Taxation – Poland (TX – POL) Tax Tables TAX RATES AND ALLOWANCES – JUNE AND DECEMBER 2024 The following tax rates and allowances and social security contribution (ZUS) rates for 2022 are to be used in answering the questions. Personal income tax (PIT) Up to PLN 120,000 Tax amounts to 12% of the base less PLN 3,600 PLN 120,000 and above PLN 10,800 plus 32% on the excess over PLN 120,000 Tax free amount: PLN 30,000 Flat rate costs Monthly deduction PLN 250 (150%) PLN 300 (150%) Annual deduction PLN 3,000 4,500 3,600 5,400 Employer no >1 Commuting x ✓ x ✓ x x ✓ ✓ Various personal income tax reliefs and thresholds Selected competition prizes PLN 2,000 Social Fund Company car use benefit 1,000 400 Daily meal allowance (dieta) Daily meal allowance for work/travel abroad Motor car allowance (per km) Personal use of cars cost factor (fixed asset) (not part of business assets) Moving tax residence to Poland relief J24/D24 30 €42 1 75% 20% 85,528 1 Child deduction First and second child Third child Fourth and subsequent children Maximum taxpayer income for single child deduction Young taxpayers exemption (under 26 years old) Deduction per child PLN 1,112 2,000 2,700 PLN 112,000/56,000 PLN 85,528 Other personal income tax rates Donation limit Capital gains rate Tax on selected prizes Tax on undeclared sources of income 6% 19% 10% 75% Flat rate tax (ryczalt) Revenue limit Free professions Commercial and financial professions Medical and engineering IT Real estate trading Other services and rent Production Trade PLN 2,000,000 17% 15% 14% 12% 10% 8·5% < (100,000 PLN) > 12·5% 5·5% 3% Health service contribution The rate of health service contribution is 9% of the base. HSC base flat rate thresholds and basis % < PLN 60,000 < PLN 300,000 > PLN 300,000 IP Deduction: Flat rate on income Flat rate on revenues Tax card J24/D24 60% 100% 180% 75% PLN 8,700 50% 19% 2 Corporation tax Corporate income tax rate Small entrepreneurs rate (limit €2,000,000) Innovation box rate Donation rate Personal car use Interest deduction limit Loss carried forward cap 19% 9% 5% 10% 75% 30% tax EBITDA or PLN 3,000,000 PLN 5,000,000 Transfer pricing thresholds Asset and financial transactions Services and other transactions PLN 10,000,000 PLN 2,000,000 Withholding tax Basic dividend withholding tax rate Basic interest, royalties and intangible services withholding tax rate Pay and refund threshold 19% 20% PLN 2,000,000 Tax depreciation rates Buildings – Residential – Other 1·5% 2·5% Engineering objects 4·5% General machinery 14% Transport means Computer equipment Office and other equipment, furniture Licence/software Own research and development (R&D) products Other intangibles Residential property deemed value per square metre Low value assets Passenger car limit J24/D24 20% 30% 20% 50% 100% 20% PLN 988 PLN 10,000 PLN 150,000 3 Social security contributions (ZUS) Insurance (Ubezpieczenie) Retirement pension Disability pension Sickness benefit Accident benefit (assumed) Work fund (Fundusz pracy) Polish guaranteed workers’ benefit (Fundusz gwarantowanych swiadczen pracowniczych) Upper earnings limit Employer Employee 9·76% 6·50% – 1·67% 2·45% 9·76% 1·50% 2·45% – – 0·10% ––––––– 20·48% ––––––– – ––––––– 13·71% ––––––– PLN 208,058 Standard individual business activity factor 60% Start up factor 30% Average and minimum monthly salary Assumed minimum salary Assumed average salary PLN 3,500 7,000 Value added tax (VAT) Standard rate Low value assets Registration limit 23% PLN 15,000 PLN 200,000 Penalty interest 12% p.a. Exchange rate €1:PLN 4·5 J24/D24 4