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Tty due to Tnofe epto marginally Tnoreotes g4fRsd. Shielding etfect TneaShee elecons esdis g EN BST In>Gq>A |6 2 Boson non-melallic.in alene .2t eahem lallice alledsopic tomydue lo veng alsong Cngtllineliishent los Boson asniallgh mpt ie e suctnre ussk) Breeclmentional Pelymerne mpt due high electicod con cluclivii mdeculas to clune a9.8-303k ** Ga hay oim- P pt2676k Sbuclie le Ga, dialomic) 4 Ttha tih eCallo at Room T..2 y liqid iy Ga Summes * Ym Liquid ie ha sedomiacehsl, lempeyale ppt grdually element ane stids elics Demnlg4 he element K Denils- mitvdume rcreayclen group e<At<Ga<Zn <T velume ie Hnnlecaegus loåe aloric xtt hoy Lozo Vacamt d-orbib Cxidaoo at elibis colpropenles Conm o0) ieye. eleneng Thexe +3 Zony4 forcey formt3 to hishIkis preres at ata ie onlg Covalent compondy are Veny Butay enore At can torm Aa A bart ton a eastay Calion A34 fomnion mere bet elememt <Ga<In<T! 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