Introduction to Programming Assignment 2 Q1 What are storage classes in C? Explain with an example? Q2 Discuss the bound checking in an Array. Q3) Discuss the memory map of 1-D and 2-D array. Q4) WAP to find the sum and average of a given array of integer numbers . Q5) WAP to find the result of Matrix multiplication. Q6) What are strings? WAP to find the length and reverse of a string . Q7) Explain call by value and call by reference in detail. Q8) What are pointers and how do we pass an array through a function? Q9) What is the difference between structure and union ? Explain with the help of a program? Q10) What is dynamic memory allocation? Explain? Q11) WAP to show linear search in an array. Q12) What is recursion ? WAP to find the factorial of a given no using recursion.