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CLL 725 Lectures full

Air pollution control
Dr. Divesh Bhatia
• Dr. Divesh Bhatia
• Block 1, Room 315
• dbhatia@chemical.iitd.ac.in
• Tel: x-1456
Reference Books
• R.M. Heck, R.J. Farrauto, S.T. Gulati, “Catalytic Air pollution control:
Commercial Technology” Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons (2009).
• J. B. Heywood, “Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals” McGrawHill
• J.H. Seinfeld, S.N. Pandis, “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air
Pollution to Climate Change” Wiley (2016)
Marking scheme and attendance policy
• Mid-Term – 30%
• Quizzes (unannounced) – 10%
• Project (Report and presentation) – 15%
• Major – 40%
• Attendance – 5 marks for attendance > 90%, 2.5 marks for attendance between 75% and 90%)
• Bonus 15 marks for publishable project work (needs to be discussed in advance)
• In case you are absent for the class, quiz will not be taken again
• Best (𝑛 − 1) out of 𝑛 quizzes. ‘𝑛’ is typically 3 or 4
• If attendance is less than 50% before the exams (mid-term or major), you will be ineligible to appear for
the respective exam. In case you appear for the exam, the marks will not be counted towards your final
• Minimum passing marks for D grade – 30%
• Audit pass criteria – Score 40% marks AND 75% attendance
• Reminor / remajor / I grade requests will not be accepted for attendance (before respective
examination) below 75%. No attendance relaxations for first week.
• Proxy attendance: 10 marks will be deducted
• 9: 05 AM is the last time that you can enter the class
How to reduce Air pollution?
Fuel (Refinery
Reactors on wheels
What can we do as chemical engineers?
Fuel (Refinery
Composition of fuel (sulphur
content, etc.))
Fuel properties (density,
viscosity, volatility, etc.)
CO (g/kWh)
density from
855 to 828
NOx (g/kWh) PM (g/kWh)
−1.6% (Stati
stically not
What can we do as chemical engineers?
Fuel )
Kinetics and thermodynamics
of pollutant formation
NOx reduction techniques
(Exhaust gas recirculation)
Mixing of fuel and air
What can we do as chemical engineers?
Catalyst development and
Process control and sensor
Diffusion in catalyst
What can we do as chemical engineers?
Atmospheric chemistry /
Kinetics of reactions
Source apportionment
Dispersion of pollutants
Fuel / emission
• Air pollution from mobile and
stationary sources
• Effect of combustion engine on
engine-out emissions
• Effect of fuel type on air quality
• Kinetics, thermodynamics and
mechanism of pollutant
• Household pollutants and
control of indoor air quality
• Emissions from power plants
• Fuel quality standards
• Modeling of pollutant profiles
from engine
• Reduction of engine-out
• Regulations, methods for
• What is going on in industry?
• What can you do as a chemical engineer? Focus on India.
• Where are we heading?
• Automotive catalysts
(Technology implementation
and active research)
• Atmospheric chemistry /
Kinetics of atmospheric
• Preparation of catalysts
• Photochemical cycle
• 𝑁𝑂π‘₯ reduction technologies
• Regulations, methods for
• Modeling of aftertreatment
• Diesel particulate filters
• Emission control in power
• Meteorological aspects /
Relevant organizations
• Automobile
Mercedes Benz Research and Development
Cummins emission solutions
Maruti – Suzuki
General Electric
Mahindra & Mahindra
UOP – Honeywell
BASF catalysts
Sud Chemie
The Indian reality
Sources of air pollution
Classified as stationary sources and mobile sources
Transportation sector
Power plants
Chemical industry
Construction dust
Indoor fuel burning (wood, dung, etc.)
Natural sources (wildfire, volcanic activity, human breathing
causing enhanced 𝐢𝑂2 levels indoors, etc.)
Classification of air pollutants
• Primary pollutants
• Emitted directly from source
• Carbon monoxide generation during burning of a fossil fuel
• Other examples include smoke, dust
• Secondary pollutants
• Formed in atmosphere by chemical interactions between
primary pollutants and normal atmospheric constituents
• Sulphur trioxide formation by oxidation of Sulphur dioxide
• 𝑆𝑂2 + ½ 𝑂2 ՜ 𝑆𝑂3
• Chemical and photochemical reactions
• Influenced by reactant concentration, moisture content,
degree of photoactivation, meteorological conditions
Examples of secondary pollutants
• Photochemical smog formation – reaction between nitrogen
oxides and volatile organic compounds in the presence of
• Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) formation
• Enhanced by using ethanol-blended fuel because of aldehyde
• ~10 − 50 times more toxic than 𝑂3
• More stable than ozone and capable of long range transport
• Stable at cold temperatures and decomposes to release NOx at
warm temperatures
• Serves as a carrier of 𝑁𝑂π‘₯ into rural regions and causes ozone
• Ozone in the lower atmosphere can have adverse effects on
human health and plants
• Acid rain (discussed later)
Anthropogenic vs natural sources
• Anthropogenic sources concentrated in specific locations
• 95 − 98% atmospheric CO in an urban area comes from human activities
• Resulting CO levels are 50 − 100 times higher than characteristics global values of 0.1 − 0.5 ppm
Pollutants of major concern
• Carbon monoxide
• Hydrocarbons
• Nitrogen oxides
• Sulphur oxides
• Particulate matter
• Carbon dioxide (not considered an air pollutant, but its possible influence on
global climate patterns are of great concern)
Carbon monoxide
• Colourless and odourless gas
• Formation
• Fossil fuel combustion
• Incomplete combustion produces CO
• 𝐢 + ½ 𝑂2 ՜ 𝐢𝑂
• Sources
Internal combustion engines (vehicles)
Boilers (power plants)
Open burning of waste
Natural and man made fires
Volcanic activity
• Harmful effects
• CO is a known carcinogen
• It can reduce oxygen carrying capacity of blood to vital organs such as brain
• Never ever burn coal in a closed room. The odourless and colourless Carbon
monoxide can kill you !!
Potential for oxidant formation
• Gaseous and volatile liquid hydrocarbons of particular
• Amongst alkenes, ethylene and propylene are the
prominent pollutants
• Aromatics include benzene, toluene, m-xylene
• Hydrocarbons undergo chemical reactions forming
photochemical oxidants (such as 𝑂3 and PAN)
• Methane has low photochemical activity compared to
other hydrocarbons
• Non-methane hydrocarbon concentration of interest
Heywood page 598
Nitrogen oxides
• NO and 𝑁𝑂2 collectively referred to as 𝑁𝑂π‘₯
• Formation
• NO formation is endothermic
• Occurs at high temperature (~1600π‘œ 𝐢)
Nitrogen oxides
• NO and 𝑁𝑂2 collectively referred to as 𝑁𝑂π‘₯
• Formation
• NO formation is endothermic
• Occurs at high temperature (~1600π‘œ 𝐢)
Nitrogen oxides
• Thermal 𝑁𝑂π‘₯
• Formed by high temperature oxidation of atmospheric 𝑁2 in post-flame
burned gases
• Formation is dependent on temperature
• 𝑁2 + 𝑂2 β‡Œ 𝑁𝑂 is highly endothermic (βˆ†π» = 90 π‘˜π½/π‘šπ‘œπ‘™)
• Zeldovich mechanism
• 𝑁2 + 𝑂. ՜ 𝑁. + 𝑁𝑂
• 𝑂2 + 𝑁. ՜ 𝑁𝑂 + 𝑂.
• Fuel 𝑁𝑂π‘₯
Source of Nitrogen for NO formation is the fuel itself
Oxidation of fuel-bound Nitrogen at relatively low temperatures
Certain classes of oils and coal contain significant Nitrogen
Some of the major shale oil deposits in the United States contain 2 to 4%
nitrogen (crude oils usually contain 0.1 to 0.2% Nitrogen)
• Nitrogen concentrated in the residual fractions
• Likely to be burned in large combustion systems such as power plants or
industrial boilers
• Concentration low in transportation fuels
Flagan page 179 − 180
Air replaced by a mixture of 𝑂2, Ar, and 𝐢𝑂2
Nitrogen oxides (Prompt NOx)
• Formed by reaction of atmospheric nitrogen with radicals such as 𝐢. 𝐢𝐻. 𝐢𝐻2 .
𝑁2 + 𝐢𝐻. ՜ 𝐻𝐢𝑁 + 𝑁.
Not seen for CO and 𝐻2 flames
Large concentrations of HCN near the reaction zone in fuel rich flames
Occurs at low temperature, fuel-rich conditions and short residence times
Reactions proceed at a rate comparable to fuel oxidation (reactions have relatively low
activation energy)
• Formed at flame front within the flame reaction zone
• Rate of oxidation of fuel usually sufficiently rapid that fuel radicals such as CH. are at low
concentrations and CH.+𝑁2 reaction is negligible
• Significance
Prompt NOx is when fuel is in excess
Prompt NOx adds complication that nitrogen can be emitted in forms other than NO (such as HCN)
Contribution estimated to be about 5 − 10%
As NOx reduced to low levels, relative importance of prompt NOx expected to increase (limits the
effectiveness of NOx controls)
Flagan page 174 − 176
Sulphur oxides
• Sources
• Fuel (petroleum, coal) contains sulphur compounds
which can oxidize to form 𝑆𝑂2
• Industrial processes (processing of sour gas – natural
gas or any other gas containing significant amounts
of 𝐻2𝑆)
• Volcanic eruptions
• Harmful effects
• Adverse respiratory disorders
• Acid rain formation
Particulate matter
• Exists as a liquid or solid in the atmosphere (except pure water)
under normal conditions
• Is of microscopic or submicroscopic size but larger than
molecular dimensions
• Sources
• Direct emissions of particles
• Emissions of certain gases that condense as particles
• Emissions of gases that undergo chemical transformation to a species
that condenses as a particle
• Isoprene has largest global atmospheric emissions of all non-methane VOCs
• Readily oxidized in the atmosphere by OH, 𝑁𝑂3 and 𝑂3
• Oxidation product methacrolein condenses on existing particles and can react
even further
• Includes acids (nitrates and sulphates), organic chemicals,
metals, and soil or dust particles
• Particulate matter from vehicles comprised of soluble organic
fraction (SOF) and elemental carbon besides other elements
Seinfeld page 22,29
Particulate matter
• Coarse particles
• Larger than 2.5 microns and less than 10 microns in diameter
• Referred to as 𝑃𝑀10
• Fine particles
• Less than 2.5 microns
• Referred to as 𝑃𝑀2.5
• Once airborne, particles can change their size and composition
• Chemical reaction
• Condensation of vapor species
• Coagulating with other particles
Seinfeld page 56
Particulate matter - effects
• Classified as group 1 carcinogen
• Small particles biggest threat since they can enter
the lungs and some may even enter the
• Inhibit visibility at high levels
• Aerosols are suspensions of solid or liquid particles in a gas (usually air)
• The particulate portion of an aerosol is referred to as Particulate Matter
• Aerosols can affect climate and trace gas concentrations
• Role in climate
• Ability to reflect solar radiation back to space – Cooling effect
• Role as cloud condensation nuclei
• Cooling effect may be sufficiently large to mask the warming effect of greenhouse gas
increases over industrialized regions of the Northern Hemisphere
• Aerosols interact chemically with atmospheric gases
• Volcanic aerosols in the stratosphere participate in the catalytic destruction of ozone by
chlorine compounds
Spatial and temporal scales
• Lifetime of a species is the average time that a molecule
resides in the atmosphere before removal
• Chemical transformation to another species counts as removal
• Lifetimes vary from less than a second to many years
• Depends on the effectiveness of the removal processes
• Hydroxyl radical (OH) has a spatial transport scale of only about
1 cm and lifetime of less than 0.01 s
• Methane (𝐢𝐻4 ) can become close to uniformly mixed over the
entire Earth (lifetime of about 10 years)
• Microscale
• Dispersion of a chimney plume
• Flow regime in the wake of a large building
• Mesoscale
• Land-sea breezes, mountain-valley winds
• Synoptic Scale
• Motions of whole weather systems
• Global Scale
• Phenomena occurring on scales exceeding 5 × 103 km
Spatial and temporal variation
• Relatively long-lived species have a spatial uniformity
• Strategically located sampling sites adequate to
characterize spatial distribution and temporal trend
• Urban areas can require tens of monitoring stations over an
area of hundreds of square kilometers
• Polar ice core samples reveal global average concentrations
of previous eras
• Gases such as 𝐢𝑂2 and 𝐢𝐻4 that are long-lived in the atmosphere and
therefore distributed rather uniformly over the globe
• 𝐢𝑂2 and 𝐢𝐻4 concentrations remained essentially unchanged from
~10,000 years ago until roughly 300 years ago
• About 300 years ago methane levels began to climb, and about 100
years ago levels of both gases began to increase markedly
Seinfeld page 3
Problems of relevance
• Local air pollution effects from gases
• Anthropogenic aerosols (urban smog)
• Ground level ozone
• Antarctic ozone hole / depletion of stratospheric ozone
• Ozone in the stratosphere protects living organisms from harmful solar ultraviolet radiation
• Essentially complete disappearance of ozone in the Antarctic stratosphere during the austral
• Acid rain
• Global warming from greenhouse gases
Global increase in concentrations of gases such as 𝐢𝑂2, 𝐢𝐻4, 𝑁2𝑂
Greenhouse gases absorb infra-red radiation from earth’s surface
Re-radiate a portion of the radiation back to the surface
Act as thermal insulators
• Cooling effect of aerosols
Fuel, engine and
Spark ignition engine
• Compression ratio =
Volume at bottom dead
center / Volume at top
dead center
• Typical compression ratio
for a spark ignited
gasoline engine is less
than 15: 1
Working of an internal combustion engine
Gas composition of gasoline engine outlet
• CO levels are in the range of a few vol%
• Unburned hydrocarbons range between a few hundred and a few
thousand vppm
• 𝑁𝑂π‘₯ ranges between a few hundred and a few thousand vppm
• Approximately 0.3 moles 𝐻2 per mole of CO
• Quantity of pollutants affected by air to fuel ratio in addition to other
operating conditions
• Lambda ratio πœ† = 𝐴/𝐹 π‘Žπ‘π‘‘π‘’π‘Žπ‘™ / 𝐴/𝐹 π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘–π‘β„Žπ‘–π‘œπ‘šπ‘’π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘
• For insufficient air, πœ† < 1 (referred to as rich conditions)
• For excess air, πœ† > 1 (referred to as lean conditions)
• Fuel air equivalence ratio πœ‘ = = 𝐹/𝐴
π‘Žπ‘π‘‘π‘’π‘Žπ‘™ /
π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘–π‘β„Žπ‘–π‘œπ‘šπ‘’π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘
Effect of air/fuel ratio
• Under rich conditions, CO and HC emissions are high
• Incomplete burning of fuel
• NOx is maximum just lean of stoichiometric
• Adiabatic flame temperature is maximum just rich of stoichiometric
• Why can’t we operate very lean?
• Actual operating region of combustion defined by flame stability
• Combustion becomes unstable under excessive lean conditions
• Engine misfiring will cause erratic engine operation and sharp increase
in HC emissions
• Gasoline engines operated close to stoichiometric??
Farrauto page 103 − 104
Fuel-air equivalence ratio
Increasing O2
Kummer et al., 1980 (Progress in Energy and combustion science)
Equivalence ratio (contd.)
Effect of air/fuel ratio
• Under rich conditions, CO and HC emissions are high
• Incomplete burning of fuel
• NOx is maximum just lean of stoichiometric
• Adiabatic flame temperature is maximum just rich of stoichiometric
• Why can’t we operate very lean?
• Actual operating region of combustion defined by flame stability
• Combustion becomes unstable under excessive lean conditions
• Engine misfiring will cause erratic engine operation and sharp increase
in HC emissions
• Gasoline engines operated close to stoichiometric
Fuel-air equivalence ratio
Increasing O2
• Highest power levels obtained with slightly rich-of-stoichiometric
mixtures and no recycled exhaust
Heywood page 570
Farrauto page 103 − 104
Kummer et al., 1980 (Progress in Energy and combustion science)
Modeling of
pollutant profiles
Internal Combustion Engine – a reactor from a
chemical engineering perspective
𝑑(𝑐𝑗 𝑉)
= 𝐹𝑗𝑖𝑛 − πΉπ‘—π‘œπ‘’π‘‘ + π‘Ÿπ‘—π‘£ 𝑉
𝑓 πœƒ, πœ”
πœƒ-crank angle, πœ” – revolution speed
π‘„αˆΆ β„Žπ‘’π‘Žπ‘‘ − π‘ŠαˆΆ 𝑠 + σ 𝐻𝑗𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑗𝑖𝑛 − σ π»π‘—π‘œπ‘’π‘‘ πΉπ‘—π‘œπ‘’π‘‘
Heat transfer to
Shaft work
Kumar et al., 2011 (AIChE Journal)
Reaction scheme
π‘Ÿπ‘£ =
− π‘Ž
• Volume of combustion chamber / control volume changes with time
• Time-dependent temperature and pressure
Kumar et al., 2011 (AIChE Journal)
Modeling results
Kumar et al., 2011 (AIChE Journal)
Modeling results
• Increase in pressure during
• Significant increase in pressure due to
Modeling results
Kumar et al., 2011 (AIChE Journal)
Combustion thermodynamics
• Equilibrium composition of combustion
gases strong function of temperature
and equivalence ratio
• CO and 𝐻2 unreacted under equilibrium
conditions at high temperatures and
stoichiometric conditions
Adiabatic combustion of
Stoichiometric combustion of
Equilibrium composition
• Reduces adiabatic flame temperature
• Dissociation reactions have large heats
of reaction
• 𝐢𝑂2 β‡Œ 𝐢𝑂 + 2 𝑂2
βˆ†π» = 283 π‘˜π½/π‘šπ‘œπ‘™
• 𝐻2 𝑂 β‡Œ 𝐻2 + 2 𝑂2
βˆ†π» = 242 π‘˜π½/π‘šπ‘œπ‘™
• CO, NO and unburnt hydrocarbons
emitted from combustion systems
• Chemical equilibrium not maintained as
combustion products cool
Flagan page 98 − 100
Formation of pollutants
• In general, concentrations of pollutants in Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
exhaust differ from values calculated assuming chemical equilibrium
• Detailed chemical mechanisms of pollutant formation and kinetics important
in determining emissions levels
• Formation and consumption of CO, organic compounds, particulates
intimately coupled with primary fuel combustion process
• Knowledge of combustion chemistry required
• Formation and consumption of 𝑁𝑂π‘₯ and 𝑆𝑂π‘₯ not part of fuel combustion
• Reactions which produce these species take place in an environment created by combustion
Heywood page 568
𝑁𝑂π‘₯ formation
• NO forms throughout the high temperature burned
gases behind the flame
• Chemical reactions involving nitrogen and oxygen
atoms and molecules
• Increase in NO formation rate with increase in
• Reactions involving NO freeze with decrease in
temperature during expansion stroke
• NO concentrations in excess of equilibrium values
Heywood page 568
Factors affecting NO emissions
• Fuel air equivalence ratio
• Burnt gas fraction of in-cylinder unburnt mixture
• Depends on amount of diluent such as recycled exhaust gas and residual gas fraction
• Spark timing
• Effect explained by change in time history of temperature and oxygen
concentration in the burned gases and early part of the expansion stroke
Heywood page 581
Equivalence ratio
• Maximum burnt gas temperature occurs around fuel/air
equivalence ratio of 1.1
• Oxygen concentrations low at this equivalence ratio
• With decrease in fuel / air equivalence ratio (mixture
becomes lean), oxygen concentration increases
• Peak NO emissions around fuel / air equivalence ratio of 0.9
• Substantial NO decomposition occurs from peak
concentrations in rich mixtures
• In lean mixtures, NO concentrations freeze early in
expansion process – little NO decomposition occurs
• Gas conditions in lean mixtures at time of peak pressure are
especially significant
Heywood page 581 − 582
Burned gas fraction
• Burned gases – residual gas from previous cycle and any
exhaust gas recycled to intake
• Act as charge diluents
• Temperature reached after combustion varies inversely
with burned gas mass fraction
• Decrease in temperature due to charge dilution which
results in lower NO levels
• Residual gas fraction influenced by valve timing (especially
extent of valve overlap)
Heywood page 582 − 583
Burned gas fraction
• Increase of heat capacity of cylinder charge per unit
mass of fuel
• High specific heat of 𝐢𝑂2 and 𝐻2𝑂
• Specific heat of exhaust gas higher than air due to
substantial amounts of 𝐢𝑂2 and 𝐻2𝑂
• Plotting vs. diluent heat capacity – collapse to single
• Effect of charge dilution almost entirely due to heat
capacity of diluting gases
• Negative effect of charge dilution
• Reduction in oxygen concentration, decrease in combustion rate
• Beyond a limit, it causes misfired combustion resulting in low fuel
efficiency and higher hydrocarbon emissions
Heywood page 583
Spark timing
• Significant effect on NO emissions
• Advancing spark timing
• Increases peak cylinder pressure
• More fuel is burned before top dead center, peak pressure moves
closer to top dead center
• Retarding spark timing
• Decreases peak cylinder pressure
• High peak cylinder pressure results in high peak burned
gas temperatures, resulting in high NO formation rates
Heywood page 585 − 586
NO formation in SI engines
• Vigorous mixing of fuel and air with residual gas
during intake process
• Fuel air ratio and concentration of diluent
approximately uniform
• NO formation studied by coupling NO formation
kinetics with burned gas temperature distribution
and pressure
• Mixture which burns early compressed to higher
temperatures as cylinder pressure continues to rise
• Mixture which burns later compressed primarily as
unburnt mixture and ends up after combustion at
lower burnt gas temperature
• Results in figure obtained by assuming that no
mixing takes place between mixture elements
burning at different times
Heywood page 578 − 580
NO formation in SI engines
• 𝑁𝑂 = ‫׬‬0 𝑁𝑂 𝑓 𝑑π‘₯𝑏
• Earlier burning fractions of charge contribute much more to
exhaust NO
• In absence of vigorous bulk gas motion, highest NO
concentrations occur near to the spark plug
Final frozen NO mass fraction in the element of charge which burned when mass fraction burned was xb
Average NO mass fraction
Heywood page 580 − 581
Hydrocarbon emissions from SI engines
• Consequence of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuel
• HC emissions rise rapidly as mixture becomes rich
• With very lean mixtures, HC emissions can rise rapidly due to
incomplete combustion or misfire
• Sources
Flame quenching at combustion chamber walls
Solubilization and desorption of fuel by engine oil
Incomplete combustion due to bulk quenching of flame
• Most sources result in unburnt HC close to combustion chamber
walls (not in bulk of cylinder gases)
• Distribution expected to be non-uniform
Heywood page 570
Sources of hydrocarbon emissions
• Crevice
• Increase of cylinder pressure during combustion and compression
• Forces gas in the cylinder into crevices (narrow volumes)
• Volume between piston and cylinder wall
• Most of this gas escapes primary combustion process
• Entrance to crevices too narrow for flame to enter
• Unburnt hydrocarbons proportional to total crevice volume
• Decreased to very low values as all crevices were filled with solid material
• Flame quenching at combustion chamber walls
• Partially burnt fuel – air mixture left at wall
Heywood page 570
Sources of hydrocarbon emissions (contd.)
• Solubilization and desorption of fuel by engine oil
• Oil layers on walls of bomb cause increase in residual unburnt hydrocarbons
• Additional HC in experiments with oil films are primarily fuel molecules
• Additional HC directly proportional to amount of oil placed on walls of reactor and solubility
of specific fuel in oil
• Results show solubilization of fuel in oil prior to ignition followed by desorption after
Heywood page 600 − 603
Carbon monoxide formation
• Controlled primarily by fuel / air equivalence ratio
• With rich fuel-air mixtures, insufficient oxygen to burn carbon
• Spark ignited (SI) engines operate close to stoichiometric at
partial load and fuel rich at full load
• CO emissions are significant
• CO levels observed in SI engine exhaust gases lower than
maximum values measured within combustion chamber
• Significantly higher than equilibrium values for exhaust conditions
• Imply kinetically controlled processes
• CO concentrations in the immediate postflame burned gases
close to equilibrium
• CO oxidation (𝐢𝑂 + 𝑂𝐻 β‡Œ 𝐢𝑂2 + 𝐻) may not remain locally
equilibrated as burned gases cool during expansion and exhaust
• Freezing of CO oxidation due to decrease in temperature during
expansion stroke
Heywood page 592 − 594
Particulate emissions in SI engines
• Three classes: Lead, Organic particulates and sulphates
• Lead
• Use of leaded gasoline results in particulates with significant mass fraction of lead
• Particulate emissions higher when engine is cold
• Organic particulates
• Soot emissions result from combustion of overly rich mixtures
• Sulphates
• Sulphur in fuel oxidized to 𝑆𝑂2
• 𝑆𝑂2 oxidized to 𝑆𝑂3 which combines with water at ambient temperature to form sulphuric
acid aerosol
• In properly adjusted SI engines, soot in the exhaust is not a significant
Heywood page 626
Compression ignition engine
• Only air (no fuel) is injected
during intake stroke
• Intake air heated by compression
• Fuel is injected during power
• Compression ratios are higher as
compared to spark ignition
engines. Greater than about 22: 1
Farrauto page 239
Diesel engines
• High fuel efficiency
• High compression ratio
• Operate very lean of stoichiometric (air to fuel ratio higher
than stoichiometric)
Converter inlet temperature during NEDC cycle
(emission testing)
• Lean nature results in cooler combustion with less
gaseous CO and HC emissions
• Design of combustion process and the fact that fuel
is injected as a liquid, results in high particulate
emission levels
Farrauto page 239
Emissions from SI and CI engines
SI engine
CI engine
• CO and HC emissions lesser in CI engine as compared to SI engines
• PM formation in CI engine
• HCCI engine – homogenous charge compression ignition
• Combines advantages of both CI and SI engines
Pollutant formation in CI engines
• Compression ignition combustion process divided into 4 stages
• Ignition delay
• Time between start of injection and ignition
• Premixed/rapid combustion
• Mixing controlled combustion
• Rate governed by fuel-air mixing
• Late combustion phase
• Rate governed by mixing of residual combustibles with 𝑂2 and kinetics of oxidation process
Heywood page 621
Pollutant formation in CI engines
• Three distinct regions in a fully
developed diesel spray
• Fuel rich core where fuel-air equivalence
ratio is richer than rich flammability limits
• Flammable region where fuel-air
equivalence ratio lies between rich and lean
flammability limits
• Lean flame out region where fuel-air
equivalence ratio is less than the lower
flammability limits
Pollutant formation in CI engines
• NO formed in high temperature burned gas region
• CO formed in fuel rich mixture in flammable region
• Unburnt hydrocarbons
• Formed in region where flame quenches on walls
• Mixture too lean due to excessive dilution with air
• Soot forms in fuel-rich spray core where fuel vapor
heated by hot burned gases
• Soot oxidized in the flame zone where it contacts with
unburned oxygen
• Number density of particles goes through a maximum as a
result of particle coagulation and possibly oxidation
Heywood page 633
Pollutant formation in CI engines
• NO formed in high temperature burned gas region
• CO formed in fuel rich mixture in flammable region
• Unburnt hydrocarbons
• Formed in region where flame quenches on walls
• Mixture too lean due to excessive dilution with air
• Soot forms in fuel-rich spray core where fuel vapor
heated by hot burned gases
• Soot oxidized in the flame zone where it contacts with
unburned oxygen
• Number density of particles goes through a maximum as a
result of particle coagulation and possibly oxidation
Heywood page 635
Solubilization and desorption in engine oil
• π‘₯𝑓 =
• π‘₯𝑓 = 𝑛
𝑛𝑓,𝑐 𝑅𝑇
𝑓,π‘œ +π‘›π‘œ
π‘›π‘œ 𝑅𝑇
Fuel molecules
Oil layer
• Equation (3) valid if diffusion is rapid enough
• πœπ‘‘ ≈
𝑁 −1
Oil film thickness varies between 1 and 10 microns
D - order of 10−10 π‘š2/𝑠 at 300 𝐾 and 10−9 π‘š2/𝑠 at 400 K
Characteristic diffusion time – 10−3 to 10−1 s
For thinnest oil layers, equilibrium would be achieved
• π‘₯𝑓
Mole fraction of fuel vapour in oil
• 𝑝𝑓
Partial pressure of fuel vapour in gas
• 𝐻
Henry’s constant
• 𝑛𝑓,𝑐
Number of moles of fuel in cylinder
• 𝑛𝑓,π‘œ
Number of moles of fuel dissolved in oil
• π‘›π‘œ
Number of moles of oil
• 𝑉
Volume of cylinder
• 𝛿
Oil layer thickness
• 𝐷
Diffusion coefficient of fuel vapour in oil
• 𝑁
Engine speed
Heywood page 609
Sources of hydrocarbon emissions (contd.)
• Poor combustion quality / Incomplete combustion
• Flame extinction source of HC emissions under certain engine
operating conditions
• If pressure and temperature fall too rapidly, flame can be
• Bulk quenching most likely to occur at
• Light load where engine speed is low and residual gas fraction is high
• High dilution with excessive EGR
• Substantially retarded combustion
• Effect of deposits
• Deposit buildup on combustion chamber walls is known to
increase HC emissions
• Absorption and desorption of hydrocarbons by deposits
Heywood page 610 − 612
Hydrocarbon oxidation
• Measurements of in-cylinder HC concentrations show levels about 1.5 − 2
times the average exhaust level
• Points towards oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbons
• 𝜏𝐻𝐢,π‘œπ‘₯ =
− 𝑑𝑑
• In-cylinder gas temperature prior to blowdown generally exceeds 1250 K
• Characteristic HC oxidation time calculated to be less than 1 ms
• During blowdown, temperature falls rapidly to less than 1000 K
• 𝜏𝐻𝐢,π‘œπ‘₯ is greater than about 50 ms
• Mixing of unburnt HC with bulk cylinder gases limits the amount of oxidation
rather than the reaction kinetics
• Large fraction of HC leaving crevice regions expected to survive with little further oxidation
Heywood page 614 − 616
HC oxidation in exhaust system
• Oxidation of HC requires a temperature in excess of
600 oC with a residence time of 50 ms or longer
• Potential for HC oxidation decreases because of a
steady decrease in gas temperature
• Exhaust system modified by installing insulated pipe
• Incomplete HC oxidation result in increased CO levels
• CO oxidation commences because of heat released by
HC oxidation
• Air addition to ensure enough 𝑂2 available for
Heywood page 616 − 617