Uploaded by Jessica Nguyen

Nursing Simulation Pre-Case Review: Patient E. Ruiz

Simulation Pre-Case Review
Please complete pre-case review in its entirety. This accounts for ONE hour of activity time.
Student Name:
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Simulation Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
E. Ruiz
Age: 86 (1/5/xx)
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Simulation Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Weight: 55 kg
Height: 160 cm
Case Objectives
 Relates the significance of the patient's symptoms and assessment findings (APPLYING)
 Utilizes appropriate techniques to administer oral medications (APPLYING)
 Demonstrates insertion and care of a urinary catheter (APPLYING)
 Demonstrates a sterile wet-to-moist dressing change (APPLYING)
 Assesses and interprets pain appropriately and administers medication correctly (UNDERSTANDING)
 Records assessment findings, procedures and patient outcomes accurately (REMEMBERING)
 Utilizes appropriate teaching strategies regarding diabetic foot care to an elderly, Hispanic, lower socioeconomic patient
 Communicates appropriate patient information to the healthcare provider (APPLYING)
 Utilizes therapeutic communication techniques when communicating with the patient (APPLYING)
 Analyzes treatment modalities and evaluates patient outcomes to those treatments (ANALYZING)
 In reflecting on this SIM case, what social, cultural, or health equity considerations are apparent to you? Think about
individual, family, and community factors.
The client is a 86-year-old Hispanic female. She speaks English and is able to provide a history to healthcare providers. One week
ago, the patient was in the hospital for a femoral-popliteal bypass graft that was performed on the right leg. The patient noted some
drainage coming from the incision and came in to have it checked out. The patient has a history of diabetes and takes insulin.
Patient History
Past Medical History:
• Diabetes, S/P Femoral-popliteal bypass graft
• No known allergies
 NPH insulin 30 units SUBCUT every AM
Code Status:
 Full code
Social/Family History:
 Daughter lives near patient and can assist with care
What is a femoral-popliteal bypass? Describe possible postoperative complications. Click or tap here to enter text.
What is the correct technique for the insertion, care and removal of a urinary catheter? Click or tap here to enter text.
What are the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia? How would each be treated? Click or tap here to enter text.
What are the principles of sterile technique? Click or tap here to enter text.
What is the procedure for performing a wet-to-moist sterile dressing change? Click or tap here to enter text.
What would be appropriate teaching strategies for an elderly, Hispanic patient regarding diabetic foot care? Click or tap here to
enter text.
What therapeutic communication techniques would be appropriate for a patient who is anxious? Click or tap here to enter text.
What is an incentive spirometer and how is it used? Click or tap here to enter text.
In reflecting on this SIM case, what social, cultural, or health equity considerations are apparent to you? Think about individual,
family, and community factors. Click or tap here to enter text.
Nursing Management of your client (What will you do?):
Click or tap here to enter text.
Pathophysiology of Main Problem
Abnormal Labs (Rationale)
Chief Complaint/Reason for seeking healthcare
Priority Problem:
Secondary Problem:
NANDA Nursing Diagnosis –
related to –
as evidenced by (ID 3 signs/symptoms)
NANDA Nursing Diagnosis –
related to –
as evidenced by (ID 3 signs/symptoms)
Patient outcome (Ensure SMART)
Patient outcome (Ensure SMART)
Interventions (Rationale)
Interventions (Rationale)
Was priority problem corrected? How? (Explain)
Was priority problem corrected? How? (Explain)
Medications (Rationale)
References (Two):