FREEBIE: Science Passages Print and Go Science Passa ges for Upper Elementary Student ] Passages [ These work great for whole class instruction or small group work. Students can read, highlight, and annotate the text. Some passa ges also incl ude comprehension questions. As more passa ges are created, this resource will be updated! Science: Mi xtures & Sol utions M Name: Date: In a mi xture, di fferent materials are placed together but are not chemically combined to form new compounds. Each material in a mi xture keeps its own properties. For example, i f salt and pepper are put together to make a mi xture, the salt and pepper do not change thei r flavors or colors. Mi xtures are made of two or more substances and can be separated by physical means. Most of the foods you eat are mi xtures. Think about a bowl of soup. It might have chicken noodles, celery, carrots, or other vegetables. The carrots are separate and can easily be identi fied. If you really dislike carrots, you would be able to separate them and remove them. However, it is not al ways that easy to separate mi xtures. If you were to pour water into a cup of soil, you would have to pass the water through a filter to remove it. If there were i ron filings in sand, you could separate them by using a magnet, since i ron is magnetic and sand is not. There are also things known as sol utions. A solution is a special mi xture in which a substance is dissolved. The substance is spread out evenly and will not settle. In a solution, the substance that dissolves is called the sol ute. The solvent is the substance in which the solute is being dissolved. If salt was poured into a cup of water, salt is the solute and water is the solvent. Science: Mi xtures & Sol utions M Name: Date: Di rections: Complete each of the following in a complete sentence. 1. What are two ways you can separate mi xtures? 2. Other than soup, what other foods could be considered a mi xture? Try and name three more. 3. How are mi xtures and solutions di fferent? 4. How are mi xtures and solutions si milar? Think of examples for each of the following and record on the table. Mixtures Solutions Science: Chemical & Physical Changes Name: Date: M Matter can change all the time. These changes can either by physical or chemical changes. When a physical change occurs, matter keeps the same chemical properties. A chemical change occurs when one kind of matter changes into a di fferent kind of matter with di fferent properties. Changes in si ze, shape, volume, and state of matter are physical changes. For example, falling raindrops can freeze to form sleet. Although the raindrops and the sleet are di fferent si zes, shapes, and states of matter, both are the same substance: water. Sawing wood, shredding paper, and melting wax are all physical changes. Grating a potato is also a physical change. Copper can be hammered into sheets but the substance doesn’t change into something else. Some substances may look di fferent after a physical change. Salt crystals seem to disappear when you dissolve them in water but the salt is still there. If you let the water evaporate, the salt crystals will appear again. A chemical change occurs when one kind of matter changes into a di fferent kind of matter with di fferent properties. For example, when you cook foods, they go through chemical changes. Shredding a potato is a physical change but cooking it on the stovetop will turn it brown and crispy. A cooked potato tastes and smells di fferent from a raw potato. The potato’s chemical properties changed. When a chemical change occurs, atoms rearrange themselves to form di fferent kinds of matter. It is not always easy to tell when a chemical change occurs, but there are clues that it is taking place. Iron is usually gray in color but rust is red-orange. The color change is a sign of a chemical change. The rust that forms is a new material with di fferent properties. Chemical changes can also cause heat, light, sound, and fi zzing. Chemical changes can also produce a gas or a solid. If a piece of copper is placed in a solution of chemicals, crystals will form on the copper. The solid crystals are evidence that a chemical change has taken place. Burning is another chemical change. Burning a candle produces three new substances: ash, carbon dioxide gas, and water vapor. These substances have di fferent properties from the candles and oxygen. Science: Name: Chemical & Physical Changes Date: M Di rections: Complete each of the following in a complete sentence. 1. What are three types of evidence of chemical change? 2. When you cook an egg, is that a physical or chemical change? Explain. 3. How are physical and chemical changes di fferent? Think of examples for each of the following and record on the table. Physical Chemical Science: Chemical Reactions M Name: Date: When a chemical reaction occurs, substances change into other substances. A substance used in the reaction is called a reactant. A substance made by the reaction is called a product. Atoms of the reactants rearrange to form the products. The physical and chemical properties of these products are di fferent from the reactants. A chemical equation shows what happens during a chemical reaction. The reactants are listed on the left side of the chemical equation. The products are listed on the right side. An arrow between the reactants and products is someti mes read as “makes.” It is like the equal sign in mathematics. 2 H 2O Water Reactant 2H2 + Hydrogen O2 Oxygen Products Matter cannot be created or destroyed during a chemical reaction. This statement is called the Law of Conservation of Mass. This law explains that the total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the products. Imagine baking a cake. The mass of the ingredients equals the mass of the cake plus the mass of the water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases that come from the oven, which make the cake smell so good. Remember, a chemical change occurs when one substance changes into a di fferent substance with di fferent properties. All the chemical changes take place during chemical reactions. During a chemical reaction, atoms in the reactants rearrange to form products that have di fferent properties. No original atoms are lost and no new atoms are added in this process. The atoms just combine in new ways to form new substances. Explain below how chemical changes and chemical reactions are related. Make a Lava Lamp! This is a great way to demonstrate chemical reactions, pulli ng together everythi ng students have learned! You will need: Alka Seltzer tablet (one per student) Small disposable water bottle (mi ni si ze works great) Vegetable oil Water Liquid watercol ors or food col ori ng (optional) Fill the bottle with about ¾ o f vegetable oil. Fill the rest with water. Ad d col ori ng i f desi red. Break the Alka Seltzer tablet and drop i n pieces. Fi rmly secure the lid. Watch the lava lamp erupt! The reaction will last anywhere from 5-15 mi nutes, dependi ng on the si ze o f the bottle, oil used, and tablets used. Let’s Talk Let’s Talk We have been learning all about mixtures, solutions, physical and chemical changes, and chemical reactions. Define each of the following as you explain! We have been learning all about mixtures, solutions, physical and chemical changes, and chemical reactions. Define each of the following as you explain! SCIENCE! SCIENCE! M M M M Mi xture Sol ution Physical Change Chemical Change Chemical Reactions Corrosion Acid Base Mi xture Sol ution Physical Change Chemical Change Chemical Reactions Corrosion Acid Base Let’s Talk Let’s Talk We have been learning all about mixtures, solutions, physical and chemical changes, and chemical reactions. Define each of the following as you explain! We have been learning all about mixtures, solutions, physical and chemical changes, and chemical reactions. Define each of the following as you explain! SCIENCE! Mi xture Sol ution Physical Change Chemical Change Chemical Reactions Corrosion Acid Base SCIENCE! Mi xture Sol ution Physical Change Chemical Change Chemical Reactions Corrosion Acid Base Thank you for downloading! I so appreciate you and the work you do in your classrooms! Thank you so much for downloading! Please note, this product is for personal classroom use by a single teacher. If you would like a copy of this product for more than one teacher, please download additional licenses, available at 10% off the original price. If you would like to share this product with teacher friends, please return to your “My Purchases” page and download unlimited additional licenses at 10% off the original price! Product Created By Jill Sha fer TPT: Hell o Fi fth Insta gram @hell o_fi fth Email: hell ofi