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MAPEH 6: Music - Rests and Time Values Lesson Plan

Detailed Lesson Plan
a. Define rest
b. Understand the benefit of knowing different kinds of rest its time value; and
c. Draw the different kinds of rest.
Rest and Time Values
Learning Resources
A. Reference; K to 12 Curriculum Guide and Internet
B. Materials; Charts, activity cards, and pictures.
C. Value; Be friendly and respectful.
Teacher’s Activity
Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
Who among you here could still remember the
lesson that you learned last meeting?
Ma’am, about melody
What is Melody?
Melody is a succession of tones arranged
carefully to give us interesting and pleasing
musical sound.
Can you repeat the meaning of melody, Jana?
(Jana repeated the meaning of melody)
Class, look at this drawing. What can you see?
Very good!
Ma’am, that is staff
There are noted and rest in the staff
Before we read, what will you do when you are
having your class?
Sit properly and arrange our chairs.
Keep quite and listen to the teacher.
Very well said. Now let’s read.
B. Motivation
Do you want to sing?
Before we sing what are the things that you
should remember when you are singing?
Sing with the class.
Sing lively and properly.
Do you know the song “Hello, Hello, Hello?
I will sing the song first then we all sing. Okay?
(The teacher sings the song)
Now let’s sing altogether.
Okay ma’am
Hello, hello, hello
Hello, how do you do?
I’m glad to be with you
And you, and you, and you…….
Children what do you do when you have a new
Be friendly to him or her.
If you have a visitor at your house or here in our
school, what will you say?
Good morning visitors if it is morning
Good afternoon visitors if it is afternoon.
C. Presentation and Discussion
Look at this drawing, what do you observe?
Ma’am there is a symbol of a rest.
Nice answer grade six!
Rest is a musical notation that indicates the
absence of a sound. They are symbols which tell
you to stop playing, and how long to stop for.
Kinds of rest:
Semibreves (whole rest) (rest for 4 beats)
Minims or half rest (rest for 2 beats)
Crochet or quarter rest (rest for 1 beat)
Quaver or eight rest (rest of ½ beat)
Semiquaver or sixteenth (rest for ¼ beat)
Class what do you observe in the different kinds
of rest?
Each kind of rest have time value ma’am
Good answer Bella
Why do we need to rest in music class?
Ma’am we need rest in music because it tells us
when to stop or play and how long we pause.
Very Good!
Look at this song and try to find the rest that is
We try to sing the song “Leron, Leron Sinta”. If
we see a rest, we pause.
D. Application
Group Activity
Group 1- Enumeration
(Give the time value of different kinds of rest)
Group 2 – Drawing
(Draw the symbol of the different kinds of rest)
Group 3 – Singing
(Sing again the song “Leron, Leron Sinta”.
E. Generalization
What is rest again?
Rest is a musical notation that indicates the
absence of a sound ma’am.
Correct, Benzar!
Anyone, who can give the different kinds of rest
and their time values?
Bravo! Give yourselves an ambulance clap.
Whole rest or semibreves, rest for 4 beats.
Minims or half rest, rest for 2 beats
Crochet or quarter rest, rest for 1 beat.
Quaver or 8th rest, rest for ½ beat
Semiquaver or 16th rest, rest for ¼ beat.
Let us see if you really understand our lesson.
Direction: Choose the correct answer. Write the letters only on your activity card.
A. 1.
A. quarter rest
B. half rest
C. 8th
D. 16th rest
E. Whole rest
B. Give the other names of the kinds of rest
6. quarter rest
7. whole rest
8. half rest
9. 8th rest
10. 16th rest
Write down or list the different kinds of notes in an ½ sheet of paper crosswise.