Bursae h. Tendon sheaths 3. How does weeping lubrication work, and what is its importance to the joint? Pressure placed on joints squeezes synovial fluid out and into the joints to reduce friction. It lubricates the free surfaces of the cartilages. The fluid is made of special glycoproteins secreted by fibroblasts in the synovial membrane. It nourishes cells in the articular cartilage because it is avascular. It also reduces friction between moving bones 4. Chart the various shapes of synovial joints. Include: a. Type of joint Nonaxial- bones don’t move along particular axis Uniaxial- movement along specific axis Biaxia- movement aroung two axes; allows movement along coronal and sagittal planes Multiaxial- movement happens on all three axes and three body planes; coronal sagittal, transverse b. Description of articular surfaces Articular surfaces fit in joints complimentary, they rarely provide major stability except with ball and socket, ankle, and elbow. their shapes determine what movement is possible. c. Type of movement (in detail) Gliding- almost flat surfaces slip across each other; carpals, articular process vertebrae Angular- decrease angle between two bones Flexion- occur in sagittal plane DECREASE angle of bones bringing them closer together Extension- reverse of flexion INCREASES angle between joining bones Hyperextension- bending joint back beyond normal range of motion Abduction – Moving limbs away *they, bd, look like they would bounce away if you hit them Adduction- moves towards midline Circumduction-moving in a cone like way Rotation- turning bone around longitudinal axis. Occurs on transverse plane Medial rotation- rotating towards midline Lateral rotation- away from midline Special movements- they just special Elevation and Depression- lifting superiorly, and lowering; chewing Protraction and retraction- non-angular movement anterior and anterior Opposition- touching thumbs with other finger tips Inversion and Eversion- at intertarsal joints. Turn your sole medially. Turn sole laterally to evert Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion­- lifting toes up. Pointing toes d. Example Plane, pivot, condylar, saddle, ball and socket 5. What structural factors determine the possible movements of a joint? How/why? the shape of the articulating bones, the flexibility (tension or tautness) of the ligaments that bind the bones together.)3(the tension of associated muscles and tendons 6. How/Why do muscle tone and ligament orientation affect the stability of the joint? Capsules and ligaments prevent excessive/undesirable motion, they stretch like taffy so they don’t bounce back, and they can only stretch 6% beyond normal. Muscle tone is a constant low level contractile force that muscles produce even when theyre not moving. They keep tension on muscle tendons that cross over joints external to joint capsule. 7. Given the following joints, make a chart including the specified details: Joints: a. Sternoclavicular A) Saddle Joint, Anterior sternoclavicular ligament, Posterior sterno clavicular ligament, interclavicular ligament, costoclavicular ligament. B) Performs complex movements retraction, protaction, elevation depression C) Mobility of upper extremity in 3 planes b. Tempormandibular A)Modified hinge joint, complex shape; anteriorly temporal bone has mandibular fossa, anteriorly has articular tubercle. The joint is enclosed by an articular capsule; the lateral part is thicccned into a lateral ligament. Inside the capsule is an articular disc dividing the synovial cavity into superior and inferior. B) Two surfaces allow a special movement; the concave inferior surface receives the condylar process when you open your mouth. The superior surface of the disc glides forward with the condylar process when the mouf is open, bracing the condylar process against the dense bone of the articular tubercle so it doesn’t go through the thin roof of the mandibular fossa when you bite hard stuff C)Lateral excursion; Side to side motion when chewing c. Glenohumeral A)Ball and socket joint; formed by head of humerous and shallow glenoid cavity of scapula. Scapula is slightly deepend by rim of fibrocartilage called glenoid labrum which doesn’t contribute much to stability. The articular capsule is loose and thin which allows for greater movement and less stability, it extends from margin of glenoid cavity to the anatomical neck of the humerus. The only strong thickening of the capsule is the superior coracohumeral ligament which support the weight of the upper limb. Muscle tendons cross the shoulder joint and are responsible for the majority of its stability; The long head of the bicep brachii muscle is one of them. The rotator cuff makes up four other muscles; subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor. B) Free range of movement, All of the movements C) Allow for maximum movement to stability ratio d. Elbow A&C)Hinge joint, Articular capsules attach to humerus and ulna and to the annular ligament of the radius(the ring around the radius), laterally and medially the capsule thickens into strong ligaments that prevent lateral and medial movements; Radial collateral ligament- a triangular band on the lateral side, Ulnar collateral ligament – on the medial side. Tendons of arm muscles cross the elbow and provide stability B) Extension and Flexion e. Radiocarpal Wrist joint; between radius and scaphoid and lunate. Condylar joint. Stabilized by 4 ligaments extending from forearm to carpals; anteriorly: palmer radiocarpal ligament, Posteriorly: Dorsal radiocarpal ligament, Laterally: Radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint, Medially: Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction. Ligaments reinforce joint f. Intercarpal Proximal and distal rows of carpals Gliding; adjacent carpals slide against each other g. Hip Ball and socket joint; spherical head of femur, deep cup of acetabulum that is enhanced by a rim of fibrocartilage called acetabular labrum, the labrum is smaller than diameter of the head of the femur therefore the femur has no pull out game, keeping it in place and making dislocations rare. The joint capsule runs from the head to the neck of the femur. There are 3 external ligamentous thickenings of the capsule that reinforce it; Iliofemoral ligament: strong V shaped anterior ligament, Pubofemoral ligament: a triangular thickening of the capsules inferior region, and Ischiofemoral ligament: spiraling, posteriorly located ligament. They are arranged so they screw the head into the acetabulum. The Ligament of the head of the femur has an unknown function, its loose and has an artery that supplies the head of the femur. Muscle tendons cross the hip joint, and fleshy parts of the muscles that surround it also help out a bit with stability. B)all planes with respect to joint h. Knee Structure-function A/C) Hinge joint. Compound and condylar structure Synovial cavity of knee has several incomplete sub divisions and extnsions and a ton of bursae Subcuaneous prepatellar bursa- often injured when knee hit anteriorly Lateral and medial meniscus- attach externally to condyles, share distribution of compressive load and synovial fluid. Help stabilize joint by guiding condyles during extension and flexion, and rotation. Prevents side to side rocking of femur on tibia patellar ligament- continuation of the tendon of the main muscles on anterior leg; quad the thing doctors tap on Medial and lateral patellar retinaculaFibular and tibial collateral ligament- located on lateral/medial side of joint capsule prevent hyperextension. Keep leg from moving laterally and knee medially Oblique popliteal ligament- part of semimembranosus muscle that fuses with the joint capsule to stabilize joint Arcuate popliteal ligament- arcs superiorly from head of fibula of fibula over popliteus muscle to back part of joint capsule Anterior cruciate ligament- restraining strap. attaches to the anterior part of the tibia in the intercondylar area and attaches to femur on medial portion of the lateral condyle, prevents anterior sliding of tibia Posterior cruciate ligament- restraining strap. Posterior intercondylar area of tibia, lateral portion of medial condyle. Prevents forward sliding of femur or backwards displacement of tibia. Quadriceps femoris and semimembranosus muscles- the tendons of these muscles are most important stabilizers, greater muscle tone and strength here reduces chance of knee injury Movement- medial/lateral rotation, extension/flexion i. Ankle Hinge joint between unitied inferior ends of tibia and fibula, and talus of the foot Medial (deltoid) ligament- runs from medial malleolus of tibia down to long line of insertion of navicular and talus bones. Lateral ligament- 3 bands run from fibulas laterl malleolus to foot bones Anterior and posterior talfibular ligaments- prevent anterior and posterior slippage of the talus on the foot Calcaneofibular ligament- calcaneous to fibula Anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments- stabilize the socket so that forces can be transmitted to the foot Details: a. Structure (include relevant muscles/tendons/ligaments) b. Movement(s) c. Function Types of Movement 1. Describe in detail the various types of angular movements. Gliding- bones glide across each other Extension- increasing angle of bone Flexion- decreasing angle of bone Hyperextension- extension beyond max normal angle Abduction- away from midline Adduction- towards midline Circumduction- moving arms in making a cone shape Rotation- turning bone along longitudinal axis Medial rotation- turning towards midline Lateral rotation- turning away from midline 2. Pair the special movements (eg “up and down”) and describe the function, movement, and importance of each. Also give an example of specific joints that perform these special movements. Elevation/depression- up down- mandible –chewing Protraction/retraction - In/out – mandible- chewing Pronation/supination- radius over ulna- radius and ulna- to shake your dog’s paw Opposition- thumb touching other fingers- palm saddle joint between metacarpals and trapezium- holding your dog’s paw and tools Inversion/eversion- rolling your ankle medially and laterally- foot intertarsal joints Dorsiflexion/plantarflexion- Pointing toes up and down- feet tarsals- being sneaky, sprinting, dancing Joint Disorders 1. Detail some common joint injuries, the typical causes, and treatments. Torn cartilage- cartilage fragments(loose bodies) cause joint to lock/bind treatment: surgical removal of damaged cartilage, arthroscopic surgery using cameras they repair tendons and remove torn cartilage speeding healing Sprain- ligaments are stretched or torn. They heal slowly when theyre completely torn they need surgery. Treatment: tendons are made of fibers so sewing it is like sewing two hairbrushes together. When they are severly damaged they are replaced with grafts or substitute ligaments Dislocation-bones forced out of alignment. Dislocations must be reduced like fractures. cause stretching to joint capsule and tendons making it likely to dislocate again. Injured ligaments return to OG length after years Subluxion- partion/incomplete dislocation bones will reduce themselves 2. Compare and contrast the three main inflammatory diseases of the joints. The Life of Joints 1. 2. Illustrate the fetal development of the joints. Depict how the joints change with age.