Theatre 1 Showcase Project DAY OF SHOWCASE: Thursday, May 9th. THEATRE 1 CLASSES ONLY: 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th periods. TIME: First 5:30 - 7:00 PM Second at 7:30 - 8:30 PM. ● ● 1st Performance: 1st, 5th and 7th periods. 2nd performance: 6th and 8th periods. - Call time for all students is 15 minutes before the start of their performance. Students should arrive dressed and ready to go, check in with Mrs. Centurion, then wait in order of the classes (listed above). - Free entry for audience members, donations to the program are gratefully accepted. TOPIC: POETRY ON STAGE. Each theatre 1 class will divide into groups of 3-4. In each group, there will be a director and their actors. The group will choose their poems together, but the director will block the poetry scene and help it come to life. Actors are responsible for learning their roles and working with the director in setting their scene with costumes, props, and set/staging necessary to tell the story of the poem. Poems must be memorized by the actors. If an actor is absent for the presentation, the director of that scene is responsible for filling in for that actor. This will count as your FINAL for Theatre 1. All actors and directors must be present for their scene. If there is an emergency, parents will need to contact Mrs. Centurion at Students will need to contact their group members. PICKING YOUR POEM: Each group will need to pick one poem that is approximately 30-60 seconds long. The poem MUST be published by a legit publisher, not just a random poetry website. The poem must be approved and seen by Mrs. Centurion. Actors and Directors in each group will need to work together to discuss the meaning and story behind the poem they choose. Once this has been discussed, the director will need to decide which direction to take the story. Is it happy? Is it sad? Where do you think your actors should move on stage using the stage directions? No group is allowed to have the same poem. Poems are first come, first serve. Groups may access the following to help with their selection: - Online Library (Sora) - The library on campus (on their own time) - Approved internet resources (any websites with: .edu, .org, or sites similar to The New Yorker, etc. Must state the publisher. Pinterest and Wikipedia are not acceptable resources for poetry choice). BLOCKING FOR THE STAGE: Directors, this is where you come in. Here are the steps that you, the director, are responsible for: 1. Dividing lines amongst your actors. 2. Telling them where to move to onstage and marking it down in the director’s script. (remember to refer to your stage directions! Guide will be placed below) 3. Discussing with your actors: what is the take on this? Happy? Sad? Angry? Write it in your director’s script and describe why. 4. What is your plan for costumes? Will everyone wear a certain color? Will everyone work together to set up the stage? How do you want it to look? a. Student directors will be permitted to use small portions of the UIL gray set cubes and certain props. These must be approved by Mrs. Centurion before use. b. Students are allowed to make props for their scene with their groups using foam, cardboard, etc. c. Students should plan to wear their own clothes for costumes unless otherwise specified. Students will need to show a picture of what they plan to wear to their director no later than Thursday, May 2nd (one week before performance). Clothing must follow the school dress code guidelines or the students will not be permitted to go on stage and receive an “incomplete” grade on the final. 5. Lastly, all scenes must be fully planned out and shown to Mrs. Centurion by Thursday, May 2nd, exactly one week before the showcase. This will leave a few days purely for practice and making adjustments where needed the week of. ACTORS’ RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Listen to your director. 2. Work with your director in choosing your poems. 3. Use all of the rehearsal time you are given up until the show date. Theatre is fun and we all want to enjoy ourselves, but remember that the work comes before play. This applies to everyone, not just actors. 4. Write down the blocking/movement for your character that is given by your director. If you do not write it in your script, you will forget. 5. Memorize your lines and blocking by April 30th. 6. Help your director with the props and set as needed, however the director will be primarily responsible for this task. 7. Everyone is responsible for their own costume. Another option is to wear all black, just like you would for a concert or working backstage. However, this must be agreed upon by the group as a whole. It MUST be school appropriate or you will not be permitted to go on stage and will receive an incomplete grade on your final. 8. Show up on time. Refer to the top of this packet. PROJECT TIME-LINE AND CHECKPOINTS All checkpoints will be worth a minor grade. Rehearsal (practicing with your group) and audience etiquette (proper behavior) in class will still be worth major grades. ● MARCH 18-22 - Project introduction. Send project and presentation dates home. Students pick poems and analyze with your group. ● MARCH 25-29 - Students finish picking poem and poem analysis. Begin planning lines and blocking. Some breaks and warmups with theatre games. ● APRIL 2-5 - Continue planning lines and blocking. Script check at the end of the week to make sure everyone has written down their blocking and that the director has planned it out. Some breaks and warmups with theatre games. ● APRIL 8-12 - Begin planning props, set, and costumes. Continue practicing with group. Add elements and ideas as needed. Some breaks and warmups with theatre games. ● APRIL 15-19 - Continue planning and making props and costume pieces as needed. Progress checks with each group individually. ● APRIL 22-26 - Continue practice. Some breaks and warmups with theatre games. Progress checks with each group individually. ● APRIL 30 - Students must be fully memorized and planned. ● CLASS DAYS MAY 1-8 - Run-throughs of showcase in class. ● MAY 9 - Showcase Night. Refer to times based on class period. OTHER IMPORTANT DATES: ● ● MAY 3 @6:30 PM - Addams Family Young@Part. MAY 4TH @3:00 PM and 6:30 PM - Addams Family Young@Part ○ ○ ● This is our school musical. If students return on Monday, May 6th with a program signed by me, they will receive extra credit on any minor grade in theatre from the current 9 weeks. This also applies to students within the cast. Student entry- $5. Adult entry- $7. MAY 15 - Theatre Banquet at 6PM. Not required, but fun, semi-formal event. $5 entry, RSVP required by May 8th. Student and director nominated awards, saying goodbye to 8th graders, dinner, photo-booth and more.