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SAP ALE/IDoc Configuration Guide

1. Create logical systems for the sender and receiver in SALE->Basic Settings->Logical Systems
->Define Logical Systems
2. Assign the logical systems to the respective clients in SALE->Basic Settings->Logical Systems
->Assign Logical System to Client
3. Setting up of RFC destination for both sender and receiver systems in SM59 and check it for
Remote LOGON.(should be success)
4. Create Segment and IDoc type in WE31 and WE30 respectively.
5. Create message type in WE81.
6. Assign message type to the IDoc type in WE82.
7. Develop an IDoc processing program to build an IDoc to hold application document. for example
Purchase order, Sale order, Customer Material Info Rec etc…
(Outbound IDoc Programs: thru Message Control, Stand-alone programs, Outbound IDocs from
Change pointers)
8. Configure Distribution model view in BD64 in the sender system.
9. Create a model view.
10. Add message type to the model view.
11. Give the sender system and receiver system’s logical system name.
12. Go to Environment ->Generate partner profile. Give partner system’s logical system name. Press
13. Port should be created successfully. Save it and come back to the initial screen of BD64.
14. Go to Edit->Distribute -> Model View.
15. Now the distribution model view is been transferred to the partner system
16. Go to receiver system.
17. Maintain partner profile in BD64 by navigating Environment ->Generate partner profile. Give
partner system’s logical system name.
18. Now partner profile has been created for both the sender and receiver system.
19. Go to WE20 to edit partner profile in the sender system.
20. Give the message type in the outbound parameter.
21. Go to WE20 to edit partner profile in the receiver system.
22. Give the message type in the inbound parameter.
23. If the message type is standard one given by SAP, process code and function module are ready
made available.
24. If the message type is custom defined, process code and function module are to be created by
the consultant.
25. Create an IDoc posting program in the receiver system as a function module. Function module
name should start with IDOC_INPUT_XXXX. Export, Import, Tables parameter are all need to be
copied from a standard function module meant for master data message type.
26. Assign function module to the message type in WE57.
27. Function module can use direct input method, call transaction method and also ALE standard TCodes.
28. Specification of these above methods used in the function module is to be mentioned in BD51.
29. Distribution model view should be checked for its consistency in BDM5.
30. If it is correct, everything so far done is on the right track. Please proceed further.
If it is an error, stop here and dig it to erase out.
31. Execute IDoc processing program in the sender system. IDoc created can be seen via WE05 and
32. IDoc can viewed in the receiver system via WE02 and WE05.
33. Application document is posted in receiver system.
34. Check the application document. For example purchase order in ME21N.