Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 10 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should be able to: Cognitive Identify the type of literary devices used. Psychomotor Construct sentences/poetic lines using literary devices. Affective II. Recognize the importance of literary devices. CONTENT A. Topic: Literary Devices B. Materials: Visual aids, Power point presentation, Video presentation, and Laptop C. Skills: III. Reading Skills Viewing Skills Listening Skills Speaking Skills LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages B. Other Learning Resources 1. Internet IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Preliminary Activities Prayer Everybody, stand up. Let us feel the presence of our Lord. , may you please lead the prayer? 1 (say a prayer) Greetings Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am! Checking of Attendance , any absentees for today? I am glad to say we do not have any absentees for today. Very good! Now, arrange your chairs and sit properly. Checking of the Assignment Yesterday, I have given you an assignment regarding the excerpt of the story Les Misérables. Right? Yes, ma’am! Please bring out your assignment and let us check them first. (The students will bring out their assignment) Who are the main characters in the excerpt and give me a short description about them. Can you give me the first one? Yes, ? Cosette, she is the daughter of Fantine. She works in the inn of Mr. and Mrs. Thenardier. Correct! How about the next one? 2 Jean Valjean, a man who is imprisoned for 19 years just for stealing a loaf of bread. And is soon be a mayor of their town. Superb! And the last one? Fantine, the mother of Cosette. A woman who became a prostitute because of her daughter. Very good! So, who got a perfect score? (Most of the students will raise their hands) Excellent, class! A. Review of the past lesson Last meeting, we have discussed the excerpt from the novel Les Misérables. Can you tell me what is the moral of the story? The moral of the story is that, when we promised, we must fulfill it. Whatever it takes, a promise is a promise. Very Good! Do you have any questions? None, ma’am If there are no more questions, let us have something that will boost your energy. 3 B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson Before we proceed to our game, let me first present to you the objectives of our lesson. Objectives At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should be able to: Cognitive Identify the type of literary devices used. Psychomotor Construct sentences/poetic line using literary devices. Affective Recognize the importance of literary devices. C. Presenting Instances for the New Lesson Hangaroo Are you familiar with the guessing word game hangaroo? Yes/No You are going to have a game, it is called hungry for letters, hangaroo. The mechanics of the game is that you are going to guess letters that might be in the board. There are 15 letters that you need to guess, each letter will 4 have a score of 2 points, 30 points in total. Once you guess a wrong letter, the other group will have the chance to steal. Finally, the group who can guess the correct words will have the chance to get the multiplier wheel. Do you understand? Yes, Ma’am! The clue is, it is the technique that the poets use to produce special effects in their writing. ANSWER: LITERARY DEVICES Anyone who wants to answer? Yes, ? (Student will guess a letter until Very Good Class! Let us now proceed to our the word will be complete) discussion. D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills Based from the clue presented earlier, how will you define literary device? Yes, Literary device is a technique a ? writer uses to produce special effect in their writing. 5 Correct! It is also a narrative technique that adds texture, energy, and excitement to the narrative, grip the reader's imagination, and convey information. Since we already know the meaning of the literary device, let us now discover the most common types of literary devices. (Show the list of literary devices) Who among you is already familiar with these? (Student will raise their hands.) So, in order to recall each of our literary devices, I have here pictures that will help you identify what is the meaning of the literary device that is presented. She is as perfect as my score. 6 She sings like an angel What do you think, is the literary devices being described in the two pictures? Simile! Very good! These pictures are example of simile. Now, based from what you see, what do you think is the meaning of simile? Simile is used in an object, idea, character, and actions and is compared to another thing using “like” or “as”. Very good! Simile uses words like “as” and “like” to compare two different things. I have here another example of pictures, all you have to do is to construct a sentence using the literary device, simile. Do you understand? Yes, ma’am. 7 Who wants to answer? Yes, ? (Student will answer) Correct! Another example. Who wants to answer? Yes, ? (Student will answer) Very good! Let us now move on to the second literary device. You are the apple of my eye. Alright, based from the picture, what do you think is the literary device being used? Metaphor! 8 Excellent! And what makes you think that it is an example of metaphor? Yes, ? Because, the ideas, actions or objects are described in nonliteral terms. In short, it’s when an author directly compares one thing to another. Excellent! It directly compares two different things. I have here another example. Now, construct a sentence/ poetic line using the literary device, metaphor. Who wants to answer? Yes, ? Very good! Another example. (Student will answer) Who wants to answer? Yes, ? (Student will answer) 9 Excellent! Let us now have the third major literary device. The leaves danced in the song of the wind. Just like in the two previous literary devices, you are to refer in the picture. What do you think is the literary device being described? Personification! Very good! How will you define personification? Personification is when a nonhuman figure or other abstract concept or element is given human-like qualities or characteristics. Correct! It gives life-like qualities to the nonliving things. I have here another example of personification. Who wants to answer? Yes, ? 10 (Student will answer) Superb! Another example. Who wants to answer? Yes, ? (Student will answer) Very good! Same as the first example. The tree has given human like qualities. Very good! Now, let us move on to the fourth major literary device. She cried a lot that she caused a lake. Based from the given picture and statement, what do you think is the literary device presented? Hyperbole! And what do you think is the meaning of hyperbole? Yes, ? 11 Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement that’s not meant to be taken literally by the reader. It is often used for comedic effects and emphasis. Excellent! I have here another example. Who wants to answer? Yes, ? (Student will answer) Very good! Another example. Who wants to answer? Yes, ? (Student will answer) Superb! Let us now have the last major literary device. 12 She is gorgeous, she looks like a frog. Look at the photo. Now, from the given picture, what do you think is the literary device being presented? Irony! And how will you define irony? Irony is the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order Very good! And yes, it uses opposition of to be funny. what you really think and what you really mean. I have here another example. Who wants to answer? Yes, ? Very good! I have here another example. 13 (Student will answer) Who wants to answer? Yes, ? (Student will answer) Very good, class! I am glad that you already know the differences and uses of the literary devices. Do you have any questions or clarifications regarding the discussion before we proceed to your activity? None, ma’am. If none, let us now have your activity. E. Developing Mastery Answer Relay Since, you already know how literary devices are being used in a sentence, we are going to have a group activity. Each group must stand in each side of the room, I will project a lyric of a song, all you have to do is to identify on what literary device is being described. The last person on the line will guess the answer and pass it to the next person in front. You are going to pass and pass until the answer reaches the first person on the line. When the answer is already on the first person, he/she will shout it loud. The first group who will be done will get an additional five points in our seatwork. I will give you a minute each lyric to accomplish your task. 14 Do you have any questions regarding the activity? None, Ma’am. You may now start working. (The students will work with their groups.) Okay, your time is over. We have our winner, and that group is, the group ! Very good, class! Let us give our winners a raindrop clap. (Students will clap) F. Finding Practical Application of Concept and Skills Write Me a Poem Construct a one stanza poem using your choice of literary device. I will give you 3 minutes to finish your task and afterwards we’re going to have at least three presenters in front to read their poem. Do you understand? Yes, ma’am. You may start working. (Student will work on their activity) Your time is up. Let us have the first presenter. (Student will present their poems) 15 Very good, class! Everyone did a great job. Give yourselves a good job clap! (Students will clap) G. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson To sum up everything that we had discussed, let us watch a short video pertaining to the different literary devices. (Play the video) Now, that you already have all the ideas from our discussion and also from the video, we are going to have an activity, a classroom fiesta. Classroom Buntings You are going to write all the ideas that you learned in each bunting. Each group will have five buntings. I will give you 3 minutes to finish your buntings. After you post all the buntings, each representative of the group will be presenting in front. Idea s Idea s Idea s Idea s Idea s Take considerations of the questions 1. What have you learned for today? 2. What makes you interested? You may start now. (Students will start brainstorming ideas) 16 Very good, class! I am glad that you enjoyed and at the same time learned something about our lesson for today. Let us now proceed to our seatwork. Get 1/4 sheet of paper. All you have to do is to identify what literary devices is being used in the sentences. I will give you 1 minute to answer each slide. Do you still have some questions or clarifications before we proceed to the quiz? None, ma’am. H. Evaluating Learning Okay, let us start. 1. He was a lion in the fight. 2. He cried so long that he made a lake. 3. The car danced across the icy road. 4. She is so smart, that she failed her exam. 5. The car was as fast as a cheetah. 6. He throws tantrums like a baby. 7. The stars in the clear night sky winked at me. 8. I’m so tired I could sleep a year. 9. He speaks English fluently, just like a toddler. 10. The car seat is a fluffy cloud. 17 Okay, are you all done? Yes, ma’am. Exchange paper with your seatmates and (Students will check their check their answers. Each correct answer papers.) must have 2 points. We have 20 points in total. Do you understand? Yes, ma’am. 1. Metaphor 2. Hyperbole 3. Personification 4. Irony 5. Simile 6. Simile 7. Personification 8. Hyperbole 9. Irony 10. Metaphor Who among you got perfect score? (Most of the students will raise their hands.) Lower than 10? (No students will raise a hand.) Very good class! Do you have any more questions? None, ma’am. 18 Bring out your notebooks and write your assignment. I. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation Directions: Research at least 10 more literary devices aside from what we discussed earlier and how they are used in a sentence. 19