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Mental Health & Academic Performance During COVID-19

The Effects of Mental Health to Academic Performance Among Grade 12 Humanities Social
Science Students in Cauayan City National High School Amidst Covid 19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread fear throughout the world, and for some months,
governments have enforced quarantines and physical isolation practices. The mental health
problems of kids also became a worry as quarantines grew longer. As a result of the COVID-19
horror, it is anticipated that learners may experience mental health issues that will affect their
academic performance. Therefore, the study used a descriptive technique of research to learn how
mental health affects academic performance among GRADE 12 HUMSS STUDENTS in the midst
of the COVID 19 pandemic. Importantly, descriptive evaluative research gathered data from
participants using a quantitative approach. In this survey, one hundred thirty-two (132) randomly
chosen respondents participated. The study aimed to find the appropriate answers to the following
questions: 1) What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: a) gender, b) age, c)
section? 2) How the mental health affected the way of life students amidst Covid 19 pandemic?
3) What are the factors that affect the mental health of student’s academic performance amidst
Covid 19 pandemic? 4) How students can cope up strategies with mental health difficulties to
their academic performance despite of virus scare?
The researcher used a probability simple-random sampling technique to gather the data. Data were
collected using self-created, standardized questionnaires with a four-point Likert scale.
Additionally, data was analyzed by calculating the mean of each item from the survey
questionnaire that participants answered to in order to provide a descriptive value. However, due
to the government's adoption of health guidelines during that time, the data was gathered online
using Google Forms. This study mainly focused on determining the Effects of Mental Health to
the Academic Performance as perceived by Grade 12 HUMSS students of Cauayan City National
High School-Main for School Year 2021-2022, as well as identifying the coping mechanism they
made to survive the academic year. In addition, this study considers the student’s personal
information such as their gender, age and section. Findings demonstrated that there were numerous
factors affecting respondents' lifestyles and their mental health during the pandemic. Despite the
difficulties they face, they always manage to divert their psychological problems and take a little
time to relax. This is one of their main coping mechanisms.
Based on the data gathered, there are 132 respondents in section HUMSS A, B, C and D. 30
(22.7%) from section HUMSS A, 34 (25.8) from section HUMSS B, 36 (27.3%) from HUMSS C,
and 32(24.2%) from section HUMSS D. There are 72 female respondents and 60 male respondents
in the study and the majority has an age range of 17-19 years old (89.4%) while the others ages
from 14-16years old (10.6%). Out of the 132 respondents, 113 respondents of them (80%) agreed
that they always browse social media for several hours to divert their mental difficulties, their
mental health struggles led them to have pessimistic outlook in life in this time of pandemic,
always worry about the things that can happen (like thinking of getting the virus any time and
thinking that pandemic will not end doing quarantine), they feel like they don’t have interest in
everything that they doing, feel lonely all the time during quarantine, always bothered with the
news related to the pandemic, eating regularly because of the negative impacts of the pandemic
and they experiencing difficulties in sleeping and having abnormal pattern and 28 respondents of
them (20%) disagreed that they always worry about the things that can happen (like thinking of
getting the virus any time and thinking that pandemic will not end doing quarantine and financial
issues not affected in their mental health status amidst Covid19 pandemic. Furthermore, 82 (60%)
agreed that they have trouble in understanding the lesson, distracted because of the disturbing
noises in their environment, experience back aches because of long hours of sitting, they need to
do their house chore responsibilities, and they feel stress because the load of activities and
performance task Moreover, 24 (20%) of the respondents strongly agreed that they have trouble
in connecting to online meetings due to slow connection and have fear on academic failure. The
remaining 26 respondents (20%) disagreed that they don't have the proper gadget and same with
the case of having trouble with their financial problems and that this didn’t contribute to the
academic stress of the students. Both genders have similarities and differences on their coping
strategies. It showed that 94% of the respondents (both male and female) rest for a bit to relax their
body. However, it also showed that 68(83.2. %) of the female students take care of their activities
before deadline than 35 (67.52%) of the male students. It was stated that rest for a bit to relax their
body was the most effective coping strategies with the mean score of 3.25. While taking down
notes every online discussion was the least effective with the mean score of 2.5. Based on the data,
the coping up strategies to mental health difficulties of student’s academic performance despite
the virus scare shows that half of the statements are effective and the other half as ineffective.
Abu, R., Bernadez, J. J. (2022). The Effects of Mental Health to Academic Performance Among
Grade 12 Humanities Social Science Students in Cauayan City National High School Amidst
Covid 19 Pandemic.