Uploaded by Clarang Cutin

Philosophy Lesson Plan: Human & Environment

A Detailed Lesson Plan
(Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person)
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Describe the current state of our ecological environment.
2. Express their opinions on the current state of the environment.
3. Demonstrate ways the virtues of prudence and frugality towards his/her environment
Subject Matter:
a. The Human Person in Their environment
b. Reference:
Value Infusion:
Strips of paper
A. Preparatory Greetings
Teachers Activity
1. Customary Greetings
Students Activity
Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am!
Alright, before you take your seat
make sure that your chairs are
properly arranged.
Yes Ma’am!
Ok, take your seat.
B. Motivation
Before we start our discussion we will
first have a game. But before we start,
I will group you into four.
We will call this game a text twist.
Here are the mechanics:
I will be providing you an envelope.
Inside it are jumbled letters that you
need to arrange.
The first group to finish the word will
write their answer on the board.
The winning group will have a reward
after our class.
Very good!
Yes ma’am!
(arranged words are: air pollution,
water pollution, noise pollution and
soil pollution)
C. Lesson Proper
Now that the words you formed are
written in the board try to rule out
what is common among these words?
Ma’am pollution!
When you hear about pollution what
comes to your mind?
All right! All your answers are correct.
(Students answer may vary)
Environment is being destroyed due
to human activities.
(The teacher process students ideas)
How do you feel seeing these things?
And why?
(Illicit students answers and process
These are just some examples of how
human beings like us caused damage
in the environment.
(The teacher will give more examples
and give a background on the
relationship of the human to the
environment from hunting and
gathering to late industrial societies)
(Students answer may vary)
Who do you think is to be blamed for
the destruction of the environment?
(Students answer may vary)
(Illicit students answers and process
D. Generalization
 Environment is precious and that
man depends on it
Resources come from the
Man is responsible in taking
good care of the environment
E. Value Infusion
 Environmental concern
 Prudence
 Frugality/efficiency
 Use our resources efficiently
F. Application
What should we do? Since we, human beings are part of the problem we
should also be part of the solution.
Work with your group mates to come up with a tableau showing
solutions to these environmental problems. What to possibly do to
mitigate or lessen environmental problems?
The rubric to be used: relevance 25%, resourcefulness and
creativity 50% cooperation 25%Human tableau depicting the
aspirations of students on how they will improve or make a good
difference in their environment
 Slogan Making that promotes their advocacy on environment