Introduction 20 points Exceeds Expectations A detailed overview of the purpose of the investigation and why the research question is of interest should is clearly described. Needs Improvement There is a sentence or two indicating the purpose of the investigation and referencing why the researched question is of interest. Below Expectations The purpose of the investigation is unclear or missing. The purpose of the experiment is stated. The purpose of the experiment is referenced but not elaborated on. The purpose of the experiment is unclear or missing. Reference to prior research is detailed and in-depth. Reference to prior research is sufficient and accurate. Reference to prior research is briefly mentioned. Prediction is clear and accurately stated. Rational for prediction is clear and logically developed from previous research. Prediction is stated and refers broadly to the topic at hand. Rational for the prediction is mentioned. Prediction is stated but the rational for the prediction is inconsistent. Number and characteristics of participants is clear. Number and characteristics of participants is included. Either the number or the characteristics of the participants lack definition. The number and characteristics of the participants is unclear or missing. Materials are described. Materials are largely mentioned, but not detailed. Materials are not mentioned. The purpose and rationale of the experiment are clearly stated. Methods 20 points Materials are described sufficiently. Research design and procedures are detailed and indepth. Operational definitions of the variables are explained clearly and logically. Meets Expectations There are several clear sentences overviewing the purpose of the investigation and why the research question is of interest is referenced. Research design and procedures are clear and complete. Operational definitions of the variables are described. Research design and procedures are mentioned, but not complete. Operational definitions of the variables are mentioned but lack description. Reference to prior research is not mentioned. Prediction and the rationale behind it is unclear or missing. Research design and procedures are lacking. Operational definitions of the variables are insufficient or missing.