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SAP NetWeaver AS Java 7.3 Administration Course Handbook

AS Java 7.3 – Administration
SAP NetWeaver
Training Center
Education Website
Participant Handbook
Course Version: 81
Course Duration: 5 Day(s)
Material Number: 50105165
An SAP course - use it to learn, reference it for work
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About This Handbook
This handbook is intended to complement the instructor-led presentation of this
course, and serve as a source of reference. It is not suitable for self-study.
Typographic Conventions
American English is the standard used in this handbook. The following
typographic conventions are also used.
Type Style
Example text
Words or characters that appear on the screen. These
include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well
as menu names, paths, and options.
Also used for cross-references to other documentation
both internal and external.
Example text
Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of
graphics, and tables
Names of elements in the system. These include
report names, program names, transaction codes, table
names, and individual key words of a programming
language, when surrounded by body text, for example
Example text
Screen output. This includes file and directory names
and their paths, messages, names of variables and
parameters, and passages of the source text of a
Example text
Exact user entry. These are words and characters that
you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the
<Example text>
Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you
replace these words and characters with appropriate
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About This Handbook
Icons in Body Text
The following icons are used in this handbook.
For more information, tips, or background
Note or further explanation of previous point
Exception or caution
Indicates that the item is displayed in the instructor's
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Course Overview ......................................................... vii
Course Goals ...........................................................vii
Course Objectives .................................................... viii
Unit 1: Fundamentals ..................................................... 1
Fundamental Concepts of Java .......................................2
Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server ......... 15
Java Cluster Architecture ............................................ 22
The Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java .............. 27
Load Balancing in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java Environment . 34
Unit 2: Starting and Stopping ......................................... 47
Overview of the Process for Starting and Stopping an SAP
NetWeaver AS Java .............................................. 49
Tools for Starting and Stopping ..................................... 57
Java Startup and Control Framework .............................. 73
Logs of the Start and Stop Processes of SAP NetWeaver AS
Java ................................................................. 82
Unit 3: Basic Configuration............................................ 91
Overview of the Administration Tools............................... 92
Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool............109
Configuring AS Java with SAP NetWeaver Administrator ......132
Further Configuration Activities ....................................138
Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure ......................................... 151
Network Security .....................................................152
Setting Up SSL .......................................................160
Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration .................. 185
Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine
(UME) ..............................................................187
User and Group Administration .................................... 211
The Java Authorization Concept ...................................224
Special Principles ....................................................235
Logon Procedure of the AS Java ..................................246
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations ......................... 267
Connections to other Systems .....................................268
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Appendix: Connections to other Systems with the Java Connector
Architecture .......................................................282
Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics .......... 295
Overview of the Standard Java EE Development Process.....297
Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
(NWDI) ............................................................309
Preparing for the Development of Java Applications............336
Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer
Studio ..............................................................366
Transporting Java Developments..................................386
Unit 8: Monitoring....................................................... 413
Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java .............................414
Connecting to a Central Monitoring System......................425
Availability Monitoring ...............................................443
Log Viewer and Log Configuration ................................456
Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution Manager .......477
Unit 9: Software Maintenance........................................ 491
Preparation for Software Maintenance............................492
Importing Corrections................................................509
Backing Up AS Java.................................................530
Glossary................................................................... 539
Index ....................................................................... 541
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Overview
This course provides an overview of the various tasks of the system administration
for systems that are based on SAP NetWeaver AS Java 7.3. This course provides a
solid foundation for the training of system administrators of SAP NetWeaver AS
Java 7.3. This course deals with the basic activities that affect SAP NetWeaver AS
Java 7.3. However, no application-specific or product-specific activities are taught.
Target Audience
This course is intended for the following audiences:
Administrators and consultants for SAP systems that are based on SAP
NetWeaver AS Java 7.3, for example SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3 and SAP
NetWeaver PI 7.3
Course Prerequisites
Required Knowledge
SAPTEC - Fundamentals of SAP NetWeaver Application Server
Recommended Knowledge
ADM100 - Administration AS ABAP I
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Overview
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Explain the architecture of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Carry out basic configurations for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Classify network security concepts
Set up SSL encryption for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Explain the architecture of the User Management Engine
Configure the User Management Engine
Carry out user and authorization maintenance
Understand and change the standard logon procedure of SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Maintain destinations and the JCo RFC Provider
Understand the architecture and the tasks of the SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure
Explain the process flow of the development process using the SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
Specify the options for monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Connect SAP NetWeaver AS Java to a central Monitoring system
Display Monitoring and logging data using the SAP NetWeaver
Implement corrections for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:
Explain the architecture of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Carry out basic configurations for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Classify network security concepts
Set up SSL encryption for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Explain the architecture of the User Management Engine
Configure the User Management Engine
Carry out user and authorization maintenance
Understand and change the standard logon procedure of SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Maintain destinations and the JCo RFC Provider
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Overview
Understand the architecture and the tasks of the SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure
Explain the process flow of the development process using the SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
Specify the options for monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Connect SAP NetWeaver AS Java to a central Monitoring system
Display Monitoring and logging data using the SAP NetWeaver
Implement corrections for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Overview
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1
Unit Overview
SAP NetWeaver Application Server is a scalable and reliable component platform.
It provides a complete development infrastructure, to develop, distribute, and
execute platform-independent, robust, and scalable Web services and business
applications. SAP NetWeaver Application Server supports both ABAP and Java
and Web services. To do this, the classic SAP Basis was extended with the
Internet Communication Manager (ICM) for SAP Web Application Server 6.10.
In the next evolutionary step, SAP Web Application Server was extended with
the SAP Web Application Server Java for SAP Web Application Server 6.20. As
of Release 6.40, SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP and SAP NetWeaver AS Java is a
central component of SAP NetWeaver.
This unit describes the technical fundamentals and the architecture of AS Java
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Use basic Java terminology
Explain the architecture of SAP NetWeaver Application Server
Explain the term Central Services of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Understand and use concepts such as Java instance, ICM, and server
Name the most important managers of the SAP NetWeaver AS
Name the most important services of the SAP NetWeaver AS
Explain how load balancing can be realized in the SAP system
Unit Contents
Fundamental Concepts of Java .......................................2
Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server .......... 15
Java Cluster Architecture............................................. 22
The Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java .............. 27
Load Balancing in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java Environment.. 34
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Fundamentals
Lesson: Fundamental Concepts of Java
Lesson Overview
This lesson provides a short overview of the fundamental Java concepts for all
participants that have not yet been confronted with Java. The architectural concept
and the properties of Java are briefly outlined.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Use basic Java terminology
Business Example
As of SAP Web Application Server 6.20, you have the option of using Java as well
as the ABAP programming language. You should therefore familiarize yourself
with the fundamental concepts of the Java environment.
If you search for the meaning of the word Java in an encyclopedia, you find the
following definitions, among other things:
One of the four main islands of the Indonesian republic in the Indian Ocean.
A programming language developed by the company Sun Microsystems.
An aromatic type of coffee, particularly used to make espresso.
A popular dance of the 1920s.
A coarse, loose mesh canvas for embroidery, made of linen or cotton.
It would undoubtedly be worthwhile to investigate each of these definitions
individually in more detail. In this course, we want to concentrate exclusively on
the second definition in this list.
The Java programming language was first introduced in 1995 by Sun Microsystems
Inc.™. Java is an object-oriented and platform-independent programming
language that has spread across many areas. The powerful concept of Java
allows the development of a large number of different types of application - from
the classic application using applets implemented in Web pages to client/server
Java has been designed to be platform independent. This means that the same Java
program can be executed on any system for which a Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) is available. In particular, Java applications can run on different systems
that are based on different hardware. Java can be used to create programs for
UNIX, Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS, or OS/2, for workstations or servers;
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Fundamental Concepts of Java
for x86, MIPS, Alpha, or Sparc; for computers, organizers, or cell phones, and for
the micro computers built into household and industry devices, such as washing
machines, video recorders, cars, and traffic lights.
Properties of Java
You need to differentiate between two basic types of Java programs: applications
and applets.
Java applications are computer programs with the full functional range
also provided by other programming languages. Applications can run as
local programs on the user's computer or as client/server systems across the
Internet or using an Intranet, or as server programs (servlets, CGI programs)
on a Web server.
The term applet essentially means "little application". It usually means a Java
applet, a small computer program that runs in a Web browser and is written
in the Java programming language. Java applets are intended for execution
within the Java Runtime Environment of a browser. They are transferred (as
is also the case, for example, with embedded images) with the HTML page
using the HTTP protocol, and then executed on the client computer. Special
security guidelines apply to Java applets; that is, they are not permitted to
perform everything on the client that locally-installed programs are permitted
to. In this way, for example, they can only create network connections to the
host from which they were downloaded.
Hint: You need to be careful when using the name “Java”. Not everything
that has Java as its linguistic root is actually connected to Java; JavaScript
is completely unrelated to Java. JavaScript is a script language that can be
embedded in HTML and, with some Web browsers (Netscape, Microsoft
Internet Explorer), produces the execution of certain functions and actions
within the Web browser. JavaScript was developed with the intention of
dynamically organizing static HTML pages. Unlike server-side script
languages such as Perl or PHP, JavaScript is executed on the client. In
contrast to Java, JavaScript is not an independent programming language,
is not independent of the browser version, and does not have the required
security mechanisms.
Initially, Java is a programming language like any other. Unlike traditional
compilers for a programming language, which generate machine code for a specific
platform (see the Compiled Programming Languages figure), the Java compiler
produces program code for a virtual machine (the Java Virtual Machine). This
is known as bytecode. A virtual machine is a model of a processor (which often
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
does not exist as real hardware) and the associated system architecture. It is a
computer program that emulates a processor. The effort required to transfer
this software to other real CPUs is small in comparison. The virtual machine is
therefore viewed as the interface between Java and the actual hardware. It must
therefore be developed for each processor architecture and, as such, is the only
platform-dependent component of a Java development system (see the figure
Concept of the Java Virtual Machine).
SAP also uses the concept of a cross-platform virtual machine in the ABAP world.
The ABAP programs of the SAP system are also converted into a bytecode, which
is interpreted by the ABAP Virtual Machine, the ABAP work process.
Figure 1: Compiled Programming Languages
Hint: Virtual machines play an important role nowadays, since Microsoft
has followed Sun's example of the Java Virtual Machine (Java VM) with
its .NET architecture. The concept of the virtual machine was already in
use in the late 1960s; Martin Richards' O code for the BCPL programming
language is an early example. Better-known examples are the Pascal P
code system (UCSD Pascal) from the 1970s, and the virtual machine on
which programs in the Smalltalk programming language run.
The bytecode generated by the Java compiler is comparable to microprocessor
code for a conceived processor , which understands instructions such as arithmetic
operations, gotos, and so on. A Java compiler, such as the one from Sun, which is
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Fundamental Concepts of Java
itself implemented in Java, generates this bytecode. However, so that the program
code of the virtual processor can be executed, after the conversion phase, the
runtime environment (also known as the runtime interpreter), the Java Virtual
Machine, runs the bytecode. In this way, Java is a compiled, but also an interpreted
programming language.
Figure 2: Concept of the Java Virtual Machine
The interpretation causes speed problems, since the identification, decoding, and
execution of the commands takes time. Java programs are generally slower than
programs that were converted specifically for the target environment (such as
C(++) programs). The technology of the Just In Time (JIT) compiler alleviates the
problem. A JIT compiler accelerates the execution of the programs by converting
the program statements of the virtual machine for the physical machine. There
is then a program adjusted for the architecture available in memory, which is
executed quickly without interpretation. Even with this technology, the speed is
slower than that of C in many cases, but the difference is smaller.
A Java Development Kit (JDK) is required to write platform-independent Java
programs. The Java Development Kit includes the software required to create and
test Java applications and applets, the packages with the Java classes that are part
of the basic configuration, and the online documentation. The software includes
the Java compiler, the Java Runtime Environment (the Java Virtual Machine) for
running applications, the applet viewer for running applets, a Java debugger, and
various utilities. The online documentation describes all language elements and
all classes of the Application Program Interface API.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Java is a relatively new programming language and is therefore still in
development, that is, new versions with extensions and improvements are
constantly being released: the original version is JDK 1.0 (1995). Since Version
1.2, the JDK has also been called “Java Platform 2” and in Version 1.3.0 to Version
1.4, the JDK is called “Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK)”. It is called JDK
again from Version 1.5.0 and SDK is used in another context. From Version 1.6.0,
Java™ Platform 2 is no longer used, rather Java™ Platform is used. From Version
1.5.0, there is a differentiation between a developer version and a product version
with 1.5.0 as the developer version. The related product version is “5.0”. Product
version “6” belongs to developer version 1.6.0.
Java Standard Edition (Java SE). The standard edition is the normal
software environment and defines the Java™ SE Development Kit (JDK).
This includes the Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE).
Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE). The enterprise edition builds on the
JDK and integrates additional packages such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB),
servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java Mail API, and Java Transaction
Service (JTS). The Java EE 5 SDK (Software Development Kit) includes the
Sun Java System Application Server and requires a JDK. This can be JDK
Version 5.0 or JDK Version 6 in Version 5.
Java Micro Edition (Java ME). The micro edition is a small runtime
environment for small devices such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) or
The following figure “SDK Structure” describes the interaction between the terms
“Java EE SDK”, “JDK” and “JRE”.
Figure 3: SDK Structure
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Lesson: Fundamental Concepts of Java
The Java SE Runtime Environment is also referred to as JRE and contains the
runtime environment to which the JVM and other libraries with which Java
applications can be executed belong. The JRE cannot be used to develop any
Java programs. The JDK is required for this. It contains the JRE with the Java
compiler “javac” and other tools which are of use for programming. When
performing client-server programming, you need a server. The SDK contains the
reference implementation of an application server, namely the “Sun Java System
Application Server”. You can use the Java EE SDK to program, among other
things, “Enterprise Java Beans”, “Servlet”s and “JSP”; however, a JDK is required.
Figure 4: AS Java with SAP JVM
SAP NetWeaver AS Java is the SAP implementation for a Java-based application
server. SAP NetWeaver AS Java 7.3x is Java™ EE 5-compliant and was the
first (along with Sun) to correspond to this standard. SAP NetWeaver AS Java
7.3x does not require a JDK from the operating system manufacturer (unlike its
predecessors); instead, the SAP-specific JDK is used on all operating systems.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
The SAP Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a Java Virtual Machine for application
servers that are reliable, scalable and can be supported for using SAP products.
The SAP JVM implements the standard Java SE 5.0 and provides a reliable
foundation for SAP NetWeaver AS Java. Some of the SAP JVM properties were
developed especially to meet the requirements of SAP customers:
Additional “Supportability”
The SAP JVM provides functions for supporting complex Java applications.
One prominent function here is the “extended stack trace”. It helps
developers to identify problems and software errors.
“Profiling” and “Memory Debugging”
Discovering problems in memory management has the same value as
identifying functional errors. Therefore, the SAP JVM provides enhanced
options in the area of performance and memory profiling.
“Debugging on demand”
You can use the SAP JVM in productive use to switch to and back from
debugging mode without restarting the VM. This dramatically reduces the
amount of effort required for troubleshooting.
For details of available SAP JVM patches, see SAP Note 1434916: How to find
out the SAP JVM build version.
Programming in Java
When creating Java programs, the developer first creates a source file in the
format “MyProgram.java” (see the figure Tools of the Java Development Kit).
The Java compiler generates a separate file for each class from the source file that
contains the bytecode for this class. The file name is then the name of the class
with the extension “.class”, and therefore has the format “MyProgram.class”. In
accordance with the object-oriented approach, Java “functions” are grouped in
classes. Each Java source file may only contain one public class. The file name of
the source file must then be the name of this class (which is case-sensitive) with
the extension “.java”.
This bytecode is platform-independent: irrespective of the type of system on
which the Java compiler was called, the bytecode can also be executed on
any other computer system, at least in the case of “100% pure Java”, which
unfortunately cannot be guaranteed for all products.
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Lesson: Fundamental Concepts of Java
Figure 5: JDK tools
You can also combine multiple class files into a compressed archive file.
Java archive files of this type then have, for example, names in the format
“MyArchive.jar”. A Java archive contains files and possibly also entire directory
structures in the same compressed format used by PKZIP and WinZip. They are
administered with the program jar (Java Archiver); the call is similar to that of the
UNIX program tar (tape archiver). It is not usually necessary to extract or unpack
archive files: The Java compiler and the Java Virtual Machine can read and load
the class files directly from the archive files. For this purpose, the file name of
the archive file must be specified in a defined format.
The bytecode of a Java application is executed by calling the Java Virtual Machine
JVM (in the Java Runtime Environment JRE) in the format java MyProgram.
In a similar way to sub program libraries in other programming languages, in Java
there are also small Java programs (classes) with precisely defined conventions for
the interfaces that allow reuse in multiple applications (applications and applets).
These programs are known as Java Beans.
Java EE Specification
Java became popular with the Internet as a language of the World Wide Web. Life
can be added to static HTML pages using Applets and Java Script. By extending
Web servers with the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), these can perform simple
database accesses and display the results formatted in the browser. However, these
technologies are limited in the case of simultaneous accesses from very large
numbers of users who expect reliable information and quick response times.
Sun provides a solution to these problems in terms of server-side architecture for
Internet applications with the Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE). Java
EE is a vendor standard for a complete palette of software components, which
are primarily created in the Java programming language. Sun wishes to ensure
that developments comply with the specification of the Java Enterprise Edition
using compatibility tests for Java EE.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
The purpose of the specifications is to make available a generally accepted
framework for developing distributed, multilayer applications with modular
components. Clearly defined interfaces between the components and layers ensure
that software components from different vendors are interoperable, provided
they adhere to the specifications. With the Java EE specification, Sun wishes
to ensure that Web applications that conform to the specification run on all
Java EE-compatible servers. The application logic is packed in components
(Enterprise Java Beans) in accordance with the Java EE specifications.
They represent modular java program components. A container provides the
components implicitly with the services of the runtime environment.
Three-level client/server architectures for enterprise applications can be realized
in accordance with the Java EE specifications. The Java EE application server
forms the core of these architectures (see the figure Three-Level Java(TM) EE 5
Figure 6: Three-Level Java(TM) EE 5 Architecture
The Java EE application server processes client requests, executes the application
logic, and returns the results to the clients. The application data is accessed from
the database level. The application logic is implemented in the form of Enterprise
Java Beans. These are executed in an EJB Container, which is part of the Java
EE Application Server. The communication between the client and the Java EE is
based on Web standards such as HTTP, HTML, and XML. The Java EE server
uses Java Server Pages (JSP) and Java Servlets to generate HTML pages or XML
data. Java Server Pages and Java servlets are executed in a Web Container,
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Fundamental Concepts of Java
which is, in turn, part of the Java EE Application Server. Java applets can be
included in the HTML pages that are sent to the Web browser. These applets
are executed in the browser.
Java Server Pages (JSP) are a technology developed by Sun, which essentially
allow the simple dynamic generation of HTML and XML output for a Web server.
This technology enables Java code and specific JSP actions to be embedded
in static content. The advantage of this technology is that the logic can be
implemented independent of the design. JSP are converted Java source code using
a special JSP compiler. This source code, which corresponds to a Java servlet,
is then converted to bytecode by the Java compiler.
Figure 7: Architecture of the Java(TM) EE 5 Application Server
Each application component is executed in a container. These containers
provide the application components with services in accordance with the Java EE
specification. Examples of these services are transaction management, availability,
security, scalability, client connection, and database access. This means that the
developer can concentrate purely on the application logic and does not need to
deal with these system functions.
The following figure shows an example of the processing of a client request by
a Java EE Server.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Figure 8: Processing of a Client Request by the Java™ EE 5 Server
To achieve the aims of quick response times and reliable information, the Java EE
application server must also provide scalability and reliability in addition to the
functional side. The Java EE Server must handle clustering and load balancing
for this.
Java EE Server in the SAP Environment
SAP takes into account the increasing importance of Java for creating business
applications, together with the larger market of Java developers. SAP began a
fundamental evaluation of Java as early as 1998 and, since SAP Web Application
Server 6.20, provides a complete Java EE-compatible runtime infrastructure. Up
to Release SAP NetWeaver AS Java 7.0, they were AS Java J2EE 1.3-compliant;
since AS Java 7.1x, they are EE 5-compliant. The architecture of an application
server in accordance with the Java EE specification is similar to the ABAP
runtime environment used for SAP solutions, since both are platform-independent,
executed in a multi-level architecture, and have a separate presentation logic and
business logic.
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Lesson: Fundamental Concepts of Java
The use of Java EE in SAP technology has the following advantages for SAP
NetWeaver Application Server:
The open integration architecture SAP NetWeaver integrates perfectly into
the openness of Java EE.
Java EE is further proof of the strategy of platform-independence pursued
by SAP.
The Java EE Connector architecture allows standardized integration of
external applications.
Web Services technologies are supported directly by Java.
The quickly-growing Java community provides simple access to experienced
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Fundamentals
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Use basic Java terminology
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server
Lesson: Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application
Lesson Overview
This lesson presents the architecture of SAP NetWeaver Application Server.
Particular attention is paid to SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java. SAP
NetWeaver Application Server ABAP is presented here only in as far as it is
required for the understanding of the rest.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the architecture of SAP NetWeaver Application Server
Business Example
SAP NetWeaver Application Server is the technical basis for many SAP
components. To be able to administrate SAP NetWeaver Application Server, you
need to understand its internal structure and architecture.
You can implement both server-side and client-side Web applications with the
SAP NetWeaver Application Server. Server applications (such as online shops
or portals) can be created in the integrated development environment or with an
external tool; the Web pages contain dynamic script code in addition to static
HTML code. SAP NetWeaver Application Server can - depending on the chosen
installation variant - execute ABAP and/or Java programs. This means that when
you are creating Web applications, you can use both the ABAP-based Business
Server Pages and Java-based programming (JSPs, and so on).
SAP NetWeaver Application Server is the application platform of SAP NetWeaver.
It represents the basis for the other SAP NetWeaver components.
The following figures show the structure and components of the SAP NetWeaver
Application Server.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Figure 9: Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
Figure 10: Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP+Java
An SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP+Java system consists of two integrated parts that
are referred to as ABAP Stack or Java Stack.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server
The individual components and their tasks are briefly presented in the following:
The Internet Communication Manager (ICM) creates contact with the
Internet. It can process Web requests as both a server and client. It supports
the protocols HTTP, HTTPS, IIOP, IIOPSEC, P4SEC, Telnet and SMTP.
SAP NetWeaver AS can act as a Web server or client.
The SMTP protocol is only processed by SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP;
therefore, it is not used in SAP NetWeaver AS Java. The protocols IIOP,
IIOPSEC, P4SEC and Telenet are processed by SAP NetWeaver AS Java;
therefore, they are not used in SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP.
The ICM forwards incoming requests of the protocols mentioned above to
the appropriate stack (ABAP or Java) for processing and sends the response
back to the inquiring partners.
The ABAP dispatcher distributes the requests to the work processes. If all
processes are busy, the requests are stored in the dispatcher queue.
The ABAP work processes execute the ABAP code.
The ABAP message server is used to exchange messages in SAP NetWeaver
AS ABAP and to balance the load in the SAP system with SAP NetWeaver
AS ABAP und SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP+Java.
The Java server processes are responsible for processing, for example,
Java server pages, servlets and so on.
An SAP system that contains SAP NetWeaver AS Java has a central services
instance that contains a Java message server and a Java enqueue server.
The Java message server is used to exchange messages in SAP NetWeaver
AS Java and to balance the load in SAP systems without an ABAP stack.
The Java enqueue server is responsible for lock management in SAP
NetWeaver AS Java.
SAP NetWeaver Application Server with ABAP and
This section describes the architecture of the integrated version of the SAP
NetWeaver Application Server ABAP and Java.
The architecture of a system of this type with one instance is shown in the figure
Architecture of SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP+Java. The structure
with multiple instances is outlined in principle in the following figure.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Figure 11: Architecture of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP+Java with multiple
Each of these integrated SAP NetWeaver AS instances contains the (ABAP)
dispatcher and its work processes, which can process ABAP programs, and the
ICM with its server processes, to which it distributes the incoming Java™ EE 5
One of the instances must be installed as the (ABAP) central instance; that is,
provide the enqueue service. Alternatively, the system can be set up with the
standalone enqueue server, and without a central instance.
It is, of course, possible to log on to a SAP system of this type not only using the
Web client, but also using SAP GUI. The Java cluster requires a special instance,
the Central Services, to administer locks and transfer messages and data. Finally,
all the applications and data for ABAP and Java each have a schema in a shared
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Lesson: Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server
The users can log on to the SAP system using either the SAP GUI or a Web
client (browser):
Communication with the SAP GUI
The users log on using the message server (load balancing) or directly to
the ABAP dispatcher, and the work processes process the user input. An
additional task of the message server is to transmit requests in the ABAP
Processing Web requests
Web requests are received by an Internet Communication Manager (ICM).
These HTTP(S) requests can be intended for the Internet Communication
Framework (ICF), that is, processed in the ABAP work process (such as BSP
applications or Java™ EE 5 requests, which are intended for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java. The ICM decides where to forward the request using the URL.
The HTTP(S) requests are distributed across all instances of an SAP system using
the SAP Web Dispatcher. It is the central point of entry to the SAP system from
the internet. For each incoming request, it must decide on the SAP NetWeaver AS
instance to which it forwards the request. In each case, the ICM of an application
server receives the Web requests from the SAP Web Dispatcher. The ICM
then uses the URL to decide whether it should forward the request to the SAP
NetWeaver AS ABAP or the SAP NetWeaver AS Java for processing.
Installation Variants of SAP NetWeaver AS
Depending on what is required of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server, there
are various installation variants, depending on which installation routine is used.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Figure 12: Installation variants of SAP NetWeaver AS
SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP System.
Complete infrastructure in which ABAP-based applications can be developed
and used.
An SAP NetWeaver BW 7.3 system contains SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP.
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java System.
Complete infrastructure for developing and using Java™ EE 5-based
An SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3 system contains SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP and Java System.
Complete infrastructure in which ABAP- and Java™ EE 5-based applications
can be developed and used. This installation focuses on seamless Java-ABAP
An SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.3 system contains SAP NetWeaver
Java Developer Workplace
Complete infrastructure for developing and using Java™ EE 5-based
applications in a single-user system.
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Lesson: Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the architecture of SAP NetWeaver Application Server
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Lesson: Java Cluster Architecture
Lesson Overview
This lesson describes the architecture of SAP NetWeaver AS Java. The individual
components of SAP NetWeaver AS Java and their functions are introduced. A
Java cluster encompasses all Java components of an SAP system.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the term Central Services of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Understand and use concepts such as Java instance, ICM, and server
Business Example
After the installation of a SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java, configuration
is still required. You should therefore be familiar with the basic architecture of the
cluster of SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java.
The Java Instance Concept
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java takes the instance concept of SAP Basis,
which combines multiple components that are monitored, started, and stopped
together into an administrative unit.
The following components are part of a Java instance:
The server processes provide the infrastructure in which the Java™ EE 5
applications run.
The Internet Communication Manager distributes the client requests to
the free server processes of the instance.
An instance always runs on one physical server, but there can be multiple instances
on one server. Within an SAP system, an instance is defined using the system ID
(SID) of the SAP system and the instance number. An SAP system consists of a
database and one or more instances. These instances can either be purely ABAP or
Java instances, or instances with ABAP and Java infrastructure, with the instances
of a system always having the same infrastructure (that is, there is no system that
has ABAP instances (without Java) and Java instances (without ABAP).
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Lesson: Java Cluster Architecture
The Central Services form a special Java instance. They provide the basis of
communication and synchronization within a Java cluster. Another special
instance is the instance that is installed first. It is often referred to as the Primary
Application Server Instance or PAS for short. Further instances for a system are
referred to as Additional Application Server Instances or AAS for short.
To ensure high-performance when processing Java requests, the SAP system
can be scaled using the number of server processes for each instances or using
the number of instances.
Java Cluster Architecture
All Java components of an SAP system are known as a Java cluster. A Java
cluster consists of:
A Java instance with an ICM and at least one server process.
The Central Services, which contain a message server and an enqueue
A database for the central storage of data.
Optionally, additional Java instances
The following figures illustrate an installation with several SAP NetWeaver AS
Java instances.
Figure 13: Cluster with Multiple SAP NetWeaver AS Java Instances
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
ICM and Server Processes
Client requests to SAP NetWeaver AS Java are received by ICM. It selects a
free server process to process the request and creates the connection between the
client and the server process. The ICM distributes new incoming requests to
the available server processes using a “round robin” algorithm. If a connection
to the client exists, the request is forwarded to the server process that is already
processing requests for this client.
The server process of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java runs the Java
applications. The server processes are implemented as multi-threaded servers and
can therefore process multiple requests in parallel. The system or application
threads take over the processing of the requests.
Central Services
The Central Services run on one host and form a separate Java instance. They
consist of the Java message server and the Java enqueue server.
The Central Services provide the basis for communication and synchronization for
the Java cluster:
The message service administers a list of the ICM and the server processes
of the Java cluster. It represents the infrastructure for data exchange (small
datasets only) between the participating nodes. In the case of load balancing
between a large number of Java instances, it also provides the load balancing
information for the SAP Web Dispatcher.
The enqueue service administers logical locks that are set in a server
process by the executed application program. It is also used for cluster-wide
The Central Services are essentially required when a Java cluster is installed. They
are started on a host with a separate system number and the system ID (SID) of
the entire system.
Message Service
The message service is an individual program used to communicate between the
elements of a Java cluster. The message service knows all active Java instances.
The terms message server and message service are used with the same meaning in
the training material. To be precise, the message server is a program/process that
provides the message service.
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Lesson: Java Cluster Architecture
The message service performs the following tasks in the Java cluster:
Notification of events that arise in the cluster, for example, if a node of the
cluster disappears (due to failure or the instance being shut down), or when a
service is started or stopped.
Communication between different services
Forwarding of messages and requests to all participants (broadcast)
Prepare logon information for the SAP Web Dispatcher
Guaranteed message transmission
Exchange of cache information in the cluster
The same technology is used as with the SAP Message Server for the earlier SAP
NetWeaver AS versions without Java.
Enqueue Service
The enqueue service runs on the Central Services instance of the Java cluster. It
manages the lock table in the main memory and receives requests for setting or
releasing locks. It uses the tried and tested SAP lock concept.
The terms enqueue server and enqueue service are used with the same meaning in
the training material. To be precise, the enqueue server is the program or process
that provides the enqueue service.
The enqueue service has the following tasks:
Internally, it is used for synchronization within the Java cluster
The applications can lock objects are release locks again. The enqueue
service processes these requests and manages the lock table with the existing
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the term Central Services of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Understand and use concepts such as Java instance, ICM, and server
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: The Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Lesson: The Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS
Lesson Overview
This lesson introduces the internal architecture of SAP NetWeaver AS. This
architecture is the foundation for realizing a Java™ EE 5 application server in
accordance with the Java™ EE 5 specification.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Name the most important managers of the SAP NetWeaver AS
Name the most important services of the SAP NetWeaver AS
Business Example
SAP NetWeaver AS Java consists internally of several managers and services. To
be able to configure these managers and services, you should first understand
their significance and functions.
The internal structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java is divided into three logical
levels (see the figure Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java):
SAP Java Enterprise Runtime - provides fundamental functions of
the runtime environment, such as class loading, cluster communication,
management of configuration data, and so on .
AS Java System Components - contain interfaces, libraries, services and
Applications Layer - relates to the applications that are deployed and run in
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Figure 14: Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
The following general rule applies to the interaction between these three logical
entities in SAP NetWeaver AS Java: higher-level components can use the
functions of the lower-level layers. On the other hand, the lower levels are not
aware of the higher levels and cannot therefore use their functions.
This rule is a consequence of the start sequence of the individual modules of the
system. First, the runtime environment is started, then the services are started,
and then the applications are started.
Communication between the individual components takes place using defined
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The components of the higher
levels use these APIs to use functions of the lower levels. The AS Java System
components use the Framework APIs to talk to the SAP Java Enterprise Runtime.
The applications can talk with the AS Java System components either using APIs
defined by the Java™ EE 5 specifications, or using proprietary SAP APIs.
The functions of these logical levels and their interaction are described in the
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Lesson: The Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
SAP Java Enterprise Runtime
The SAP Java Enterprise Runtime provides the core functions of the system.
These core functions are realized by multiple subsystems of the lowest level.
These subsystems are called managers. A selection of these managers with a
short description is listed below:
Log Manager:
manages the process of logging system events. It configures the logging
routines of the kernel. The Log Manager is the first manager that is started
during the startup of SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java.
Application Thread Manager:
manages inbound client requests. Searches for free threads to process
inbound requests. If no threads are free, the requests are buffered in a request
Thread Manager:
manages threads in which internal operations of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
are executed.
Locking Manager:
Represents the interface between the server process and the enqueue service.
Configuration Manager:
Allows SAP NetWeaver AS Java to store and access data in a relational
database. Uses the Open SQL for Java Framework to do this.
Classloading Manager:
Central location for the registration and removal of loaders and references
between them.
Cluster Manager:
Manages the elements of a cluster (server processes) and is responsible for
the communication in the cluster. It updates information about the status of
the individual elements of a cluster and the services that are provided by it.
Important settings:
element.joinPort: Port with which servers listen for inbound
ms.host: Host on which the Java message server runs.
Service Manager
Represents a container in which all services in the cluster are executed.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
AS Java System Components
The AS Java System components form the second level within the three-level
structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java. They provide the complete infrastructure
for executing Java™ EE 5 applications and proprietary SAP applications.
Four types of AS Java System components can be classified:
Agreements that define how different components of SAP NetWeaver AS
Java work together. They do not provide any runtime functions themselves,
but rather are used by services that provide their implementation.
They provide names, classes, and objects within SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
These objects are created by the system when it loads the library, or when
an object is first requested.
The services that SAP NetWeaver AS Java provides for processing requests
are defined and configured using the Services. Service components can
access and utilize functions of the runtime environment through the
Framework API. They are the most important of these four types of AS Java
System components.
The facades are special APIs that the Java EE API and SAP API use to
access libraries, interfaces and services.
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Lesson: The Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
A selection of the most important services with a short description is listed below:
Security Provider:
Administration of users and groups and authorization administration.
Controls access to resources or applications deployed in SAP NetWeaver
AS Java.
Monitoring Service:
Allows access to information about the current system status. Provides
general and statistical information, among other things, about the nodes in the
cluster, memory utilization, performance, applications, and user connections.
Log Configurator service
Manages the configuration of the logging and tracing mechanism of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java.
Deploy Service:
Manages the deployment of Java applications.
EJB Container Service:
Manages all Enterprise Java Beans (session beans, entity beans, and
message-driven beans), which are executed in the EJB Container of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java.
HTTP Provider:
Is responsible for processing HTTP requests.
Applications Layer
The applications form the third level within the architecture of SAP NetWeaver AS
Java. The boundary between the applications and the AS Java System components
is defined by the Java EE APIs and a few proprietary SAP APIs. Applications use
these APIs to utilize the functions of the AS Java System components.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
An enterprise application can contain different types of application components:
Servlet: A program module written in the Java programming language,
which is used to respond to requests to a Web server in such a way that the
content of the returned HTML Web page is dynamically generated. Servlets
are standardized in the context of the Java™ EE 5 specification.
Java Server Pages (JSP): Technology for dynamically generating HTML
and XML output of a Web server. This technology enables Java code and
specific JSP actions to be embedded in static content. The advantage of this
technology is that the logic can be implemented independent of the design.
Java Server Pages are converted to Java source code, which corresponds to a
Java servlet, using a special JSP compiler.
Enterprise Java Beans (EJB): Used for the standardized, simplified
development of business applications using Java. They are part of the central
elements of the Java™ EE 5 specification.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Uniform interface to databases from
different vendors, defined specifically for relational databases. The tasks of
JDBC include creating and managing database connections, forwarding SQL
queries to the database, and converting the results into a format that is usable
for Java and making them available to the program.
These components reside in different containers of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
(see the figure Containers of SAP NetWeaver AS Java). The containers provide
runtime services for the application components.
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Lesson: The Internal Structure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Name the most important managers of the SAP NetWeaver AS
Name the most important services of the SAP NetWeaver AS
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Fundamentals
Lesson: Load Balancing in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Lesson Overview
An SAP system can be scaled using the number of application servers and the
number of dialog work processes (ABAP) or server processes (Java) for each
instance. Requests to the SAP system should be distributed as equally as possible
across all application servers and processes. A load balancing procedure is
required to do this. The techniques used for this in the SAP system are introduced
in this lesson.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain how load balancing can be realized in the SAP system
Business Example
With large applications, it is best to spread the load across several components.
Load balancing is also possible with SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
In this section, the different mechanisms for load balancing that are available for
SAP NetWeaver AS are presented. You can essentially differentiate between two
mechanisms for load balancing: Client-based and server-based load balancing. In
general, we recommend server-based load balancing.
Server-Based Load Balancing
A load balancer connected in front acts as a central entry point to the SAP system.
This is the case, even if the SAP system is made up of multiple application servers.
These technique offers the following advantages:
All application servers can be addressed using a common IP address or a
common name.
The users always use the same URL to access the system.
The advantages listed above reduce the operating and maintenance effort
and costs.
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Lesson: Load Balancing in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java Environment
This central entry point to the SAP system can be realized using an additional
component, known as a “load balancer”. As shown in the following figure, this
load balancer receives inbound requests and distributes these to the application
Figure 15: Server-Based Load Balancing
Client-Based Load Balancing
In addition to SAP's preferred method of server-based load balancing, there are
other methods, which can be preferred in certain circumstances. In particular, if a
simple implementation of load balancing is desired. With this client-based load
balancing, all inbound client requests are initially directed to a central location in
the system, a load balancing server, when the connection is first made. The load
balancing server informs the client which application server it should address.
This is illustrated by the following figure.
Figure 16: Client-Based Load Balancing
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Client-based load balancing can be realized using the following mechanisms:
Rerouting the requests using functions •
That provide the HTTP protocol (redirect)
That provide the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol, with which the
namespace in the Internet is managed
A simple method of load balancing is already implemented in SAP NetWeaver
AS, based on the rerouting of HTTP requests. Their function is shown in the
following figure.
Figure 17: Load Balancing Using the SAP Message Server
This mechanism functions as follows:
The browser sends a request to the message server.
The message server returns the address of an appropriate application server
to the browser (redirect).
The browser now sends a request to this application server.
The user remains connected to this application server for the rest of the
duration of the session.
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Lesson: Load Balancing in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java Environment
Although this method is implemented in SAP NetWeaver AS using the message
server (for AS ABAP or AS ABAP and Java System, this is the ABAP Message
Server; for AS Java, this is the Java Message Server), and is already available after
installation, it is not the preferred method due to a number of disadvantages. Some
of these disadvantages are listed briefly here:
Can lead to confusion of the user, since the URL displayed in the browser
changes with the rerouting
If Favorites are created in the browser, these point to the server to which
the user was rerouted
Can cause problems if a firewall is used
Stateless and Stateful Web Applications
The programming model that underlies the development of Web applications has
an important influence on a load balancer. The programming model differentiates
between “stateless” and “stateful” Web applications.
The programming model for stateless requests is used for simple applications, for
which each request to SAP NetWeaver AS is independent of all other requests.
The programming model for stateful requests is used for more complex
applications, which are based on a transactional concept. With these applications,
information about the status of the user session must be stored in the application
The mechanism for load balancing in the SAP system must support both stateless
and stateful requests. Stateful requests are a particular challenge for the load
balancer, since the HTTP protocol only supports stateless requests. This is
illustrated in the following figure. The first request is forwarded to an application
server by the load balancer. If a subsequent request is forwarded to a different
application server, this has no information about the user context.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Figure 18: Stateful Requests
The load balancer must therefore ensure that stateful requests are always
forwarded to the same application server. This can be achieved by different
implementations in the load balancer. However, these different techniques are not
presented in more detail here.
Realization of Load Balancing in SAP NetWeaver AS
After these initial considerations about load balancing, the realization in SAP
NetWeaver AS Java is now presented in this section.
Load balancing within SAP NetWeaver AS Java allows the optimal distribution
of the incoming requests to the available resources. SAP NetWeaver Application
Server provides load balancing at different levels, as shown in the following figure.
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Lesson: Load Balancing in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java Environment
Figure 19: Load balancing in SAP NetWeaver AS Java
In a cluster with multiple SAP NetWeaver AS Java instances, load balancing is
performed using a load balancer connected in front (1). Within the Java instance,
the ICM (2) distributes the inbound requests to the server processes with which it
is connected.
Load Balancing Between Many Java Instances
The following figure shows a system with multiple Java instances, for which the
SAP Web Dispatcher is already activated in the DMZ as a load balancer. This
performs the load balancing between the Java instances. The ICMs of the instance
distributes the requests to their server processes.
Hint: You can also use any other load balancing device instead of the
SAP Web Dispatcher. In this case, you need to register the hosts and ports
with it; the communication with the message server does not take place.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
Figure 20: Load Balancing Between Many Java Instances
The SAP Web Dispatcher fetches the information that it requires from the message
server about:
All ICMs with their HTTP ports, to which it can forward requests
The capacities of the connected Java instances, so that it can use the weighted
round robin procedure. For this, the SAP Web Dispatcher simply needs, in
its profile file, the host name and the port at which it can reach the message
server (parameter rdisp/mshost,ms/http_port).
The SAP Web Dispatcher is delivered with the message server. In the
standard installation, you will find this, for example, in a subdirectory of
The SAP Web Dispatcher can be used for load balancing in the following
Java-only scenario, as described here.
ABAP-only scenario (see SAP customer training course ADM102,
“Administration AS ABAP II”)
Integrated scenario (Java+ABAP) (see SAP customer training course
ADM102, “Administration AS ABAP II”)
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Lesson: Load Balancing in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java Environment
Appendix: SAP Web Dispatcher
As previously described, the SAP Web Dispatcher, which lies between the
Internet and the SAP system, can be used as a load balancer. It is the entry
point for HTTP(S) requests into your system, which consists of one or more
Web application servers. As a "software Web switch", it can reject or accept
connections. When it accepts a connection, it distributes the requests to ensure an
even distribution across the servers (load balancing).
Hint: Not only does using the SAP Web Dispatcher allow you to realize
load balancing across multiple SAP NetWeaver AS instances, it also
provides security functions (entry point in the DMZ, SSL, URL filtering).
The SAP Web Dispatcher forwards inbound requests (HTTP, HTTPS) to the SAP
NetWeaver AS instances of the SAP system in turn, where the number of requests
that a SAP Web AS receives is weighted according to its capacity. The capacity of
a SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP depends on the number of configured dialog work
processes. For SAP NetWeaver AS Java, the capacity is determined by the number
of server processes. If the application is stateful, the SAP Web Dispatcher ensures
at the next request that the user is again forwarded to the server processing his or
her application. It uses the session cookie to do this for HTTP connections, and
the client IP address for end-to-end SSL. The SAP Web Dispatcher also decides
whether the inbound request is to be forwarded to a SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP
or a SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
Hint: Unlike the HTTP load balancing performed by the SAP message
server, no redirect is performed when using the SAP Web Dispatcher. In
this way, the associated disadvantages (a large number of IP addresses
must be known, bookmarking is not possible, authentication after a change
of application server) are also avoided.
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Unit 1: Fundamentals
The SAP Web Dispatcher is a separate program that can run on a host that is
directly connected to the Internet. It requires minimal configuration. You only
need to enter the following data in the profile file for the SAP Web Dispatcher:
Port on which the HTTP(S) requests are to be received (parameter
Host and HTTP port of the SAP message server (parameter rdisp/mshost
and parameter ms/http_port)
If you want to be able to call the Web application externally, for example
with the URL http://shop.sap.com, this host name must be mapped internally
to the SAP Web Dispatcher. This then forwards the HTTP(S) request to a
suitable SAP NetWeaver AS.
Hint: The SAP Web Dispatcher is presented in detail in the SAP customer
training course ADM102, “Administration AS ABAP II”. For information
about the change history of the SAP Web Dispatcher, see the composite
SAP Note on the SAP Web Dispatcher (SAP Note 538405 and 1093023).
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Load Balancing in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java Environment
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain how load balancing can be realized in the SAP system
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Use basic Java terminology
Explain the architecture of SAP NetWeaver Application Server
Explain the term Central Services of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Understand and use concepts such as Java instance, ICM, and server
Name the most important managers of the SAP NetWeaver AS
Name the most important services of the SAP NetWeaver AS
Explain how load balancing can be realized in the SAP system
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge
Which of the programming languages listed below are implemented
Choose the correct answer(s).
Briefly describe the function of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Which of the software components listed below are components of SAP
NetWeaver AS?
Choose the correct answer(s).
ABAP Work Processes
Java Message Server
Internet Communication Manager
Which software components allow load balancing in the context of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java?
Choose the correct answer(s).
SAP Web Dispatcher
ABAP Dispatcher
Server processes
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Test Your Knowledge
Which of the programming languages listed below are implemented
Answer: B, C
ABAP and Java are programming languages that are implemented
Briefly describe the function of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Answer: The JVM executes the platform-independent bytecode generated
by the Java compiler on the relevant hardware.
Which of the software components listed below are components of SAP
NetWeaver AS?
Answer: A, B, C
Components of SAP NetWeaver AS: Internet Communication Manager,
ABAP dispatcher, ABAP work processes, ABAP message server, Java server
processes, Java message server und Java enqueue server.
Which software components allow load balancing in the context of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java?
Answer: A
The SAP Web Dispatcher distributes inbound requests across multiple SAP
NetWeaver AS Java instances.
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Unit 2
Starting and Stopping
Unit Overview
This unit describes the process when starting an SAP NetWeaver AS Java. SAP
NetWeaver AS Java uses the Startup and Control Framework to perform the start
process of the Java instances. On all operating systems, it is possible to use the
SAP Management Console for starting and stopping. In the Windows operating
system, it is also possible to use the Microsoft Management Console (SAP MMC).
In the UNIX operating system, it is also possible to use the startsap and stopsap
scripts. Finally, the log and trace files of the start/stop process are listed.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Describe the sequence in which the components of an SAP system and
started and stopped
Describe the general start process for an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Describe the general start process for an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java
Operate the tools to start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java
Operate the tools to start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Use the term Startup and Control Framework
Describe the individual steps during the start and stop processes of a Java
Find the storage locations of trace and log files of the Startup and Control
Name the most important trace and log files of the Startup and Control
Framework and review their content.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Overview of the Process for Starting and Stopping an SAP
NetWeaver AS Java ............................................................. 49
Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping ...................................... 57
Exercise 1: Tools for Starting and Stopping.............................. 67
Lesson: Java Startup and Control Framework............................... 73
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Exercise 2: Java Startup and Control Framework ...................... 79
Lesson: Logs of the Start and Stop Processes of SAP NetWeaver AS
Java ................................................................................ 82
Exercise 3: Logs of the Start and Stop Processes of SAP NetWeaver
AS Java ....................................................................... 85
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Overview of the Process for Starting and Stopping an
SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Lesson: Overview of the Process for Starting and
Stopping an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Lesson Overview
There are different techniques for initiating the start and stop processes for the
SAP NetWeaver AS, depending on the installation (with or without an ABAP
stack). An SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java is automatically started and stopped
by the ABAP dispatcher. The start and stop process for an SAP NetWeaver
AS Java (without ABAP stack) can be performed using the SAP Management
Console (SAP MC).
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe the sequence in which the components of an SAP system and
started and stopped
Describe the general start process for an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Describe the general start process for an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java
Business Example
An SAP system should be stopped before maintenance work to the hardware and
started again later. To be able to do this, it is necessary to become familiar with the
tools for starting and stopping the system, and the process flow.
System Start: Process
The starting of an SAP system is the basic prerequisite for being able to work with
the system. The start process presented in this lesson describes the process flow
when starting an SAP system with ABAP and Java stack as well as when starting
an SAP system with a Java stack but without an ABAP stack. Every SAP system
has a database and at least one instance. Systems with the Java stack have at least
two instances. The instances can be divided into three different categories with
different priorities for the start and stop process.
Instances with enqueue but without ABAP dispatcher
Instances with enqueue and with ABAP dispatcher
All other instances
The enqueue plays a special role in the ABAP stack and in the Java stack for
the start sequence; the enqueue is on one instance only for each stack. These
instances that usually also contain the message server must be started before all
other instances. The Java Central Services instance (priority 1) does not require
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
a running database; therefore, the database is not started when this instance is
started. An instance with an ABAP dispatcher and an enqueue work process
(priority 2) requires a started database that the ABAP work processes log on to.
Therefore, the first step is to start the database when starting this type of instance
(unless it is already running).
In principle, the start process is performed in multiple steps. The start process is
performed with the operating system user <sid>adm:
Starting the Central Services Instance
The Central Services consist of the Java message server and the Java
enqueue server. The ICM and server Java cluster elements connect to the
Java message server during their own start process.
Starting the database
The database is the fundamental element of the entire SAP system. This
must be in an operational state before SAP instances that contain an ABAP
dispatcher or Java server process are started. However, it may not run or be
started before the Central Services instance is started.
Starting the PAS or AAS
The Primary Application Server Instance (PAS) or Additional Application
Server Instance (AAS) first checks whether the database is started; it starts
the database if it is not already started.
If there is an enqueue work process in a PAS or AAS (usually in a PAS with
ABAP stack), this instance must be given priority and started before the
other instances.
For the start process, you differentiate between the starting of SAP systems with
purely Java instances (without ABAP) and instances with Java and ABAP stack.
Additional details are provided in the following sections.
System Stop: Process
The stopping of an SAP system is performed in reverse sequence. The instances
with enqueue are always stopped last. For SAP system installations on the
Microsoft Windows operating system, the database is not stopped at the same
time. This can be done with the tools of the relevant database. In the case of SAP
system that are installed on UNIX operating systems, the database is generally
stopped at the same time.
Hard Shutdown
The hard shutdown tops the system or the instance immediately, regardles if user
requests are currently processed or not.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Overview of the Process for Starting and Stopping an
SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Soft Shutdown
If the soft shutdown for an instance is triggered, there is no logon to the instance
possible anymore. The instance is removed from the load balancing list of the
message server. However, requests of logged on users are still dispatched to the
related instance by the message server (e.g. http requests).
On the AS ABAP, no more long running tasks are scheduled and it is been waiting
for the end of long running tasks e.g. batch jobs or updates. If there is no long
running task anymore, than it is been waited until all user sessions are ended.
Afterwards all internal tasks are stopped and if all work processes are idle, the
instance shuts down.
On the AS Java, every server process enters the state preparing to stop if no
critical task is running. If there is no user session alive, the server process stops the
application and shuts down. In case that user sessions exists, the server process
waits, until all user sessions have ended.
In case of an AS ABAP+Java system, the behavior is nearly the same except
that the stopping of the ABAP internal tasks is delayed, until the Java part is
stopped already.
Starting and Stopping an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP
+ Java
The instances are started and stopped using appropriate tools - such as the SAP
Management Console (SAP MC). The start of the Java stack is controlled by the
ABAP dispatcher within an instance of a dualstack system. In concrete terms, this
means that the start and stop processes are triggered by the ABAP dispatcher. To
do this, the ABAP dispatcher sends a start command to the so-called Startup and
Control Framework. The corresponding Java cluster elements are started using
the Startup and Control Framework.
Note: The Startup and Control Framework consists of the Java Instance
Controller and the server processes in a dualstack system. The ICM also
belongs to the Startup and Control Framework in an SAP NetWeaver
AS Java system.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Figure 21: Starting an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP+Java
The tools (explained in more detail in the next lesson) can be used to start or
stop individual instances or also the entire system. You should proceed as
described above for the start process. If the complete system is started, you can
be selected, for example in the SAP MC All Instances. The tools communicate
with sapstartsrv. This is a service in Windows operating systems; it should be
scheduled as a daemon in other operating systems. There is an sapstartsrv for
each instance; this is responsible for starting and stopping the instance. If an
sapstartsrv now receives the start command for the system, it must pass this on to
the other sapstartsrv; this happens via HTTP or HTTPS. The sapstartsrv write
a 1 byte control file every minute to the directory $(DIR_GLOBAL)\sapcontrol
whose name specifies, among other things, the port and host on which it can be
reached and the priority that its instance has.
Using the control files, the sapstartsrv recognizes which other sapstartsrv are still
active and passes the start signal on to them according to the priority.
Therefore, the above figure shows that the Central Services instance is started
first because it has priority 1.
The PAS has priority 2 (since no ABAP Central Services instance was installed);
therefore, it is the next one to be started. At this point, a check is performed to
see whether the database is running (step 3). If it is not running, it is started. The
ABAP message server and the ABAP dispatcher are now started (step 4). The
ABAP dispatcher starts its work processes, the ICM and the Startup and Control
Framework (step 5) to which the Java server processes belong.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Overview of the Process for Starting and Stopping an
SAP NetWeaver AS Java
The AAS is then started since it has priority 3. The start process is similar to PAS;
however, there is no ABAP message server started.
In the start process, a timeout is specified for the start of the instances with the
next highest priority. This means that all instances with the same priority have
to be started within the timeout for the instances with the next highest priority
to be started.
The stop process is performed by the ABAP dispatcher in the same way as the start
process. The ABAP dispatcher also informs the Startup and Control Framework
and transfers the stop command in this case.
Starting an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
In an SAP NetWeaver AS Java system, the Startup and Control Framework is
started directly by the sapstartsrv. The ICM also belongs to the Startup and
Control Framework along with the Java Instance Controller, the server processes.
Using the relevant tools, for example SAP Management Console (SAP MC) or the
Microsoft Management Console (SAP MMC) under Windows, the start command
is passed on to an sapstartsrv, which forwards this to the appropriate sapstartsrv,
which starts “its” instance.
Figure 22: Starting an SAP NetWeaver AS Java (without ABAP)
If the start command for the system start is passed on to an sapstartsrv, the
procedure here is the same as described above for starting an SAP NetWeaver AS
ABAP + Java system.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
The Central Services instance is started first because it has priority 1.
The PAS and AAS are then started (step 4) since they have priority 3. The
sapstartsrv of the PAS and AAS check before the start of the instance (step 3)
whether the database is running; if it is not, it is started before the PAS or AAS
is started.
Evaluating the Profiles in the Start Process
There are no start profiles in SAP NetWeaver 7.10 and later releases. Information
for the start process is integrated into the instance profiles. Therefore, the instance
profile is also used to start the sapstartsrv. If information for the start process is
changed in the instance profile, the sapstartsrv has to be restarted as before.
Figure 23: Evaluation of Default and Instance Profiles
If an instance of a dualstack system is started, the ABAP message server (if it
belongs to the instance) evaluates the parameters of the default and instance profile
and starts with this parameterization. Similarly, the ABAP dispatcher evaluates
the default and instance profile and starts with this parameterization. It passes on
the parameterization to the processes that it starts, for example its work processes
and the ICM. Furthermore, the ABAP dispatcher starts the Startup and Control
Framework, which also evaluates the default and instance profile.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Overview of the Process for Starting and Stopping an
SAP NetWeaver AS Java
In an SAP NetWeaver AS Java system, the sapstartsrv starts the Startup and
Control Framework; this starts the processes with the parameters of the default
and instance profiles.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe the sequence in which the components of an SAP system and
started and stopped
Describe the general start process for an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Describe the general start process for an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java
Related Information
SAP Help Portal: help.sap.com → SAP NetWeaver
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Lesson Overview
This lesson presents the tools for the technical implementation of a start and stop
process for SAP systems. The SAP Management Console (SAP MC) can be used
for the start and stop process independently of the operating system.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Operate the tools to start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java
Operate the tools to start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Business Example
You are using an SAP NetWeaver Application Server with Java and different
operating system platforms such as Microsoft Windows and UNIX. To start and
stop the SAP systems you require information about the use of the available tools.
Starting and Stopping an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP
+ Java
When SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java is started, the entire instance is always
started. If the instance is started then the Java stack can be stopped and started
again individually by the ABAP dispatcher.
Starting and Stopping instances of SAP NetWeaver
AS ABAP + Java
Figure 24: Starting and Stopping instances of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP +
Instances of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java can be can be started and stopped
independently of the operating system using the SAP Management Console (SAP
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
As of SAP NetWeaver Release 2004, a new operating system-independent
application is supplied with the SAP Management Console (SAP MC) (see SAP
Notes 1014480 and 995116). This allows you to display monitoring information
and perform administration tasks such as start and stop operations. The tool is a
standalone Java application which can be started either as an applet or locally. The
SAP MC is supplied as standard with the kernel and is ready for use without any
additional installation. For the different operation systems, see SAP Note 93673.
SAP MC is a Java application which is supplied as a Java applet as standard.
You simply use a Web browser to do this.. To use the applet correctly, you
require a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) of version 1.4 or higher. In addition,
the corresponding Java plugin for the browser must be activated correctly. To
start SAP MC after installing the corresponding SAP NetWeaver AS, enter the
following URL in your browser:
Or, if you have configured https in sapstartsrv (see SAP Note 1036107):
Figure 25: Starting and Stopping with the SAP Management Console
The SAP MC allows you to start and stop all the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP+Java
instances as well as the Central Services. You can also display information about
the instances of the SAP system and the employed database (name, manufacturer
and name of the host on which the database is located). Starting and Stopping
with the SAP Management Console).
For each instance, SAP MC displays information about the ABAP and Java stack
processes (see figure: SAP Management Console: Process Information).
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Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Figure 26: SAP Management Console: Process Information
The SAP Management Console also allows you to display the trace files for the
individual processes.. You can use these trace files to analyze problems (see
figure: SAP Management Console: Trace Files). You can also use the SAP MC
to evaluate the developer traces (as well as the log and trace files) (as with the
previous lesson about the SAP MMC).
Figure 27: SAP Management Console: Trace Files
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Stopping and Starting AS Java in an SAP NetWeaver
AS ABAP + Java System
Figure 28: Stopping and Starting the Java Stack in an SAP NetWeaver AS
ABAP+Java System
In the case of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java, it is possible to allow the ABAP
stack to continue running, and only stop and then restart the Java stack. You do
this using transaction SMICM. You can either start/stop the (local) instance onto
which you are logged in the transaction SMICM or start/stop all the instances in
the (global) Java cluster (see figure: Starting and Stopping the Java Stack of an
SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java from transaction SMICM).
Hint: Up to NetWeaver 7.0x, the Java dispatcher was also started or
stopped at this point. The Java dispatcher was replaced by the ICM in
SAP NetWeaver 7.1x systems or higher. However, in the above case, the
ICM is not started or stopped because it does not belong to the Startup and
Control Framework in an SAP NetWeaver ABAP + Java 7.3 system.
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Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Figure 29: Starting and Stopping the Java Stack of an SAP NetWeaver AS
ABAP+Java from Transaction SMICM
It is not possible, and also not useful, to stop only the ABAP stack and leave the
Java stack started in the case of AS ABAP + Java.
Starting and Stopping an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Figure 30: Starting and Stopping an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
SAP NetWeaver AS Java is started and stopped in the same way as SAP NetWeaver
AS ABAP + Java usingf the SAP Management Console (see figure: Starting and
Stopping SAP NetWeaver AS Java with the SAP Management Console).
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Figure 31: Starting and Stopping SAP NetWeaver AS Java with the SAP MC
In SAP NetWeaver AS Java, the instance names are J<instance-number>.
SAPControl allows the Web services of the sapstartsrv processes to be addressed.
SAPControl is part of the kernel, and is available on all operating systems. Calling
sapcontrol without any other option provides the syntax description. The figure
SAPControl: Syntax and Examples shows the basic structure of the syntax with
some selected examples.
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Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Figure 32: SAPControl: Syntax and Examples
In the first example “sapcontrol -user <sid>adm password -nr <instancenumber
e.g. 00 or 0> -function StartSystem LEVEL 2”, the Web method StartSystem is
called with the parameter LEVEL and the value 2 for the level. As with the SAP
MC, a sapstartsrv process that is used to start the instances is addressed. “LEVEL
2” means that all instances with priority 1 are started first (unless they are already
running). In our AS ABAP+Java system, this is the Central Services instance.
Then the central instance (and if relevant, the database) is started, but no further
instances. It is not important whether the instances are running on the same or
different hosts. With StartSystem LEVEL 3 (corresponds to StartSystem ALL), all
the instances of the system are started according to their priority, unless they are
already running. This is the same procedure used to start the system using the
SAP MC. StopSystem LEVEL 2 means that all priority 3 and priority 2 instances
are stopped if they are still running. StopSystem ALL has the same meaning as
StopSystem LEVEL 1.
In the second example, “sapcontrol -prot PIPE -nr <instancenumber> -function
Start”, a Trusted Connection is used. No user name or password are specified
because the operating system authentication as <sid>adm is sufficient. However, it
is only possible to call Web methods for the local computer. In the example, the
dialog instance (instance number 11) is started. The function StartSystem LEVEL
3 is not possible because StartSystem may have to communicate with systems
outside the host, which is not permitted under Trusted Connections. This means
only functions for instances are possible.
Caution: Trusted Connection for Windows: -prot PIPE
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Trusted Connection for Unix: -prot NI_HTTP; this is the default value.
See also SAP Note 927637 - Web service authentication in sapstartsrv as
of release 7.00
Special Characteristics of Starting and Stopping Under
Microsoft Windows
With the Microsoft Windows operating system, you can use both the SAP
Management Console and the Microsoft Management Console with an SAP
plug-in (SAP MMC) to start and stop an SAP system.
The SAP MMC allows you to start and stop all the instances of the SAP system
as well as the Central Services. For some databases, you can also display
administration information and the status of the database. Some database types
can also be administered using the SAP MMC.
The information displayed in the SAP MMC and the start and stop procedures
are similar to the browser-based SAP Management Console (SAP MC). This
is illustrated by the next two figures.
Figure 33: Starting/Stopping an SAP Net Weaver AS ABAP + Java under
Microsoft Windows
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Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Figure 34: Starting and Stopping an SAP NetWeaver AS Java under
Microsoft Windows
Hint: In the environment of SAP NetWeaver AS Java, there is a special
Java development environment, which is installed locally on every PC.
It usually consists of an SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio and an SAP
NetWeaver AS Java as a test environment for Java developments. The
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java can be “restarted” from the SAP
NetWeaver Developer Studio.
Under Windows, the SAP system can also be started and stopped without a GUI by
calling a command by means of the executable files startsap.exe and stopsap.exe.
This can be done using a simple telnet access.
To start an instance of the SAP system, open a telnet connection and enter the
following command: startsap name=<SID> nr=<Instanz-Nr.>
To stop an instance of the SAP system, open a telnet connection and enter
the following command: stopsap name=<SID> nr=<Instanz-Nr.>
For the SAPDIAHOST parameter, enter the name of the host on which the
instance is to be started.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Special Characteristics of Starting and Stopping Under
For SAP systems that are installed under UNIX, you run the scripts startsap and
stopsap to initiate the start and stop processes. If multiple SAP instances are
installed on one physical server, you add the instance name to the names of the
scripts startsap and stopsap.
The script startsap can be called with the following options:
DB: starts the database system
R3: starts the instances and associated processes for the instance
J2EE: starts the instances and associated processes for the instance
ALL: starts the database system and the instance (default setting, can be
The script stopsap can be called with the following options:
DB: stops the database system via the script stopdb;
R3: stops the instances of the SAP system;
J2EE: stops the instances of the SAP system;
ALL: stops the database system and the instance (default setting, can be
To start the SAP system, the script startsap calls the process sapstart with
the start profile specified in the script in the variable START_FILES.
Database and SAP instances can each be individually started and stopped with the
options DB or R3, for example startsap R3 DVEBMGS00.
Caution: The option J2EE can be used in the same way as the option R3.
In the case of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java, both the ABAP stack
and the Java stack are started and stopped.
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Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Exercise 1: Tools for Starting and
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Start and stop an SAP NetWeaver AS Java under Microsoft Windows
Business Example
You are using an SAP NetWeaver Application Server with Java. There is a
special tool for starting and stopping an SAP system under Microsoft Windows
operating systems. This is the SAP Micrsoft Management Console. The operating
system-independent SAP Management Console can be used on all operating
Task 1: Stopping an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Stop the SAP system using the SAP Microsoft Management Console or the SAP
Management Console.
Use the Terminal Server Client to log on to the operating system of your
training system.
Start the SAP Microsoft Management Console or the SAP Management
Console and stop your system.
Task 2: Starting an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Start the SAP system using the SAP Microsoft Management Console or the SAP
Management Console.
Start the SAP system using the SAP Microsoft Management Console.
Monitor the starting of the corresponding Java processes of your SAP system.
Check whether your SAP NetWeaver AS Java has been correctly started. To
do so, call the relevant URL (http://<host>:<port>/msgserver; for example,
http://twdf9999:8102/msgserver) with the HTTP port of the Java message
server for your system and choose /msgserver/html/logon. If the HTTP port
of the instance (for example, 50000) is displayed there, you can also call
the start page of the Java instance.
Task 3: (Optional) stopping from the Command Line
Stop the SAP system using a command call.
Log on to the server with the user <sid>adm.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Check whether your SAP system is running at operating system level.
Use the sapcontrol command in the telnet connection to stop the entire SAP
Task 4: (Optional) starting from the Command Line
Start the SAP system using a command call.
Check whether your SAP system has stopped at operating system level.
Use the sapcontrol command in the telnet connection to start the entire SAP
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Solution 1: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Task 1: Stopping an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Stop the SAP system using the SAP Microsoft Management Console or the SAP
Management Console.
Use the Terminal Server Client to log on to the operating system of your
training system.
Start the Terminal Server Client, enter the physical host name under
Server and then choose connect. Log on to the operating system as
the <sid>adm user.
Start the SAP Microsoft Management Console or the SAP Management
Console and stop your system.
Start the SAP Microsoft Management Console by double-clicking the
corresponding icon.
Or start the Internet Explorer and call the URL http://<Rechnername>.wdf.sap.corp:50013.
Select the desired instance(s) and choose the Stop function in the
context menu (right-click). Depending on whether you selected an
individual instance or the SAP system, either an individual instance or
the entire SAP system is stopped.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Task 2: Starting an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Start the SAP system using the SAP Microsoft Management Console or the SAP
Management Console.
Start the SAP system using the SAP Microsoft Management Console.
Monitor the starting of the corresponding Java processes of your SAP system.
Start the SAP Microsoft Management Console by double-clicking the
corresponding icon.
In the SAP Microsoft Management Console tree, select the node for an
instance. In the context menu (right-click), choose the Start function.
Start the other instances in the same way.
Hint: You should always start the Central Services instance
You can monitor the processes using the Process Explorer at operating
system level.
You can see the following Java process types after your SAP system
has been started: ICM and multiple JStart.
Check whether your SAP NetWeaver AS Java has been correctly started. To
do so, call the relevant URL (http://<host>:<port>/msgserver; for example,
http://twdf9999:8102/msgserver) with the HTTP port of the Java message
server for your system and choose /msgserver/html/logon. If the HTTP port
of the instance (for example, 50000) is displayed there, you can also call
the start page of the Java instance.
Start Microsoft Internet Explorer on your desktop, and enter the
following URL: http://<hostname>:<port>/msgserver, for example
http://twdf12345:8101/msgserver. Choose /msgserver/html/logon.
If you can see the HTTP port there, then you can call the start page
of your instance as follows: http://<hostname>:<port>, for example
The start page of your SAP NetWeaver AS Java should now appear.
Task 3: (Optional) stopping from the Command Line
Stop the SAP system using a command call.
Log on to the server with the user <sid>adm.
Use the tool specified by the instructor to create a connection to your
server. Log on with the user <sid>adm and the password assigned
for your user.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Tools for Starting and Stopping
Check whether your SAP system is running at operating system level.
You can do this, for example, by executing the Process Explorer
program to display an overview of operating system processes.
Use the sapcontrol command in the telnet connection to stop the entire SAP
In the telnet console, enter the command sapcontrol -user
<sid>adm <password> -nr <instance number>
-function StopSystem ALL to stop your system. Replace the
specifications in the angled brackets with the values for your system.
For example, sapcontrol -user p7tadm password -nr
00 -function StopSystem ALL.
Task 4: (Optional) starting from the Command Line
Start the SAP system using a command call.
Check whether your SAP system has stopped at operating system level.
Use the sapcontrol command in the telnet connection to start the entire SAP
You can do this, for example, by executing the Process Explorer
program to display an overview of operating system processes.
In the telnet console, enter the command sapcontrol -user
<sid>adm <password> -nr <instance number>
-function StartSystem ALL to start your system. Replace the
specifications in the angled brackets with the values for your system.
For example, sapcontrol -user p7tadm password -nr
00 -function StartSystem ALL.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Operate the tools to start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java
Operate the tools to start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Related Information
SAP Help Portal: help.sap.com → SAP NetWeaver
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Java Startup and Control Framework
Lesson: Java Startup and Control Framework
Lesson Overview
The Java Startup and Control Framework coordinates the proper starting and
stopping of the Java stack. It consists of the JStart processes (as the instance
controller and server process) and the ICM. In an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP+Java
system, the ICM does not belong to the Java Startup and Control Framework. The
functions of the processes are described in this lesson.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Use the term Startup and Control Framework
Describe the individual steps during the start and stop processes of a Java
Business Example
Starting and stopping an SAP system is a basic task for administrators of SAP
systems. Understanding the process flow of the start process is crucial to
troubleshooting when start problems occur.
Startup and Control Framework
SAP provides a separate Startup and Control Framework for SAP NetWeaver
Application Server Java. This framework is used to start, stop, and monitor the
Java stack processes within the SAP system (not the Central Services however).
It consists of the following processes:
JStart - Instance Controller:
The Instance Controller starts, stops, and monitors the processes of a Java
instance – primarily the server and ICM process. SAP Signal Handling
is implemented with the Instance Controller to forward the start and stop
commands to the processes of the Java stack.
The Instance Controller restarts terminated processes, ends hanging
processes, and sends a shutdown signal to the processes of the Java stack.
The Instance Controller reads the description of the instance from profile
The Instance Controller starts the server processes and the ICM, as well as
the processes for the offline deployment and the bootstrap.
The Instance Controller creates a shared memory segment for the internal
administration data of all processes.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
JStart - Offline Deployment, Bootstrap, Server Process:
Other JStarts that act in the role for the offline deployment, the bootstrap
or as a server process are started by the JStart (Instance Controller). The
SAP JVM is loaded in the individual address space for this purpose. The
parameterizing of the JVM is imported before the loading.
Start Process of a Java Instance
Figure 35: Starting with the Startup and Control Framework
Start procedure in the Startup and Control Framework; several “run-levels” are
run at this point:
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Lesson: Java Startup and Control Framework
(See also figure: Starting with the Startup and Control Framework)
The Instance Controller is started:
The Instance Controller connects to the Central Services instance.
The Instance Controller reads the file instance.properties in the cluster
Run-level 1: The Instance Controller reads configuration files from the file
system (different .properties files and for example the instance profile) and
starts a jstart process that transfers the offline deployment (if an offline
deployment is required, for example when importing particular Support
Packages). The jstart process finishes after the offline deployment.
jstart requires files from the Cluster/bootstrap directory to start.
Run-level 2: The Instance Controller reads configuration files from the file
system (different .properties files and for example the instance profile) and
starts a jstart process that carries out the bootstrap process. The bootstrap
process synchronizes data from the database to the file system. For example,
instance.properties is regenerated (it contains information about, among
other things, the amount of server processes to be started) and the directories
for the server processes server<X> are synchronized. The bootstrap process
also synchronizes all required binaries for the Java nodes from the database to
the file system. This is necessary, since the Class Loading is performed using
the file system in the Java environment. The database always contains the
current (deployed) binaries and properties and distributes these to every Java
node when starting. The jstart process finishes after the bootstrap process.
jstart requires files from the Cluster/bootstrap directory to start.
The Instance Controller reads the file instance.properties in the cluster
directory again.
Run-level 3: The Instance Controller reads configuration files from the file
system (different .properties files and for example the instance profile)
and starts the ICM and for each server process a jstart process. The jstart
processes require the binaries from the Cluster/bin directories to start. These
jstart processes run with the JVM parameters (usually several gigabytes of
memory). You will get to know the settings for this in a later unit.
The server processes connect to the database.
The Instance Controller monitors the Java instance processes during their runtime,
restarts terminated processes, ends hanging processes, and sends the shutdown
signal to the ICM or the server processes.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
The profile files are located on the operating system in the directory
DIR_PROFILE (Microsoft Windows: <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\profile or
UNIX: /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile) and are generated at installation time. The
following profile files exist: the default profile (Default.pfl) and the instance
profile (<SID>_<instance>_<host>).
Note: The Central Services profiles are imported when the Central
Services are started.
Figure 36: Profiles
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Lesson: Java Startup and Control Framework
Stop Process of a Java Instance
Figure 37: Stopping with the Startup and Control Framework
The Signal Handler of the Instance Controller receives a stop signal from
the sapstartsrv.
The Instance Controller passes the signal on to all running server processes
via named Pipe and waits until they are stopped.
When the server processes of this instance are all stopped, the Instance
Controller sends the stop signal to the ICM.
In an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP+Java system, the ICM does not belong to
the Startup and Control Framwork; therefore, the ICM is not stopped by the
Instance Controller at this point either.
If a soft shutdown is triggerd, the server process enters the state Preparing to
stop and stays in this state until all user sessions are ended. If there is no more
user session, the server changes his state to Ready to stop and continues the stop
process as usual.
The JSmon tool can be used to monitor the Instance Controller. JSmon belongs to
the kernel and is located in the kernel directory.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
JSmon can be started with the command JSmon pf=<SAP instance profile>.
JSmon provides an administration interface for elements in the Java cluster that
can be called from the operating system.
Figure 38: JSmon
In the Process menu option, processes can be started, stopped or their trace level
can be changed. In the Instance menu option, an instance can be started or
stopped. The Instance Controller is not stopped at this point; that is, the Instance
menu option refers only to the processes of the Startup and Control Framework.
In an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java system, this means that neither the
ABAP dispatcher with its work processes nor the ICM is stopped; only the server
processes are stopped.
In the test menu option, parameters can be evaluated. Thus, test get
rdisp/TRACE supplies the value of the set trace level.
Caution: This evaluation refers to the parameters of the default and
instance profiles for the start time of jsmon.
Another useful command is repeat. You can use repeat process view to monitor
the start process of an instance very effectively. The commands can also be
shortened so long as they are distinct; r p v has the exact same effect as rep proc
view for example. Choose "Return" to exit repeat mode.
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Lesson: Java Startup and Control Framework
Exercise 2: Java Startup and Control
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Identify the processes of the Startup and Control Framework at operating
system level
Business Example
Starting and stopping an SAP system is a basic task for administrators of SAP
systems. To understand parameter maintenance, it is important to understand how
parameters are transferred to Java instances.
Task 1: Startup and Control Framework
The Startup and Control Framework consists of ICM (icman on OS level) and
JStart processes. How many ICM and JStart processes exist on your host?
Log on to the operating system of your host and display the process overview.
Task 2: JSmon
Start the JSmon tool and display the Java processes of the PAS that are started.
Log on to the operating system as for task 1. Navigate to the profile directory
and open a command prompt there (cmd). Enter the command jsmon
pf=<instance profile of the instance with the number 00>.
Display all the processes of your PAS with the command process view.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Solution 2: Java Startup and Control
Task 1: Startup and Control Framework
The Startup and Control Framework consists of ICM (icman on OS level) and
JStart processes. How many ICM and JStart processes exist on your host?
Log on to the operating system of your host and display the process overview.
Follow the instructions of your instructor to log on to the operating
system. You can obtain an overview of the started processes in the Task
Manager on your host. Open the Task Manager by right-clicking on the
taskbar at the bottom of the screen and choosing Task Manager. Open
the Processes tab page, and ensure that you are viewing all processes of
the instances on your host. Search for the processes icman and JStart.
You will find an ICM process for each Java instance (that is 1icman)
and a JStart (that is 4, where 2 of them belonging to the DAA instance)
for each server process and Instance Controller started.
Task 2: JSmon
Start the JSmon tool and display the Java processes of the PAS that are started.
Log on to the operating system as for task 1. Navigate to the profile directory
and open a command prompt there (cmd). Enter the command jsmon
pf=<instance profile of the instance with the number 00>.
Navigate to the directory d:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\profile and open
a command prompt there using the context menu available by
Enter the command jsmon pf=<instance profile of the instance
with the number 00>. You can find the instance profile under:
Display all the processes of your PAS with the command process view.
There you see all the processes with their status.
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Lesson: Java Startup and Control Framework
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Use the term Startup and Control Framework
Describe the individual steps during the start and stop processes of a Java
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Lesson: Logs of the Start and Stop Processes of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java
Lesson Overview
The start process of an SAP system is a critical process. If problems occur during
this phase, you should be familiar with the relevant log and trace files. This lesson
focuses on the most important logs of an SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Find the storage locations of trace and log files of the Startup and Control
Name the most important trace and log files of the Startup and Control
Framework and review their content.
Business Example
The start process of an SAP system is a critical action. If problems occur during it,
the administrator must be familiar with the most important logs that are written
during the start process. The administrator uses these to perform an error analysis,
identify the cause, and solve the problem as quickly as possible. These files are
also used for error logging during operation.
Log and Trace Files
In the case of an error or unexpected behavior of the Startup and Control
Framework, it is important to check the following trace and log files:
dev_<node name>, such as dev_server0
jvm_<node name>.out, such as jvm_bootstrap.out
std_server<X>.out, e.g. std_server0.out
log_bootstrap<Nr.>.log, e.g. log_bootstrap.0.log
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Lesson: Logs of the Start and Stop Processes of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Figure 39: Log Files for Starting and Stopping
The trace and log files are stored in the work directory of an instance. This
directory is called /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance name>/work (UNIX) and
analogously in the Microsoft Windows environment.
dev_jstart is the trace file for the Instance Controller. dev_jstart is the most
important trace file for problem messages when starting NetWeaver AS Java.
Current messages are written at the end of the file.
dev_<node name> is the trace file for the server processes, the ICM and so on.
The trace file dev_<node name> is written for each process started and thus for
each ICM and server process.
jvm_<node name>.out is the output file for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Each node (except ICM) process represents a Java node such as a bootstrap
or a server and therefore a JVM. The output of a JVM is forwarded to the file
jvm_<node name>.out in the work directory of a Java instance.
std_server<X>.out is the default output files for the started managers and services
of the the corresponding nodes.
For most of the log files listed above, you will also find log files in the work
directory with the ending .<number>, with older versions of the files, which
can also often be used for troubleshooting. In the start process of an instance,
the files mentioned above are rewritten and the file names are changed from
x.<no> to x.<no+1>. The number of the old versions complies with the parameter
jstartup/keep_old_logfiles (default = 2).
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Beside the node names for ICM and Server there are also developer traces for
data collections (datcol). In case of start problems, the data collector collects
information about the problem and write these information in his developer traces.
Figure 40: Evaluate log files with the SAP MMC
The developer traces from the work directory can also be evaluated easily with
the SAP MC or SAP MMC. See the above figure. The analysis displays the Error
messages from the dev_<...> files (as well as other messages from the log and
trace files that you will get to know in the Monitoring unit. Warnings or other lines
from the dev_<...> files may also be displayed.
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Lesson: Logs of the Start and Stop Processes of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Exercise 3: Logs of the Start and Stop
Processes of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Name the most important logs for the start/stop processes of an SAP
NetWeaver AS Java
Business Example
The start process of an SAP system is a critical action. If problems occur during it,
the administrator must be familiar with the most important logs that are written
during the start process. The administrator uses these to perform an error analysis,
identify the cause, and solve the problem as quickly as possible.
Task: Start Logs
Check the most important logs that are written when starting an SAP NetWeaver
AS Java.
List the most important log files that are written when starting and stopping.
Open the most important log files (see task 1) and perform a time-based
search for errors.
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Unit 2: Starting and Stopping
Solution 3: Logs of the Start and Stop
Processes of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Task: Start Logs
Check the most important logs that are written when starting an SAP NetWeaver
AS Java.
List the most important log files that are written when starting and stopping.
The most important logs are:
dev_<node name>, such as dev_icm
std_<node name>.out, such as std_server0.out
jvm_<node name>.out, such as jvm_bootstrap.out
Open the most important log files (see task 1) and perform a time-based
search for errors.
Start the Terminal Server Client, enter the physical host name under
Server and then choose connect. Log on to the operating system as
the <sid>adm user. Open an Explorer window, and navigate to the
following directory: D:\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance>\work.
Open the relevant files and scroll to the end. Check the entries since
the last start of the system.
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Lesson: Logs of the Start and Stop Processes of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Find the storage locations of trace and log files of the Startup and Control
Name the most important trace and log files of the Startup and Control
Framework and review their content.
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe the sequence in which the components of an SAP system and
started and stopped
Describe the general start process for an SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Describe the general start process for an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java
Operate the tools to start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP + Java
Operate the tools to start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Use the term Startup and Control Framework
Describe the individual steps during the start and stop processes of a Java
Find the storage locations of trace and log files of the Startup and Control
Name the most important trace and log files of the Startup and Control
Framework and review their content.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge
When you start an SAP system without an ABAP stack, the database is
started only after the Java instances.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
In the case of SAP NetWeaver AS Java, it is not possible to stop individual
instances under a UNIX operating system.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
The most important trace and log files are stored in the work directory of each
instance, that is, for example, under /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/work.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
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Test Your Knowledge
When you start an SAP system without an ABAP stack, the database is
started only after the Java instances.
Answer: False
The database is always started before the PAS or AAS, or must be available
before these instances are started. The Central Services instance is started
before the database if the database is not running. The Central Services
instance can also be started after the database, for example if the database is
already running.
In the case of SAP NetWeaver AS Java, it is not possible to stop individual
instances under a UNIX operating system.
Answer: False
You can stop individual instances using the command stopsap R3 <instance
name> or stopsap J2EE <instance name> or simply using the SAP MC.
The most important trace and log files are stored in the work directory of each
instance, that is, for example, under /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/work.
Answer: True
All developer traces and all important start files are stored in the work
directory of each instance.
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Unit 3
Basic Configuration
Unit Overview
This unit presents the most important administration tools for AS Java. After a
basic overview of the tools, some basic configuration activities are carried out
using the Config Tool. We also take a look at memory management of SAP Java
VM here. Further system configurations are then introduced.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Name various configuration and administration tools for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Describe the primary usage areas of configuration and administration tools
Maintain settings for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java with the Config Tool
Display system properties in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Get an overview of the Configuration Wizard
Check and maintain properties of the Central Services
Unit Contents
Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools ............................... 92
Exercise 4: Calling the Administration Tools ............................105
Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool ............109
Exercise 5: Configuration with the Config Tool .........................125
Lesson: Configuring AS Java with SAP NetWeaver Administrator.......132
Exercise 6: Configuring AS Java with SAP NetWeaver
Administrator ................................................................135
Lesson: Further Configuration Activities .....................................138
Exercise 7: Further Configuration Activities.............................145
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
Lesson Overview
This lesson provides an overview of the different configuration and administration
tools for SAP NetWeaver AS Java 7.3x. During the course of this lesson, you learn
more about the most important of these tools and their primary usage areas.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Name various configuration and administration tools for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Describe the primary usage areas of configuration and administration tools
Business Example
After an SAP NetWeaver system has been installed, you need to configure
the cluster of the SAP NetWeaver AS Java. You do this using the various
administration tools. This lesson provides an overview of these various
administration tools.
Usage Areas of the Tools
This section provides you with an overview of the various tools and their usage
areas. Some tools are particularly suitable for a usage area, or are the only tool that
can be used for a usage area. Several tools are suitable for other usage areas on the
other hand. This is explained in more detail in this section. The following tools
are available for the administration and configuration of SAP NetWeaver AS Java:
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Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
Figure 41: Tool Overview
Config Tool
You use the Config Tool to maintain the settings for SAP NetWeaver AS Java in
the database. It is therefore necessary that the database is started, so that you can
change the settings with the Config Tool.
Figure 42: Config Tool: Overview
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
The Java VM Parameters (the settings of the Java Virtual Machine) of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java can only be maintained with the Config Tool. You can
use the Config Tool to configure managers and services of SAP NetWeaver AS
Java as well as logs.
The settings that you make with the Config Tool only take effect when the SAP
NetWeaver AS Java is started; that is, you must restart the SAP NetWeaver AS
Java after maintaining settings.
The Config Tool is available in the file system of each application server.
Authentication on the database is usually carried out via Secure Store.
SAP NetWeaver Administrator
The SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) combines the most important
administration, configuration and monitoring tools for Java systems in a
browser-based user interface.
Figure 43: SAP NetWeaver Administrator: Overview
With the NWA, you log on to the http port of an SAP NetWeaver AS Java instance
using the browser. Therefore, at least one application server of the system must
be started. The SAP NetWeaver Administrator can be called using the following
URL: http://<hostname>:<http-port>/nwa.
SAP Management Console
The SAP Management Console (SAP MC) is a Java applet that can be started via
HTTP (standard port: 5<instance number>13) using the browser. Even when the
system is stopped (and the database is stopped), you can use the SAP Management
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Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
Console to monitor the system status and evaluate the log files for example. The
process sapstartsrv must be running (since Release 7.0, this process is started on
all operating system platforms when the host is started).
Figure 44: SAP Management Console: Overview
Several SAP systems can be included in the SAP MC in parallel. It can therefore
be used centrally and remotely to monitor the system status. Along with the SAP
MC as a Java applet, there is also the SAP Microsoft Management Console for
Windows operating systems and a “Perspective” SAP Management Console in
the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
Shell Console Administrator
You can use telnet to log on to an SAP NetWeaver AS Java instance and then
use the Shell Console Administrator. The SAP NetWeaver AS Java instance
must therefore be started. Telnet is available on many operating systems and can
therefore be used for administration without additional installation. However, in
the standard delivery, the telnet access to the AS Java is only released for the
localhost. A remote access can be set up by configuring the related ICM parameter.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 45: Shell Console Administrator: Overview
You can use the Shell Console Administrator to display basic information about
an SAP NetWeaver AS Java system. The Shell Console Administrator is also
suitable for starting and stopping services.
If necessary, you can use the Shell Console Administrator to shut down the SAP
NetWeaver AS Java instance by stopping the ICM and the server processes.
You can use the Shell Console Administrator to configure the services and
managers of all Java instances in the Cluster. It is significantly easier to make
the changes to managers and services with the Config Tool. Therefore, only
specialists should make changes to managers and services using the Shell Console
Calling the Administration and Configuration Tools
This section describes the features when calling the different tools.
Note: If you are using an SAP system on the iSeries platform, refer to SAP
Note 1066038 - iSeries: Features for using tools in the J2EE environment.
Config Tool
The Config Tool is a tool for administering and configuring SAP NetWeaver AS
Java. configtool.bat (under Windows) or configtool.sh (under UNIX) is called to
start the Config Tool at operating system level of an application server for SAP
NetWeaver AS Java. The start file is stored under the following path at operating
system level: \usr\sap\<SID>\<instance directory>\j2ee\configtool. To access
the configuration data of the SAP system, you have to log on to the database of
the system using the Config Tool. To do so, you use the data stored in the Secure
Store of the system (user and password) in the default setting. You must still
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Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
confirm whether you want to use these default settings or whether you want to
make other settings. You can then use the Config Tool to edit the parameters
(see the figure “Config Tool: Call”).
Figure 46: Config Tool: Call
During the start process of the SAP NetWeaver AS Java instance, the parameters
for the start and running operation are read from the database and copied to the file
system. With the Config Tool, these parameters are maintained in the database. It
is therefore necessary that the database is running so that the Config Tool can read
the current parameters from the database. When the Config Tool is opened, you
can see and change the default settings for logging on to the database by choosing
No. The window contains the connection data for the database on the tab page
Via SecureStore. This is stored during the installation process. Choose Connect to
DB to log on to the database using the data stored in the Secure Store. The Config
Tool then displays the configuration settings saved in the database. You can now
view these settings and change them if required.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 47: Config Tool: Logon with Secure Store
To log on to a remote database using the Config Tool, you can also use the
pushbutton Select Security Folder, as shown in the above figure, to store the path
for the Secure Store of another system. To do so, you must be able to reach the
Secure Store of the remote system using a network; that is, it must be accessible
as a share or mount point for example. You can then connect to the “remote”
database with this data. If you want to access this database repeatedly, you can
save this new connection data as a file using Save Connection As before the logon
and use it again later via Load Connection Settings.
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Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
Figure 48: Config Tool: Logon with Direct Login
You can also use the tab page Via Direct Login to log on to a remote database (see
above figure). You must fill fields independently here. You can also save this
connection data as a file to use it again later.
Hint: If you choose the option Do not ask me again in the Connection
Settings dialog, the default settings are always used. To display the dialog
again, start the Config Tool and choose View → Startup Options and then
select the option Show connection dialog.
SAP NetWeaver Administrator
To call the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA), log on to the HTTP port of
an SAP NetWeaver AS Java instance. The SAP NetWeaver AS Java instance
must therefore be started. The NWA can be called using the following URL:
http://<hostname>:<http-port>/nwa. The start page of the NWA is displayed after
the logon.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 49: SAP NetWeaver Administrator: Navigation 1/2
The NWA provides access to various functions. Which functions are available in
the NWA depends on the installed product. The functions are sorted into work sets
and these are then sorted into work centers. For example, the function Identity
Management is located in the work set Security, which in turn is located in the
work center Operation. A function can also be available in several work sets.
Which work sets, work centers and functions you see depends on the profile that is
selected. You can change the profile by choosing the Personalize menu.
Using the search field you can find functions by their names or descriptions.
After you select the function, the display changes in the NWA as shown in the
figure below.
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Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
Figure 50: SAP NetWeaver Administrator: Navigation 2/2
When in a function, you can choose Related Links to navigate to other related
functions. History allows you to view the functions that you have called during
this logon session in NWA. Home takes you back to the work center and work
set overview.
SAP Management Console
To call the SAP Management Console, open a browser and enter the URL
http://<host name>:5<instance number>13. Confirm any security warnings.
You may have to choose Start to call the SAP MC. The SAP MC Java applet is
now started.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 51: SAP Management Console: Start
The SAP MC connects to all instances of the system directly after the start. If an
instance cannot be reached via HTTP (or HTTPS), then it cannot be displayed in
the SAP MC either. You can add further instances of other systems using File →
New by specifying an instance number and the host name (alternatively using
Message Server also). You can save this type of system list locally in a file list
using File → Save Landscape and you can call it again later using File → Load
Landscape. The system list can also be read from a directory service via the LDAP
protocol. The access data for the directory service must be stored under Tools →
LDAP for this. For more settings, go to Tools → Settings.
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Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
The SAP MC provides a range of other functions along with starting and stopping
systems, instances and processes.
Evaluation of logs and traces
Display of start profiles, profile parameters and environment variables
Display of monitoring alerts
Display of information about JVM memory management (Garbage Collector
History, Heap Memory)
Display of information about the Internet Communication Manager (ICM)
Hint: You can use the file sapmc.jnlp to call the SAP MC independently
of the browser. For example, it can be found in the global kernel directory
Edit the file using the text editor so that the attribute
codebase points to the file path, for example codebase="file:///D:/usr/sap/P7T/SYS/exe/uc/NTAMD64/servicehttp/sapmc".
Note: The SAP MC is also available in the SAP NetWeaver Developer
Studio (NWDS). After you start the NWDS, choose Window → Open
Perspective → Other... → SAP Management Console.
Shell Console Administrator
You can perform some administration tasks for SAP NetWeaver AS Java with
Shell Console Administrator. To do this, you must specify the host name (only
localhost in the standard system) and the Telnet port of the SAP NetWeaver
AS Java instance when you call the Shell Console Administrator. You are then
prompted to log on to the SAP NetWeaver AS Java, as shown in the figure “Shell
Console Administrator”. You use, for example, the same user to do this as for
the NWA. Since you are logging on to the SAP NetWeaver AS Java instance,
this must already be running.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 52: Shell Console Administrator: Call
After you logon via telnet, you are taken directly to a server node of the system.
The command jump <server node-ID> takes you to another node. The command
man currently lists available commands. man <command name> gives you an
explanation of the specified command.
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Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
Exercise 4: Calling the Administration
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
call the administration tools of the AS Java
Business Example
You must first call the administration tools to be able to use them.
Task 1: SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Start the SAP NetWeaver Administrator.
Open a browser, call the URL of the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA)
and log on. Your instructor will give you the exact access data.
Task 2: Config Tool
Start the Config Tool
Start the Config Tool at operating system level of your SAP system. Display
the standard access data for the database of your system and connect to this
Task 3: Shell Console Administrator
Start the Shell Console Administrator.
Connect to your SAP system via telnet and log on to the Shell Console
Administrator. Keep in mind that you can use the telnet access only from
the host of your SAP system.
Task 4: OPTIONAL: SAP Management Console
Start the SAP Management Console
Open a browser and call the URL of the SAP Management Console.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Solution 4: Calling the Administration
Task 1: SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Start the SAP NetWeaver Administrator.
Open a browser, call the URL of the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA)
and log on. Your instructor will give you the exact access data.
Open a browser and call the URL http://<host
name>:<HTTP-Port>/nwa, for example
Log on to the NWA with your user ID and password.
Task 2: Config Tool
Start the Config Tool
Start the Config Tool at operating system level of your SAP system. Display
the standard access data for the database of your system and connect to this
Log on at operating system level of your SAP system. Your instructor
will give you the exact access data.
Call the Config Tool from an instance directory by
double-clicking the file configtool.bat. You can find this file
under D:\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance directory>\j2ee\configtool, for
example D:\usr\sap\CEM\J00\j2ee\configtool.
Choose No in the Connection Settings dialog to display the connection
Now choose Connect to DB.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Overview of the Administration Tools
Task 3: Shell Console Administrator
Start the Shell Console Administrator.
Connect to your SAP system via telnet and log on to the Shell Console
Administrator. Keep in mind that you can use the telnet access only from
the host of your SAP system.
Log on at operating system level of your SAP system.
Start a command prompt (cmd).
Enter the command telnet localhost <telnet-port>, for
example telnet localhost 50008.
Log on to the Shell Console Administrator with your user ID and
Task 4: OPTIONAL: SAP Management Console
Start the SAP Management Console
Open a browser and call the URL of the SAP Management Console.
Open a browser and call the URL http://<host
name>:5<instance number>13, for example
Confirm the security information. The SAP MC should now start
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Name various configuration and administration tools for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Describe the primary usage areas of configuration and administration tools
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, you will familiarize yourself with the configuration of VM
parameters and the maintenance of system settings with the Config Tool.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Maintain settings for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java with the Config Tool
Business Example
After the installation of an SAP NetWeaver Application Server, fundamental
settings need to be made for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java. Knowledge about the
available tools is required to do this. One of these tools is the Config Tool, which
is explained in more detail in this lesson.
Config Tool: Overview
You can use the Config Tool to edit the secure store of the AS Java on the one hand
and the system settings for the AS Java (cluster-data) on the other. The area on the
left in the Config Tool shows the breakdown of the structure of the cluster-data
into “template settings” and “instance-specific settings”. You can make settings
for applications (applications), managers (managers), services (services) and the
log configuration (log configuration) at template level and individually for each
instance. The instances are displayed in the Config Tool with the instance number
(leading zeros are omitted). See also the figure “Window Sections in the Config
Tool”. The parameters of the selected elements are displayed and maintained in
the window on the right of the Config Tool.
Caution: You may only use the Config Tool to change parameters if the
affected instances of an SAP NetWeaver AS Java are stopped.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 53: Window Sections in the Config Tool
In Release 7.10, the concept of Zero Administration was introduced in the
AS Java. The aim is to simplify the technical configuration of the AS Java and
to adjust it dynamically to changes in the system environment. Configuration
templates are provided to implement the concept; they enable a simple adjustment
of the AS Java configuration to the requirements of the installed product. In
addition, dynamic configuration parameters that can be used to make changes,
for example, to the hardware without reconfiguring the AS Java are introduced.
For example, the heap memory of the VM can be configured as a fraction of the
physical RAM available or the number of server processes as a multiple of the
available CPU.
The customer can continue to adjust the default settings that are delivered.
However, the amount of effort required to make changes is less than in previous
releases. Furthermore, the template concept also enables the default settings to be
updated smoothly via Support Packages without overwriting customer settings.
The following figure shows the infrastructure of the AS Java configuration.
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Figure 54: Configuration infrastructure
The developer determines the potential configuration settings of an application
or a manager, or services and their default values (Default level). Changes to
these default settings that are valid throughout the system can be made at Custom
Global level. The changes made there are retained if you switch from the template
that is currently active to another template (and if these settings are not overwritten
at template level).
Caution: Customer changes at Custom Global level are allowed but only
if expressly instructed by SAP (documentation, SAP notes, SAP Support).
For example, this is the case for some special configuration settings of the
User Management Engine (UME).
SAP provides concrete default configuration settings for individual products with
the templates (Template Default). The corresponding template is activated by
the installation program (SAPinst) during the installation of the product. There
are different templates for different products. For example, there is a large
number of templates for SAP NetWeaver CE but not for SAP NetWeaver PI or
SAP NetWeaver Portal. In the template, filter rules are used to decide which
applications and services are already started when the system is started.
At template level, customer changes can be made using the Config Tool (Template
Custom). These changes override the settings of the previous levels. If no
instance-specific customer changes are made (Instance Custom), the settings
apply at template level throughout the system.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Certain system parameters can be used for the dynamic configuration that are
evaluated dynamically at runtime; for example, the number of processors, the
working memory of the host that is physically available or the instance number.
These parameters can also be set when customer changes are made.
You can display the parameters and their values in the Config Tool by selecting an
instance in the Config Tool and then choosing the Instance Profile tab page. Some
of these parameters can be set by setting profile parameters in the default profile or
in the instance profile of the system.
Caution: The term Instance Profile is used in two ways. On the one
hand, you have the Instance Profile as a file on the operating system
with the name <SID>_<instance name>_<host name>, for example
P7T_J00_twdf9999. On the other hand, the term Instance Profile refers to
the collection of the dynamic configuration parameters of the AS Java.
Note: The dynamic parameters of the Instance Profile of the AS Java are
named differently from the related profile parameters that are used in the
profile files (default profile, instance profile) of the system.
The settings that can be configured on the different levels can be divided into the
following areas:
Number of Server Processes
Runtime Filters
Shared Memory
Configuration of the Managers
Configuration of the Services
VM Parameters
Memory Parameters
System Parameters
Additional Parameters
Log Configuration
Configuration of the Applications
The runtime filters are used to determine which applications and services are
started when the system is started. The log configuration settings can also be
made online using the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA). The configuration
of the applications is usually carried out using a special UI of the application, in
some cases online in the NWA. Some services, for example the User Management
Engine, provide an individual UI for online configuration.
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Some of these settings options are described in more detail below, starting with the
VM parameters. We will first take a look at the SAP JVM memory management to
get a better understanding of these parameters.
Brief Introduction to Memory Management of the SAP
Java VM
A number of terms for the memory management of an SAP Java Virtual Machine
(SAP JVM) are explained in the following sections in a simplified form. The
configuration of the VM parameters will then be discussed.
Memory Allocation Terms
The memory area of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM or VM) is mainly divided
into three areas, which are called the young generation, the tenured generation,
and the permanent generation. The differences between the “generations” are
discussed in more detail later. We will first consider the commonalities, however.
A “generation” reserves space in the address area of the host.
On start-up, the Virtual Machine allocates operating system memory for each
“generation”. This initially allocated memory area is called “initial” or initial size.
This occupancy of this space is administered internally by the VM.
Once the initial space has been used, the VM allocates further operating system
memory space in stages up to a maximum amount. This maximum value is
defined in “max size”.
The VM automatically takes care of the allocation of memory space for Java
applications. The memory space is implicitly assigned when an object is created.
Even if a large amount of memory is required, this does not mean that the system
is at risk. The VM determines which objects are no longer used and releases the
memory areas which they currently occupy. This task is performed by the Special
Java Agent names Garbage Collector (GC) which forms part of the VM. Its job
is to prevent the occurrence of situations in which there is a danger of memory
The memory space that is available is called the available memory or allocated
memory. Since this space is reserved by the operating system, it is also referred to
as “reserved” space since the entire space up to the maximum size is “available”.
The space that is not yet reserved is called virtual memory. However, this should
not be confused with the “virtual memory” of the operating system. If less space is
required, the memory is returned to the operating system, also in stages. See the
figure “Terms in Memory Space Management” also.
The reserved memory space (available memory) is potentially available to the
VM. However, it does not have to be used in full. The memory space that is
actually used by Java applications is referred to as used memory.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 55: Terms in Memory Space Management
Memory Allocation of the Java VM in a Simplified Form
The three main memory areas of the VM, the “young, tenured”, and “permanent
generations” differ from one another due to the data stored in them. The
objects that have been newly created by the applications are stored in the young
generation. Objects that have been required for a longer period of time by an
application are automatically moved to the tenured generation. The newer objects
are in the “young generation” and the older objects are in the “tenured generation”.
Objects that are permanently required by the VM, such as classes and methods,
are stored in the permanent generation. Objects that are no longer required by the
applications are automatically removed from the “generations”. This process is
known as garbage collection.
As you already know from the subsection “Memory Allocation Terms”, the
“generations” have an initial and a maximum size. For the “young generation”,
you can define the “initial size” with the parameter -XX:NewSize, and the “max
size” with the parameter -XX:MaxNewSize. You can define the corresponding
values for the “permanent generation” (also abbreviated to the “perm generation”)
with the parameters -XX:PermSize and -XX:MaxPermSize. You cannot directly
define the initial and maximum sizes of the “tenured generation”. These are
calculated from the parameters for the “young generation” and the parameters
-Xmx and -Xms. The parameter -Xmx is called the “max heap size” and defines
the total size of the “young” and “tenured generations”. The parameter -Xms is
called the “start heap size” or “initial heap size” and defines the total initial size of
the “young” and “tenured generations”. See also the figure “Memory Allocation
of the Java VM (Simplified)”.
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Figure 56: Memory Allocation of the Java VM (Simplified)
In addition to the memory area for the “generations”, the VM also reserves space
for its processes and threads.
After this brief introduction to the basic terms of the SAP JVM, we can now take a
look at the configuration of the VM parameters.
Configuration of the VM Parameters
The settings for the Java VM (Virtual Machine) are maintained only with
the Config Tool. You can maintain the VM parameters at template level or
individually for each instance. The values then apply either to all server processes
of the entire system (template level) or to all server processes of the respective
instance. You must switch to Expert Mode of the Config Tool in order to maintain
VM parameters at template level. Choose View and select the option Expert Mode.
Note: You should only activate Expert Mode if it is absolutely necessary.
As a result, the UI of the Config Tool becomes more confusing. The
normal mode is sufficient for most activities.
To maintain the VM parameters at template level, select the entry template <name of the template> from the area on the left. You can choose the tab page
VM Parameters in the Config Tool window on the right after you activate Expert
Mode. You must now decide which combination of VM and operating system
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
or processor architecture your changes are valid for; for example Vendor sap
and Platform ntamd64. Then choose one of the tab pages Memory, System, or
Additional, depending on which type of VM parameter you want to maintain.
Note: You cannot create new parameters on the Memory tab page; you
can only change or deactivate existing ones.
You can enter parameters of the type -D.... on the System tab page.
However, leave out the -D here.
Figure 57: Maintaining the VM Parameters: Template Level
If you want to add a new parameter that is not yet in the parameter list, choose
New in the lower area of the window on the right. The new parameter is added in
the area Custom Parameters.
You must select a parameter if you want change it. Enter the new value for the
parameter in the input field Custom value and choose Set. The changed value is
in turn displayed in the list of the Custom Parameters. To return to the default
value, select the custom parameter and choose Remove.
You can also deactivate existing parameters. In this way, you can test the effects
of the change on the system but retain the entry with the set value. To do this,
select the parameter and choose Disable. If it is a template default value, the
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Config Tool enters the value (if requested) as a custom parameter, which is then
deactivated (checkmark in column Enabled is missing). You can use Enable to
reactivate a deactivated parameter.
Hint: Any change with the Config Tool must be saved (File → Apply
Changes and the system must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
The settings at instance level override those at template level. Select an entry of
the type instance - ID<instance ID> (host name) from the window of the Config
Tool on the left. Then choose the tab page VM Parameter from the window on the
right. The parameters are maintained in the same way as at template level. You are
advised to deactivate Expert Mode when maintaining the VM parameters. This
way you can ensure that you are maintaining the parameters for the VM that is
currently being used.
If you have changed settings but not yet saved them with Apply changes, you can
reload the older settings with “Connect to DB”. If you have already saved the
changes, the old settings cannot be restored.
Figure 58: Maintaining the VM Parameters: Instance-specific
The parameter in the Memory tab page does not have its technical name. The
following names are used in the Config Tool.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Names of the VM Parameters of the type Memory
Display name in the Config Tool
Technical name
Take a look in the developer trace of the server process (dev_server<number>)
to check whether the changes that were made have taken effect in the respective
server processes after the system is restarted. This file is located in the work
directory of the instance. Search for the line F SAP JVM arguments: in this file.
The set parameters are listed under this line.
Configuration of Managers and Services
The properties of managers and services can also be maintained at instance level
or at template level.
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Figure 59: Parameter Maintenance of Managers and Services: Template
Expand the tree structure under the entry template - <name of the template> in the
left screen area until you are taken to the required manager or service. Select this
entry to display the parameters.
To change parameters, select a parameter, enter the required value in the input field
Custom value and choose Set. You can use Restore to Default to delete the Custom
value for the selected parameter and the template default value will be valid again.
Save your changes. The changes will be active once the system is restarted if no
instance-specific entries exist for the changed parameters.
Caution: The Config Tool does not indicate, if you maintain values at
template level, that instance-specific values already exist, which override
the template values.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 60: Parameter Maintenance of Managers and Services:
For instance-specific maintenance, expand the tree structure below an entry of the
type instance - ID<instance ID> (host name). Select the required manager or
service entry to display the parameters.
To change parameters, select a parameter, enter the required value in the input
field Custom value and choose Set. You can use Restore to Template to delete the
Custom value for the selected parameter and the template value will be valid again.
Save your changes. When the instance in question is started, the changes for this
instance will be active.
Configuration of Runtime Filters
In the Config Tool, you can use filter rules to determine which managers, services
and applications are started or remain stopped during the system start. The
template activated during the installation already provides a useful initial status
that has low impact on resources, which can be adjusted customer-specifically.
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Figure 61: Maintaining the Runtime Filters
Expert Mode must be activated under View → Expert Mode to maintain the
runtime filter. Select the entry template - <name of the template> to set
system-wide filters. To set instance-specific filters, select the corresponding entry
of the type instance - ID<instanz ID> (host name). Then choose the Filters tab
page. Choose the required Action and Component and enter the values for Vendor
Mask and Component Name Mask. Then choose Add to add the new filter rule.
The changes take effect after you save your changes and restart the system.
Configuration of the Number of Server Processes
The number of server processes can be calculated dynamically just like the VM
parameters. The delivered template values can be overridden by the customer.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Figure 62: Number of Server Processes
Depending on whether you set the number at template level or instance level, all
instances have the same (or different) number of server processes. Fixed values
may also be entered instead of the dynamic formula. The corresponding number
of server processes starts after you save your changes and restart the system. The
default value depends on the template, the template Usage_Type_All_in_One uses
fixed values for the number of server processes and CE templates uses formulas.
Caution: The system does not start if you enter a formula incorrectly or if
a value is calculated or entered that is not a whole number. You should
therefore check at instance level whether a whole number appears as a
result after the input field. The system will not start if N/A or part of a
formula is displayed.
See SAP Note 1149321 for SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1x.
Export of Configuration Data
With regard to the customer changes made to the configuration data in the SAP
NetWeaver AS Java, you have the option of saving this data by exporting it to a zip
file. Changes can be exported from the database in this way and later reimported
to restore earlier settings without having to also implement a database backup
(without having to carry out a restore).
You can export the configuration to a zip file using the menu path File → Backup
Custom Data in the Config Tool.
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
You can reimport the data from the zip file into the database using the menu path
File → Restore From Backup. Choose File → Reload Data from DB to display the
data that was just imported in the Config Tool.
The Offline Configuration Editor
In addition to the “normal” Config Tool, there is also the Configuration Editor
Mode, which you can call from the Config Tool using Tools → Configuration
Editor. You can access maintenance at Custom Global level only using this
Editor; for example, this may be necessary for specific parameters of the User
Management Engine.
Caution: You must only use the “Configuration Editor Mode” if SAP
specifically instructs that you do so, since inappropriate use can destroy
the SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Exercise 5: Configuration with the Config
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Make changes to the VM parameters
Make changes to the parameters of managers and services
Create your own filter rules
Change the number of server processes
Business Example
You must configure the AS Java.
Task 1: VM Parameters
Make changes to the VM parameters of your system.
Stop your system.
Add the VM paramerter -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote as a new
parameter of the type System at template level.
Change the maxHeapSize for the Primary Applications Server (PAS) to
the value 4096.
Start your system.
The changed values are now used by the respective VM. You can
check them, for example, by opening the file dev_server0 in the work
directory of the PAS and searching for the entries -Xmx4096m and
Task 2: Thread Manager
Change the properties of the Thread Manager.
Stop your system.
Change the parameter InitialThreadCount of the Thread Manager at
template level to the value 20.
Change the parameter InitialThreadCount of the Thread Manager for an
instance of your system to the value 10.
Start your system.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
You have maintained different values for the instances of your system for
the parameter InitialThreadCount.
Task 3: Filter Rules
Define your own filter rule at template level.
Stop your system.
Define a filter rule that stops all applications with the Component Name
Mask tc~sld~wd*.
Start your system.
You have created a filter rule, which ensures that all applications beginning
with tc~sld~wd* remain stopped when the system is started. Go to Operation
→ Systems → Start & Stop → Java Applications in the SAP NetWeaver
Administrator (NWA) to check this.
Task 4: Number of Server Processes
Change the number of server processes.
Stop your system.
Set the number of server processes to 3 at template level.
Set the number of server processes for the Primary Application Server to 2.
Start your system.
You have configured the number of server processes instance-specifically
and for the whole system via the template custom settings. You can now
check, for example using the SAP MC, whether the configured number can
also be started. You can see, that the instance specific settings have a higher
priority than the template custom settings.
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Solution 5: Configuration with the Config
Task 1: VM Parameters
Make changes to the VM parameters of your system.
Stop your system.
Use the SAP MC or another tool to stop your system.
Add the VM paramerter -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote as a new
parameter of the type System at template level.
Double-click the file configtool.bat in the directory
\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance>\j2ee\configtool to start the
Config Tool. Choose Yes to confirm the dialog box.
Use View → Expert Mode to activate Expert Mode and select the entry
template - ..... Choose the tab page VM Parameters.
Choose the entry sap under Vendor and the entry GLOBAL under
Platform, and then choose the tab page System.
Choose New and enter the value com.sun.management.jmxremote in the field Name (without '-D'):. Leave the other fields empty
and choose OK to confirm.
Choose File → Apply Changes to save your changes.
Deactivate Expert Mode under File → Expert Mode.
Change the maxHeapSize for the Primary Applications Server (PAS) to
the value 4096.
Select the entry instance - ID.... of your Primary Application Server
(PAS). If required the instructor can give you the correct instance ID.
Note that the leading zeros are omitted.
Choose the tab page VM Parameters and then the tab page Memory.
Select the line maxHeapSize.
Enter the value 4096 in the field Custom value and choose Set.
Choose File → Apply Changes to save your changes.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Start your system.
Use the SAP MC or another tool to start your system.
The changed values are now used by the respective VM. You can
check them, for example, by opening the file dev_server0 in the work
directory of the PAS and searching for the entries -Xmx4096m and
Task 2: Thread Manager
Change the properties of the Thread Manager.
Stop your system.
Use the SAP MC or another tool to stop your system.
Change the parameter InitialThreadCount of the Thread Manager at
template level to the value 20.
Double-click the file configtool.bat in the directory
\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance>\j2ee\configtool to start the
Config Tool. Choose Yes to confirm the dialog box.
Go to template - .... → managers → ThreadManager.
Select the line InitialThreadCount.
Enter the value 20 in the field Custom value and choose Set.
Choose File → Apply Changes to save your changes.
Change the parameter InitialThreadCount of the Thread Manager for an
instance of your system to the value 10.
Go to instance - ID.... → managers → ThreadManager.
Select the line InitialThreadCount.
Enter the value 10 in the field Custom value and choose Set.
Choose File → Apply Changes to save your changes.
Start your system.
Use the SAP MC or another tool to start your system.
You have maintained different values for the instances of your system
for the parameter InitialThreadCount.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Task 3: Filter Rules
Define your own filter rule at template level.
Stop your system.
Use the SAP MC or another tool to stop your system.
Define a filter rule that stops all applications with the Component Name
Mask tc~sld~wd*.
Double-click the file configtool.bat in the directory
\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance>\j2ee\configtool to start the
Config Tool. Choose Yes to confirm the dialog box.
Use View → Expert Mode to activate Expert Mode and select the entry
template - ..... Select the tab page Filters.
Choose the value stop under Action. Enter the value * in the field
Vendor Mask. Enter the value tc~sld~wd* in the field Component
Name Mask. Choose the value Application under Component.
Choose Add.
Choose File → Apply Changes to save your changes.
Deactivate Expert Mode under File → Expert Mode.
Start your system.
Use the SAP MC or another tool to start your system.
You have created a filter rule, which ensures that all applications
beginning with tc~sld~wd* remain stopped when the system is started.
Go to Operation → Systems → Start & Stop → Java Applications in
the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) to check this.
Task 4: Number of Server Processes
Change the number of server processes.
Stop your system.
Use the SAP MC or another tool to stop your system.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Set the number of server processes to 3 at template level.
Double-click the file configtool.bat in the directory
\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance>\j2ee\configtool to start the
Config Tool. Choose Yes to confirm the dialog box.
Select the entry template - ..... Choose the Servers tab page.
Enter the value3 in the field Custom Number of Server Processes.
Choose Set.
Choose File → Apply Changes to save your changes.
Set the number of server processes for the Primary Application Server to 2.
Select the entry instance - ID.... of your Primary Application Server
(PAS). If required the instructor can give you the correct instance ID.
Note that the leading zeros are omitted.
Choose the Servers tab page.
Enter the value 2 in the field Custom number of server nodes.
Choose Set.
Choose File → Apply Changes to save your changes.
Start your system.
Use the SAP MC or another tool to start your system.
You have configured the number of server processes
instance-specifically and for the whole system via the template custom
settings. You can now check, for example using the SAP MC, whether
the configured number can also be started. You can see, that the
instance specific settings have a higher priority than the template
custom settings.
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Lesson: Basic Configuration of AS Java with the Config Tool
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Maintain settings for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java with the Config Tool
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Lesson: Configuring AS Java with SAP NetWeaver
Lesson Overview
This lesson provides an overview of the functions of the SAP NetWeaver
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Display system properties in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Business Example
Certain configuration activities are required after an AS Java-based system
is installed. In addition, you must make adjustments during further operative
business activities. A good knowledge of the tools and relationships is required to
execute the activities.
Configuration with the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
The SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) is the tool for the online configuration.
Display of the System Configuration with the SAP
NetWeaver Administrator
You can use the NWA to check the settings made with the Config Tool for the
VM parameters, services and managers. The NWA displays the value that is
currently valid in the process. You can find these parameters in the NWA under
Configuration → Infrastructure → Java System Properties or via the quick link
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Lesson: Configuring AS Java with SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Figure 63: System Properties in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Choose the active template or the required instance and then the appropriate tab
pages, for example Kernel, if you want to view the properties of the manager.
Then select the required entry. In the list of the object properties, for example of a
service, the column Modifiable shows whether the value can be changed online
with the NWA. The pushbutton Show Details displays further detailed information
about the selected property. The current value is also shown for example if the
property is calculated using a formula.
Further Configuration Settings with the SAP
NetWeaver Administrator
Since the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) in Release 7.1x replaces the
Visual Administrator from earlier releases, a variety of configuration options are
integrated in the NWA. Some of these options are discussed in other units of
this course. Depending on the installed product, the NWA also provides further
product-specific functions along with the basic functions.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
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Lesson: Configuring AS Java with SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Exercise 6: Configuring AS Java with SAP
NetWeaver Administrator
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Check configuration settings with the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Business Example
You must make various settings after you install an AS Java-based system and
when the system is running.
Task: SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Check the configuration settings using the SAP NetWeaver Administrator.
Call the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) and log on.
Check the parameter InitialThreadCount of the Thread Manager in the
Primary Application Server Instance (PAS). What value does this parameter
Check the value of the maxHeapSize for all instances.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Solution 6: Configuring AS Java with SAP
NetWeaver Administrator
Task: SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Check the configuration settings using the SAP NetWeaver Administrator.
Call the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) and log on.
Open a browser and enter the URL for the NWA http://<host
name:port>/nwa. Log on with your user and password.
Check the parameter InitialThreadCount of the Thread Manager in the
Primary Application Server Instance (PAS). What value does this parameter
In the NWA, choose Configuration → Infrastructure → Java System
Open the entry with the active template, for example ZATPL_AIO.
Then select the ID of the PAS.
Select the entry ThreadManager in the tab page Kernel.
Search for the entry InitialThreadCount in the list of Properties. Which
value is this parameter set to? Note that there are default and customer
Check the value of the maxHeapSize for all instances.
Switch to the tab page MemoryVM Parameters and find the entry
maxHeapSize. Which value is this parameter set to?
You can select the entry maxHeapSize and then choose Show Details.
The field Formatted Value contains the technical name of the parameter
and the calculated value.
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Lesson: Configuring AS Java with SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Display system properties in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Lesson: Further Configuration Activities
Lesson Overview
This lesson provides an overview of the properties of the Central Services and help
to improve your knowledge of the AS Java.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Get an overview of the Configuration Wizard
Check and maintain properties of the Central Services
Business Example
Certain configuration activities are required after an AS Java-based system
is installed. In addition, you must make adjustments during further operative
business activities. A good knowledge of the tools and relationships is required to
execute the activities.
Configuration Wizard
The Configuration Wizard is integrated in the NWA and provides different
configuration tasks depending on the installed product and the Support Package
level. The Configuration Wizard reduces in particular the effort required initially
for the configuration for certain applications directly after the installation of the
system. The installation guide or the documentation of the application usually
refers to the tasks to be executed in the Configuration Wizard. You can find it in
the NWA under Configuration → Scenarios → Configuration Wizard.
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Lesson: Further Configuration Activities
Figure 64: Configuration Wizard
You first select one of the executed tasks. Choose Start to start the configuration
task. Here the user is required to make entries in several steps depending on the
The Configuration Wizard logs the execution of tasks. If you choose History of
Executed Configuration Tasks under Show and then select a task, you can display
these logs using View Log.
You can execute tasks again that have already been executed using Re-execute.
Caution: If you have already made settings in the system, they are
overwritten by executing a corresponding task in the Configuration
Wizard. You should therefore use the Configuration Wizard only for the
initial configuration of an application or a function and not during running
Profile Files
Some system properties of the AS Java are maintained using profile parameters
in the profile files of the AS Java. These files are located in the directory
\usr\sap\<SID>\sys\profile and should be saved before and after a change. There
is no special tool for maintaining these files in the AS Java. You can use a simple
text editor for this purpose. In this way, for example, some properties of the
message server and of the enqueue server are maintained using profile parameters.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Properties of the Central Services
The Central Services consist of the message server and the enqueue server.
We will first consider the interaction with the message server. As shown in
the “Message Server” figure, each node (ICM and servers) of each instance is
connected to the message server.
Figure 65: Message Server
When the Central Services are started, the system reads the profile parameters for
the message server. The internal communication port for the message server is
defined using the parameter rdisp/msserv_internal. Usually, port 39<instance
number> is chosen. The HTTP port of the message server is specified with the
profile parameter ms/server_port_0. The instance number is also usually used
for the last two digits in this case. The HTTP port is required by the SAP Web
dispatcher, among other things. You can obtain the port numbers used to start
the message server from the developer trace (dev_ms). The developer trace also
contains the hardware key (which is required for requesting a license) and the
host on which the message server is running. You can use the SAP NetWeaver
Administrator (NWA) to display the parameters with which the message server
is running. You can find the parameters in the NWA under Configuration →
Infrastructure → Message Server (Quick Link: /nwa/msg-server). Select Message
Server Parameters under Show.
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Lesson: Further Configuration Activities
Alternatively, you can use the Config Tool to display the current parameters.
Select an entry instance - ID... and choose the tab page Instance Profile. There the
corresponding parameters are called MSGSRV_PORT and MSGSRV_HOST. These
parameters are used by the ClusterManager (properties ms.port and ms.port).
Figure 66: Message Server: Changes
In the figure “Message Server: Changes”, you can see which areas need to be
adjusted if the port or the name of the host on which the message server is running
changes. Ports are, of course, changed in the instance profile of the Central
Services instance. In the example from the figure, internal communication port
3977 and HTTP port 8177 have been set, and the new host is called twdfxxxx.
These changes must now be adjusted in the default profile of the system using the
parameters j2ee/scs/host and j2ee/ms/port. Just in case, you should check whether
these parameters are also set in the instance profiles. The values there would
override the values from the default profile. After you have maintained all of the
parameters, you can start all instances.
Enqueue Server
Now that you have seen the settings for the message server, we will consider the
enqueue server. The “Enqueue Server” figure shows that each server process
has a connection to the enqueue server. The figure shows the profile parameters
that are relevant for the enqueue server in the instance profile of the Central
Services instance. The port is usually set to 32<instance number> and the
instance number is defined using the parameter enque/serverinst. The parameter
enque/encni/port can be used to select the port for the enqueue server explicitly
(including outside of the range 32<instance number>). The default values of the
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
parameters enque/table_size and enque/snapshot_pck_ids are minimum values
and should be adjusted to the values shown in the figure. However, these are not
maximum values, and it may be necessary to further increase the values.
Figure 67: Enqueue Server
You can obtain the port numbers used to start the enqueue server from the
developer trace dev_enqlisten. You can use the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
(NWA) to display the parameters that the LockingManager uses to connect to the
enqueue server. You can find these parameters in the NWA under Configuration
→ Infrastructure → Java System Properties. Select the active template, choose
the tab page Kernel and select the entry LockingManager. The relevant parameters
are enqu.host and enqu.port. Choose Show Details to display the concrete values.
Alternatively, you can use the Config Tool to display the current parameters.
Select an entry instance - ID... and choose the tab page Instance Profile. There the
corresponding parameters are called ENQSRV_PORT and ENQSRV_HOST.
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Lesson: Further Configuration Activities
Figure 68: Enqueue Server: Changes
In the figure “Enqueue Server: Changes”, you can see which areas need to be
adjusted if the port or host of the enqueue server changes. Ports are, of course,
changed in the instance profile of the Central Services instance. In the example
from the figure, port 3277 has been set, and the new host is called twdfxxxx.
These changes must now be adjusted in the default profile of the system using the
parameters j2ee/scs/host and j2ee/enq/port. Just in case, you should check whether
these parameters are also set in the instance profiles. The values there would
override the values from the default profile. After you have maintained all of the
parameters, you can start all instances.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
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Lesson: Further Configuration Activities
Exercise 7: Further Configuration
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Use the Configuration Wizard
Configure the Central Services instance
Business Example
You must make various settings after you install an AS Java-based system and
when the system is running.
Task: Adjustments to the Central Services
Adjust the parameters of the enqueue server.
Stop the system including the Central Services Instance.
Change the profile parameters of the enqueue server according to the table
Parameter Name
New Value
Start your system.
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Unit 3: Basic Configuration
Solution 7: Further Configuration
Task: Adjustments to the Central Services
Adjust the parameters of the enqueue server.
Stop the system including the Central Services Instance.
Stop your system completely. Stop it using the SAP MC for example.
Change the profile parameters of the enqueue server according to the table
Parameter Name
New Value
Log on at operating system level of your SAP system.
Open the instance profile of the Central Services instance using a text
editor, for example using notepad.
Hint: The instance profile of the Central Services instance is
located in the directory <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\sys\profile,
for example D:\usr\sap\CEM\sys\profile. It is called
<SID>_SCS<instance number>_<host name>, for example
Change the values of the existing parameters as specified in the above
Caution: Only change the parameters that have been specified.
Start your system.
Save your changes.
Start your system using the SAP MC for example.
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Lesson: Further Configuration Activities
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Get an overview of the Configuration Wizard
Check and maintain properties of the Central Services
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Name various configuration and administration tools for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Describe the primary usage areas of configuration and administration tools
Maintain settings for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java with the Config Tool
Display system properties in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Get an overview of the Configuration Wizard
Check and maintain properties of the Central Services
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge
You can use the Config Tool to maintain Java VM parameters for an SAP
NetWeaver AS Java instance.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
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Test Your Knowledge
You can use the Config Tool to maintain Java VM parameters for an SAP
NetWeaver AS Java instance.
Answer: True
You can maintain parameters such as Xms with the Config Tool. Xms is a
Java VM parameter.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 4
Secure Infrastructure
Unit Overview
A secure infrastructure is a prerequisite for different aspects of security in SAP
systems, for example access control and data security. The first lesson should give
an overview of different aspects of network security, whereas the second lesson
concentrates on the theoretical background and concrete configuration activities
with regard to the Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
explain why safeguarding the network communication is necessary
describe which technical components can be protected via secure network
Classify concepts of the Web Service Security
Describe different encryption processes
Point out the relationship between authentication and digital signatures
Explain the server authentication mechanism used within SSL
Set up SSL with the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Unit Contents
Lesson: Network Security......................................................152
Lesson: Setting Up SSL .......................................................160
Exercise 8: Setting up SSL................................................175
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Lesson: Network Security
Lesson Overview
An SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment system is part of a complex system
landscape. Business processes in this system landscape are distributed across
several systems and access takes place using Intranet and Internet. Safeguarding
the landscape against unauthorized accesses is essential.
This lesson gives an overview of the types of communication used in an SAP
system landscape and how they can be safeguarded.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
explain why safeguarding the network communication is necessary
describe which technical components can be protected via secure network
Classify concepts of the Web Service Security
Business Example
As part of the implementation of a service-oriented architecture using the SAP
NetWeaver Composition Environment, the company ABC AG wants to introduce
a new business process that requires access to sensitive data both internally and
externally via the Internet.
Reasons for Secure Communication
Protecting the data exchange between SAP systems is essential. This
communication contains users' access data (passwords for example) and sensitive
business data. If unauthorized users have access to this data, this may have serious
consequences for the company in question. Secure communication
safeguards against unauthorized access to logon data
safeguards against unauthorized access to sensitive data
implements legal requirements or privacy policies of the company
reduces the chances of compromising system and application security.
Security of the Communication Layer
Different technologies are available to safeguard communication depending on the
communication protocol used. In the SAP environment, these are usually Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) for Internet protocols (HTTP for example) and Secure
Network Communication (SNC) for SAP protocols (RFC for example).
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Network Security
Figure 69: Communication Protocols as of the AS Java 7.1x
The figure shows the possible communication protocols of the AS Java as of
Release 7.1x. A Web Application Client (a Web Browser for example) can access
the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) of the AS Java via HTTP either
directly or using an Application Gateway.
The User Management Engine (UME) of the AS Java accesses user data using
different protocols depending on the configured User Persistence Store.
The RFC protocol is frequently used for communication with other SAP systems.
HTTP communication is also possible here.
Furthermore, the protocol P4 is used in some scenarios.
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Figure 70: Communication Protocols from Web Container and EJB Container
The protocols P4 and IIOP are used between the Web Container and EJB
Container. In addition, P4 and IIOP are used to call objects in remote application
The following table provides an overview of the security of the different
communication protocols.
Security of Communication for AS Java
Security mechanism
Secure Socket Layer
HTTP is the standard
protocol for Web
applications. SSL can be
used for authentication,
integrity and encryption.
Secure Socket Layer
P4 is the transfer protocol
for the Java-specific
communication Remote
Method Invocation
(RMI). P4 supports
HTTP tunneling.
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Lesson: Network Security
Security mechanism
Secure Socket Layer
IIOP is an alternative
transfer protocol for RM.
IIOP can also be used
for communication with
CORBA application
Secure Socket Layer
If the User Management
Engine of the AS Java
has connected a directory
service via the LDAP
protocol as a Persistence
Store, SSL can be used
for communication
Secure Network
Communication (SNC)
The SNC interface can be
used for the SAP-specific
protocols RFC and
JDBC is a
protocol for the
database connection.
Communication can be
secured depending on the
driver that is used.
Not available
Communication via
Telnet is not encrypted.
Therefore, Telnet access
to the AS Java has
been restricted to host (localhost).
Not available
Session is a
communication protocol
that is used only
between ICM and
server process. Since
this communication
is not used outside an
instance, encryption is
not required.
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Due to the architecture changes in AS Java as of Release 7.1x, there are also
some differences in the occupancy (and configuration) of the communication
ports. The table below contains some important ports for AS Java. $$ stands
for the instance number here.
Important Standard TCP/IP Ports in AS Java
Port Number
You can find a complete list of the ports used by SAP applications on SAP
Service Marketplace under Quick Link /security and under Security in Detail →
Infrastructure Security → TCP/IP Ports Used by SAP Applications.
Web Service Security
The SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment plays the role of the
development environment for composite applications in the implementation of
the service-oriented architecture (SOA). The SAP NetWeaver CE system is also
the runtime environment for such applications. The Web service technology is
a technical foundation for SOA. The security requirements for Web services go
beyond the encryption of the HTTP log via SSL.
A Web service (WS) is a modular function that can be published, localized and
called via a network. A Web service provides functions that are based on the
technological communication layer. Any flow logic can be offered as a Web
service, for example EJBs, Java classes or portal services. The Web Service
Framework of the AS Java transfers the incoming XML/SOAP data and calls the
Web service. The following figure gives a rough overview of the communication.
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Lesson: Network Security
Figure 71: Communication in the Web Service Scenario
The Web service provider publishes the Web service in Universal Description,
Discovery, and Integration (UDDI). The WSDL file (Web Service Description
Language) of the Web service is stored in the UDDI for this purpose. A Web
service user can now find the Web service in the UDDI and call it for the provider.
The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is used for this communication.
The SOAP request is transported via the HTTP protocol. The transfer can be
safeguarded either via SSL or the standard WS security.
Web services can communicate using any number of connections and intermediary
stations. A connection-based security of communication, such as via SSL, is
therefore insufficient or inadequate. Therefore, the OASIS standard Web Service
Security (WSS) has been implemented for AS Java. The following table gives an
overview of the security mechanisms for Web services. .
Web Service Security
Security By
Application data
Logon data
or for messages
XML Signature
XML Encryption
Publication and
WSDL data
Logon data
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Network Topology
The network topology can also safeguard your system landscape. SAP
recommends that you use separated network zones and demilitarized zones
(DMZ), as shown in the following figure.
Figure 72: Network Topology
Systems with sensitive business data, such as SAP ECC or SAP CRM for example,
should be protected from uncontrolled access by a firewall. Also in the case of
Web applications, such as a portal for example, only a controlled access should be
allowed by a firewall for users. In particular, with regard to Internet scenarios,
we advise you to use so-called Application Gateways within a DMZ. In practice,
an Application Gateway is implemented, for example, by a reverse proxy, a load
balancer or similar products.
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Lesson: Network Security
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
explain why safeguarding the network communication is necessary
describe which technical components can be protected via secure network
Classify concepts of the Web Service Security
Related Information
For more information about security aspects of SAP systems, we recommend
that you attend course ADM960 - Security in SAP System Environments
More information is also available on SAP Service Marketplace under Quick
Link /security: http://service.sap.com/security.
The SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver 7.3, including the section SAP
NetWeaver Security Guide, is available under http://help.sap.com.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you a brief introduction to cryptography and its adoption in the
communication between different communication partners. In the second part you
will learn how to set up a secure http-communication (SSL).
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe different encryption processes
Point out the relationship between authentication and digital signatures
Explain the server authentication mechanism used within SSL
Set up SSL with the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Business Example
Your corporation wants to provide access to composite applications on the SAP
NetWeaver CE system for its business partners. Since sensitive data is transferred
between the SAP system and the client (a Web browser for example), a secure
connection should be established.
Introducing Cryptography
Cryptography is the science of encrypting information. Why is this a very
important topic in today's IT world? The standard protocol used for transporting
http requests, TCP/IP, is a potentially insecure transport mechanism. Everyone
connected to a specific network is able, with more or less effort and knowledge,
to listen to the packages and its content transferred with the IP protocol in that
network. This vulnerable protocol makes it necessary to encrypt the transferred
data itself. For a better understanding we describe here a possible attack against
the TCP/IP protocol and the data transferred with this protocol.
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Figure 73: Threat: Eavesdropping
In the above example, Alice (1) initiates a communication with Bob and requests
some data about customers from him. Bob gathers the requested data and responds
to Alice's request (2). The entire exchange is eavesdropped by Mallory. He now
knows about the information that was discussed (3).
In the context of TCP/IP, Alice (stands for a Web browser), for example, requests
some data via an http request that is transferred via the TCP/IP protocol. The server
(here represented by Bob) responds and transfers some sensitive customer data
from the server to the client via the TCP/IP protocol. Mallory, an attacker, is on the
same network and therefore is able to eavesdrop on this TCP/IP communication.
The solution for securing this communication is the encryption of the transferred
data; this involves making the conversation impossible for the attacker to
understand but making it understandable to the participants involved in the
conversation only.
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Figure 74: Protection: Encryption
Encryption Methods
Encryption itself is based on mathematical operations. A key therefore has to be
exchanged between the communication partners in order to have a computable
basis for encrypting and decrypting information. There are three different methods
for exchanging these keys.
Figure 75: Encryption Methods
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Symmetric Key Encryption is the classical cryptography method for encrypting
and decrypting messages. In this case, both the sender and receiver of a message
share a “secret” called a secret key. The sender uses this key to encrypt the
message. The receiver also uses this key to decrypt the message.
Figure 76: Symmetrical Encryption
The shared secret is called a secret key. It consists of a value of a certain length,
256 bits for example. These encryption algorithms are in widespread use and
are employed in most Web browsers and Web servers. Typical Symmetric Key
Encryption Algorithms include:
Digital Encryption Standard (DES)
Triple DES
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)
Asymmetric Key Encryption uses a different algorithm than Symmetric Key
Encryption. Asymmetric Key Encryption uses a key pair that consists of a private
and a public key. These keys belong to each other. A message that is encrypted
with the public key can only be decrypted with the matching private key. The
public key can be made public. The owner of the key pair “publishes” the public
key and can distribute it as required. The private key must be kept secret.
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Figure 77: Asymmetrical Encryption
The person who is sending a confidential message uses the recipient‘s public key
to encrypt the message. Only the recipient can then decrypt the message using his
or her private key. Typical public key encryption algorithms are:
RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman), Diffie-Hellman
Disadvantages of Public Key Encryption:
It is slower than Symmetrical Key Encryption.
Encryption is only possible in one direction with a single key pair. Alice can
encrypt a message to send to Bob, but not vice versa.
If Alice also has a key pair, then Bob can send her an encrypted message.
However, there is an easier way.
Hybrid Encryption Process is the combination of both above explained
encryption processes. The Hybrid Encryption Process make use of the advantages
of both process types. For the better understanding we describe this process in
the following example.
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Figure 78: Hybrid Encryption
The client (browser) contacts the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
The Application Server responds and sends its Public Key
Client-side a Secret Key is created and encrypted with the Public Key the
server sent before
The client sends back the encrypted Secret Key
On the server the Secret Key is decrypted using the Private Key. Only the
server can decrypt the received Secret Key cause its holding the Private Key
which is necessary for the decrypting.
The communication partners perform a "Handshake"; they shake hands.
Further communication between the client and the server is encrypted using
the Secret Key
Authentication and Digital Signatures
In the first part of this lesson we described a possible attack to the transport
protocol and what can be done to secure this communication. But what happens if
Mallory interferes with the communication and pretends to be Bob? He may even
provide Alice a public key, saying that is Bob's key. The question here is now,
how can we make sure that Alice is really communicating with Bob and therefore
the public key she received is really Bob's public key?
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Figure 79: Threat: Masquerading
The problem is also covered by cryptography and is called Authentication.
Authentication normally takes place using the user ID and password. But with
cryptographic mechanisms it is possible to authenticate communication partners,
in means of verifying that the communication partner is the one she or he
pretends to be. Basis for the authentication of communication partners are Digital
Figure 80: Protection: Authentication
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Understanding Digital Certificates and Digital Signatures
The digital certificate is the individual's "digital identity card" on the Internet.
Compared to the "real world", digital certificates can be compared to a passport
which contains information about owner, issuer, serial number, and validity
period. The format of the certificate is specified by the X.509 standard for digital
Figure 81: Digital Certificates (X.509)
Beneath some general information the certificate contains also the public part of
the key pair whereas the private key is not included in the certificate. This one
must be kept on a safe place. The certificate is issued to a person or server by an
authorized entity called a Certification Authority (CA). The CA ensures by
digitally signing the certificate that the public key, which matches to a private key,
belongs to a specific person or server. Thus, the CA ensures that the certificate
cannot be "faked". The complete infrastructure that manages the issue and
verification of certificates is called the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Figure 82: Certification Authority
Examples of well-known Certification Authorities:
Verisign Inc.
TC Trust Center
SAP also runs a CA that issues digital certificates to customers. Follow the Quick
Link /tcs (Trust Center Services) on the SAP Service Marketplace.
Figure 83: Certificate Enrollment
The certification of digital certificates is performed, for example, as follows:
A public and private key pair is generated on the server
The public key is sent to the CA (it is called a Certificate Signing Request short CSR)
The CA digitally signs the server's public key and sends it back to the
Import of the CSR response, the digitally signed certificate, into the server
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Different CA’s use different policies, on how to check the identity of a person
or system, before issuing a digital certificate. SAP's process for applying for a
digitally signed certificate is as follows:
Figure 84: Certificate Order Process via SAP TCS
Create CSR and send it to SAP via the SAP Service Marketplace
Enter some additional data
You receive a contract. Check the details entered before, print it out and
sign it
Fax the signed contract back to SAP
SAP checks your data and has TC TrustCenter issue a certificate
The server is now sending the digitally signed certificate, which includes the
public key, to the communication partner. This kind of authentication is called
Server Authentication. But how can the communication partner ensure, that the
digitally signed certificate is signed from a trusted CA? The communication
partner has to have a trust relationship to the CA which issued the certificate.
Technically this can be achieved by importing a digital certificate of the institution
(CA) issued the certificate for the server. This is the so-called root certificate.
The most common root certificates are pre-installed in most Web browsers.
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Figure 85: Trust Relationship
Securing HTTP communication using Secure Socket
Layer (SSL)
In the previous sections you learned the fundamentals of Cryptography,
Authentication and Digital Certificates. These technologies are also the
fundamental of securing the HTTP communication. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is
a transparent protocol enhancing other protocols having no security functionalities.
SSL is not an HTTP-specific protocol but a protocol used between the TCP
layer and application protocols like LDAP, SMTP, HTTP and so on. An HTTP
application protocol that has been extended by SSL has the protocol identification
HTTPS in the URL.
SSL uses a Hybrid Encryption method and provides besides data encryption the
following authentication mechanisms:
Server authentication
Client authentication
Mutual Authentication
To use SSL for server authentication, the SAP NetWeaver AS Java possesses
a private and public key pair.
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Figure 86: SSL: Server authentication
Alice contacts the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java using a browser
The Application Server responds and sends its Public Key with a
digitally-signed message. The client-side server's identity is verified by
checking the validity of the certificate. The certificate is only accepted if the
client trusts the CA that issued that certificate to the SAP NetWeaver AS
Java. This is done with the CA root certificate.
The Secret Key is created and encrypted with the Public Key the server
sent before
The client sends back the encrypted Secret Key
On the server the Secret Key is decrypted using the Private Key. Only the
server can decrypt the received Secret Key cause its holding the Private Key
which is necessary for the decrypting.
The communication partners perform a handshake
Further communication between the client and the server is encrypted using
the Secret Key
Setting up HTTP for SAP NetWeaver
Since the basis of SSL and therefore HTTPS is cryptography, SAP NetWeaver
Application Server Java has to be enabled in order to support this feature.
Cryptographic software is needed to support the different mathematical algorithms.
As of Release 7.1x, the SAP Cryptographic Library is used as cryptographic
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
software. Cryptographic software was subject to export and import restrictions.
In AS Java systems 7.1x you have to download this software from SAP Service
Marketplace, in AS Java systems 7.3 these software is already included.
Read up on the conditions in your country. The SAP Cryptographic Library can be
found on SAP Service Marketplace: http://service.sap.com/swdc Download →
SAP Cryptographic Software
Figure 87: Roadmap for Configuring SSL
Using SSL with an Intermediary Server
You can also use SSL for connections where an intermediary server is used. An
intermediary server may be a Web proxy or the SAP Web Dispatcher. A typical
scenario is to place the intermediary server in the DMZ and the AS Java in the
intranet zone. The servers that are supported for use with AS Java are:
SAP Web Dispatcher
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) with an IIS proxy module from
Other products (for example, the Apache Web Server)
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Figure 88: SSL with an Intermediary Server
Depending on the intermediary server used, options exist to use either an
end-to-end SSL connection or to terminate the connection on the intermediary
server and establish a new connection to the backend system (terminated SSL).
See the figure below.
Outlook: Mutual Authentication
Beside the server authentication mechanism and the data encryption described in
the above sections, SSL can also be used for mutual authentication.
In case of Mutual Authentication both, the user and the server acknowledge their
authenticity by providing a digitally signed certificate to the other communication
partner. The important fact is, Alice also authenticate herself to the server.
Therefore you can use this authentication to integrate the SAP NetWeaver AS
Java in a Single Sign-On environment.
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Figure 89: Outlook: Mutual Authentication
Server authentication is performed using the same process as described within the
SSL scenario. Let‘s focus on the client part of this authentication. Alice obtains a
certificate, as shown in the figure:
Alice creates a key pair and a certificate request
Alice sends the request to a CA, such as the SAP CA
Alice imports the certificate request response
The Web server must also trust Alice‘s issuing CA by importing its CA root
certificate into its trusted CA store. When communicating with the server, both
parties are authenticated and the data communication is encrypted.
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Exercise 8: Setting up SSL
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Setting up SSL for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
Business Example
Your corporation wants to provide access to composite applications on the SAP
NetWeaver 7.3 system for its business partners. Since sensitive data is transferred
between the SAP system and the client (a Web browser for example), a secure
connection should be established.
Task 1: Check the SAP Cryptographic Library files
Check the SAP Cryptographic Library files.
Log on at operating system level of your SAP system and check, that the
files sapcrypto.dll and sapgenpse.exe exists in he following directories
of your SAP system: all <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance>\exe and
Check, that the file ticket exits in all of the following directories
Task 2: Maintain ICM Parameters
Maintain the required ICM parameters.
Read up on the ports already used and the related parameters of the ICM.
Use the Web interface of the ICM for this.
Maintain the ICM parameters to allow the protocols and ports specified in
the table to be used. $$ stands for the instance number here. Make sure that
you do not overwrite existing parameters when numbering the parameters.
Hint: There is a help file on the training share from which you can
insert the parameter values into the profile DEFAULT.PFL directly
by copying.
Continued on next page
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Restart the ICM.
Read up on the ports now used and the related parameters of the ICM.
Task 3: Generate Key Pair, Have it Signed by the
Certification Authority and Assign to all Instances
Generate a key pair for SSL using the ICM and have it signed by the Certification
Create a new key pair for SSL using the ICM in the SAP NetWeaver
Administrator. Use the keystore view service_ssl to do so. Remove the
existing key pair. Use the following values for the certificate with <##>
corresponding to your group number. Do not change the other values.
Input Values for the new Key Pair
Input Field
Entry Name
Key Length
for example DE or US
<host name.domain>
Generate a certificate request for the key pair that you just created.
Send the certificate request to the Certification Authority and save the
response to a file. You can use the test scenario of the SAP Trust Center
Service for this course (http://service.sap.com/ssltest).
Import the certificate request response in the NWA.
Now import the certificate into the instance-specific views
ICM_SSL_<instance-ID>. Remove the existing entries there also.
Export all views ICM_SSL_<instance-ID> to the PSE.
Task 4: Test SSL
Test the SSL communication.
Call the HTTPS-URL of your system.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Task 5: Optional: Install SAP Server CA Root
Certificate in Web Browser
If you got an error during the test, you probably need to install the SAP Server CA
root certificate in your web browser.
Download the SAP Server CA root certificate from SAP Service Marketplace
Trust Center Services and install it in your web browser.
Do the test like in task Test SSL described above.
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Solution 8: Setting up SSL
Task 1: Check the SAP Cryptographic Library files
Check the SAP Cryptographic Library files.
Log on at operating system level of your SAP system and check, that the
files sapcrypto.dll and sapgenpse.exe exists in he following directories
of your SAP system: all <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance>\exe and
Check, that the file ticket exits in all of the following directories
Task 2: Maintain ICM Parameters
Maintain the required ICM parameters.
Read up on the ports already used and the related parameters of the ICM.
Use the Web interface of the ICM for this.
Open a Web browser and call the Web interface of the ICM using the
URL http://<host name>:<HTTP port>/sap/admin. Your instructor
will give you the logon data.
Go to Active Services on the left-hand side and note the active services
and their ports.
Go to Parameters on the left-hand side and note the parameters
icm/server_port_<x> and their values there.
Maintain the ICM parameters to allow the protocols and ports specified in
the table to be used. $$ stands for the instance number here. Make sure that
you do not overwrite existing parameters when numbering the parameters.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Hint: There is a help file on the training share from which you can
insert the parameter values into the profile DEFAULT.PFL directly
by copying.
At operating system level of your SAP system, use a text editor to open
the file <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\profile\DEFAULT.PFL.
Enter the following additional lines at the end of the file:
icm/server_port_4 =
icm/server_port_5 =
icm/server_port_6 =
Save the file.
Restart the ICM.
Choose Monitor on the left-hand side in the Web interface of the ICM
(see step 1 of this task also).
Choose running → Shutdown Internet Communication Manager and
then choose Yes.
The ICM should then automatically restart shortly afterwards.
Read up on the ports now used and the related parameters of the ICM.
Go to Active Services on the left-hand side in the Web interface of the
ICM and note the active services and their ports. The protocols and
ports that you have just maintained should be listed and active there.
Go to Parameters on the left-hand side and note there the new
parameters maintained by you icm/server_port_<x>.
Continued on next page
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Task 3: Generate Key Pair, Have it Signed by the
Certification Authority and Assign to all Instances
Generate a key pair for SSL using the ICM and have it signed by the Certification
Create a new key pair for SSL using the ICM in the SAP NetWeaver
Administrator. Use the keystore view service_ssl to do so. Remove the
existing key pair. Use the following values for the certificate with <##>
corresponding to your group number. Do not change the other values.
Input Values for the new Key Pair
Input Field
Entry Name
Key Length
for example DE or US
<host name.domain>
Open the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) in the Web browser
using the URL http://<host name>:<HTTP port>/nwa. Your instructor
will give you the logon data.
Navigate to Configuration → Security → Certificates and Keys.
Select the keystore view service-ssl in the tab page Content.
Select the entry ssl-credentials, choose Delete and confirm with OK.
Also remove the entry ssl-credentials-cert.
Now choose Create and maintain the fields in accordance with the
above table. Then choose Next. Maintain the other fields in accordance
with the table, choose Next twice and then Finish.
Generate a certificate request for the key pair that you just created.
Select the entry SSL<##> and choose Generate CSR Request.
Now choose Download and then Open.
Select the displayed text and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl+C).
Choose Close.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Send the certificate request to the Certification Authority and save the
response to a file. You can use the test scenario of the SAP Trust Center
Service for this course (http://service.sap.com/ssltest).
Open a new Web browser window and call the URL
Choose Test it Now!.
Copy the text from the clipboard (see step 2 of this exercise) to the
input screen.
Choose PKCS#7 certificate chain and then Continue in the selection list.
Copy the text to the clipboard (Ctrl+C).
Open a text editor and insert the text that you just copied. Save the text
as a file with the ending .cert, for example response00.cert.
Import the certificate request response in the NWA.
Go to the NWA where you generate the CSR Request and choose now
Import CSR Response .
Choose Browse. Select the file that was just saved, for example
response00.cert, and choose Open.
Choose Add followed by Import.
Now import the certificate into the instance-specific views
ICM_SSL_<instance-ID>. Remove the existing entries there also.
Select the view ICM_SSL_<instance-ID>.
Select the entry ssl-credentials, choose Delete and confirm with OK.
Also remove the entry ssl-credentials-cert.
Choose Copy Entry.
Now select the view service_ssl in the selection list From View and the
entry SSL<##> in the selection list From Entry. Then choose Import.
Repeat the previous solution steps (a to d) for all other views
Export all views ICM_SSL_<instance-ID> to the PSE.
Select the view ICM_SSL_<instance-ID>.
Now choose Export View To PSE.
Continued on next page
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Unit 4: Secure Infrastructure
Task 4: Test SSL
Test the SSL communication.
Call the HTTPS-URL of your system.
Open a new Web browser window and call the URL https://<host
name.domain>:<https port>. If the start page of the AS Java appears
without an error message, then everything has been configured correctly
and the root certificate of the Certification Authority is already installed
in your Web browser.
Task 5: Optional: Install SAP Server CA Root
Certificate in Web Browser
If you got an error during the test, you probably need to install the SAP Server CA
root certificate in your web browser.
Download the SAP Server CA root certificate from SAP Service Marketplace
Trust Center Services and install it in your web browser.
Open a new Web browser window and call the URL
Go to Donwload Area → Root Certificates.
Click on SAP Server CA Certificate and choose Save and Save again.
Choose Open, Install Certificate and Next.
Skip this step, If you are not working on the OS of the server twdfxxxx.
Select Place all certifacates in the following store and choose Browse
.... Select Show physical stores and expand Trusted Root Certification
Authorities. Select here Local Computer.
Go ahead with Next, Finish, and OK.
Do the test like in task Test SSL described above.
Do the test like in task Test SSL described above.
Congratulations! You have successfully configured SSL for all instances of your
SAP NetWeaver system!
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Lesson: Setting Up SSL
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe different encryption processes
Point out the relationship between authentication and digital signatures
Explain the server authentication mechanism used within SSL
Set up SSL with the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
explain why safeguarding the network communication is necessary
describe which technical components can be protected via secure network
Classify concepts of the Web Service Security
Describe different encryption processes
Point out the relationship between authentication and digital signatures
Explain the server authentication mechanism used within SSL
Set up SSL with the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Related Information
SAP Service Marketplace Quick Link /security
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Unit 5
User and Authorization Administration
Unit Overview
The structure and configuration of the User Management Engine (UME) and the
use of the associated administration tools are explained in this unit. The standard
actions in the user administration environment, such as creating users and creating
and assigning authorizations and roles are presented. The concluding lesson
Logon Procedure of AS Java should complete your understanding of this topic.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
List the various UME data sources
Determine the current data source assignment
Explain the term UME data partitioning
Identify and modify configuration parameters
List and use the tools for administering users and groups
Explain the terms UME role and JEE security role
List the authorization administration tools
Assign actions and JEE security roles to a UME role
Assign authorizations to users and groups
List a number of “special” principles
Change the password of the standard administration user
Activate the emergency user
list the supported logon procedures of the AS Java
explain the functions of login modules
change the standard logon procedure of the AS Java
explain Kerberos logon (SPNego)
set up X.509 logon
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Unit Contents
Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine
Exercise 9: User Management Engine ..................................207
Lesson: User and Group Administration ..................................... 211
Exercise 10: User and Group Administration ...........................219
Lesson: The Java Authorization Concept ...................................224
Exercise 11: Create and Assign UME Roles............................231
Lesson: Special Principles.....................................................235
Exercise 12: Default Principles and Emergency Users ...............241
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java ...................................246
Exercise 13: Configuration of X.509 Client Authentication............257
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User
Management Engine (UME)
Lesson Overview
This lesson explains fundamental information about the User Management Engine.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
List the various UME data sources
Determine the current data source assignment
Explain the term UME data partitioning
Identify and modify configuration parameters
Business Example
In your company, AS ABAP and AS Java-based systems are used. You want to
ensure consistent user master data within a heterogeneous system landscape.
AS Java provides an open architecture supported by service providers for the
storage of user and group data. The AS Java is supplied with the following service
providers which are also referred to as a “user store”:
DBMS provider: storage in the system database
UDDI provider: storage via external service providers (Universal
Description, Discovery and Integration)
UME provider: Connection of the integrated User Management Engine
The DBMS and UDDI providers implement standards and therefore ensure
that AS Java is J2EE-compliant. When AS Java is installed, SAP's own User
Management Engine (UME) is always set up as the user store and is the correct
choice for most SAP customers. The UME is the only way to flexibly set up and
operate user and authorization concepts.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Some of the important features of the UME are:
The UME has its own administration console for administering users. It
allows the administrator to perform the routine tasks of user administration,
such as creating users and groups, role assignment, and other actions.
Security settings can be used to define password policies, such as minimum
password length and the number of incorrect logon attempts before a user is
The UME provides different self-service scenarios that can be used by
applications. For example, a user can change his or her data, or register as a
new user. Newly-created users can be approved using a workflow.
User data can be exchanged with other (AS Java or external) systems using
an export/import mechanism.
The UME logs important security events, such as a user's successful logons
or incorrect logon attempts, and changes to user data, groups, and roles.
Figure 90: User Store and Data Sources
The UME supports a variety of data sources where user data can be stored:
System database
Directory service (LDAP server)
ABAP-based SAP system (as of SAP Web AS 6.20)
The illustration below shows the architecture of the UME:
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Figure 91: Architecture of the UME:
The UME is a Java application which runs on SAP NetWeaver AS Java and which
covers the following functional areas:
UME Core Layer: Provides persistence managers between the application
programming interface and the user management data sources - these
control where user data such as users, user accounts, groups, roles and their
assignments are read from or written to, with the result that applications
which use the API do not have to know where the user management data
is stored.
UME API Layer: This layer provides programming interfaces (APIs) not
just for UME developers but also for customers and partners. This means
that you can access the UME functions with the Java programs which you
develop yourself.
UME services: The UME provides the following services to higher-level
software layers:
Log-on procedure and single sign-on (log-on to AS Java is taken over
for other systems and vice versa)
Provisioning processes via user master data
Authorization Concept
UME UI: The UME is responsible for the user interface which, in some
log-on procedures, appears in the Web browser, as well as for the UME
Administration Console.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
The SAP NetWeaver usage types which are based on the AS Java (such as SAP
NetWeaver Portal) are based on the UME and perform a number of specific
functions on this basis (such as self-registration with approval workflow).
Data Partitioning
As described in the previous section, the UME persistence manager offers the
option of storing user data in different data sources. The UME persistence
manager also supports data partitioning. This means in practice that, for example,
user data for different user types can be stored in different data sources.
Figure 92: Data Partitioning
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
In practice, you often work with a combination of the data sources database
+ directory service or database + ABAP user management. When this is done,
certain user attributes are to be stored in a different data source, for example, or
users are separated by their categories (internal or self-registered users).
Attribute-based data partitioning: A user in the UME has certain
attributes, some of which are classified as global attributes (user ID,
telephone number, and so on) ) and others of which are application-specific.
Global information would be particularly suited to being stored in a directory
service, and application-specific information in the database.
User-based data partitioning:With this type of partitioning, the data source
in which users are stored is decided depending on the category of the
user (self-registered or internal users). For example, users that register by
self-service can be stored in the database, and internal users in the directory
Type-based data partitioning:With type-based data partitioning, different
object types can be distributed to different data sources. The types are, for
example, users, groups, roles, user accounts. For example, users can be
stored in the directory service, and roles in the database.
SAP delivers preconfigured data source combinations (more information will be
provided in the next section), which you should only change in special cases. For
example, if you are using a directory service as a data source, you may need to
perform attribute mapping. You usually use the delivered preconfigured data
source combinations without additional changes:
Configuring the Data Source(s)
This section deals with the configuration of the data source(s) stored in the AS
Java database in the form of configuration files (in XML format). In most cases,
the installation option is retained or the data sources are configured immediately
after AS Java installation.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Supported Data Sources and Modification Options
Figure 93: Data Sources after Installation
The data source that is set up during AS Java installation depends on the selected
SAP NetWeaver usage type:
AS Java (without ABAP): Data source - system database (configuration file
AS ABAP + Java: Data source - ABAP system (configuration file
Modifying data sources after installation can result in inconsistencies. Restrictions
therefore apply to the modification of UME data sources. The following figure
explains the supported modification options.
Hint: Please make sure that you observe SAP Note 718383.
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Figure 94: Supported Change Options
The following changes are supported:
System database (dataSourceConfiguration_database_only.xml):You
can switch to any required LDAP configuration file (dataSourceConfiguration_[ldap description]_db.xml) or an ABAP system
(dataSourceConfiguration_abap.xml). In this case, you must make sure
that the new data source does not contain any users and groups with the
same unique attributes aqs the database (i.e. the new data source must not
contain any users or groups with the same unique name or ID as the users
or groups in the database).
ABAP system (dataSourceConfiguration_abap.xml): No change is
Directory service (dataSourceConfiguration_[ldap description]_db.xml):
If you have selected an LDAP directory as the user data source, you can
modify the structure of the LDAP directory or switch to a different LDAP if
this does not modify any unique user IDs.
Below, we present a complex system landscape with AS ABAP, AS Java and
non-SAP systems:
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Figure 95: Example of a Heterogeneous System Landscape
In this type of heterogeneous system landscape with SAP systems and non-SAP
systems, it is useful to use a directory service as the primary storage location
for user data.
As you can see in the figure, the ABAP systems are administered with the central
user administration (CUA). The CUA central system synchronizes user data with
the directory service. In the case of the AS Java systems, the directory service is
configured as the data source. Non-SAP systems also have access to user data
through the directory service.
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Figure 96: SAP NetWeaver Identity Management
In SAP NetWeaver Identity Management, SAP provides integrated, business
process-driven IdenIdentity Management functions for a heterogeneous system
landscape. SAP NetWeaver Identity Management uses a central identity store
to consolidate and save data from various source systems (SAP HCM for
example). This information is distributed to connected target systems. User
accounts and role assignments for SAP and non-SAP applications are distributed.
Role assignments can be automated using rule definitions. A very important
function of SAP NetWeaver Identity Management is the option of making the
authorization assignment workflow-controlled. The integration with HCM as
one of the possible source systems for identity information is a key function
for business process-driven Identity Management. For more information about
SAP NetWeaver Identity Management, go to the SAP Developer Network
Tools for UME Configuration
The next figure lists the tools with which you can display and change the UME
Note: See also SAP Note 948654 - Only use Global Settings for UME
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Figure 97: Tools for UME Configuration (Viewing/Modifying)
UME Administration Console: You can use the UME Administration
Console running in the Web-Browser to modify selected settings without it
being necessary to know the technical parameter names (path: http(s)://<host
name>:<port> /useradmin → Configuration).
Hint: For many settings a restart is not necessary and you are
notified about the necessary of a restart after saving the properties.
Hint: As of 7.20 there is an Expert Mode available in the
configuration area, which gives you access to the maintenance of
mostly all ume properties.
Configuration Tool (Configuration Editor mode): Only in Configuration
Editor mode are you able to access all the UME settings (path:
cluster_config → system → custom_global → cfg → services →
com.sap.security.core.ume.service → Propertysheet properties).
SAP NetWeaver Administrator, Java Configuration Browser: You
can use the SAP NetWeaver Administrator running in the Web browser
to view all the UME parameters (incl. tooltip with descriptive text)
Configuration Infrastructure → Java Configuration Browser and then
<System> → cluster_config → system → custom_global → cfg → services
→ com.sap.security.core.ume.service → properties).
Note: In the SAP NetWeaver Administrator under Configuration →
Infrastructure → Java System Properties → Overview, you can also
view the UME parameters. Select a template or an instance there.
Then select the service User Management Engine on the tab page
Services. The UME parameters are now selected.
Do not change any values here, but instead use the global change
SAP NetWeaver Administrator, Authentication: AS of SAP NetWeaver
AS 7.11 some UME parameters regarding logon can be changed online
in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator at Configuration → Security
→Authentication and Single Sign-On → Properties.
UME Configuration iView: If the usage type EP Core has been installed
in your SAP NetWeaver system, you can use the portal interface to access
an iView for UME configuration. This offers similar setting options to the
UME Administration Console (portal path System Administration → System
Configuration → UME Configuration).
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Caution: Before you make any changes to the UME configuration, you
should first back up the current configuration. You can do this using
a function in the UME Administration Console (User Management
Configuration → Support → Download Configuration ZIP File), which
saves the current configuration data in a ZIP file This file allows you
to record and trace the changes. However, they are not intended to be
re-imported into an AS Java.
Since many advanced settings can only be made in Configuration Editor mode, a
description of the procedure is presented here:
Stop all the Java instances on you system
Start the Configuration Tool
Switch to Configuration Editor mode
Switch to change mode.
Navigate to cluster_config → system → custom_global → cfg → services
→ com.sap.security.core.ume.service → Propertysheet properties and
Make the required changes (Apply Custom)
Start your system's Java instances.
By way of an example, the next figure shows how you can find out the currently
active data source in Offline Configuration Editor mode.
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Figure 98: Displaying the Active Data Source
Appendix: Attribute Mapping with Directory Services
As described above, the UME has various preconfigured configuration files in
which attribute mapping for directory services can be configured. You can use the
Config Tool to view and change these and to configure the attribute mapping.
User data that is sent to a directory service must be appropriately stored in the
directory service. Mapping of the attributes is usually necessary to do this. Since
different directory services also use different schemas for storing data, you must
define which SAP data fields correspond to which directory attributes. If you use
the Java API of the user administration component to access user data in your
LDAP directory service, you must map the attribute names in the schema of the
company's LDAP directory service to the attribute names that are used in the Java
API of the user administration component.
This need not always be a one-to-one mapping, but rather one field can be mapped
to multiple attributes. The attributes assigned to the fields must also exist in the
directory. If not, you need to extend the schema in the directory.
A mapping for the logical attributes of the Java API of the user administration
to physical attributes that are used for the InetOrgPerson schema in the X.500
standard is delivered in the preconfigured UME XML files. If you use this standard
without modifications, you do not need to change the attribute mapping data.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Figure 99: Appendix: Attribute Mapping 1/2
As shown in the figure, the data field FULLNAME (full name) is made up
from the attributes givenName and sn (surname - last name). In the case of the
telephone number, for example, the field in the database is telephone, while in the
LDAP-compatible directory service the field is called telephoneNumber.
As described in the previous section, you can use the Config Tool to display the
actively used data source and the preconfigured data source combinations as an
XML file. The attribute mapping is maintained in the XML configuration file for
the data source. You can use a download mechanism in the Config Tool to write
the XML configuration files to operating system level, change them there, and
then upload them back into the system. You can find the overview of the XML
configuration files in the Config Tool:
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Figure 100: Appendix: XML Files
You can configure the attribute mapping in the relevant XML configuration file.
For detailed information about the entire structure of the XML configuration file,
see the SAP online documentation. For the attribute mapping, you only need to
change the tag <attributeMapping> as shown in the figure.
Figure 101: Appendix: Attribute Mapping 2/2
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
UME Parameters
After you have selected and precisely configured a data source, there are many
other parameters with which you can influence the behavior of the UME. The
following figure provides an overview of the relevant areas:
Figure 102: Functions of the UME Parameters:
The following list presents a number of important, selected parameters:
Date source(s)
ume.persistence.data_source_configuration Name of the UME
configuration file (depending on the data source, other parameters may
be relevant for connecting the data source)
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Security Policy
ume.logon.security_policy.auto_unlock_time Number of minutes after
which a user locked because of invalid login attempts is unlocked again
(if the value is 0 then the user remains locked)
ume.logon.security_policy.lock_after_invalid_attempts Number of
invalid login attempts after which a user is locked (automatically set to
0 in an AS ABAP+Java)
Determines the minimum number of special characters that the
password must contain
Specifies the minimum number of numeric and alpahetical characters
that the password must contain (if the number is 3 then the password
must contain at least 3 numbers and 3 letters)
ume.logon.security_policy.password_expire_days Number of days
before the password expires
ume.logon.security_policy.password_max_length or ume.logon.security_policy.password_min_length Maximum or minimum length of
the password
ume.logon.security_policy.useridmaxlength or ume.logon.security_policy.useridminlength Maximum or minimum length of the user ID
There are different security policy profiles, e.g. Default and Technical User.
The properties for the profile Technical User is hard coded and can not be
changed. The properties can be viewed in the useradmin → Configuration
→ Securtiy Policy by selecting the profile. Changes of the Default security
profile properties affects the properties mentioned above and vice versa. You
can create own security policy profiles where you can maintain property
settings different to the Default security policy profile. These settings can
only viewed and maintained in this “simple” mode and is not accessible via
expert mode or the configuration editor mode of the config tool.
In the UME Administration Console you can maintain user and assign them
a security policy profiles, so you can have user with different values of the
security policy properties. By default, the Default security policy profile
is assigned.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
E-mail Notification
The UME can be configured in such a way that in certain situations (e.g.
after locking a user), e-mails are sent via an external SMTP server. For this
to be possible, of course, valid e-mail addresses must be stored in the user
master records.
ume.notification.mail_host Name of the SMTP server for e-mail
ume.notification.create_performed or ume.notification.delete_performed An e-mail is sent to the user as soon as the user is created or
deleted by the administrator
ume.notification.create_approval or ume.notification.create_denied
An e-mail is sent to the user as soon as the administrator approves or
rejects the creation of a user account.
ume.notification.lock_performed bzw. ume.notification.unlock_performed An e-mail is sent to the user when the administrator locks or
unlocks the user
ume.notification.pswd_reset_request An e-mail is sent from the user to
the administrator when the password is to be reset
ume.notification.unlock_request An e-mail is sent from the user to the
administrator when the account is to be unlocked
ume.notification.system_email The sender's e-mail address is sent with
a dummy name (the address does not have to exist)
Logging On and Off
ume.logon.branding_image Path to the image displayed in the logon
ume.logoff.redirect.url Address that is called following logoff (only for
the SAP NetWeaver portal)
SAP Logon Ticket
login.ticket_lifetime Lifetime of the SAP Logon Ticket (Format
login.ticket_client Dummy “client” written to the SAP Logon Ticket
(default 000, in the case of AS ABAP+Java must be set to a client
(value) which is not used in the ABAP system)
ume.logon.security.relax_domain.level Number of subdomains to be
removed (a value of 2 means that the SAP Logon Tickets issued by a
system on the host twdf1234.wdf.sap.corp are sent to servers in the
domain sap.corp)
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
ume.supergroups.anonymous_group.displayname ID of the group of
anonymous users (default Anonymous Users)
ume.supergroups.authenticated_group.displayname ID of the group of
logged on users (default Authenticated Users)
ume.supergroups.everyone.displayname ID of the group of all users
(default Everyone)
ume.virtual_groups.names IDs of virtual groups (formed on the basis
of certain user properties)
ume.admin.addattrs Makes it possible to add customer-specific
attributes to the user master record
ume.admin.search_maxhits Maximum number of search hits displayed
in the Administration Console (default 1000)
ume.admin.search_maxhits_warninglevel Number of hits as of which a
warning is issued in the Administration Console (default 200)
ume.admin.wd.url.help URL to the online documentation (may, for
example, point to the customer's local help system)
ume.admin.wd.table.size.<name> Specifies the number of rows for
output in the Administration Console (for <name>, there are small,
medium and large)
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Exercise 9: User Management Engine
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Save UME configuration data
Determine the current data source
Modify UME parameters
Business Example
Your company uses SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP+Java. Your UME
data source consists of a combination of ABAB user management and a database.
Task 1: Configuration Data
Save and evaluate the current configuration data
If you have not already done so, log on to your SAP system at operating
system level.
Log on to the UME administration console.
Save the current UME configuration in a file on your SAP server.
Using the ZIP file you have just saved, answer the following questions:
– What data source is currently active?
- After how many days does the user password expire?
You have saved the current status of the UME configuration in a ZIP file
and evaluated it.
Task 2: Change
Change a UME setting.
Use the UME Administration Console to change the threshold value for
warnings in the case of extensive search results to 40.
Hint: You may have to log off and log on to the system again for
the changes to take effect.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Solution 9: User Management Engine
Task 1: Configuration Data
Save and evaluate the current configuration data
If you have not already done so, log on to your SAP system at operating
system level.
See the task description.
Log on to the UME administration console.
Start a Web browser.
Enter the URL http://<host name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance number>00/useradmin (for example:
Save the current UME configuration in a file on your SAP server.
Go to the view Configuration → Support.
Choose the link Download Configuration Zip File.
Choose Save and specify a path on your host.
Using the ZIP file you have just saved, answer the following questions:
– What data source is currently active?
- After how many days does the user password expire?
In the Windows Explorer, double-click to open the ZIP file which you
saved previously.
Double-click to open the file it contains: sapum-global.properties.
You can use the following UME parameters to answer the questions
which are asked:
ume.persistence.data_source_configuration: Displays the current
data source and should be set to dataSourceConfiguration_database_only.xml
ume.logon.security_policy.password_expire_days: Displays the
validity period of passwords in days.
You have saved the current status of the UME configuration in a ZIP
file and evaluated it.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Structure and Configuration of the User Management Engine (UME)
Task 2: Change
Change a UME setting.
Use the UME Administration Console to change the threshold value for
warnings in the case of extensive search results to 40.
Hint: You may have to log off and log on to the system again for
the changes to take effect.
In the UME Administration Console, go to the view Configuration
→ User Admin UI.
Switch to edit mode by choosing Change Configuration.
Under Warning Threshold for Large Search Results, enter 40.
Choose Save All Changes.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
List the various UME data sources
Determine the current data source assignment
Explain the term UME data partitioning
Identify and modify configuration parameters
Related Information
Online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.3x, path SAP NetWeaver
Library: Function-Oriented View → Security → Identity Management →
User Management of the Application Server Java → User Management
SAP Note 718383: Supported Data Sources and Modification Options
SAP Note 948654 - Only use Global Settings for UME Properties
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: User and Group Administration
Lesson: User and Group Administration
Lesson Overview
This lesson presents the tools for the administration of users and groups.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
List and use the tools for administering users and groups
Business Example
You are using AS Java and use a Java application there. To log on to this
application, you require a valid user. This must usually first be created. It is
also possible to combine multiple users into groups, such as all buyers. Roles
(authorizations) are then assigned to the users or groups. Different tools are used,
depending on the active data source of the UME.
The Link between Users, Groups and Roles
In the UME environment, the term Principle designates the following, central
Principles in the UME Environment:
General properties of a user (such as name, e-mail,
telephone number etc.)
User account
Logon-related properties of a user (such as password,
validity, lock indicator and so on)
Set of user and/or groups
Set of (Java) authorizations
For historical reasons, users and user accounts are different principles which are
typically associated. When the term user is employed below, then, more precisely,
it is the associated principles user and user account that are intended.
Note: Depending on the SAP NetWeaver usage type, the principles have
an additional meaning (thus in a SAP NetWeaver portal there are portal
roles that are also handled in the same way as a UME principle).
The following figure shows how you can assign principles.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Figure 103: Assigning Principles
Users are usually assigned to groups to which roles are then assigned. However,
it is also possible to assign roles to users directly. The Principle group supports
hierarchies of groups. A group may also possess higher and lower-level groups.
Users actually possess the roles which
are directly assigned to them
are assigned to the groups to which they belong
are assigned to the higher-level groups of the groups to which they belong
When performing a search in the UME Administration Console, you must always
check the field Search Recursively if you want to see indirectly assigned principles.
Special Features of the ABAP System Data Source
If you use a client of an ABAP system (and consequently the configuration file
dataSourceConfiguration_abap.xml) as the data source then UME behaves as
The ABAP users are visible in AS Java and can log onto AS Java with their
ABAP passwords.
The ABAP roles are depicted in AS Java as UME groups of the same name.
In AS Java, the assignment of ABAP users to ABAP (composite) roles
appears as the assignment of UME users to UME groups.
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Lesson: User and Group Administration
Figure 104: Special Features of the ABAP System Data Source
The reason for this group administration concept is the shared authorization
administration for applications that have both ABAP and Java components.
Applications such as PI, for example, possess both ABAP and Java components.
The ABAP authorizations are mapped with PFCG roles. The JEE authorizations
are mapped with UME roles. A user should be assigned a PFCG role in the
ABAP system and a UME role on the Java side for the user to have both ABAP
and Java authorizations. To avoid this, the PFCG roles are visible as groups in
the UME. The PFCG role (a group) can be assigned a UME role in the UME. If a
user is assigned the PFCG role in the ABAP system, he or she automatically also
receives the authorizations from the UME role. Assigning authorizations therefore
becomes simpler.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
The connection between the UME in an AS Java and user management in an AS
ABAP is established via the Java Connector (JCo). To this end, a communication
user existing in ABAP is stored as a UME parameter (this usually has SAPJSF in
its name). This communication user's ABAP authorization determines whether it
is possible to modify ABAP user master records using UME resources.
The role SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION_RO gives the UME read access
to the user data in the AS ABAP.
The role SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION gives the UME write access to
the user data in the AS ABAP.
Hint: Even if the communication user gets write access to the user data in
the AS ABAP, assigning users to PFCG roles in the UME is not possible.
Note: If an ABAP system is used as the data source, then certain
restrictions apply. These are listed in the online documentation.
When configuring the “ABAP” data source, the ABAP user groups appear as
Companies in the UME; this was introduced with Release 7.10. The assignment
of the user group for authorization check in the user master record of the user in
AS ABAP (transaction SU01) is represented in the UME as an assignment to the
company. The delegated user administration can then be used immediately after
the installation in the AS Java also. For more information about companies and
the delegated user administration of the AS Java, go to the online documentation
for SAP NetWeaver 7.3x, path SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View
→ Security → Identity Management → User Management of the Application
Server Java → Configuring User Management → Configuring Delegated User
Administration Using Companies.
Administration Tools
The figures in this section explain the tools which you, as administrator, use to
maintain users and groups.
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Lesson: User and Group Administration
Figure 105: UME Administration Console
The most important tool for a user administrator in an AS Java system is the UME
Administration Console. This functions independently of the configured data
source and is implemented as an application running in a Web browser (based on
Web Dynpro Java). You start the user-friendly Administration Console...
via the URL http(s)://<hostname>.<domain>:<http(s) port>/useradmin
via the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (URL .../nwa) via the path
Configuration → Security→ Identity Management
in a portal via the path User Administration → Identity-Management.
Hint: The function scope available in the Administration Console
depends on the current user's Java authorizations. For more information,
see the lesson “The Java Authorization Concept”.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Figure 106: ABAP User Administration
If you have used the UME configuration file dataSourceConfiguration_abap.xml
to connect an ABAP system client, then the usual AS ABAP tools (such as
transaction SU01) are available for user administration.
User Types
In the same way as AS ABAP, the UME distinguishes between different user
types (also called Security Policy Profiles) which are listed in the following table:
UME User Types/Security Policies
User Type/Security
Logon to AS
Mapped ABAP user
types (with ABAP
system as data source)
Technical users
Internal service user
not possible
depends on
user type
depends on
user type
Service and Reference
“Self created”
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Lesson: User and Group Administration
You specify the user type when you create a user via the UME Administration
Console (you may not create the type Unknown). In the case of existing users,
subsequent changes to the user type are only possible with restrictions.
Note: The last column in the table is only relevant if you are operating a
UME with an ABAP system as the data source. Changes to the user type
of an ABAP user are mapped to the corresponding UME user master
record (and vice versa if the UME has write access to the ABAP system).
Hint: You can define your own user types (also called Security Policy
Profiles) in the UME configuration to provide you own set of password
rules. For example you could create a user type with very strong password
rules for your super users or emergency users.
Log and Trace Files
The following log and trace information is particularly relevant in the UME
Security Log: File \usr\sap\<SID>\<instance_number>\j2ee\cluster\server<X>\log\system\security_<n>.log
Security Audit Log: File \usr\sap\<SID>\<instance_number>\j2ee\cluster\server<X>\log\system\security_audit_<n>.log)
Trace Files: File \usr\sap\<SID>\<instance_number>\j2ee\cluster\server<X>\log\defaultTrace_<n>.trc
Directory Server Logs: If you use a directory server as data source, you can
monitor the LDAP server accesses and connection pooling.
The Security Audit Log allows you to trace changes to principles (e.g.
modifications to users or created roles). The events that are logged depends on the
set severity.
The online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 describes the severity
associated with each event (path SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented
View → Security → Identity Management → User Management of the Application
Server Java → Troubleshooting → Logging and Tracing
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
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Lesson: User and Group Administration
Exercise 10: User and Group
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Administer users and group in the AS Java
Business Example
You are using AS Java and are responsible for user administration. New users
should have access to selected applications.
Task 1: User Maintenance
Copy and modify a user using the UME Administration Console
Log on to the UME administration console with the your user.
Copy the template user TEMPLATE to a user JAVA-## (## corresponds to
your group number).
What UME roles does your user JAVA-## have?
You can manage users in the UME Administration Console.
Task 2: Group Maintenance
Create and modify UME groups using the UME Administration Console
Attempt to start the NWA as user JAVA-##.
Log on to the UME administration console with your course user.
Create a UME group GROUP-## and assign the user JAVA-## and the UME
role NWA_READONLY to it.
Attempt to start the NWA as user JAVA-## again.
You can use the UME Administration Console to manage groups.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Solution 10: User and Group
Task 1: User Maintenance
Copy and modify a user using the UME Administration Console
Log on to the UME administration console with the your user.
Start a Web browser.
Enter the URL http://<hostname>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance>00/useradmin (for example
Note: Alternatively, you can call the UME Administration
Console via the NWA.
Log on with your user.
Copy the template user TEMPLATE to a user JAVA-## (## corresponds to
your group number).
In the Identity Management area of the UME administration console,
run a search for the user TEMPLATE.
Select the hit and choose Copy to New User.
In the General Information tab, enter the Login ID (set to JAVA-##),
Password and Last Name (any).
Do not change the other fields and Save the data.
What UME roles does your user JAVA-## have?
In the Administration Console, view the details for the user JAVA-##
in display mode.
Go to the Assigned Roles tab. Check Search Recursively and choose Go.
You should see that the copied user has the same roles and (groups) as
the copy template.
You can manage users in the UME Administration Console.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: User and Group Administration
Task 2: Group Maintenance
Create and modify UME groups using the UME Administration Console
Attempt to start the NWA as user JAVA-##.
Close any Web browser windows.
Enter the URL http://<host
name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance>00/nwa (for example:
Enter the logon data for the user JAVA-## (and change the password).
You will see a message informing you that you do not have the
necessary authorizations.
Log on to the UME administration console with your course user.
Enter the URL http://<host name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance>00/useradmin (for example:
Note: Alternatively, you can call the UME Administration
Console via the NWA.
Log on with your course user.
Create a UME group GROUP-## and assign the user JAVA-## and the UME
role NWA_READONLY to it.
In the Identity Management area of the UME administration console,
switch to the Groups view.
Choose Create Group.
In the General Information tab, enter GROUP-## under Unique Name.
Go to the Assigned Users tab. Under Available Users search for the
user JAVA-##. Select this entry and click Add.
Go to the Assigned Roles tab. Under Available Roles, search for the
role NWA_READONLY. Select this entry and click Add.
Save the group.
Continued on next page
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Attempt to start the NWA as user JAVA-## again.
Close any Web browser windows.
Enter the URL http://<host
name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance>00/nwa (for example:
Enter the logon data for the user JAVA-##.
You can now work with the NWA (for viewing).
You can use the UME Administration Console to manage groups.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: User and Group Administration
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
List and use the tools for administering users and groups
Related Information
Online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.3x, path SAP NetWeaver
Library: Function-Oriented View → Security → Identity Management →
User Management of the Application Server Java → User Management
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Lesson: The Java Authorization Concept
Lesson Overview
To access an application, authentication is usually required. Not all users perform
the same actions. Authorizations control which functions are permitted for a user.
These authorizations must be assigned to a user.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the terms UME role and JEE security role
List the authorization administration tools
Assign actions and JEE security roles to a UME role
Assign authorizations to users and groups
Business Example
SAP systems perform authorization checks within the SAP NetWeaver platform
with a role-based approach. This means that you assign authorizations to users or
groups with this specific system on the basis of the tasks that are to be performed.
Users and Authorizations in SAP NetWeaver AS Java
You can use authorizations to control which users can access a Java application,
and which actions are permitted for a user. Authorizations are combined as roles
and then assigned to a user or a user group by an administrator. The UME
administration console (also integrated in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator) is
used to assign authorizations.
Authorization checks are built into a Java application. Here you can differentiate
by different objectives.
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Lesson: The Java Authorization Concept
Figure 107: Authorization Concept in the AS Java
Protecting access to an application is done using the check to see whether the
appropriate JEE security role is assigned to the requesting user. If the user does
not have the required security role, an error message is displayed, and access is
denied. The user already has access to the application when protecting access to
individual activities. When requesting a special activity, for example Delete, the
system checks whether the required JEE security role or UME permission is
assigned (by means of UME action and UME role). Furthermore, you have the
option of managing the protection of access to object instances (to folders or
documents for example) using the Access Control List (ACL).
With all the types of authorization check specified, the developer needs to define
the authorizations query in the application. The developer decides which type of
authorization check is to be used. This means in practice that the application
determines which of the following, JEE security roles, UME permissions or UME
ACLs, is used.
JEE security roles are part of the JEE standard. UME permissions are an
SAP-specific concept. Basically, you can define the same authorization checks
with JEE security roles and UME permissions. Certain programming techniques
for SAP applications that enhance the JEE standard require the use of UME
permissions however. Therefore, an administrator should be familiar with both
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Appendix: Declarative and Programmatical Authorizations
Authorizations can be defined as either declarative or programmatical:
Declarative means that the Java container (Web container, EJB container
for example) forces the access control, without the developer having to do
the programming work. A security role is defined in the application (by
annotation) or in the deployment descriptor of the application. With each call
the container checks whether the user is assigned to the required security role.
Programmatical means that the developer uses a method to check whether
a caller of an EJB or a Web resource is assigned to a certain authorization
(security role or UME permission). The authorization check is defined
directly in the source code.
The declarative approach is usually used for JEE security roles. UME permissions
are always checked programmatically.
UME roles
In the UME, there is a role concept with which authorizations, users or groups are
assigned. These authorizations relate to authorization checks that are defined in
the coding of the SAP Java application. The authorization concept in the UME
uses permissions, actions, and roles.
Permissions are defined in the Java coding (programmatical authorizations).
Permissions are used to provide an access control. Permissions cannot be assigned
directly to a user.
An action is a collection of permissions. The developer of an SAP Java
application defines his/her own actions and specifies the authorizations in the
XML file actions.xml. Actions are displayed in the UME administration console.
You can use the UME administration console to combine these actions into roles.
UME roles group actions of one or more applications. You can assign UME roles
to users in the UME administration console.
Many of SAP's Java applications work with UME roles.
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Lesson: The Java Authorization Concept
Figure 108: Structure of UME Roles
The figure shows the Purchase Order application as an example. This application
consists of multiple objects, such as Create order, Approve order, into which a
developer has built the corresponding authorization check directly in the coding.
With UME roles, permissions (authorization objects) are defined directly in the
coding and then bundled into actions by the developer. The administrator can then
combine these actions into roles, and assign them to a user or a user group.
Developers can define very detailed authorizations on the basis of this concept,
but the complexity is hidden behind a small number of actions. Actions are
predefined by the developer, delivered to customers together with the application,
and are available as an XML file. This allows a simple, clear and cross-application
authorization concept for large Java applications.
JEE security roles
JEE security roles are part of the JEE standard.
A JEE security role (also security role) is an abstract logical definition that
protects access to an application, a service, or another resource. The security role
consists of only a name and a description. The security role relates only to the
application for which it was defined.
Security roles allow an access check for JEE applications. The authorizations
are usually defined declaratively. A developer creates a security role for each
application object requiring protection. The protected application, its protected
modules, classes or methods can be used by a user only if the administrator has
assigned the users or groups to the security role.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Figure 109: Structure of JEE Security Roles
The figure shows the Purchase Order application as an example. For this
application, a developer creates objects such as Create order, Approve order, and
so on. If you are using JEE security roles, a security role must be created for each
object. The security role is defined either in the deployment descriptor (XML file)
or directly in the application coding.
In addition to the security roles specified by the developer, the UME generates
further security roles that are valid for the entire application. The advantage here
is that these roles can be combined into one application-wide security role for
several security roles with the same name. The administator has only to concern
himself/herself with the assignment of these security roles. You see the following
behavior in the JEE standard: If a security role of a module is assigned to a user
and he/she accesses another module of this application that is protected with a
security role of the same name, he/she is granted access. The UME concept of
combining the security roles of an application therefore only makes life a little
easier for the administrator; it is not a security restriction. These security roles
dynamically generated by the UME appear in the UME administration console
as actions of the type J2EE.
As a user administrator, you can now create UME roles that contain security roles
(as actions) and assign these to users and groups. Using the detour of the UME
roles, authorizations can in turn be assigned across all applications.
There are some special actions you can use for segregation of duties. These
are Manage_Role_Assignments_SoD and Manage_Roles_SoD. A user with the
activity Manage_Role_Assignments_SoD is able to assign roles to any user but
himself. A user with the Manage_Roles_SoD activity is able to create roles. The
user is able to maintain all roles (assign actions) exept roles which are assigned to
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: The Java Authorization Concept
himself. Do not combine the following actions: Manage_Users, Manage_Groups,
Manage_Roles, Manage_all_Companies, Manage_Role_Assignments_SoD and
Creating and Assigning UME Roles
You can use the UME administration console to maintain UME roles. You perform
both the assignment of actions to UME roles and the assignment of roles to UME
users or groups there. JEE security roles are also displayed as actions in the UME
administration console.
After logging on with an administrator user, select the appropriate role, display
the assigned actions, and change the role, if necessary. Then assign the role to
a user and/or a group.
Figure 110: Maintaining UME Roles (UME Administration Console)
It is particularly important for the administration of authorizations that the Java
application UME itself provides with a large number of actions. These UME
actions permit the precise definition of the rights which users have to principles
(e.g. “display all users” or “maintain all groups”). The online documentation for
SAP NetWeaver 7.3x descirbes the actions supplied by SAP for the UME itself
(path SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View → Security → Identity
Management → User Management of the Application Server Java → Reference
Documentation for User Management → Standard UME Actions).
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
ACL Maintenance
As described at the start of this lesson, you have the option of managing the
protection of access to object instances (to folders or documents for example)
using an Access Control List (ACL). The developer uses the ACL-API of the
UME here. However, since the UME does not provide a UI for ACL maintenance,
the developer must develop an individual UI for ACL maintenance. Therefore,
there are differences in the UI and also in the authorizations to be assigned in
concrete ACL maintenance depending on the application. There are details about
ACL maintenance in the security and administration guide of the corresponding
In particular, ACL maintenance is used in addition to UME administration in the
SAP NetWeaver Portal.
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Lesson: The Java Authorization Concept
Exercise 11: Create and Assign UME Roles
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create UME roles
Assign actions to UME roles
Assign UME roles to users and groups
Business Example
SAP systems perform authorization checks within the SAP NetWeaver platform
with a role-based approach. This means that you assign authorizations to users in
this specific system on the basis of the tasks to be performed.
Task: Create and Assign a UME Role
Create a UME role with different actions and assign them to users.
Can the user JAVA-## call the UME Administration Console and make
Hint: You have created this user in a previous exercise.
Can the user JAVA-## call the application OpenSQLMonitors?
Use your course user to create a UME role SimpleAdmin-##,
which allows change access to all users and access to the application
OpenSQLMonitors. Assign this role to the group GROUP-##.
Can the user JAVA-## now make changes in the UME Administration
Can the user JAVA-## now access the application OpenSQLMonitors?
You can administer UME roles and assign actions.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Solution 11: Create and Assign UME Roles
Task: Create and Assign a UME Role
Create a UME role with different actions and assign them to users.
Can the user JAVA-## call the UME Administration Console and make
Hint: You have created this user in a previous exercise.
Close any Web browser windows.
Enter the URL http://<host name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance>00/useradmin (for example:
Enter the logon data for the user JAVA-##.
The user JAVA-## can use the Administration Console but has only
read access to the principles.
Note: Thanks to the UME role NWA_READONLY that
was previously assigned to the group GROUP-##, the user
possesses the action Read_All of the type UME which permits
read access.
Can the user JAVA-## call the application OpenSQLMonitors?
Close any Web browser windows.
Enter the URL http://<host name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance>00/OpenSQLMonitors (for example:
Enter the logon data for the user JAVA-##.
The system displays an error message due to insufficient authorizations.
The user JAVA-00 has not assigned the required security role.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The Java Authorization Concept
Use your course user to create a UME role SimpleAdmin-##,
which allows change access to all users and access to the application
OpenSQLMonitors. Assign this role to the group GROUP-##.
Log on to the UME administration console with your course user.
In the Identity Management area of the UME administration console,
switch to the Role view.
Choose Create Role.
In the General Information tab, enter SimpleAdmin-## under
Unique Name.
Go to the Assigned Actions tab. Under Available Actions search for the
action Manage_Users. Select this entry and click Add.
Under Available Actions search for the action OpenSQLMonitorLogonRole. Select the entry of the type J2EE and choose Add.
Go to the Assigned Groups tab. Under Available Groups search for the
group GROUP-##. Select this entry and click Add.
Save the new role.
Can the user JAVA-## now make changes in the UME Administration
Log on at the UME Administration Console as user JAVA-## and
test the possibilities.
The user JAVA-## can use the Administration Console and administer
all the users but is not authorized to modify roles and groups (and can
therefore also not assign these principles to users).
Can the user JAVA-## now access the application OpenSQLMonitors?
Log on to the application OpenSQLMonitors with the user JAVA-##?
The call works this time.
You can administer UME roles and assign actions.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the terms UME role and JEE security role
List the authorization administration tools
Assign actions and JEE security roles to a UME role
Assign authorizations to users and groups
Related Information
Online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.3, path SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View → Security → Identity Management → User
Management of the Application Server Java → Reference Documentation
for User Management
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Special Principles
Lesson: Special Principles
Lesson Overview
You require special users to administer an AS Java. You can log on to the
administration tools initially with these users only. If you have forgotten or locked
the password of your administration user, you can activate an emergency user
that can still log on.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
List a number of “special” principles
Change the password of the standard administration user
Activate the emergency user
Business Example
You are using Java applications that run on AS Java. The (only) administration
user has been locked due to failed logon attempts and no further administrative
activities can be performed. In this case, you need to activate the emergency user.
Default Principles
During AS Java installation, certain principles are created for special purposes
while others are created subsequently by the administrator. In this section you will
get to know some of these “default principles”. In some cases, the default IDs of
these principles depend on the employed data source.
Default Users
The following table presents important default users:
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Default Users
Data Source
ABAP System
LDAP Server
Administration user
Guest user
user to data
The administration user has unrestricted access to AS Java and you should
therefore assign this account to only very few people and assign a password that is
very secure.
If you use a client of an ABAP system as the data source, the listed user master
records are located on this ABAP client (and can be viewed in SU01): In the case
of a remote ABAP system, the SID of the AS Java system is incorporated in the
user name. This allows you to distinguish between users if multiple AS Java
systems are connected to a single ABAP client.
Among other things, the guest user is used for anonymous access to AS Java, for
example in order to construct the logon form in the Web browser. This user is
normally locked. Do not delete this user.
In addition to the users that are listed above, application-specific default users also
exist in a pure AS Java system. You must therefore take care of further default
users depending on the installed product.
Default Groups
The following table presents important default groups:
Default Groups
Data Source
LDAP Server
ABAP System
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Lesson: Special Principles
Data Source
LDAP Server
ABAP System
All Users
Anonymous Users
Anonymous Users
Anonymous Users
All the users that you assign to the Administrator group are given extensive system
authorizations (in respect of the administrator role assigned to this group (see next
section)). Initially, the default administration user is entered here.
Initially, the default guest user and the default guest role are assigned to the
guest group.
In addition, the UME possesses a built-in groups adapter which is responsible
for the following three special groups:
Everyone: Every (!) user is always a member of this group. If you assign
roles/actions to this group then every user (including those that you may
create in the future) has the corresponding authorizations.
Authenticated Users: You assign all the users who - in whatever way - have
to log onto AS Java to this group.
Anonymous Users: You assign all the users who are able to log on
anonymously to this group (configured by means of the UME property
The following therefore applies: Authenticated Users + Anonymous Users =
In addition to these default groups, there are also application-specific groups
depending on the installed product.
Default Roles
The following table presents important default roles:
Default Roles
Provides extensive Java authorizations for
administrators (via actions)
Contains some basic end user authorizations.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Although by default no users are directly assigned to these two roles, the
Administrator role is linked to the Administrators group. The role Everyone is
assigned to the group Everyone; therefore, it is assigned to all users.
Emergency User
You need to activate an emergency user for the UME if the user management
has been incorrectly configured and no one can log on to an application, or all
administration users are locked. This emergency user is called SAP* and can
log on to any application and to the configuration tools. The SAP* user has full
administration authorizations and, for security reasons, does not have a default
password. You set the password as part of emergency user activation.
Hint: The emergency user is generally not important in systems in which
the UME runs (successfully) with the ABAP data source as you can
always create a user in ABAP and give it Java administration rights.
Figure 111: Activating the Emergency User
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Lesson: Special Principles
Proceed as follows to make a correction with the SAP* user:
Activate the SAP* user
Stop the Java cluster.
In the Config Tool, open the Configuration Editor mode.
Navigate to cluster_config → system → custom_global → cfg →
services → com.sap.security.core.ume.service → Propertysheet
Switch to change mode.
Set ume.superadmin.activated to the value true.
Set ume.superadmin.password to any password.
Start the Java cluster.
Change the configuration
Log on with the user SAP* and the password that you have just set
Note: While the SAP* user is active, all other users are
b) Correct the problem; for example, unlock the administration user
Deactivate the SAP* user
Stop the Java cluster.
In the Config Tool, open the Configuration Editor mode.
Navigate to cluster_config → system → custom_global → cfg →
services → com.sap.security.core.ume.service → Propertysheet
Switch to change mode.
Set ume.superadmin.activated to the value false.
Start the Java cluster.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
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Lesson: Special Principles
Exercise 12: Default Principles and
Emergency Users
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Evaluate default principles
Activate the emergency user
Business Example
You are using a Java application that runs on AS Java. The (only) administration
user has been locked due to failed logon attempts and no further administrative
activities can be performed. In this case, you need to activate the emergency user.
Task 1: Default Groups
Evaluation of the groups assigned to a user.
Which UME groups are assigned to your current user? Which of these are
default groups?
You can evaluate the default groups which are assigned to a user.
Task 2: Emergency User
Activate (and deactivate) the UME emergency user.
Stop all application servers of your system.
Note: You do not have to stop the Central Services instance.
Activate the UME emergency user.
Start all application servers of your system.
Try to log on to the UME administration console with your normal user for
this course.
Try to log on to the UME administration console with the user SAP*.
Deactivate the UME emergency user.
You can activate the UME emergency user.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Solution 12: Default Principles and
Emergency Users
Task 1: Default Groups
Evaluation of the groups assigned to a user.
Which UME groups are assigned to your current user? Which of these are
default groups?
Enter the URL http://<host name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance number>00/useradmin (for example:
Enter the logon data of the user.
In the Identity Management area of the administration console, run a
search for the user that you just used to log on.
Select the hit.
Go to the Assigned Groups tab.
If you perform a search with the Search Recursively field selected,
all the assigned groups will be listed. By using the search criterion
Built-in Groups Adapter, you will see the default groups Everyone and
Authenticated Users to which this user is assigned.
You can evaluate the default groups which are assigned to a user.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Special Principles
Task 2: Emergency User
Activate (and deactivate) the UME emergency user.
Stop all application servers of your system.
Note: You do not have to stop the Central Services instance.
Open a Web browser and call the SAP Management Console using the URL http://<host
name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance number>13,
for example http://twdf1234.wdf.sap.corp:50013.
Confirm the security information and wait until the SAP MC opens.
Select the entry for the whole system, right-click and choose Stop.
In the selection box under Choose which components have to be affected
by the operation., choose Dialog Instances and confirm with OK.
Wait until all instances, except for the Central Services instance, have
Activate the UME emergency user.
Start the Config Tool at operating system level of your SAP system.
Go to Switch to configuration editor mode.
Navigate to cluster_config → system → custom_global → cfg →
services → com.sap.security.core.ume.service → Propertysheet
properties and switch in the edit mode.
Set the parameter ume.superadmin.activated to the value true and the
parameter ume.superadmin.password to any password.
Start all application servers of your system.
Open a Web browser and call the SAP Management Console using the URL http://<host
name>.wdf.sap.corp:5<instance number>13,
for example http://twdf1234.wdf.sap.corp:50013.
Confirm the security information and wait until the SAP MC opens.
Select the entry for the whole system, right-click and choose Start.
In the selection box under Choose which components have to be affected
by the operation., choose Dialog Instances and confirm with OK.
Wait until all instances have started.
Continued on next page
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Try to log on to the UME administration console with your normal user for
this course.
The logon fails with the message “User SAP* is active”.
Try to log on to the UME administration console with the user SAP*.
The logon is successful. In the UME Administration Console, the user
SAP* can call all the principles.
Deactivate the UME emergency user.
Stop all application servers of your system again. See step 1.
Use the Configuration Editor Mode to reset the parameter
ume.superadmin.activated to its shipped value false (Restore default
button). See step 2.
Start all application servers of your system. See step 3.
You can activate the UME emergency user.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Special Principles
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
List a number of “special” principles
Change the password of the standard administration user
Activate the emergency user
Related Information
Online documentation for SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1x, path SAP NetWeaver
Composition Environment Library → Administrator’s Guide→
Administration of SAP NetWeaver CE→ Security and User Administration→
Identity Management for Application Server Java
Online documentation for SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1x, path SAP NetWeaver
Composition Environment Library → Administrator’s Guide →
SAP NetWeaver CE Security Guide → Security Guides for CE Core
Components→ SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java Security Guide →
User Administration and Authentication
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
Lesson Overview
The Standard Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) was
implemented in the AS Java to support different logon procedures. This lesson
explains the basics of the configuration of the AS Java logon procedures.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
list the supported logon procedures of the AS Java
explain the functions of login modules
change the standard logon procedure of the AS Java
explain Kerberos logon (SPNego)
set up X.509 logon
Business Example
The company XYZ Petro uses a custom-built Composite Application as a central
procurement process. The process requires accesses to various runtime systems.
A uniform logon procedure should be used for all involved systems to simplify
access to the process and the connected systems for the users without neglecting
security aspects.
The Standard Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) was
implemented in the AS Java to support different logon procedures. Depending on
the requirement and scenario, this enables you to choose the appropriate logon
procedure, or to develop your own logon mechanisms according to JAAS:
Anonymous logon
User ID and password
Basic authentication
Digest Access Authentication
Digital Certificates (X.509)
Windows Logon (Kerberos)
Logon Ticket
Assertion Ticket
SAML Assertions
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Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
When logging on with your user ID and password, you distinguish between
the HTTP standard methods Basic Authentication and Digest Access
Authentication (see RCF2617 of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF):
http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617), as well as entering data in an HTML
form. Logon Ticket and Assertion Ticket are SAP-specific procedures with
Assertion Ticket used only for system-system communication (see below). The
anonymous logon is expecially interesting for Internet scenarios with the SAP
NetWeaver Portal. It enables system access without specifying logon data.
SAML stands for Security Assertion Markup Language and is a standard of
the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
(OASIS). SAML enables authentication in open system environments, such
as in the Internet for example. Details about the standard can be found under
The implementation of JAAS in SAP NetWeaver AS Java is based on so-called
login modules. A login module is the concrete implementation of the flow logic
of the authentication. Several login modules can be combined to make a login
module stack (also called authentication stack).
Configuration of the Logon Procedure
The administrator can adjust the logon procedures for the delivered applications.
For this purpose, maintain the policy configuration of the corresponding
application in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (http://host:Port/nwa) under
Configuration → Security → Authentication and Single Sign-0n.
Using the policy configuration, a login module or an authentication stack can be
assigned to an application to determine the logon procedure for this application.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Figure 112: Policy Configuration in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
You can find the delivered authentication stacks in the policy configuration,
for example ticket under the type Template. Since ticket is the standard logon
procedure for all Web Dynpro applications and for most of the other applications
in the AS Java as well, you can easily set up another procedure by changing ticket.
If you do not want to change the delivered standard, you can also define your
own authentication stacks. Custom-built login modules in accordance with the
JAAS standard can also be implemented. To ensure that the SAP applications also
use the stack you created, this must be assigned in the policy configuration of
the application. Here however you have to differentiate between a simple Web
application or a Web Dynpro Java application.
In simple Web applications, the required login modules or the
required authentication stack is assigned directly in the policy
configuration of the concrete application. All applications that are
programmed in Web Dynpro Java are configured using a single servlet
(sap.com/tc~wd~dispwda*webdynpro_dispatcher). Therefore, you cannot set up
different logon procedures for different Web Dynpro Java applications; you can
only set up one uniform logon procedure for all.
If no explicit policy configuration is stored for a Web application or for
sap.com/tc~wd~dispwda*webdynpro_dispatcher, the authentication stack
configured with the UME parameter ume.login.context is used.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
In summary, you have the following change options for the logon procedure:
Direct change of the ticket policy configuration.
Change of the policy configuration sap.com/tc~wd~dispwda*webdynpro_dispatcher for all applications in the Web Dynpro Java collectively.
Change of each individual policy configuration for simple Web applications.
A policy configuration comprises login modules. There are many login modules
available in AS Java, some of them are:
BasicPasswordLoginModule: This login module is used to perform user
authentication with user name and password, e.g. in JSP forms.
ClientCertificateLoginModule: This login module performs a certificate
logon to J2EE Engine.
CreateTicketLoginModule: This login module is used to create the logon
EvaluateTicketLoginModule: This login module is used to verify the logon
tickets issued by other servers
SPNegoLoginModule: This login module is used for SSO with Kerberos
authentication. It implements the Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation
Mechanism (SPNEGO) on SAP NetWeaver AS Java. .
Note: A list of login modules can be found in the online
documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 at: SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View → Security → User Authentication and
Single Sign-On → Authentication Imfrastructure → AS Java
Authentication Infrastructure → Login Modules
The ticket policy configuration is shown as an example here:
Policy Configuration: ticket
Login Module
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
In the above example the login modules are configured in such a way that:
AS Java checks to see if the user presents a valid logon ticket, if so the logon
ticket is accepted and no further processing is done.
If no logon ticket exists, AS Java authenticates the user using Basic
Only after the successful authentication, the user is issued a logon ticket.
The following table explains the meaning of the possible Flags in detail.
Login Module Flags
Required to Succeed
Authentication proceeds down the
list if the module has succeeded or
has failed.
Authentication proceeds down the
list of modules if the module has
succeeded or has failed.
If successful, the authentication
proceeds down the list, otherwise
control returns to the application –
that is, the authentication does not
If the authentication is successful,
control returns to application;
otherwise, the authentication
To give a better understanding the next table shows the effects of the different
flags during a authentication process.
Example of Login Module Flags
Module 2
Module 3
Overall Authentication
Note: See the online documentation for more information about
configuring logon tickets on SAP NetWeaver AS Java
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
Logon Ticket
In the standard delivery, the AS Java uses logon tickets in the logon procedure.
The authentication stack ticket that is used first checks whether there is a valid
logon ticket (EvaluateTicketLoginModule). If there is not a valid logon ticket, the
user must enter his/her user ID and password (BasicPasswordLoginModule). A
logon ticket is issued if the entries are correct (CreateTicketLoginModule). The
logon ticket is sent from the browser in the standard system for each request,
which goes to the same domain of the issuing system and can therefore be used to
log on to other systems (Single Sign-On).
Caution: If logon tickets are used as a logon procedure or for Single
Sign-On, you should make sure that the logon ticket cannot be caught
and/or forwarded. We therefore strongly recommend encryption here.
Figure 113: Logon Ticket
Technically, the logon ticket is a session cookie. This means that the cookie is not
saved, rather it is only held in the working memory. It is deleted when the browser
session finishes. The logon ticket contains the following data:
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Figure 114: Contents of the Logon Ticket
Prerequisite for Single Sign-On with the logon ticket is an identical user ID in the
issuing and accepting system. The accepting system must be configured in such a
way that the logon ticket of the issuing system is accepted. Using the digital
signature, the issuing system can be uniquely identified and at the same time the
integrity of the logon ticket can be verified.
Assertion Ticket
Assertion tickets are an extension of the logon tickets. The main differences are:
Assertion tickets are not stored temporarily like logon tickets
Assertion tickets are only valid for 2 minutes
Assertion tickets are issued directly for the respective target system.
Older systems interpret the assertion ticket as a logon ticket. The configuration
for Single Sign-On is therefore along the same lines as the configuration for
logon tickets. The application area of the assertion tickets is first and foremost
the system-system communication via RFC or HTTP. For example, in the
AS Java, destinations can use the assertion ticket as a logon method. In the
AS Java, you can use the login modules CreateAssertionTicketLoginModule
and EvaluateAssertionTicketLoginModule as well as the policy configuration
evaluate_assertion_ticket to issue and verify assertion tickets.
An assertion ticket is issued when a connection to a remote system is established.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
Example: Kerberos Logon (SPNego)
Another supported logon procedure, which is of particular relevance to Windows
environments, is the Kerberos logon. A Kerberos ticket is evaluated by the AS
Java using the SPNegoLoginModule during the logon.
SPNego stands for Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism. The
GSS-API (Generic Security Services API) is a standard interface for security
services. However, the GSS-API is troublesome in that different implementations
are incompatible with one another. Therefore, a standard was developed
with SPNego to find out which authentication mechanisms understand both
communication partners and for these then to be used.
In Microsoft Windows, the SPNego interface is used as Intergrated Windows
Authentication. The actual authentication mechanism here is NTLM (NT LAN
Manager) or Kerberos. The following figure clarifies the Kerberos logon process
for the AS Java in combination with a Microsoft Active Directory Server (used as
a Windows-Domain-Controller and Key Distribution Center (KDC)):
Figure 115: Kerberos Logon
We assume that the user has already logged on to the Windows domain
successfully. The user was already identified by the Active Directory for this
purpose. Prerequisite for the logon to the AS Java: There must be some sort of
assignment of the users in the AS Java to the users in the Active Directory. The
best way this works is if the UME of the AS Java uses the Active Directory as a
data source via the LDAP interface. However, other scenarios are also supported.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
If the user (Alice) now wants to call an application in the AS Java using the Web
browser (step 1), the AS Java sends the HTTP error message 401 - Unauthorized
and at the same time the value Negotiate in the HTTP header www-authenticate
(step 2). In step 3, the browser requests a Kerberos ticket (for Alice) from the
KDC to log on to the host used in step 1. The Web browser transfers the host name
of the AS Java in the request. The KDC must now (in step 4) identify the service
user ID (see below) for this AS Java using the transferred host name and issue a
ticket that is encrypted with the secret key of the service user that is found when
identification takes place. In step 5, the encrypted Kerberos ticket is then sent to
the browser of the user (Alice). This passes the ticket in step 6 on to the AS Java.
In step 7, the AS Java decrypts the ticket using the secret key (of the service user
in the KDC, see below) and the user (Alice) is authenticated.
From this process some required configuration settings for the Kerberos logon
are derived:
Configuration of the KDC
Setting up a service user to identify the AS Java.
Registering a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the host name of the
AS Java and assignment to the service user.
The KDC can identify the service user at a later stage using the SPN. The
secret key of the service user is used to encrypt the Kerberos ticket.
Exchanging the Secret Key
The secret key of the service user must be provided in the AS Java (keytab
file) so that the encrypted Kerberos can be decrypted and verified.
This is done by the configuration wizard.
Configuration of the UME
Since the users that have logged on to the Windows domain are now going
to log on to the AS Java, the UME must know the Windows users either
directly or an assignment of user IDs must be made between Windows users
and UME users. You can do so, for example, by configuring the Active
Directory as a data source for the UME.
Setting up the Policy Configuration
The logon procedure must be set up in such a way that the
SPNegoLoginModule is used.
This is done by the configuration wizard.
Setting Java VM Parameters
The Java VM must be configured with special parameters to enable the
Kerberos logon.
This is done by the configuration wizard.
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Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
Some of the steps specified are carried out using the SPNego configuration wizard.
See SAP Note 994791 for more information about this.
Example: X.509 Client Authentication
The following figure shows use cases for X.509 client authentication.
Figure 116: X.509 Client Certificates
Mutual authentication takes place using SSL.
It can be used to access the following SAP systems:
Web Applications of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP
SAP GUI for Windows/Java (with partner product), SAP NetWeaver AS
SAP NetWeaver AS Java
It can also be used for access to non-SAP Systems that support SSL.
It can be used for the Internet or intranet.
Authentication takes place with every request.
Actually no user intervention is required for “Multiple-Log-On”.
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
In addition to using SSL for encrypting connections, you can use SSL and X.509
client certificates for authenticating client or user access requests to the AS Java.
When using client certificates, authentication takes places transparently for the user
with the underlying SSL security protocol. Therefore, you can use authentication
with client certificates to integrate the AS Java in a Single Sign-On environment.
The following steps describe how to configure X.509 Client Authentication for AS
Java. SSL needs already to be configured.
Using the Key Storage management functions of the SAP NetWeaver
Administrator (NWA), place the root certificates for each of the client
certificates CAs as a CERTIFICATE entry in the ICM_SSL_<instance_ID>
If the certificate already exists in another Key Storage view on the AS
Java, you can copy the existing certificate entry to the corresponding view.
Alternatively, if the certificate exists as a file in your file system, you can
import it to the AS Java Key Storage.
Using the VCLIENT profile parameter of ICM for the AS Java, select
whether the AS Java should:
Request (but not require) that the user presents a client certificate for
Require that client certificates are to be used for authentication.
Configure the ClientCertLoginModule for establishing the AS Java user ID
from the client certificate and filtering provided certificates.
Adjust the login module stacks and configure the login modules for those
applications that accept client certificates as the authentication mechanism.
More information can be found in the online documentation for SAP NetWeaver
7.3x, pathSAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View → Security → User
Authentication and Single Sign-On → Authentication for Web-Based Access→
X.509 Client Certificates.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
Exercise 13: Configuration of X.509 Client
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
set up X.509 Client Authentication
Business Example
You want to configure the use of client certificates (SAP Passport) for user
Caution: Use the Web browser on the operation system of your SAP
system to do this exercise. As it may not be possible on your front end.
Note: SSL needs already to be configured successfully. Make sure the
HTTPS port of the ICM is configured using the option VCLIENT=1.
Task 1: Get an SAP Passport
Get an SAP Passport from SAP Service Marketplace.
Note: SAP Passport is used as an example here. You can use any CA
to issue X.509 client certificates.
Get an SAP Passport for your SAP Service Marketplace S-User. If you do
not have an S-User the instructor may be able to assist you.
An SAP Passport X.509 client certificate is installed in your browser.
Caution: Remove the certificate from the browser after this whole
Task 2: X.509 Client Certificates for AS Java
Configure your AS Java to allow authentication with SAP Passport X.509 client
Check if the SAPPassportCA certificate entry in the your AS Java is still
valid. If not download the SAP Passport CA root certificate from SAP
Service Marketplace and import it to your AS Java.
Continued on next page
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Configure your AS Java to trust SSL requests with a certificate signed by the
SAP Passport CA certificate. Update the PSE files.
Set the UME parameter ume.logon.allow_cert to true using the NWA.
Change the ticket policy configuration to include the client authentication.
Use the table below for the exact order, the needed flags, and special options
Caution: Be very accurate in this step. Otherwise you may not be
able to log on anymore to your AS Java.
Login Module
Caution: Be careful: there is no “-” in any of the options! A
possibly printed “-” would only be the indicator for a line break.
Test the connection for example using the UME Administration
The initial log on should fail, because no certificate is mapped yet. If you
enter your user and password, your certificate is mapped to your user ID
automatically. You can verify (and change) this in the user details of your
The next log on works without any password.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
Solution 13: Configuration of X.509 Client
Task 1: Get an SAP Passport
Get an SAP Passport from SAP Service Marketplace.
Note: SAP Passport is used as an example here. You can use any CA
to issue X.509 client certificates.
Get an SAP Passport for your SAP Service Marketplace S-User. If you do
not have an S-User the instructor may be able to assist you.
Call the URL http://service.sap.com/tcs and log on with your S-User.
Navigate to Single sign-on in the SAP Service Marketplace with your
SAP Passport
Choose Apply for an SAP Passport.
Enter your S-User's password and choose Apply for an SAP Passport.
Now you need to confirm all popups and questions that may occur
with ok or yes. You also may need to allow the browser to execute
some scripts to be successful. This depends on your browsers security
An SAP Passport X.509 client certificate is installed in your browser.
Caution: Remove the certificate from the browser after this
whole exercise.
Continued on next page
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Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Task 2: X.509 Client Certificates for AS Java
Configure your AS Java to allow authentication with SAP Passport X.509 client
Check if the SAPPassportCA certificate entry in the your AS Java is still
valid. If not download the SAP Passport CA root certificate from SAP
Service Marketplace and import it to your AS Java.
Open the NWA of your AS Java.
Go to Configuration → Security → Certificates and Keys.
Select the view TrustedCAs and select the entry SAPPassportCA.
Check if the valid until date is still valid.
If it is valid proceed with the next step 2.
If not choose Rename, enter SAPPassportCA_old and choose
Download the root certificate from http://service.sap.com/tcs →
Download Area → Root Certificates → SAP Passport CA Certificate.
Save it as a file named SAPPassportCA.cer
In the TrustedCAs view choose Import Entry. Select the entry type
X.509 certificate, browse to the file, select it and choose Import.
Configure your AS Java to trust SSL requests with a certificate signed by the
SAP Passport CA certificate. Update the PSE files.
In the NWA go to Configuration → Security → Certificates and Keys.
Select the entry ICM_SSL_<instance_ID>.
If an expired entry for SAPPassportCA exists, than delete this entry.
If an valid entry for SAPPassportCA exists, proceed with step 3.
Choose Copy Entry, select From View: TrustedCAs and From Entry:
SAPPassportCA and choose Import.
Now choose Export View to PSE.
Repeat this for all other ICM_SSL_<instance_ID> entries.
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
Set the UME parameter ume.logon.allow_cert to true using the NWA.
In the NWA go to Configuration → Security → Authentication and
Single Sign-On and choose the Properties tab.
Choose Modify.
Select the check box for option Enable showing certificate logon URL
link on the logon page (ume.logon.allow_cert).
Choose Save and confirm the popup with Yes.
Change the ticket policy configuration to include the client authentication.
Use the table below for the exact order, the needed flags, and special options
Caution: Be very accurate in this step. Otherwise you may not be
able to log on anymore to your AS Java.
Login Module
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: User and Authorization Administration
Caution: Be careful: there is no “-” in any of the options! A
possibly printed “-” would only be the indicator for a line break.
In the NWA go to Configuration → Security → Authentication and
Single Sign-On → Authentication and choose the Components tab.
Select the entry ticket and choose Edit.
Edit the list of the logon modules in a way, that the result is exactly like
given in the table above.
To add a logon module choose Add, select the Logon Module Name, for
example ClientCertLoginModule and choose Add.
Use Move Up or Move Down to sort the login modules like given in
the table above.
Choose the correct Flag from the drop down.
To edit the options of a login module, select the login module and
choose for example Add to enter a new option like given in the table
Finally Save the policy configuration.
Test the connection for example using the UME Administration
The initial log on should fail, because no certificate is mapped yet. If you
enter your user and password, your certificate is mapped to your user ID
automatically. You can verify (and change) this in the user details of your
The next log on works without any password.
Open a browser and enter the URL https://twdfSSSS.wdf.sap.corp:5$$01/useradmin.
The initial log on should fail, because no certificate is mapped yet.
Enter your user and password.
Enter your user into the search field and choose Go.
Select your user and choose the tab Certificates. Your certificate should
be already visible here.
The next log on should work without any password.
You successfully configured X.509 client authentication.
Caution: Remove you SAP Passport from you Web browser now.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Logon Procedure of the AS Java
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
list the supported logon procedures of the AS Java
explain the functions of login modules
change the standard logon procedure of the AS Java
explain Kerberos logon (SPNego)
set up X.509 logon
Related Information
For more information about the configuration of the Kerberos logon, go to the SAP
Library for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 underAdministrator’s Guide → Configuration of
SAP NetWeaver CE → Initial System Configuration → Configuring Security →
Configuring Authentication and Single Sign-On → Integration in Single Sign-On
(SSO) Environments → Single Sign-On for Web-Based Access → Using Kerberos
For detailed information about Kerberos, go to http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/.
For a good overview of Kerberos under Windows, go to http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0899/kerberos/kerberos.aspx. For information about SPNego, go
to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms995329.aspx.
SAP Note 994791: SPNego Wizard
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
List the various UME data sources
Determine the current data source assignment
Explain the term UME data partitioning
Identify and modify configuration parameters
List and use the tools for administering users and groups
Explain the terms UME role and JEE security role
List the authorization administration tools
Assign actions and JEE security roles to a UME role
Assign authorizations to users and groups
List a number of “special” principles
Change the password of the standard administration user
Activate the emergency user
list the supported logon procedures of the AS Java
explain the functions of login modules
change the standard logon procedure of the AS Java
explain Kerberos logon (SPNego)
set up X.509 logon
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge
Which of the following data sources are supported by the UME:
Choose the correct answer(s).
File system
ABAP user management
Directory service
What is the purpose of the data partitioning of the UME?
You can lock users with the UME administration console.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
You can assign permissions directly to users in the UME administration
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
The term JEE security role is another name for a UME role.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
If the emergency user (SAP*) is activated, the administration user
(Administrator, J2EE_ADMIN or J2EE_ADMIN_<SID>) can also log onto
AS Java.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Which of the following data sources are supported by the UME:
Answer: A, C, D
These three types of data source are available for the UME.
What is the purpose of the data partitioning of the UME?
Answer: The data partitioning allows a distribution of the users or user
attributes to different data sources.
You can lock users with the UME administration console.
Answer: True
The UME administration console allows you to administer users.
You can assign permissions directly to users in the UME administration
Answer: False
Permissions are combined into actions, and the administrator then combines
these into roles. UME roles can be assigned to a user.
The term JEE security role is another name for a UME role.
Answer: False
A JEE security role is part of the JEE standard and is mostly used for a
declarative authorization check. A UME role is an (SAP) extension to the
JEE standard and is used for a programmable authorization check.
If the emergency user (SAP*) is activated, the administration user
(Administrator, J2EE_ADMIN or J2EE_ADMIN_<SID>) can also log onto
AS Java.
Answer: False
If the emergency user SAP* is activated then no other users can log onto
AS Java.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6
Java Connector and Destinations
Unit Overview
This unit describes various communication options of AS Java with other systems.
The focus is on the first lesson, which gives an overview of the communication
options and takes a look at “Destinations” and the “JCo RFC Provider”. In the
appendix, there is a brief overview of the Java Connector Architecture from the
management view.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
List some communication paths
Maintain connections of the destination service
Maintain JCo RFC connections
Locate the JCA Connection Factories of the SAP Java Resource Adapter.
Maintain parameters of a JCA Connection Factory of the SAP Java Resource
Create a new JCA Connection Factory for the SAP Java Resource Adapter.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Connections to other Systems ......................................268
Exercise 14: Connections to other Systems ............................273
Lesson: Appendix: Connections to other Systems with the Java Connector
Architecture ......................................................................282
Exercise 15: Optional: Connections to other Systems with the Java
Connector Architecture ....................................................287
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Lesson: Connections to other Systems
Lesson Overview
Connections to other systems can be established in different places. In this lesson
you will learn about the most important places where such connections can be
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
List some communication paths
Maintain connections of the destination service
Maintain JCo RFC connections
Business Example
You are using the SAP NetWeaver AS Java and you want to get to know the most
important options for communication paths.
Connection Options between AS Java and EIS
There are different connection options that an AS Java can use for an Enterprise
Information System (EIS). The type of connection option also depends, for
example, on the EIS. As examples, we will mainly take a look at AS Java or AS
ABAP systems as the EIS in this lesson.
Figure 117: Connections between AS Java and EIS
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Lesson: Connections to other Systems
An AS Java can open outbound connections directly from an application or
the connection can be established by a service. One of these services is the
destination service, which we will take a closer look at in this lesson. Direct
connections of applications to an EIS are covered in the appendix of this unit; the
type of connection depends on the corresponding adapter. Applications can use
connections to an EIS via services. Likewise, services can use the connections
of other services.
Figure 118: Connection of Services between AS Java and EIS
The destination service can administer both HTTP and RFC connections to an
EIS. Connections to SAP systems with AS ABAP are mostly of the type RFC,
whereas connections to an SAP system with AS Java are mostly of the type HTTP.
In an SAP system with AS ABAP and Java (dualstack), the type of connection
will depend on whether the connection is opened primarily for the AS Java or the
AS ABAP. After the installation, some entries (for example, for the connection
to the SLD) were already created in the destination service. You can create and
maintain destinations in the NWA under Configuration → Infrastructure →
Destinations. You define the communication type HTTP or RFC when you create
a new destination. In a connection of the type HTTP, the connection to the EIS
and the service that is to be addressed is determined via a URL. If the EIS is an AS
ABAP that is to be addressed via HTTP, SID and language can be defined in the
destination data or client of the target system. In the Logon Data, for example,
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
different authentication mechanisms, such as “entering user and password”, “
X.509 certificate”, “assertion ticket”, “logon ticket” or “user mapping” can be
set up.
Hint: With regard to the security guidelines, you should check whether
you can use user/password as an authentication method or better still
another authentication method, “assertion ticket” for example.
In connections of the type RFC, the target server (Target Host), instance number
(System Number), SID and data with regard to the gateway are specified. RFC
connections always require a gateway through which communication takes place.
An AS ABAP system is usually involved in an RFC connection. Since each AS
ABAP instance contains a gateway, this is used for RFC communication. As of
AS Java 7.10, each AS Java Central Service instance contains a gateway, which
can also be used for RFC communication.
The data with regard to the gateway includes the Gateway Host on which the
gateway runs (in most cases, it is identical to the target server specification if we
are talking about an AS ABAP instance) and the Gateway Service that usually runs
on port 33<instance_number> or can be specified as sapgw<instance_number>
(for example, this is port 3310 or sapgw10 for instance number 10 of the target
instance). You can also switch between different authentication mechanisms in the
logon data. If the RFC trace is activated, trace files of the type jrfc<process ID of
the server process>_<Nr>.trc as well as the developer traces (dev_jrfc.trc) are
created at operating system level of the instance in the server directory.
The JCo Provider service is responsible for incoming RFC connections. RFC
communication takes place mostly with AS ABAP systems. Since RFC
communication takes place via a gateway, the gateway of the AS ABAP instance
is mostly used.
Figure 119: Incoming RFC Connections
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Lesson: Connections to other Systems
The AS ABAP is the initiator of RFC communication to the AS Java. The JCo
RFC Provider in the AS Java receives the data; therefore, the connection between
the JCo Provider and the gateway must already be established. You can maintain
the connection to the gateway in the NWA of the AS Java under Configuration
→ Infrastructure → Jco RFC Provider. You must start the connection to the
gateway so that the AS ABAP can use it for communication to the AS Java. The
connection for the gateway is established under the Program ID (the name of the
JCo RFC Provider). An RFC destination of connection type “T” (maintained
in transaction SM59) must be created in the AS ABAP for communication; the
Program ID (name) of the JCo RFC Provider is specified as a “Registered Server
Program” for this. The name of the RFC destination in the AS ABAP may differ
from the program ID; for reasons of clarity, however, the same name for the
program ID and the RFC destination is usually chosen. The gateway data, used to
run the communication, is specified in the server configuration for the JCo RFC
Provider; the number of parallel connections that should be possible for the AS
Java via this destination is also specified (field Server Count). If the option Local
JCo Servers is selected, then only one server process is responsible in the system
for the communication; this server process establishes the number of connections
to the gateway configured in Server Count. If the option Local JCo Servers is
deactivated, then each server process opens the number of connections to the
gateway configured in Server Count.
The data of the AS ABAP system that is to use this communication path is
specified on the tab page Repository Configuration. If the checkbox Use RFC
Destination is not selected, then the data for the AS ABAP system is maintained on
this tab page. If the checkbox Use RFC Destination is selected, then a destination
that was maintained with the destination service is entered and the connection data
stored there is used. However, in this case also, the Program ID of the JCo RFC
Provider is registered in the gateway.
Of course, the data of the same gateway must be maintained in the AS ABAP for
the RFC destination, as with the JCo RFC Provider or the destination service.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Connections to other Systems
Exercise 14: Connections to other
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create and maintain a destination of the type RFC for AS ABAP systems
Create and maintain a destination of the type HTTP for AS ABAP or AS
Java systems
Create and maintain JCo RFC Providers
Business Example
Your AS Java system requires data from another SAP system or has to transfer
data to another SAP system. Your task is to configure the connections to other
SAP systems. Your instructor will give you the required system data.
Task 1: Edit Destination of the Type HTTP
Edit the destination SLD_DataSupplier to enable the storage of connection data
for the “SLD system” used in the course. Your instructor will give you the host
name, user, password and port. Use Ping Destination to check the correct data
of the destination.
Call the NWA and switch to destination maintenance.
Maintain the destination SLD_DataSupplier for the system on which the
SLD of your course runs. Your instructor will give you the system data.
Task 2: Create Destination of the type RFC without
Load Balancing
Create a destination of the type RFC without load balancing and without Local
System Connection for the SAP Solution Manger system that is used in your
course. Your instructor will give you the host name, SID, instance number, user,
password and client.
Call the NWA and switch to destination maintenance.
Create a destination without load balancing and without Local System
Connection with the name Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan (<##> stands for
your group number) for client “000” of the Solution Manager system that is
used in your course. Your instructor will give you the system data.
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Task 3: Create and Start JCo RFC Providers
Create a JCo RFC Provider with the name SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##> (<SID>
stands for the system ID of your system, <##> stands for your group number) for
the SAP Solution Manger system that is used in your course. To do so, use the
destination “Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan” that you created in the task “Create
Destination of the type RFC without Load Balancing”.
Call the NWA and switch to maintenance of the JCo RFC Provider.
Create a JCo RFC Provider with the name SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##>
(<SID> stands for the system ID of your system, <##> stands for your group
number) and start this.
The connection should go to client “000” of the Solution Manager system
that is used in your course. You have already maintained the connection data
in the task Create Destination of the type RFC without Load Balancing in the
destination “Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan”; therefore, use this destination.
Task 4: Optional: Check your JCo RFC Provider
Connection to the Gateway.
Log on to the central instance of the Solution Manager system and check whether
your JCo RFC Provider is registered with the gateway of the Solution Manager
Log on with your user in client 100 of the central instance (instance number
00) of the Solution Manager system and use transaction SMGW or the report
RSGWREGP to check whether your JCo RFC Provider is registered with
the gateway.
Task 5: Optional: Create Destination of the type RFC
with Load Balancing
Create a destination of the type RFC with load balancing for the SAP Solution
Manger system that is used in your course. Your instructor will give you the host
name, SID, instance number, user, password and client.
Call the NWA and switch to destination maintenance.
Create a destination with the name Group<##>_to_SolMan (<##> stands
for your group name) for client “000” of the Solution Manager system that is
used in your course. Use RFC_GROUP as the logon group. Your instructor
will give you the system data.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Connections to other Systems
Solution 14: Connections to other
Task 1: Edit Destination of the Type HTTP
Edit the destination SLD_DataSupplier to enable the storage of connection data
for the “SLD system” used in the course. Your instructor will give you the host
name, user, password and port. Use Ping Destination to check the correct data
of the destination.
Call the NWA and switch to destination maintenance.
Follow the menu path Configuration → Infrastructure → Destinations
in the NWA.
Maintain the destination SLD_DataSupplier for the system on which the
SLD of your course runs. Your instructor will give you the system data.
Select the destination mentioned above and choose Edit.
Go to the field URL of the tab page Connection and Transport and
replace the existing URL with the host name and port on which the SLD
runs, for example http://twdf9999.wdf.sap.corp:52000.
Check on the tab page Logon Data whether Basic (User ID and
Password) is entered as Authentication and correct the setting for this
value if necessary.
Enter your user name and password in the SLD system under Basic
Save your entry.
Check your entries using the push-button Ping Destination. You
receive the message: “Successfully connected to HTTP destination
SLD_DataSupplier ...”.
In a later unit, you will see the data of your system in the SLD.
Task 2: Create Destination of the type RFC without
Load Balancing
Create a destination of the type RFC without load balancing and without Local
System Connection for the SAP Solution Manger system that is used in your
course. Your instructor will give you the host name, SID, instance number, user,
password and client.
Call the NWA and switch to destination maintenance.
Follow the menu path Configuration → Infrastructure → Destinations
in the NWA.
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Create a destination without load balancing and without Local System
Connection with the name Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan (<##> stands for
your group number) for client “000” of the Solution Manager system that is
used in your course. Your instructor will give you the system data.
Create a new destination by choosing Create ....
In the step General Data, maintain the name
Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan (<##> stands for your group
number) for the field Destination Name for your destination.
Use the input help to select the type RFC for the field Destination Type.
Choose Next to go to the next step.
In the step Connection and Transport Security Settings, select the
selection field No for Load Balancing.
The checkbox Local System Connection is not selected.
Maintain the fields System ID and Target Host with the data that your
instructor has given you. Enter the “Full Qualified Host Name”, for
example “twdf0000.wdf.sap.corp”, for Target Host.
Enter <I-Nr> in the field System Number with <I-Nr> the instance
number of the instance that runs on the host specified under Target Host.
Enter the same value in the field Gateway Host as entered in the field
Target Host.
Enter sapgw<I-Nr> in the field Gateway Service with <I-Nr> standing
for the instance number that runs on the host specified under “Gateway
Choose Next to go to the next step.
In the step Logon Data, use the input help to select the value
Technical User for the field Authentication.
Enter EN in the field Language.
Enter 000 in the field Client.
Enter CSMREG in the field User Name with <##> standing for your
group number.
Enter the password in the field Password that your instructor gave you
for the user mentioned above.
Choose Finish to save and thus complete your entries.
Check your entries using the push-button Ping Destination. You
receive the message: “Successfully connected to System ... ”.
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Connections to other Systems
Task 3: Create and Start JCo RFC Providers
Create a JCo RFC Provider with the name SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##> (<SID>
stands for the system ID of your system, <##> stands for your group number) for
the SAP Solution Manger system that is used in your course. To do so, use the
destination “Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan” that you created in the task “Create
Destination of the type RFC without Load Balancing”.
Call the NWA and switch to maintenance of the JCo RFC Provider.
Follow the menu path Configuration → Infrastructure → Jco RFC
Provider in the NWA.
Create a JCo RFC Provider with the name SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##>
(<SID> stands for the system ID of your system, <##> stands for your group
number) and start this.
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
The connection should go to client “000” of the Solution Manager system
that is used in your course. You have already maintained the connection data
in the task Create Destination of the type RFC without Load Balancing in the
destination “Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan”; therefore, use this destination.
Create a new JCo RFC Provider by choosing Create.
In the step Server Configuration , maintain the name
SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##> (<SID> stands for the system ID of
your system, <##> stands for your group name) for the field Program
ID for your JCo RFC Provider.
In the field Gateway Host, enter the same value as entered in the task
“Create Destination of the type RFC without Load Balancing”.
In the field Gateway Service, enter the same value as entered in the task
“Create Destination of the type RFC without Load Balancing”.
Change the value for the field Server Count to 4. Choose Next to go
to the next step.
Select the checkbox for Use RFC Destination in the step Repository
In the field RFC Destination Name, enter the name of the destination
from the task “Create Destination of the type RFC without Load
Balancing” (Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan with <##> as your group
Choose Next to go to the next step.
In the step Security Settings, do not select the checkbox for Use SNC
and choose Next to go to the next step.
In the step Additional Options, select the checkbox for Local JCo
Server and choose Next to go to the next step.
Check your entries in the step Summary, and choose Finish to save
and thus complete your entries.
Start the JCo RFC Provider that you just created by selecting it and
choosing Start.
You receive the message “The JCo servers started successfully.”
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Connections to other Systems
Task 4: Optional: Check your JCo RFC Provider
Connection to the Gateway.
Log on to the central instance of the Solution Manager system and check whether
your JCo RFC Provider is registered with the gateway of the Solution Manager
Log on with your user in client 100 of the central instance (instance number
00) of the Solution Manager system and use transaction SMGW or the report
RSGWREGP to check whether your JCo RFC Provider is registered with
the gateway.
Check whether you are logged on to the instance whose gateway you
have specified for the JCo RFC Provider with sapgw<I-Nr>. System
→ Status displays under Servername the instance name including the
instance number in the form of <host name>_<SID>_<I-Nr>. You may
have to scroll in the instance name.
Call transaction SMGW and choose Goto → Logged on Clients. Sort
by LU Name. You should now find your host under LU Name and
under TP Name the program ID that you have specified for the JCo RFC
Provider (for example, SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##>, <SID> stands
for the system ID of your system, <##> stands for your group number).
Alternatively, you can call transaction SA38 and start the program
RSGWREGP there. You should now find your host under Server host
name and under Program ID the program ID that you have specified
for the JCo RFC Provider (for example, SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##>,
<SID> stands for the system ID of your system, <##> stands for your
group number).
Task 5: Optional: Create Destination of the type RFC
with Load Balancing
Create a destination of the type RFC with load balancing for the SAP Solution
Manger system that is used in your course. Your instructor will give you the host
name, SID, instance number, user, password and client.
Call the NWA and switch to destination maintenance.
Follow the menu path Configuration → Infrastructure → Destinations
in the NWA.
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Create a destination with the name Group<##>_to_SolMan (<##> stands
for your group name) for client “000” of the Solution Manager system that is
used in your course. Use RFC_GROUP as the logon group. Your instructor
will give you the system data.
Create a new destination by choosing Create.
In the step General Data, maintain the name Group<##>_to_SolMan (<##> stands for your group number) for the field Destination
Name for your destination.
Use the input help to select the type RFC for the field Destination Type.
Choose Next to go to the next step.
In the step Connection and Transport Security Settings, select the
selection field Yes for Load Balancing.
Maintain the fields System ID, Message Server and Message Server
Service with the data that your instructor has given you. Enter the “Full
Qualified Host Name”, for example “twdf0000.wdf.sap.corp”, for
Message Server. Enter sapmsDEV in the field Message Server Service.
Enter the same value in the field Gateway Host as entered in the field
Message Server.
Enter RFC_GROUP in the field Logon Group.
Enter sapgw<I-Nr> in the field Gateway Service with <I-Nr>
standing for the instance number that runs on the host specified under
“Gateway Host”.
Choose Next to go to the next step.
In the step “Logon Data”, use the input help to select the value
Technical User for the field Authentication.
Enter EN in the field Language.
Enter 000 in the field Client.
Enter <CourseID>-## in the field User Name with <##> standing
for your group number.
Enter the password in the field Password that your instructor gave you
for the user mentioned above.
Choose Finish to save and thus complete your entries.
Check your entries using the push-button Ping Destination. You
receive the message: “Successfully connected to System ...”.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Connections to other Systems
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
List some communication paths
Maintain connections of the destination service
Maintain JCo RFC connections
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Lesson: Appendix: Connections to other Systems with
the Java Connector Architecture
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, you will find out about where you can maintain connection data of
the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) for other systems using the SAP Java
Resource Adapter.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Locate the JCA Connection Factories of the SAP Java Resource Adapter.
Maintain parameters of a JCA Connection Factory of the SAP Java Resource
Create a new JCA Connection Factory for the SAP Java Resource Adapter.
Business Example
You are using the SAP NetWeaver AS Java and you want to get to know
communication paths of applications for Enterprise Information Systems.
Connections to AS ABAP Systems using the SAP Java
Resource Adapter
In the previous lesson, you got to know the destination and the JCO RFC
Provider as communication paths to an EIS. Furthermore, you already know
that applications can establish direct communication paths to an EIS. The Java
Connector Architecture (JCA) provides programming interfaces, which allow
developers to use the communication with EIS via adapters.
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Lesson: Appendix: Connections to other Systems with the
Java Connector Architecture
Figure 120: Resource Adapter
A Java EE application server with integrated Java Connector Architecture (JCA)
provides a communication path between applications and Enterprise Information
Systems (EIS). To address an EIS via the Connector Architecture, a resource
adapter that supports the Connector Architecture is required for the EIS. The
figure “Resource Adapter” shows that only one resource adapter is required for
each EIS type for a Java EE application server to communicate with the EIS.
The resource adapter can be used in each AS Java because the Java Connector
Architecture is integrated into the AS Java.
In this lesson, we will take a look at the SAP Java Resource Adapter, which can
be used to establish connections to AS ABAP systems, as an example of such a
connection option. This lesson is not aimed at developers rather at administrators
who want get an idea of where developers maintain communication paths for an
EIS, in particular for AS ABAP systems. The “JCA Connection Factory” plays a
decisive role here as you will find out.
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Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Figure 121: SAP Java Resource Adapter
SAP Java Resource Adapter 1.5 is an adapter that is used for communication
with AS ABAP systems. The connection data is maintained in the related JCA
Connection Factories. The following section describes how you go from the
resource adapters to the JCA Connection Factories. You can find the resource
adapter in the NWA using the menu path Configuration Management →
Infrastructure → Application Resources. If you restrict to Resource Adapters
under Show, you find SAPJavaResourceAdapter15 there. You can find the relevant
resource of the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) on the tab page Dependent
JCA Resource from which you can display the data for the JCA Resource using
the push-button JCA Resource Details. You can find all the “JCA Connection
Factories” for the JCA Resource on the tab page Dependent JCA Connection
Factory, for example, the eis/SAPJRAFactory that is delivered as a template.
Each JCA Connection Factory contains the connection data for AS ABAP
systems. This data is maintained on the tab page Configuration Properties.
Information about the target server, system number, client and so on is included in
the connection data. You also have the option of storing destinations as connection
data here. For this you create a new property DestinationName if it is not
already contained in the JCA Connection Factory and store the destination there.
Hint: You can use a destination as of 7.10 SPS6.
If, despite maintaining a destination, you are forced to enter a password,
remove the property Password in this JCA Connection Factory.
In the JCA Resource, you can create further JCA Connection Factories using Copy
and Add New JCA Connection Factory; here you can maintain more connection
data. For this maintain a JNDI Name (JNDI stands for Java Naming and Directory
Interface) on the tab page Namespace. When creating such a JCA Connection
Factory, a “JCA Managed Connection Factory” is automatically created for
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Lesson: Appendix: Connections to other Systems with the
Java Connector Architecture
the JCA Connection Factory through which the actual communication runs.
However, we are interested only in the JCA Connection Factories when it comes
to maintaining connection data.
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Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Appendix: Connections to other Systems with the
Java Connector Architecture
Exercise 15: Optional: Connections to
other Systems with the Java Connector
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Determine the JCA Connection Factories in the application resources
Create and maintain JCA Connection Factories for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15
Business Example
Your developers program applications that have to exchange data with an AS
ABAP, for example. The Java Connector Architecture is used for programming
and you want to maintain a JCA Connection Factory with the connection data for
the AS ABAP for the SAPJavaResourceAdapter or provide the developer with the
required information. Your instructor will give you the required system data.
Task 1: Determine JCA Connection Factories
Determine which JCA Connection Factories exist for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15
in your system and which connection data is maintained there.
Call the NWA on your system and switch to the maintenance of application
Restrict the list to the Resource Adapters.
Display the related JCA Resource for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15 and
switch to the detail view of this resource.
Display the related JCA Connection Factories for the JCA Resource
Now determine the connection data of the JCA Connection Factory
Task 2: Create a JCA Connection
In your system, create a JCA Connection Factory for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15
with the name <CourseID>-<##>_Nr01 (<##> stands for your group number)
from the copy template eis/SAPJRAFactory. There maintain the connection data
for client 100 of the Solution Manager system that is used in your course.
Call the NWA on your system and switch to the maintenance of application
Continued on next page
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Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Restrict the list to the all JCA Resources.
Create a further JCA Connection Factory for the JCA Resource
SAPJavaResourceAdapter15 with the name <course name><##>_Nr01 (<##> stands for your group number) as a copy of the JCA
Connection Factory eis/SAPJRAFactory.
Maintain the connection data of the JCA Connection Factory <course
Task 3: Create JCA Connection with Destination
In your system, create a JCA Connection Factory for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15
with the name <CourseID>-<##>_Nr02 (<##> stands for your group
number) from the copy template eis/SAPJRAFactory. Enter the destination
Group<##>_to_SolMan or Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan (<##> stands for your
group number) for the connection data.
Call the NWA on your system and switch to the maintenance of application
Restrict the list to the all JCA Resources.
Create a further JCA Connection Factory for the JCA Resource
SAPJavaResourceAdapter15 with the name <CourseID>-<##>_Nr02
(<##> stands for your group number).
Maintain the destination Group<##>_to_SolMan or Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan (<##> stands for your group number) for the connection data of the JCA
Connection Factory <course name>-<##>_Nr02.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Appendix: Connections to other Systems with the
Java Connector Architecture
Solution 15: Optional: Connections to
other Systems with the Java Connector
Task 1: Determine JCA Connection Factories
Determine which JCA Connection Factories exist for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15
in your system and which connection data is maintained there.
Call the NWA on your system and switch to the maintenance of application
Restrict the list to the Resource Adapters.
Follow the menu path Configuration → Infrastructure → Application
Resources in the NWA.
Select Resource Adapters in the field Show.
Display the related JCA Resource for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15 and
switch to the detail view of this resource.
Select the resource adapter SAPJavaResourceAdapter15 and switch to
the JCA Resource Details on the tab page Related JCA Resource.
A further navigation field JCA Resource now appears directly below
Resource Details; the name of the JCA Resource (in this case also
SAPJavaResourceAdapter15) is displayed above this field. You can
now switch between both using the navigation fields Resource Adapter
and JCA Resource.
Make sure that you are in the JCA Resource display and select the tab
page Related JCA Connection Factories.
Display the related JCA Connection Factories for the JCA Resource
Make sure that you are in the JCA Resource display and select the tab
page Related JCA Connection Factories.
For the moment, you should see only the JCA Connection Factory
Continued on next page
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Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Now determine the connection data of the JCA Connection Factory
Choose JCA Connection Factory Details.
A further navigation field JCA Connection Factory now appears
directly to the right of the navigation field JCA Resource; the name
of the JCA Connection Factory (in this case eis/SAPJRAFactory) is
displayed above this field.
Now select the tab page Configuration Properties. There you can
find, for example, the names of the properties SAPClient, UserName,
Password and so on. No value has been maintained in the field Value for
all these fields; that is, communication data has not yet been maintained.
Task 2: Create a JCA Connection
In your system, create a JCA Connection Factory for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15
with the name <CourseID>-<##>_Nr01 (<##> stands for your group number)
from the copy template eis/SAPJRAFactory. There maintain the connection data
for client 100 of the Solution Manager system that is used in your course.
Call the NWA on your system and switch to the maintenance of application
Follow the menu path Configuration → Infrastructure → Application
Resources in the NWA.
Restrict the list to the all JCA Resources.
Select JCA Resources in the field Show.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Appendix: Connections to other Systems with the
Java Connector Architecture
Create a further JCA Connection Factory for the JCA Resource
SAPJavaResourceAdapter15 with the name <course name><##>_Nr01 (<##> stands for your group number) as a copy of the JCA
Connection Factory eis/SAPJRAFactory.
Select the JCA Resource “SAPJavaResourceAdapter15” and switch to
the tab page Related JCA Connection Factories.
Select eis/SAPJRAFactory as a copy template.
Use Copy and Add New JCA Connection Factory to create a
new JCA Conneciton Factory for the selected JCA Resource
Enter the name <CourseID>-<##>_Nr01 (<##> stands for your
group number) in the field JNDI Name and confirm your entry by
pressing the Return button. Finaly you Save your entry.
The system is telling you that “New JCA Connection Factory ... has
been added successfully”.
Select the JCA Resource Details again, and you can see, your new
JCA Resource
Maintain the connection data of the JCA Connection Factory <course
Select the resource “<course name>-<##>_Nr01” from Related JCA
Connection Factories and use JCA Connection Factory Details to
switch to the resource details of the JCA Connection Factory.
Now select the tab page Configuration Properties. There you can
find, for example, the names of the properties SAPClient, UserName,
Password, ServerName and the PortNumber (the instance number is
meant here) for the Solution Manager system that is used in your course.
Save your entry. The system issues the message “The resource has
been saved successfully”.
Continued on next page
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Unit 6: Java Connector and Destinations
Task 3: Create JCA Connection with Destination
In your system, create a JCA Connection Factory for SAPJavaResourceAdapter15
with the name <CourseID>-<##>_Nr02 (<##> stands for your group
number) from the copy template eis/SAPJRAFactory. Enter the destination
Group<##>_to_SolMan or Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan (<##> stands for your
group number) for the connection data.
Call the NWA on your system and switch to the maintenance of application
Restrict the list to the all JCA Resources.
Follow the menu path Configuration → Infrastructure → Application
Resources in the NWA.
Select JCA Resources in the field Show.
Create a further JCA Connection Factory for the JCA Resource
SAPJavaResourceAdapter15 with the name <CourseID>-<##>_Nr02
(<##> stands for your group number).
Select the JCA Resource “SAPJavaResourceAdapter15” and switch to
the tab page Related JCA Connection Factories.
Select eis/SAPJRAFactory before you copy it using Copy and
Add New JCA Connection Factory.
Enter the name <CourseID>-<##>_Nr02 (<##> stands for your
group number) in the field JNDI Name and Save your entry.
The system issues a dialog box telling you that “New JCA Connection
Factory ... has been added successfully”. Close this.
Maintain the destination Group<##>_to_SolMan or Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan (<##> stands for your group number) for the connection data of the JCA
Connection Factory <course name>-<##>_Nr02.
Select the resource “<course name>-<##>_Nr02” from Related JCA
Connection Factories and use JCA Connection Factory Details to
switch to the resource details of the JCA Connection Factory.
Now select the tab page Configuration Properties. Use Add New
Property to add a new property with the name DestinationName
Enter the destination Group<##>_to_SolMan or
Group<##>_RZ20_SolMan (<##> stands for your group
number) from the previous lesson as the value for the property
Save your entry. The system issues the message “The resource has
been saved successfully”.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Appendix: Connections to other Systems with the
Java Connector Architecture
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Locate the JCA Connection Factories of the SAP Java Resource Adapter.
Maintain parameters of a JCA Connection Factory of the SAP Java Resource
Create a new JCA Connection Factory for the SAP Java Resource Adapter.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
List some communication paths
Maintain connections of the destination service
Maintain JCo RFC connections
Locate the JCA Connection Factories of the SAP Java Resource Adapter.
Maintain parameters of a JCA Connection Factory of the SAP Java Resource
Create a new JCA Connection Factory for the SAP Java Resource Adapter.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 7
Change Management and Software
Unit Overview
As with the ABAP stack, SAP delivers a complete infrastructure for developing
and transporting Java applications for AS Java. This SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure (NWDI) consists of a local development environment
(IDE) and central server-side services that provide development teams with a
consistent central development environment and support software development
during the entire lifecycle of a product.
This unit first provides a general introduction to the process of Java developments.
Then, SAP NWDI and its elements are introduced. One additional lesson discusses
the steps required to configure the central infrastructure for the development
within SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3. After this configuration has been performed, a
small, existing Java application is modified as an example using SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio (the IDE delivered by SAP) in another lesson. This application
is finally transported to the quality assurance and to the production system.
Depending on the release of both SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
and the runtime systems, there are different transport scenarios available. This
unit explains the use of Change Management Services (CM Services) together
with the activity-based SDA transport scenario. CM Services are shipped with
enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0. They are the successor of the
Change Management Service (CMS).
Note: As SAP recommends to use SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure not on the SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3 system but on a
separate system (based on enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver
7.0) an SAP NWDI system based on enhancement package 2 for SAP
NetWeaver 7.0 is used in this unit. This SAP NWDI can also be used for
managing a development within SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3 systems.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
List the elements of a Java EE application
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Outline the steps required to develop an executable Java EE application
Name differences between ABAP-based development and Java-based
Name the building blocks of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
and explain their meaning
Explain the idea of SAP's component model for the development of Java
based SAP applications
Outline the use of Change Management Services and the enhanced Change
and Transport System for the use with SAP NetWeaver Development
List the necessary steps to define a system landscape for SAP NWDI based
development in the ABAP Transport Management System
Connect SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio to the central components of
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
List the individual steps that are required from the start of developing /
changing Java objects to releasing these changes in the central development
Outline the structure of the Design Time Repository (DTR)
Import changes into the quality assurance system
List the individual transport steps for activity-based SDA transports
Unit Contents
Lesson: Overview of the Standard Java EE Development Process .....297
Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
(NWDI) ...........................................................................309
Exercise 16: Checking the Settings on System Landscape
Directory .....................................................................331
Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications ............336
Exercise 17: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications ..355
Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer
Studio .............................................................................366
Exercise 18: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer
Studio ........................................................................373
Lesson: Transporting Java Developments ..................................386
Exercise 19: Transporting Java Developments ........................401
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Overview of the Standard Java EE Development Process
Lesson: Overview of the Standard Java EE Development
Lesson Overview
This lesson provides you with an overview of the development process in the Java
environment. Special features in the context of SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure (NWDI) of the AS Java are not covered. In addition to the structure
of a Java EE application, the development process in general is presented, and
central terms, such as deployment or JSP are introduced.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
List the elements of a Java EE application
Outline the steps required to develop an executable Java EE application
Name differences between ABAP-based development and Java-based
Business Example
Your company uses SAP systems which are based on the SAP NetWeaver
technology platform. You also have your own programs, developed on the basis
of the Java standard Java EE. As the person responsible for software logistics in
your company, you now want to obtain an overview of the structure of Java EE
programs and the standard development process for them.
The Java Programming Language
Java is an object-oriented programming language, similar to C++ or C#. However,
Java is not fully object-oriented: the basic data types (int, boolean etc.) are not
Java makes it possible to write classes which can be executed in a variety of
runtime environments. In this way, it is possible, for example, to run applets in
Web browsers which support Java. Java possesses an extensive class library. This
provides programmers with a uniform, operating system-independent interface
(Application programming interface, API). With the help of Remote Method
Invocation (RMI) it is also possible to call up objects on other computers.
Source codes written in Java are first of all translated by the Java compiler javac
into an intermediary code that is independent of architecture. This is known as
bytecode. A .class file is created from every source file (.java file). This bytecode
cannot yet be executed alone, but is either interpreted and executed by a so-called
virtual machine or (using HotSpot technology, available as of Java Runtime
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Environment 1.3) is compiled and executed as native processor code at runtime.
This virtual machine must have been developed for every supported platform, if
necessary, separately.
The Java runtime environment consists of three main components:
Class Loaders for loading all the classes required for the execution of
the program. The Class Loaders control the reliable provision of class
information to the Java Virtual Machine.
Bytecode Verifier to check whether the loaded classes are compatible with
specification of the virtual machine. This ensures that the Java Virtual
Machine is not able to execute any invalid bytecode.
The Java Virtual Machine itself.
Figure 122: From the development to the execution of a Java application
Programs Required for Creating and Executing a Java
If a Java program is to be executed, a runtime environment (Java Runtime
Environment, JRE) is required. The JRE consists of the Java Virtual Machine, the
standard Java interfaces (classes that provide the standard services such as Remote
Method Invocation (RMI)), and other components that are required to execute
Java applications and Applets. The Java Virtual Machine is responsible for the
independence of the Java EE platform from the hardware and the operating system.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Overview of the Standard Java EE Development Process
The J2SE Software Development Kit (J2SE SDK) contains a number of tools in
addition to the content of the JRE with which Java applications can be developed.
These tools include the Java Compiler and the Java Debugger.
You would usually use an integrated development environment (IDE), which
supports the development of J2EE applications, to develop your own programs.
This builds on the J2SE SDK.
Hint: Java EE stands for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. This is a set
of rules that must be fulfilled by applications if they wish to be regarded
as “Java EE compliant” and if they are to be executed on a Java EE Server
(which must also comply with these rules). The name of the Java platform
for business applications has been simplified. The platform used to be
called “Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition” (J2EE) and special versions
had numbers with “decimal places”, for example, J2EE 1.3. The “2”
has been removed from the name along with the “decimal places”. The
Java EE version used in SAP NetWeaver 7.3 is Java EE (Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition) 6.
If a developer wants to write his or her own program and test it (locally), he or she
generally requires a development environment and a runtime environment.
Note: Example: The SAP development environment for Java EE 6
applications (SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio for SAP NetWeaver
7.3) is based on the Eclipse IDE, which in turn uses a Java 6 Runtime
The figure below illustrates the relationship between the runtime environment, the
Java SE Development Kit, and the development environment.
Figure 123: Components of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Structure of a Java EE Application
Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a standard that allows the
development and execution of distributed, multi-level Java applications using
modular components.
The Java EE architecture consists of 3 layers (tiers): Presentation layer, middle
layer and backend layer. The backend tier can be a file system, a (standalone)
database, or an Enterprise Resource Planning system. Various clients, such as Web
browsers or Java applications, can be used at the presentation tier. The middle tier
contains the Java EE server, which plays the central role in the context of this
three-tier model. Application logic and server presentation logic are separate on
the Java EE server. The Java EE server accepts requests from the presentation tier,
executes the business logic of the applications, and, if necessary, exchanges data
with the backend tier when doing so.
Figure 124: Programming Model of Java EE Applications
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Lesson: Overview of the Standard Java EE Development Process
Java EE applications consist of components. A Java EE component is a complete,
functional software entity, which is combined with the associated classes and
files to form a Java EE application (assembly), and which can communicate with
other components. The Java EE specification differentiates between the following
Java EE components:
Applets (presentation components that run on the client)
Servlets and Java Server Pages (presentation or Java EE Web components
that run on the server)
Enterprise Java Beans (business logic components that run on the server)
The communication between the Java EE server and the front end is essentially
based on Web standards such as HTTP, HTML, or XML. The Java EE server
can use Java Server Pages (JSP) and Java Servlets to generate HTML pages or
XML data. Servlets are Java classes that process requests and can dynamically
generate responses in the form of HTML pages. Java Server Pages are text-based
documents that describe how an HTTP request is to be processed to generate an
HTTP response. A JSP consists of templates, together with commands, scripting
elements, and possibly tags. This allows the developer to include Java code in an
HTML page, which is converted to a servlet by the Web Container. JSPs and
servlets run in a container for Java EE Web components (Web Container), which
is part of the Java EE server.
Applets can be embedded within the HTML pages that are sent to the browser. An
applet is a small Java application that is executed on the Java Virtual Machine of
the client (that is, in the Web browser).
The business logic is executed using Enterprise Java Beans (EJB). EJBs run on the
business logic tier of the Java EE server. Among other things, they receive data
from the database tier and forward it, if appropriate, to the presentation tier.
The Java EE architecture allows you to develop reusable components. The
infrastructure required to execute these components is provided by the Java EE
server. This infrastructure contains containers. Containers in object-oriented
programming are objects that provide a runtime environment for other objects.
They represent the interface between a Java component and the Java EE function
that supports this component.
Hint: Before a Java component can be executed, it must be assembled
into a Java EE application (Assembly) and deployed in the relevant
container (Deployment).
Development Steps for Creating a Java EE Application
The figure below illustrates the steps required for the development and the process
of a Java EE application:
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 125: Steps when creating a Java EE application
In accordance with the architecture of Java EE applications, the application
logic (Enterprise Java Beans) and presentation logic (JSPs and servlets) are also
separated during application development.
During the implementation of application logic, the application developer creates
his or her own Enterprise Java Beans. The developer also uses classes that are
contained in the standard Java library and possibly also other Java classes provided
by other developers. All classes are included (“imported”) as .class files. This is
done, for example, by inserting the following lines in the source code:
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
The configuration of the application itself is performed by the integrated
development environment (IDE) in the context of an XML file, the deployment
descriptor. The structure and the runtime behavior of an application (such as
security settings or transactional behavior) are described by this deployment
descriptor. This information is evaluated by the EJB Container and the Web
Container at runtime.
When the development is complete, the developer uses a standard Java program to
combine Enterprise Java Beans, used Java classes and the deployment descriptor
into a Java Archive (.jar file). This “creation” of a JAR file is also known as
the build .
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Lesson: Overview of the Standard Java EE Development Process
In the same way, Java Server Pages or servlets and HTML pages are created
during the implementation of the presentation logic. It is also possible to include
other Java classes here. The IDE also generates a deployment descriptor. The
developer uses a standard Java program to combine these files into a Web archive
(.war file) during the build process.
Note: All development objects which belong to an archive will be built
together which means that a change of only one JSP for example will
result in a rebuilt of the complete Web archive.
After the developers have created various Java and Web archives, these archives,
together with an additional deployment descriptor, can be combined into an
Enterprise Archive (.ear file). An Enterprise Archive can consist of multiple
Java Archives and Web Archives, and also contain other Enterprise Archives.
This process step of the creation of an application is also called assembly, and
is performed by the application assembler. Although in theory the application
assembler does not need to know any of the details of the implementation of
the individual components of the .ear file, the application developer also often
performs the role of the application assembler.
Finally, the (platform-independent) Enterprise Archive must be installed on a
specific Java EE server in a specific operating system environment. This process
is known as deployment, and is performed by a deployer. The deployer is usually
an expert in the specific operating system environment. The system administrator
often performs the role of the deployer. During the deployment process, the
external dependencies that are listed in the deployment descriptor are resolved;
that is, the application is assigned, for example, security settings or database
resources for the specific environment.
Differences between ABAP and Java Development
There are two different approaches to software development. Either developers all
log on to a central development system (central development) or development is
performed locally, that is, it is decentralized. In the case of local development,
every developer works in his or her own development environment which usually
consists of development tools and a runtime environment for testing changes.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 126: Comparison of the different development approaches
Development in the ABAP environment is a classic example for central
development whereas software development in the Java environment usually uses
a local development environment. The difference between these two development
approaches also impacts on the way software is developed and tested.
The Java SE Development Kit (JDK) provides, in principle, all of the tools that
are required to develop smaller Java applications (in addition to the runtime
environment) that is programs such as the Java compiler or a debugger. For a more
convenient development of applications, there are also various local development
environments (Integrated Development Environments, IDE) based on the JDK.
When developing Java applications in larger development teams, however, new
challenges arise. The following illustration shows the typical development process
in the Java environment and shows some of the difficulties that have to be dealt
with. These difficulties often have to do with the fact that the development takes
place locally in the runtime environment of the individual developer and this
development environment does not correspond in every detail to the central
runtime environment.
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Lesson: Overview of the Standard Java EE Development Process
Figure 127: Typical problems in a team-oriented development in the Java
Java applications can exist in various versions (just like ABAP applications).
Before an application is newly created, or an existing application can be revised,
the developer must ensure that he or she is using the correct versions of the
required source files or of the libraries used. Furthermore, the use of different
versions of the same objects within different development tasks typically requires
a reconfiguration of the local development environment (which is time-consuming
and susceptible to errors).
After the correct version of all necessary sources have been found and have been
checked out of a central directory, local development can begin. In the meantime,
the developers from time to time carry out – based on their own, local runtime
environment – local builds, in order to be able to test their applications in the local
runtime environment. After the completion of this development, the changed
and referenced sources are once again checked-in to a central storage location.
Errors can occur here, if the local environment of the developer differs from the
environment of the central runtime system. For example, referenced objects could
have been changed by other developers in the meantime and then once again
checked-in, in the changed form. The test in the central runtime system can
also cause unforeseen errors due to the different runtime environments (of the
developers). As a result, the customer-specific development must be adjusted to
suit the changed framework conditions.
In the ABAP environment, the problems described above do not arise or they
occur at an earlier stage due to the central development environment (all
developers work in a central runtime environment and each use the current version
of the respective development object). The goal of SAP NetWeaver Development
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Infrastructure – SAP NWDI for short below – is therefore to avoid the problems
described above by transferring tried and tested concepts from the ABAP world
into the Java world. Here, SAP builds on the known standards (Java EE or
WebDAV and DeltaV as the repository standard for accessing and versioning any
development objects). The local development environment is based on the open
source development tool Eclipse.
Due to the different development philosophies, it is relatively difficult to compare
on both sides the development processes of ABAP (central development) and
Java (local development).
The following list summarizes the main differences between standard ABAP and
standard Java EE development approaches (at least as far as turn out to be are
relevant for SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure):
Central development
Single development objects are activated
Local development
Complete archives are built
When developing repository objects in ABAP, the repository used is defined by
logging on to a particular development system. This means that the developer
has access to all used repository objects in their respective active version. Due
to the central development in the ABAP Workbench, there is no possibility
for developers to create their own, private runtime environment. This ensures
that there are no inconsistencies between the development objects of different
developers. When activating changes, the formal correctness of the sources is
checked (syntax check). Only after this check has been successfully performed, the
changes become visible to other people. A disadvantage of this is that the central
runtime environment is also not private; that is, that errors in the implementation
can potentially have consequences for other users of the development system even
before the changes are released for transport. However, it is generally possible to
identify and correct errors more quickly using this central development.
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Lesson: Overview of the Standard Java EE Development Process
Figure 128: Comparison of the Java and ABAP Development Processes
The logon to the SAP development system in the Java EE environment is similar
to the developer's logon to the correct SAP NWDI development configuration. A
development configuration consists of a list of software components statuses that
are required for designing, the build process of, and testing one or more software
components in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. Logging on to the correct
development configuration ensures that this developer has access to the correct
versions of his or her own and other development objects. When checking out, the
correct versions of the libraries and development objects are therefore copied to
the local development environment. The majority of the development activities
now take place on the local PC of the respective developer. After the completion
of the central development with local tests in the runtime environment of the
developers' PCs, the objects are checked-in centrally again. When they are then
activated in the central environment, in addition to a test for formal correctness,
the system checks whether there are consistent sources in the central environment,
or whether some libraries that are referenced have changed in the meantime.
After a successful central activation, the developers can finally test in a central
environment before the changes are released for transport.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
List the elements of a Java EE application
Outline the steps required to develop an executable Java EE application
Name differences between ABAP-based development and Java-based
Related Information
For introductory information about Java technology in general, see the
introductory page http://www.oracle.com/us/technologies/java/index.html.
For an overview of Java development in the SAP environment, go to the
SAP Developer Network (SDN) in the area SDN Communitiy → Home →
Custom Development → Java (https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/javaee5).
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure (NWDI)
Lesson Overview
This lesson first lists some requirements to a development infrastructure in
general. Then SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (SAP NWDI) and its
building blocks is introduced. After an excursion on SAP's component model for
structuring Java-based applications, the architecture of SAP NWDI is explained.
Finally the integration between SAP NWDI and the ABAP Change and Transport
System (CTS) is highlighted.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Name the building blocks of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
and explain their meaning
Explain the idea of SAP's component model for the development of Java
based SAP applications
Outline the use of Change Management Services and the enhanced Change
and Transport System for the use with SAP NetWeaver Development
Business Example
Your company uses SAP systems that are based on the technology platform SAP
NetWeaver, and is planning to develop its own Java-based business applications.
As a member of the system administration, you want to have an overview of the
development infrastructure provided by SAP for this purpose.
Building Blocks of SAP NetWeaver Development
To develop and execute applications, regardless of the selected programming
language, you require at least an editor, a compiler (or interpreter) and a runtime
Requirements for a Development Infrastructure
Especially for developments in which different developers are participating, a
source code storage and versioning system is also desirable.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
In addition to this, you require a build support and a central storage of archives.
Even more, a transport mechanism (which may consist only of a simple Copy &
Paste process) is needed if the applications are to run on other computers at a later
stage. This transport mechanism may consist of an export part (developer's task)
and of an import part (system administrator's part).
The general requirements for a development infrastructure (regardless of the
programming language) are summarized in the following figure:
Figure 129: General Requirements for a Development Infrastructure
SAP's Solution: SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
With SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure, SAP ships a development
infrastructure that fulfills the requirements stated above:
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Figure 130: Main Building Blocks of SAP NetWeaver Development
The Design Time Repository (DTR) enables a versioning of the source code
management and therefore the shared development of software in teams as well as
the transport and replication of sources.
The Component Build Service (CBS) is used for the central build of the source
texts. The operation for the developers is integrated into SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio. For the build process, the CBS communicates automatically
with the Design Time Repository. For further processing, the CBS communicates
with the system logic of the Change Management Services. It provides the
following core functions
Build on demand
Central storage of build results and build tools
Activation concept
The Change Management Services (CM Services) are used for the central
administration of the Java development landscape. The functions of the CM
Services are closely interlinked with the DTR, the CBS and the System Landscape
Directory (SLD).
The Change and Transport System (CTS) is used for the transport of changes
into subsequent systems. As of some SP Stack for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, the CTS is
able to transport non-ABAP changes (such as Java applications) as well.
Software development worldwide requires a conflict-free method for creating
names for software objects. Without such a method, different software teams
may use the same names by chance for software objects with different uses. If
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
the software objects are then combined in the same runtime environment, this
could even deactivate applications because of a simple name conflict. In order
to avoid name conflicts, the SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) provides
a name reserving service (Name Server), which makes it possible to reserve
globally unique names.
The following list summarizes the components of SAP NWDI and their
characteristic properties:
Design Time Repository (DTR)
Central source code administration and versioning
Component Build Service (CBS)
Build on demand
Central storage of build results and build tools
Activation concept
Change and Transport System (CTS)
Central administration of the entire transport landscape
Transports between the individual development levels (development
system, quality assurance system, production system)
Change Management Services (CM Services)
Managing development configurations
Export Java development from SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio to
System Landscape Directory (SLD)
Overview of systems, installed products and software versions
(releases, support packages)
Name Service
To avoid naming conflicts
Hint: Starting with SAP NetWeaver 7.3, you can also use the CM
Services in a Stand-alone mode without having a CTS system connected.
This scenario is not discussed here however. For more information see a
presentation for CM Services in SAP NetWeaver 7.3 which is availalble
on SDN, quick link /cts (http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/cts).
SAP's Component Model
The development of Java applications in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
is based on a software component model. Using this, software projects can
be structured systematically in clear and reusable units from the beginning.
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Components can use other components in a well-defined and controlled way,
encapsulate subordinate components, and publish their functions using a set of
open interfaces, the public parts.
Using components means that software projects can be systematically structured
into manageable and reusable units from the start. The figure below summarizes
the elements of the component model of SAP NWDI:
Figure 131: Elements of the Component Model
A development component (Abbreviation: component or DC) is – simply put – a
common container for a set of objects that are part of the software. A component
has a well-defined external interface and an “internal life” that is not visible from
outside. Components can use each other by referring to the public interfaces
of other components. Due to these properties, components are the elementary
reusable units of the model.
A development object is an element of a component that provides part of its
function and can be changed or developed in some way. This can be a Java class,
a table definition, a JSP page, and so on. Development objects are essentially
stored in a repository.
Software components combine components (DCs) for delivery and deployment to
larger units. A release is a large step in the development of a software component,
which provides new functionality. A product consists of one or more software
components that represent related business processes.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
An SDA file (Software Deployment Archive) contains an entire development
component. An SCA file (Software Component Archive) contains an entire
software component.
The Meaning of SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD)
The SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) simplifies the administration of the
system landscape. The SLD is a server application based on AS Java with which
a client application communicates entirely using Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP). The SLD server contains component information and system landscape
descriptions. It can also contain a name server, which allows name reservation
based on the Common Information Model (CIM) standard. The component
description provides information about all available SAP software modules. This
includes version numbers, the current patch level, and dependencies on system
landscape components. The system landscape description represents an exact
model of an actual system landscape. The CIM standard is a general schema for
describing the elements in a system landscape.
The SLD is the central provider of information for the entire system landscape.
The SLD is usually deployed after the installation of each AS Java. During the
installation, a directory <sapmnt>/<SID>/SYS/global/sld is created at operating
system level as a working directory for the SLD. However, before the SLD server
can be used, it must be configured and activated.
To activate the SLD server, you must log on to the SLD administration
interface (http://<SLD-host>:<Port>/sld) with a user of the UME group
SAP_SLD_ADMINISTRATOR or of the user group Administrators. A prerequisite
for the activation of the SLD server is that the name of an object server is specified
first. In connection with the development of components within SAP NWDI, a
namespace that is reserved on SAP Service Marketplace should be specified as
an object server (if available).
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Figure 132: System Landscape Directory (SLD)
The SLD server implements the Common Interface Model (CIM). Before the SLD
server can be used, you must import information about available SAP components.
For this purpose, a zip file is already stored in the file system and imported into the
SLD during the installation of the AS Java on which the SLD is used.
Hint: You can always find the most current version of the files about
available SAP components on the SAP Service Marketplace. See also
SAP Note 669669.
SAP systems that are based on AS ABAP can periodically transfer their data to the
SLD server using transaction RZ70. However, we will not take a closer look at
this transaction in this lesson.
SAP systems that are based on AS Java can use an HTTP connection to transfer
system information to the SLD server. The Visual Administrator is used for
systems with SAP Web AS Java 6.40 or AS Java 7.0x with regard to configuring
the data transfer. However, for SAP systems that are based on AS Java 7.1 and
higher, SAP NetWeaver Administrator is used for the connection to the SLD.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 133: Connecting SAP NetWeaver 7.1-based systems to the SLD
In SAP NetWeaver Administrator, the connection to the SLD takes place at two
In the area Configuration → Security → Destinations, you must first set
up the registration by creating a destination SLD_DataSupplier of the type
HTTP where the connection data (URL and user defined) to the SLD is
maintained. Furthermore, you must set up AS Java access to the SLD by
creating a destination SLD_Client of the type HTTP. Here you can enter the
same configuration settings as in the destination SLD_DataSupplier.
In the area Configuration → Infrastructure → SLD Data Supplier
Configuration, the data collection and data trasnsfer to the SLD can now be
Creating a Product and a Software Component in the SLD
Products and software components are created in the SAP System Landscape
Directory (SLD), on the start page in the area Software Catalog.
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Figure 134: Creating a Product and a Software Component
After you have manually create software components and their dependencies
for the build time on the SLD, you can also create software components using
the Configuration Wizard in SAP NetWeaver Administrator. The latter occurs
using the wizard for Create an Application Skeleton: (in the area Configuration
Management → Scenarios → Configuration Wizard). For this purpose, there are
different track templates for the development in SAP NetWeaver 7.3 available.
Hint: For more information, see SAP note 1457908 – Required SCs for
Specific Type of Development in 7.3 Track.
Namespace Reservation
To avoid naming conflicts, SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) provides
a name reservation service (also known as the name server), which allows the
reservation of globally unique names. The underlying principle is the namespace
concept. A namespace is defined using a namespace prefix, which is the first
part of a development object name. Reserving a namespace prefix is done on the
Web administration interface of the SLD from the start page via the link Name
Hint: For more information about the namespace concept, see the SAP
Service Marketplace under the Quick Link /namespaces.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 135: Reserving a Namespace Prefix
Integration of the SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure into the ABAP Change and Transport
System (enhanced CTS)
In an SAP system, you can program in ABAP and in the J2EE/JEE standard, or use
SAP-specific non-ABAP technology, such as Java Web Dynpro or developments
for the SAP NetWeaver Portal. This is not a competition between technologies
but different approaches to a solution for business needs. You choose from these
options based on your preferences, knowledge that is already available in one
of the technologies, or with respect to specific advantages of one technology in
certain areas. Therefore, in any bigger landscape you will find many or even all of
these objects. When you, for example, provide users with role-based access to
a new function in the SAP ECC Server back-end system in an SAP NetWeaver
Portal system, you have to synchronize the update between the Portal and the
SAP ECC Server runtime, which may be connected to other systems using SAP
NetWeaver Process Integration (PI).
This is simplified when you use SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
(SAP NWDI for short) with its transport capabilities; the easiest way, however, is
to manage such transports centrally in one system.
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Up to SP stack 12 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, the following restrictions applied
despite the available tools for ABAP and Java transports:
There was no automatic synchronization for mixed applications (such as
PI). You therefore had to use different tools to transport parts of the same
There was no central control of portal transports. (Furthermore, there were
only rudimentary export / import tools that were neither integrated into SAP
NWDI nor into the ABAP Change and Transport System (CTS)).
There was no central control of all transports into productive systems.
Figure 136: Classical Transport Scenario – Different Tools for ABAP and
Java Transports
With the enhancements of the SAP NetWeaver Change and Transport System
(CTS for short, or enhanced CTS respectively, if specifically the enhanced
capabilities are meant), available with SP Stack 12 of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 and
further enhanced with SP Stack 14, the CTS has been enhanced to handle any type
of object that can be transported into an SAP system landscape.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 137: The Idea of Enhanced Change and Transport System – Using
CTS Combined with SAP NWDI
Therefore, an administrator of your ABAP system can now also manage the
transports for the non-ABAP parts of your system landscape. By combining and
synchronizing transports in a comprehensive approach, the enhanced Change and
Transport System therefore solves transport issues.
The following objects (alongside ABAP objects) can be transported with the
enhanced CTS:
Enterprise Application Archives (EARs)
Software Component Archives (SCAs)
Software Develivery Archives (SDAs)
DTR activities (DIPs)
Enterprise Portal Archives (EPAs) and Enterprise Poral Applications (PAR)
Knowledge Management objects (KM Content, KM Configurations)
Integration Builder Objects (TPZs)
System Landscape Directory Content Objects (Products, Software
Components, Technical Systems, Business Systems)
Modifications to repository metadata of SAP Master Data Management 7.1
Import Process (Overview)
The import into subsequent systems is triggered from transaction STMS (Transport
Management System) on the (ABAP)-Transport Domain Controller system.
During the import, the transport control program tp is called. tp itself controls
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
the import of the ABAP related part of the transport request(s) as usual. For the
Java part of the transport request(s) – if there is any – tp hands over the files to
the deploy tool of the AS Java (for systems based on AS Java 7.0: the SDM, for
systems based on AS Java 7.1 and higher: the deploy controller). For this, the CTS
Deploy Web Service is used.
The following list summarizes (on a high level) the tasks of the transport control
program tp:
controls the import of the ABAP part (if there is an) of the transport request
hands over the Java part (if there is any) of the transport request to the deploy
tool of the AS Java (SDM or Deploy Controller)
for the communication between the AS ABAP and the AS Java, the
CTS Deploy Web Service is used
The Transport Domain Controller system has to meet certain requirements to be
able use the enhancements of the Change and Transport System for the integration
of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure.
The Transport Domain Controller System is based on AS ABAP + Java 7.00
SP Stack 12 (recommended: SP Stack 14) or higher
The CTS Deploy Web Service must be configured and run
The ABAP Web Dynpro application for CTS must be activated (service
CTS_BROWSER in transaction SICF)
If necessary: Non-ABAP systems and transport routes between these systems
must be configured in transaction STMS and tp parameters for these systems
must be maintained correctly.
Note: As a prerequisite for carrying out CTS transports of non-ABAP
objects, we recommend that you configure the Transport Domain
Controller on an AS ABAP + Java system (on which the CTS Deploy Web
Service is also configured; the CTS Deploy Web Service originally belongs
to the software component DI_CMS – however, as of enhancement
package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, this Web Service belongs to a software
component of the AS Java itself).
In addition to the Transport Domain Controller System, the runtime systems (that
means the systems that are included in the STMS system landscapes) must meet
certain requirements. The configuration or the transport scenario is sometimes
dependent on the release level and SP Stack level. The configuration with SP Stack
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
14 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 has been simplified considerably for the integration of
SAP NWDI into the enhanced CTS. There are the following requirements for the
SAP NWDI system in this scenario.
The connection to the development system of the TMS system landscape is
defined – depending on the transport scenario either in the track definition
or in the transport settings in transaction STMS on the transport domain
controller system.
In the Visual Administrator (area Server → Services →
Destinations) on the SAP NWDI system, the Destination Service
sap.com/com.sap.tc.di.CTSserver of the type RFC is
maintained; it contains the connection data for the Transport Domain
Controller System.
Hint: For SAP NWDI systems on AS Java 7.11 and higher, this
destination needs to be maintained in SAP NetWeaver Administrator,
area Configuration → Security → Destinations.
The corrections mentioned in SAP Note 1003674 – Enhancement for
non-ABAP systems in CTS have been implemented (if they are required).
For more information about the configuration of the systems involved, go to the
online documentation for the enhanced CTS. You can find this path in the “Related
Information” area at the end of this lesson.
Architecture of SAP NetWeaver Development
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio provides access to the SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure (NWDI). SAP NWDI is composed of a local
development environment (IDE) on the PCs of the developers and server-side
services that provide the development team with a consistent central development
environment, and support software development throughout the entire life cycle
of a product.
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Figure 138: Overview of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
One important feature of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) is
the ability to develop and build software which belongs to different releases and
Support Package Stacks. To do this, you need a single SAP NWDI system since
the Component Build Service (CBS) creates the software in accordance with
the release and Support Package Stack.
Hint: The SAP NWDI system should have the highest possible Support
Package version irrespectively of the Support Package version of the
software that is to be developed. The version of SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio must correspond to the runtime system and to the
developed software components.
The development of Java applications in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
is based on a software component model. Using this, software projects can
be structured systematically in clear and reusable units from the beginning.
Components can use other components in a well-defined and controlled way,
encapsulate subordinate components, and publish their functions using a set of
open interfaces, the Public Parts.
On the side of the central infrastructure, there are, among other things, the services
shown in the figure, the Design Time Repository, Component Build Service, and
the name server as part of the System Landscape Directory.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Special Features for the Development for an SAP Release that
Uses a Different Version of the SDK than the SAP NWDI System.
If SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) is to support the
development of Java applications for different AS Java releases, different versions
of the Java Development Kit (JDK) may be required to build the applications.
Applications for SAP Web AS Java 6.40 or AS Java 7.0x are based on JDK
1.4.2 for example; applications for SAP NetWeaver 7.3, on the other hand, are
based on Version 1.6 of the JDK. Therefore, a JDK 1.6 must be provided for the
Component Build Service (CBS) of the SAP NWDI system (itself based on AS
Java 7.0x) responsible for the central build, along with the JDK 1.4.2 required
for the installation, if it is used for SAP NetWeaver 7.3. This JDK must be also
installed at operating system level of the SAP NWDI host.
The Component Build Service (CBS) uses two service properties to find the JDK
used for the build process. These two properties determine, in association with a
build option specified in a concrete development configuration, which JDK is used
to compile Java sources for a special development component (DC):
BUILD_TOOL_JDK_HOME defines the VM that executes the build
environment; this property should point to the highest JDK version used
by the CBS to ensure compatibility.
JDK_HOME_PATH defines a list of variables and paths for directories in
which the related JDK versions are stored (see the following figure).
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Figure 139: Configuration of the CBS for different JDK versions
Hint: A special build option (option com.sap.jdk.home_path_key)
can then be used for the individual systems in the transport landscape
to control which JDK is used for building for archives in a concrete
development configurations.
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio is SAP's own environment for developing
multi-level Java-based applications. The development environment is based on the
open source product Eclipse, whose open plug-in architecture provides a suitable
platform that can be enhanced with special functions.
Eclipse offers all the necessary tools for the development of Java programs. For
Java EE projects, additional functionality is required in the SAP environment,
however (for example, integration with the application server), that is not provided
by Eclipse.
The architecture of SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio is illustrated in the figure
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 140: S tructure of SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio provides a range of tools for all aspects of
application development, a few of which are listed below as examples:
The Composite Application Framework (CAF) is a Java EE-based
framework that follows the programming model of the Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA) and enables the modeling of enterprise services.
Java EE Tools are tools for creating Java EE applications, such as Enterprise
Java Beans.
The SAP Development and Modeling Infrastructure (MOIN) contains,
among other things, a (Enterprise) Design-Time Repository that manages the
content required for the modeling.
The particularity advantage of these development tools lies in their seamless
integration into SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI). All
development objects that are created can thus be stored and managed in a central
repository, the Design Time Repository (DTR), can be built in an automated
build process using the Component Build Service (CBS), and added to Change
Management, and finally distributed via a defined software logistics process.
System Landscape for Runtime Systems
Since the ongoing developments of the software developers in the local
development systems and the central development system must not affect
productive system operation, the production environment and development
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
environment must be strictly separated from each other. There should also be a
runtime environment that is as stable as possible (that is, not constantly changed
by the importing of new developments) available to test the developments.
SAP recommends a three-system landscape. The different systems represent the
different development statuses (development, quality assurance, production) of the
software components to be developed.
Figure 141: TMS System Landscape for Activity-based SDA Transports
The central development system (DEV) is used by the individual developers to
test the local developments in a larger context, that is, their interaction with
changes made by other developers. The quality assurance system (QAS) is used to
consolidate a certain fixed status of a software component or for a final test (also
in the sense of an integration test). Not until a test has been successful, is the
development finally imported into the productive system (PRD).
Hint: The term system is not necessarily identical with runtime system.
The figure illustrates that a system may consist of a development
configuration (located on SAP NWDI) and / or of a runtime system.
Developers use SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio to initiate the transfer of
local development work to the central development system. SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio uses CBS and CM Services to start the deployment to the central
development system. The import into all the following systems is controlled
exclusively via the Change and Transport System (CTS) and it is the administrator
who starts the imports via transaction STMS.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
In case of using activity-based SDA transports, you need to create a development
configuration for the development system of the system landscape. This
development configuration contains areas of the DTR (for source code versioning)
and CBS (for archives).
Note: A note on the TMS upload system: In order to be able to develop
an application for AS Java you need to import some basic libraries
(prerequisite Software Component Archives) into the CBS. To be able
to do so, a transport request with these libraries needs to be created and
imported all systems for which you created a development configuration
(tp parameter DI_SYSTEM = TRUE). For this transport request (and future
transport requests with newer libraries, for example, after SP updates of
your AS Java) you need an upload system. This upload system does not
require a server or an installation of an AS Java. It is just a “dummy”
system that is needed to be able to create transport requests.
Addendum: CM Services
Starting with enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, SAP provides
the first version of the Change Management Services (CM Services). The CM
Services are the successor of CMS (Change Management Service) in SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI). CMS is now in maintenance
mode – there are no new features going to be developed.
The “old” CMS provides the functionality to perform two different tasks. The
first task is the system administration part where you setup a track in order to
create a transport landscape for your runtime systems and the second task is the
configuration of development configurations for your development cycle and the
export of deployable units (SCA files – Software Component Archives). The
integration with the enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+) is possible
during the assembly step where the SCA file is attached to a CTS+ transport
request. But in that case a track configuration is still needed.
With the introduction of CM Services, a clear separation of both tasks is provided.
The first task is covered by CTS+, where you define your non-ABAP runtime
systems and your transport route. The remaining second part – development
configurations and export – is now handled by the new CM Services. Therefore a
CMS track is no longer needed on the Java side. With the close integration of CM
Services with the mechanism of CTS+ you can now manage your development
configurations together with your transport landscape via the CTS system.
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
For the use of CM Services, you need to distinguish different SAP systems:
one system based on usage type AS Java on which SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure is running (SAP NWDI system)
one system based on AS ABAP + Java on which the Change and Transport
System is configured (CTS system) and
multiple runtime systems (for example: development system, production
system) – based either on AS Java or on AS ABAP + Java.
Figure 142: Addendum: CM Services – Configuration Overview
The figure above shows on which of these systems the components which are
needed for the use of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure together with
CM Services should run:
A System Landscape Directory (SLD) is needed if you are developing your
own Software Components in the SAP Component Model to store the
products, software components and development configurations. SLD is part
of each AS Java – you can decide which one to use.
The CTS Deploy Web Service and CM Services are part of AS Java as well –
from a principle point of view they can be used either on the CTS system
or on the SAP NWDI system. For source transports It is recommended to
configure them on the SAP NWDI system. For the transport of deployables it
is recommended to use the CTS Deploy Web Service both on the SAP NWDI
system and the CTS system however.
CMS as part of usage type DI is not used / needed any more if you are
working with the CM Services.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
In addition, the figure above outlines, which connections between the CTS system
and the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure system (SAP NWDI system)
will be needed:
RFC destination CTSCONFIG from the CTS system to the SAP NWDI
system. This RFC destination is used in two different cases (realized with
the help of two different logical ports)
for the creation of development configurations from transaction STMS
using the logical port CTSCONFIG.
for calling the CTS Deploy Web Service on the SAP NWDI system.
Hint: The CTS Deploy Web Service in the SAP NWDI system
is used on one hand when starting tp on the CTS system using
the logical port CTSDEPLOY_DI (in case of transporting
sources). On the other hand it is used in case of deploying from
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio into the central development
system of the TMS system landscape.
JCo destination sap.com/com.sap.tc.di.CTSserver of type RFC
for the connection from the SAP NWDI system back to the communication
system as defined in transaction STMS on the CTS system
RFC destination CTSDEPLOY (using the logical port CTSDEPLOY) is
needed when calling the CTS Deploy Web Service on the CTS system.
Hint: This is done on one hand in case of using CTS for other
transports such as e.g. portal content or SLD content. In case of
transporting deployables on the other hand, you can call the CTS
Deploy Web Service on the CTS system as well for the import into
the QAS and the PRD system. In this scenario the SAP NWDI
system will not be needed for the import into follow-up systems.
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Exercise 16: Checking the Settings on
System Landscape Directory
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Check settings in the Software Catalog area of SAP System Landscape
Business Example
In 2005, the company COMPANY (Internet Domain company.com) launched the
first version of the software product MATHEMATICS which consists, among other
things, of version 1.0 of the software component CALCULATOR and is based on
SAP Web AS 6.40. When first developed, version 1.0 of the software component
CALCULATOR was implemented in JSP technology. Since then, a new version of
MATHEMATICS (Version 2013.1) has been implemented. This consists (among
other things) of version 4.0 of the software component CALCULATOR and is
based on AS Java 7.30. During the review of CALCULATOR, a change was made
from JSP technology to Java Web Dynpro. However, during the test phase, a
number of minor errors were detected in CALCULATOR 4.0 which are now to be
eliminated in this unit.
Task: Check the SLD Settings
Check whether a product MATHEMATICS with the version 2013.1 and an
associated software component CALCULATOR version 4.0 exist in the SAP
System Landscape Directory (SLD) of the SAP NWDI system. If not, create these
elements in the SLD. Check whether a namespace for the Development Component
Name company.com/math/calc is defined in the SLD. If not, create one.
Log on to the Web interface of the SLD and check in the area Home →
Products whether the product MATHEMATICS exists in Version 2013.1
from the vendor company.com.
Check whether there is a software component CALCULATOR in version
4.0 for this product. Make sure that this software component possesses the
dependent software components JAVA FRAMEWORK OFFLINE 7.30, DI
WEB DYNPRO RUNTIME 7.30 in the Build Time context.
Check in the area Home → Name Reservation to see whether a namespace
prefix company.com/math/calc is defined for the Development Component
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Solution 16: Checking the Settings on
System Landscape Directory
Task: Check the SLD Settings
Check whether a product MATHEMATICS with the version 2013.1 and an
associated software component CALCULATOR version 4.0 exist in the SAP
System Landscape Directory (SLD) of the SAP NWDI system. If not, create these
elements in the SLD. Check whether a namespace for the Development Component
Name company.com/math/calc is defined in the SLD. If not, create one.
Log on to the Web interface of the SLD and check in the area Home →
Products whether the product MATHEMATICS exists in Version 2013.1
from the vendor company.com.
In the browser, call the URL http://<NWDI-Host>:<NWDI-Port>/sld,
where <NWDI-Host> and <NWDI-Port> are the host name and port
of the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) for your
training course, which are given to you by your instructor. Log on with
your course user <CourseID>-## to the NDI system (## corresponds
to the group number assigned to you in the course). You are now on the
System Landscape Directory (SLD).
Choose Home → Products. In the selection list, choose the Software
Type Products and, in the resulting list, select MATHE* in the Filter
field and choose Go to see whether there is an entry MATHEMATICS
of company.com in version MATHEMATICS, 2013.1 of company.com
(in the resulting list, you may need to scroll down to find this entry). If
this is not the case, choose the button New Product Version, enter the
following values in the input fields and then choose Create:
Vendor: company.com
Version: 2013.1
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Check whether there is a software component CALCULATOR in version
4.0 for this product. Make sure that this software component possesses the
dependent software components JAVA FRAMEWORK OFFLINE 7.30, DI
WEB DYNPRO RUNTIME 7.30 in the Build Time context.
If you have not already done so, call the URL http://<NWDIHost>:<NWDI-Port>/sld in the browser, where <NWDI-Host> and
<NWDI-Port> are the host name and port of the SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure system for your training course, which are
provided by your instructor. If you have not done so already, log on
with your course user <CourseID>-## (## corresponds to the group
number assigned to you in the course). You are now on the System
Landscape Directory (SLD).
Choose Home → Software Components. In the list, check whether there
is an entry CALCULATOR of company.com, version CALCULATOR,
4.0 of company.com. To do this, enter CALCULATOR in the Filter field
and choose Go (again you may need to scroll down in the resulting list
to find this entry). If this entry exists, select it and check on the tab page
Dependencies in the lower half of the screen (in the context BuildTime)
whether the software component versions from the task description
have been entered as Prerequisite Software Component Versions.
If the entry CALCULATOR of company.com in Version 4.0 does not
exist, choose the button New Software Component Version, enter the
following values in the input fields and then choose Create:
Product: MATHEMATICS, 2013.1 of company.com (select from
the selection list)
Unit: MATHEMATICS 2013.1: BASIC FEATURES (if this does
not exist yet, create it by choosing Create New Unit)
Vendor: company.com
Version: 4.0
Production State: started
Now select the new software component version. In the lower half
of the screen, go to the Dependencies tab (in the BuildTime context)
and enter the software component versions JAVA FRAMEWORK
ENGINEAPI 7.30 and WEB DYNPRO RUNTIME 7.30 as prerequisite
software component versions. Use the button Define Prerequisite
Software Component Versions to do this.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Check in the area Home → Name Reservation to see whether a namespace
prefix company.com/math/calc is defined for the Development Component
In the System Landscape Directory (SLD), choose Home → Name
Reservation. On the tab page Name Prefixes, select the entry
Development Component Name in the selection list of the field Name
Category and check whether the list that is displayed contains the entry
company.com/math/calc. If this is not the case, choose New Name
Prefix..., enter the following values in the input fields and then choose
Quantity: Single
Name Category: Development Component Name
Name Prefix: company.com/math/calc
Purpose: Used by developer
Owner: <Your user name; this is the default>
You have checked that the software component version CALCULATOR 4.0 exists
on SAP System Landscape Directory and that a namespace prefix has been
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Name the building blocks of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
and explain their meaning
Explain the idea of SAP's component model for the development of Java
based SAP applications
Outline the use of Change Management Services and the enhanced Change
and Transport System for the use with SAP NetWeaver Development
Related Information
You will find an overview of the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
in the online documentation on SAP NetWeaver 7.3 in the area SAP NetWeaver
→ SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View → Solution Life Cycle
Management → Using the Development Infrastructure.
For more information about the Eclipse project, see http://www.eclipse.org.
For more information about the enhanced CTS, go to the documentation
for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 , area SAP NetWeaver → SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View → Solution Life Cycle Management → Software Logistics
→ Change and Transport System → Change and Transport System – Overview
(BC-CTS) → Transporting Non-ABAP Objects in Change and Transport System
and see SAP Note 1003674 – Enhancement for non-ABAP systems in CTS .
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java
Lesson Overview
After the general setup, the individual elements of SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure (NWDI) have been configured. But there are still other steps that
must be done before you can start developing Java applications. For example, the
system landscape needs to be defined and SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
must be connected to SAP NWDI. This lesson addresses these steps that are still
required before the start of the actual development.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
List the necessary steps to define a system landscape for SAP NWDI based
development in the ABAP Transport Management System
Connect SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio to the central components of
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
Business Example
Your company has decided to develop its own Java-based business applications
using SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI). After you, as a
member of the system administration, have configured the central components
of SAP NWDI, it is now your task to define the system landscape before the
developers can start developing.
After a complete SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) –
consisting of the Change Management Services (CM Services), Design Time
Repository (DTR) and Component Build Service (CBS) – has been installed, after
three SAP NetWeaver AS Java systems are available for the development, quality
assurance and the productive use of the application, and after the administrator has
been assigned to write authorization on the System Landscape Directory (SLD),
there are still a few steps that must be done to be able to use the activity-based
SDA transport scenario with SAP NWDI. These configuration steps can be
divided into two areas:
initial setup and enablement of CM Services
configuration of the system landscape
This section gives an overview on the initial setup steps. The next sections the
focus on the configuration of the system landscape.
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
The following configuration roadmap assumes that you start from zero – this
means that neither the ABAP Change and Transport system (CTS) is configured
for the transport of Java changes nor SAP NWDI or SLD are configured up to now.
Hint: Concerning SAP NWDI, only the Design Time Repository (DTR)
and the Component Build Service (CBS) are needed in case you use the
development and transport options offered by CM Services. Therefore the
configuration of the Change Management Service (CMS) is not part of
this roadmap and this lesson.
Figure 143: Configuring SAP NWDI for CM Services – Roadmap
Steps 1 and 2 of the roadmap above are necessary for the use of SAP NWDI
integration into the enhanced CTS (CTS+) independent from the use of CM
Services. Step 4 is generally required to be able to use CTS+.
There are wizards available in SAP NetWeaver Administrator
(http://<Host>:<port>/nwa) area Deploy and Change → Configuration Wizard
which allow to perform the initial configuration of the System Landscape Directory
(CTC template NWA_01_This wizard will execute configuration for local SLD) and
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
to perform the initial configuration of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
(CTC template Initial setup of functional unit Development Infrastructure (DI
Note: The configuration of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
also includes the configuration of the Name Server on the System
Landscape Directory.
SAP recommends to use Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanisms (Logon Ticket,
Assertion Ticket) options for the JCo destination between the SAP NWDI system
and the CTS system. Therefore every SAP NWDI developer needs special
permission on the CTS system as well. You therefore need to make sure that these
users have assigned the correct role on the CTS system.
Note: You have to create a user for every developer on the CTS system.
The users are required on the CTS system e.g. to get a transport request
when exporting. You can use the user IDs of your developers. Make
sure that you use IDs which allow to be used in SSO mode. If the users
already exist, continue with the profile that is required and assign it to
all of the users.
In transaction PFCG on the CTS system, copy role SAP_CTS_PLUS into your
namespace (for example to role Z_CTS_PLUS).
In addition you need to assign the actions and roles introduced by CM
Services to the appropriate users: In the UME of your SAP NWDI System
map the SAP_DI_ADMINISTRATOR role to the NWDI.Administrators
group. This role includes – among others – administrative authorizations
for CM Services.
map the SAP_DI_DEVELOPER role to the NWDI.Developers group. This
role includes – among others – display and export authorization for CM
In order to use the Transport Organizer Web UI (for example for creating an
upload transport request), you need to activate the service CTS_BROWSER and
all other services that are necessary for ABAP Web Dynpro in transaction SICF.
For details see SAP note 1088717 – Active services for Web Dynpro ABAP in
transaction SICF.
Hint: For more information, see the online documentation for SAP
NetWeaver 7.3, area SAP NetWeaver → SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View → Solution Life Cycle Management → Software
Logistics → Change and Transport System → Change and Transport
System – Overview → Transporting Non-ABAP Objects in Change and
Transport System.
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
The RFC destination CTSCONFIG points from the CTS system to the system
on which the CM services are running (that is the SAP NWDI system). This
connection is used for the creation of development components (DTR workspaces,
CBS buildspace) from transaction STMS of the CTS system. From technical point
of view, this RFC destination is of type G – HTTP Connection to External Server.
Note that this RFC destination is referenced by two different logical ports (in
client 000 of the CTS system):
logical port CTSCONFIG (proxy class CO_TDIDICONFIGURATION_SERVICE) for the creation of development configurations from transaction STMS
logical port CTSDEPLOY_DI (proxy class CO_TFLDEPLOY_PROXY_VI_DOCUMENT) for calling the CTS Deploy Web Service
on the SAP NWDI system.
Hint: The CTS Deploy Web Service in the SAP NWDI system is
used on one hand when starting tp on the CTS system using the
logical port CTSDEPLOY_DI (in case of transporting sources). On
the other hand it is used in case of deploying from SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio into the central development system of the TMS
system landscape.
The RFC destination CTSDEPLOY (using the logical port CTSDEPLOY) points
from the AS ABAP of the CTS system to the AS Java of the CTS system. This
destination is needed when calling the CTS Deploy Web Service on the CTS
Hint: This is done on one hand in case of using CTS for other transports
such as e.g. portal content or SLD content. In case of transporting
deployables on the other hand, you can call the CTS Deploy Web Service
on the CTS system as well for the import into the QAS and the PRD
system. In this scenario the SAP NWDI system will not be needed for
the import into follow-up systems.
Before you can attach objects to transport requests directly in the application,
you must first use RFC to connect your SAP application system (such as
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure) to the CTS system. This
enables your application to communicate with the transport system. To
create this RFC connection, proceed as follows: In SAP NetWeaver
Administrator of your CM Services system (that is the SAP NWDI system:
http://<NWDI-Host>:<port>/nwa), choose area System Management →
Configuration → Destinations. Create a new destination of type RFC called
(exactly!) sap.com/com.sap.tc.di.CTSserver by choosing New.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Finally you need to structure your development according to SAP's component
model by defining a product that in turn consists of software component versions.
This is done on SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD).
Step 7 of the roadmap shown above is explained in more detail in the following
sections of this lesson.
The meaning of a system in the context of SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
The development configuration determines the developer's view of the
development infrastructure. The development configuration defines the software
components that are to be developed and determines the access to the objects in
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure. All developers that use the same
development configuration work with the same, consistent objects.
Two workspaces (one each for the “active” and “inactive” sources) are assigned
to each development configuration in the Design Time Repository. A workspace
contains the sources of a particular status of a software component. Workspaces
are represented and addressed in the repository using URLs.
Each development configuration is represented in the Component Build Service
by exactly one buildspace. Among other things, the buildspace is responsible for
the combining of changes and providing library archives for used components.
The Transport Management System (TMS) transports software changes between
In the context of the transport of Java applications with the ABAP Transport
Management System (TMS), a system can consist of a development configuration
and a runtime system. A system can contain only a development configuration,
only a runtime system, or both, depending on whether source code or deployable
archives are to be transported. This is shown in the following figure.
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
Figure 144: System – Building Blocks
A system corresponds to a development stage (development, test, production) in
the system landscape.
Defining a System Landscape for Activity-based SDA
A system landscape for the development of Java applications contains all
development configurations and all runtime environments that are required to
develop, test, and produce one or more software components.
Deployment to the runtime environment takes place for SAP systems that are
based on AS Java 7.0x or SAP Web AS Java 6.40 via the Software Deployment
Managers (SDM). The SDM password must be defined on the CTS system
landscape for this purpose. For SAP systems that are based on AS Java 7.1 or
higher, deployment takes place from the Deploy Controller. In this case, the
password of a user (who can start the deployment process on the SAP system)
must be defined on the Transport Management System (TMS)
The following roadmap contains the main configuration steps for the Transport
Management System (TMS) on the CTS system.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 145: Configuration of TMS on the CTS System – Roadmap
Some of the steps are discussed in more detail in the remaining part of this section.
Creating systems in Transport Management System
Before you can define a system landscape for the transport of activities with SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure, you need to define the single systems of
this landscape. This is done in transaction STMS (Transport Management System)
on the CTS system (usually this is the transport domain controller system) in area
Overview → Systems.
Depending on the transport scenario, you need to define
systems without development configuration and
systems with development configuration
For the activity-based SDA transport scenario, the development system is a
system with development configuration whereas the upload system, the quality
assurance system and the production system are all systems without development
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
Figure 146: Configure a non-ABAP system in TMS
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
The creation of a non-ABAP System with development configuration is similar
to the creation of a non-ABAP system without development configuration: On
your CTS system, call transaction STMS. In the System Overview area, choose
SAP System → Create → Non-ABAP-System and enter the required data (see
the figure above).
System: Enter the SID of your runtime system or, for example, UPL (Upload
Hint: If the SID is already used, you can also use any 3 letter name
that has not yet been used in the transport domain. It is not required
that the runtime systems are shown in CTS by their real SID – but it
simplifies keeping an overview if you do so.
Communication System: Choose the system where you have configured
the logical port in transaction LPCONFIG and the RFC destination
CTSCONFIG. Usually, this is your CTS system.
Development Infrastructure: set the option Create Development
Configuration only for systems with development configuration. This option
is required for all systems where you would either like to develop or import
sources based on SAP's AS Java. In the activity-based SDA transport
scenario, this option needs to be selected only for the development system.
Source System Settings: Activate the Transport Organizer Web UI to be able
to create transport requests for this system. Choose this option for each and
every system where you would like to do exports (usually, this should be
done only for your development system and your upload system).
Target System Settings: Specify your development runtime system by
choosing the method SDM or DC (depending on the release of the runtime
system) and enter host and instance number for this Java system. These
settings do not need to be maintained for the upload system.
Note: This configuration is different from what you might know
when using CTS+, for example, for SAP NetWeaver Portal systems.
When using the CM Services, the development system has to have
both configurations: source and target system. The target system
option for the development system is needed to be able to import the
transport requests coming from the upload system.
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
When first saving a non-ABAP system with development configuration (Create
Development Configuration is selected) additional data is required:
On the System Landscape Directory screen, enter the URL of the SLD that
you would like to use for SAP NWDI development (as specified when
executing the template for the SAP NWDI configuration (Initial setup of
functional unit Development Infrastructure (DI all-in-one)).
Specify the user and password to be used by CM Services to communicate
with the SLD. For example, enter NWDI_CMSADM as user and the password
of this user (for example, the master password used during the execution of
the template for the SAP NWDI configuration).
Enter the user used by CM Services to communicate with DTR/CBS. This is
also user NWDI_CMSADM with the appropriate password.
After saving and distributing your changes, you finally need to set user and
password for the deployment. In case of SDM deployment, you only have to
enter a password, leave the entry for User to SDM.
Note: For runtime systems with SDM (7.0x) use SDM as user. As of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java 7.1 the Deploy Controller is used for deployments.
In this case, enter a user with deploy permission and the appropriate
After the changes have been saved and distributed, the Development Configuration
UI appears (see the following figure).
Figure 147: Development Configuration UI
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
With the Development Infrastructure – Configuration Service User Interface you
can manage development configurations in your landscape. There are three tabs
System Landscape Directory tab: In the Copy to overwrite Local Settings
and Software Component Definition area, you can copy the definition of a
development configuration to the development configuration that is currently
Note: You cannot modify some entries on the System Landscape
Directory tab page data (SLD URL, user, password, and URL of
CM Services) in the Configuration Service UI. You can modify
the related values in TMS (transaction STMS). The SLD URL for
example also is a global tp parameter (DI_SLD_URL), the user can
be changed on the Transport Tool tab using Goto → Development
Infrastructure → DI SLD User / Password.
Local Settings tab: Here you need to enter the Repository Location (DTR)
URL for the storage and versioning of sources and the Build Tool Location
(CBS) URL for building DCs (development components). Use the URLs
of your SAP NWDI server.
In the Transport Settings area, you can define the Export Mode and the
granularity level of the export package that should be possible for your
transport landscape.
Hint: Before you can save these settings, you need to add at least
one software component on the Software Component Definition tab
as the DTR and CBS URL will be deleted in case that no software
components are added for this configuration.
Software Component Definition tab: Here you can add software component
versions (that you want to be developed in this development configuration).
Choose Add SC in the Software Component section. All available software
components are read from SLD and are provided in a list. Note that software
components that are required for a certain software component are shown
only if you have specified the DTR / CBS location on the Local Settings tab
Hint: As of enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 you can
specify Build Options here as well. As SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure supports the development of Java applications for
different AS Java releases, different versions of the JDK may be
required to build these applications. With the help of the Build
Option com.sap.jdk.home_path_key you can specify which
JDK is to be used for the build (the Value of this parameter needs to
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
match one entry in the JDK_HOME_PATH service properties for the
Component Build Service (area Server → Services → Component
Build Service in the Visual Administrator tool).
tp parameter
The transport control program tp is a tool for controlling transports between SAP
systems. The behavior of tp can be controlled by tp parameters. To maintain tp
parameters, use transaction STMS of the Transport Domain Controller system
(System Overview area, Transport Tool tab for the system in question).
Selected tp Parameters for Activity-based SDA Transport Scenario
URL pointing
to start page
of AS Java on
which SLD
and Name
Server are
pointing to
start page of
AS Java on
which SLD
and Name
Server are
directory on
CTS system
\trans\data \trans\data
directory on directory on
CTS system CTS system
URL pointing
to the deploy
tool of the
pointing to
the deploy
tool of
the quality
URL pointing
to the deploy
tool of the
runtime system
tp parameter
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
URL pointing
to start page
of AS Java on
which SLD and
Name Server
are used
Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
in which
files for
SCs are
on CTS
on which
client on CTS
system on
which STMS
is called
tp parameter
The following tp parameter are used for the activity-based SDA transport scenario:
NON_ABAP_WBO_CLIENT specifies the client (on the CTS system) in
which transport requests can be created and released. This parameter is
needed to enable the Transport Organizer Web UI and to restrict this Web UI
for non-ABAP systems to one client.
The parameter WBO_GET_REQ_STRATEGY (values: SMART or TAGGED)
defines the automatic creation of transport requests during the export process.
The parameter WBO_REL_REQ_STRATEGY (values AUTO or MANUAL)
defines the automatic release of transport requests.
The parameter NON_ABAP_WBO_INBOX points to the directory in which
the transport organizer looks for files that should be transported.
The parameter DI_SYSTEM indicates whether or not it is a system with
development configuration.
You can choose how to send non-ABAP objects from transport requests
to the target system. You can use a mount directory or a share directory –
set the parameter DEPLOY_DATA_SHARE (this parameter points to the
directory where tp stores the data and the CTS Deploy Web Service takes
it for deployment to the runtime systems, the parameter will be generated
automatically but you may need to adapt the value of this parameter
manually). Or you can create an SAP Java Connector connection (JCo
connection) – in this case set the parameter CTS_FILE_PROVIDER_URI.
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
The value of the parameter DEPLOY_WEB_SERVICE must be changed to
CTSDEPLOY_DI manually. This has been configured as the name for the
logical port pointing to the RFC destination CTSCONFIG of type G before.
This parameter is generated automatically but is set by default to the value
CTSDEPLOY when creating a new non-ABAP system.
If you want trigger the deployment in the target systems, you need to specify
the parameter DEPLOY_URL. This parameter is generated automatically
and should point to the URL of the deploy tool (for example: the Deploy
Controller) of the target system.
Note: You may need to change the DEPLOY_URL parameter to
the correct deploy port if you are using runtime systems which are
based on AS Java 7.1 or higher. For AS Java 7.1 and higher the
DEPLOY_URL has to be http://<host>:5<instance number>04.
System Landscape
Transport routes are created using transaction STMS on the CTS system. The
required transport routes depend on the transport settings that you did when
creating the development configurations.
Figure 148: TMS System Landscape for Activity-based SDA Transports
The figure above shows the transport routes for the activity-based SDA transport
scenario. Solid arrows indicate consolidation routes (including a transport layer),
dashed arrows indicate delivery routes.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
For details how to create transport routes, see the online documentation
for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 , area SAP NetWeaver → SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View → Solution Life Cycle Management → Software
Logistics → Change and Transport System → Transport Management System
(BC-CTS-TMS) → Configuring TMS → Configuring the Transport Routes.
For the transport type Activity-based SDA Transport, you have to configure a
consolidation route between the development system and the quality assurance
system. This consolidation route is needed to export new developments from the
development system and bring them to the target systems. The delivery route
between the quality assurance system and the production system is required to be
able to import all of the requests that were created in the development system into
the production system as well.
Upload Directory
In order to be able to develop an application for AS Java you need to import
some basic libraries (prerequisite software component archives) into DTR and
CBS and maybe some SCAs containing sources that you would like to change.
To be able to do so, a transport request with these libraries needs to be created
and imported into the development system and all other systems of the transport
route for which you have created a development configuration (all systems with
tp parameter DI_SYSTEM = TRUE).
As a prerequisite you need an upload directory as kind of “inbox” where the files
can be taken from. You can create this folder on the client side as well as on the
server side. If you choose to create the folder on the server side, see SAP note
1408532 – CTS+ Transport Organizer Upload of Large Files.
Check-In and transport of required software
According to the definition of the software component version on SAP System
Landscape Directory (SLD), among others the environment required for a central
build (including the component DI BUILD TOOL) is defined as a prerequisite
(dependent) software component.
You must also check-in the version of all these dependent components
(corresponding to the release and Support Package level of the runtime systems
for which you want to develop).
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
You can download these software components from SAP Service Marketplace. To
check them in, you must create a transport request for the upload system.
Hint: You can find the required dependent SAP software components
on SAP Service Marketplace under the Quick Link /patches. You can
also trigger the download of these SC versions from here. You can use
the following path to find the typical prerequisite software components:
Support Package and Patches → A - Z Index → Support Packages and
Patches → N → SAP NETWEAVER → SAP NETWEAVER <Release> →
Entry by Component → Development Infrastructure → <SC in question>
The following figure shows how to create a transport request for the upload system
to import the required sources and libraries into the development configurations of
the system landscape:
Figure 149: Creation of an Upload Transport Request
On the CTS system (usually this is the transport domain controller system), call
transaction STMS and choose the Transport Organizer Web UI button.
On the following screen select your upload system, choose Copy and then
Continue. A browser window opens. Choose Create Request, enter the required
data, and choose Create. Make sure that the transport request is defined as
Preselected Request. As a result, a transport request is created. Switch to the
Object List tab page, choose Attach. Select the Application NWDI, and Client or
Server depending on where your inbox is located. Browse for the required SCA
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
files and choose Ok. Repeat this step to attach all required SCAs to the request.
Finally choose Release to release the transport request. On the Logs tab page you
can see the target system information.
Hint: Upload of big files from the client may fail. In this case, choose the
option Server and upload the files from there (see SAP note 1408532 –
CTS+ Transport Organizer Upload of Large Files).
The import of transport requests into subsequent systems is done (as usual for
ABAP transport requests) in transaction STMS of the CTS system (Import
Overview area).
During the import into the quality assurance system, the transport control
program tp triggers the import dispatcher RDDIMPDP that in turn triggers the
job RDDEPLOY. This job opens a connection to the CTS Deploy Proxy. This
connection needs to be kept open during the complete deployment process. The
CTS Deploy Proxy finally calls the import tool on the AS Java side (for example
the Deploy Controller).
As a result, the transport request is now listed in the import queue of the production
system (according to the definition of the transport landscape in transaction STMS,
area Transport Routes).
After the import has finished, you may want to check the deployment log which
can be accessed directly using the Logs button.
Hint: If you cannot find the transport request in the import queue, feel
free to look in the import history which can be accessed from the import
queue with Goto → Import History.
Configuring SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Before the actual development of programs and applications can be started, the
local development environment (that is, SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio) must
also be configured for connection to the central infrastructure.
Hint: The version of the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio must match
the version of the runtime systems for which it is developed. If, for
example, the development is for SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.30 with SP
Stack X and an SAP NWDI system on AS Java 7.02 with SP Stack Y is
used for this, then SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 7.30 SP Stack X
needs to be used for the development.
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
For this purpose, in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (Studio), settings must be
made for the connection to the SAP NWDI system and the local AS Java and for
the proxy settings may have to be checked. You can find these settings using
the menu path Window → Preferences.
To have access to the development configurations in the SLD, define the
URL of the SLD in the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. This is done
for the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 7.11 in the area Development
Infrastructure → System Landscape Directory.
You must specify the location of the runtime environment for local testing.
You do this in the area SAP AS Java. You must specify the host name
and an instance number of the AS Java here (for example, of a local SAP
NetWeaver Portal 7.3 system).
You must also check the settings for the proxy. In this case, the addresses
of the SAP NWDI servers (more precisely: the DTR server) must not be
addressed via a proxy server. You make these settings in the area General →
Network Connections.
Depending on the release of SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, you may
also need to specify the connection to the CTS system. This is done in the
area Destination Configurations → R/3 Configuration.
Figure 150: Configuring SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (Window →
Preferences Menu)
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Importing the Development Configuration
Development configurations provide a development environment for one (or
several) specific software component(s) in the current development status.
Therefore, every development tasks begins with the selection of the development
Hint: Logging on to a development configuration corresponds in the
ABAP to logging on to a development system. The developer has access
to the sources to be developed and the archives used with this logon.
You can import the development configuration using a perspective provided for
this purpose: the Development Infrastructure perspective. For this purpose, you
have to log on to the central infrastructure (DTR, CBS, CM Services) from SAP
NetWeaver Developer Studio.
Hint: SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio is based on the Eclipse platform.
It provides a range of tools for all aspects of application development. As
is usual in Eclipse, the related tools are mainly combined into perspectives
in accordance with task-specific requirements.
After you have imported the development configuration, a tree structure for the
development configuration and the software component appears in the Component
Browser view of SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. You can now create new
development components by opening the software component's context menu.
Alternatively, you can adapt existing development components. The changes to
the sources of the software components are recorded in activities.
Hint: An activity is a set of versions that have been created by a user and
assigned to a workspace. It logs changes to the workspace resources that
correspond to a single logical change.
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
Exercise 17: Preparing for the
Development of Java Applications
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Connect SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio with the central components of
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
Business Example
In 2005, the company COMPANY (Internet Domain company.com) launched the
first version of the software product MATHEMATICS which consists, among
other things, of version 1.0 of the software component CALCULATOR and is
based on SAP Web AS 6.40. When first developed, version 1.0 of the software
component CALCULATOR was implemented in JSP technology. Since then, a
new the version of MATHEMATICS (version 2013.1) has been implemented.
This consists (among other things) of the software component CALCULATOR in
version 4.0 and is based on AS Java 7.30. During the review of CALCULATOR, it
was decided to change from JSP technology to Web Dynpro. However, during the
test phase, a number of minor errors were detected in CALCULATOR 4.0 which
are now to be eliminated in this unit.
Task 1: Optional: Check the System Landscape
Check the system landscape for the development. Find out whether or not runtime
systems are assigned to the quality assurance system and to the production system.
Which software component version is to be developed in this system landscape?
Log on to the CTS system that is used in your training class with the user
provided by your instructor. Open the Transport Route editor in transaction
STMS and check the system landscape for the development of Portal
applications. Find out which system ID belongs to the development system,
which system ID belongs to the quality assurance system and which system
ID belongs to the production system.
Check the tp parameter for the quality assurance system and for the
production system. Is there a runtime system assigned to the quality
assurance system and to the production system?
Find out which software component version is to be developed in the system
landscape to which the Portal development system belongs.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Task 2: Create Transport Request
On the CTS system, create a transport request for the Portal development system.
Assign your user to this transport request. Specify the transport request to be
the preselected request.
Log on to the CTS system that is used in your training class. Your instructor
will provide you with details. Start the Transport Organizer Web UI for the
SAP NetWeaver Portal development system.
Create a transport request for the SAP NetWeaver Portal development
system. Make sure that this transport request will be the preselected request
for your user.
You have created a transport request that can be used by your user later, for
example when you work in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
Task 3: Configure SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Figure 151: Structure of the Training Landscape
Start the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio that you have been assigned
and configure it for connection to the central SAP NetWeaver Development
Configure your SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (Studio) so that you have
access to the System Landscape Directory that is used in this training class.
You must also specify the location of your SAP NetWeaver Portal system
for local testing.
Task 4: Import the Development Configuration into
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Import the development configuration of the (central) Portal development system
into your SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
In SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, switch to the Development
Infrastructure perspective and import the development configuration from
the SLD that your instructor provides.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Solution 17: Preparing for the
Development of Java Applications
Task 1: Optional: Check the System Landscape
Check the system landscape for the development. Find out whether or not runtime
systems are assigned to the quality assurance system and to the production system.
Which software component version is to be developed in this system landscape?
Log on to the CTS system that is used in your training class with the user
provided by your instructor. Open the Transport Route editor in transaction
STMS and check the system landscape for the development of Portal
applications. Find out which system ID belongs to the development system,
which system ID belongs to the quality assurance system and which system
ID belongs to the production system.
If you have not yet already done so, create an SAP Logon entry for the
CTS system that is used in your training class. Your instructor will
provide you with logon details.
Log on to the CTS system that is used in your training class. Use the
credentials which are provided by your instructor.
Start transaction STMS (Transport Management System) and choose
Overview → Transport Routes.
You should find a system landscape for Portal development (for
example systems POD, POQ and POP which play the role of the
Portal development system, the Portal quality assurance system and
the Portal production system). And you should find an upload system
(for example UPL).
You should find the following transport routes for this system landscape:
a consolidation route from the upload system to the Portal
development system (indicated by a green arrow)
a consolidation route from the Portal development system to the
Portal quality assurance system (indicated by a green arrow)
a delivery route from the Portal quality assurance system to the
Portal production system (indicated by a black arrow)
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
Check the tp parameter for the quality assurance system and for the
production system. Is there a runtime system assigned to the quality
assurance system and to the production system?
If you have not yet already done, log on to the CTS system that is used
in your training class. Use the credentials which are given to you by
your instructor.
Start transaction STMS (Transport Management System) and choose
Overview → Systems.
Double click on the line for the Portal quality assurance system (for
example: the line for system POQ). Switch to the Transport Tool tab.
Check whether or not a line for the tp parameter DEPLOY_URL
exists. If it exists, there is a runtime system assigned to the Portal
quality assurance system. In this case, the value of the parameter
DEPLOY_URL should read http://<Host of the Portal
quality assurance runtime system>:5<instance
number of the Portal quality assurance
Caution: Do not change any parameters here.
Choose Back to go to the System Overview screen again.
Double click on the line for the Portal production system (for example:
the line for system POP). Switch to the Transport Tool tab.
Check whether or not a line for the tp parameter DEPLOY_URL exists.
If it exists, there is a runtime system assigned to the Portal production
system. In this case, the value of the parameter DEPLOY_URL
should read http://<Host of the Portal production
runtime system>:5<instance number of the Portal
production system>04.
Caution: Do not change any parameters here.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Find out which software component version is to be developed in the system
landscape to which the Portal development system belongs.
If you have not yet already done, log on to the CTS system that is used
in your training class. Use the credentials which are given to you by
your instructor.
Start transaction STMS (Transport Management System) and choose
Overview → Systems.
Double click on the line for the Portal development system (for
example: the line for system POD). Switch to the Transport Tool tab.
Click on the button Display/Change Development Configuration.
You may be prompted to log on to the SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure (NWDI) system. In this case, enter your credentials on
the SAP NWDI system. Your instructor will provide you with details.
On the Development Infrastructure – Configuration Service screen,
switch to the Local Settings tab.
In the area Repository and Build Tool Location you find information on
the Repository Location (DTR) and the Build Tool Location (CBS). In
the lower right area you find information, which software component
version is to be developed.
Caution: Do not change any settings here.
Finally close the browser window to leave the Development
Infrastructure – Configuration Service screen.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
Task 2: Create Transport Request
On the CTS system, create a transport request for the Portal development system.
Assign your user to this transport request. Specify the transport request to be
the preselected request.
Log on to the CTS system that is used in your training class. Your instructor
will provide you with details. Start the Transport Organizer Web UI for the
SAP NetWeaver Portal development system.
If you have not yet already done, log on to the CTS system that is used
in your training class. Use the credentials which are given to you by
your instructor.
Start transaction STMS (Transport Management System) and choose
the Transport Organizer Web UI button. On the following screen select
the Portal development system (for example system POD) from the
value help and choose Continue.
In case that you are asked for credentials, enter your credentials for
the CTS system.
Create a transport request for the SAP NetWeaver Portal development
system. Make sure that this transport request will be the preselected request
for your user.
On the Transport Organizer Web UI choose Create Request. On
the resulting screen Create a Transport Request, enter a meaningful
description (for example Transport Request Group ##
where ## represents you group number). Check that your user
<Course-ID>-## is the Owner of this transport request.
Make sure that the checkbox Preselected Request is selected and
choose Create.
Finally close the browser window of the Transport Organizer Web UI.
You have created a transport request that can be used by your user later,
for example when you work in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Task 3: Configure SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Figure 152: Structure of the Training Landscape
Start the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio that you have been assigned
and configure it for connection to the central SAP NetWeaver Development
Configure your SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (Studio) so that you have
access to the System Landscape Directory that is used in this training class.
You must also specify the location of your SAP NetWeaver Portal system
for local testing.
On the training host that your instructor has assigned to you (twdfxxxx),
choose the desktop icon for SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio to start
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (Studio). You may have to choose
OK to confirm the prompt for a workspace. In the Studio, choose the
menu path Window → Preferences.
In the section Development Infrastructure → System Landscape
Directory, enter the URL of the SAP NWDI server assigned to you (SAP
system with system ID NDI) in the format http://<NWDI-host,
fully qualified>:<port>, and then choose Ping to check the
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
In the section SAP AS Java, choose Add... and enter the data of the SAP
NetWeaver Portal server assigned to you (server name and instance
number of the central instance) in the relevant fields. An example of an
entry here could be:
Instance Hostname: twdfxxxx.wdf.sap.corp
Instance Number: 00
Add to Domain: Default
Use HTTPS: <do not select>
Then choose OK → OK to confirm your settings.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Task 4: Import the Development Configuration into
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Import the development configuration of the (central) Portal development system
into your SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
In SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, switch to the Development
Infrastructure perspective and import the development configuration from
the SLD that your instructor provides.
If you have not already done so, close the initial screen (Welcome).
To import the development component, switch to the Development
Infrastructure perspective in the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio by
choosing Window → Open Perspective → Development Infrastructure
(or – if it does not exist – select this perspective using Other ...). Start
the import of development configurations by choosing the button
New/Import Development Configuration in the standard toolbar. Select
Import from System Landscape Directory (SLD) on the following
screen and choose Next>. You may have to log on to SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure as a developer on the following screen
(with the user and password that your instructor provides).
Hint: Always enter your user name (case-sensitive) using
lower-case characters (for example, <course-ID>-##) here
and later on.
Then select the configuration with the name <the development
configuration path created by your instructor>
→ <SID of the central development system> and
choose Next > → Finish. You may have to log on to the development
infrastructure again (you can also select the field Save password to
avoid any logon prompts in the future). The development configuration
settings are now read, and your development environment is set up. In
the Component Browser view, you can now see a new entry with the
name of the imported development configuration together with the
software components that are to be developed and that are required.
You have made all of the settings required as preparation for developing or
modifying Java applications in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
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Lesson: Preparing for the Development of Java Applications
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
List the necessary steps to define a system landscape for SAP NWDI based
development in the ABAP Transport Management System
Connect SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio to the central components of
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
Related Information
For more information on the configuration of SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure, see the class ADM225 – SAP Software Logistics for Java.
For more information on the configuration of the Transport Management System
(TMS), see the class ADM325 – SAP Software Logistics.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio
Lesson Overview
Java applications are usually developed in a decentralized way. In the SAP
environment, SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio provides a separate local
development environment for each developer. This lesson introduces the
individual steps that are required to develop and modify Java applications. As an
example, an existing Java Web Dynpro application is changed. The application is
finally tested and the changes are released for transport to follow-on systems.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
List the individual steps that are required from the start of developing /
changing Java objects to releasing these changes in the central development
Outline the structure of the Design Time Repository (DTR)
Business Example
Your company is using SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure. As a
member of the development team for Java applications based on SAP NetWeaver
Portal server, you want to implement your own Java application. You are therefore
interested in the interaction between the local development environment and the
central development infrastructure.
Overview of the Development Process
After SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) has been configured
and the transport landscape has been defined, you can start the actual development
of Java applications.
The figure below provides an overview of the entire process of development using
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Figure 153: SAP NWDI Based Development: Process Overview
Development configurations make available a development environment for
the software component in the current development status. Therefore, every
development task begins with the selection of the development configuration.
Hint: Logging on to a special development configuration corresponds
in the AS ABAP to logging on to a special development system. This
gives the developer access to the current sources and the archives used (to
runtime objects in the AS ABAP for example).
Development configurations are generated and stored in the System Landscape
Directory (SLD). They are imported into SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
(Studio) (step 1a). The local files can then be synchronized with the sources in
the Design Time Repository (DTR) (step 1b) and the archives in the Component
Build Service (CBS) (step 1c) .
In the next step, the source files are created or revised (step 2). From time to time,
the sources can be built locally. To do this, the build process is triggered from
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (step 3a). After the source files and the used
archives have been loaded (step 3b), the build starts automatically (step 3c). The
result is that the generated archives are written back to the local file system.
The results of the local build are then tested in the local development environment
(step 4). After a successful local test, the sources are updated in the DTR (step 5).
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
After the sources in the DTR have been updated, the central build can be
triggered from SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (step 6a). The sources and
required archives are loaded into the CBS for this (step 6b), and the build starts
automatically (step 6c). If the build was successful, the sources are automatically
activated in the DTR (step 6d).
The automatic deployment of the generated archives to the central development
system then starts, using software logistics (step 6e). A test in the context of other
developers' developments is then performed here. If this is also successful, the
activities can be released in the context of a transport request (step 7). When the
transport request is released, the changes recorded in the activities involved are
placed in the import queue of the follow-up system in the Transport Management
System (TMS) system landscape. This concludes the task of the developer.
Changing a Java Web Dynpro Application
Standard Java development objects are developed using the Java EE perspective of
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studios (Studio). This perspective ensures consistent
access to all development objects of Java EE projects.
If Java Web Dynpro applications are to be developed or changed, this adaptation
is performed in a separate perspective in the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio,
the Web Dynpro perspective. This perspective ensures consistent access to all
development objects of projects for Java Web Dypro.
Hint: The Web Dynpro perspective is (on request from SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio) automatically displayed when a Web Dynpro project
has been created. In other cases, you can start the perspective by choosing
(Window → Open Perspective → Web Dynpro).
The Web Dynpro perspective delivers a logical view of the local project structure
and provides a starting point for the relevant activities, such as creating or editing
development objects. By default, double-clicking an object starts the associated
editor. You can create new development objects for a project using wizards.
Changing a Java Web Dynpro
Java Web Dynpro applications are usually adapted in the SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio within the framework of Web Dynpro projects. You can do this
using the context menu on the entry of the relevant development component (Web
Dynpro perspective, tab page Web Dynpro Explorer). The Web Dynpro editor
is started automatically to enable you to change the Web Dynpro. The editor
possesses a number of different tabs. The tab page Layout (on a special view, for
example) indicates how the coding may appear in a browser. You can select an
object to edit its properties (tab page Properties), for example the notation.
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Building the Application Locally and Testing Locally
When you build locally, an EAR file is generated from the Enterprise Application
project (or Web Dynpro project). When you do this, the created sources are
compiled in the context of the versions of referenced objects that exist locally. At
the same time, JAR, WAR or WDA files for the referenced projects are created. In
the standard Java EE environment, project WAR files (WAR: Web Archive) are
created for Web modules and project JAR files (JAR: Java Archive) are created
for EJB modules. If SAP-proprietary Web Dynpro projects are used, then WDA
files (Web Dynpro Archives) are generated. The EAR file may contain the JAR,
WAR or WDA files and the deployment descriptors. You can also optionally build
additional libraries into the EAR file.
After the local build has been successfully completed, the application can be
deployed into the local SAP NetWeaver Portal system on the developer's PC and
tested locally (that is, in the context of the locally available sources and archives).
Checking-in the changes
The Design Time Repository (DTR) provides the versioning of source code in the
context of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure, and therefore allows the
distributed development of software in teams and transport and replication of
sources. At the start of the development, you must make the repository aware of
the intended change and arrange a change list (activity) to record the changes. The
files that are to be revised are then checked out of the DTR and changed locally
(“offline”, as it were). After the changes have been made, the sources are then
checked-in back to the DTR (in a new version). The changes to the components
take effect when the activities are checked-in.
Hint: Checking-in an activity to the DTR can be compared with releasing
a task in the context of a transport request in the ABAP (not with the
release of the transport request itself). If further changes to the objects are
required after the check-in, a new activity must be created for this. Both
activities can then be grouped together later on in the context of the same
DI package and released in the same transport request.
The DTR consists of two parts, the DTR client and the DTR server. The main
activities of the individual developers, such as checking files in and out, and
creating sources, are performed in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (which in
this context plays the role of the DTR client). The DTR server manages the data
versioning. All files are stored in the database of the AS Java on which the DTR is
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
The resources are accessed in the context of a workspace, and versions are
administered in the context of activities. Put another way: the workspace refers to
a set of resources, each in exactly one version. This also means that a resource
can be referenced in multiple workspaces. Put simply, a workspace consists of a
collection of pointers that point to file versions (see the following figure).
If a versioned resource is changed or deleted, a new version is created for this
resource. Each version of the resource created in a specific workspace receives a
unique sequence number. The sequence number specifies the order in which the
versions were created in this workspace. The DTR displays the relationships
between the individual versions of a versioned resource graphically as a version
Figure 154: Structure of the Design Time Repository (DTR)
Changed sources are always checked-in to the DTR in the inactive workspace.
The active and inactive workspace each show a version of the files stored in the
DTR. In the figure above, file 2 has already been changed a number of times.
After the last change, version 3 was generated during check-in. However, the
changes were last activated (in this workspace) with version 1, meaning that
the active workspace shows this version. After check-in, the changes that have
been made to a source are available for other developers. When copying used
Development Components (DCs), on the other hand, the active version of the DC
is always transferred to the local developer's PC, while the inactive versions of a
developer's own DCs are checked out.
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Activation, Deployment to the Central Development
System and Testing Centrally
After checking-in to the inactive workspace of the DTR, the next step is that
the application is activated. During activation – which is triggered from SAP
NetWeaver Developer Studio – a build request is first sent to the CBS. The
CBS then attempts to build the selected sources centrally (that is in the context
of the centrally available sources, interfaces, and used archives). The result of
the activation is that there are now runtime objects available for the source files
created. If the build is successful, the buildspace of the software component to
be edited is filled with the generated archive files (EAR file, and so on). After
a successful build, the active workspace in the DTR also shows the current
version of the file. The integration of the changes into the active workspace
is known as activation. This process ensures that the active workspace of the
DTR only contains successfully built (that is, compiled) sources, and that the
active workspace is always synchronized with the buildspace. Buildspaces
always contain the appropriate versions of the involved software components for
a development configuration. In this way, they make a consistent development
context available to the development teams.
Figure 155: Central Build and Activation: Interaction Between the
Component Build Service (CBS) and the Design Time Repository (DTR)
After successful activation, the application (if the development configuration
is configured accordingly in the Development Infrastructure – Configuration
Service UI, tab page Local Settings) is automatically deployed into the central
development system of the TMS system landscape. You can then test it there in
combination with the successfully activated applications of other developers.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Releasing the Changes for Test
When the development is complete and after all developers involved have
checked-in their sources, centrally activated, and centrally tested them, the changes
made by the developers can be released for transport to the quality assurance
system. This is the equivalent to releasing transport requests in the development
system of the ABAP stack. After a successful release, the changes that have been
made are available for import into the quality assurance system.
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Exercise 18: Developing Java Objects in
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Adjust and test a simple Java Web Dynpro application using the SAP
NetWeaver Developer Studio
Business Example
In 2005, the company COMPANY (Internet Domain company.com) launched the
first version of the software product MATHEMATICS which consists, among other
things, of version 1.0 of the software component CALCULATOR and is based on
SAP Web AS 6.40. When first developed, version 1.0 of the software component
CALCULATOR was implemented in JSP technology. Since then, a new version of
MATHEMATICS (version 2013.1) has been implemented. This consists (among
other things) of the software component CALCULATOR in version 4.0 and is
based on AS Java 7.30. During the review of CALCULATOR, it was decided to
change from JSP technology to Web Dynpro. However, during the test phase, a
number of minor errors were detected in CALCULATOR 4.0 which are now to
be eliminated in this exercise.
The system administration has already created a system landscape in the Transport
Management System (TMS) for this. Your task as a developer is to adjust the
Web Dynpro application using SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio and to test this
application both locally and centrally.
Task 1: Preparation: Check the Used Development
Components in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
If you have not already done so, import the development configuration of the Portal
development system into SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio and check whether the
development component math/calc/group##/wd exists. ## is your group number.
If you have not already done so, open SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio on
the training host assigned to you, switch to the Development Infrastructure
perspective and import the development configuration from the System
Landscape Directory that is specified by your instructor.
In the Component Browser view, check whether the following development
component exists: math/calc/group##/wd. ## is your group number.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Task 2: Changing a Java Web Dynpro DC
Figure 156: Structure of the Training Landscape
Change the Web Dynpro DC with the name math/calc/group##/wd so that the
notation in the initial screen is correct. To do this, create a project for your Web
Dynpro DC and then change the title from Wellcome to Welcome. ## is your
group number.
Create a project for your Web Dynpro DC. If prompted, switch to the Web
Dynpro perspective.
Navigate to the Web Dynpro DC that you want to modify via [<SID of the
Portal development system> [<number>]] math/calc/group##/wd → Web
Dynpro → Components → CalcComp## → Views → CalcView. Change the
title from Wellcome to Welcome. To do this, you must check out objects
and create a new activity in which all the changes to the Web Dynpro DC
are stored.
You have now changed an existing Web Dynpro application.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Task 3: Build the Application Locally
Create a local build of the Web Dynpro Development Component (DC) that you
have changed in the previous task. Optionally, you can also test the changed Web
Dynpro DC locally (that is, on the SAP NetWeaver Portal system entered under
Window → Preferences → SAP AS Java) after deploying the application locally.
Create a local build for your Web Dynpro Development Component (Web
Dynpro DC).
Optional: Locally (that is, on the SAP NetWeaver Portal system specified
under Window → Preferences → SAP AS Java) test the execution of the
Web Dynpro DC that you have changed after deploying the application to
this system.
If you have completed the entire exercise successfully up to this point,
a browser opens with the URL http://twdfxxxx:5$$00/webdynpro/resources/company.com/math~calc~group##~wd/CalcApp## ($$ denotes an
instance number of your SAP system, ## denotes your group number) and
you see the calculator program.
Task 4: Check-in to the DTR and activation
Check-in your open activities to the Design Time Repository (DTR) and activate
your changes in SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure.
Switch to the Development Infrastructure perspective. In the Open Activities
view, check-in your activity.
Check whether your activity has been activated automatically. If not, trigger
the central activation.
Task 5: Test Centrally and Release the Activity
Test your application in context with the applications of the other course
participants on the central development system of the system landscape. After a
successful test, release a transport request that contains your activity.
Test your application on the central development system. It may take some
time after the import before the application can be called successfully.
Attach your activity to a transport request and release the transport request.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Solution 18: Developing Java Objects in
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Task 1: Preparation: Check the Used Development
Components in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
If you have not already done so, import the development configuration of the Portal
development system into SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio and check whether the
development component math/calc/group##/wd exists. ## is your group number.
If you have not already done so, open SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio on
the training host assigned to you, switch to the Development Infrastructure
perspective and import the development configuration from the System
Landscape Directory that is specified by your instructor.
If you have not already done so, close the initial screen (Welcome)
in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. To import the development
component, switch to the Development Infrastructure perspective
in the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio by choosing Window →
Open Perspective → Development Infrastructure (or – if it does
not exist – select this perspective using Other ...). Start the import
of development configurations by choosing the button New/Import
Development Configuration in the standard toolbar. Select Import from
System Landscape Directory (SLD) on the following screen and choose
Next>. You may have to log on to the Development Infrastructure as
a developer on the following screen (with the user and password that
your instructor provides).
Hint: Always enter your user name (case-sensitive) using
lower-case characters (for example, <course-ID>-##) here
and later on.
Then select the configuration with the name <the development
configuration path created by your instructor>
→ <SID of the Portal development system> and
choose Next> → Finish. You may have to log on to the development
infrastructure again (you can also select the field Save password to
avoid any logon prompts in the future). The development configuration
settings are now read, and your development environment is set up.
In the Component Browser view, you can now see a new entry (tree
structure) with the name of the imported development configuration
together with the software components that are to be developed and
that are required.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
In the Component Browser view, check whether the following development
component exists: math/calc/group##/wd. ## is your group number.
In the Development Infrastructure perspective, choose the Component
Browser view and open the corresponding tree structure. Check
whether the entry math/calc/group##/wd exists (in the tree structure of
the software component CALCULATOR [company.com]).
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Task 2: Changing a Java Web Dynpro DC
Figure 157: Structure of the Training Landscape
Change the Web Dynpro DC with the name math/calc/group##/wd so that the
notation in the initial screen is correct. To do this, create a project for your Web
Dynpro DC and then change the title from Wellcome to Welcome. ## is your
group number.
Create a project for your Web Dynpro DC. If prompted, switch to the Web
Dynpro perspective.
If you have not already done so, switch to the Development
Infrastructure perspective (Window → Open Perspective →
Development Infrastructure) and choose the view Component Browser.
Select your Web Dynpro DC math/calc/group##/wd (in the area
<SID of the Portal development system>[number] → CALCULATOR
[company.com]). ## is your group number.
Right-click and choose Sync / Create Project → Create Project. Choose
OK to confirm the next screen Create DC Projects (Sync Sources and
Used DCs) without making further changes. This step may take some
time. In the dialog box Confirm Perspective Switch, choose Yes to
switch to the Web Dynpro perspective.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Navigate to the Web Dynpro DC that you want to modify via [<SID of the
Portal development system> [<number>]] math/calc/group##/wd → Web
Dynpro → Components → CalcComp## → Views → CalcView. Change the
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
title from Wellcome to Welcome. To do this, you must check out objects
and create a new activity in which all the changes to the Web Dynpro DC
are stored.
CEnter Web Dynpro Explorer view in the Web Dynpro perspective.
Navigate to the Web Dynpro that you want to modify via [<SID of the
Portal development system> [<number>]] math/calc/group##/wd →
Web Dynpro → Components → CalcComp## → Views → CalcView.
If you now double-click on CalcView, you will see the calculator's
start page.
Hint: If you are not yet in the Web Dynpro perspective, choose
the path Window → Open Perspective → Other... → Web
Dynpro → OK in the menu bar to switch to it.
Select the title Wellcome. In the properties displayed at the bottom,
right-hand area of the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (tab page
Properties), you can now change the value of the text line so that the
correct notation Welcome is displayed. When you press Enter after
making the change, you are informed that it is first necessary to check
objects out of the DTR. Choose Check Out in the dialog box Checkout
In case that you are asked for, choose New... to create a new
activity. Choose Web Dynpro Group## as the activity name
and enter Correction of title for Web Dynpro
Group ## as the Description. ## is your group number. Confirm
the creation of the activity with OK. Select the activity that you
just have created on the following screen and choose OK again.
In case that you are not asked to create an activity, switch to the
Development Infrastructure perspective (by choosing Window
→ Open Perspective → Development Infrastructure). Enter
the Open Activities – <SID> view (tab page) and expand the
tree structure. Right-click on the activity default <DEFAULT>
and choose Edit. On the Edit Activity Details screen, enter
Web Dynpro Group## as Display Name and Correction
of title for Web Dynpro Group ## as Description.
Choose OK to confirm your entries.
Finally save your changes.
You have now changed an existing Web Dynpro application.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Task 3: Build the Application Locally
Create a local build of the Web Dynpro Development Component (DC) that you
have changed in the previous task. Optionally, you can also test the changed Web
Dynpro DC locally (that is, on the SAP NetWeaver Portal system entered under
Window → Preferences → SAP AS Java) after deploying the application locally.
Create a local build for your Web Dynpro Development Component (Web
Dynpro DC).
If you have not yet done so, choose Window → Open Perspective →
Other... → Web Dynpro → OK to access the Web Dynpro perspective.
Open the Web Dynpro Explorer tab. Select the project [<SID of the
Portal development system> [<number>]] math/calc/group##/wd
corresponding for the Web Dynpro DC that you are using.
Right-click on this project and choose Development Component →
Build.... In the following screen, select your development component
and choose OK.
You have now successfully created a local build for your application.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Optional: Locally (that is, on the SAP NetWeaver Portal system specified
under Window → Preferences → SAP AS Java) test the execution of the
Web Dynpro DC that you have changed after deploying the application to
this system.
If you have not yet done so, choose Window → Open Perspective →
Other... → Web Dynpro to access the Web Dynpro perspective. Open
the Web Dynpro Explorer tab. Select the project [<SID of the Portal
development system> [<number>]] math/calc/group##/wd for the Web
Dynpro DC that you are using.
Right-click on this project and choose Development Component →
Deploy ... in the context menu. On the following screen choose OK.
If you are asked, enter the user ID and the password of your user on
the local SAP NetWeaver Portal system in the next dialog box (Logon
to SAP J2EE Engine). Activate the checkbox for the field Store user
name. Choose OK to confirm the dialog box Deploy. The deployment
may take some time.
Then use the menu bar to choose Run → Run Configurations... in SAP
NetWeaver Developer Studio. On the following screen, right-click on
the entry SAP Application and choose New. Assign a descriptive Name
to the start configuration. Use the Browse... button for the Module
and Module Artifact fields to select your project [<SID of the Portal
development system> [<number>]] math/calc/group##/wd and the
Web Dynpro application /CalcApp. Then choose Run.
If you have completed the entire exercise successfully up to this point,
a browser opens with the URL http://twdfxxxx:5$$00/webdynpro/resources/company.com/math~calc~group##~wd/CalcApp## ($$ denotes
an instance number of your SAP system, ## denotes your group
number) and you see the calculator program.
Task 4: Check-in to the DTR and activation
Check-in your open activities to the Design Time Repository (DTR) and activate
your changes in SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure.
Switch to the Development Infrastructure perspective. In the Open Activities
view, check-in your activity.
Switch to the Development Infrastructure perspective by choosing
Window → Open Perspective → Development Infrastructure. Choose
the view (tab page) Open Activates. Open the tree structure and select
your activity in the tree structure. Using the right mouse button, choose
Checkin. Confirm the following screen with OK.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Check whether your activity has been activated automatically. If not, trigger
the central activation.
In the Development Infrastructure perspective of SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio, enter the Infrastructure Console view (tab page)
in the lower area of that perspective. Scroll down the list and check
whether after CHECKIN there is an entry ACTIVATE.
If this is the case, write down the number of the Build Request ID.
If this is not the case, switch to the Activation View – <SID>
screen by choosing Window → Show View → Other... → CBS
Activation → Activation View → OK. In this view, open the tree
structure, right-click on the your activity and choose Activate.
Write down the number of the Build Request ID.
Switch to the Activation Request view by choosing Window → Show
View → Other... → CBS Activation → Activation Requests → OK.
Refresh this view periodically by choosing the appropriate button until
your activation request has the status succeeded (green field with
checkbox; you may need to increase the size of the corresponding
window to see the relevant columns). When it is successfully activated,
the application is then automatically deployed into the central
development system.
Task 5: Test Centrally and Release the Activity
Test your application in context with the applications of the other course
participants on the central development system of the system landscape. After a
successful test, release a transport request that contains your activity.
Test your application on the central development system. It may take some
time after the import before the application can be called successfully.
Call the following URL in your browser: http://<Host of the
central development system>:<port>/webdynpro/resource/company.com/math~calc~group##~wd/CalcApp##. Here the <host of
the central development system> is the host name of the
central development system as entered by your instructor in the TMS
system landscape definition.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Attach your activity to a transport request and release the transport request.
In SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, open the Transport View by
choosing Window → Show View → Other... → CMS → Transport View
→ OK .
Expand the tree structure and select your activity in the Waiting area (in
the directory of the active workspace you are using). Right-click and
choose Release from the context menu. On the following screen, select
your activity and confirm it with Release rebuilt deployable DCs. You
now attach your activity to a transport request.
Refresh the Transport View until the entry for your activity is no longer
in the Waiting area, but is rather in the Released area.
Hint: If necessary, adjust the user filter in the Transport View
by choosing Menu → User Filter → All Users, and confirm the
dialog box that is then displayed. Maybe also a log off from /
log on to SAP NWDI helps in case that you cannot find your
You have successfully created a simple Java application and released it for
transport to the quality assurance system. This completes the developer's task.
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Lesson: Developing Java Objects in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
List the individual steps that are required from the start of developing /
changing Java objects to releasing these changes in the central development
Outline the structure of the Design Time Repository (DTR)
Related Information
For more detailed information about working with SAPNWDI from the
developer's view, go to the online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 in the
area SAP NetWeaver → SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View →
Solution Life Cycle Management → Using the Development and Production
Infrastructure → Development Infrastructure → Concepts.
You can find more information about the DTR and in particular about conflicts in
the DTR in this area of the online documentation by navigating further to the area
Components Development with the NWDI → Design Time Repository → Conflicts.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Lesson Overview
After the individual developers have tested the applications that they have created
for a specific system landscape in the central development system, the associated
transport requests are released for transport and imported into follow-on systems.
This lesson first discusses the transport process from the development system up
to the production system. Then different transport types are presented. The lesson
ends with some recommendations about when to use which transport type.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Import changes into the quality assurance system
List the individual transport steps for activity-based SDA transports
Business Example
Your company is using SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure. The changes
that the individual developers in your company have made in the development
system must be imported into follow-on systems and tested before they can be
imported into the production system. As a member of the system administration
team and the person responsible for software logistics in the SAP environment
in your company, you want to obtain an overview of the process of transporting
Java developments.
Process Overview
After activation and the developer's testing in the development system were
successful, the developer releases the transport request in SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio and therefore transfers it to the Change and Transport System
(CTS) . All the activities selected by the developer are packed in this transport
request and placed in the import queue of the quality assurance system.
The following roadmap contains the main steps to transport Java applications that
are developed in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio with the help of the enhanced
Change and Transport System (CTS+ for short).
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Figure 158: Transport Java Developments with CM Services – Roadmap
First you need to create a transport request (in case of creating it with transaction
SE09 of type “workbench request”). This transport request can be created
manually either on the development (source) system in transaction SE09
(Transport Organizer) or it can be created in the Transport Organizer Web UI
that runs on the AS ABAP part of the communication system. Or this transport
request can be created automatically by the application (by setting the tp parameter
WBO_GET_REQ_STRATEGY to SMART for the source system).
The transport request that you create with the help of this Transport Organizer
Web UI on the communication system will be named <SID>K9<number> where
<number> is a running number and <SID> is the name of the development
system according to your transport landscape.
Hint: In case of the creation of a transport request with the help of
transaction SE09 – suitable for systems based on AS ABAP + Java – you
may delete the task(s) of this transport request as a task is not needed for
non-ABAP transports (only the transport request itself is needed).
Next the developers start their work in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. When
they release their activity in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, they attach their
changes to the transport request.
After assigning activities to a transport request, you can release this transport
request. The release of a transport request starts the export of the files to file
system level (transport directory). After releasing the transport request, this
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
transport request is ready for import into a subsequent system (according to the
definition of the transport landscape in transaction STMS on the transport domain
controller system).
The release of the transport request <SID>K9<number> can either be done
manually in transaction SE09 on the development system (in case of a development
system based on AS ABAP + Java 7.x) or using the Transport Organizer Web UI
(in case of a development system based on AS Java only). Or it can be done
automatically (by setting the tp parameter WBO_REL_REQ_STRATEGY for the
source system to AUTO).
The import of transport requests into subsequent systems finally is done in
transaction STMS_QUEUES (which is a subset of transaction STMS) on the
transport domain controller (TDC) system.
The Import Process in Detail
The most important tools used to perform imports using TMS are the import
queues that reflect the system-specific import buffers at the operating system
level. The import queues display the requests that are to be imported, in the
correct order. The import queues of all systems are displayed in each system of
the transport domain. You can perform imports to all the systems from any SAP
system in the domain.
To access the TMS import overview, use transaction STMS and choose Overview
→ Imports. The import overview shows the current status of the import queue of
each SAP system of the transport domain. If you jump to an import queue of one
system, you can see all transport requests that are to be imported.
Hint: To improve performance, data is read from the transport directory
only the first time you start the Import Overview area in transaction STMS.
After that, the information shown is buffered in the database. The time
stamp in the import overview indicates how recent the data is. To refresh
the data, choose Edit → Refresh.
On the Import Overview screen in transaction STMS (or directly in transaction
STMS_QUEUES), double-click the system in which you want to import the
transport request (this is the system which was assigned as Target (System) in the
transport request before). Select the transport request in question and choose the
Import Request button. After the import has finished, you may want to check the
deployment log.
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Figure 159: The Import Process for Activity Based SDA Transports in Detail
During the import, the transport control program tp triggers the import dispatcher
RDDIMPDP that in turn triggers the job RDDEPLOY on the CTS system. This
job opens a connection to the CTS DeployProxy. This connection needs to be kept
open during the complete deployment process. The CTS DeployProxy finally
calls the import tool on the AS Java side (for example the Software Deployment
Manager (SDM) or the Deploy Controller).
During the import into a system with development configuration, first the system
integrates the released changes into the inactive DTR workspace of the quality
assurance system. Then CBS automatically builds the changed development
components (DCs). After a successful build, the changes are also integrated into
the active workspace of the DTR. Finally the changed DCs are deployed into the
assigned runtime system. During the import into a system without development
configuration, only the deployment step takes place.
As a result, the transport request is now listed in the import queue of the follow-up
system (according to the definition of the transport landscape in transaction STMS,
area Transport Routes).
The various transport tools write a log for each transport action into the transport
subdirectory tmp. After completion of an import step, tp moves these logs from
the tmp subfolder to the log subfolder of the transport directory. The log files
are named <SID of the source system><action><6 digits>.<SID of the target
system>, where the action is represented by a single character and the 6 digits are
taken from the corresponding transport request.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
For the deployment step, the action is represented by character T, so that for
example the log PODT901234.POQ represents the deploy log of transport request
PODK901234 into the POQ system.
These import logs can be seen from the import queue of the system in question
by choosing Goto → Import History and then selecting the transport request in
question and choosing the Logs button.
Figure 160: Accessing Transport Logs
Transport Types (Scenarios)
Before starting with executing transports, you should consider which transport
types you require in your landscape and which ones are suitable for your situation.
Depending on the release of both SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
and the runtime systems in your transport landscape, different transport types
/ transport scenarios are available. These transport types are discussed in this
section in more detail.
Hint: These scenario may be used either independent of each other or
they can be combined. For example you may think about using the
activity-based SDA transport type but combine it with the SCA transport
which you perform from time to time.
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Activity Transports
The option to transport single activities is provided in SAP NetWeaver Developer
Studio as of enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0. To be able to use
this option, the CTS system also needs to be on enhancement package 1 for SAP
NetWeaver 7.0 or higher. The corresponding objects in the transport requests are
DIP files (Development Infrastructure Packages).
This allows you to perform delta transports on source code level. As a
consequence, small corrections in the development stage lead to small transport
files which in turn result in fast rebuilds and fast deployments (depending on the
number of required re-builds).
Figure 161: Activity Transport – Process Overview
As you can see in the figure above, when using this transport type each system
configured in the Transport Management System (TMS) – be it source or target
– has to have a development configuration and a Java URL assigned. As a
consequence, workspaces in DTR and buildspaces in CBS are created for each
system. The name of the workspace folder in DTR is the same as the SID in TMS.
For CBS, the name of the buildspace also is the SID.
Whenever an import is started, a re-build is triggered for the DCs which contain
the changed source files and for all dependent DCs. In case the rebuilt DCs are
deployable, they will be deployed to the runtime system as SDA files. The sources
are integrated into the active DTR workspace of the changed software component.
Caution: If you use this option, you have to be aware that a re-build is
done on each and every system – even on the productive one.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Note that for this transport type you have to configure two transport routes between
the development system and the quality assurance system. The consolidation route
is needed to export new developments from the development system and bring
them to the quality assurance system. The delivery route is required to be able to
transport all of the requests that where created for the upload system to the quality
assurance system as well. Using source transports requires that all of the libraries
are part of the quality assurance system and the production system, as well.
To summarize, the activity transport in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio via the
enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+) offers the following advantages:
Only one tool is needed to configure the landscape and to perform transports.
Both is done in the CTS system.
The transport granularity is no longer an SCA. Single activities / sources can
be transported. The file type used is *.DIP (Development Infrastructure
Package). SDAs are deployed to the runtime systems.
The build log becomes part of the step Deployment of the Transport log.
The monitoring can therefore be done via several tools: CTS Import Logs,
Transport Organizer Web UI, Diagnostics within SAP Solution Manager.
The activity transport is a delta transport on source code level. Therefore
small changes in the development system result in small transport files which
again results in fast rebuilds and deployments.
The disadvantages of the activity transport are:
A rebuild is needed for every system and therefore also a corresponding
CBS buildspace and DTR workspaces
A development configuration is needed for each TMS system
SCA Transports
Instead of the activity transport type (with or without an SCA based transport
from time to time), it is possible to configure your landscape for a pure deployable
transport by the help of the CM Services. In this case, you transport an SCA
– which means: a deployable – through your landscape. A development
configuration is only required for the development (DEV) system. All other
systems in your transport route are pure deploy targets where you would like
to import your application. For these systems you only have to make sure that
there is the Java Deploy URL (tp parameter DEPLOY_URL) configured for the
deployment. The process for this is shown in the following figure:
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Figure 162: SCA Transport – Basic Idea
Concerning transport routes, you need to create a consolidation route from the
upload system to the development system and from the development system to the
quality assurance system. A delivery route is required from the quality assurance
system to the production system.
To export and attach the SCA to a transport request, a new UI is used - the DI
Export Service Web UI. You can call this UI from the Development Infrastructure
– Configuration Service UI. As a first step, you have to choose the system from
where you would like to export an SCA – this is usually your source / development
system. After that, you can choose one SCA from those that are to be developed in
this system. The DI Export Service Web UI will guide you through the process of
adding the SCA to a transport request. For this process, the same is valid as it was
for the activity transport: a transport request can be taken automatically from the
CTS system or you can create one by the help of the Transport Organizer Web UI.
Also after having added the SCA to the transport request, the transport request can
be released automatically or manually – this depends on the tp parameters that
you have configured.
Releasing the activities in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS) is not
needed in this case. The activities that are listed as Waiting in SAP NWDS will be
released automatically when you export the corresponding SCA.
The advantages of an SCA transport via the DI Export Service Web UI are:
One tool is used to configure the landscape and to perform transports
Pure deployment to target system – no rebuild needed
Direct attachment of SCA without CMS administration step (CMS Web UI)
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
The disadvantages of transporting an SCA are:
Transport granularity is SCA
You have to know about the changed SCA that you would like to transport.
Activity-based SDA Transports
Transporting SDAs from within SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS)
is a new option offered with enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0.
Using this transport type, it is not the sources of the activities themselves that are
automatically added to the transport request for activity-based SDA transports, but
all runtime objects (SDAs) that were rebuilt because of the changed sources.
Whenever you release an activity in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio in this
scenario, the system calculates for you the SDAs that have been rebuilt because of
this change and attaches them to a transport request. Predecessor activities and
build dependencies are taken into account to deploy a consistent state. This is not
limited to one software component. If other software components are involved
e.g. in predecessor activities, the respective SDAs are added to the transport
request as well (in a separate DIP file). There is always one DIP used per SCA.
All SDAs of the software component might be transported if this is required due to
complex dependencies.
Figure 163: Activity-based SDA transport – Process Overview
The figure above shows the system landscape in case of the SDA transport based
on activities. For this transport type, you only need a development configuration
for the development system. No rebuilds are needed any more on the importing
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
systems. You can – again – transport deployables. The file attached to the transport
request is still a DIP file (Development Infrastructure Package). The DIP file
contains the affected, deployable SDAs and a reference to the released activities.
The advantages of SDA transports based on activities are
In contrast to activity transports, no rebuild takes place for imports. You
only need the development configuration in the development system and
the import time is reduced.
The consistency of the target system is ensured by transporting all dependent
runtime objects automatically.
The disadvantage is that no sources exist in the follow-on systems.
Change Management Service
Starting with enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, SAP provides
the first version of the CM Services (Change Management Services). The CM
Services are the successor of CMS (Change Management Service) in SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure. CMS is now in maintenance mode –
there are no new features going to be developed, but of course you may use CMS
for the transport of Java applications as well.
The “old” CMS provides the functionality to perform two different tasks. The first
task is the system administration part where you setup a track in order to create a
transport landscape for your runtime systems. This is done in CMS Landscape
Configurator. A track can consist of up to four systems that represent the different
development stages: development, consolidation, test and production. The second
task is the configuration of development configurations for your development
cycle and the export of deployable units (SCA files – Software Component
Archives). The integration with the enhanced CTS (CTS+) is possible during the
assembly step where the SCA file is attached to a CTS transport request. This is
done in CMS Transport Studio.
The following figure illustrates an example of the transport process within a track.
Tracks form a configuration unit of the Change Management Service in which the
development of software components is managed: They contain all development
configurations and all runtime systems that are required to develop, test and
produce one or more software component versions.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 164: Change Management Service (CMS) – Transport Process
The developer's task is more or less identical to the task when using CM Services:
After checking-in the created or changes sources to the Design Time Repository
(DTR), the developer can transfer the changes to the Component Build Service
(CBS) (developer's step 1). The CBS attempts to rebuild all components that are
directly and indirectly affected by the changes. If this is possible without errors,
the changes are accepted and the results of all developers of the same development
configuration are made available in the form of libraries or deployable archives.
If the activation and the developer's testing in the development stage (system)
were successful, the developer releases the change request in SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio and therefore transfers it to the Change Management Service
(CMS) of SAP NWDI (developer's step 2). All the activities selected by the
developer are packed in a change request and placed in the import queue of the
consolidation stage.
With the import (administrator's step 1) into the consolidation stage, the
system integrates the released changes into the inactive DTR workspace of the
consolidation stage and the CBS automatically compiles the changed components.
The changes are also integrated into the active workspace of the DTR after a
successful build.
After a test of the application function (if a runtime system is assigned to the
consolidation stage), the CMS creates a new version of the application (assembly)
in the form of an SCA file from the consolidated status of the software changes
and makes preparations for the import into the test system (administrator's step 2).
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
After the next import into the test system and the subsequent extensive function
and integration testing, a quality manager can approve the software component for
transport into the production system (approval, step 3).
Recommendations and Restrictions
Enhancement Package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 delivers the first version of the
CM Services. Check whether the CM Services offer benefits for you and if yes,
use them. If not, you can continue using Change Management Services (CMS).
Please keep in mind that there is no new functionality planned for CMS. CMS is
in maintenance mode.
There are some restrictions for the usage of CM Services that you should take into
consideration. Some of them are listed below.
Hint: You should check the CM Services central SAP note 1361909 –
CM Services in CTS+ for the latest recommendations and restrictions.
CM Services an SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio on (at least) enhancement
package 2 or SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.2 for releasing the
activity as a deployable (activity-based SDA transport) to CTS. If you develop
Java Web Dynpro for a runtime system which is not yet on enhancement package
2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, you have to use one SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
on the release that fits to your runtime system for developing and another one
which supports CM Services for releasing the activities.
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
In addition, CM Services do not support
repair scenarios using track connections
mixed scenarios where sources (activities) are transported only from the
development system to the quality assurance system and after that, only
complete SCA files are transported to the production system
Note: A remark on build-options: If SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure (NWDI) is to support the development of Java applications
for different AS Java releases, different versions of the Java Development
Kit (JDK) may be required to build the applications. Applications for SAP
Web AS Java 6.40 or AS Java 7.00 are based on JDK 1.4.2 for example;
applications for SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3, on the other hand, are based
on Version 1.6 of the JDK. Therefore, a JDK 1.6 must be provided for
the Component Build Service (CBS) of SAP NWDI (SAP NWDI itself
is based on AS Java 7.0x). This JDK must be also installed at operating
system level of the SAP NWDI host.
The Component Build Service (CBS) uses two service properties to find
the JDK used for the build process. These two properties determine,
in association with a build option specified in a concrete development
configuration, which JDK is used to compile Java sources for a special
development component (DC):
BUILD_TOOL_JDK_HOME defines the VM that executes the build
environment; this property should point to the highest JDK version
used by the CBS to ensure compatibility.
JDK_HOME_PATH defines a list of variables and paths for
directories in which the related JDK versions are stored.
A special build option (option com.sap.jdk.home_path_key) can then be
used for the individual systems of SAP NWDI to control which JDK is
used for building for the concrete system.
For the use of CM Services, SAP recommends to use your SAP Solution Manager
system as central CTS system. The CM Services should run on the SAP NWDI
system however.
If you decide to transport sources (activity transport type) use the CTS Deploy
Web Service on the SAP NWDI system (logical port CTSDEPLOY_DI).
If you decide to transport deployables (SCA transport type, activity-based SDA
transport type) however, use the CTS Deploy Web Service on the SAP NWDI
system for the deployment into the development system (for which a development
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
configuration exists) and the CTS Deploy Web Service on the CTS system for the
deployment into the quality assurance system and the production system (for
which no development configurations exist).
Hint: In this case, there is one system less that has to be up and
running during deployments: the CTS Deploy Web Service on the SAP
NWDI system (logical port CTSDEPLOY_DI) is only needed during the
development phase and for importing the required archives and sources
from your upload system into your development system.
If you decide to use the activity transport type, use it in combination with the SCA
transport for example if you did a lot of changes to very different DCs, you should
transport the complete SCA instead of a lot of source files.
Sources should only be changed in the development system. For the activity
transport type it is technically possible to access (via the respective development
configuration) and change the sources in your target systems. This is absolutely
not recommended. Set DTR Access Control Lists (ACLs) accordingly for the
DTR workspaces of all your target systems in your transport route.
If you have already configured your SAP NWDI and you are using tracks for your
development process, you can continue to do so. CM Services and CMS cannot
be used together for example, in one transport route or track, but you could use
CMS for one development project and the CM Services for another. Both of
them could use the same DTR and CBS.
Finally, it is not recommended to use the activity transport type if you are
modifying ESS (Employee Self Services) or MSS (Manager Self Services) sources
delivered by SAP.
Note: For more information, see the online documentation for SAP
NetWeaver 7.3, area SAP NetWeaver → SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View → Solution Life Cycle Management → Using
the Development and Production Infrastructure → Development
Infrastructure (DI) → Organizing the Transports in the Landscape →
Scenarios and Recommendations on Using CTS and NWDI .
The following figure shows the elements of the central development architecture
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Figure 165: Summary: Components of the SAP NetWeaver Development
Using SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure significantly reduces the
possibilities for inconsistencies on the developers' PCs (caused, for example, due
to the use of obsolete libraries or data structures). With the Central Build Service,
there is also a build-on-demand service available. This allows error correction
cycles to be reduced in comparison to centrally initiated and controlled builds.
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Exercise 19: Transporting Java
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Import Java applications into the quality assurance system and test them there
Business Example
Your company, COMPANY (internet domain company.com), is using SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure to develop Java applications for SAP
systems. The development of the software component CALCULATOR 4.0 for the
product version MATHEMATICS 2013.1 is almost complete, and the developers
involved have already tested their work in the development system and released
the transport requests for import into the quality assurance system. Your task now,
as the person responsible for transports, is to import these transport requests into
the quality assurance system of the system landscape.
Task 1: Check the Status of the Transport Request
In a preceding exercise, you have released a transport request in SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio. Check with the help of the Transport Organizer Web UI
whether or not the corresponding transport request has been released already.
If not, release it.
Open the Transport Organizer Web UI on the CTS system. Check whether or
not your transport request has been released. If not, release it.
Task 2: Import into the Quality Assurance System
Import the transport request assigned to you by your instructor into the quality
assurance system for your system landscape and check the import logs after
successful execution.
Check that the transport request which you have checked in the previous
task, is now added to the import queue of the Portal quality assurance system.
Start the import of “your” transport request into the quality assurance system.
After the import has been executed successfully, check the deployment log
for the import into the quality assurance system.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Task 3: Optional: Test in the Quality Assurance
Test your application in the quality assurance system.
Test the application that you transported into the quality assurance system
using the Web browser.
Task 4: Optional: Import into the Production System
Import the transport request assigned to you by your instructor into the production
system for your system landscape and check the import logs after successful
Check that “your” transport request is now added to the import queue of
the Portal production system.
Start the import of “your” transport request into the production system.
After the import has been executed successfully, check the deployment log
for the import into the production system.
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Solution 19: Transporting Java
Task 1: Check the Status of the Transport Request
In a preceding exercise, you have released a transport request in SAP NetWeaver
Developer Studio. Check with the help of the Transport Organizer Web UI
whether or not the corresponding transport request has been released already.
If not, release it.
Open the Transport Organizer Web UI on the CTS system. Check whether or
not your transport request has been released. If not, release it.
Log on to the CTS system that is used in your training class with the
user provided by your instructor. Start transaction STMS.
Click on the Transport Organizer Web UI button in the application
toolbar. On the following screen select the SID of the Portal
development system and choose Continue. The Transport Organizer
Web UI starts.
Select requests for the Portal development system for your Owner
(<course-ID>-## where ## represents your group number) in
Status Modifiable.
If you can find your transport request, select the transport request.
Switch to the Object List tab and verify that your changes from the
previous exercise have been added to the transport request. In this
case, choose Release. Then choose Refresh List. Your transport
request should now disappear from the list.
If you cannot find your transport request, select requests for the
Portal development system for your Owner (<course-ID>-##
where ## represents your group number) in Status Released.
On the resulting list, you should find your transport request.
Select the transport request. Switch to the Object List tab and
verify that your changes from the previous exercise have been
added to the transport request.
Finally close the Transport Organizer Web UI.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Task 2: Import into the Quality Assurance System
Import the transport request assigned to you by your instructor into the quality
assurance system for your system landscape and check the import logs after
successful execution.
Check that the transport request which you have checked in the previous
task, is now added to the import queue of the Portal quality assurance system.
If you have not yet already done so, log on to the CTS system that is
used in your training class with the user given to you by your instructor.
Start transaction STMS.
Choose Overview → Imports. On the resulting screen, double-click on
the line for the Portal quality assurance system. If you cannot find your
transport request here, choose Refresh.
Start the import of “your” transport request into the quality assurance system.
On the Import Queue screen, select the line with your transport request
and choose Import Request.
On the Import Transport Request popup, switch to the Options tab.
Deselect the checkmark for the Leave Transport Requests in Queue for
Later Import field and choose Continue. Confirm the following popup
with Yes. The import starts. It may take some time.
After the import has been executed successfully, check the deployment log
for the import into the quality assurance system.
After the import has been executed successfully, choose Goto →
Import History. Select the line with “your” transport request. Click
on the Logs button.
On the resulting screen, click on the log icon for the Deployment step.
Expand the deployment log with the Expand All button.
Finally choose Back → Back → Back → Back to go back to the Import
Overview screen.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Task 3: Optional: Test in the Quality Assurance
Test your application in the quality assurance system.
Test the application that you transported into the quality assurance system
using the Web browser.
Open a browser and call the URL http://twdfxxxx.wdf.sap.corp:5$$00/webdynpro/resources/company.com/math~calc~group##~wd/CalcApp##. Replace ## with your
group number. twdfxxxx and $$ denote the host name or the instance
number on the SAP system that is defined in the system landscape
definition (in transaction STMS on the CTS system) as the quality
assurance (runtime) system.
Hint: In the context of a previous exercise, if you have already
tested your application from the SAP NetWeaver Developer
Studio on the central Portal development system and if this
browser page is still open, alternatively, you can simply change
the URL to the URL specified above on this browser page and
then choose Enter.
Task 4: Optional: Import into the Production System
Import the transport request assigned to you by your instructor into the production
system for your system landscape and check the import logs after successful
Check that “your” transport request is now added to the import queue of
the Portal production system.
If you have not yet already done so, log on to the CTS system that is
used in your training class with the user given to you by your instructor.
Start transaction STMS.
On the start screen of transaction STMS choose Overview → Imports.
On the resulting screen, double-click on the line for the Portal
production system. If you cannot find your transport request here,
choose Refresh.
Continued on next page
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Unit 7: Change Management and Software Logistics
Start the import of “your” transport request into the production system.
On the Import Queue screen, select the line with your transport request
and choose Import Request.
On the Import Transport Request popup, switch to the Options tab.
Deselect the checkmark for the Leave Transport Requests in Queue for
Later Import field and choose Continue. Confirm the following popup
with Yes. The import starts. It may take some time.
After the import has been executed successfully, check the deployment log
for the import into the production system.
After the import has been executed successfully, choose Goto →
Import History. Select the line with “your” transport request. Click
on the Logs button.
On the resulting screen, click on the log icon for the Deployment step.
Expand the deployment log with the Expand All button.
Finally choose Back → Back → Back → Back to go back to the Import
Overview screen.
You have successfully imported a transport request into the quality assurance
system of your transport landscape and you may also have tested it there. In
addition you may also have imported the transport request into the production
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Lesson: Transporting Java Developments
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Import changes into the quality assurance system
List the individual transport steps for activity-based SDA transports
Related Information
For more information about the enhanced CTS, go to the documentation
for SAP NetWeaver 7.3, area SAP NetWeaver → SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View → Solution Life Cycle Management → Software Logistics
→ Change and Transport System → Change and Transport System - Overview →
Transporting Non-ABAP Objects in Change and Transport System and see SAP
Note 1003674 – Enhancement for non-ABAP systems in CTS .
For more information on CM Services, read the Guide How To Setup CM
Services, which is available on SAP Developer Netweork, Quick Link /cts
For more information on recommendations and restrictions of CM Services, see
the online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.3, area SAP NetWeaver → SAP
NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View → Solution Life Cycle Management
→ Using the Development and Production Infrastructure → Development
Infrastructure (DI) → Organizing the Transports in the Landscape → Scenarios
and Recommendations on Using CTS and NWDI .
Information on Change Management Service (CMS) can be found in the online
documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.3, area SAP NetWeaver → SAP NetWeaver
Library: Function-Oriented View → Solution Life Cycle Management → Using
the Development and Production Infrastructure → Development Infrastructure
→ Concepts → Components Development with the NWDI → Central Landscape
and Transport Management.
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
List the elements of a Java EE application
Outline the steps required to develop an executable Java EE application
Name differences between ABAP-based development and Java-based
Name the building blocks of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
and explain their meaning
Explain the idea of SAP's component model for the development of Java
based SAP applications
Outline the use of Change Management Services and the enhanced Change
and Transport System for the use with SAP NetWeaver Development
List the necessary steps to define a system landscape for SAP NWDI based
development in the ABAP Transport Management System
Connect SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio to the central components of
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
List the individual steps that are required from the start of developing /
changing Java objects to releasing these changes in the central development
Outline the structure of the Design Time Repository (DTR)
Import changes into the quality assurance system
List the individual transport steps for activity-based SDA transports
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge
Which of these statements about the programming model of a Java EE
application are correct?
Choose the correct answer(s).
Presentation logic and application logic are closely linked in Java
EE applications.
Presentation logic and application logic are strictly separated in
Java EE applications.
Java Server Pages (JSPs) and servlets are part of the presentation
Java Server Pages (JSPs) and servlets are part of the application
Which of the following services are elements of SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure (NWDI)?
Choose the correct answer(s).
Design Time Repository (DTR)
Object Development Tool (ODT)
Component Build Service (CBS)
Name server
Central Make Tool (CMT)
Assume that you want to use activity-based SDA transports within SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI). Where do you define the
system landscape?
Choose the correct answer(s).
In the active workspace of the DTR (Design Time Repository)
In SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
In transaction STMS (Transport Management System) on the
CTS system
In the track definition of CMS (Change Management Service) on
the SAP NWDI system.
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Test Your Knowledge
Which statements about the Design Time Repository (DTR) and the
Component Build Service (CBS) are correct?
Choose the correct answer(s).
There are active and inactive workspaces in the DTR.
Checking-in development components to the DTR means that
they can be used by other developers.
Activating development components in the CBS means that they
can be used by other developers.
If the central build fails, the elements of the active workspace are
placed in the inactive workspace.
Consider the transport type activity-based SDA transport. Which steps
happen automatically during the import of a transport request into the quality
assurance system?
Choose the correct answer(s).
The integration of the development objects that are contained in
the transport request into the inactive DTR workspace.
The update of the SLD Software Catalog for the relevant software
component versions.
The deployment process into the assigned runtime system.
The CBS build process for the development components that need
to be (re-)built.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Which of these statements about the programming model of a Java EE
application are correct?
Answer: B, C
In Java EE applications – unlike classical ABAP applications – presentation
logic and application logic are strictly separated. JSPs and servlets are part
of the presentation logic, the application logic is represented by Enterprise
Which of the following services are elements of SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure (NWDI)?
Answer: A, C, D
Included in the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) are
the Design Time Repository for managing versioned source code, the
Component Build Service for the central build based on the component
model and the Name Service as a central check instance for unique names.
Central Make Tool and Object Development Tool are imaginary names, Java
EE applications are developed using the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio,
based on Eclipse.
Assume that you want to use activity-based SDA transports within SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI). Where do you define the
system landscape?
Answer: C
As a prerequisite for activity-based SDA transports, you need to configure
CM Services. In case of CM Services, you connect the SAP NWDI system
with the ABAP Change and Transport System (CTS). You therefore define
the system landscape in transaction STMS. The track definition of CMS is
used if you do not use CM Services.
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Test Your Knowledge
Which statements about the Design Time Repository (DTR) and the
Component Build Service (CBS) are correct?
Answer: A, C
The central build in the Component Build Service (CBS) builds the archives
of the development components (DCs), which become usable for other
developers through activation. During the central build, unchanged files
are fetched from the active workspace, and changed files from the inactive
workspace. After a successful build, the archive files are automatically
available in the active workspace.
Consider the transport type activity-based SDA transport. Which steps
happen automatically during the import of a transport request into the quality
assurance system?
Answer: C
During the import into a system without development configuration, only the
deployment into the runtime system is executed. DTR import and CBS build
do not take place. These two steps are only executed during import into a
system with development configuration.
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Unit 8
Unit Overview
You can monitor SAP NetWeaver AS Java either locally in SAP NetWeaver AS
Java itself or centrally using a central monitoring system (SAP NetWeaver AS
ABAP). This unit shows both the local and central monitoring possibilities.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Describe the monitoring infrastructure
Display monitoring data in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA)
Make threshold value settings in the NWA
Monitor Java instances in the central monitoring system
Explain which configuration steps are required to be able to maintain the
threshold values for Java instances from the central monitoring system
Describe how an availability check using the GRMG works technically
Configure an availability check
Use the Log Viewer
Explain the difference between logging and tracing
Execute log configuration
list technical components required for different monitoring capabilities of
SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Unit Contents
Lesson: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java ..............................414
Exercise 20: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java ....................421
Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System ......................425
Exercise 21: Registering with a Central Monitoring System ..........437
Lesson: Availability Monitoring ................................................443
Exercise 22: Availability Monitoring ......................................451
Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration .................................456
Exercise 23: Log Viewer and Log Configuration .......................471
Lesson: Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution Manager........477
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 8: Monitoring
Lesson: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Lesson Overview
SAP NetWeaver AS Java provides an infrastructure that makes monitoring
data available. This monitoring data can be displayed in the SAP NetWeaver
Administrator. You can also set threshold values for this data there. Threshold
values determine the colors with which data is displayed in the monitor.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe the monitoring infrastructure
Display monitoring data in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA)
Make threshold value settings in the NWA
Business Example
You are using an SAP NetWeaver AS Java. Monitoring is important for
safeguarding a stable system environment. It allows for some error situations to
be identified in advance. SAP NetWeaver AS Java provides an infrastructure
that makes monitoring data available. This monitoring data can be displayed
in the NWA.
Monitoring Infrastructure
The monitoring in SAP NetWeaver AS Java is based on the standard Java
Management Extension (JMX). JMX provides a new flexible administration
infrastructure that is used for the monitors. The JMX infrastructure allows
different resources to register as suppliers for monitoring data. Through the JMX
API, data is made available for resources of all server components (services,
interfaces, libraries, and managers), and applications using MBeans. The data of
the JMX monitors is stored in the monitoring segment. Since JMX is a standard,
this ensures that external tools can also access the monitoring data. The external
tools connect through the JMX API and can display all current values in the JMX
monitors. They can also create, delete, and change groups, as well as installing
and uninstalling monitor nodes. The JMX infrastructure is provided by the JMX
Adapter service.
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Lesson: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Figure 166: Monitoring Infrastructure
During the start of the sapstartsrv the monitoring segment is created. The data
collector of the AS Java stores the current status and open alerts of the monitoring
objects in the monitoring segment. Completed alerts are removed from the
monitoring segment.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
The data in the monitoring infrastructure is grouped in several areas like Kernel,
Services, Performance and Applications.
Status information for the managers registered for monitoring is displayed
under the Kernel entry.
The Performance area displays available data about performance
measurements of the SAP NetWeaver AS Java, e.g. communication to
external systems.
Status information for the services registered for monitoring is displayed
under the Services entry.
This branch contains information about the status of applications that are
running on the SAP NetWeaver AS Java and for which monitoring functions
are implemented in the coding. This is a configurable type of monitor,
since you can specify which information is displayed in the monitor for
your own applications. An application developer usually creates his or her
own monitors and objects under the Applications branch. The other monitor
branches, such as Kernel, System, and so on are reserved for data that is
directly and automatically collected by the system.
The monitor Table Buffer is always displayed in the Applications area along
with other items.
There are various tools for the operating with the monitoring data.
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Lesson: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Figure 167: Monitoring - Tools
The RZ20 in a CEN (central monitoring system with) is a powerfull tool to
monitor multiple SAP systems and their operating systems. You can set up
additional notifications in case of alerts and auto-reaction methods there. Beyond
that, you are able to view the current status and open alerts of monitoring
attributes. You can maintain thresholds and complete open alerts. The RZ20
gets her information out of the monitoring segment of the AS Java, this means,
that e.g. performance issues of the AS Java doesn't affect the monitoring and
alerting in the CEN system.
With the SAP MC and SAP MMC you are able to view the current status and
open alerts of monitoring attributes. The SAP MC and SAP MMC communicates
directly with the sapstartsrv and gets the information out of the monitoring
segment of the AS Java, this means, that e.g. performance issues of the AS Java
doesn't affect the monitoring and alerting.
System Overview
The system overview is available in two versions. One version is available in the
NWA and the other is avalable via sapstartsrv (this is called the offline system
overview). The system overview gives you an graphical overview of the current
status of some monitoring attributes and their values. The system overview in
the NWA provides a navigation to expert functions in the NWA for the displayed
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Monitoring Browser
The monitoring browser is available in the NWA. The monitoring browser shows
the current status of the monitoring attributes and you can maintain thresholds
and activate/deactivate monitoring attributes.
Monitoring with the SAP MC
Figure 168: Monitoring with the SAP MC
The monitoring area in the SAP MC or SAP MMC is divided in two parts. One
area is for the current status and in the other the open alerts are displayed. Each
area is structured in several parts, for example Java Instance, Server or Application
where you can drill down. If you select Kernel from one server process, you get
displayed all monitoring attributes in the right window pane. Time indicates the
time, where the value was reportet from the AS Java. You can see all available
alerts of the monitoring attribute by selecting the monitoring attribute and choose
All Alerts from the context menu. This option is available in the current status
area and open alert area.
In the right pane press the left mouse button on the Alert Name headline for
choosing the different sort criteria. Every click alternates between sorting “by
alert”, “order of the monitoring structure” or “by reverse alert”.
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Lesson: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Monitoring with the Monitoring Browser
The current status values for the monitoring attributes are displayed with alert
colors in accordance with the “traffic light system”. in the SAP NetWeaver
Administrator (abbreviation: NWA), the data is displayed in the Monitoring
Browser. You are taken to the Monitor Browser with Availability and Performance
→ Resource Monitoring → History Reports. Here you can select the Monitor
Browser tab.
Figure 169: Monitoring with the Monitoring Browser
In the Monitor Browser you have two views, one for the Active/Used monitoring
attributes and one for the Inactive/Not used monitoring attributes. In the Monitor
Browser you can activate/deactivate monitor attributes (there is no other tool
for activation or deactivation of monitoring attributes). In the lower part of the
Monitor Browser you can see the periode of the data collection.
In the NWA, the Monitor Browser displays all the running nodes in the system
with the current value of the selected monitoring attribute.
A threshold value determines when which alert (color in the monitor) is to be
triggered. For a working monitoring that is individually adjusted to your system,
you should adjust the threshold values. In the Monitor Configuration area it is
possible to maintain the thresholds.
In the monitor itself, the statuses are identified with different colors. A color
changes when a value exceeds or falls below a threshold value. Errors are
highlighted in red and passed on to the highest level of the monitor. You can find
the alert that has occurred by expanding the monitor. The following colors can
be displayed in the monitor:
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Monitoring with the System Overview
Figure 170: Monitoring with the System Overview
The system overview is available in two versions. You can access the System
Overview in the NWA in the workcenter Availability and Performance in the
work set System Overview. You can access the offline System Overview via
url http://twdfxxxx:50013/ctsv/SystemOverview.html . Both versions show the
current values of the displayed monitoring attributes. In the System Overview of
the NWA you can navigate to other funcitons by choosing the left mouse button on
the monitoring attribute. This is not possible in the offline System Overview. As
shown in the figure above, on the selected attribute is a link (Help) available for
the online documentation and links for View History (History Reports), Configure
Thresholds (Monitoring Browser) and the Manage User Sessions (Session
Management) available. The options can vary for every monitoring attribute.
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Lesson: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Exercise 20: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Monitor the SAP NetWeaver AS Java using the SAP NetWeaver
Monitor the SAP NetWeaver AS Java using the Visual Administrator
Make threshold value settings for individual objects in the monitor
Business Example
For successful monitoring using the Monitoring service in SAP NetWeaver AS
Java, you must set the threshold values appropriately.
Task: Making Settings with the NWA
Check whether an alert has occurred in the Usage Rate in the memory service of
the server processes. You may have to activate the data collection for the Usage
Rate. Change the threshold value in the memory service of a server process so
that a red alert is displayed in the Usage Rate area when 90% of memory is used
(yellow: 75%). Display the historical values for the Usage Rate.
Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, open the Monitoring Browser,
and check whether an alert has occurred in the memory service.
Check whether the data collection is activated for the Usage Rate monitor
and activate it if necessary.
Set the alerting for the area Usage Rate so that a red alert is displayed for
90% (yellow: 75).
Display the historical data for the Usage Rate.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Solution 20: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Task: Making Settings with the NWA
Check whether an alert has occurred in the Usage Rate in the memory service of
the server processes. You may have to activate the data collection for the Usage
Rate. Change the threshold value in the memory service of a server process so
that a red alert is displayed in the Usage Rate area when 90% of memory is used
(yellow: 75%). Display the historical values for the Usage Rate.
Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, open the Monitoring Browser,
and check whether an alert has occurred in the memory service.
Log on to your system's SAP NetWeaver Administrator, for example
http://twdfSSSS.wdf.sap.corp:<http_port>/nwa. Log on with a user
and password (your instructor will provide the user and password
information). Switch to the monitor browser: Availability and
Performance Management → Resource Monitoring → Java System
Reports. Now select Monitor Browser as the Report.
Select the appropriate server process and open Services → Memory Info
there. Here you can see the various monitors. You can use the colors
(red, yellow, green, gray) to identify whether an alert has occurred.
Navigate to the Usage Rate monitor and select the monitor's current
values. If you see No value has been reported yet then this indicates
that data collection is not active. Move on to the next step. Skip the
next step if the data collection is already active.
Check whether the data collection is activated for the Usage Rate monitor
and activate it if necessary.
Select Usage Rate if you have not already done so.
Select the tab page Configuration.
Check whether the checkbox next to Enabled is selected. If it is
not select the Edit Configuration Group button. Now check the box
and save your configuration. Click on the Refresh button above the
monitoring tree.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Set the alerting for the area Usage Rate so that a red alert is displayed for
90% (yellow: 75).
Go back to the tab page Configuration.
If you have not yet done so select the Edit Configuration Group button.
Enter the following values, for example, and save your configuration:
Green to yellow: 75
Yellow to red: 90
Red to yellow: 85
Yellow to green: 70
Display the historical data for the Usage Rate.
Switch to the History.
Select a appropriate period for the display. In the field History per, you
can select from hours, quarter hours and minutes.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe the monitoring infrastructure
Display monitoring data in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA)
Make threshold value settings in the NWA
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Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Lesson Overview
You can monitor the SAP NetWeaver AS Java directly with the SAP NetWeaver
Administrator (NWA) or using a central monitoring system. The configuration
steps are presented here.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Monitor Java instances in the central monitoring system
Explain which configuration steps are required to be able to maintain the
threshold values for Java instances from the central monitoring system
Business Example
You use a number of SAP systems in your company. You monitor these SAP
systems using a central monitoring system. You have now also installed an SAP
system with which you are going to use Java functions. You are therefore using an
SAP NetWeaver AS Java, which you want to monitor in the central monitoring
system, like your other SAP systems. You can display the most important system
data in a central monitoring system, for example an SAP Solution Manager.
Transferring Monitoring Data to a Central Monitoring
On the SAP NetWeaver AS Java, there is a monitoring infrastructure that collects
various data, which is displayed in the monitoring browser of the SAP NetWeaver
Administrators (NWA). You can display this data in a central SAP monitoring
system by connecting the AS Java to the central monitoring system (called CEN
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Figure 171: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
If the SAP NetWeaver AS Java starts, JMX monitors are created. They deliver
data for runtime monitoring. To deliver the data to the CEN the SAP NetWeaver
management agents are used.
The SAP NetWeaver management agents are used to administer and monitor SAP
NetWeaver components. They are automatically installed and started during the
installation of any SAP NetWeaver components as of release SAP EHP2 for SAP
NetWeaver 7.0 (in short 7.02) or SAP NetWeaver 7.1. There are two types of
agents, depending on the associated component: the host agent and the instance
agent. One host agent runs for each monitored host (including hosts on which one
or more instance agent is running). An instance agent runs for each monitored
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Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Figure 172: Monitoring Data Transfer from AS Java to CEN
The SAP NetWeaver management agent sapstartsrv contains the functionality
for different central monitoring functions. The functions of the CCMS agents
(SAPCCMSR, SAPCCM4X) are integrated into sapstartsrv as a static library
for this purpose; the CCMS agents therefore are no longer needed as standalone
executables as of SAP NetWeaver 7.02. The monitoring functions are started
in a separate thread within sapstartsrv. This thread connects to the monitoring
segment in the shared memory of the monitored instance. Applications can access
the monitoring functions of sapstartsrv through a Web service interface. This
interface replaces the RFC server part of the CCMS agent. An application (usually
an ABAP or dual-stack system) can register as a central monitoring system
(CEN). The registration is performed using a protected Web service. During the
registration, the caller sends sapstartsrv information about the CEN and the logon
data for the CSMREG user.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
An SAP NetWeaver management agent communicates with CEN in the following
As a Web service, it provides access to the data in the monitoring segment.
This access is, for example, used in transaction RZ20.
As an RFC client, it independently sends alerts and values for the monitoring
attributes to the CEN (push technology). This data is then stored in a cache
there to allow the system to display it more quickly or triggers central
auto-reaction methods there. This improves performance, since CEN then
no longer needs to periodically query the agents.
Hint: In addition to system monitoring, the SAP Solution Manager
provides further functions.
Registering AS Java to a CEN
The following steps are required to install the SAPCCMSR agent:
Create the CSMREG user in the central monitoring system (transaction
RZ21 in CEN)
If the monitored system is an AS ABAP+Java create an CSMREG
user in the monitored system also.
Register the AS Java to the central monitoring system (transaction RZ21
in CEN)
Create JCo Destination for the customizing destination
Creating the CSMREG User
The CSMREG user is used for communication between the agents and the
central monitoring system. This user is a communication user with very specific
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Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Figure 173: Creating the CMSREG User (RZ21)
The CSMREG user is created with transaction RZ21. There go to Technical
Infrastructure → Configure Central System → Create CSMREG User
Register AS Java to the Central Monitoring System
The technical infrastructure used when registering an AS Java depends slightly
on the installation of the monitored system. The next figures show the difference
between a monitored AS ABAP+Java (dual-stack) and an AS Java (single-stack).
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Figure 174: Registering AS Java to CEN
As shown in the figure above the instance agent (sapstartsrv) can be called by the
CEN via Web Service to get the monitoring data. In addition sapstartsrv send
alerts via RFC connection to the CEN (using user CSMREG in client 000). The
operation system data is provided via shared memory by the host agent. For
maintaining threshold values from the CEN in the AS Java an RFC customizing
destination is used.
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Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Figure 175: RZ21: Registering AS Java
In transaction RZ21 of the CEN system go to Technical infrastructure → Configure
Central System → Create remote monitoring entry. From the Component Type
to Be Monitored drop down select Java. Enter the System ID, host name of the
Message Server, and HTTP Port of the Message Server of the monitored system.
Now choose the Test push-button.
Enter the Password of the CSMREG user in your CEN and the Password of the
<sid>adm operating system user for the monitored system.
Finally choose Save. Now all instance agents of the monitored system are
registered, HTTP destinations to the agents are generated, and the customizing
destination to the AS Java is created.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Figure 176: Registering AS ABAP+Java 7.1x to CEN
In addition to the connections used for a single-stack AS Java 7.1x for an
AS ABAP+Java two RFC connections are used. The CEN uses destination
<SID>_RZ20_COLLECT to read monitoring data for the monitored system
and complete alerts; the connection uses the CSMREG user in client 000. With
destination <SID>_RZ20_ANALYZE an administrator can execute an analysis
method in the monitored system. The destination is created without a user,
meaning that you need to authenticate yourself to the monitored system.
When maintaining thresholds for the AS Java, the CEN uses the RFC destination
to connect to the remote AS ABAP and from there the local RFC customizing
destination is used to access the AS Java.
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Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Figure 177: RZ21: Registering AS ABAP+Java
In transaction RZ21 of the CEN system go to Technical infrastructure → Configure
Central System → Create remote monitoring entry. From the Component Type to
Be Monitored drop down select DualStack. Enter the System ID, host name of the
Message Server, a Logon Group, and the Password of the CSMREG user of the
monitored system. Now choose the Continue (Enter) push-button.
The names of the RFC connections are generated. Now Test the
<SID>_RZ20_COLLECT destination, if a successful logon is possible.
Enter the Password of the CSMREG user in your CEN and the Password of the
<sid>adm operating system user for the monitored system.
Finally choose Save. Now all instance agents of the monitored system are
registered, HTTP destinations to the agents are generated, RFC destinations to the
monitored system are created, and the customizing destination is created in the
ABAP stack of the monitored system.
If you want to use the “old” technology with the sapccmsr agent, have a look
in SAP Note 1547201.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Displaying the Monitoring Data in the Central
Monitoring System
You can display the J2EE monitoring data in the central monitoring system using
the Alert Monitor. To do this, you must open the Alert Monitor (transaction RZ20)
and select the monitor set SAP J2EE Monitor Templates. The status data is stored
in the following monitors:
The Engines monitor displays status data for the kernel, services,
performance, and the system.
The Applications monitor displays application data.
In the SAP NetWeaver AS Java status monitors, you can see at a glance where
warnings (yellow) and errors (red) have occurred. If you open the tree at the
corresponding places, you learn more about the cause.
Figure 178: Display in Transaction RZ20
If the service memory is highlighted in yellow, this means that the minimum
threshold value of the memory service has been exceeded triggering a yellow alert.
If you open the tree at this point, you can see which monitor this concerns. Some
operating system data is displayed under Performance, the complete operating
system data is displayed in the Opertating System monitor in the monitor set SAP
J2EE Monitor Templates. The Applications monitor displays monitoring data for
J2EE applications that have implemented a monitoring function.
The operating system information is collected by the host agent.
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Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Figure 179: Operating System Information in Transaction RZ20
Customizing Destination
The agent allows you to transfer the alerts that have occurred to the central
monitoring system. The system should only display an alert if a value exceeds
or falls below a specific threshold value, which is entered individually for a
system. A threshold value defines the value/status at which an alert with a certain
classification (red, yellow, green) is displayed.
Figure 180: Connecting AS Java to the Central Monitoring System (threshold
value maintenance)
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Unit 8: Monitoring
You can perform the configuration of the threshold values not only in the SAP
NetWeaver Administrator, but also in the central monitoring system. For this a
JCo RFC destination in the AS Java pointing to the Gateway of the AS ABAP is
used. This is usually called SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID> (<SID> of the AS Java). In
transaction SM59 of the AS ABAP CEN system an RFC destination of the type T
was created during registration of the monitored system. This RFC connection
is also usually called SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID>. The name of the Registered
Server Program in this destination must be identical to the name of the JCo RFC
destination (Program ID). In transaction RZ21 in Agents for Remote Systems
under Topology you should find the name of the RFC destination in the field J2EE
Customizing Destination.
Hint: You can maintain the field J2EE Customizing Destination only in
change mode and you may be able to view it only in change mode too.
It is the last field. Therefore, you may have to scroll to the right to view
the J2EE Customizing Destination.
You can change the threshold values in the Alert Monitor. Call transaction RZ20,
and expand the SAP J2EE Monitor Templates monitor set. Start the Engines
monitor. Expand the tree structure completely, and select, for example, a server
node in the central instance in the tree. Now choose the Properties button and
switch to change mode. You can now maintain its threshold values.
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Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Exercise 21: Registering with a Central
Monitoring System
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
register your AS Java 7.1x with the central monitoring system
Business Example
You can monitor the monitoring data of the AS Java using the Monitoring Browser
in the NWA or using a central monitoring system. To be able to display the data in
the monitoring system, you need to register the system.
Task 1: Optional: Create CSMREG user
Caution: This task can only be done once per central monitoring system
(CEN). If this course setup only provides one CEN, the CSMREG user
was already created by the instructor. In this case please skip this whole
task and the instructor provides you with the password of user CSMREG.
Log on to the Solution Manager system in client 000 with your course user
and create the CSMREG user with transaction RZ21.
Task 2: Register the AS Java
Register your AS Java system to the central monitoring system.
Log on to the Solution Manager system in client 000 with your course user
and register your AS Java with transaction RZ21.
Task 3: View Monitoring Data
View the monitoring data of your AS Java in the central monitoring system.
Check whether the monitoring data is displayed in the Alert Monitor
(transaction RZ20).
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Task 4: Create Customizing Destination
Create the JCo RFC destination in your AS Java so that you can use the
customizing destination to execute threshold value maintenance for the AS Java
monitors in transaction RZ20 of the central monitoring system.
Check on your AS Java system whether a JCo RFC destination with the
name (Program ID) SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##> (<SID> stands for
the system ID of your system, <##> stands for your group number) has been
created and started.
Task 5: Maintain Threshold Values
Maintain threshold values for your AS Java using the Alert Monitor in the central
monitoring system.
In transaction RZ20, change the threshold value in the memory service of a
server process so that a red alert is displayed in the Usage Rate area when
95% of memory is used (yellow: 80%).
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Solution 21: Registering with a Central
Monitoring System
Task 1: Optional: Create CSMREG user
Caution: This task can only be done once per central monitoring system
(CEN). If this course setup only provides one CEN, the CSMREG user
was already created by the instructor. In this case please skip this whole
task and the instructor provides you with the password of user CSMREG.
Log on to the Solution Manager system in client 000 with your course user
and create the CSMREG user with transaction RZ21.
Log on to the Solution Manager system in client 000 and call
transaction RZ21.
Go to Technical infrastructure → Configure Central System → Create
Enter a password twice and choose Continue (Enter).
Task 2: Register the AS Java
Register your AS Java system to the central monitoring system.
Log on to the Solution Manager system in client 000 with your course user
and register your AS Java with transaction RZ21.
Log on to the Solution Manager system in client 000 and call
transaction RZ21.
Choose Technical infrastructure → Configure Central System →
Create remote monitoring entry.
From the Component Type to Be Monitored drop down select Java
Enter your SID as the System ID, for example P7T. Enter the
full qualified host name of the Message Server, for example
twdfSSSS.wdf.sap.corp. Enter the HTTP Port of the Message
Server, for example 8101.
Choose the Test push-button.
Enter the Password of the CSMREG user in your CEN and the
Password of the <sid>adm operating system user for the monitored
Choose Save and wait a few seconds until the registration completes.
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Task 3: View Monitoring Data
View the monitoring data of your AS Java in the central monitoring system.
Check whether the monitoring data is displayed in the Alert Monitor
(transaction RZ20).
Call transaction RZ20 in the Solution Manager system.
Open the SAP J2EE Monitor Templates monitor set and choose the
Engines monitor. Open the monitor by double-clicking it. You should
now see data for your system.
Note: It can take a few minutes before the data becomes visible.
Task 4: Create Customizing Destination
Create the JCo RFC destination in your AS Java so that you can use the
customizing destination to execute threshold value maintenance for the AS Java
monitors in transaction RZ20 of the central monitoring system.
Check on your AS Java system whether a JCo RFC destination with the
name (Program ID) SAP.CCMS.J2EE.<SID><##> (<SID> stands for
the system ID of your system, <##> stands for your group number) has been
created and started.
Call the NWA and switch to the JCo RFC Provider Configuration
Management → Infrastructure → JCo RFC Provider.
Start your JCo RFC Provider if it is stopped. If you still do not have a
JCo RFC Provider, create it as described in the unit “Java Connector
and Destinations”.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Connecting to a Central Monitoring System
Task 5: Maintain Threshold Values
Maintain threshold values for your AS Java using the Alert Monitor in the central
monitoring system.
In transaction RZ20, change the threshold value in the memory service of a
server process so that a red alert is displayed in the Usage Rate area when
95% of memory is used (yellow: 80%).
Call transaction RZ20 in the Solution Manager system.
Open the SAP J2EE Monitor Templates monitor set and choose the
Engines monitor. Open the monitor by double-clicking it. You should
now see data for your system.
Open an instance and the following nodes in the monitoring tree for
your system: Services → Memory Info.
Select Usage Rate and choose Properties to switch to threshold value
Switch to change mode, enter the following values, for example, and
then save your configuration:
Green to yellow: 80
Yellow to red: 95
Red to yellow: 90
Yellow to green: 75
Save your settings.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 8: Monitoring
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Monitor Java instances in the central monitoring system
Explain which configuration steps are required to be able to maintain the
threshold values for Java instances from the central monitoring system
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Availability Monitoring
Lesson: Availability Monitoring
Lesson Overview
SAP provides availability monitoring using the Generic Request and Message
Generator (GRMG). You can use it to monitor both technical components of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java and entire Java applications. You can use this availability
monitoring with only a few configuration steps.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe how an availability check using the GRMG works technically
Configure an availability check
Business Example
You are using SAP NetWeaver AS Java and want to be notified as quickly as
possible if a Java application or technical component of an SAP Web AS Java
is not running. In this case, it is useful to configure an availability check using
the GRMG.
Fundamentals of Availability Monitoring
SAP provides the tools for monitoring the SAP NetWeaver AS Java and Java
applications. This availability monitoring is based on the Generic Request and
Message Generator (GRMG). You can use the GRMG to monitor the availability
of technical components and the availability of entire business processes.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Figure 181: Availability Monitoring
The GRMG consists of two parts, both of which are required for a functioning
GRMG environment:
GRMG infrastructure
The GRMG infrastructure is part of the monitoring architecture of the
Computing Center Management System (CCMS) of an SAP NetWeaver
AS ABAP. Its task is to send a request (the GRMG request) to the GRMG
application, to receive its response (the GRMG response), and to display this
response in the CCMS Alert Monitor.
GRMG application
The GRMG application performs the actual availability monitoring. From a
technical point of view, it is a Java Server Page (JSP), a servlet, or a Business
Server Page in an SAP NetWeaver Application Server with a defined
interface that is called by the GRMG infrastructure. The GRMG request and
GRMG response are messages in a special XML format.
The concept of availability monitoring of monitored components can be described
as an agent concept. This means that the GRMG application can run separately
from the components and applications that it is monitoring. This detour means
that if errors occur, you can differentiate between cases in which the components
monitored in the scenario are not available (component errors) and those in which
the scenario itself is not working correctly (for example, due to communication
errors or an agent that is not running) (scenario errors).
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Availability Monitoring
The following different scenarios exist for setting up GRMG monitoring:
Technical Customizing for monitoring a GRMG application
You have a complete Java application with a built-in GRMG application
(from SAP or programmed yourself) and want to activate the availability
monitoring for Java/HTTP-compatible components or Java applications.
Note: This process is suitable for consultants and customers who
want to activate GRMG monitoring for an application that is already
instrumented for monitoring with the GRMG.
Instrument the application for GRMG monitoring
You have a Java component or applications for which you want to create
GRMG monitoring. You need to store all of the information (host name,
application, and so on) required for an automatic GRMG request in a GRMG
Customizing file. Create the messages that are to be returned in the GRMG
response and create a monitor definition in the CCMS Alert Monitor.
Note: This process is primarily suitable for application developers
working for customers or partners who want to equip their own
components for GRMG monitoring.
For more information about this, see the following sections.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Availability Monitoring of SAP NetWeaver AS Java and
of Java Applications
Figure 182: Availability Monitoring with the GRMG
You can use a central monitoring system to monitor the availability selected
components of an SAP solution with the GRMG. The GRMG is suitable both
for technical monitoring and for application monitoring. GRMG availability
monitoring uses functions of the CCMS monitoring infrastructure (SAP
NetWeaver AS ABAP) to store the heartbeat information. The communication is
performed using HTTP POST.
Note: Heartbeat - A signal is sent by the software at regular intervals to
communicate the availability (running/not running).
GRMG monitoring is performed as follows:
An XML message is sent from the GRMG infrastructure to the target system.
The GRMG application on the target system performs all of the tests for the
availability monitoring of the component to be monitored or the business
process step. The results of these tests are collected in the GRMG application
and combined as the GRMG response.
The GRMG response is sent back to the GRMG infrastructure and is
displayed in the Alert Monitor of the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP as heartbeat
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Lesson: Availability Monitoring
Setting Up Availability Monitoring Technically:
Load the Application Server Java GRMG Monitoring Template from the
Edit the tags scenstarturl and scendesc.
Use transaction GRMG (central monitoring system) to upload the monitoring
templates to the central monitoring system.
Start the GRMG scenarios for availability monitoring
Templates for availability monitoring are stored in the SDN
http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/operations. You can find these in the Knowledge
Center in the area Monitoring → Enhancing your Monitoring Possibilities →
GRMG Customizing Files. You can download the Application Server Java
GRMG Monitoring Template here. If you unpack the .zip file, you get the file
J2EE_630_Customizing.xml, which you can edit, for example, using an XML
Editor. Under scenarios → scenario, you find the scenstarturl in which you
maintain the host name and the HTTP port of the AS Java that is to be monitored.
To display the SID or LongSid of the monitored system in transaction RZ20, enter
the SID or LongSid and the host name under scenarios → scenario → scentexts
→ scentext → scendesc.
Figure 183: Setting Up Availability Monitoring
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Unit 8: Monitoring
You can use the Alert Monitor (transaction RZ20) to display availability data. In
transaction RZ20, choose the SAP J2EE Monitor Templates monitor set. Start
the Heartbeat monitor there.
Figure 184: Availability (GRMG): Display in RZ20
If a scenario is running correctly, the components monitored by the scenario are
displayed. For each monitored component, you can see the availability as a
percentage, by default, averaged over the last 15 minutes, and the status with status
messages that are returned by the GRMG application. To display the messages in
the Alert Monitor, choose the Details button. If an error occurred in the scenario,
the scenario would become red and the subtrees for the monitored components
would appear colored white.
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Lesson: Availability Monitoring
Instrumenting Availability Monitoring for Java
The following process provides an overview of the steps required to instrument an
application for availability monitoring with the GRMG. The following steps are
a Roadmap for Developers:
Design your GRMG scenario (which applications, components, processes,
and so on).
Create the messages that are to be returned in the GRMG response.
Create a template for the GRMG Customizing file.
The GRMG Customizing file contains all information required about the
scenario, the monitored components, and the parameters that are sent with
the GRMG request for the components.
Implement the GRMG application.
The GRMG application receives the GRMG request with all transferred
parameters from the GRMG infrastructure, executes the availability checks,
and returns the result to the GRMG infrastructure as the GRMG response.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Figure 185: Creating a GRMG Application
Hint: Scenarios with different software components (especially if
there are no active data suppliers available for these components) and
Web-based business scenarios are typical examples of applications that
you can usefully monitor with the GRMG.
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Lesson: Availability Monitoring
Exercise 22: Availability Monitoring
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Configure availability monitoring with GRMG
Business Example
You are using SAP NW AS Java and want to be notified if a Java application or
technical Java component is not running. In this case, it is useful to configure an
availability check using GRMG.
Task: Availability Monitoring
On the central monitoring system that is used in your course, set up availability
monitoring for the PAS instance of your AS Java.
Maintain the data for your AS Java that is to be monitored in the file
J2EE_630_Customizing.xml of the Application Server Java GRMG
Monitoring Template.
For editing purposes, provide the file J2EE_630_Customizing.xml on a host
where you have write authorization and where an XML Editor and an SAP
GUI are available. The host on which your AS Java is running would be
suitable, for example.
Start the manual upload of the GRMG customizing file for your central and
dialog instance. Then check whether the scenarios that you have just loaded
are visible in transaction GRMG.
Start your scenarios only.
Caution: Start the SAP GUI for Windows on the operating system
of the host on which you edited the file J2EE_630_Customizing.xml.
Start your scenario in transaction GRMG and then check in the Alert
Monitor (transaction RZ20), whether values are delivered.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Solution 22: Availability Monitoring
Task: Availability Monitoring
On the central monitoring system that is used in your course, set up availability
monitoring for the PAS instance of your AS Java.
Maintain the data for your AS Java that is to be monitored in the file
J2EE_630_Customizing.xml of the Application Server Java GRMG
Monitoring Template.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Availability Monitoring
For editing purposes, provide the file J2EE_630_Customizing.xml on a host
where you have write authorization and where an XML Editor and an SAP
GUI are available. The host on which your AS Java is running would be
suitable, for example.
Log on to the operating system of the host on which your AS Java
is running.
Create a directory with the name temp if it does not exist already.
In the temp directory, create a directory of the form
<SID><##>_<instance number> (## stands for your group number)
for the central instance and for the dialog instance of your AS Java.
Copy the file J2EE_630_Customizing.xml from the directory GRMG,
which is located on the training share in the course directory, to each
of the directories created above.
Switch to the directory that you created <SID><##>_<instance
number> for the central instance.
Use the XML-Notepad Editor to edit the file J2EE_630_Customizing.xml.
Now choose scenarios → scenario in the structure and maintain the
name of the host and port on which your AS Java is running for the
values from scenstarturl.
Replace [host] with the host name, for example, twdfSSSS.wdf.sap.corp) and [port] with the HTTP port of the central
instance, for example 50000. Save your entry.
For scenversion enter your group number added by 1 with three digits,
for example if your group number is 23, enter 024 as scenversion
Now choose scenarios → scenario → scentexts → scentext
in the structure and enter values for the LongSid in the form
<SID><##>_<instance number> (## stands for your group number, for
group 33, for example, P7T33_00 for instance 00) of your AS Java
system in the scendesc field.
Replace [SysID] and [host] with your own values. Save your entry.
Start the manual upload of the GRMG customizing file for your central and
dialog instance. Then check whether the scenarios that you have just loaded
are visible in transaction GRMG.
Start your scenarios only.
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Caution: Start the SAP GUI for Windows on the operating system
of the host on which you edited the file J2EE_630_Customizing.xml.
Log on to the operating system of your training system and start the
SAP GUI there. Log on to the Solution Manager system of your course.
Your instructor will give you the required data.
Call transaction GRMG and use Upload/Download → Upload
scenario to upload the file J2EE_630_Customizing.xml for your central
instance and dialog instance from the directories that you created
(<SID><##>_<instance number>).
Start your scenario in transaction GRMG and then check in the Alert
Monitor (transaction RZ20), whether values are delivered.
In transaction GRMG, select your scenario and use Start to start it.
Now open transaction RZ20 and navigate to SAP J2EE Monitor
Templates → Heartbeat → J2EE Engine. There you see the availability
information of your instance.
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Lesson: Availability Monitoring
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe how an availability check using the GRMG works technically
Configure an availability check
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
Lesson Overview
Logging and tracing are important functions in the context of error analysis. You
can configure the level of detail in which information is written to log files. You
can access all log files with the Log Viewer.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Use the Log Viewer
Explain the difference between logging and tracing
Execute log configuration
Business Example
You are working with SAP NetWeaver AS Java and want to know more about
the options for configuring and evaluating log files. Since a great deal of log
information is created in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java environment, it is important
to be familiar with a tool that displays the log files.
Log and Trace Files
All Java nodes write log and trace information to files in the file system. These
files are formatted in a special way. This formatting makes it possible to use filters
to hide or display specific entries when viewing the files in a Log Viewer. The
files which possess this formatting are known as “ListLog”s. The entries in the
ListLogs also contain a Severity field which indicates the weighting of the entry.
Some of the ListLogs are listed in the figure “ListLogs in the File System”. For
each Java server process, there is a separate directory named “log” in the file
system under which the files for the node are stored. A basic distinction is made
between log and trace files. Log files are sometimes also referred to as logging
files. The trace files comprise only files with the name default.<xx>.trc where
the <xx> stands for the node number and <x> for a sequential number. The trace
files which are discussed here should not be confused with other “trace” files such
as the developer traces. The log files include the other files displayed in the figure.
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
Figure 186: ListLogs in the File System
Log files are displayed in the Log Viewer. There are two types of log files:
logging and trace files.
The following distinction is made between logging and tracing.
Logging means:
Recording normal and exceptional events
Runtime information of a system or an application is written to log files
Active during normal operation
Tracing means:
Recording the process flow of an application
Use during development and for error detection in the production
All traces are stored in the default.<xx>.trc files
The Log Viewer
To ensure stable operation, the log and trace files should be regularly checked
for error messages.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
SAP provides a mechanism for the automatic analysis of log and trace files. You
can evaluate and monitor the log files in two ways:
Central monitoring with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP
If you are using an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP that is acting as a central
monitoring system, you can also use the standard monitoring methods of the
ABAP environment. You can use the CCMS to search the log files every
minute for predefined search patterns. If the agent finds a pattern, it reports
an alert in the central monitoring system. The administrator can be notified
from there on the basis of the alert.
Monitoring with the infrastructure of SAP NetWeaver AS Java (Log Viewer)
Note: This lesson focuses on monitoring with SAP NetWeaver AS
Java and the related infrastructure. The logging/tracing infrastructure is
described in more detail in the following sections.
The Log Viewer is always used to display log and trace files, irrespective of
whether they are created by the kernel, services, libraries, or applications. The
log files for all server nodes can be combined. The Log Viewer can search log
files for entries that have a specific weighting (severity). You can use the Log
Viewer in the following variants:
As Log Viewer in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Log and trace files for the runtime environment and the running
applications are automatically registered
Predefined views are supplied
You can create and save user-defined views
As Log Viewer in the SAP MC
Log and trace files for the runtime environment and the running
applications are automatically registered
Log and trace files can also be displayed when the system is stopped.
Command Line Log Viewer
Displays only local log files
Can be activated during the deployment of applications
Converts binary data to a readable format
Note: This lesson focuses on the Log Viewer in the NWA and in the SAP
The Log Viewer in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
The Log Viewer runs as a service in SAP NetWeaver AS Java. As soon as the
SAP Logging API is aware of a new log, the log is automatically included and
you can display it in the Log Viewer.
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
Figure 187: Log Viewer in the NWA: Predefined Views
The log and trace files are automatically registered when SAP NetWeaver AS
Java is started so that they can be displayed using the above-mentioned. Log
Viewer variants. In the NWA, you can call the Log Viewer via the following path
Troubleshooting → Logs and Traces→ Log Viewer. Multiple predefined views
are available (figure: Log Viewer in the NWA: Predefined Views) and you can
also save your own user-defined views. The predefined views do not usually
display all the log and trace entries. Instead these are restricted by filters in the
views themselves.
SAP Logs
Shows log entries but no trace entries
Developer Traces
Shows defaulttrace entries but no log entries.
Shows all log and trace entries without restriction
Shows the security log
Unstructured Log Files
Shows file contents which are not of type “ListLog”
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Unit 8: Monitoring
You can use the Show Advanced Filter button to activate further restrictions to the
selected view by means of filters and save this as a user-defined (Custom) view.
For more information, see the figure “Log Viewer im NWA: Filters”.
Figure 188: Log Viewer in the NWA: Filter
Use the Show Advanced Filter to show the Filter by Content area. You can
create multiple filter with the <Select Filter> button. If you filter by Log Source
you can restrict the view to different instances or individual nodes. The filter
Log file named enables you to filter for special data sources like defaulttrace,
security_audit and so on. Other filter of interest here may be, for example,
Message, Date and Time, User, Category, Location. The filtered view which has
been fine-tuned in this way can then be stored as a custom view. If you want to
delete a filter, select the filter and use the trash can for deletion.
If you identify an entry for which you want to see the associated messages
(possibly from other files or related log and trace information) then it is often
useful to filter for the Related Logs. You can use View → Customize Layout to
display further log attributes as columns.
In the Details column, you can activate or deactivate the details of an entry.
The Expert View
You can use Log Format to choose between ListLog and TextFormat. If you
choose the ListLog restriction, then both trace and log data is available for display.
This log and trace data is stored in different files as already discussed at the start of
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
the lesson (see also figure: “ListLogs in the File System”). You can use the Log
file named to select a file whose data is to be displayed. If, as in the predefined
views, you want to display the combined data from all the ListLogs then you
should select Merge Logs if Possible.
If you use Log File named then you can specify name patterns of the files from
which data is to be included or excluded. Thus, “Log Format equals ListLog”
together with “Log file named as DefaultTrace*” and “Merge Logs if Possible”
yields the same result as the predefined Developer Trace view. If you want to see
the data as in the SAP Logs view, you should instead simply choose “Log file
named different from DefaultTrace*”.
Files in text format cannot be combined using Merge Logs if Possible. If you
choose TextFormat, then you can, for example, also display files such as the
dev_server# file.
Hint: If you only select Merge Logs if Possible and do not specify
any further restrictions then you can use “Display Log File” to select a
combination of all the log and trace files or the individual text format files.
Log Viewer in the SAP MC
The Log Viewer in the NWA can only be used if the AS Java is running. With the
Log Viewer in the SAP MC, you have the option of displaying and filtering the
logs if the AS Java system is not started.
Figure 189: Log Viewer in the SAP MC: Analyse Log Files
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Unit 8: Monitoring
You can right-click and use the menu entry Analyse Log Files to display the logs
in the SAP MC system-wide or per instance. This displays the ListLogs and the
developer traces from the work directory. You can restrict to a defined period of
time or to severities. The severities “All”, “Warning” and “Error” are provided
for this. If the severity “Error” is selected, this means that severities of the type
“Error” are displayed (“Fatal” for fatal severities, for example). The displayed
data can be filtered for the different fields. Note that a distinction is made between
uppercase and lowercase in the search. If you only want to search for part of a
text, you may have to enter “*” as a wild-card character at the start or end of the
filter. You can filter using “<” (less than), “>” (greater than) and “!” for “not
equal to” for numeric values. Click the field name to sort the fields. Choose Ctrl
for multiple filtering.
“Regular Expressions” can also be used as filters; they are introduced
with “regex:”. You can restrict to the ListLogs using the expression
regex:(.*log)|(.*trc) as a filter for “File Name” and the developer
traces are hidden.
Use the following URL for more information about the “Regular Expressions”:http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html
You can select and display individual logs in the instance node under Log Files.
Information is written from the SAP MC to a “.zip” file using snapshots. This file
contains selected information about the system status including parts of developer
traces and ListLogs. A snapshot can be sent to SAP for error analysis, for
example, or can be included in an SAP MC or SAP MMC for later error analysis.
Figure 190: Log Viewer in the SAP MC: Snapshot
You can include the snapshot in an SAP MC using the menu File → Load snapshot.
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
In a snapshot, information about the instances or the system can be displayed as it
existed at the time of the snapshot. The developer traces and ListLogs included in
the snapshot can be displayed and evaluated using Log Files. Filters can be set
to the columns in the snapshot under Analyse Log Files. The evaluation settings
(Severity, Time, Entries) can no longer be changed in the snapshot. Snapshots can
be generated at system and instance level. This can be done by right-clicking
and selecting Create snaphot.
Logging and Tracing
There are two types of log files: files for logging, and files for tracing.
Logging means:
Recording normal and exceptional events
Runtime information of a system or an application is written to log files
Active during normal operation
Logs are structured into categories, which are logical areas/topics.
Predefined categories are:
System (Server, Network, Database, Security)
Each category points to one or more log destinations (storage locations in
the file system)
Tracing means:
Recording the process flow of an application
Use during development and for error detection in the production
All traces are stored in the log destination defaultTrace_x.trc
Traces are structured into locations.
Note: Locations represent defined coding areas such as classes or
software packages.
The traces and logs are displayed in the logging/tracing infrastructure. The
logging/tracing infrastructure for SAP NetWeaver AS Java consists of:
consisting of: SAP Logging API, Log Manager, Log Controller
is configured via: Log Configurator service
is displayed in: Log Viewer
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Unit 8: Monitoring
SAP Logging API, Log Manager
The SAP Logging Infrastructure consists of the SAP Logging API and the Log
Manager. The Log Manager is responsible for writing the log and trace files.
The Log Manager writes the log information of the system or an application to a
log file in accordance with the severity.
The Log Manager is a central manager in the structure of a JEE server. This
manager is the first manager that is started. The storage location for all logs and
traces is configured here.
All log and trace files of an instance are written to the directory
J2EE-Root/cluster/Server<Nr>/log (for example, /usr/sap/<SID>/<Instanz>/j2ee/cluster/server0/log).
The entries of the log and trace files have different severities (Severity). This
means, for example, that the system writes only errors, only errors and warnings
or all information in debug mode to a log or trace file.
Configuration of Logs and Traces in the Log
Configurator Service
In the NWA, you can carry out the logging/tracing configurations for components
of the SAP NetWeaver AS Java and deployed applications under Troubleshooting
→ Logs and Traces → Log Configuration.
You can carry out the following actions in the Config Tool under Log
Change severity (in the Config Tool and NWA)
Add, change, and delete log destinations (storage location) (Config Tool)
Add, change, and delete log formatters (Config Tool)
Hint: You usually only need to change the severities. All other settings
are intended for experts.
You can configure log destinations for categories (log files) and locations (trace
files). A log destination allows you to determine where (size and number) the
log/trace files are stored.
Log formatters are formatters for files in different formats such as XML, trace,
and list format.
Changing Severities
Severities can be set for the individual categories and locations. These severities
control which messages are logged to the ListLogs. Only messages that have the
same severity or higher are logged. If, for example, the severity “ERROR” is set
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
for a location, all messages with the severity ERROR, WARNING or NONE are
logged. To analyze problems, the severities can be adjusted to a lower severity for
the category or location in question in order to find more detailed information in
the ListLogs.
The following severities exist:
ALL (Low)
NONE (High)
The default for locations is usually ERROR and the default for categories is
usually INFO.
With the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, you can change the settings for the
categories (logs) and locations (traces) severities in the same way as with the
Config Tool. There is a separate view for both the categories and the locations and
the severities can be adapted in these views.
In the NWA, you are taken to the log configuration via Troubleshooting→ Logs
and Traces → Log Configuration.
Here you can select whether you want to set severities for categories or locations.
Use the filter option to locate the required locations or categories quickly.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Figure 191: Severities in the NWA
In the lower log configuration area, you can switch between the System
Configuration and Per Instance Configuration tabs (figure: “Severities in the
NWA”). In the System Configuration, you see the storage location defined under
Log Destination and the name of the file to which the entries are written. You
can use the Per Instance Configuration view to set other severities for individual
instances. If different severities were set for instances, then “n/a” is displayed as
severity in the upper frame. Severities can also be copied to subordinate nodes. If
you want to reset a category or location to the value shipped by SAP then you can
do this using the Reset Category or Reset Location button respectively.
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
Figure 192: Severities in the Config Tool
The severities can also be adjusted in the Config Tool. You can do so in the
template settings or instance-specifically. You can find the severities for the
categories in the template in the Config Tool, for example, via cluster-data
→ template → log configuration → categories. The storage locations (log
destinations) are specified for the categories as with the log configuration in the
NWA. There is only one log destination for the location, namely “default_trace”.
You can also adjust the severities in Log Destinations. They specify the minimum
severity that a message must have to be allowed into the destination. The
severities for the locations and categories control which messages are issued from
the applications and system components and, at destination level, there is another
mechanism that controls which messages are allowed into the destination. The
severity “ALL” is usually set for the destination delivered by SAP. The figure
“Logging API Logic” illustrates this fact.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Figure 193: Logging API Logic
Adjusting Log Destinations
In the Config Tool, you can find the destinations under log configuration. You can
create new destinations or change existing destinations there. You make settings
for the storage locations are made in the Pattern. You can also maintain the log
formats (field Formatter) and filter settings here.
Note: If you are creating a new log destination, you should define the file
type. There are two file types, FileLog, and ConsoleLog. In the case of
FileLog type, it is also necessary to make the following specifications:
Pattern, Maximum File Size and Number of files.
You usually only need to adjust log destinations if, for example, you are working
with the UNIX operating system and want to view log files on the console. In
this case, you need to change the log format to ConsoleLog. Log formatters are
directly connected to LogDestinations.
Adjusting Log Formatters
In the Config Tool, you can see the Formatters under log configuration; you can
change existing log formatters there. You need to maintain the fields Pattern and
Type. SAP delivers the Types ListFormatter, TraceFormatter, and XMLFormatter.
ListFormatter means that the log entry can be processed by an application
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
such as the Log Viewer. XMLFormatter outputs an element in the XML style.
TraceFormatter is a formatter that can be read by users. Only with TraceFormatter
can you maintain the second field Pattern.
Hint: It is not usually necessary to maintain log formatters, since SAP
delivers the appropriate log formatters.
log archiving
The Log Manager provides the Log Archiving option. Log files are automatically
archives at specific intervals. You activate this function via the Config Tool
(managers → Log Manager). Change the parameter ArchiveOldLogFiles to
the value ON. By default, the archives are stored on the SAP NetWeaver AS in
the directory J2EE-root-directory/cluster/<server>/log/archive(for example,
/usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/j2ee/cluster/server0/log/archive). The parameter
ArchivesDirectory defines the storage location of the archives. The archives
themselves are not automatically deleted. You need to do this manually.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
Exercise 23: Log Viewer and Log
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
View log files in the Log Viewer
Change the severity in the Log Configuration
Business Example
You are working with SAP NetWeaver AS Java and want to know more about
the options for configuring and evaluating log files. Since a great deal of log
information is created in the SAP NetWeaver AS Java environment, it is important
to be familiar with a tool that automatically displays the log files for stable
Task 1: Custom Views in the NWA Log Viewer
Create your own view in the NWA Log Viewer.
Log on to your system's NWA and switch to the Log Viewer.
Select the Expert view and create your own filter which provides you with
information about the SLD. Save these settings as a custom view.
Add the columns Data Source, User, System, and Instance to this view.
Task 2: Troubleshooting with the Log Viewer in the
Use the Log Viewer to search for messages with the severity Error in the NWA.
Create a new view. To do this, use the view created in the previous task as a
template and name it, for example, my Expert Error.
Create a filter which supplies all the entries in which Error occurs in the
Severity column.
Determine from which Location the message originates.
Determine from which node the message was reported.
Task 3: OPTIONAL: UME Security Audit Log
Evaluate the Security Audit Log
Evaluate the entries in the Security Audit Log (using a tool of your choice).
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Task 4: Log Configuration in the NWA
You found an error message in the previous task. Set the severity to Warning for
the location from which the problem was reported.
In the NWA, go to Log Configuration
Choose the appropriate view (Tracing Locations).
Use the filter to find the location.
Change the Severity from Error to Warning and save your input.
Check whether additional information is written to the log and trace files.
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
Solution 23: Log Viewer and Log
Task 1: Custom Views in the NWA Log Viewer
Create your own view in the NWA Log Viewer.
Log on to your system's NWA and switch to the Log Viewer.
In the browser, start the URL http://<rechner>:<port>/nwa .
Navigate to Troubleshooting→ Logs and Traces → Log Viewer.
Select the Expert view and create your own filter which provides you with
information about the SLD. Save these settings as a custom view.
In the Log Viewer choose View → Open Expert View.
Open the Filter view with Show Advanded Filter.
Select Merge Logs if Possible and confirm the filter with Apply Filters.
Set the Filter Log Format. If equals ListLog has not yet been selected,
make sure that it is entered. Confirm the filter with Apply Filters.
Select the Message filter and filter by contains SLD. Choose Apply
Filters. You can find information about, for example, when data was
last sent to the SLD (LastSendInfo) or an error occured.
Save this view under a descriptive name, for example, myExpert SLD
by choosing View → Save View As ....
Add the columns Data Source, User, System, and Instance to this view.
Choose View → Customize Layout.
Select the above-mentioned columns in addition to those that are
already selected and choose OK.
Save your view.
Task 2: Troubleshooting with the Log Viewer in the
Use the Log Viewer to search for messages with the severity Error in the NWA.
Create a new view. To do this, use the view created in the previous task as a
template and name it, for example, my Expert Error.
In the NWA, switch to your view from the previous task.
Create a new view by choosing the button Save View As ...
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Create a filter which supplies all the entries in which Error occurs in the
Severity column.
Create a new filter for the search of the severity Error and delete the
entry for Message.
Choose the “Apply Filter” button to apply the modified filter. You will
definitely find messages with the severity Error.
Save your settings.
Determine from which Location the message originates.
You can find information about the location in the column Location or
in the Details.
Determine from which node the message was reported.
In the Detail, there are entries that you can use to determine from which
instance and which node the message was written.
Task 3: OPTIONAL: UME Security Audit Log
Evaluate the Security Audit Log
Evaluate the entries in the Security Audit Log (using a tool of your choice).
Start (with your course user) a tool for evaluating logs (for example,
the NWA).
Open the file \usr\sap\<SID>\<instance_number>\j2ee\cluster\server<X>\log\system\security_audit_##_#.log for all the server
processes in your Java cluster.
The displayed entries allow you to identify who performed what
operation and when.
Task 4: Log Configuration in the NWA
You found an error message in the previous task. Set the severity to Warning for
the location from which the problem was reported.
In the NWA, go to Log Configuration
Switch to Troubleshooting → Logs and Traces → Log Configuration
Choose the appropriate view (Tracing Locations).
In the previous task “Troubleshooting with the Log Viewer in the
NWA”, we saw that we are dealing with trace information and we
therefore choose Tracing Locations
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Log Viewer and Log Configuration
Use the filter to find the location.
Use Open Filter to open the filter.
Enter the complete location from task 2 in the search field and choose
Apply Filter.
Here you find the set severity for the location.
Change the Severity from Error to Warning and save your input.
Check whether additional information is written to the log and trace files.
You may have to scroll down a little in the top window. The location
should already be visible. In the top window, click on Severity and
select Warning. Choose Save Configuration to save the new severity
Proceed as you did with task 2.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Use the Log Viewer
Explain the difference between logging and tracing
Execute log configuration
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Lesson: Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution Manager
Lesson: Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution
Lesson Overview
This lesson will introduce the technological prerequisites for some
monitoring/analysis options offered by SAP Solution Manager, based on the
software release SAP Solution Manager 7.1 as available since Q4 of 2011.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
list technical components required for different monitoring capabilities of
SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Business Example
You are interested in an short overview of the technical prerequisites of some
monitoring/analysis functions offered by SAP Solution Manager 7.1.
Monitoring and Analysis Functions of SAP Solution
Manager 7.1 and CCMS - what's the Connection?
In the recent years, SAP Solution Manager experienced quite some evolution.
With SAP Solution Manager 7.1, the monitoring and analysis functions have been
significantly expanded and have been based upon a new technical infrastructure.
However, some fundamental questions around monitoring never change:
What data is collected? Where is the collected data stored (initially)? How
is this data collected?
How is the data transferred to the tool of analysis? Are special transfer
options available?
What tool is being used for data display and/or data analysis?
If you have already worked with monitoring functions offered by the Computing
Center Management System (CCMS), then you already know the answers to
the fundamental questions given above.
What data is collected? Where is the collected data stored (initially)? How
is this data collected?
Data is collected via differently implemented “data collectors”, only data for
which data collectors exist, can be collected. The data is initially stored in
monitoring segments, attached to each instance.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
How is the data transferred to the tool of analysis? Are special transfer
options available?
Data is transferred to the central monitoring system (CEN) via RFC
connections. Those RFC connections might point to instances of SAP
systems based on AS ABAP or they may point to the so called “CCMS
agents”, in systems based on SAP NetWeaver 7.1 and higher being replaced
What tool is being used for data display and/or data analysis?
Data collected by the CCMS can be displayed via transaction RZ20.
For SAP Solution Manager 7.1 you need to be aware that the scope of metrics
that can be monitored/analysed is not restricted to the metrics collected and
stored by CCMS.
SAP Solution Manager (7.1) can display additional data that doesn't origin in
CCMS, this means...
... there are additional ways of collecting and storing data
... there are additional modes of data transfer between “place of origin”
and SAP Solution Manager
... there are additional tools for displaying/analysing the collected
Note: Please be aware of the fact that because SAP Solution Manager uses
largely its own infrastructure for data collection, storage and display, there
are virtually no negative effects between using the advanced monitoring
capabilities of SAP Solution Manager and the traditional monitoring
functions of CCMS in parallel.
Because you would like to avoid duplicate efforts, it is very unlikely
that you will be using such a setup. However, you should know that,
technically, there is no negative impact known.
SAP Solution Manager is capable of collecting data from monitoring segments
managed by CCMS and to transfer the data to its own data storage facilties.
This data will be displayed using the graphical functions offered by SAP Solution
Manager (instead of using RZ20) and can be analysed by the functions offered by
SAP Solution Manager.
A lot of addtional monitoring and analysis functions are available in SAP Solution
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Lesson: Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution Manager
Technical Prerequisites for selected Monitoring and
Analysis Capabilities of SAP Solution Manager
This section will list some Monitoring and Analysis capabilities of SAP Solution
Manager and their technical prerequisites. Some of the following information is
valid since many years, some information only applies to SAP Solution Manager
Caution: The content of this section is VERY high-level and of an
introductionary character. For further insight, it is required to extensively
study the recommended courses, listed below.
Caution: Virtually all functions introduced in this lesson require that
your SAP Solution Manager system has been set up “fundamentally”
using transaction SOLMAN_SETUP. Therefore, this requirement is
only given once, in this place.
Note: Please be aware, this lesson focuses on an introduction to some
technology-related topics. License- or maintenance contract-related topics
won't be covered here. E.g. some of the functions described might require
that your company makes use of SAP Enterprise Support.
Technical Requirements for using Metrics Monitoring
SAP Solution Manager 7.1 offers the monitoring of many different attributes of
SAP and non-SAP systems within your system landscape. These attributes will be
labelled as “metrics” in the following.
For being able to monitor many different metrics and for making full use of the
monitoring capabilities of SAP Solution Manager 7.1, it is necessary to configure
SAP Solution Manager and the remote system accordingly.
Remote systems are also named “managed systems” or “satellite systems”. SAP
Solution Manager is sometimes labelled as “managing system”.
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Figure 194: Technical Requirements for using Metrics Monitoring
Find more documentation at https://service.sap.com/diagnostics.
Please read SAP Note 1478974: Diagnostics in SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Please read SAP Note 1483508: Solution Manager 7.1: Root Cause Analysis
pre-requisites for requirements on SAP Solution Manager and Managed
Please read SAP Note 1612514: Solution Manager 7.1 SP Stack 3:
recommended corrections
Open the document named Managed System Configuration with 7.1 under
the header 7.1 (NEW) at
Have a look into the document named End-to-End Root Cause Analysis
Systems Landscape Setup Guide that can be found in the Media Library at
Technical Requirements for Monitoring AS Java
Using Wily Introscope
SAP Solution Manager can collect, display and analyze many metrics collected
from AS Java. Fundamentally, you need to implement the following software
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Lesson: Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution Manager
Solution Manager Diagnostic Agent (SMD Agent or Diagnostics Agent)
The Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent (SMD Agent or Diagnostics
Agent) is the remote component of the End-To-End Root Cause Analysis.
It allows to perform a connection between SAP Solution Manager and the
managed system and to gather information from the remote system.
It needs to be installed once per virtual host (for each “host name” a
separate SMD Agent is required). One agent per host supports several
managed systems running on the same named host.
SAP Host Agent
SAP Host Agent is component responsible for the monitoring of the
host/operating system.
It is installed once per physical host (to be monitored).
Wily Introscope Bytecode Agent
The Wily Introscope Bytecode Agent (sometimes named (Wily Introscope)
Java Agent) is the component of Introscope that collects performance data
from your applications running on Java Virtual Machines (JVMs), and sends
it to the Introscope Enterprise Manager. It can be deployed to the remote AS
Java from within SAP Solution Manager with the help of Solution Manager
Diagnostics Agent.
Figure 195: Technical Requirements for Monitoring AS Java Using Wily
For more information, please refer to the following:
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Unit 8: Monitoring
On Solution Manager Diagnostic Agent
Please read SAP Note 1365123: Installation of Diagnostics Agents
and the attached document,
named AgentInstallationStrategy.pdf.
Please read SAP Note 1448655: Inst. 7.30 - Diagnostics Agent
installation and the attached document,
named 730_Diag_Agent_Setup_Guide.pdf.
Please read SAP Note 1631978 : SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics
Agent error : "Metric Limit exceeded: 1000.
On Wily Introscope
Please read SAP Note 797147: Wily Introscope Installation for SAP
Please read SAP Note 1273028: Introscope 8 Release Notes
Please read SAP Note 1280961: SAP Extended Diagnostics by CA Wily
Please read SAP Note 1579474: Management Modules for Introscope
delivered by SAP
On SAP Host Agent
Please read SAP Note 1031096: Installing Package SAPHOSTAGENT
and the document attached to this note,
named Installation_SAPHOSTAGENT.pdf.
Please read SAP Note 1473974: Using the SAP Host Agent Auto
Upgrade Feature and the attached document,
named SAPHostAgent-AutoUpgrade.pdf.
Technical Requirements for using Early Watch
Alert and related Services
For being able to make use of Early Watch Alert and some other services offered
by SAP, the involved SAP systems need to fulfill some requirements.
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Lesson: Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution Manager
Figure 196: Technical Requirements for using Early Watch Alert and related
Technical Requirements for Early Watch Alert and other Services
On the System to be Analysed
Software Component ST-PI needs to be available
(already included into many SAP products)
Software Component ST-A/PI needs to be available
(usually needs to be applied)
SAP Note 91488: SAP Support Services - Central preparatory note
needs to be followed
SAP Note 69455: Servicetools for Applications ST-A/PI (ST14,
RTCCTOOL, ST12) needs to be followed
On the SAP Solution Manager
Software Components ST-PI and ST-SER need to be available
(already included in SAP Solution Manager)
Software Component ST-A/PI needs to be available
(already included in SAP Solution Manager 7.1)
SAP Note 1257308: FAQ: Using EarlyWatch Alert needs to be followed
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Unit 8: Monitoring
Technical Requirements for using End-User Experience Monitoring
SAP End User Experience Monitoring (EEM) collects information on the “real”
and “subjective” system behavior as experienced by human end users. SAP EEM
provides information on availability and performance of real applications as
experienced by end users in the same location.
For example, while working on the same SAP system, the creation of an customer
order might take considerably longer from one location of your company (e.g.
Sidney), whereas the same activity takes almost no time from another location
(e.g. Tokyo).
EEM captures this subjective system behavior. This collected information can
help tremendously in root cause analysis of performance problems. For example,
you can easily see if an unwanted system behavior can be observed globally or
only from one location.
Technically, SAP EEM relies on EEM robots to execute predefined scripts for
“simulating” realistic end user activities. Please note, that this “simulated” work
is actually carried out in the back end system. So, no “dummy-activities” take
place, but REAL system interaction.
EEM robots can carry out scripts describing activities via HTTP or in SAP GUI.
You can create your own scripts via a script recorder.
For implementing SAP End User Experience Monitoring (EEM) you need to
install EEM robots - which are in fact Solution Manager Diagnostics Agents
(SMD agents) - at the locations to be monitored. Usually, it suffices to install an
EEM robot on an individual machine per location. SAP Solution Manager serves
as the back end for SAP EEM.
It is recommended to install standalone SMD-agents (>=7.20) that are running
For this, please follow the instructions in SAP Note 1368413: Inst. 7.20/7.12 Diagnostics Agent installation.
Attached to this note, you can find a guide that describes how to download the
Standalone Diagnostics Agent 7.20 DVD.
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Lesson: Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution Manager
Figure 197: Technical Components required for SAP End User Experience
You can find more information on SAP EEM at the following location on SDN
Technical Requirements for using BMC AppSight
for SAP Client Diagnostics
BMC AppSight for SAP Client Diagnostics helps in diagnosing front end related
This software records activitiy on the front end according to a Recording Profile
(which is provided in a file of type *.RPR) in a so-called AppSight Log file (of
type *.ASL).
The recording activities are conducted by a software installed on the front end to
be analysed, this software is called “Black Box” and is part of the BMC AppSight
for SAP Client Diagnostics software package.
Because personal data can be recorded, you need to consider SAP Note 1034760:
Privacy Concerns when recording a problem using BMC AppSight.
The following SAP Notes and other information sources will be also of interest for
you, if you intend to use BMC AppSight for SAP Client Diagnostics:
SAP Note 1034901: Installation of "BMC AppSight for SAP Client
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Unit 8: Monitoring
SAP Note 1034902 : FAQ: BMC AppSight for SAP Client Diagnostics
SAP Note 1038811: BMC AppSight Recording Profile Templates for SAP
Client Apps
SAP Note 1034760: Privacy Concerns when recording a problem using
BMC AppSight
A blog titled Quick start to BMC AppSight for SAP Client Diagnostics
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Introduction to Monitoring Using SAP Solution Manager
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
list technical components required for different monitoring capabilities of
SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Related Information
SAP Courses:
SM100 - SAP Solution Manager Configuration for Operations
E2E100 - E2E Root Cause Analysis
E2E120 - Technical Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager 7.1
ADM106 - SAP System Monitoring Using CCMS I
ADM107 - SAP System Monitoring Using CCMS II
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe the monitoring infrastructure
Display monitoring data in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA)
Make threshold value settings in the NWA
Monitor Java instances in the central monitoring system
Explain which configuration steps are required to be able to maintain the
threshold values for Java instances from the central monitoring system
Describe how an availability check using the GRMG works technically
Configure an availability check
Use the Log Viewer
Explain the difference between logging and tracing
Execute log configuration
list technical components required for different monitoring capabilities of
SAP Solution Manager 7.1
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge
Which actions are possible using the Monitor Browser in the NWA?
Choose the correct answer(s).
Changes to threshold values
Delete history values
Cross-system monitoring
Display monitoring data for Java instances
Trace information is only important for the administrator.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
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Test Your Knowledge
Which actions are possible using the Monitor Browser in the NWA?
Answer: A, D
The tasks of the Monitor Browser are to change threshold values, and display
collected monitoring data.
Trace information is only important for the administrator.
Answer: False
Trace information is often used to identify problems during development,
and provides developers with detailed information about an error that has
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Unit 9
Software Maintenance
Unit Overview
For every type of software, there are corrections that must be installed. This unit
provides an overview of the update of AS Java-based SAP systems. The tools for
incorporating the corrections are introduced.
The support and maintenance of an SAP system includes the execution of backups
on a regular basis. This unit explains which components should be taken into
account when backing up.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Explain the concept of maintenance certificates
Describe a maintenance transaction
Call the Java Support Package Manager (JSPM).
Import Support Packages and Support Package Stacks for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java 7.1x-based systems.
Explain which regular backups are required for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance ............................492
Exercise 24: Execute a Maintenance Transaction .....................503
Lesson: Importing Corrections ................................................509
Exercise 25: Importing Corrections ......................................521
Lesson: Backing Up AS Java .................................................530
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
Lesson Overview
This lesson discusses the use of the SAP Solution Manager - Maintenance
Optimizer (MOpz) to request Support Packages within a maintenance transaction.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the concept of maintenance certificates
Describe a maintenance transaction
Business Example
You want to import Support Packages into your SAP system. You want to request
these with the help of your Solution Manager
Maintenance Certificates
A maintenance certificate enables the SAP software logistics tools (for example,
SPAM, SAINT, and JSPM) to identify the system to be maintained and to
determine the extent of maintenance required. It is also used to ensure that only
customers with a valid maintenance contract can perform the relevant maintenance
Hint: As of January 2009, the software logistics tools can only maintain a
system if a valid maintenance certificate is available.
As of SPAM/SAINT Version 7.00/0034, a valid maintenance certificate is a
prerequisite for importing Support Packages.
Hint: All SAP products based on SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.0 and
higher require a maintenance certificate.
Maintenance certificates are valid for a period of three months, after which time
they must be renewed. To keep costs to a minimum, a SAP Solution Manager
system can be used to automate the process of generating maintenance certificates.
For this purpose, a SAP Solution Manager system must have release 7.0 and
Support Package Stack level 16 or higher (recommended: 18).
Hint: The SAP Solution Manager system requires a connection to SAP
Service Marketplace and to the SAP system to be patched.
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Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
If these connections are not possible (for example, for security reasons), the
maintenance certificates can also be requested manually from SAP Service
When performing a release upgrade or importing SAP enhancement packages,
Support Packages are incorporated into the update process. A maintenance
certificate is not required here.
You can use transaction SLICENSE to check whether your system has a valid
maintenance certificate. Choose New Licenses (to switch to the Digitally-Signed
License Keys view). You can now check the following:
Software Product: Maintenance in the Sware Prod column
Valid From: Date on which the maintenance certificate was requested
Valid To: Date on which the maintenance certificate was requested +
approximately three months
Hint: See also SAP Note 1280664 - Distribution of maintenance
certificates: Troubleshooting
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Figure 198: Maintenance Certificate
The SAP Solution Manager system requests a maintenance certificate for all
managed systems, where the maintenance certificate is expiring.
The maintenance certificates are generated in the SAP Global Support
The SAP Solution Manager system contains the maintenance certificates the
next time a connection is established (every 24 hours).
The managed systems receive the maintenance certificates from the SAP
Solution Manager system.
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Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
The following is a more detailed description of the process:
If automatic distribution is active for maintenance certificates, SAP Solution
Manager passes the system numbers of all satellite systems to the SAP
Global Support Backbone.
The SAP Global Support Backbone automatically checks each system for a
valid maintenance contract.
If there is no valid maintenance contract, the process in the SAP Global
Support Backbone automatically ends, and the customer's SAP Solution
Manager system is informed.
If there is a valid maintenance contract, the SAP Global Support Backbone
automatically checks whether there is a maintenance certificate, and returns
it to SAP Solution Manager.
If there is no maintenance certificate, the SAP Global Support Backbone
automatically generates one for this system. The next time it runs (every 24
hours), SAP Solution Manager can get this maintenance certificate from
the SAP Global Support Backbone.
The maintenance certificates are automatically given to SAP Solution
Manager, where they are saved and made available.
The Maintenance Package task, which runs daily in the satellite systems
(in the Service Data Control Center, transaction SDCCN), uses an RFC
connection to request the relevant maintenance certificate from SAP Solution
If a maintenance certificate is successfully retrieved, it is automatically saved
locally in SAP License Management (transaction SLICENSE).
If the tools SPAM or SAINT are used to import Support Packages, an
automatic check is performed to check whether there is a valid maintenance
certificate for the system.
SAP Note 1280664 - Distribution of maintenance certificates: Troubleshooting
provides detailed information about troubleshooting.
Maintenance Transaction
All SAP systems that are part of the customer's system landscape are registered
in SAP Solution Manager. The Maintenance Optimizer (MOpz), as part of SAP
Solution Manager, can then work with this information.
To import Support Packages, among other things, SAP recommends that you
create a maintenance transaction with the Maintenance Optimizer. On the one
hand, this maintenance transaction is used to calculate a consistent combination
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
of Support Packages for a systems in the system landscape. On the other hand,
the Support Packages to be imported must be approved before they can be
downloaded. The approval is performed as part of the maintenance transaction.
Hint: All Support Packages for systems based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0
(and higher) require the Maintenance Optimizer for approval.
Figure 199: Maintenance Transaction
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Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
The following steps are necessary to perform a maintenance transaction and using
it to select Support Packages:
In the SAP Solution Manager system, the basic configuration needs to have
been performed with transaction SOLMAN_SETUP.
The SAP systems to be maintained need to have been registered in SAP
Solution Manager with transaction SMSY.
As part of this registration process, the systems are assigned to a logical
The logical component needs to be assigned to a solution in the SAP Solution
Manager Administration work center.
In the Change Management work center you can create a maintenance
transaction using the Maintenance Optimizer (MOpz) by choosing Common
Tasks → New Maintenance Transaction.
The required Support Packages can be selected within this maintenance
The selected Support Packages can be placed in the download basket. They
are then approved within the maintenance transaction so the Download
Manager can be used to download them from the SAP Service Marketplace.
(Alternatively, the Software Lifecycle Manager functions (SLM) can be
used for the download.)
The downloaded Support Packages can now be imported using the Support
Package Manager (transaction SPAM in the AS ABAP based system to be
maintained). In AS Java based systems Support Packages are imported
with the tool JSPM.
Hint: With SAP Solution Manager 7.1 transaction codes
SOLUTION_MANAGER, DSWP, and DSMOP will be deactivated.
Transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER replaces the transaction
SOLUTION_MANAGER. For more information see SAP Note 1480419.
A maintenance transaction consists of five major steps that need to be performed.
Start the transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER to open SAP Solution Manager:
Work Centers
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Figure 200: Starting the Maintenance Optimizer and entering the Basic Data
Select the tab (1) Change Management. In Overview select (2) Maintenance
Optimizer to start a new maintenance transaction. As a shortcut you could
select (3) New Maintenance Transaction in the Common Tasks. The screen New
Maintenance Optimizer transaction will open. Here you need to select the (4)
Solution and (5) Product Version. In the box Product System you need to select the
systems that you want to patch in this maintenance transaction. When you have
entered the correct basic data you can press (6) Continue.
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Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
Figure 201: Selecting the files and target patch level
The figure above shows how to choose (1) the automatic or manual file selection
and (2) Continue to the update options. Depending on your start release the system
will present you (3) with the possible update option. Press (4) Continue to the
Select Target screen. In this screen you can select the target support package stack
that you want to implement. Choose (6) Continue to the screens Confirm Major
Target, Select Add-on Products and Select OS/DB-Dependent Files.
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Figure 202: Confirm target and select add-on and OSDB files 1/2
The choices above depend on the product that you are applying the patches to.
In the example shown in the figure above we only select the correct OS/DB files.
No add-on was selected.
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Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
Figure 203: Confirm target and select add-on and OSDB files 2/2
In the steps shown above you can choose to include a SPAM Update (step 2.5).
In step 2.6 you can change the selected Stack-Dependant Files. Changing the
selection here is not recommended. The step 2.7 will put the files into your
Download Basket.
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Figure 204: Download, implement and complete the maintenance transaction
In download the selected files using the Download Manager in step 3. When this
is done continue to step 4 and maintain the status of the implementation of the
support package stack. This step can only continue when all the systems in this
Maintenance Transaction have the status Completed. In step 5 you can close the
Maintenance Transaction by choosing Complete Transaction. After completion no
changes are possible.
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Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
Exercise 24: Execute a Maintenance
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create and execute a maintenance transaction for Support Packages in the
SAP Solution Manager system.
Business Example
You want to update the SAP systems in your company to the latest Support
Package level. You want to use a maintenance transaction in the SAP Solution
Manager system to determine the Support Packages.
Caution: The DEV groups log on to the partner QAS system and define
a maintenance transaction for their own DEV system. The QAS groups
log on to the partner DEV system and define a maintenance transaction
for their own QAS system.
The partner system is assumed to be the Solution Manager system, the
own system is assumed to be the system to be updated.
Caution: The maintenance transaction exercise requires certain system
configurations to be made. The systems for this course are prepared
accordingly. However, you may still need to create a solution and assign
logical components. The first task is used for this.
Task 1: Create a Solution
Create a solution your partner SAP Solution Manager system that has a logical
component assigned to it with your own system included.
Create a solution and assign your logical component to it. Use the SAP
Solution Manager Administration work center.
Task 2: Execute a Maintenance Transaction
Use your partner SAP Solution Manager system to execute a maintenance
transaction for your own system for importing a Support Package Stack into your
Create a maintenance transaction for importing a Support Package Stack.
Select the Support Package Stack you require for your maintenance
Continued on next page
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Complete the maintenance transaction.
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Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
Solution 24: Execute a Maintenance
Task 1: Create a Solution
Create a solution your partner SAP Solution Manager system that has a logical
component assigned to it with your own system included.
Create a solution and assign your logical component to it. Use the SAP
Solution Manager Administration work center.
Log on to your SAP Solution Manager system.
Call the SAP Solution Manager Administration work center using the
SOLMAN_WORKCENTER transaction, for example.
Choose Solutions and select the New button.
Enter user and password and log on. You are now in the screen to
create a new Solution.
In the field Solution, enter the name of your solution, for example
Solution ## and choose a language.
Switch to the System Group tab.
Choose Development System as the Leading Role of the Solution and
then Save Solution.
Press the F4 key in the first cell of column Logical Components to
add the correct logical component.
In the popup expand SAP SOLUTION MANAGER → Solution Manager
ABAP Stack and select SAP Solution Manager. Confirm this selection.
Save your changes.
Continued on next page
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Task 2: Execute a Maintenance Transaction
Use your partner SAP Solution Manager system to execute a maintenance
transaction for your own system for importing a Support Package Stack into your
Create a maintenance transaction for importing a Support Package Stack.
Log on to your partner SAP Solution Manager system.
Call the Change Management work center using the
SOLMAN_WORKCENTER transaction, for example.
Choose Common Tasks → New Maintenance Transaction.
Choose a Priority and enter a Description. Choose the Solution you
created in the previous task.
Choose SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 as the Product Version and
select the row with your own SAP system.
Choose Continue.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Preparation for Software Maintenance
Select the Support Package Stack you require for your maintenance
Select Calculate Files Automatically - Recommended and choose
Maintenance is already selected in your maintenance transaction.
Choose Continue.
Accept the Target stack currently proposed, for example, 03 (09/2011)
and choose Continue. (This may take several minutes.)
Check the technical system and choose Continue.
Do not select any Add-on and choose Continue.
You now see a selection of operation system- and database-dependent
files. For the operating system Windows Server on x64 64bit, select the
#Database independent and MaxDB files. Choose Continue.
You now see a selection of stack-independent files. Leave the selection
unchanged and choose Continue.
You now see the files that belong to your stack. Leave the selection
unchanged and choose Continue.
As the download tool choose Download Basket. The files will be added
to the download basket. Choose Continue.
The files are automatically confirmed in your S-user's download basket.
You could now start the Download Manager by choosing Download
Files from Download Basket. In the context of this course this step
is not necessary, because the relevant files are already downloaded
to your server.
Choose Continue. The Status of Implementation is New. You may
want to set it to In Process.
At this point, you would use the Download Manager to download the
files and, for example, use transaction SPAM to import the Support
Packages into your own AS ABAP based system. For an AS Java
based system, the tool JSPM is used. However, this is not part of this
exercise. Imagine that you have already successfully imported all of
the files contained in your maintenance transaction.
Complete the maintenance transaction.
Set the Status of Implementation to Completed and Save.
Choose Complete Transaction and Continue.
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the concept of maintenance certificates
Describe a maintenance transaction
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
Lesson: Importing Corrections
Lesson Overview
This lesson presents the updating of an AS Java 7.1x-based SAP system, for
example SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1x or SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1x, by installing a
current Support Package Stack.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Call the Java Support Package Manager (JSPM).
Import Support Packages and Support Package Stacks for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java 7.1x-based systems.
Business Example
Quality control of the petrochemistry company XYZ AG has detected an error
in an important business process. This error can be traced back to an incorrect
delivery of an SAP software component. You must import the latest Support
Package Stack to eliminate this error.
Support Packages
Support Packages are corrections that SAP supplies to customers. The component
model used by SAP in the context of Java development is used both in delivery
(installation) and in the context of maintenance (import of Support Packages).
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Figure 205: Component Model in Delivery and Maintenance
Software maintenance is organized into three tiers:
A product consists of one or more software components that represent
related business scenarios. Products are installed or undergo an upgrade
to a new release. A release is a full delivery of software components that
provides new functions (and possibly user interfaces) or improvements.
Software components contain a set of development components. Support
Packages are delivered in the context of software maintenance. A Support
Package (SP) is (unlike ABAP) a full delivery of one (or more) software
component(s) and contains a number of patches. If sources are delivered
with Support Packages, the SPs must be transported using the NWDI's
Change Management Service (CMS). The usual file format of an SP is the
SCA format.
SAP does not advise you to import Support Packages individually for each
software component; rather you are advised to import them as uniformly as
possible for an entire system or even entire applications (comprising several
systems). Therefore, SAP releases the individual Support Packages together
as a Support Package Stack for the respective product.
Patches are full deliveries of a development component that allow a quick
error correction, before the complete SP is available. The usual file format
is the SDA format. If patches include sources, they must also be imported
using the resources of the CMS.
Introduction: Java Support Package Manager
As of SAP NetWeaver 7.0, the Java Support Package Manager (JSPM) is used
to import Support Packages for SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java (AS
Java) and all the Java-based software components running on it. There are two
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
additional tools, CEUPDATE and the Update Management Service, for SAP
NetWeaver CE 7.1x only. Both serve as user interfaces to facilitate the import
of a Support Package Stack.
Kernel, Internet Graphic Server (IGS), SAP JVM and other native AS
Java operating system binaries
JSPM itself
All Java software component installed in the system
Modified software components (integration with NWDI)
Deployment of SAP and third-party software components
Deployment, update and upgrade of Business Packages in the SAP Business
JSPM can import either individual Support Packages or a complete Support
Package Stack SAP recommends that you always implement the complete Support
Package Stack in a Java system. This is the only way to ensure the consistency of
the system and the application.
Java Support Package files (SCAs) contain all the software objects and the
associated software components (Full Patch). As a result, it is sufficient to update
the Java system with the required Support Package Stack. It is not necessary to
import all the Support Package Stacks from the start Support Package Stack level
through to the target Support Package Stack level one after the other.
JSPM provides a simple, intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). JSPM only
displays those components for which an update is possible. You can also see the
current Support Package level in JSPM. JSPM simplifies the Support Package
management process for Java applications by recognizing and taking account of
dependencies and reducing manual activities.
JSPM works together with the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
(NWDI), thus making it possible to identify modified components. In NWDI
development (DEV) and consolidation systems (CONS), JSPM detects modified
software components and transports them for deployment to the NWDI system. In
NWDI test (TEST) and production systems (PROD), JSPM detects and deploys
modified software components.
The AS Java must be started for JSPM to start.
Hint: The user <sid>adm should start JSPM.
You start JSPM using an instance file system script from the directory
/usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/j2ee/JSPM. The script is called go.bat (Windows) or
go (Unix). You now have to enter the user ID and password of an administration
user of the AS Java, for example Administrator or j2ee_admin.
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
JSPM writes all its log files to the directory /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/j2ee/JSPM/log.
Hint: Before you use the Java Support Package Manager, read SAP Note
1147119. If you use SAP systems on iSeries then you can find additional
information in SAP Note 1066038.
JSPM: Preparatory Steps for SP Stack
You should note the following steps before using JSPM:
Before the update: Check the entire functional capability of the system
Download the Support Package Stack (for all installed Usage Types) and the
corresponding Support Package Stack definition file (SPSTab.xml).
You should do this with the Maintenance Optimizer in SAP Solution
Storage location of the files (Support Packages and Support Package
definition file): JSPM Inbox (Default: /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in)
The storage location of the JSPM Inbox is defined via the parameter
Check the free space in the file system for the directory
Temporarily available disk space: approximately 3 times the size of the
Support Package files
If JSPM is to recognize the Support Package Stack correctly, both the Support
Package files and the corresponding Support Package Stack definition file
(SPSTab.xml) must be downloaded and available in the JSPM Inbox.
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
JSPM: Importing an SP Stack
You perform the following steps to import SP Stacks using JSPM.
Log on as user <sid>adm to the instance host.
Close all SAP MMC and services consoles under Windows.
Start JSPM and log on with an administration user of the AS Java.
Start JSPM from /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/j2ee/JSPM using the script
go or go.bat.
Update JSPM itself (you do not have to perform this step separately since
JSMP is also contained in the SP Stack).
The JSPM update can be imported at runtime.
a) Select the Start Deployment tab.
b) Select the option Java Support Package Manager (JSPM).
Call and log on to JSPM again.
In the Start Deployment tab, select the option Support and Enhancement
Package Stack followed by Next.
In this step, JSPM performs a number of status checks and displays the
result for each individual software component in the following screen. The
following status can be reported:.
OK: SP can be imported.
WARNING: The software contains customer modifications in a system
monitored by NWDI Deployment can be performed.
WARNING may also mean: the software components contain lower
versions of development components than are available in the system.
REVISE: Indicates inconsistencies with the corresponding software
component. A deployment cannot be performed until all the problems
have been eliminated.
Select Next if the SP Stack has the appropriate status. This starts the
updating of the software component and the status of the JSPM changes to
JSPM starts and stops the AS Java several times during this procedure.
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Figure 206: Import Support Package Stacks
There are different ways to import Support Package Stacks. A significant
difference is whether or not patches are applied. In particular, you apply patches
if patches have already been applied on the current system. If the patch that has
already been applied is of a younger date than the delivery date of the Support
Package for the software components, the correction of the patch may not be
contained in the Support Package for the software components. If you decide to
apply patches, you can do this in one or two steps.
The option to apply patches with the Support Package of the SPS in one step has
been available as of 7.0 SPS 14. Before you decide on this option, read SAP
Note 1080821 carefully.
You start JSPM from the file system and log on with an administration user of
the AS Java.
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
Figure 207: Starting JSPM
The step Specify Queue displays the (highest) Support Package Stack level
available in the JSPM Inbox. Then, in the Check Queue step, JSPM checks the
deployment queue and every software component in the stack is assigned a status.
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Figure 208: Support Package Stack: Specify Queue, Check Queue
In the Deploy Queue step, JSPM starts the deployment of the software components
in the selected stack. When this is done, the status is set to SCHEDULED. The
Completed step displays the status of the software components after deployment.
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
Figure 209: Support Package Stack: Deploy Queue, Completed
After import, the Support Packages can have the following status:
DEPLOYED WITH WARNING: The Support Packages have been deployed
but might possibly not function correctly with other deployed components.
ERROR: An error occurred during deployment and must be eliminated
before continuing with the import of the Support Package.
NOT DEPLOYED: For certain reasons, JSPM has not attempted to deploy
the software components. Eliminate the problems and restart the import.
If the Support Package Stack contains a Kernel Update, JSPM starts with the
Kernel Update. JSPM updates the kernel binaries in the global kernel directory.
When the instances are restarted, the kernel is then copied locally to all instances
via sapcpe.
In general, corrections can be imported individually or in the stack. SAP urgently
recommends you to use Support Package Stacks in order to ensure the consistency
of the system and the applications.
JSPM: Importing Individual Support Packages
If you want to update only individual software components and not all the
components of the SP Stack, choose the option Single Support Packages and
Patches (advanced use).
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Caution: Before starting the import of Support Packages at a given level,
you must make sure that the JSPM has at least the same level.
Figure 210: Single Support Package: Select Package Type, Specify Queue
In the next step, you specify the queue by choosing the required SP level or skip
(do not import) for each software component. In the case of modified software
components and systems monitored by NWDI, there is also the setting <SP
level>, Modified by NWDI.
JSPM now checks the validity of the deployment queue and outputs the status
OK, WARNING or REVISE accordingly.
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
Figure 211: Single Support Package: Check Queue
In the fourth step, deployment is started and the status of all the components
changes to SCHEDULED or IN PROGRESS. In the last step, the final status is
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Figure 212: Single Support Package: Deploy Queue, Completed
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
Exercise 25: Importing Corrections
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Implement corrections for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Business Example
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java is used as the runtime environment for
applications that conform to the J2EE standard. You can use Support Packages to
correct errors and implement new functions for SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
Task 1: Preparations for applying Support Package
Provide the required Support Packages, the corresponding file stack.xml, and the
patches for the Support Package Stack in the directory EPS/in. Prepare to import
the Support Package Stack from the training share.
For the software component JSPM, determine which Support Package
number belongs to the Support Package Stack to be imported.
Copy the Support Packages of the Support Package Stack and the file
stack.xml from the directory Stack Definition to the directory EPS/in.
Copy the patches for the Support Packages of the Support Package Stack
from the directory Patches to the directory EPS/in.
Task 2: Applying a JSPM Update
Apply the patch that you copied in the previous task in your system.
Use JSPM to check the current JSPM level. To do this, start JSPM.
Carry out the JSPM update.
Use JSPM to check the current JSPM level. To do this, start JSPM.
You have successfully applyed a JSPM Update for SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
Continued on next page
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Task 3: Optional: Applying a Support Package Stack
You can either carry out this task or the task of “applying a Support Package
Stack with patches”.
Use JSPM to apply a Support Package Stack.
Caution: Close the SAP MMC and the Services if they are started on the
host of your SAP system.
Appy the Support Package Stack.
Task 4: Optional: Applying Patches
You can carry out this task only if you have successfully completed the task of
“applying a Support Package Stack”.
Use the JSPM to apply the patches for your Support Package Stack. You made
these patches available in the first task in the directory EPS/in.
Caution: Stop the complete dialog instance (ABAP+Java) of your SAP
Close the SAP MMC and the Services if they are started on the host of
your SAP system.
Use the JSPM to apply the patches for your Support Package Stack.
Task 5: Optional: Applying a Support Package Stack
with Patches
You can either carry out this task or the task of “applying a Support Package
Hint: Before you apply patches with the Support Package Stack option,
read SAP Note 1080821.
Use the JSPM to apply a Support Package Stack with the relevant patches.
Caution: Stop your dialog instance and close the SAP MMC and the
Services if they are started on the host of your SAP system.
Set the parameter /jspm/includePatchesInStack in the file jspm_config.txt to
the value true. You can find the file jspm_config.txt in the directory param.
Apply the Support Package Stack with patches in one step.
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
Solution 25: Importing Corrections
Task 1: Preparations for applying Support Package
Provide the required Support Packages, the corresponding file stack.xml, and the
patches for the Support Package Stack in the directory EPS/in. Prepare to import
the Support Package Stack from the training share.
For the software component JSPM, determine which Support Package
number belongs to the Support Package Stack to be imported.
Search for the file JSPM<NumberX>_0-... in the subdirectory Support
Packages, which you can find on the training share. <NumberX> is
the number of the Support Package of the software component JSPM
searched for.
You can find the JSPM patches in the directory Patches (which you can
find on the training share).
The files have the following form: JSPM<NumberX>P_<NumberY>.... <NumberX> specifies the number of the Support Package and
<NumberY> specifies the number of the patch.
Copy the file where <NumberX> corresponds to the number from the
previous exercise step. If there are several of these files, copy the one
that has the highest <NumberY>.
Copy the Support Packages of the Support Package Stack and the file
stack.xml from the directory Stack Definition to the directory EPS/in.
You can copy the complete contents of the directory Support Package
to EPS/in. If the system issues a prompt asking you whether you want
to overwrite a file, confirm this by choosing Yes, to all.
Copy the patches for the Support Packages of the Support Package Stack
from the directory Patches to the directory EPS/in.
You can copy the complete contents of the directory Patches to EPS/in.
If the system issues a prompt asking you whether you want to overwrite
one of more files, confirm this by choosing Yes to All.
Continued on next page
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Task 2: Applying a JSPM Update
Apply the patch that you copied in the previous task in your system.
Use JSPM to check the current JSPM level. To do this, start JSPM.
Log on as user <sid>adm to your PAS instance's host.
Start JSPM (/usr/sap/<SID>/<PAS>/j2ee/JSPM/ go.bat) and log on
with the course user.
In the menu, choose Help → About. You can find the version of the
JSPM, for example, 7.30.<X>.<Y>.0, where <X> specifies the Support
Package and <Y> specifies the patch.
Carry out the JSPM update.
If you have not yet already done so, start the JSPM (see 1.)
In the step Select Package Type, choose the option Java Support
Package Manager (JSPM) followed by Next.
In the step Specify Queue, check whether the correct Support Package
and patch was selected. If this is not the case, choose the correct
Support Package and patch (see task 1). Confirm with Next.
In the step Check Queue, start the import of the JSPM update.
In the step Deploy Queue, the component is assigned the status
SCHEDULED and is then displayed with the achieved status
DEPLOYED after deployment.
End the JSPM by choosing Exit.
Use JSPM to check the current JSPM level. To do this, start JSPM.
Start JSPM (/usr/sap/<SID>/<PAS>/j2ee/JSPM/ go.bat) and log on
with the course user.
In the menu, choose Help → About. Here, you can find the version of
the JSPM, for example, 7.30.<X>.<Y>.0, where <X> specifies the
Support Package and <Y> specifies the patch.
You have successfully applyed a JSPM Update for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
Task 3: Optional: Applying a Support Package Stack
You can either carry out this task or the task of “applying a Support Package
Stack with patches”.
Use JSPM to apply a Support Package Stack.
Caution: Close the SAP MMC and the Services if they are started on the
host of your SAP system.
Appy the Support Package Stack.
Log on as user <sid>adm to your central instance's host.
Start JSPM (/usr/sap/<SID>/<PAS>/j2ee/JSPM/ go.bat) and log on
with the course user.
In the step Select Package Type, choose the option Support and
Enhancement Package Stack and confirm by choosing Next.
The stack that is available according to d:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in\SPStab.xml and which may be possible to apply is now displayed.
In the Specify Queue step, choose the highest available Support
Package Stack level.
Hint: The selected SP Stack level must be higher than that of
the stack that is already imported!
Choose Show Details to see which Support Package levels of the
individual components.
Now confirm with Next.
In the step Check Queue, the status OK or WARNING should be
displayed for all components. Choose Start to start the deployment.
In the step Deploy Queue, the components are assigned the status
SCHEDULED or IN PROGRESS, and, after the deployment, they
are displayed with the status DEPLOYED or DEPLOYED WITH
In the Completed step, select Exit.
Continued on next page
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Task 4: Optional: Applying Patches
You can carry out this task only if you have successfully completed the task of
“applying a Support Package Stack”.
Use the JSPM to apply the patches for your Support Package Stack. You made
these patches available in the first task in the directory EPS/in.
Caution: Stop the complete dialog instance (ABAP+Java) of your SAP
Close the SAP MMC and the Services if they are started on the host of
your SAP system.
Use the JSPM to apply the patches for your Support Package Stack.
Start JSPM (/usr/sap/<SID>/<PAS>/j2ee/JSPM/ go.bat) and log on
with the course user.
In the step Select Package Type, choose the option Single Support
Packages (advanced use) followed by Next.
In the step Specify Queue, check the proposed Support Package and
patch level. These have the format: 7.30.<X>.<Y>, where <X>
specifies the Support Package level and <Y> specifies the patch level.
If, for a software component, the Support Package level is different
from the current Support Package level, choose a patch that corresponds
to the current Support Package level or deactivate the deployment of
this patch by choosing skip. You do not need to concern yourself here
with software components for which no patches or Support Packages
were found.
Now confirm with Next.
In the step Check Queue, the status OK or WARNING should be
displayed for all components. Choose Start to start the import.
In the step Deploy Queue, the components are assigned the status
SCHEDULED or IN PROGRESS, and, after the deployment, they are
displayed with the achieved status DEPLOYED or DEPLOYED WITH
In the Completed step, select Exit.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Importing Corrections
Task 5: Optional: Applying a Support Package Stack
with Patches
You can either carry out this task or the task of “applying a Support Package
Hint: Before you apply patches with the Support Package Stack option,
read SAP Note 1080821.
Use the JSPM to apply a Support Package Stack with the relevant patches.
Caution: Stop your dialog instance and close the SAP MMC and the
Services if they are started on the host of your SAP system.
Set the parameter /jspm/includePatchesInStack in the file jspm_config.txt to
the value true. You can find the file jspm_config.txt in the directory param.
Log on as user <sid>adm to your central instance's host.
In the file /usr/sap/<SID>/<PAS>/j2ee/JSPM/ param/jspm_config.txt,
search for the parameter /jspm/includePatchesInStack and replace the
value false with true. Save your entry.
Continued on next page
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Apply the Support Package Stack with patches in one step.
Start JSPM (/usr/sap/<SID>/<PAS>/j2ee/JSPM/ go.bat) and log on
with the course user.
In the step Select Package Type, choose the option Support and
Enhancement Package Stack and confirm by choosing Next.
The stack that is available according to
d:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in\stack.xml and which it may be possible to
import is now displayed.
In the Specify Queue step, choose the highest available Support
Package Stack level.
Hint: The selected SP Stack level must be higher than that of
the stack that is already applyed!
Choose Show Details to see the Support Package levels of the
individual components.
Now confirm with Next.
In the step Specify Queue Patches, check the proposed Support Package
and patch level. These have the format: 7.30.<X>.<Y>, where <X>
specifies the Support Package level and <Y> specifies the patch level.
If, for a software component, the Support Package level is different
from the current Support Package level, choose a patch that corresponds
to the current Support Package level or deactivate the deployment of
this patch by choosing 7.30.<X>.0.
Now confirm with Next.
In the step Check Queue, the status OK or WARNING should be
displayed for all components. Choose Start to start the deployment.
In the step Deploy Queue, the components are assigned the status
SCHEDULED or IN PROGRESS, and, after the deployment, they are
displayed with the achieved status DEPLOYED or DEPLOYED WITH
In the Completed step, select Exit.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Importing Corrections
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Call the Java Support Package Manager (JSPM).
Import Support Packages and Support Package Stacks for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java 7.1x-based systems.
Related Information
SAP NetWeaver Support Package Stack Guide
SAP Service Marketplace: Quick Link /sp-stacks
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Lesson: Backing Up AS Java
Lesson Overview
You should back up a system with production data at regular intervals, so that
no data loss occurs in the case of a severe system error, and you can recreate
the system using restore/recovery mechanisms. This also applies to the SAP
NetWeaver AS Java. In addition to backing up the database, it is also important to
back up the proprietary SAP directories.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain which regular backups are required for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
Business Example
Your company runs several different SAP systems. To ensure that your system
can be restored after serious errors – such as the unintentional deletion of tables –
it is important to have a backup of the database and other directories. This also
applies for an SAP system with Usage Type AS Java.
Overview: Backing up the SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Backing up SAP NetWeaver AS Java and the associated database protects you
against data loss and is required to restore the SAP NetWeaver AS Java after a
system error.
Prerequisite for Backup
Note the following prerequisite so that you can perform a backup:
The backup tools for your database and the backup solution for your system must
be installed and available.
Hint: If you have not yet decided which backup strategy meets your
system requirements, read the documentation for your database.
First Backup After Installation and Upgrade
After installation and after each upgrade/update of the SAP NetWeaver AS Java,
you should perform the following:
A first file system backup of the AS Java (default path /usr/sap/<SID>/)
A first file system backup of the home directory of the database (Microsoft
Windows default path SAPDB\MaxDB: <drive>:\sapdb, Oracle:
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Lesson: Backing Up AS Java
Backup Routine
Figure 213: Backing up the SAP NetWeaver AS Java
A complete backup of all changes to the AS Java since the installation consists of:
Backing Up the Databases
Backing up the file system: Global directory \usr\sap\<SID>
Backing up the configuration (export using the Config Tool)
Backing up the Database:
We recommend that you include both the backing up of the database and the
database change logs into your daily routine.
Online backup:
If it is possible with your application, back up the database once a day with
online backup. You should, of course, back up the log files that accumulate
during production operation several times a day. Once a week, you should
also perform an offline backup.
Offline backup:
If your installed application can only be consistently backed up in offline
mode, we recommend that you schedule an offline backup as often as
possible (at least once at the weekend). You should, of course, back up the
log files that accumulate during production operation several times a day.
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Unit 9: Software Maintenance
Backing Up the Installed Applications
Note the guidelines for each SAP application running on your SAP NetWeaver AS
Java and perform any additional backup operations described there.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Backing Up AS Java
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain which regular backups are required for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the concept of maintenance certificates
Describe a maintenance transaction
Call the Java Support Package Manager (JSPM).
Import Support Packages and Support Package Stacks for SAP NetWeaver
AS Java 7.1x-based systems.
Explain which regular backups are required for the SAP NetWeaver AS Java.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge
What can be done with a maintenance transaction?
Choose the correct answer(s).
Import Support Packages.
Calculate Support Package Stacks for your SAP systems.
Approve objects in your download basket.
Import SAP Notes.
Import SAP enhancement packages
To be able to restore the SAP NetWeaver AS Java if a system error occurs, it
is sufficient to backup the directory /usr/sap.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Test Your Knowledge
What can be done with a maintenance transaction?
Answer: B, C
A maintenance transaction can not import SAP Notes, Support Packages
and SAP enhancement packages. SAP Notes are imported via the Note
Assistant, Support Packages for AS ABAP based systems via transaction
SPAM, Support Packages for AS Java based systems via tool JSPM, SAP
enhancement packages via the tool SAPehpi.
To be able to restore the SAP NetWeaver AS Java if a system error occurs, it
is sufficient to backup the directory /usr/sap.
Answer: False
You must back up the database as well as the proprietary SAP directories.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Summary
Course Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the architecture of SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Start and stop SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Carry out basic configurations for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Classify network security concepts
Set up SSL encryption for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Explain the architecture of the User Management Engine
Configure the User Management Engine
Carry out user and authorization maintenance
Understand and change the standard logon procedure of SAP NetWeaver
AS Java
Maintain destinations and the JCo RFC Provider
Understand the architecture and the tasks of the SAP NetWeaver
Development Infrastructure
Explain the process flow of the development process using the SAP
NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
Specify the options for monitoring SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Connect SAP NetWeaver AS Java to a central Monitoring system
Display Monitoring and logging data using the SAP NetWeaver
Implement corrections for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
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Course Summary
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Integration of changes from the incative workspace into the active workspace
(after a successful build).
Step for creating a software component version in CMS Transport Studio.
This step takes the most up-to-date software status in the DTR workspace
of the consolidation stage, if appropriate, takes the required archive from
the CBS and creates a uniquely defined status of the developed software
component from this.
Separate area within a CBS that implements exactly one development
Component Build Service (CBS)
Part of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure and is used for the
central build of the source texts.
A cookie is a message that is sent to the Web browser (for example from a
Web server). The Web browser saves this message either in the file system
(persistent cookie) or it is stored in a temporary memory area and deleted
when the browser is closed (session cookie). For each request to the issuing
server, the Web browser sends the cookie to this server again.
Transfer of archives to the runtime environment of the target system.
Design Time Repository (DTR)
Central memory for all kinds of source files. The memory is presented
logically as a hierarchical file and folder structure. Physically, the contents are
stored in a database and are accessible via the open logs WebDAV and DeltaV.
Development Component
Container for development objects in the Java environment. It represents a
software module that the application developer can use both for structuring
the application to be developed and to reuse an application.
Development Object
Element of a component that provides part of its function and can be changed
or developed in some way. This can be a Java class, a table definition, a JSP
page, and so on. Development objects are essentially stored in a repository.
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DIP file
Development Infrastructure Package – file that contains changes sources and
/ or runtime objects based on one ore more activities.
EAR file
Enterprise Archive File type that contains a Web-based application for
enterprises. An EAR file is, from a technical point of view, an archive of
the MIME type "application/zip" and can be unpacked using any packing
program. It always contains a file that describes all of the components in the
archive. Other special applications are required to be able to correctly use an
application contained in the archive.
Enterprise Information System
Enterprise (Java) Beans
Components for distributed and transaction-oriented business applications in
Java. Typically, they contain a processing logic for business data.
Generic Request and Message Generator: Central infrastructure for
availability monitoring of Java-based components and applications
Java Virtual Machine
Interpreter for the controlled execution of Java bytecode on the respective
hardware platform.
Java Management Extension
Java Server Pages, abbreviated to JSP, are used simplify the dynamic
generation of the HTML and XML output of a Web server. This technology
allows the embedding of Java code and special JSP actions in static content.
The advantage of this technology is that the logic can be implemented
independent of the design.
maintenance certificate
A maintenance certificate enables the SAP software logistics tools (for
example, SPAM, SAINT, and JSPM) to identify the system to be maintained
and to determine the extent of maintenance required. It is also used to ensure
that only customers with a valid maintenance contract can perform the
relevant maintenance transactions.
maintenance transaction
To import Support Packages, among other things, SAP recommends that
you create a maintenance transaction with the Maintenance Optimizer. This
maintenance transaction is used to calculate a consistent combination of
Support Packages for a specific system or a combination of systems in the
landscape and to approve this combination for download.
Name Server
Part of SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD). The Name Server enables
the reservation of globally unique names for Java development objects.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
To be able to correct smaller problems in the SAP system, individual
corrections, known as single patches are available as SAP Notes.
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio provides a range of tools for all aspects of
application development. As is usual in Eclipse, the related tools are mainly
combined into perspectives in accordance with task-specific requirements.
The umbrella term used for the “objects” user, account, group and role in
the UME environment.
Overlapping selection of software components. A software component can
be contained in multiple products.
Proxy Server
Host that temporarily stores the Internet pages that are frequently requested
by users. If a user calls a Web site, the proxy server checks whether the data
already exists locally on it. If this is the case, the user simply receives a copy,
which is transferred more quickly than the original. If the data does not yet
exist, the proxy server connects the user to the desired address.
Certain statuses of a software component can be classified as a release for
delivery, deployment, and maintenance. A release is a large step in the
development of a software component, which provides new functionality.
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
SAP's own development environment for the development of Java-based
multi-level business applications. The development environment is based
on the open source product Eclipse.
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) extends the concept of
an integrated development environment (IDE, SAP NetWeaver Developer
Studio) with server-side services that provide development teams with
a consistent central development environment and support software
development during the entire lifecycle of a product.
Secure Network Communication (SNC)
SNC is an interface that allows secure communication between SAP systems.
SNC provides the functions authentication, encryption and integrity. An
external security product that uses the SNC interface of the SAP system is
required for the implementation. The SNC interface is an implementation
of the Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface (GSS
API). The SAP Cryptographic Library is available as an external security
product for many standard scenarios and SAP server components.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
SSL is a protocol developed by Netscape that is used to safeguard Internet
communication. SSL uses Public Private Key technology to safeguard
the communication between client and server. The SSL protocol contains
encryption of the communication, server authentication, client authentication
and mutual authentication (server and client authentication).
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) describes a protocol by which Web
Services can be called in distributed system landscapes. SOAP uses HTTP
as a transport protocol. An SOAP message has a header with the additional
information and a body with the actual message.
Software Component
Delivery and installation unit that combines development components into
larger units.
Startup and Control Framework
The Framework is used to start, stop, and monitor Java instances.
The Startup and Control Framework is the infrastructure that SAP provides
for starting and stopping the Java stack.
Support Package
Collection of corrections for software errors in the SAP system. Support
Packages are summarized in periodic intervals and made available by SAP.
Support Package Stack
Collection of Support Packages. SAP does not advise you to import Support
Packages individually; instead, you should always import the entire Support
Package Stack of a product.
In the context of the transport of Java applications with the ABAP Transport
Management System (TMS), a system can consist of a development
configuration and a runtime system. A system can contain only a development
configuration, only a runtime system, or both, depending on whether source
code or deployable archives are to be transported.
Program for controlling transports between SAP Systems and for upgrading
SAP Releases. As a control program, tp uses some special programs that are
required to perform complete transports.
Transport Request
Transport object that bundles the source code files from the activities of
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio and transports them through the system
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) is a directory
service for dynamic Web services. A directory of Web services is provided
via an SOAP interface. You can find more information about UDDI under:
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User Management Engine: A Java-based user administration component
with central user administration, a single sign-on (SSO), and secure access
to distributed applications.
User Store
Service provider in AS Java which saves user administration data such as
user and group data.
Web Service
A Web service is a stand-alone, modulized, executable entity that can be
published, localized and called within a network that uses open standards.
For a caller or sender a Web service represents a blackbox that requires an
entry and returns a result. Web services offer important integration for each
asynchronous or synchronous communication technology within a company
or between several companies.
Logical storage area that contains multiple versioned source files, but only
one version of each source file. These versions usually form a complete
status of a software component.
WS Security
Web Service Security (WSS) is an OASIS standard that describes mechanisms
to provide message integrity and confidentiality for SOAP communication.
WS Security uses existing standards such as XML Signature and XML
Encryption. See also http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/wss
WSDL is a meta language that is used to describe the function of a
Web service. Functions, parameters and return codes in particular
are described in a machine-readable form. WSDL is standardized by
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); see the following URL:
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
ABAP Dispatcher, 17
ABAP Work Processes, 17
Action, 226
Activation, 371
Activity Transport, 391
Additional Application Server
Instance, 23
applet, 301
Assembly, 303, 539
Assertion Ticket, 252
attribute mapping, 199
Authentication Stack, 247
Build, 302, 350, 367
build option, 346
buildspace, 391
Buildspace, 371
bytecode, 4, 297
Categories, 463
Central Services, 24, 50
configuration, 140
Change and Transport System,
Change and Transport System
(CTS), 311
Change Management Service,
change request, 396
Client-Based Load Balancing,
ClusterManager, 141
CM Services, 311, 328
Company (UME), 214
Component Build Service,
311, 326, 367, 396
Config Tool, 93
of filters, 120
of managers and services,
of the Central Services,
of the message server, 140
of the Number of Server
Processes, 121
of the VM Parameters,
Configuration Wizard, 138
Containers, 301
Data Partitioning, 190
Delegated user administration,
DeltaV, 306
Deployment, 303, 368
deployment descriptor, 302
Design Time Repository, 311,
326, 367, 369
Destination Service, 269
Development Component,
313, 354, 370
development configuration,
Development Configuration,
307, 354, 367
development object, 313
DI Export Web UI, 393
DI package, 369
DIP file, 391
Eclipse, 306
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
EIS (Enterprise Information
Systems), 268
Enqueue Server, 25
enqueue service, 25
Enterprise Archive, 303
Enterprise Information
Systems, 268
Enterprise Java Bean, 302
Enterprise Java Beans, 10,
JEE security role, 224
JEE security roles, 227
JMX, 414
JSmon, 78
JSPM, 510
JVM, 8
ICM, 24
IDE, 322
Instance Profile, 112
Internet Communication
Manager, 17
location, 463
LockingManager, 142
log archiving, 469
Log Configurator service, 464
log destination, 464, 468
log formatter, 464, 468
Log Manager, 464
Log Viewer, 458
Log Viewer in the
SAP NetWeaver
Administrator, 458
Logging, 463
Login Module, 247
Login Module Stack, 247
Logon Ticket, 251
configuration, 120
Garbage Collector, 113
GRMG, 443
GSS-API, 253
J2SE SDK, 299
JAAS, 246
Java Applet, 3
Java application, 3
Java Archive, 302
Java Beans, 9
Java Cluster, 23
Java Development Kit (JDK),
Java instance, 22
Java program, 3
Java Runtime Environment
(JRE), 2, 298
Java Server Page, 301
Java Server Pages, 11
Java Support Package
Manager, 510
Java Virtual Machine, 3
Java VM, 8
JCo RFC Provider, 270
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Kerberos, 253
maintenance certificate, 492
Maintenance Optimizer, 497
maintenance transaction, 495
configuration, 118
Managers, 29
MaxNewSize, 114
MaxPermSize, 114
Memory Allocation
JVM, 113
Memory Management
JVM, 113
Message server
configuration, 140
Message Server, 24
Message Service, 24
name server, 312, 317
NewSize, 114
NWA, 94, 132
NWDI, 306
PAS, 23
patch, 510
permanent generation, 114
Permissions, 226
PermSize, 114
perspective, 368
Policy Configuration, 247
Primary Application Server
Instance, 23
Principle, 211
Product, 313, 510
Profile Files, 139
Profile parameter
enque/encni/port, 141
enque/serverinst, 141
enque/table_size, 141
j2ee/enq/port, 143
j2ee/ms/port, 141
j2ee/scs/host, 141, 143
ms/http_port, 40
ms/server_port_0, 140
rdisp/mshost, 40
public parts, 313
Release, 313, 510
RMI, 297
JEE security role, 224
UME role, 224
Runtime filters
configuration, 120
SAML, 247
SAP Logging API, 464
SAP Management Console,
SAP NetWeaver
Administrator, 94, 132,
SAP NetWeaver Application
Server, 15
SAP NetWeaver Application
Server ABAP, 20
SAP NetWeaver Application
Server ABAP and Java
System, 20
SAP NetWeaver Application
Server Java System, 20
SAP NetWeaver Developer
Studio, 322, 325, 353, 367,
369, 387
SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure, 305, 322,
SAP System Landscape
Directory, 312, 316
SAP Web Dispatcher, 39
SAP*, 238
SCA Transport, 392
SDA Transport, 394
Server process, 24
Server Processes
Configuration of the
Number, 121
Server-Based Load Balancing,
Services, 30
configuration, 118
Servlets, 301
severity, 464
Shell Console Administrator,
95, 103
Single Support Packages, 517
SNC, 152
Software component, 510
Software Component, 313
SP Stack, 512
SPNego, 253
SSL, 152
Startup and Control
Framework, 51, 73
Stateful Requests, 37
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
stateless requests, 37
Support Package, 510
Support Package Stack, 510,
System, 340
System Landscape, 341
System Landscape Directory,
UME emergency user, 238
UME role, 224
UME roles, 226
User administration
delegated, 214
User Store, 187
User Type (UME), 216
VM, 8
VM Parameter
Configuration, 115
VM Parameters, 94
Telnet (access to AS Java), 95
Telnet (Shell Console
Administrator), 103
Template (Configuration), 110
tenured generation, 114
threshold value, 435
tp parameter, 348
Tracing, 463
track, 395
RZ20, 434
RZ21, 428
Transport Management
System, 342
Transport Organizer Web UI,
transport request, 386
Web Archive, 303
Web Dynpro, 368
Web Service Security, 156
WebDAV, 306
workspace, 391
Workspace, 370–371
WS Security, 157
Xms, 114
Xmx, 114
young generation, 114
UME, 187
UME administration console,
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Zero Administration, 110
SAP AG has made every effort in the preparation of this course to ensure the
accuracy and completeness of the materials. If you have any corrections or
suggestions for improvement, please record them in the appropriate place in the
course evaluation.
© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.