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ICT I Course Syllabus: Information & Communication Technology

Course Name:
Information & Communication Technology I (ICT I)
Course code:
Course level :
Year I, Semester I
Contact hours:
45 hours
Credit units :
Course Description:
The Course is meant to guide and empower facilitators in the teaching and learning processes by
providing the breadth and depth of basic ICT Literacy to learners.
Course Rationale:
The need to create and communicate information/data effectively and efficiently now days in
society is paramount especially using modern technology. This course is designed to provide
basic skills in ICT to enable learners communicate electronic messages effectively and
Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is:i.
To equip learners with basic knowledge and skills of ICT concepts
To provide learners with basic knowledge in information management skills.
Equip learners with basic ICT knowledge and skills involved in the acquisition, and
disposal of ICTs.
To enable learners to be aware and abreast with the nature of new and emerging
Equip learners with basic ICT knowledge and skills involved in the utilisation of ICTs.
Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course learners should be able to:
Explain the concept of ICT and its related terminologies.
Describe the types of information systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts and requirements for data
communication and networking.
Utilize the basic concepts and requirements learnt for internet connectivity.
Demonstrate responsible use of ICTs
Detailed Course Outline
Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
(04 hrs)
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of ICT
1.3 Importance of ICTs
1.4 Application of ICTs in business organisations
Introduction to Computer Systems
2.1 Definition of computer and computer system
2.2 Brief history of computers and computer generations
2.3 Characteristics of Computers
2.4 Usages, advantages and disadvantages of computers in business
(12 hrs)
2.5 Data processing cycle
2.6 Components of computer System: Hardware, Software, Data, People and procedures
2.7 Hardware components: Input, Processing, Storage, Output and Communication
2.8 Software: Functions of system software and application software
2.9 Programming Languages (Low level and high level languages)
2.10 Language Processors: compilers, assemblers and interpreters
Information Systems (IS)
(04 hrs)
3.1 Definition of IS
3.2 Data Processing Methods: manual, mechanical, electro-mechanical and electronic
3.3 Qualities of Good Information
3.4 Levels of Information in an organisation (IS Triangle)
3.5 Classes off ISs
3.6 Types of ISs: Transaction Processing System, Decision Support System, Executive
Support System, Expert System, Management Information Systems.
3.7 Importance of IS in organisations
Data processing Modes
(02 hrs)
4.1 Definition
4.2 Choice of Data Processing Modes
4.3 Types of data Processing Modes
Data Communication and Computer Networks
5.1 Definitions
5.2 Requirements for setting up computer network
(05 hrs)
Communication devices: modem, concentrator, multiplex, front-end processor,
cable, satellite, NIC,
5.4 Network models: client server model and peer to peer model
5.5 Types of networks and inter-connection between of networks
5.6 Network topologies
5.7 Intranet and extranet
5.8 Merits and demerits of computer networks
The Internet
(06 hrs)
6.1 Definition
6.2 Brief history and the evolution of the Internet
6.3 Features of the Internet
6.4 Business tools on the Interment
6.5 Internet (E-) Applications in business: e-learning, e-commerce, e-communication, eresearch, e-registration, e-conferencing.
6.6 Merits and demerits of the Internet in business
Threats and Ethical Issues in ICT
7.1 Definition: Threats and Ethical Issues
7.1.1 Classes of threats
7.1.2 Kinds of threats
7.1.3 Counter measures towards threats
7.2 Ethical issues in emerging ICTs
7.2.1 Challenges associated with emerging ICTs
7.2.2 Counter measures to address Ethical Issues in emerging ICTs.
(06 hrs)
Acquisition and disposal of ICT Equipments
(06 hrs)
8.1 Definition of acquisition and disposal of ICT equipments
8.1.2 Acquisition methods: Hardware, Software and Service providers
8.1.3 Methods for Caring for ICT equipments
8.2 Methods for Disposal of ICT equipments
Resources: Desktop Personal Computers or Laptops, Closed and Simple Computer Network,
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Internet Connectivity, Printer Accessible on Network,
Mode of Delivery shall be by: Lectures, Gallery Walks, and Hands on Activities, Projects,
Collaborative Tasks, Group Discussion, Demonstrations and Presentation
Mode of Assessment shall be by Course Work through Continuous Assessment 30% and Final
Examination 70%.
Reading List
Bazi, M, Baguma, I & Anjoga, H. (2007). Unmasking Information Communication Technology,
1st Ed, Kampala, Uganda.
Katongole, G. (2011). Information Communication Technology for Schools and Tertiary
Institutions, 3rd NK Publishing House, Kampala, Uganda.
Katongole, G. N. (2011). Information and Communication Technology, (3rd Ed). Kampala: NK
Publishing and Printing House, Kampala, Uganda
Moya, M & Nyeko, S. (2009). Information and Communication Technology in Business, (1st