Conventions of traditional Genres WHAT IS LITERATURE? •Derived from the Latin LITTERATURA meaning "writing form ed with letters", literature is most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination including poetry drama fiction,nonfiction,journalism,and in some instances song. WHAT IS GENRE? Is a particular type of literature,painting,music,film;or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics. WHAT IS LITERARY GENRE? The distinction between genres and categories are flexible and loosely defined;often with subgroups. The most general genres in literature are (in loose chronological order) epic,tragedy,comedy,creative nonfiction.They can all be in the form of prose and poetry. TRADITIONAL GENRES 01 FICTION 02 DRAMA/PLA Y 03 NON-FICTION 04 POETRY 01 FICTION Fiction Invented stories with imaginary characters and events. 4 5 subgenres of fiction (1.) Fantasy Contains elements such as characters or settings that could not exist in life as we know it today. (2.) Historical Fiction Gives a historically accurate portrayal of life during a particular time in history. (3.) Realistic Fiction Stories take place in present-day. Characters encounter modern day difficulties and dilemmas. (4.) Mystery or Suspense Stories that involve suspenseful events (often a crime of some type). The reader uses clues from the story to gradually discover who has committed the crime. (5.) Science Fiction Explores the question “What if?”. It investigates moral, philosophical, and technological possibilities by creating new and exciting realities. Elements of FICTION CHARACTER Protagonist/Antagonist/Static/D ynamic/FLat/Round CONFLICT External and Internal Conflict SETTING Time,place, weather condition, mood or atmosphere POINT OF VIEW (POV) 1st and Third person PLOT Sequence of events ● ● ● ● ● Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling action Resolution/Denouement THEME The central dominating idea Symbolism DRAMA A story put into action or a story of human life told by actual representation of persons by persons;with imitation of language, voice,gesture,dress and accessories or surrounding conditions, the whole produce with reference to truth or probability and with or without the aid of music,dancing,painting and decoration;a play. •Etymology -Greek word of drama ELEMENTS OF DRAMA 1.Plot -events in play 2.Setting -time and place 3.Characters -protagonist/antagonist 4.Dialogue -conversation in a play 5.Theme -central thought 6.Spectacle -various element used to create a particular visual setting FOLKTALE Are stories passed down by oral traditional though there are many varieties of folktales, they ate commonly about regular in everyday setting. ELEMENTS OF FOLKTALE 1.Characters (flat) 2.Plot 3.Setting 4.Theme 5.Events 6.Style 7.Tone 8.Point of view (often third person narrative) POETRY Prose that resembles a poem in some respect as in vivid imagery or rhythmic sounds. POETRY the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. Images - the mental pictures the poet ELEMENTS OF POETRY creates through language Diction - the selection of specific words Form the arrangement of words, lines, verses, rhymes, and other features. Cadence - A rhythmic change in the ELEMENTS OF POETRY inflection of sounds from words being spoken. Sometimes referred to the flow of words. Couplet - two lines of verse that rhyme at the end and are thought as one unit Meter - A rhythm that continuously repeats a single basic pattern. Rhyme - Words that end with similar sounds. Usually at the end of a line of the poem. Rhyming - Two lines of a poem together with the same rhythm ELEMENTS OF POETRY Rhythm - A pattern created with sounds: hard - soft, long - short, bouncy, quiet loud, weak - strong . Stanza - A part of a poem with similar rhythm and rhyme that will usually repeat later in the poem. Verse - A line of a poem, or a group of lines within a long poem. NON-FICTION The branch of literature comprising works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions or conjectures upon facts and reality including,biography, history and essay. Characteristics of NON-FICTION 1. Deals only with real people,events or idea 2. Narrated from Point of view (POV) or perspective of the author who is a real person 3. facts or discusses concepts. 4. It may reflect historical context of the time period including references to major social and cultural information. 9 Essential Genres of Nonfiction Books Here are some of the most prominent types of nonfiction genres. 1. History. Historical nonfiction consists of true accounts of historical eras and events. Some histories dwell purely in objective facts, and other histories are refracted through the lens of the author’s personal beliefs. In either case, history books must present true stories in order to qualify as nonfiction. Famous writers of history include David Halberstam and Doris Kearns Goodwin. 2. Biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. This subset of nonfiction focuses on the life story of a particular subject. Biographies are written in the third person about someone other than the author. Autobiographies and memoirs are written by the subject themselves. While autobiographies and memoirs are, by necessity, written by someone who is currently alive at the time of the writing, biographies may profile subjects both living and dead. 3. Travel guides and travelogues. Travelogues are a close cousin of memoirs, and they recount an author’s specific experience traveling somewhere. Travel guides tend to be more instructive, offering suggestions and practical information for travelers bound for a particular destination. 4. Academic texts. Academic texts are designed to instruct readers on a particular topic. Most Americans first encounter academic books in the form of assigned school textbooks that form the basis for a yearlong class. Academic texts are also used by adults wishing to learn a particular trade, such as car repair or music arranging. . 5. Philosophy and insight. These books are a close cousin of academic texts, and many are published by university-affiliated publishing houses. This genre runs the gamut from traditional philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Descartes) to scientific theories (Newton, Watson & Crick) to analysis of scientific or cultural phenomena. 6. Journalism. Journalism is a broad sub genre of nonfiction and one that encompasses many media. Journalism is most regularly consumed in the form of newspapers and magazines, along with monthly journals, TV news reports, and more. Journalism reports on true events that typically, but not always, have relevance to a contemporary audience. Journalism can also take the form of books. This includes narrative nonfiction and true crime books. Some of these books, like Losing Earth by Nathaniel Rich and Memphis Rent Party by Robert Gordon straddle the line between journalism and history. The best journalism can receive acclaims like the Pulitzer Prize and the Peabody and Polk awards. 7. Self-help and instruction Self-help books are some of the best-selling books in the world of nonfiction. Many of these books concern business success, buoying confidence, staying organized, relationship advice, dieting, and financial management. 8. Guides and how-to manuals Related to the self-help subgenre, but more focused on specific skills is the subgenre of guides and how-to manuals. These include cookbooks, musical notations, athletic instructions, and tutorials for home hobbyists. 9. Humor and commentary These subgenres are forms of creative nonfiction, where analysis and reflection on real-world events are distilled through the prism of an author’s point of view. Sometimes that point of view can be humorous, sometimes it’s political, and sometimes it’s purely meditative. What prevents this subcategory from being fiction is that it is rooted in objective events, both present and historical. The End……. Until here Until here OUR TEAM WIZARD WENDY MAGIC MARY You can talk a bit about this person here You can talk a bit about this person here SWOT STRENGTHS Despite being red, Mars is actually cold OPPORTUNITIES Venus has a great name, but it’s hot s O w T WEAKNESSES It is the closest planet to the Sun THREATS It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System OUR PLANS BASIC PRO PREMIUM $19.99 $25.99 $30.99 Mercury is the smallest closest planet to the Sun Despite being red, Mars is actually a really cold place Jupiter is actually the biggest planet in the Solar System PRODUCT DEMO Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System TRACTION 20% NEPTUNE Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun 80% MERCURY Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here CASE STUDY 01 02 03 CHALLENGE RESULTS SOLUTION Despite being red, this planet is actually a very cold place Despite its beautiful name, Venus is a terribly hot planet Jupiter is actually the biggest planet in the Solar System REVIEWS “Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun” “Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot” —AMAZING ANNE —BLAZING BOB “Despite being red, Mars is actually cold” “It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System” —CURIOUS CHRIS —DELIRIOUS DEE AWARDS MARS AWARD MERCURY AWARD VENUS AWARD Despite being red, Mars is a cold place. It’s also full of iron oxide dust It’s is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest of them all It has a beautiful name and the second planet from the Sun MARKET SIZE SATURN Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings 55% MERCURY 5% 40% It’s is the closest planet to the Sun JUPITER It’s the biggest one in the Solar System TARGET 45% 55% Men Women INTEREST Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun GENDER AGE Venus has a beautiful name, but also high temperatures Jupiter is actually the biggest planet of them all A Earth is the planet where we live on B Saturn is the ringed planet 18-25 26-50 KEY DIFFERENCES MERCURY VENUS MARS Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Venus is a very terribly hot place to live Despite being red, Mars is a cold planet JUPITER SATURN NEPTUNE Jupiter the biggest planet of them all Saturn is the ringed one and a gas giant Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun HERE IS A TABLE MASS DIAMETER GRAVITY MERCURY 0.06 0.38 0.38 MARS 0.11 0.53 0.38 SATURN 95.2 9.4 1.16 A PICTURE IS WORTH THOUSAND WORDS “This is a quote, words full of wisdom that someone important said and can make the reader get inspired” —SOMEONE FAMOUS AWESOME WORDS 7,498,300 Big numbers catch your audience’s attention INVESTMENT MARS 60% JUPITER Despite being red, Mars is actually a very cold place 40% Jupiter is the biggest planet in the entire Solar System Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System THIS IS A MAP MERCURY Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System COMPETITORS Ve Ma VENUS Co. It has a good name, but it’s terribly hot MARS Inc. Despite being red, Mars is very cold Me J MERCURY Inc. Mercury is actually the smallest planet JUPITER Co. Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all BUSINESS MODEL VENUS It has a beautiful name, but it’s so hot MARS Despite being red, Mars is actually cold MERCURY It’s the closest planet to the Sun JUPITER It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System TIMING Mars is actually a really cold place Venus has a very beautiful name Jupiter is in fact the biggest planet DAY 1 DAY 3 DAY 5 DAY 2 DAY 4 Mercury is the closest to the Sun Neptune is very far away from Earth PREDICTED GROWTH MERCURY Mercury the closest planet to Sun VENUS Venus is the second planet from the Sun Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here DESKTOP AND TABLET You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. 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