..l~ PREP ARD BY THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMTTEE OF THE DOLORES HEIGHTS IMROVEMENT CLUB Donald E. Earlenbaugh Stephen Lomika Philip Mathews, Architect Stephen 0' Connell, Urban Planer Jerr Pike, Architect DHIC 3732 21st Street, San Francisco, CA 94114 E-mail: doloresheights(.hotmail.com Telephone: 647-4228 DOLORES HEIGHTS IMPROVEMENT CLUB April 28, 1998 Ms. Lois Scott, Team Leader Southwest Neighborhood Planning Team San Francisco Planning Department 1660 Mission Street San Francisco, California 94103 /.- l ú ~'Õ~ (f\çcc\ ~..'.\-, -- ~-_./ ..,r ,JV'-.~ II ()//" /L Dear Ms, Scott: Thank you again for inviting the DIlC Design Review Committee to attend the May 5th the Southwest Neighborhood Planning Team. Our committee members are meeting of looking forward to meeting the planners who work in our neighborhood and to introducing them to the Dolores Heights Residential Design Guidelines. I am enclosing a copy of the Guidelines for your review, as well as some background information on the Dolores Heights Special DIlC, our Design Review Committee, and the creation of you have any questions or would like more Use District. Please feel free to call me if information. Sincerely, ~rpew Amy Powell, President Dolores Heights Improvement Club 3732 21 sl Street San Francisco, CA 94114 Phone/fax: 647-4228 cc: Southwest Neighborhood Planing Team: Delvin Washington Augustine Fallay Tom Wang Edy Zwierzcki Grace Hing Mark Paez Susan Snyder Georgia Powell DHIC Design Review Committee: Don Earlenbaugli Steve Lomika Phil Mathews Stephen O'Connell Jerr Pike Dolores Heights Improvement Club The Dolores Heights Improvement Club was founded in 1949 for the purpose of "involvement of the neighborhood." Over the past fifty years, Dolores Heights in the condition of the people of the Club has worked toward the protection and improvement of Dolores Park, community participation in zoning and development decisions, procuring underground utility service, improving neighborhood security, and beautification and landscaping of common public areas. Dolores Heights Special Use District In 1978, prompted by concerns over a zoning change that reduced minimum rear yards from 45% to 25%, the DHIC applied to the Board of Supervisors for zoning protection as a special use district. In September 1978, the Board of Supervisors requested City Planning to prepare criteria for a new Dolores Heights Special Use District. Neighbors worked with the City to draft an amendment to the Planning Code, map the area, and survey all of the residents within the the proposed district. In January 1980, the Planning Commission recommended adoption of Dolores Heights Special Use District with provisions for minimum 45%_rear yards an~ . maximum building heights. A month later, the Board of Supervisors passed the new district into law. DHIC Design Review Committee While the Planning Department was reviewing the proposed Dolores Heights Special Use District in 1978, the DHIC formed the Design Review Committee to evaluate new construction and exterior alteration projects within the neighborhood. That same year, the Planning the Commission passed a resolution that recognized the DHIC as being rèpresentative of Dolores Heights and established a policy of giving notice of new permit applications residents of neighborhood concerns early in the Department's to the DHIC and allowing for consideration of permit review process. When the DHIC is notified of a proposed construction project, the Design Review Committee meets, often with the project sponsor and/or interested neighbors. The Committee reviews the plans for conformity with the Special Use District and neighborhood character, identifies concerns of neighboring residents, and, if appropriate, suggests possible design modifications. If the project, the Committee will make a issues remain unresolved after their review of Directors. The Board will meet (if necessary recommendation or report to the DHIC Board of with the project sponsor, other interested paries and the Committee) to discuss the project and Directors must pass a encourage clarification and resolution of disputed issues. The Board of resolution before the Club can take a position either in support of or opposition to a disputed project. the DHIC's design review process is to identify and attempt to One of the primar goals of moderate inappropriate or objectionable construction proposals as early as possible in the planning process. Toward that goal, the Dolores Heights Residential Design Guidelines have been developed to provide comprehensive and easily accessible information about DRIC's design objectives. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 DOLORES HEIGHTS INTENT ApPLICA nON SITING 2 FRONT YARD SETBACKS 2 Guide1ine1: Match existig buildigs. 2 Guideline 2: Avoid obstrction offront setback area. 2 Guidelie 3:YARDS Planted space.3 2 SIDE Guideline 1: Side spacing. 3 REAR YARDS 3 Guideline 1: Varces. 3 BUILDING BULK AND MASSING 4 Guideline 2: Prority locations for side spacing. 3 HaGHT 4 Guideline 1: Buildig on ups10ping lots. 4 Guideline 2: Buiding on downs10ping lots. 4 Guideline 3: DESIGN Roof appurenaces.5 4 ROOF Guideline 1: Rooflnes should correspond to the slope of the street. 5 Guideline 2: Give preference to pitched roof forms. 5 SCALE AND SIZE 5 Guideline 2: Size of livig area. 5 VIEW PROTECTION 6 Guideline 1: Incorporate "good neighbor" gestues. 6 Guideline 1: Respect the dimensions of neighborig buildigs and lots. 5 Guideline 2: Arge view wind9ws to avoid obstrction by futue development. 6 Guideline 3: Abide by planng codes to preserve views. 6 ENTRYWAYS 7 ENTRYWAYS AND GARAGES 7 Guideline 1: Pay parcular attention to entray design. 7 PARKING GARAGES Guideline AND 1: Gage design, 7 7 Guideline Tandem parkig. 7 Guideline 3:2: Size of parkig space 7 LANDSCAPING 8 Guideline 4: Curb cuts 7 Guideline 1: Manuze planted space and mie impervous sunaces. 8 Guideline 2: Avoid plantig tht would obstrct views. 8 Guideline 3: Street tree selection. 8 Guideline 4: Matenace of trees and landscaping. 8 APPENDIX 9 THE DOLORES HEIGHTS SPECIAL USE DISTRICT SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING CODE SECTION 241 9 THE SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL PLAN URBAN DESIGN ELEMENT, OBJECTIVE 2, POLICY 7 9 1 Dolores Heights Residential Design Guidelines INTRODUCTION Dolores Heights Dolores Heights is a unquely San Fraciscan neighborhoo. The interplay of buildigs, landscape and frequent scenic views creates a soothg yet dynamc urban atmosphere. Hioricaly, the area's steep topography has prevailed upon buildigs and steets to conform to its ireguar pattrn leaving interestig houses and cottages set into the hilside's gardens and tree-filled open spaces. Chagig physical, economic and social inuences thoughout the lustory of Dolores Heights have left an intrgug and eclecc mix of buildig tyes and styles. Pre-1900 development was linted to a few scattered fars and homes. Buildig was mi during the ealy Victorian period beaus the steep hillsides made trsporttion dicut. Many homes in the neighborhoo were buit jus afer the tu of the centur when development consisted of cottges (includig eaquae refugee cottges relocated from Dolores Park) and modest row houss. Later, as appreciation of the natu settng and panorac views emerged, several substatial homes appeed, mostly on large lots with extensive garens. The neighborhood's dwellings come in an ary of Victorian Crama Edwardian Tudor, Ar Deco and contemporar styles. Despite the varety buildig tys; the hwn sce, scenic views, and may natur areas, give the neighborhood a distinctive and exceptiona chacter. of Intent In 1980 when neighborhoo residents created the Dolores Heights Speial Use Distrct, the San Francisco Plang Code was amended: "In order to preserve and provide for an established area with a unique charcter and balance of built and natu environment, with public and private view corrdors and panoraas, to consrve existing buildigs, plant materis and planted spaces, to prevent uneasonable obstrction of view and light by buildigs or plat materials. and to encourage development in context and scale with established charcter and landscape." (planng Code Section 241. Dolores Heights Special Use District) These gudelines are intended to help designers, residents and planers to interpret the provisions of the Special Use Distrct, to recogn what is unque about Dolores Heights, and to consider what is pacularly important to planng compatible futue development. Our goal is to promote thoughtfl, inclusive development which is based not only on code calcuations and short-term economic trends, but also on neighborhood context, actual nee, and long-term social, economic and environmental factors. Application These guidelines were developed specifcally for application to single family residences located within in Dolores Heights Special Use District. They are intended to be used together with the Planng Code, the Genera Plan, and the cityide Residential Dcsign Guidelines to review neighborhood compatibility of building proposals. Throughout the neighborhoo there are lawfully existing buildings tht do not conform to all of the particulars set forth in these guidelines. The guidelines are intendcd to apply only when ncw construction or alterations to existing buildings are proposed. They are not intended as a mc.1sure or critique of existing buildings. 2 SITING The position of a buildig on its lot is a basic design decision th th plays a crcial role in mataing a balance of built and natu environment Approprite siti of houss along the block-face will preserve and create uiorm open spaces for plantig, view corrdors and sught. Front yard setbacks The majority of homes in Dolores Heights have a generous amount of open space between the public sidewalk and the front of the buildig. The city's maer plan describes the neighborhoo's "building setbacks with gardens" as an "outsdig and unque" spial chacteristic. Front yards give street areas a sense of being open, light and peestran-friendly. They create a bufer between public and private ar, allow for increased planted space, and help to convey a sense of the neighborhoo's natual topography. Guideline1: Match existing buildings. Front buildig setbacks should match or average the existig front setbacks of adjacent buildings. If the buildigs on the block-face establish a pattern offront setbacks, tht pattern should generaly be majority of front setbacks on the blockrespeted. Any existig buildigs tht fail to conform to an established pattern of face should not be use as a guide for futue development of neay propertes. Guideline 2: Avoid obstruction of front setback area. -A fence enclosing a front yard setback area should be no more thn three feet in height above grade. Fences, fence tops and gates taler th thee feet in height must be at least 75 percent open to perpndicular view. _ A garge obstrction of a front setback area should be allowed only if it would not exce the average height and average extension into the front setback area of garges, buildigs or retaig walls existing on the adjacent lots. If no such stctures exist on adjacent lots, a garge obstrction would not be appropriate. Guideline 3: Planted space. At least 50 percent of the front setback area should be non-continuoiis pavig, landscape or planted space. Houses with front setbacks and side spacing 3 Dolores Heights Residential Design Guidelines Side yards Side yards are common, although not prevalent, in Dolores Heights. However, inclusion of side yards and side spacing in futu development is strongly recommended beuse they tend to reduce t.e appearce of bulk in new conscton and help to integrte it with the smaer sce buildigs tht are tyical thoughout the neighborhoo. Side yards also increa the opportty for landscaping, architec arcuation, and light to buildigs, yards and strt area. Guideline 1: Side spacing. A buildig should have one or more area of open space along its sides. These area can be designed as full or paral side yards, buildig recesses or notches, light wells, or upper story setbacks. . The size of the area depends on the size of t.e buildig, larger buildigs should have lager area of side spacing. Guideline 2: Priority locations for side spacing. The following factors should be given priority in designng and locatig side yards and side spacing: "prevent blockage of views, light or ai to neighboring propertes; "preserve privacy of neighborig propertes; "match existg pattern of side spacing on neay buildings. Rear Yards Uniorm rea yards assure the contiuation of light and ai to est:iblished interior block open spaces. Generous rea yards are essential to support the trees and abundat ladscaping tht mae the neighborhood unique. "The minimum rear yard depth shall be equal to 45 percent of the total depth of the lot on which building is situated, but in no case shall the rear yard be Jess than 25 feet deep. Planning Code Section 241 (a), Dolores Heights Special Use District Guideline 1: Variances. No variance should pennit any par of a building to be built within 25 feet of the rea propert line. . .~~~~ ~: ~~~ \~,/~..; ¡-.' , tU. ...LJ ii ,J r~- ¡J . rT P!l Ip- ~i ~! i - - 1-- 11_.1 t 1111 i '\ : ;t¡ ~'I_ J1 rf'~q- - . \;(11 ~. ~_-_j-;~ ii !~-)-' (~,tj. \ -~ nl!r:iC'. : 'ri y.. - (-I) _..~..'.:.. n_ ._-_ r' ---- ~j~ ~J~ Houses with no front setbacks or side spacing .;~'~.:~'. . ./ 4 BUILDING BULK AND MASSING Bulk is the apparent size and masiveness of a buildig in relationsp to its suoundigs. New constrcton is alost always larger th historica, an so requies carefu design to achieve an appece th does not overwhelm neay building form. The presence of may older homes and sma sce cottges contrbute to natu and built spaces. the neighborhoo's hum sce, sens of contiuity with the pa and balance of Existig older homes should be consrved whenever possible, and new development should complement the size and texte of the established neighborhoo. Height .N 0 portion of a building shall exceed a height of 35 feet above the existing grade of the lot, with the intent that the building shall be contained within an envelope that slopes upward or downward with the slope of the property. (plang Code section 241(b), Dolores Heights Speial Use Distrct) Guideline 1: Building on ups loping lots. Where a lot slopes uphill away from the front propert line, the buildig should step up the hil in increments following the slope of the hiL. No par of the building in the rearost 16 feet ofthe.lots buildable area ~ld ~5' in~i~ ~i in .... (' .. .. .. Guideline 2: Building on downsloping lots. Where a lot slopes downU away from the front propert line, the buildig should step down the hil in increments i \l following the slope of the hiL. B".~ Guideline 3: Roof appurtenances. '&~' Mechaical equipment, sta enclosures, antennae and '..V' fè othesroof appurtenaces should only be exempt from the . hefglt limit if they would not be visible from the street and would not adversely impact neighboring propertes. '. ~/" ,Vi' .\~,./~ ~ . '~:l \ - -~~____ ~ _ " I , ,. - "1---- ~ J ~ ~;ii--i r ~. ~ 't~. .; r.:. .~~! -..- --f.... ' ._-~'\~ç ~ /), . ;,:: ",'. : -: :,.,c, r;t== J. f' ir'l!' ,r ,-:"1 '~~~!-"~. '~i,"" '.'.~i'~..~ -..,-~I; :.;) i ro' \~'r. .'./, .., í '"f -'7' . -vVi-" . ~i---;Y'i'"\. ~ ___~.:.. _ __ r-=:/WI rr. "'''~.. --,,-_ . l' ~ - ... ,'Y", _'u ". _ /.'., I,l i ~ ~ -' -. -,' ~~~~ ,~ :':.-- "JV.:-ki\...J¡ :T- J ¡ r~I'lt¿~~: 1!1;:.~¡t-~ Lt.-,"I :'1¡1-!~"ì(J ~ - - "7/ ~ ",_ ". j ~ -- --- --'-- Sympathetic addition to an existing house 5 Dolores Heights Residential Design Guidelines Roof Design Guideline 1: Rooflines should correspond to the slope of the street. On sloping blocks, buildigs and rooflnes should reflec the topogrphy ofile street and the block-face. The rooflne on a down lot should not appe higher th the rooflines uphil from it Guideline 2: Give preference to pitched roof forms. Although ilere are exaples of may dierent styles of roofs in Dolores Heights, pitched roofs are preferred bul better accommodte preservation of for new conscton beus they tend to reduce the appce of light and views to neay propertes, and have a more interestg appece when viewed from above. A mimwn slope of 6: 12 is reommended for the pri roof. Scale and Size Guideline1: Respect the dimensions of neighboring buildings and lots. The volume and mas of a new building or addition to an existg one should be compatible with that of surrounding buildings. Because the Plang Code uses lot dimensions to establish the allowable dimensions for buildigs, any subdvision, adjustment or mergig of lots should resut in new lots tht are: i) the same depth as the majority of lots on the block, and, 2) of a complementa width to other lots on the block -face. ?1-iSts Guideline 2: Size of living area. -The floor area of a new or enlarged buildig on a 25 foot wide lot should not excee 100% of the area of its lot (one squae foot of interior living area for each squae foot of lot ar). Example: The majority of lots in Dolores Heights are 25 feet wide and 114 feet deep, ths is equal to 2850 squae feet of lot area A new or enlarged building on such a lot should not exceed 2850 squae feet of interior living area (1.0 x (25 x 1149 = 2850). . -The floor area of a new or enlarged building on a lot tht is wider than 25 feet should not exceed 100% of the lot area for 25 feet of the lot width plus 35% of the lot area for the width of the lot tht exceeds 25 feet. Exaple: There are many double-wide lots (50 x i l.) in Dolores Heights. The maximum amount of area recommended for a double-wide lot is 3847.5. TIs is calculated as follows: 2850 for the first 25 feet oflot width (1.0 x (25 x 114) =2850), plus 997.5 for the remaing 25 feet oflot width (0.35 x (25 x interior living 114) = 997.5). ~\ ~.; -l.1. ~~ .. ~ ~-- y~ -~~ \' i . --~.. -.-ç--~'- 1- .. .. 1? , ~-~. ""' -i IrtS' Ii -~d__-. .. -- Even a simplistic design can be visually interesting by use of mass and form 6 VIEW PROTECTION Guideline 1: Incorporate "good neighbor' gestures. Often a pa set back, pa side yard, appropriate reducton in height, or vartion of roof shape would prevent blockage of a neighbor's view, window, or light. These kids of "good neighbor" gestues should be incorprated into buildig design. Guideline 2: Arrange view windows to avoid obstruction by future development. View windows and decks should be arged to access views over dedcated open area such as streets, requied rea yard open space and ai space above ile 35 foot maxum buildig height For most lots ths will be at ile front or rea of ile buidig. The creation of new side view windows tht are diected across the buildable area of adjacent lots are discouraged becaus of ile strong potential for view obstction by future development. Guideline 3: Abide by planning codes to preserve views. Uniorm application of Plang Code provisions deang with height, rear yards and setbacks will maximize access to views thoughout ile neighborhoo. Varances, waivers and obstructions should not allow building that would obstrct public or private views. , '" ~/..." I~. ,-. '\ _..?~ (- -, ',.,... ¡ '"\'1 ~ ..' ~-----': 1'-----_,,' )-"' / "'1 /" "7'. d ;:.~,.,~c~.7~.:i::~.i-.,L:, , " '4 'ì' r:f'D':c'~ i ,t '''l1' . " ~ J :,";: 1 '.: " \ ~:,t ,:'. -: J~ ., _ L I "', .~ 1,.:\1\ i'i,:";~r'-~.,\\",i ,L~. :l'~~'~" -, "I "Li"-~ l:..:...~".. 'i, ' õ' ," ,- ._- .:'~~:) " ~¿".,,2---c- With a low picket fence this house is visible from the street, the same house with a high stucco wall is no longer interactive with the street. 7 Dolores Heights Residential Design Guidelines ENTRYWAYS AND GARAGES Entryays The pedestran entr to a buidig, includg doorways, porches, st and walays, is often one of the most distictive and appreciable elements of a buildig's façade. An interestig entIay ca help to define style and sce, as well as conveying a sense of welcoming an celebration. . Guideline 1: Pay particular attention to entryay design. EntIay design should be compatible with the buildig and with neighborig buildigs. Designers are encouraged to mae the entIay somet.g speial and to incorprate a trition spce between the street and the front door. Pedestr entIays should be a more prominent design element th automobile entres. Parking and Garages Circustaces of history and topography led may homes in Dolores Heights to be built without garges or off street parkig. TIs ha resulted in sidewal and street area with a pedestr orientation, increased landscaping, and recreationa or social use. In order to preserve those quaities, parkig requirements should be interpreted in the context of actu need and should not result in the constrction of uneeded or unwanted off- street parkig, Guideline 1: Garage design. A new garge should be compatible in scale and design with the attched building, surounding buildings, and the blockface. A new garge should be sited in such a way that it does not disrupt an existing pattern of front yard open space. Gage doors should not exceed 10 feet in width and 8 feet in height. Recessed gardge doors tend to de-emphaize the gage opening and are encourged. Guideline 2: Tandem parking, Garge designs tht incorprate tadem (front to back) paking are encourged. Guideline 3: Size of parking space Compaet paking spaces, with a mimum size of 127.5 square feet, are encouraged Guideline 4: Curb cuts Not more th 8 feet of curb space should be removed for automobile access to a drveway or garage. Curb cuts shall be aranged so as to preserve a minimum 17 foot curb space fronting each lot or in such other way as would maximize the number and size of on-street parking spaces. ì~. . ;-"'~~'.~0~~'-... . ~-~:L em ¡T-Hn (l- 'I~--!i.! i!11i~! r)U~¡Ul.- .1 ';;;'! IJ11 -nl I LJ-i' I.! I J!i i I i' :1__ 1 i ,/ n I 1\ L_.L Curb cut for single car entry Curb cut for double car cntr~' 8 LANDSCAPING Guideline 1: Maximize planted space and minimize impervious surfaces. ar of Existig trees and planed spces should be mataed and preserved. New visible greenery should be established whenever possible. Guideline 2: Avoid planting that would obstruct views. Dolores Heights ca mus be taen when choosing the Although large trees are essential to the chacter of location for new trees so th at maty t.ey will not block or obscre views. Guideline 3: Street tree selection. New street trees should match or complement existig trees on t.e block. Consistent plantig of a limted number of speies of trees will enhce the visu haony and definition of t.e neighborhoo. Parcularly appropriate speies include: Caorna Wild Lilac (Ceaothus 'Ray Har'), New Zeland Chrstmas Tree (Metrosideros-excelsu), Pittosporu eugioides, Red Flowerig Gum (Eucayptus ficofolia), and Victori Box (pittosporu undultum). Guideline 4: Maintenance of trees and landscaping. Planted and landscpe area should be maitaed to avoid weey or bruy overgrowt and accumulation of debris. Simple landscaping design and use of native or drought tolerat plants tend to require the leat matenace. :,:: ~I,ij¡Th E'-. ,~, '''\~ì /, "~,~;-:. '").¿) ¡" 'Y'/.~~' .' , , "" ~~/'~ 'r.,, d,. ,.,~ I;' j. "-.i-' ~)..~,'r '"l".r '.ro,. l-"I\.L '-' i, IYJ/ / ".' "l'~~~' il'! I ~'''o\' ~ . '~..'\\ --.7 _- "'~/'.'".~ .. - L,~~III.,' '~'r~~-';'" 'l., . (,-IU 'fJ~l -lFv l I # -. - "';-i;ï ."' l-. "' ~1 ..,. ii ¡r:i... I l... ';., ~ ?:')'I , ;, 'i i:1 '.. "J ~ /I . ; i '":~" : .. .. r', ;'fJ, ". ~ 't'w ¡~ I" 4 ~,,~ "~.~' ;/ (- , i' -!t,,:1 ,:(,'11 -:, l'1r-., -J'' ~,.....I''\,,... . ,, ~.... -? ,¡~' /c: " ///)",," n\ /..'- / W "!. '- ~ . '" . p. . i i ".. .. l l- , . --~"¡.._._..~I,;...a. ' , Ì)' ~r . _ -',.,..r-V""',; _ : ~_-:.- _, ". C". ", I'".... ~-: . ~ ~ - _ -I ,¿'"-,-i/'~. - ~ h.. .~ --1"'¿ , .-,/r,-' , ~---.'-~" i ---'--~ -- ~ , ..--- . '. . -, ~.., An entry gate to a stairway, hidden behind an ivy-covered wall brings a sense of ceremony to the entryway and adds visual delight for the neighbors 9 Dolores Heights Residential Design Guidelines APPENDIX The Dolores Heights Special Use District San Francisco Planning Code Section 241 In order to preserve and provide for an established area with a unque chacter and balance of built and naturl environment, with public and private view corrdors and paora, to consrve existig buildigs, plant materials and planted spaces, to prevent uneasonable obstrction of view and light by buildings or plant maerials, and to encourage development in context and sce with established chacter and landscape, there shal be a Dolores Heights Speial Use Distrct as designted on Secon Map No.7 SU of the Zonig Map. In ths distrct all provisions of the City Plang Code applicable in RH-1 Distrcts sha contiue to apply except that rea yard and height limt provisions of ths Section 241 sha be substituted for rear yard and height limit provisions found elsewhere in ths Code. (a) The mium rea yard depth shall be equa to 45 percent of the total depth of the lot on which buildig is situted, but in no ca sh the rea yard be less th 25 feet deep. (b) No porton of a buildig shal excee a height of 35 feet above the existing grade of the lot, with the intent that the buildig shall be contaed with an envelope that slopes upward or downward with the slope of the propert, The "height of a building" for purses of ths section sha be measured in the maner described in Section 102.12 of the City Plang Code, whether the lot being measured slopes upward or downward from the steet. (c) Varances may be granted from the rea yard and height limt provisions in Paragraphs (a) and (b) above in accordance with procures specifed in Section 305 of ùie City Plang Code provided tht no such varance sha permt a building to have a height in excess of tht otherwise permitted in an RH -1 Distrct. The San Francisco General Plan Urban Design Element, Objective 2, Policy 7 Recognize and protect outstadig and unque areas tht contribute in an extrordina degree to San Fracisco's visual form and chaacter. All areas of San Fracisco contrbute in some degree to the visual form and imge of the city. All require recognition and protection of their signcant positive assets. Some areas may be more fortunately endowed than others, however, with unque chacteristics for which the city is famous in the world at large. Where area are so outstadig, they ought to be specially recognized in urban design planng and protected, if ùie nee arses, from inconsistent new development tht might upset their unique chaacter. These areas do not have buildings of uniorm age and distinction, or individua features ùial can be readily buildings, landscaping, topography singled out for preservation. It is the combination and eloquent interplay of and other attbutes tht makes them outstading. For tht reason, speial review of building proposals may be required to assure consistency with the basic charcter and scale of the area. Furermore, ùie partcipation of neighborhoo associations in these areas in a cooperative effort to maintain ùie established character. beyond the scope of public regulation, is essential to the long-term iinage of the areas and the city. Special charcteristics of outstanding and unque areas: Dolores Heights. A unform scale of buildings, mixed WiÙi abundant landscaping in yards and steep street areas. Rows of houses built from nearly identical plans ùiat form complete or parial block frontages, arrged on hillside streets as a stepped-down series of flat or gabled roofs, Building setbacks with g;udens set before Victorian facades and interesting entrays. ,.~ --~ I i-- i ~ ~ ITll I J---I i 11 ti ! i --~t=ill I __ ~ CUMBERU\ND STREET __ r--niiiii TTr- r- I ii 'i I ~ -II \ \ \ i I i 11. 'IIIi 20THi STREET -- i J~ DOLORES l_ i i ~ '-'001 . -I. 'ill hVJXiGITfS i! 11 lJ. --i ! -T i . SPECIAL -- L1BERiYSTREET- USE ~i' i iilr~~'-i ii iill' i rIT -- Iii i ~j' iili I i ~ - ¡i. I lll i DISTRICT 1:1 '~1~:J ~n IIL-r l- 21ST STREET II ii w :i i~n I !I ii I I '\ \ \ Iii' , 1 tiiI'Ii -.1I iii -___..___ ---I '. ._--~ III II i i i 1.1 i I i i -Ti 1.\ II i \ 1 I ,11111,1.1