UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Industrial Engineering Department Marketing Management PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY TOPIC PROPOSAL NAME: Date Submitted: CRUZ, Darce Enrique R. NAME: NAME: Team Name: PAZ, Lance Aaron M. NAME: Term: TARAYAO, Dale Andre C. PROPOSED To Be Filled-up by the student January 21, 2024 Undergrad Degree: JUAN, Mary Jeannette I. AY 2023-2024 BS in Industrial Engineering DALAMADA LLC. 1st 2nd 3rd PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY TOPIC Working Title of the Proposed PFS Topic: Behavioral vape / cigarette alternative for steady rehabilitation Abstract of the Proposal: This study proposal investigates the feasibility, safety, and potential impact of introducing a health-conscious inhaler disguised as a vape in the market. The primary objective is to introduce a healthy vape to consumers, assessing its appeal and market potential among users seeking wellness-oriented alternatives to traditional vaping devices and juices. The study will undergo a comprehensive methodology, covering aspects such as product development, understanding consumer perceptions, and evaluating potential health impacts. The concealed inhaler will be thoughtfully designed, incorporating ingredients and features that resonate with wellness preferences, with a strong emphasis on transparent disclosure and safety considerations. The study aims to present a variety of vaporizable juices that do not contain harmful substances like nicotine, carcinogens, etc. These juices would serve as a healthy and guilt-free alternative to readily available vape juices on the market. Key words: Inhaler, Alternative, Vaporizable Juices important Attach at least 2 journal abstracts of your proposed topic Jonas, A. (2022). Impact of vaping on respiratory health. The BMJ, e065997. 065997 What does blood do? - - NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). 4 Excellent 3 Very Good 2 Fair 1 Serious Flaw, disapproved Rate the… To be filled by the PFS ADVISER PROPOSAL IN GENERAL Title Abstract The candidate’s verbal ability to discuss the proposed topic At least 2 attached supporting journal article abstracts To Be filled by the 4 3 2 The Proposed PFS Topic is Approved? Name of PFS Adviser _____________________________________________ YES Not at this time ADDITIONAL RELEVANT COMMENTS (USE THE BACK PAGE) PFS Adviser PFS ADVISER SIGNATURE & Date this Form must be confined to only one (1) page If it is extending to a second page, you have to trim down your Abstract UST: SO27-00-FO22 1/21/23 1