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Human Dignity: A Catholic Perspective

The Dignity of the Human
What Does the Church Teach About
Human Dignity?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
“Every person, from the first moment of his life in the
womb, has an inviolable dignity, because from all eternity
God willed, loved, created, and redeemed that person
and destined him for eternal happiness.” [1699 – 1715]
Key Teachings:
Every human being has worth.
Humans have value from the moment of conception
One’s social, physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual,
or financial state does not determine his or her worth.
In God’s eyes, every person is equal and deserving of
Think-Pair-Share Activity
 Make
a list of groups of people in our
society who we do not always treat with
 Identify
some attitudes and strategies
that we should adopt to be more