Uploaded by Prateek Malladi

Movie Candy Boxes: An Article Review

Prateek Malladi
Breaking News Article #1
Article Title: Why is Movie candy Sold in Boxes?
Published: CNN, Why Is movie candy sold in boxes?
Date of Publication: 10/14/23
Key Insights/ Takeaways:
The distinct packaging is about the logistics of the consumer being able to share and
reseal the candy as well as for display purposes to make the different varieties of candy
stand out.
Although movie theaters are not the only place to buy boxed candy, even outside of
movie theaters they are referred to as theater box candy.
“Rectangular boxes make it easy for consumers to share their candy with their friends,”
stated Keith Domalewski, the director of marketing at Just Born, which makes Mike &
Ikes and Hot Tamales, which are both popular theater candy brands.
By shaping the product like a box they are easily able to display the candy behind glass
shelf so the consumer can find the product they are looking for. The distinct packaging
also creates a sense of nostalgia for the movie theaters since that is how they will always
remember the candy there.
Industry leaders and those in charge of marketing realized that going to the movie
theaters is still a treat for many people so they are not concerned about portions and wont
mind paying a premium.
So what?/ Reflection
Candy sellers are primarily concerned with people who are going to consume their
product. By taking into consideration the environment in which people are consuming
their product Candy makers were able to adapt their strategy.
I would recommend this article because it is a good example of Companies identifying
their target market within a specific industry and then playing towards the niche elements
of a movie going experience.
This is a parallel to consumer facing products because the companies made the decision
to try and differentiate their product in a distinct space.