Fundamentals of IoT & Sensors (23EC1101) Department of BES-II In Sem-I, Question Bank I. Short Answer Questions 1 CO-1 2 CO-1 3 CO-1 4 CO-1 5 CO-1 6 CO-1 7 CO-1 8 CO-1 9 CO-1 10 CO-1 11 12 CO-1 CO-1 13 CO-1 14 CO-1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 CO-1 CO-1 CO-1 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 Draw IoT system architecture and how its components enable data exchange and processing. Illustrate the concept of Arduino GPIO programming and how it can be used to control external devices like LEDs and sensors. Outline the benefits of using specialized development kits for IoT and provide an example of a kit designed for a specific application. Illustrate the purpose of GPIO pins on an Arduino board? Illustrate the primary essence of the Internet of Things (IoT), and how does it deviate from the way traditional devices connect to the internet? Outline the role of Arduino board digital and analog pins in connecting and controlling external components. Outline any two key characteristics of the Internet of Things (IoT). What role does a microcontroller (ATMEGA328P) play in embedded systems, and how does it differ from a microprocessor? What is the Internet of Things (IoT), and how does it differ from traditional internet-connected devices? Outline the function of a decoder (74LS138) and provide an example of its application. Summarize the role of Arduino in an IoT application. State two important characteristics of the Internet of Things (IoT). Outline the primary distinctions between a microcontroller and a microprocessor. Show the primary components required to get started with Arduino in IoT projects? Briefly explain the architecture of the Internet of Things. Differentiate between a multiplexer and a demultiplexer. Demonstrate the purpose of GPIO pins on an Arduino board? Discuss the limitations of the LM35. Describe the different types of thermistors. Outline the real time challenges of using sensors. Discuss the limitations of the LDR. Describe the different types of sensors. Illustrate the working principle of LM35. Discuss the limitations of the infrared sensor. Describe how to interface the LM35 with Arduino. Outline the benefits of using sensors. Discuss the limitations of the gas sensor. List the disadvantages of the PIR sensor. Discuss the limitations of the PIR sensor. Illustrate the working principle of LM35. Outline the benefits of using sensors. Discuss the limitations of the infrared sensor. Discuss the limitations of the ultrasonic sensor. List the advantages of the PIR sensor. II. Long Answer Questions 1 CO-1 2 CO-1 3 CO-1 4 CO-1 5 CO-1 6 CO-1 7 CO-1 8 CO-1 9 CO-1 10 CO-1 11 CO-2 12 CO-2 13 CO-2 14 CO-2 15 CO-2 16 CO-2 17 CO-2 18 CO-2 19 CO-2 20 CO-2 Create a timeline that highlights the major milestones in the history of IoT, from its inception to modern-day applications, and explain the significance of each milestone. Illustrate the concept of "selection lines" in a multiplexer and how they control the input selection. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of IoT. Describe the operation of a demultiplexer and how it routes a single input signal to multiple output lines. Illustrate how IoT's evolution has led to everyday devices being integrated into interconnected networks. Explain the pin configuration of the 74LS153 IC and describe the truth table of the 74LS153. Illustrate the role of microcontrollers (ATMEGA328P) in IoT hardware and their importance. Create a timeline of key events in the history of IoT. Describe how the evolution of IoT has led to the integration of everyday devices into interconnected networks Describe about the basic building blocks of IOT hardware Organize the core concept of sensors and provide real-world examples to demonstrate their understanding. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of LDR sensors. Compare and contrast active and passive sensors, provide detailed explanations and examples of each type. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic sensors. Illustrate the importance of sensor characteristics and explain their impact on measurement accuracy and system reliability. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of gas sensors. Analyze the attributes of different sensor types and determine their respective applications. Discuss the significance of sensor characteristics such as accuracy, sensitivity, range, resolution, and linearity. Classify sensors based on their transduction principles and provide examples for each classification. Illustrate the fundamental concept of sensors in the context of electronic systems. III. Long Answer Questions 1 CO-1 2 CO-1 3 CO-1 4 CO-1 5 CO-1 6 CO-1 7 CO-1 8 CO-1 9 CO-1 10 CO-1 11 CO-1 12 CO-1 13 CO-1 14 CO-1 15 CO-1 16 CO-1 17 CO-2 18 CO-2 19 CO-2 20 CO-2 21 CO-2 22 23 24 25 26 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 CO-2 27 CO-2 28 CO-2 29 CO-2 Develop an understanding of how IoT devices enhance various industries, contributing to improved operations, safety, and decision-making. Elaborate the pin configuration of the 74LS155 IC and describe the truth table of the 74LS155. Elaborate the pin configuration of the 74LS153 IC and describe the truth table of the 74LS153. Compare and contrast the evolution of IoT with other technological advancements in recent history. Identify the key components of IoT hardware, and how do they contribute to the functionality of the device? Model the 74LS138 decoder function to select one of eight output lines based on a 3-bit input code. Explain its internal logic. Organize the primary characteristics of Internet of Things (IoT). Compare and contrast the evolution of IoT with other technological advancements in recent history. Compare and contrast digital pins and analog pins in Arduino in terms of their functionality and use cases. Organize the main components of an Arduino board and their functions. Make use of the pinMode() function in Arduino programming and describe its significance with different examples. Model the SN74LS148 encoder convert multiple input lines into a binary code. Provide a brief overview of its internal operation. Develop insights into how IoT devices enhance various industries, contributing to improved operations, safety, and decision-making. Elaborate the potential advantages and limitations of using the SN74LS148 encoder in a IOT design. Identify the important parts of IoT hardware and explain how they make the device work better. Elaborate the functionalities of IoT software platforms, and what are some popular IoT software platforms available in the market today? Elaborate the concept of Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) and Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) thermistors Describe the basic structure of an LDR and how its resistance changes in response to variations in light intensity. Discover the steps involved in connecting and configuring a PIR sensor to detect human presence and motion. Analyze and provide insights into the roles of five distinct sensors utilized in a car. Discuss a real-world application where an LDR is used to control a device based on ambient light levels. Describe the fundamental operating principle of an IR sensor. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic sesnor. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of thermistor. Elaborate the applications of IR sensors in everyday life and various industries. Discuss the applications of a ultrasonic sensor. Explore the process of connecting and setting up a PIR sensor to detect human presence and motion. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a Light Dependent Resistor. Describe the operational mechanism of an ultrasonic sensor, and how does it primarily find utility in measuring distances and detecting objects? IV. Programs 1 CO-1 2 CO-1 3 CO-1 4 CO-1 5 CO-1 6 CO-1 7 CO-1 8 CO-1 9 CO-1 10 CO-1 11 12 CO-1 CO-1 13 CO-2 14 CO-2 15 CO-2 16 CO-2 17 CO-2 18 CO-2 19 CO-2 20 CO-2 21 CO-2 22 CO-2 23 CO-2 24 CO-2 25 CO-2 26 CO-2 27 CO-2 Compose an Arduino program to Blink an LED with delay of 2 seconds Formulate an Arduino code to smoothly vary the brightness of an LED using the Analog Write technique. Build a Arduino program to read the state of three push buttons connected to Pins 2, 3, and 4, and light up corresponding LEDs connected to Pins 8, 9, and 10. Create an Arduino code to manage the intensity of an LED's illumination using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) on a designated digital pin. Compose an Arduino program to Blink 2 LED’s alternatively with a delay of one second. Compose an Arduino program to create a blinking effect for an LED using the Analog Write method. Develop a Arduino program to control the brightness of an LED using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) on a specific digital pin. Develop a Arduino program to read the state of three push buttons connected to Pins 2, 3, and 4, and light up corresponding LEDs connected to Pins 8, 9, and 10. Develop a Arduino program to fading a LED (Analog Write). Formulate an Arduino code to Turn ON an LED when a button is pressed, OFF when button is released. Develop a Arduino program to blink a LED (Analog Write). Develop a Arduino program to read digital data serially. Develop an Arduino code that reads data from a temperature sensor (LM35) and sends the temperature value to the serial monitor. Create an Arduino program that reads data from a gas sensor and sounds a buzzer if the gas concentration exceeds a certain threshold. Create an Arduino sketch that reads data from an LDR and turns on an LED if the light intensity falls below a certain threshold. Compose an Arduino program to measure the resistance of a thermistor connected in a voltage divider circuit and display the value on the serial monitor. Create an Arduino sketch that continuously measures distances using an ultrasonic sensor and logs the data to the serial monitor. Develop an Arduino code that interfaces with a gas sensor to measure the concentration of a specific gas and displays it on the serial monitor. Implement an Arduino program that triggers a buzzer when an object comes within a certain range of an ultrasonic sensor. Develop an Arduino program to read temperature values from a thermistor and log them to the serial monitor with timestamps. Asses the steps involved in interfacing a gas sensor with a arduinor to monitor and alert for specific gas concentrations. Implement an Arduino program that sounds a buzzer if the temperature measured by a thermistor exceeds a predefined limit. Develop an Arduino sketch that interfaces with an ultrasonic sensor to measure distances and displays the results on the serial monitor. Develop an Arduino sketch that interfaces with an ultrasonic sensor to measure distances and displays the results on the serial monitor. Develop an Arduino program that uses a gas sensor to measure indoor air quality and displays the results on the serial monitor. Implement an Arduino program that uses a PIR motion sensor to detect movement and turns on an LED when motion is detected. Formulate an Arduino code that reads gas sensor data and logs it to the serial monitor with timestamps.