Uploaded by kyleawarnock

Phonics Color by Code: Consonant Digraphs Worksheet

Color by Code: Consonant Digraphs
(sh, ch, th, ph, wh, ng)
Halloween Candy Theme
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About this product:
This product includes 2 sheets of color by code for consonant digraphs: sh, ch, th, ph, wh, ng.
1 sheet includes only the digraphs, and another sheet includes words with the digraphs included.
Use the coloring code to color the picture.
*Note* Pre-readers may need help reading the colors under each crayon.
Encourage students to make the sound for each corresponding digraph while they color.
Printing Tip:
The layout for this product is for 8.5inx11in (letter-sized) paper. If using different sized paper,
select “scale to fit” or “shrink to fit” to resize when printing.
Terms of Use:
This resource is for single-user, non-commercial use. This means you can use it for personal or
for your (non-commercial) classroom. This product cannot be re-sold or used for profit in any
Posting this resource in part or in whole on the Internet is prohibited.
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