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US Government & Constitution Explained

1. What is the form of government of the US?
a. Our government is a constitution-based federal republic.
b. We elect representatives to go work for us by passing laws.
c. We elect our representatives by voting for them on election day.
d. These representatives then make up our local, state, and federal government.
e. In the US, we have state governments and the federal government.
i. Both of these governments are separate, but work together for the good of
the nation.
ii. For example, during the pandemic, NJ governor Phil Muprhy worked
closely with the federal government to obtain medical supplies needed.
iii. Each state works this way, they have their own laws, but work closely
with the federal government so that we can be unified as a nation.
iv. This is why the US is called the UNITED STATES
2. What is the supreme law of the land.
a. The US Constitution.
i. Supreme law of the land means that no law or policy in the entire country
can contradict the Constitution.
ii. Therefore, the Constitution is extremely important because each and every
act of government must make sure that the Constitution allows it.
3. Name one thing the US Constitution does
a. The constitution forms the federal government
b. It defines the powers of the federal government. (what the federal government can
and cannot do)
c. It defines the parts of government, specifically it creates the President, Congress,
and the Supreme Court
d. And it protects the rights of the people. For example, the Constitution grants
people the freedom of speech.
4. The US Constitution starts with the words We The People. What does We The People
a. We The People means that the government has been established and given the
right to exist by the US Citizens.
i. This is what is meant by self-government. It is the idea that the American
people govern themselves. This is different from the laws of England
where the King ruled the people.
ii. This also means that the government operates with “the consent of the
governed.” Meaning that as Americans, the government only exists
because we allow it to exist.
iii. It is also an example of the philosophical social contract, where the People
give up certain freedoms in exchange for a government.