Uploaded by Ellen Seidell

Object Damage SOP: Museum Collections Care

Object Damage
Marta Leskard (reviewed by Vanessa Applebaum, 07/01/2019)
Why do we follow this procedure?
To ensure that all damage to collection objects is recorded for
remediation and reporting purposes
A Damage Report is only completed when there is damage to an object
A Damage Report is not completed for Near Misses, Incidents or
Accidents where NO damage has occurred to an object. A Damage Report
may be used as a way to reduce risk of similar damage in the future
but not as a report to flag potential risk.
Who will apply this procedure?
Conservators, Logistics staff
Who supervises this procedure?
Conservation and Collections Care Manager
When to conduct this procedure
When an object in store, on display or on loan is found to be damaged
What is the procedure?
When you find or cause damage to an object, you must ensure the object is
safe and secure as soon as possible, depending on the cause and extent of
damage. Images of the damage must be taken prior to moving or handling the
If MIMSY trained, you must fill out the Damage field for the object on
Mimsy XG, and upload images to the field showing the damage in detail.
Otherwise, you must ensure that all required information is passed to the
person nominated to fill out the report.
The person finding or causing the damage to the object is responsible for:
 reporting the damage to their line manager as soon as possible
 reporting the damage to the curator responsible for the object
type/collection, if it is an SMG object
 reporting to the registrar responsible for the loan, if the object is
borrowed or out on loan
 reporting the damage to the Registration Manager for inclusion in the
monthly damage report.
Checking the object
1. Check the Mimsy XG records for the object to see if a hazard record
has been completed, that the location record is current and correct
and to review measurements and weight. Review condition reports and
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images if available to ensure that this is new damage.
2. If there is a hazardous material which may have been affected by the
damage, review the relevant RA and SOP (if available) to deal
appropriately with the hazard. Contact a Collections Hazards Officer
if unsure. Ensure appropriate use of PPE before handling objects.
3. Protect in situ
so. It may only
damage when the
appropriate SOP
or move to a safer place if appropriate and safe to do
be possible to accurately assess the full extent of
object is moved to the Conservation Lab. See the
for Object Handling (dependant on site).
If an object is on display, assess if it is safe to remain on display.
If not, the Standard Operating Procedure for Object Handling will need
to be consulted to move the object off display.
4. Note all known information about the damage occurrence. Take images of
the object, including details of the damage.
Updating the Damage Activity on Mimsy
5. Create a Damage Record on Mimsy XG by clicking on the Damage record
field and clicking F6. This will bring up a new blank Damage record
into which information can then be entered.
Press F9 in each field to select the pop-up field options.
Damage Date
Enter the date YYYY-MM-DD or press F9
Recorded By
Use F9 to select the name of the person who is completing the damage
Damaged By
Type in the name of the party responsible for the damage, if known. If
unknown write unknown, do not guess- it’s not visitor damage unless you saw
a visitor damage it.
Location When Damaged
Type in the location of the object. This is a text field and does not have
pop-up hierarchy location codes
Use F9 to select or type the cause of damage, if known.
Use F9 to select or type the location(s) of the damage on the object.
Action Taken
Use F9 to select or type the action taken after inspecting the damage
Enter further information about the damage incident; what happened, how it
affected the object, and any procedures put in place to prevent
reoccurrence or further damage.
6. See SOP CCGE08 for image uploading procedure
7. F10 can be used to save your changes or click disk icon at top menu
8. If necessary update the condition record following SOP GECC09
Condition report.
Who else is likely to be involved?
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Collections Hazards Officers, Curatorial, Registration, Borrowing or
Lending institutions
Resources Required
Object access and handling equipment; lighting equipment
Mimsy XG
Crystal Reports Viewer
 Photoshop/Photoshop Elements
Documentation/Recording Required
 Mimsy XG damage field
 Monthly damage report
Prior Training and Knowledge, Re-training & Briefing Requirements
Object handling
Manual handling
Collections Hazards Training
Asbestos in Collections training
Radiation Protection Management training
 Mimsy XG
Related Procedures / Impact on Other Areas
 SOP CCGE01 Object handling
 SOP CGGE08 Uploading Images
Further Steps
Agree the next steps with the appropriate conservation manager:
 is interventive conservation needed to stabilise object?
 Does the storage or display method need to be adapted?
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