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Types of Questions on ACT English Test

Types of Questions on ACT
English Test
The ACT English test is designed to measure your ability to accomplish the wide variety of
decisions involved in revising and editing a given piece of writing. An important part of
revision and editing decisions is a good understanding of the conventions of standard
written English.
You may not always use standard written English in casual writing (for instance, when you
are e-mailing a friend) or in conversation. In casual writing or conversation, we often use
slang expressions that have special meanings.
Questions on the English test include the following:
1. Usage or Mechanics: punctuation, grammar and usage, sentence structure
2. Rhetorical Skills: writing strategy, organization, style
You will not be tested on spelling, vocabulary, or on rote recall of the rules of
grammar. Grammar and usage are tested only within the context of the essay. Likewise,
you won’t be tested directly on your vocabulary, although the better your vocabulary is, the
better equipped you’ll be to comprehend the reading passages and answer questions that
involve choosing the most appropriate word.
English Usage, Grammar and Punctuation
Usage or mechanics questions focus on the conventions of punctuation, grammar and
usage, and sentence structure and formation.
Punctuation questions involve identifying and correcting the following misplaced,
missing, or unnecessary punctuation marks:
Colons, semicolons, and dashes
Periods, question marks, and exclamation points
These questions address not only the rules of punctuation but also the use of punctuation
to express ideas clearly. For example, you should be prepared to show how punctuation
can be used to indicate possession or to set off a parenthetical element.
In many punctuation questions, the words in every choice will be identical, but the
commas or other punctuation will vary. It is important to read the choices carefully in
order to notice the presence or absence of commas, semicolons, colons, periods, and other
Grammar and usage questions involve choosing the best word or words in a sentence
based on grammar and usage conventions.
Sentence structure questions involve the effective formation of sentences, including
dealing with relationships between and among clauses, placement of modifiers, and shifts
in construction. Many questions about sentence structure and formation will ask you
about how clauses and phrases are linked. This means that you may have to consider
punctuation or the lack of punctuation, which can create problems such as comma splices,
run-on sentences, or sentence fragments.
Conventions of Standard English Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation questions test
knowledge and skills such as the following:
Determine the need for punctuation or conjunctions to join clauses or to
correct awkward-sounding fragments, fused sentences, and faulty subordination and
coordination of clauses
Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense
Recognize and correct disturbances in sentence structure, such as faulty placement of
adjectives, participial phrase fragments, missing or incorrect relative pronouns,
dangling or misplaced modifiers, faulty parallelism, run-on sentences, and weak
conjunctions between independent clauses
Maintain consistent and logical verb tense and voice and pronoun person within
a paragraph or passage
Rhetorical Skills
Rhetorical skills questions focus on writing strategy, organization, and style.
Writing strategy questions focus on the choices made and strategies used by a writer in
the act of composing or revising an essay. These questions may ask you to make decisions
concerning the appropriateness of a sentence or essay in relation to purpose, audience,
unity, or focus, or the effect of adding, revising, or deleting supporting material.
Knowledge of Language: Knowledge of language questions tests your ability to clearly
and succinctly express yourself in written English. Knowledge and skills tested include the
Revise unclear, clumsy, and confusing writing
Delete redundant and wordy material
Revise an expression to make it conform to the style and tone used throughout the
Determine the need for conjunctions to create logical connections between clauses
Choose the most appropriate word or phrase in terms of the sentence content
Organization questions deal with the order and coherence of ideas in an essay and the
effective choice of opening, transitional, and closing statements. For example, you may be
asked about the organization of ideas (the most logical order for sentences within a
paragraph or paragraphs within an essay) or about the most logical transitional phrase or
Style questions involve effective word choices in terms of writing style, tone, clarity,
and economy. Sometimes, a phrase or sentence that isn’t technically ungrammatical is
nevertheless confusing because it’s poorly written. Sometimes, a word or phrase clashes
with the tone of the essay. Good writing also involves eliminating ambiguous pronoun
references, excessively wordy or redundant material, and vague or awkward expressions.
Organization, Unity, and Cohesion
Determine the need for transition words or phrases to define relationships in terms of
time or logic
Determine the most logical place for a sentence in a paragraph
Provide a suitable conclusion for a paragraph or passage (for example, summarizing
the main idea)
Provide a suitable introduction for a paragraph or passage
Rearrange sentences in a paragraph or paragraphs in a passage to establish a logical
Determine the most logical place to divide a paragraph to achieve the stated goal
Topic Development in Terms of Purpose and Focus
Determine the relevance of material to the topic or the focus of the passage
or paragraph
Identify the purpose of a word or phrase (for example, identify a person, define a term,
or describe an object)
Determine whether a passage has met a specific goal
Use a word, phrase, or sentence to accomplish a specific purpose, such as convey a
feeling or attitude or illustrate a given statement
ACT Resource Links
ACT Online Practice Tests: https://www.crackab.com/act/
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