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Fabsuite Job Management: Copy, Delete, Import Instructions

Copying a job in Fabsuite
Click on Maintenance drop down, Production control, Job Maintenance
Select Copy Jobs
Find the job you want to copy
New job number: Enter the new name of the job; click Copy
Find the job in Production control (Job number will have changed, Job Description stays the
6. Edit the New Job. Change everything to the correct information (especially job date, ship date,
7. If the original job has already shipped, you are going to have to delete all the load tracking.
a. Ask Joyce for more information
8. If the original job has been ordered, you will have to delete the reference marks.
a. Select all pieces, Global edit, click on reference marks and delete anything in there!
Delete a job in Fabsuite
1. Click on Maintenance drop down, Production control, Job Maintenance
2. Select Delete Jobs
3. Find the job you want to delete; click Delete
***USE SPARINGLY!!!!****
Importing form existing Job
1. First, Export the job you want to Import in to a new Job.
a. Click on Maintenance>Production Control>Job Maintenance
b. Select the job to export. Click export.
c. Save to a file where you can find it. (Desktop or the like)
d. Close out
2. Second, make sure there is a job to import into. If there is not, create a new job in fabsuite for
this import.
3. Third, Import the file into the new job.
a. Click on File>Import
b. Under production Control select Kiss
c. Find the exported file you just saved (click on the “…” to find more files)
d. Click Import
e. Select which Job you would like to import into. Click save
f. Add Only>OK>
g. Do you want to record tracking information>No
h. OK>OK
i. Close out of import log and thoroughly check your job to the prints to make sure that no
changes were made.
4. If you are importing to a job that already has pieces existing, add a suffix to the new jobs
drawings so that they don’t overwrite each other. For instance, drawing 100 becomes 100-A.