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USP 800 Compliance: Identifying Gaps & Best Practices

With Patricia C. Kienle RPh, MPA, BCSCP, FASHP
Director of Accreditation and Medication Safety
Cardinal Health
Identify Gaps in USP <800>
In addition, the qualitative method can be used to
monitor HD residue from commonly used products
on nursing units, patient care units, ambulatory infusion centers, etc. In short, both systems offer pharmacy significant utility for monitoring HD residue.
Pharmacy Purchasing & Products recently held a webinar
Identify Gaps to Achieving
USP <800> Compliance
presented by Patricia C. Kienle, RPh, MPA, BCSCP, FASHP
The following questions were submitted by attendees.
The webinar slides and full presentation can be downloaded at pppmag.com/webinars.
Q Do you have recommendations for
non-pharmacy staff who are responsible
for preparing their facility’s hazardous
A: It is not uncommon in small facilities, particularly
Q Should soiled gloves and wipes used in
hazardous drug receiving be wasted in the
trace chemotherapy waste bin or a black
RCRA bin?
A: At a minimum, anything that has had contact
with hazardous drugs (HDs) should be treated as
contaminated and disposed of as trace waste. If any
products or PPE are used to address an HD spill,
they should be disposed of as RCRA waste.
There are three reference points to determine
what additional waste should be classified as
RCRA waste. First, check with your organization’s
waste hauler for guidance. Secondly, review your
state regulations as these may be more stringent
or more detailed than the federal regulations. Finally, look to the pharmacy literature on this topic.
Charlotte Smith has published several informative
articles outlining how to manage HD disposal by
matching the type and quantity of waste to the
correct waste stream (see Charlotte Smith’s latest article on page 6 in this issue, “Demystify New
Regulations for Hazardous Waste”).
Q Now that NIOSH has removed biologics
from the draft List of Antineoplastic and
Other Hazardous Drugs, how can pharmacy
ensure that their organization’s HD list is
complete and accurate?
A: The possibility for biologics to fall through the
cracks since being removed from the NIOSH list is
quite concerning. I understand why NIOSH took
this approach, as there is more rigorous direction
in the literature for the safe handling of drugs versus the safe handling of biologics. However, there
is now a risk that as new agents enter the market,
most of which are biologics, the companies may not
May 2021
include manufacturer’s safe-handling guidance in
the package insert (PI) as that would automatically
place that drug into Table 1.
There have been requests for other organizations, such as ASHP, to establish and maintain a
list of hazardous biologics. In the interim, pharmacists are going to have to take a rigorous approach
to identify risks associated with biologics and then
share this information through the pharmacy literature. This is a great opportunity for residency projects or for facilities that have sufficient resources to
research biologics and then provide that information to the pharmacy community.
Q Regarding wipe sampling, what are the
benefits of the quick qualitative test versus
the quantitative test?
A: I like both the quantitative and the quick qualitative wipe sampling tests for different reasons.
The quantitative wipe sampling approach has been
around for a number of years: wipe the designated
surface, send that sample to the vendor’s lab, and
receive the results on a panel of drugs within a week
or so. Some vendors in this area allow you to test
specifically for the HDs that are most prevalent in
your practice, which I think is a great option. The
results from these sampling kits provide a quantitative picture of the exposure risk in your facility
based on a wide variety of HDs.
The quick, qualitative test method for wipe sampling has become available more recently. This approach offers testing for three drugs and delivers the
results in 30 minutes. Because this method provides
targeted information, the qualitative method is an
excellent resource for training, checking for correct
technique, and evaluating spill response efforts.
in offsite physician offices, for a non-pharmacist to
prepare HDs. While the staff member preparing
HDs does not have to be a pharmacist or pharmacy
technician, they do need to follow all the same procedures a pharmacist or pharmacy technician would
follow under USP <800>.
Regardless of job title, the person mixing HDs
must have the appropriate facilities and documented competency to do so. HD compounding
must take place in a separate room that is under
negative pressure, vents to the outside, and has
the appropriate number of air changes per hour.
In addition, compounding must take place in the
appropriate containment primary engineering control (C-PEC), either a biological safety cabinet or
compounding aseptic containment isolator. These
requirements serve to evacuate the hazard and control the risk of exposure.
It is important to note that rather than use the
word pharmacy, USP <800> uses the term entity.
Just as compounding activities are not limited by job
title, compounding locations are not limited to the
pharmacy only. An entity could be a remote hospital where nursing is doing all of the compounding, a
physicians’ office, a clinic, etc. The key requirement
is that all of the criteria in USP <800> be followed
regardless of location as those rules exist for the protection of the compounder.
Q Could you expand on the use of
pass-throughs from uncontrolled areas
into an ISO-7 cleanroom?
A: Properly designed and well controlled pass-
throughs can significantly improve the efficiency
of a cleanroom operation. From a workflow design
perspective, pass-throughs between a negativepressure room and an unclassified area allow for
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the movement of supplies and finished product
without having to don full PPE and walk into a positive pressure area.
However, the FDA November 2020 Guidance
Document “Insanitary Conditions at Compounding Facilities” weighs in on the use of pass-throughs
between negative pressure and unclassified areas
and requires that pass-throughs in these locations
are classified.1 Thus, it is important that this workflow improvement be properly designed and implemented with care.
Q How can health care facilities ensure
that the crushing of HD medications in both
pharmacy and at the bedside is safe?
A: The first step to prevent incorrect HD handling is
to ensure that everyone in your organization who may
encounter these products is familiar with the organization’s HD list as it applies to them. That information should not be a secret in your organization.
When crushing HDs, every effort should be
made to conduct this process in the pharmacy. It
is best practice to do this in the controlled environment of the pharmacy, within a C-PEC, using the
applicable tools, and ensuring the use of appropriate packaging and labeling. Nevertheless, this is not
always possible.
When it is necessary to crush an HD outside of the
pharmacy, that staff person must recognize that this
is a hazardous practice, and they must understand
what protection is required. In USP <800>, the use of
a plastic pouch is discussed as a minimum measure of
protection. A few companies produce these plastic
pouches which serve to contain any dust and particles
that might be generated during the crushing process.
However, additional controls are still needed to get
the product out of the plastic pouch safely. Although
it is not a requirement, I would suggest the use chemo
gloves, and depending on the HD being crushed,
respiratory protection should also be considered.
Q Could you talk about the design of
the negative storage room for hazardous
drugs and the process to follow for
unpacking HDs?
A: When designing a negative storage room, keep
in mind that receiving, unpacking, and storing the
drugs are three separate processes and must be addressed as such. The current wording in USP <800>
presents these three processes in a single section,
but they are distinct steps.
It is important to note that rather than use
the word pharmacy, USP <800> uses the term
entity. Just as compounding activities are
not limited by job title, compounding locations
are not limited to the pharmacy only.
When you receive a delivery, you should be able
to tell from the outside of the container that it contains a hazardous drug. While there is no requirement for the outside labeling to denote that HDs
are contained within, USP <800> does encourage
that any containers with Table 1 antineoplastic HDs
indicate this on the exterior of the container. This
is something you should discuss with your supplier.
Next, you need to establish a receiving area to review incoming shipments. This area does not need
to be under negative pressure, so you can use your
regular receiving area. Note that the receiving area
cannot be positive pressure, so neither the anteroom
nor regular buffer room can serve this purpose.
Wipe Sampling Kits
For a full list of vendors offering wipe sampling go to:
Key Wipe Sampling Suppliers
American Analytics, Inc
Bio-Med QC LLC
Bureau Veritas Laboratories
Cleanroom Connection
May 2021
Then, identify your storage site. Certain drugs
must be stored in a negative-pressure room, such
as Table 1 antineoplastics, any active pharmaceutical ingredients (raw powder), and anything else
determined in your assessment of risk that must
be handled under USP <800>. These drugs can
be stored in a separate negative-pressure storage
room. If that is not an option, consider using your
negative-pressure buffer room as the storage site if
space permits.
The process for transporting the HDs from
the unpacking area into the storage area will be
dictated largely by your facility’s design. Ideally,
the plastic-bagged HDs would be removed from
the wholesaler’s tote without opening the plastic
bags, and the outside of the plastic bag would be
thoroughly wiped to remove any potential contamination. If your facility has a pass-through into
the storage area, place the bags in the pass-through
for the staff in the storage area to complete the unpacking and storing process. If you do not have
a pass-through, another option is to designate a
cleanable plastic tote, and use that to move products in and out of the storage area.
In short, you must determine where HDs will
be received, unpacked, and stored, based on your
facility’s design. Then, put the appropriate policies
and procedures in place to ensure safety. n
1. United States Department of Health and Human Services,
Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation
and Research, Office of Compliance. Compounding and
Related Documents, Insanitary Conditions at Compounding Facilities Guidance for Industry, Guidance for Industry.
https://www.fda.gov/media/124948/download. Accessed
March 16, 2021.
Patricia C. Kienle, RPh, MPA, BCSCP, FASHP, is
director of accreditation and medication safety
for Cardinal Health and is a member of the USP
Compounding Expert Committee. Her comments
herein are her own and not official information
from USP.
.com content
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