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Pheromones to Attract Women: A Guide

Pheromones To Attract Women
An In-Depth Guide On
How To Attract Women,
Improve Your Social Life, And Excel At Work
With The Use of Pheromones
I want to start off by saying thank you for downloading this e-book!
This book is meant to help inform those who are interested in pheromones
and are at a loss for which products to purchase. There are a lot of products
out there on the market right now and I understand the confusion that comes
with having such a large variety of choices.
Many companies have taken advantage of the interest in pheromones in
recent years and have created pheromone products that are not properly
tested and are defective. I ’ ve personally purchased from a couple of these
companies before doing further research and discovering which products
were actually useful.
This simple to read e-book is meant to help those who are interested and do
not want to make a big purchase without first understanding the principles
and the science behind pheromone products.
I will try to cover everything there is to know about pheromones as well as
which products have been shown time and time again to be effective. I do
not work with any pheromone perfume based companies, and thus my
opinions are not biased.
I hope you guys enjoy the read! Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
-Best Regards
Richard Young
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 – What Are Pheromones?
Chapter 2 – Do Pheromones Work?
Chapter 3 – The Different types of Pheromones
Chapter 4 – Status Pheromone Products
Chapter 5 – Social Pheromone Products
Chapter 6 – Sexual Pheromone Products
Chapter 7 – Reputable Pheromone Brands
Chapter 8 – Popular Reputable Pheromone Products
Chapter 9 – Getting The Most Out Of Your Product
Chapter 10 – How Do You Know If It ’ s Working?
Chapter 11 – Indicators Of Interest
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Chapter 1 – What Are Pheromones
Pheromones were first discovered in the 1980 ’ s in different
mammals. Scientists discovered that male pigs produced a molecule in their
mouths. When this molecule came in contact with a female pig, she became
sexually aroused, and would lift her behind up into a mating stance.
Soon after, similar molecules were discovered in different mammals as well
as insects. They were found in bodily fluids, sexual organs, as well as in the
mouths of these animals. They were dubbed pheromones.
Scientists now know that pheromones function as signals. In the insect
world these pheromones are used for a multitude of different purposes.
These include signals such as danger, food, sex, and basically anything
needed for survival.
However in mammals, pheromones were more commonly used for sexual
reproduction. Naturally people started wondering whether or not these
pheromones would have some effect on humans.
Do Humans Have Pheromones?
There have been recent pheromone studies that have been
conducted. And studies show that pheromones do play a part in human
activity. We ’ ve discovered that pheromones are found in our sweat, urine,
saliva, as well as other bodily fluids. We also know that pheromones do
have an active effect on others as well as ourselves. For example, we know
that a mother who has just conceived will produce pheromones on her
nipple so that her child can find it easier.
The question of the century remains:
Are pheromones capable of helping someone attract members of the
opposite sex?
The answer is YES.
Are Pheromones Going To Become Popular Soon?
In recent years the market for pheromones has exploded. Many
major perfume companies as well as bath and shower companies have
already started purchasing patents for certain pheromones. Axe and Dove
have also reported to have started using small amounts of pheromones in
some of their products.
Studies have time and time again pointed towards the fact that pheromones
may give a slight but strong edge when it comes to attracting members of
the opposite sex.
Chapter 2 – How Do Pheromones Work?
Pheromones are currently in an awkward stage. There is a lot of talk
about how pheromones are bogus, and don ’ t really work. A lot of this is
due to the fact that there are tons of pheromone companies who are using
the recent popularity of pheromones to make money. A lot of these
companies are not properly spending quality time creating quality products.
A lot of people believe pheromones are bogus due to shady marketing as
well as bad experiences with dishonest companies. Many perfume vendors
promise wild things such as women will falling for you the moment you put
their products on. They also promise that your sex life will magically
increase ten-fold with the simple application of their pheromone products.
Is More Better?
There is a misconception that the more pheromones you put on the
more effective your perfume will be. This is actually far from the truth. The
more pheromones you put on the more likely you are to
become “ ghosted ” . This term means exactly what it sounds like. When
others come in contact with a large amount of pheromones, their minds
become confused and have a hard time registering your signature.
What are Signatures?
Pheromones work by putting on a signature, or a vibe. People have
different signatures that depend on their body chemistry, diet, upbringing,
and even whether or not they wash regularly. I ’ m sure you ’ ve met people
who gave you different vibes. Why are there certain people that are easier to
approach at a party? They have a less intimidating vibe than say the
muscular and tall jock. They not only have different body languages but
also their signatures are vastly different.
Signatures play a role in your interactions with others. It has been found
that in areas of high level of violence, the males produce larger quantities of
Androstenone (I will get into the different molecules and their effects in the
following chapter). This pheromone is known to come off as Alpha and
intimidating. It has also been known to more easily trigger feelings of anger
and aggression.
How do Pheromone Products Work?
Pheromone products work by combining a variety of different
individual pheromone molecules into a mix. These mixes are carefully
tested over a period of time and optimized towards its intended purpose.
The best pheromone products take months to years to complete as their
makers really dedicate time and money towards a product that actually
Are there Pheromone Products That Actually Work?
There are a couple of well-made pheromone products out there.
However, in the current pheromone market situation, chances are they are
not the ones being marketed the most. Most of the top pheromone products
on Google are not effective ones. Rather they are the ones best marketed (I
will go over good reputable pheromone brands in Chapter 7). I personally
found it quite funny that the best products were the ones made by guys who
were more fascinated in their craft than making money off of people.
What Can Pheromones Do For Me
Pheromones will not give you the abilities to fly. They will not make
women fall in love with you the moment they stand in your relative
personal space. Pheromones offer a signature that you can use to your
advantage. It has been speculated by the pheromone community that
pheromones can give you a 20% edge in your social, work, as well as your
dating life. The other 80% is up to you.
The better the other 80% is the more effective your pheromones will be for
you. This includes your diet, your fitness, your fashion, your own personal
life goals, as well as many other things.
How To Steer Your Pheromones
While pheromones offer you different signatures it ’ s up to you
to “ steer ” the product.
For example if you were to put on a pheromone that would make it easier
for people to approach you. It is still up to you to go to a party before
wondering why you don ’ t suddenly have an increase in your amount of
Another example is if you were to put on a pheromone signature that
suggested you were a highly sexual man who has been with tons of women.
It is up to you to “ steer ” the product by going out there and hitting on
women and using Kino (touch) to indicate that you are in fact this type of
If you were to put on a signature that is designed to make you look like a
leader at work, then you have to still do your work in order to gain the
respect of your co-workers. The only thing pheromones can offer you is the
ability to make all of these things easier by pre-suggesting to others that you
are this person. All you have to do when you wear a pheromone product is
prove them right.
In the next couple of chapters I will go over the different types of
pheromones and pheromone products.
What Are Self Effects
On top of making others feel a certain way about you, pheromones
also have effects on the person that is exposed to them most, YOU!
There are even people out there in the pheromone community who use
pheromone products just to feel these effects. These effects are usually
subtle but definitely there.
Side Effects To Wearing Pheromones?
Yes. Just like anything else exposure to chemicals and molecules for
too long periods of time may cause acute side effects. Don ’ t worry, these
side effects are very minor and can easily be cured by taking a break from a
The only pheromone that is known to have noticeable side effects is
dieNONE (which I will cover in the next chapter)
If anything it ’ s best to not wear pheromones every single day. If you ever
feel tired or weary for some reason, try to take a couple of days off of
pheromones before continuing your use.
Chapter 3 - Different Types of Pheromones
There are dozens of pheromones out there. However there are only 5
individual pheromone molecules that have reported to have significant
effects on others. They are as follows:
1. Androstenone (also known as NONE) - The Alpha Pheromone
Effects include: Women feeling sexually aroused, intimidation,
respect from men, aggression from others (you can easily be
perceived as a threat if you have to much Androstenone on).
Androstenone was the first molecule discovered by scientists and is
often used in the majority of pheromone products because it creates
feelings of sexual tension.
2. Alpha Androsterone (also known as RONE) – The Status
Effects include: coming off as a respected person. Feelings such as
status, authority, wisdom, trust, and reliability. Androsterone has been
reported to make the user seem more mature. There have also been
reports of Asian women being more receptive towards en who have
3. Androstadienone (also known as dieNONE) – The Love
Androstadienone is naturally produced by males when they sleep.
Effects on Women include: feelings of long, affection, and love.
Women feel as sense of comfort and happiness when they are around
the user. Strangely enough Androstadienone has also been reported to
lessen the side effects of menstruation such as cramps and mood
WARNING: dieNONE has been known to cause acute depression by
extended exposure in men. Try to apply products with dieNONE
away from your nose. If you feel depression from these products you
can wear them less or return them. (Most pheromone companies have
a solid return policy)
4. Alpha Androstenol (also known as A-Nol) – The Social
Effects on others include: more sociable, open and friendly, and
happy. People feel as if you are an extremely sociable person. It is
commonly used to buffer products containing NONE to make the
user more approachable and less intimidating.
5. Beta Androstenol (also known as B-Nol) – The Trust Pheromone
Effects on others include: a feeling of deep connection. People are
more prone to trust you, and open up to you. Others will feel as if
they’ve known you for a long time. People will also find it extremely
easy to get comfortable around you. This pheromone is used to open
up doors to deep conversation and rapport. This pheromone is also
used to make users seem more approachable and less intimidating.
These are the five major pheromone molecules found in the majority
of pheromone products. However, on their own they are not every effective.
Many pheromone vendors and scientists have discovered that by combining
them in various mixes, their effects become much more potent.
This is why the majority of the pheromone market is not filled with
individual molecules, but mixes of them. These mixes come in 3 major
pheromone products: Status, Sexual, and Social products. I will cover them
in the next chapter.
Other Pheromone Molecules
There are of course, a lot of other pheromone molecules that major
pheromone companies use. However, they are used much less than the BIG
5. These 5 major pheromone products are so important that you can
basically dictate what type of product it is just by having one of them in
Chapter 4 – Status Pheromone Products
What Are Status Pheromones
Status pheromone products usually use a mix of NONE and RONE.
These products are designed for the work environment. They are
appropriate for work and will not induce awkward feelings that products
such as sexual pheromones may.
What are the effects on others?
Status pheromones make the user come off as a stronger version of
himself. It is flexible in that it will make you seem like the best version of
yourself depending on the setting you ’ re in. For example is you were at a
conference you would come off as an important speaker. If you were on a
basketball court at the local park you would come off as a well respected
local star. If you ’ re on a date you would come off as a very important
Status pheromones scream important. They make the user seem like he is
the leader of the pack. They make you seem more mature as well as wiser.
Through personal experience I have had my co-workers listen to my
instructions even though I was not in charge of them. I ’ ve had my boss
pull me aside and tell me how glad he was to have in the office. And all of
this was only after I started wearing status pheromones daily.
How can I use Status Pheromones to my advantage?
Status pheromones are great to use at work environments. Coworkers are more likely to respect you. Many others have reported more
respect from co-workers and even their own boss after wearing status
pheromones to work.
People have reported getting raises, respect, and even attention after
wearing status pheromones.
Status pheromones are also good on dates. They make you come off as
someone important. You will seem like you have extremely high value and
women are more likely to show you respect. However, it is important that
you have stuff to back this up. This is why I mentioned before that
pheromones can only do 20% of the job. If you come off as important, but
don ’ t have anything interesting about yourself, then this image will
quickly fade away.
(I ’ ve compiled a list of the best status pheromone products in Chapter 8)
Chapter 5 – Social Pheromones
What Are Social Pheromones?
Social pheromones use the molecules A-Nol and B-Nol to create a
friendly vibe that is useful when meeting new people as well as scenes such
as the club, dates, and other social gatherings
What Are Their Effects On Others?
Social pheromone mixes make the user come off as approachable
and comfortable to be around. There is usually a sense of intimidation when
it comes to talking to a stranger, but have you ever noticed a couple of
people that have an open arms vibe to them?
Social pheromones recreate the signature of someone who is easy going and
very approachable. Others may perceive the user as someone who is
extremely outgoing, confident, happy, and easy going.
How Can I use Social Pheromones To My Advantage?
Social pheromones are best used in social settings. They are great
for parties, mixers, and even just hanging out with your buddies. They tend
to make the night more enjoyable and relaxed.
Social pheromones are also commonly used by men who may come off as
extremely intimidating. Men who are tall and muscular can easily
intimidate others and are seldom approached by strangers. Social
pheromones help counteract this effect and make them more approachable.
Social pheromones are also good for one to one conversations. By steering
them correctly a lot of users have reported an increase in the amount of
heart-to-heart conversations.
However, you have to be careful when using strong social pheromone
products. There are a couple of extremely strong social products out there
that I ’ ve personally tried that have ledto scenarios that are not appropriate
for the situation at hand. I ’ ve had instances where absolute strangers have
spilled their hearts out to me and there was even one time a girl I barely
knew cried on my shoulder.
Chapter 6 – Attraction Pheromone Products
The Two Types Of Attraction Pheromone Products
Attraction pheromones play the role of making the user more attractive to
the members of the opposite sex.
There are two types of attraction pheromones that serve this role:
Sexual and Romantic
What Are Sexual Pheromones?
Attraction pheromones use a large amount of NONE balanced with
A-Nol and B-Nol to recreate a manly, sexual, signature. They are best used
to attracting women in extremely sexually charged places such as the club,
a date, and is even often used to relight a dying relationship.
What Are Their Effects On Others?
Sexual pheromone products are known to make women feel
sexually aroused when near the user. Sexual products are also known to
make the user seem more alpha and manly. However, wearing too much of
a sexual product can easily make the user seem like a threat to other males.
How Can I use Sexual Pheromones To My Advantage?
The best places to use Sexual pheromone products are at the club or
on a date where sexual tension is a good thing. It would be extremely
inappropriate to wear a sexual product at work. When used correctly sexual
products are the most blatant of all pheromone products. You can easily
seduce a girl by wearing a sexual product in the right place.
Sexual products have also been reported by users to have helped reignite
dying relationships. They tend to lead to a night of passionate sex with your
What Are Romantic Pheromone Products
Romantic pheromone products are slightly different than sexual
pheromone products. They still use NONE as their main ingredient, but
they add in a vaster mix of RONE, A/B-Nols, and sometimes even
dieNONE. Their purpose is not to fill a women with lust, but rather attempt
to make her fall for you.
What Are Their Effects On Women
Romantic pheromone products tend to make women think about you
constantly. There are products out there they aim to recreate
the “ fallout ” effect. This effect is widely known in the community as when
a womanis so in love with you that she just can ’ t stop thinking about you.
Romance products give off the boyfriend vibe over the lover vibe that
sexual products project.
How Can I Use Romantic Pheromone Products To My Advantage
Romance pheromone products are best used on dates or when you
have multiple opportunities to meet with a woman you are interested in.
These products tend to take multiple exposures to take effect.
Romance pheromone products also tend to create the shining star vibe.
These products are often very sociable and make the user stand out. They
are not only perfect to use in one-on-one dating scenarios but also in larger
group settings.
When they do take effect though, it is quite obvious.
Chapter 7 – Good Reputable Pheromone Brands
Most of the common pheromone brands that you find on the top of Google
are not that great. The reputable brands tend to market their products less
but are more widely supported by the pheromone community.
Using Pheromone Forums For Research
There are Two Major Pheromone Forums where thousands of testers
and pheromone users gather to report their experiences and reviews.
PheromonExpert.com – my personal blog about pheromone products. I am
still in the process of creating reviews for each and every product that I ’ ve
tried out. On there you can find out which brands have worked out
personally for me.
Pherotruth.com – is a forum that is a free resource and contains reviews for
almost every single pheromone product out there. This is the most reputable
pheromone forum out there.
Pherotalk.com – is a forum run by the Androtics Direct pheromone
company. They are one of the oldest pheromone companies out their and
are at the frontline of individual pheromone discovery. However their forum
only talks about products from their own company.
Reputable Brands That Have Made Name For Themselves
Liquid Alchemy Labs – known for its unique blends
Androtics Direct – known for strong short lasting blends
PheromoneXs – known for strongest hitting blends
Alpha Dream – known for luxurious bottling and scents
Pheromone Treasures – new kid on the block with potent blends
True Pheromones – consistent strong blends
Chapter 8 – Popular Reputable Pheromone
Individual Pheromone Products That Stand Out
This section is great for a first time user who is looking to use
pheromone products to their advantage. I ’ ve personally spent years on
pheromone forums reading posts as well as testing just about half of all
pheromone products out there. Here is a list of pheromone products that are
widely supported by the community as well as have shown a significant
effect on their users as well as others.
Status Products
Wolf – Liquid Alchemy Labs
Instant Gentleman – Androtics Direct
Alfa Maschio – Alpha Dream
APi - PheromoneXs
Social Products
Glace – Alpha Dream
Instant Shine – Androtics Direct
ConnectionsXs – PheromoneXs
BlissXs - PheromoneXs
Sexual Products
-Alpha Products
Aqua Vitae – Liquid Alchemy Labs
EvolveXs – PheromoneXs
XiSt - PheromoneXs
Voodoo – Liquid Alchemy Labs
Chapter 9 – How To Get The Most Out Of Your
How To Properly Wear Pheromones
The key to unlocking the potential that pheromones have to offer is
often found in something as simple as the dosage. A lot of people jump into
the world of pheromones with little to no knowledge about what to do,
and “ overdose ” .
Overdosing is when you wear too much of a product or a mix of products
and your signature comes off unappealing and/or confusing (this is called
Ghosting as I mentioned before)
They then assume that a product does not work for them and go about
spreading bad press about pheromone products.
Little do they know the key to having pheromones work for you is testing
and finding the right dosage.
Where Do I Apply My Pheromones?
It ’ s best to apply your pheromone product to areas of your body
that produce a lot of heat. The best areas are the insides of your wrists, your
neck, and the sides of your face.
These areas a great because they are actively hot. Pheromones are
molecules. They need heat in order to diffuse through the air.
This is why it is safer to apply less pheromone products during the summer
while it is hot, and more during the winter when it is cold.
Why Are There Different Dosages For Different People?
The main reason everyone has a different working dosage is because
everyone has different body chemistries. Just like how some medications
may affect someone differently from another or how an individual may
have a weakness for dark liquor while another may be sensitive to clear
Different individuals produce different amount of pheromones naturally.
The ones who produce a lot of natural pheromones require less pheromone
products. While the ones who produce a little require more. Also depending
on your race you may naturally produce different types of pheromones.
For example, it has been found that people of a Latina background naturally
produce more Androstenone as compared to someone who comes from an
Asian background.
It has also been found that certain races prefer different pheromones. This is
up to much speculation but I ’ ve found it to be accurate.
-Asian women prefer RONE and A/B-NOLS
-Latina women prefer NONE
-Caucasion women prefer RONE and NONE
The key to finding your perfect dose for a product is to test.
What I recommend for beginners who have purchased their first
product is to start at 2 doses. This is equivalent to 2 drops if you have a
drop bottle, and 8 inches if you have a roll on bottle.
Try this dose for 2-3 days, and if you see no results, take a day off (make
sure you properly wash off the pheromones) and increase the amount you
put on.
Keep doing this until you start seeing results.
(I ’ ll go over what type of results to look for in the next chapter)
Taking Occasional Breaks
The reason we take a day off every so often is because pheromones
are naturally very sticky molecules. If you continue to wear them day after
day it is very easy for them to stack on top of each other, leading to an easy
Keep increasing your dose until you see a change in the amount of hits you
Once you’ve found a dosage that works, don’t stop there, try to increase
that dosage – because sometimes you may find that even high dosages will
bring you even more results.
Chances are that your perfect dosage amount is between 2-4 drops of a
product. This is the widely accepted belief of the pheromone community.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule, so testing is key.
Chapter 10 – How Do I Know If It’s Working?
Depending on what type of product you are wearing and what you ’ re
looking for your results may vary.
Here are just some things that I ’ ve personally experienced and results
found by thousands of others.
For Status Products You Should Notice:
People being more respectful all of a sudden
Men will towards you when calling the shots
Women telling you that they look up to you
Co-workers/Boss telling you how glad you ’ re working with them
People opening doors for you
People moving out of your way when you walk down the street
For Social Products You Should Notice
Strangers being more open to talking to you
People asking you for directions
People starting random conversations with you
A large increase in deep conversations with people you barely know
People telling you that they feel like you know them very well
For Sexual Attraction Products You Should Notice
Women being touchy with you
Women looking at you with deer-in-the-headlight eyes (big pupils)
Women telling you how hot you are
For Romantic Attraction Products You Should Notice
Women spending more time with you
Women being more and more receptive to you over time
Women telling you that they are interested
In the next chapter we will cover indicators of interest. These are the signs
that a woman is interested.
Chapter 11 – Indicators of Interest
What You Should Notice With All Products
It ’ s important to know that no matter which type of product you
are going for they are still going to make you more attractive towards
women. Wearing a Status product does not mean women won ’ t find you
more attractive. All of these products have been made to cater towards men.
Although they specialize in different things they all do have one thing in
common, attracting women.
Here ’ s a list of Indicators of Interest (also known as IOI ’ s) that women
tend to show when they are interested in a man
What Are Hits?
The key to finding out whether or not a pheromone cologne is
working for you is to compare the amount of hits you notice throughout the
day as compared to when you have no pheromones on.
A hit is basically something you don ’ t normally notice on a day to day
basis without pheromones on.
For example a girl staring at you on the subway is considered a hit.
A girl saying excuse me while she gets off the train is not a hit.
This is also a great way to find out what dosage is best for you (by
comparing the amount of hits with different dosages)
Indicators Of Interest (before you introduce yourself)
-tossing of hair (women do this to see if you will look)
-she looks back at you every so often
-if eye contact is made from a distance, she will hold it longer than normal
-she stand in your near proximity
-any form of “ accidental ” brushing, touching, groping
-she stops you for ANY reason or in any way to start a conversation
-playing with hair
-deer-in-the-headlights look
Indicators of Interest (while in conversation)
-re-initiating conversation after you stop
-any forms of laughter, giggling, smiling
-she touches you
-she tries to build rapport with you (asking for your name, age, what you
do, etc.)
-she tries to challenge you in a playful way
-she assumes you have a girlfriend
-when sitting down her leg touches yours and hold that contact
-repeated touching in any way (playful pushing is a big one)
-in a group when someone makes a joke or comment she looks at you
-calls you a player
-On her way out, she re-approaches you to tell you that she is leaving (Ask
for her #)
-On your way out, she asks you where you are going (Invite her!)
-She invents reasons to be near you, interact with you, or have isolation
with you
Subtle Indicators of Interest (harder to notice)
-Her friends leave to the bathroom, bar,or dancing – but she stays
-She follows you
-She waits for you
-She doesn ’ t flinch or pull back if you happen to get too close
-She doesn ’ t resist when you escalate physically
The Key Indicators Of Interest To Focus On
-re-initiates conversation when you stop talking
-any form of touching
-She tries to get rapport and build “ comfort with you ”
And there you have it. Be on the lookout for these “ hits ” when you are
wearing -your pheromones, you can ’ t miss them once you get the hang of
And remember, if a girl is showing you indicators of interest that means
So make sure you capitalize on the situation and do something!
So before assuming that a product isn ’ t working make sure you:
1. Test out the product long enough to find a dosage right for yourself
2. Actually have interactions with others ( you have to be interacting with
others in order to see results)
3. Wear the product in different settings, around different people, and in
different scenarios to make sure you grasp the understanding about how a
product really is injunction to your body chemistry.
4. Be on the lookout for hits from both men and women. Keep a diary or
journal recording your observations
5. Keep testing and trying out different dosages until you find one that is
most optimal for your body type!
6. Enjoy your new found magic perfume!
Thank you again for downloading this book!
I hope this book was able to help you to understand some of the basics of
pheromones and their uses.
I know I was initially confused when I started wearing pheromones, and
there are a lot of products I do regret buying. And one of the main reasons I
wrote this book was to help others who are along the same boat.
You can check out my website pheromonexpert.com for some more indepth reviews of individual pheromone products.
Finally, if you enjoyed this book, then I ’ d like to ask you for a favor,
would you be kind enough to leave a review for this book on Amazon?
It ’ d be greatly appreciated!
Any feedback is kindly appreciated as I am slowly working on building this
simple e-book into a go to guide for all new pheromone users.
Thank you and good luck!