Grade-11 Practical Questions 1. WAP to display cube of a number. 2. WAP to Input a number and find odd or even by using if-else. 3. WAP to obtain 3 numbers and print their sum. 4. WAP to Input radius and find an area of a circle. 5. WAP to input three numbers and swap them. 6. WAP to find the average of three numbers. 7. Input two numbers and display the larger / smaller number. 8. Input three numbers and display the largest / smallest number. 9. Generate the following patterns using nested loop. Pattern-1 Pattern-2 Pattern-3 10.Count and display the number of vowels, uppercase, lowercase characters in string. 11.Input a string and determine whether it is a palindrome or not. Logic: 12.Compute the least common multiple of two integers. 13.Determine whether a number is a palindrome. 14.Determine whether a number is a perfect number. Logic: A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors, excluding the number itself. For instance, 6 has divisors 1, 2 and 3 (excluding itself), and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, so 6 is a perfect number. 15.Write a program to find the largest number in a list. 16.Write a program to Input a list of numbers and find the smallest and largest number from the list. 17. Write a program to Input a list of elements, search for a given element in the list 18. Write a Python script to concatenate following dictionaries to create a new one . 19.Python Program to Check if a Given Key Exists in a Dictionary or Not 20. Create a dictionary with the roll number, name and marks of n students in a class and display the names of students who have scored marks above 75.