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Intro to Internet: Web Concepts & Setup

Introduction to Internet
Before you can understand how to program the web, you need a more rigorous
understanding of the web itself than you likely have now. These concepts provide
a more holistic understanding of the ecosystem in which you will be working and
will enable you to talk intelligently with other developers about your work.
The Internet is a large network of computers which communicate all together.
What is the difference between webpage, website, web server, and search
In this section, we describe various web-related concepts: web pages, websites,
web servers, and search engines. These terms are often confused by newcomers
or are incorrectly used. Let's learn what they each mean!
web page
A document which can be displayed in a web browser such as Firefox, Google
Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari. These are also often called just
A collection of web pages which are grouped together and usually connected
together in various ways. Often called a "website" or a "site."
web server
A computer that hosts a website on the Internet.
search engine
A web service that helps you find other web pages, such as Google, Bing,
Yahoo, or DuckDuckGo. Search engines are normally accessed through a
web browser
The installation plan
The first step for building any website is having the right tools. For us, that means
setting up a development environment for writing good code.
In today’s lessons, I will walk you through this installation:
Installing a supported operating system (OS).
Installing Google Chrome web browser.
Installing a code editor.
Creating an SSH key (a personal “password” that will identify you to
Code editors
You can think of code editors as specialized web development tools. We will be
using VScode.
Visual Studio Code, or just VSCode as it’s commonly referred to, is an excellent
free code editor. It has outstanding add-on support and great Git integration.
VSCode is the most popular code editor