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Human Anatomy & Physiology: Organ Systems Overview

The Human Body
 Anatomy - study of the structure and shape of the
body and its parts.
 Physiology – study of how the body and
 Fast-acting control System
- Sensory receptors sends signals/msgs via
electrical signals called nerve impluses
 Responds to internal and external change
- Internal: Lacks oxygen, External: Loud noises
 Activates muscles and glands
its parts work or function – the study of
(ology) nature (physio).
 Both are always related – structure
determines function.
 Anatomy means to cut
(tomy) apart (ana).
 Gross Anatomy
• Large structures
• Easily observable
 Microscopic Anatomy
- Very small structures
- Can only be a microscope
Organ Systems
 Forms the external body covering
 Cushions and protects deeper tissue
from injury.
 Synthesizes vitamin D
 Location of cutaneous nerve receptors
- Sensory receptors loaded in th skin to alert us to what is
happening at the body surface.
 Provides framework
 Protects and supports body organs
 Site of blood cell formation
 Stores minerals
- Hard substances of bones acts as storehouse of
 Cartilages, joints, bones
 Produces heat through hydrolysis of ATP
- Allows locomotion
- Maintains posture
- Produces heat
 Three main types – skeletal, smooth, cardiac
 Secretes regulatory hormones into the
blood that target distant organs
• Growth
• Reproduction
• Metabolism – food use by cells
 Transports materials in body via blood pumped
by heart
• Oxygen
• Carbon dioxide
• Hormones
• Nutrients
• Wastes
 Returns fluids to blood vessels
 Disposes of debris
 Houses cells involved in immunity
 Keeps blood oxygen
 Gases are exchanged with the blood through the
thin walls of these air sacs
 Removes carbon dioxide
 Breaks down food
 Allows for nutrient absorption into blood to be
sent to the body
 Eliminates indigestible material
 Tube running through the body from mouth to
 Liver is considered to be part of this because the
bile it produces helps to break down foods
 Eliminates harmful nitrogenous wastes
- Nitrogen containing waste like urea, uric acid,
 Maintains acid – base balance
 Regulation of materials
- Water
- Electrolytes – salts
 Production of offspring
 Testes and ovary produces sperm and egg cells
Body Cavities
 Two subdivisions of dorsal body cavity
- Cranial cavity
- Spinal
 Thoracic cavity protects lungs and heart
 Diaphragm divides the left and rights cavity
 Abdominal cavity protects reproductive organs,
 60–80% of body weight
 Chemicals for energy and cell building
 Includes carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
(fats), vitamins, and minerals