11 2) Laptop/PC Dedication C++ Programming in One Shot Chapter 1 : Basics 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Basic Printing, \n and endl wali cheez. Variables, printing variables, int, float, and +,-,*,/ of integers. Variable naming rules. Comments Taking Input Modulus Operator Float to int, int to float Hierarchy Char and ASCII Basic program in C++ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ cout<<“hello world”; } Output Hello World How to move in next line? Example : cout<<”Hello PW”; cout<<”Hello CW”; Output will be : Hello PWHello CW 'DRY RUN' Out Hello PW · a ⑧ - ~ · Hello CW Use of escape sequence endl and ‘\n’ Example : cout<<”Hello PW”; cout<<endl; cout<<”Hello CW”; Output will be : Hello PW Hello CW * Athing: Y; 1) Cont 2) Cont<< "Y"; 3) cont 4+ 3; 1) Cont << << < < "4+3"; Variables and their Declaration Boxer, Let us focus on int data type as of now. 1) Variables as containers : - - s X Dabbe I Output S Printing Variables in C & Updation of Variables -int x = 5; ~ cout<<x<<endl; x = 7; rcout<<x<<endl; x = x + 6; - - cout<<x<<endl; I W / 7 S / X x x = - 20 x 13 = vx = x - 20; ~cout<<x<<endl; = - - 20 7 I Output S · · · 0 I 13 7 = - - - ↳ X tim Output - ·S 08 Arithmetic operations on int data type W int x = 5; ~int y = 2; Wk Wcout<<x+y<<endl; ~cout<<x-y<<endl; ~ cout<<x*y<<endl; ~cout<<x/y<<endl; </ issue intlnt x y I 7 · - · 3 10 · · 2 Increment - Decrement operators ~int x = 5; x<+; cout<<x<<endl; -x<-; cout<<x<<endl; w ~<+x; cout<<x<<endl; - ~–-x; ~ cout<<x<<endl; #45 ⑤S X - Thodi der I me Output - 6 S 6 S Post Increment put v ~ v - · a Y ·U S · X Due increment - ~ ~ ~ ~ ↳ X ·4 · & S S float data type float x = 3.1; Storing - Real Numbers Arithmetic operations on float data type float x = 5; float y = 2; cout<<x+y<<endl; cout<<x-y<<endl; cout<<x*y<<endl; cout<<x/y<<endl; Example : Calculating Area of a Circle - A=πr2 ↓ area d radius 3. 1415... Example : Calculating Simple Interest SI = PRT - 100 float p; floatwi float ti float si; 00 I P SA8. Y 540 = 2 32 = t3 = sup 32x3 + - 100 = - S184 To 318.4 Homework : Calculate Volume of a Sphere Variable Naming rules 1) Variables can start from an alphabet or underscore _ or $ . ~2) ~ 3) ~ 4) Special characters except _ and $ are not allowed. Some particular keywords are not allowed. Commas or blanks are not allowed. a Auto E case else goto double sizeof signed struct int for do if break const short union extern static switch return enum long char void unsigned continue volatile register while float default typedef Variable Naming rules - Examples Q. Which of the following are invalid variable names and why? BASICSALARY _basic basic-hra #MEAN group. 422 population in 2006 over time mindovermatter FLOAT hELLO queue. team’svictory Plot#3 2015_DDay Taking input // Square of a Number Take 2 numbers input from user and print their Sum Modulus Operator d +, -> x -y S = 3 = wea aYob is remainder divided is - by ,,1,% x x y + - y xxy x/y x%y 8 = 2 = IS = 1 = 2 = b 8 - 3 - 5/3 IS ②5403 Modulus Operator -> aYob 2) Goa 3) 4) = a = [it a<b> 0 = aY)-b) aYob = ( a)%b - divisibility 2%8 2 Some impant pants: i) is importance = (a%b] Typecasting float tint, -> inte float Ques : Take integer ‘x’ as input and print half of the number. intx; in x; Hierarchy of operators a very important (BOD MAS) ↓ int i = 2 * 3 / 4 ; BY OP cout<<i; i = mate,an 0.75 * 2 = -D 6/4 - I #(int) i 2 = 3/4 * 6/4 = =In i 2 = = 3/4 * 2 0 * 0X = D, M/ A,S L to Right Left char data type char ch = ‘a’; 4 a, b, c... A, B, C... 2 2 !D,H, $, · 1, 2, %, v, 2, 1, ?, I,,., 0,112, 3... , 9 w, 2 4, 3, "is -st, =, 2,3, 11, 2 ASCII values char ch = ‘a’; 297 b + important -very 65 + 66 B 98 C3 199 67 100 2 + 122 49 1 / S / i ! 11's S / : ⑩8 I I de [Typecasting] '9'e57 = 90 MCQ Time ! Homework In b = 6.6 / a + 2 * n ; which operation will be performed first? (1) 6.6 / a (2) a + 2 (3) 2 * n (4) Depends upon compiler MCQ Which of the following statements is false (1) Each new C++ instruction has to be written on a separate line FALSE (2) Usually all C++ statements are entered in small case letters TRUE (3) Blank spaces may be inserted between two words in a C++ statement TRVE (4) Blank spaces cannot be inserted within a variable name TRUE C. W. Homework float - f d i The expression, a = 7 / 22 * ( 3.14 + 2 ) * 3 / 5 ; evaluates to : (1) 8.28 (2) 6.28 (3) 3.14 (4) 0 ~ 7/22*5.1443/5 a - i = f i - =>) =) - A * O = a a a C 5.14 * i 043/S - Is = 0 = 3/5 Ketant: float x st = d int W no 2 = 3.0/2 3.0/2.0 no accept 2.S = 5/2.0 real 5/2 2.5 = 2.S = 1, 4,%7+, MCQ - The expression x = 4 + 2 % - 8 evaluates to x 4 2 (1) -6 -> = + ~ (2) 6 6 = 2% (3) 4 (4) None of the above a%(b) a%ob ajob = a = [acb) - 8 2%8 = 2 = **MCQ -> Homework What will be the value of d if d is a float after the operation d = 2 / 7? (1) 0 (2) 0.2857 (3) Cannot be determined (4) None of the above Chapter 2 : Conditionals 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) if, if - else nested Else if ladder Ternary switch ans/output situation dependent ↑ IF - ELSE I 5522 ad Ques : Take positive integer input and tell if it is even or odd even int d ni Is cinn; 1) Cont "Even"; 2) Cont -> "Odd"; a&b d a = = b,a! b = it C rm 0 = it FO 0 = even odd w I I W 3 n I Output Enter 3 n: Odd number HW : Take positive integer input and tell if it is divisible by 5 or not. Ques : Take integer input and print the absolute value of that integer x, +, -, 1, % Ari OP int ni 7 cin; 10 if (n >0) - cout<n else ecout-h; - 21 -> - - 7 10 21 ==,! =, ,, plate *Ques : If cost price and selling price of an item is input through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the seller has made profit or incurred loss or no profit no loss. Also determine how much profit he made or loss he incurred. int up; profit it(sp> <p) in cp; It (cp sp) int sp; if (<p sp) cinsp; < = = loss sp-cp s - cp-sP to no loss - HW : Given the length and breadth of a rectangle, write a program to find whether the area of the rectangle is greater than its perimeter. e,b d A l* b; = 4 24(l b); = + Multiple Conditions Using && and || and d 02 Ques : Take positive integer input and tell if it is a three digit number or not. if (n > 99 1 true and n<1000) Ene cont<< - Ques : Take positive integer input and tell if it is divisible by 5 and 3. if (n%S 0 = = && n%3 = 0) = Ques : Take positive integer input and tell if it is divisible by 5 or 3. - - & 15, 18, 21, 24, 27,30... 12, 9, 6, 3, 5, 39... 25, 30, 10, 15, 20, 10, 12, 15, 3, 5, 6, 9, if (4%5 n = 0 = 22 = 11 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 1903 == 0) - 31, Ques : Take 3 numbers input and tell if they 20, and can be the sides of a triangle. a, b, c if (19+ b) 1 a b a b + b c + c a + > = - c a b x and 12+ ap b and (c+ a) > b) Ques : Take 3 positive integers input and print the greatest of them. a, b, c it (as else else b and if (b> a cont C a sc) && cont<< b, c) a.. cont<< b Homework : Take 3 positive integers input and print the least of them. HW : Take positive integer input and tell if it is divisible by 5 or 3 but not divisible by 15. if ((n%s = 0 = or 4%3 = 0) = and (n%/s!=0)) Nested If - Else 12 if ( I Esses I 3 it - else- Ques : Take 3 positive integers input and print the greatest of them. withoutusing multiple conditions HW : If the ages of Ram, Shyam and Ajay are input through the keyboard, write a program to determine the youngest of the three. Else If Ques : Take input percentage of a student and print the Grade according to marks: 1) 2) 3) 4) 81-100 Very Good 61-80 Good 41-60 Average <=40 Fail HW : Given a point (x, y), write a program to find out if it lies in the 1st Quadrant, 2nd Quadrant, 3rd Quadrant, 4th Quadrant, on the x-axis, y-axis or at the origin, viz. (0, 0). I I ⑧ ⑧ ④ ⑳ I - ⑧ ⑧ - IV - ⑧ if-die d but cool banneke lines liye bachana Ternary Operator expression 1 ? expression 2 : expression 3 ⑨ another replacementfor it-else Switch Statement ↓ useless Syax: character int I switch ( integer expression ) { case constant 1 : do this ; case constant 2 : do this ; case constant 3 : do this ; default : do this ; } Radar's Recommendation - · exam se I day before ↑ n1, n2, int op Char Ques : Write a program to create a calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) using switch case = and functions. The calculator should input two numbers and an operator from user. int a; int bi charch;et,-, 1, -> achb n) => op n2 A MCQ Time ! Predict the output main( ) { ~int ~if x = 10, y = 20 ; ( x == y ) ; cout<<x<<” “<<y ; } ↳ I Output 10 20 HW : Predict the output int main( ) { int x = 3, y = 5 ; if ( x == 3 ) = > printf ( "\n%d", x )I; (out xendl; else ; printf ( "\n%d", y ) ; couty = > } endl; *Predict the output main( ) { ~int x = 3, y, z ; ~ - W 10 y = x = 10 ; X (Right v z = x < 10 ; ↳ false Left) to - 0 cout<<x<<” ”<<y<<” “<<z ; } true->/ y O z I out 10 10 O Chapter 3 : LOOPS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) -> repetition For Loop Break and Continue While and Do While Loop Questions using Operators Pattern Printing Problems What and Why? baar hello world For Loop condition int ↑ int i 1; 1 } Iterator - 3; = = for(int i = 1; i<10; i++){ // code x increment decrement ↓ declaration initilization + Ques : Print hello world ‘n’ times. Take ‘n’ as Done! input from user How for loop works : the various parameters. n3 Initialization = Steps " - - 1) I Output Hello World · Y M 3 W 2 I / i Hello World · Hello · * World 23 Check condition Work 3) Increment Ques : Print numbers from 1 to 100 using for look Ques : Print all the even numbers from 1 to 100 ↓ it (1%2 Method-2: e = 0) = even HW : Print all the odd numbers from 1 to 100 Ques : Print the table of 19. ↓ 171, 190 19, 38, 57, 76, 95, 114, 133, 152, HW : Print the table of ‘n’. Here ‘n’ is a integer which user will input. Ques : Display this AP - 1,3,5,7,9.. upto ‘n’ terms. Method 1 - nth term ! formula - -> (n an a an => + = 1 = - 1)d (n-1)2 + 2n-2 an 1+ => = an= => 27-1 4, 7, 10, 13.... Ques : Display this AP - 1,3,5,7,9.. upto ‘n’ terms. - - - Method 2:Using extra - - variable & keeping'only for rounds & the iterations -- ~ HW : Display this AP - 4,7,10,13,16.. upto ‘n’ terms. 3 a an an an an a = 4 = 4,d = (n 1)d + - (n - + 1).3 4 3n - + = 3n+ 1 = ⑳34n 1 + 3 = Ques : Display this GP - 1,2,4,8,16,32,.. upto ‘n’ urvo terms. x2 x2 2x: -> 5, 15, 4S, for lint i = 1,ic n;i +)[ = cont< a" a a = 3 135, 2; + + "; x2 x2 HW : Display this GP - 3,12,48,.. upto ‘n’ terms. Break; ↓ thodi der ques he me saath Ques : WAP to find the highest factor of a number ‘n’ (other than n itself) 24 1, 2, - 3, 4, 6, 8, 12,24 ↓ - W intf= for 1 3 lint 1; 1If i =1; if (nii me i 0) == < factor m;i f i; = ( + + Ques : WAP to check if a number is composite or not. it n has extra factor/factors except composite d if (n%i L look - 0) == - we found a factor - tnk mitt 1 & then it is Ques : WAP to check if a number is prime or not. dane Continue; d if you to want skipa round ↓ print no. From 20 1 to except308 Hiw. Ques : WAP to print odd numbers from 1 to 100. using continue - While Loop - An alternate to for look I int i = 0; while(i<10){ // code i++; } Kitni baal chalega, weird ↓ multiple conditions scenario Do- While Loop -eK baar kam se kam do { //code } while ( another == 'y' ) ; zun kane Predict the output int main( ) { ~int x = 1 ; W while ( x == 1 ) x=x-1; cout<<x<<endl; } ⑭ I Predict the output main( ) { int i ; -> Infinite while ( i = 10 ) { cout<<i<<endl; i=i+1; } } look Predict the output main( ) { 1972983 while ( 'a' < 'b' ) cout<< “malayalam is a palindrome" <<endl ; } Infinite look HW : Predict the output main( ) { int i = 10 ; while ( i = 20 ) printf ( "\nA computer buff!" ) ; } HW : Predict the output main( ) { int x = 4, y = 0; while ( x >= 0 ) { x-- ; y++ ; if ( x == y ) continue ; else cout<<x<<” “<<y<<endl; } } Questions using Operators +-*/ % Ques : WAP to count digits of a given number. intn; -> n ein; #Hint:1)Integer division - 2) Divide in & again by 10 again 5812 = I int count 0; = While (n>0) E I 3 n n/10; = count+t; Ques : WAP to count digits of a given number. n = n n = 123 Y count 0 123 count-1 12 = count= 2 = 1 n = O n 0 = finish count= 3 C count= 4 ~ ans Ques : WAP to print sum of digits of a given number. 3 Sum 12 n 1234 # Fit:1) 2) 3) n Modulus (%) operator 2%10 1 2 3 + + the last gives y + 512843 = + = = digit 4 3 2 1 + = + + + 4 =U Ques : WAP to print sum of digits of a given 1 3 y 4 3 ed n%10 number. 1 2 + Algorithm: e n n 1234 = = 123 12 I ⑧ look finished = + + 2 + + ed Y = + = Sum= 7 3 2 9 1 10 4 HW : WAP to print product of digits of a given number. (There won'tbe zero in the number) a For ex: n = 1234 12*3 *y 24 = pro = HW : WAP to print sum of all the even digits of a given number. n I 1234 = 2 +y 6 = A Ques : WAP to print reverse of a given number. n #Hint: 1234 + = 1) sum 2) 4321 5 4321 = digits of 0,0,4, = 40, 43, 430, 432,4320,4321 Ques : WAP to print reverse of a given number. v E 10 2 = Algorithm - n ~ 153412/3 x 0 44043 = ed YBR 1 = 1) Id 2) 2 3)2 4 10 = + ld = 4) n116 = 0 = 430/4328 /432 - r r = 4321 ld + HW : WAP to print the sum of given number and its reverse. n 1234,2 4321 = = Ques : Print the factorial of a given number ‘n’. - ↳ Find the 5! sum from in ent SX4x4X2x1 = 8x 7 8! = x6x5x4x3x2x1 n! nxn-Dx(n-2) = .... 3 x2 x1 02 1x 2x3x4....(n-1)xh HW : Print the factorials of first ‘n’ numbers d n! #Hint: n 3, = I 11 = 2! 3 2x1 2 = = =3x2x1 4! 5! 6 = 4x3x2x1 = Sx4x3x2x = 24 = 120 = HW : Write a program to print all the ASCII values and their equivalent characters of 26 alphabets using a while loop. 65 A 66 66B . 65 67C I : 90 Z 90 Chapter:4 - nee Pattern Printing Questions **** ↓ **** **** Nested Looks d Nested it-else L ek ke andar ek Ques : Print the given pattern n - I ***** ***** M ***** ↓ ka mxy star 1 m 2 = n= 6 ↓ * * * * & A & H Solid Rectangle * X Y A rectange Ques : Print the given pattern **** **** **** **** Solid Square Ques : Print the given pattern -n 4 = 1234 1234 1234 1234 Number Square n 3 = 123 123 123 Homework: - - nY = -ih 1 n 2 = 11 22 n S = 111 2222 2 33333 44n4y SSSSS Ques : Print the given pattern n 4 = ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD Alphabet Square n 3 = A BC BC A A BC HW:1 - HW: 2 - a b c BBB a b c cc CC a b A A A A B DDD D (n 3) = c Ques : Print the given pattern I I 2 3 Y I 23 Y * ** *** **** -j I Star Triangle = i i i i 1,j 1 2,j = = 1,2 = 3,j 1,2,3 = = 4,j 1,2,3,4 = = jc E 1 l = Ques : Print the given pattern - - H. W. 1 12 123 1234 Number - Number Triangle Square code - j = u = d jc i = HW : Print the given pattern A AB ABC ABCD Alphabet Triangle HW: - I 22 333 yyy Y I I- row no. jecol no. ne no. of rows m no. of cols = 1 AX X 123 I x X X 123 222 123 *** BC A ABC BC A ↳ - I Seid 333 *HW : Print the given pattern n S = 1 AB 123 ABCD 12345 Alphabet Triangle n3 = I A B I 2 3 # Hint: If else - ↓ I I 2 3 Y I Ques : Print the given pattern 234sj I **** *** ** * y = = 1,2,3 2,j i 3ej 1,2 i 4,1j 1 = i = = * E jc 1 * * n+1 = => Imax n+ = 1 - a Star Triangle Ulta i -1i = * itjmax = = * a* - = * 2* 3 i 1, j 1,2,3,4 HW : Print the given pattern H.W. 1234 123 12 1 1 I and Number Triangle Ulta 22 3 4 3 M.W. I 2 I Y and 93 432 432 I HW : Print the given pattern ABCD ABC AB A Alphabet Triangle Ulta Ques : Print the given pattern 1 2 3 4 1 13 3 1 3 5 1357 I 2 i i - j ! 2 1 2 1 2 -> AP 3 3 Y du jus Odd Number Triangle 13579... W *Ques : Print the given pattern I I 2 3 Y ↓ 24 3 ej 1 23 456 7 8 9 10 n4 = I Floyd’s Triangle n 2 = I 23 *Ques : Print the given pattern I 2 345+ j 1 01 3 1 0 1 Y 0 1 0 1 when I (i+j7%2 2 S I 0 10 else I 0 & 1 Triangle 0 = = - -0 1 Ques : Print the given pattern 12345 1 2 4 * * ***** * * ## ## ## # # # ## # # S ## ↓ I # nS = Star Plus -j it(i 311j 3) = = = = else n 3 = A I # * ** a # # - - # nodd = x HW : Print the given pattern I 23456 ****** * * * i* ****** - j I 2 - - - - -- d stars - first last now sow firstcol col last i Hollow Rectangle HW : Print the given pattern * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Star Cross modd *Ques : Print the given pattern ↓ I 2 * ** *** **** I I --- 4 me - Star Triangle Reverse 3 looks I D 2 * 3 x -- - - 2 ander 2 - - 3 look - t X x x - y ya x ax HW : Print the given pattern 1 12 123 1234 Number Triangle Reverse HW : Print the given pattern A AB ABC ABCD Alphabet Triangle Reverse HW : Print the given pattern I **** **** **** **** I I - 2 -- 2 - - - 2 -- 3 y - Rhombus - Y X & & x x x x a X - t 3 x & a - Y & x & & & *Ques : Print the given pattern * *** ***** ******* Star Pyramid HW : Print the given pattern 1 123 12345 1234567 Number Pyramid HW : Print the given pattern A ABC ABCDE ABCDE FG Alphabet Pyramid **Ques : Print the given pattern * *** ***** ******* ***** *** * Recommend - ! College Wallah Youtube Channel d playlists d c Programming Course ↓ Lecture 4-PP L Badiya (Tough) Star Diamond Functions What and Why? DRY as not repeat yourself d 1) 2) to tackle There in repetition are problem. certainpeice of code we that use a lot of times Basic syntax fun(){ // code } ~~ of ~ function call scall I Output ·Good Morning How · are you? Hey · Good · · How Morning are you? main() return ; 1 Reyword kind of -> It cannot be jisse function like break; called ka more khatma than ho once jaata Kaam ki baate : 1) main() ek hi baar aata hai. 2) Starts with main 3) unlimited functions How functions work : ek ke andar doosra, doosre ke andar teesra Parameters:formal - 7 - ↑ parameters/ dabbe 90 W 7 a · Fetual parameters I values Pass by value W 90 D I I Outat Return type : Sum function se samajte hai d 72 9 Out be Sum Learn a, 81 81 - take integer I 81 Library functions Squtt <but() min() max() pow (a,b) e ab Ques : Combination and Permutation ↓ In, "c -> -> 2 > a ↓ me! = ① ( x! - 3 I *6xSx1 - u!" ·: = a)(byc) = ⑱x pr = y!x2! ⑰x1x2x1 O =15 Ques : Pascal triangle 12345 O 0 I I 1 I I 2 ↳ Y S d I printing Pattern D ej for Nested , I I 133 S 10 I I 10 S e; I I 2 I 33 I I 146y I Look, For ~ Y is " 1 I S I roofs Scope of variable ↓ that Formal parameters and Actual Parameters I ↓ Done v variables dabbe d actual values that are passed Ques : Swap 2 numbers MI: ↳ y X temp x y x = y = temp = temp Ques : Swap 2 numbers M-2 - - - without using extra variable Y Lie 2 Y+ 2 Y + 2 X My X y x => y => I x = x y + x = x = - - y y X y Pass by value & Pass by reference swap (x,3 v ~ 12:45 Y W 12 12 temp y x ~ ↳ ↳ ~ 45 - X 12 YS ⑧ Pass by value y I Output S & 12 US *Pointers -> int int x Y bytes ↳ E 2; = I x y IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ibyte 0x16.... *Pointers I int x - 3; = int* ptr 2 x; x = coutyptrendl; 0x1I i ptr 0x14 1 Access pointer the value is using of of the variable whose dereference/I operator address in is the *Pointers 3 W ~ 12 ~ X ~ Ox1Y ~ W ↓ Pass by Reference ⑲ ptr 0x26 I Outfit - - 23 *Pointers 0x19 0x12 v - v 1/ *a ⑭ in b temp 0x44 0x 90 a 45 = - W 0x22 I Output & 12 - - ~ * ~ 12 w w ~ ⑧ Pass by Reference ~ US X y 0x12 0x19 4S State TRUE or FALSE : 1) The same variable names can be used in different functions without any conflict. YES! State TRUE or FALSE : avoid 2) Every called function must contain a return statement. FALSE 3) A function may contain more than one return statements. TRUE State TRUE or FALSE : 5) A function may be called more than once from any other function TRUE Recursion Function calling itself ↓ 1) Repetition 2) Infinite Loop Ques : Print n to 1 ↓ n S = s : I w print -> in G no point quintin-1 -- ↓ - ~ 2 ↳ ~ - :I :3 In - I & I Base Case - condition Output =I ~ & ~ v ⑧ 2 b S ~ out X - ⑳ o : 3 ·E · Ques : Print 1 to n [Recursion] ↓ I 2 " : C contnendl; print (n+1) e n Ques : Print 1 to n (after recursive call) ~ Without extra Parameter X Proper men Dry Pun ! W - - ⑧ 3 ↳ " Is X ⑯ · ⑧ ⑧ - I · Output - Enter I · ⑧ · . a 3 n :3 Ques : Print sum from 1 to n (Parameterised) w i - College Wallah I Playlist ↓ C programming ↓ Lecture - 6 Recursion ↓ sum N 1 to parameterised Ques : Print sum from 1 toE n (Return type) -> n 5 1 23 4 5 -> -> + = + + + + 5 4 3 2 1 + 1 2 3 4 3 + + sum(r) => sum(n) = + + 15 = + + + 2 1 ..3 + n = + n = sumi-1) + + ofmore the Ques : Make a function which calculates the factorial of n using recursion. 3! -> - 5x4x3x2x1 = n! nxn-xn-2x....3x2x) = n! ux(n 1)! - = d fact(n) n = fact(n-1) x d fact(1) 1 = Ques : Make a function which calculates the factorial of n using recursion. Tree Diagram ener : 120 fact( S C 2 n 3 = 24 S*fact (4) ↓46 4 fact(3) x 22 3 * factfat i Ques : Make a function which calculates ‘a’ raised to the power ‘b’ using recursion. 3" a 3 = I b Y =3x3x3 x3 3 81 = = -> a = axa xqx a... a - b times ab -> a = pow(a,b) => -> base xab- 1 a x = case e powla,b-1) b 0 = ea:1 *Multiple Calls Ques : Write a function to calculate the nth fibonacci number using recursion. 1123381321345589 n 12345678 10 9 11 = fibo(z) fibo(8) -> -> = fiboln-1) fiboln-2); fibo(n) fibo() + = 1 = fibo(2) fibols) + 1 = . . Gro L L fibol 34 fibo(s) 8 - + ↑ · 3 fibo(y) Hottub0(2) Fiboli) fibolus fibr Fibulz Fibiesfibores finisfied 3 - 1 2 · t L 2 + L Sibol 11 fibo(2) + Enterthe tree HW : Power function (logarithmic) abz ⑳2 L I X = a 8 2 2 - x 28 24x24 = 2 2" 22 22 = 2x26 27 2 = - 6 2 z4 2x2 - 2x2 Y 2x23 - 2x22 24 i - S = 2x21 = I 2 x 0 20 x x 22 2'xz = 2' ⑧ 2x2 = DSA e data structures & algorithms 1 data stone - variable -> intx; Arrays What is an array? I el d List -> list list list declaration se of integers of char of float multiple e is e dabbe 11,76,13,88,46 A, B, A, C, F 99.4,93.1,90.8,94.6, band Santa noon. 50.S Indexing Syntax and Declaration 0 int x(5]; Y X [0] x x[1] x [4) x(2) x(3] I 4 = 2 = 10 = 6 = = - 2 2 e 2 6 - 3 Y 2 10 initializing of array elements (individual) Accessing Elements of Array ↓ Very using simple square brackets arr [41; Printing Output and Taking Input using looks Ques : Are the following array declarations correct? int a (25) ; X int a int size = 10, b[size] ; int c = {0,1,2} ; X [25]; v intc(3) 20, 1, = 23; or intc[1=20,1,23; int size 10; = int b(size); Ques : Which element of the array does this expression reference? num[4] int d 5th element from start & the 4th index element num [6]; 4, Memory Allocation in Arrays Elllllllllllllll int arr[3]=24,3,23; Passing Array to Functions - Reference - ~ - w - I arrity Output Ques : Calculate the sum of all the elements in the 3 S 01 given array. 2 intavr[] [5, = ↓ Sum G 0; = sum+=arr[0]; arr(1] sum+= & & ! arr[s]; sum+= 1, 2, 4, 4 6,33; Homework : Calculate the product of all the elements in the given array. Ques : Find the maximum value out of all the elements 3 4 0 1 in the array. intarr[] [1,5,6,4,33; 2 = - intrx arr[O]; = mx = d mx max = (mx, arr(i]) 56 Homework : Find the minimum value out of all the elements in the array. HW : What is the difference between the 5’s in these two expressions? int num[5] ; num[5] = 11 ; unit, 1. first is particular element, second is type 2. first is array size, second is particular element 3. first is particular element, second is array size 4. both specify array size State TRUE or FALSE : 1. The array int num[26] has twenty-six elements. TRUE 2. The expression num[1] designates the first element in the array FALSE 3. It is necessary to initialize the array at the time of declaration. FALSE 4. The expression num[27] designates the twenty-eighth element in the array. TRUE HW : Given an integer n. Create an array containing squares of all natural numbers till n and print the elements of the array. -> int ni cinn; intains; n 4 = ↓ 9/10 Homework; Ques : Given an array of integers, change the value of all odd indexed elements to its second multiple and increment all even indexed value by 10. - > 2 01 intarr(s) 3 Y [1,2,3,4,53; = ↳ ↳ ↳1, [11, 4, 3,8,53 4, 13,8,153 Homework Ques : Count the number of elements in given array greater than a given number x. -- - - intarr[] 21,3, 0, 10, = intx 4; = int ↳ count= 0; if (arrlit,x) count++; 2, 5, 63; HW : Find the difference between the sum of elements at even indices to the sum of elements at odd indices. 01 2 3 4 5 6 intaur)1=21,3,0,10,2,5,03; 9 sumeven= sumOdd ↳ 9 - 18 18 = - Ques : Find the second largest element in the given Array. intarr[] int mx for (int I mx < 10, 1, 0,9, 4, 12, 1, = INT-MIN; my = i 0; ic; = it+ (2 INN 1012 = smax:EMIN 10 max(mx, awr [i]); = 3 int INT-MIN; smax: it+ d for (int :=0:ic; I if (aw(i)! mx) smax = 3 = 23; max/Smax, aur[i]); Ques : Write a program to copy the contents of one array into another in the reverse order. intads] 3 1,2,3,4,53;a = bit." intb[S]; for (i 0; = i n = b(i) 3 ic 4;i = - )[ + + 1- i; a = REALs [s]; i - j E E-i i + n = - 1 Ques : Write a program to reverse the array without using any extra array. 01 intal] [5, = 2 2, 3, 4, i I I # Lit 1) Swap 2) Two - a [i], al;] variables in; 3 4 13; i 0; = j n = - 1; Homework : If an array arr contains n elements, then check if the given array is a palindrome or not. arr=[1, 2, 3, 4, 13 3, 2, E 1,2,3,3,2,13 W w => [1,2,3,4,2,13 = X 10 students 1) Basics 2) It Eddi Else 3) Loope 4) PP 5) Function P & Pointers 6) Revision 2) Arrays Arrays CM E 2D Arrays Array - 2D Away list Table What and Why? So far we have explored arrays with only one dimension. It is also possible for arrays to have two or more dimensions. The two dimensional array is also called a matrix. grid ecolumns int arr[r][c]; ↳ras This is a 2D array where r depicts number of rows in matrix and c depicts number of columns in the matrix. declaration. ,"I e ↳ int int als): arr[4][3]; alz] O 12 11 9 O I 2 3 ar(2]/2): 20 ↳ awe -> arr[3][T arr[2]/0]=11 20 = 9 3 = int an [2][3]; O I 2 O 6 I 2 I Y -j - 435 35 an [0][0] aur (OIC1) arr [0](2):2 (1](0) Y = 6 arr 1 arr[1] [11: 3 = 13 G 2S I = 64 612 arr[1] (2):3 Initialisation of a 2-Dimensional Array int arr[4][2] = { { 1234, 56 }, { 1256, 43 }, { 1434, 32 }, { 1312, 96 } } ; int arr[4][2] = { 1234, 56 , 1256, 43 , 1434, 32 , 1312, 96} ; int arr[2][3] = { 12, 34, 56, 78, 91, 23 } ; int arr[2][3] = {12, 34, 56, 78, 91, 23 } ; array 2D - array of away intarr[333] O O I 2 I = [[1,2,33, (4,5,63,[7,8,933; 12 2 3 436 I 89 aww intaur int (3[33:(91,2,33,44,5,63,97,8,933; avr[][3]=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,93; Ques : Write a program to store roll number and marks obtained by 4 students side by side in a matrix. Harsh, Sanket, Urvi 4 students - Ragnar, 76 R O H I S U 2 3 8 I 0 I 16 81 13 76 0 82 al I 88 90 0 13 82 88 76 91 90 2 3 82 88 to 90 90 I 7613 81 R U Ques : Write a program to store 10 at every index of a 2D matrix with 5 rows and 5 columns. int aur [S][S]; 12 3 "" 10 0 is Y 18 co 2 10 10 10 10 10 3 10 10 10 10 10 Y 10 10 10 10 10 Homework Ques : Write a program to add two matrices. - - O I 0 I 9 4 I O a 2 2 7 O t 2 2 I 0 6 I 12 O 11 S S I S 10 11 I I 3 Y 9 b cliJi):a(i][] b(i][i]; + -> 0 C Ques : Find the maximum element in a given matrix. ↓ Same Ditto as ID away ↓ int INT-MIN; mx busing = nested look traverse the entire L mx max = (mx, arr(i)(i)); ID array HW : Find the minimum element in a given matrix. HW : Find the sum of all elements in a given matrix. d int sum 0; = ↓ arr[i];]; Sum+= HW : Find the product of all elements in a given matrix. int product: 1; product x aur(i)(i); = HW : Given a matrix ‘a’ of dimension n x m and 2 coordinates (l1, r1) and (l2, r2). Return the sum of the rectangle from (l1,r1) to (l2, r2). O O i 1 to Y = I I 2 I 2 I 2 3 S 9 3 7 4 8 I 12 13 int 17 ↳ 10 11 13 16 17 19 18 20 -j a[8][4]; -j 3 1 to 2 = (11) and (4, 2) Ques : Write a program to Print the transpose of the matrix entered by the user. AW create -> 1 d Already done the transpose store Column Wise O O 7 I 2 3 0 I Y I 2 S -> I Y S 6 I O 2 2x3 2 3 6 3x2 Prin ting in a matrix it new 2) DW I skills PWskills & 2) Vector,2D vector DS A L Time & space complexity Sorting, searching Linked list, stack, Quene, Trees, maps, Set, leaps Graphs, DP, OOPS Decode 2.0 College Wallah Batch - - C++, Playlist DSA (Paid) Sanket Mrvi, eC++&DSAfoundation course 1D Array raghar I I integer float, away Char Strings ! char array (6): E','hav What are strings and Why are they used? L questions -> Char Arrays string str; Declaration of Strings and taking Input d string si cins; cout<<S; ↓ getline/cin,s); ~ strings:"Raghav Garg", Indexing of characters in Strings d strings:"raghar"; cont<S; cont << S90]://v I length)). strings:"abc"; sitic "o'-hull character d ASCII - O > Ques : Input a string of length n and count all the vowels in the given string. Updation of a single character in string ↓ Done H.W. Ques : Input a string ⑦@°=I> of size n and Update all the even positions in the string to character ‘a’. Consider 0-based indexing. - - 012345678910 strings:"Raghav Garg"; E aaahavaGara Built-in string functions d STL ↓ standard template library size() / length() d baat kar le hai push_back() & append() strings:"raghar"; pop_back() & clear() string to empty string “+” operator reverse() ↓ strings:"raghar"; Ques : Input a string of even length and reverse the first half of the string. i I 012345 -> string ↳ s = "raghar"; - garhav Homework Ques : Input a string of length greater than 5 and reverse the substring from position 2 to 5 using inbuilt functions. - - strings:"raghar"; 012345 ↳ reverse (s. begin))+2, s. begin() + 1); 6 to_string() -> int to string d int 4 x 12345; = strings:to-string(x); Ques : Return the total number of digits in a number without using any loop. Hint : Try using inbuilt to_string() function. x 91632 = stoi d string "1412361"; = intx stoils); = Maza aa gay a Thank you!