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Shutterfold & Shutterflap Printable Activity

Cut on solid lines. Fold on dotted.
Shutterflap 4 Sections
Cut on solid lines. Fold on dotted.
Print onto card stock and cut out.
Punch holes where indicated. Fold
on dotted lines. To secure book,
string a ribbon through the holes
and tie with a bow on the front.
Folded Shutterfold
Cut book out as one piece. Fold right side under. Fold left side under. Unfold and cut on dotted lines. Refold. Fold book in half so that “Dialect” is on the front cover.
Shutterfold Three Areas
Cut along solid lines. Fold top flap under. Fold bottom flap under. Unfold bottom and cut on solid line to
form two flaps.
Shutterflap Six Areas
Cut on solid lines. Fold on dotted.