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Data Visualization Assignment: Chart Construction with Tableau

Assignment 3
This assignment assesses your ability to construct charts. Questions are based on four datasets,
each of which is described below. This is followed by assignment questions.
Frozen Yogurt Data
A consumer survey on frozen yogurt restaurants was designed to measure the factors
considered important in choosing a frozen yogurt restaurant and the evaluation of three
restaurants. Respondents were also asked their reward card status, social media most used,
and gender. Here is the survey. Data is in the file, froyo.csv.
Variable Description
• Id: Unique identifier
• Quality: Importance of this attribute on a 1-7 scale
• Variety: Importance of this attribute on a 1-7 scale
• Price: Importance of this attribute on a 1-7 scale
• Distance: Importance of this attribute on a 1-7 scale
• Courteousness: Importance of this attribute on a 1-7 scale
• Atmosphere: Importance of this attribute on a 1-7 scale
• rating_PinkBerry: Rating of Pink Berry on a 1-5 scale (1 is extremely bad and 5 is
extremely good)
• rating_RedMango: Rating of Red Mango on a 1-5 scale (1 is extremely bad and 5 is
extremely good)
• rating_16Handles: Rating of 16Handles on a 1-5 scale (1 is extremely bad and 5 is
extremely good)
• rank_PinkBerry: Rank of Pink Berry (1-3)
• rank_RedMango: Rank of Red Mango (1-3)
• rank_16Handles: Rank of 16 Handles (1-3)
• rewardsCard_16Handles: Whether or not respondent is a rewards card holder (1 is No, 2
is Yes, 3 is Don’t know)
• social: Social Media Platform most used (1 – Snapchat, 2 – Instagram, 3 – Facebook, 4 –
Twitter, 5 – None of these)
• gender: 1 – Male, 2 – Female
Before answering questions related to this data, conduct any necessary data preparation. Next,
examine survey and assign appropriate aliases for levels of the variables, Gender and Social.
Trading Volume Data
This dataset contains monthly volume of stocks traded for a set of heavily traded equities that
are a part of the S&P500 index. Trading volume is reported from January 2013 to Sept 2023.
© 2023 Vishal Lala
This data was gathered from Yahoo Finance API using the R library, quantmod. Variables
included in this dataset are Date expressed as “Month, Year” and the monthly trading volume
for the following stocks: Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, nVidia, Google, Tesla, Meta, Exxon_Mobil,
Eli_Lilly, United_Health, JPMorgan, Verizon, Johnson_and_Johnson, Proctor_and_Gamble,
Tips Data
This data contains a subset of NYC taxi trips for April 2022. The dataset describes date and time
of Taxi trips, distance, duration, and tip. (Source: Data was gathered from the Taxi and
Limousine Commission Website. Original data was cleaned and transformed.)
Variable Description
trip_id: Unique identifier for each trip
trip_duration: Duration of trip in minutes
trip_distance: Distance of trip in miles
passenger_count: Number of passengers
fare_amount: Fare calculated by the meter. This does not include tolls, surcharges or
tolls_amount: Amount of all tolls paid in trip
tip: whether the taxi driver received a Tip or No Tip
tip_amount: tip paid
period_of_day: Time of day for pickup: morning, afternoon, evening, night
pickup_date: Date of month for pickup
period_of_month: Period of month when the trip occurred: beginning, middle, end
pickup_day: Day of week for trip: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
pickup_hour: Hour of day for pickup
pickup_min: Minute of day for pickup
pickup_sec: Second of day for pickup
pickup_time: Pick up date and time
dropoff_time: Drop off date and time
Tesla Income Data
This dataset contains quarterly earnings for Tesla for the last couple of years. The data was
gathered from Alpha Vantage, a stock market API.
Variable Description
• Date: Quarterly Earnings Date
• Income: Net Income for the Quarter
© 2023 Vishal Lala
Assignment Questions
Construct each of the following charts on a separate sheet but in the same Tableau Packaged
For the following questions, use Frozen Yogurt Data
1. Survey respondents rated three frozen yogurt restaurants - Pink Berry, Red Mango and
16Handles – on a 5-point scale ranging from Extremely Bad to Extremely Good.
Represent distribution of responses to these survey questions on a stacked bar chart.
2. Compare proportions of respondents who prefer each social media platform. Do this for
each gender. Represent this using a stacked bar chart. Hint: To compare proportion of
respondents, you will need to construct a measure that represents all respondents. You
can do this by counting Id, CNT(Id).
3. Do the same as above but this time using a Pie Chart. In other words, compare
proportions of respondents who prefer each social media platform. Do this for each
gender. At the end, you will have two pie charts, one for each gender. Each pie chart
will break out proportion of respondents by social media platform.
4. Construct a Tree Map to represent the proportion of respondents who prefer each
social media platform.
5. Lastly, construct a Bubble Chart to represent the proportion of respondents who prefer
each social media platform.
For the next couple of questions use Trading Volume Data. This dataset is in a wide format. In
order to construct the charts listed below, first convert the data to a tall format so that the
resulting chart has three columns: data, stock, and volume.
6. Construct a line graph to examine the monthly volume of stock traded for the following
stocks: Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, nVidia, Google, Tesla, and Meta.
7. Construct an Area Chart to examine the monthly volume of stock traded for the
following stocks: Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, nVidia, Google, Tesla, and Meta.
8. Construct a Bump Chart to examine the yearly volume for the following stocks: Apple,
Tesla, nVidia, Exxon Mobil, JPMorgan, Johnson and Johnson, Eli Lily and Verizon.
9. Construct a Slope Chart to examine the above stocks (i.e., Apple, Tesla, nVidia, Exxon
Mobil, JPMorgan, Johnson and Johnson, Eli Lily and Verizon) before and after Covid.
Specifically, examine years 2019 and 2022.
10. Construct a word cloud to represent the volume of each stock traded in 2023. Use both
size and color to represent the volume of stock traded. The word cloud should represent
all the stocks.
11. Construct a Tableau sheet containing the following Simple Text
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For the next question, use Tips data
12. Construct a scatterplot to examine the relationship between Trip Distance and Tip
Answer the next question using Tesla Income Data
13. Construct a Waterfall Chart to show Income of Tesla across four Quarters of each Year.
Construct an interactive filter to enable the user to select Year.
Submission Guidelines
1. Save the Tableau file as a “Tableau Packaged Workbook.” File → Save As and then
change file format to “Tableau Packaged Workbook”. The resulting file should have an
extension .twbx.
2. Submit the Tableau Packaged Workbook.
Academic Integrity
The responses on this assignment must be the product of your individual work. Copying and
presenting the work of another as your own or collaborating with others on this assignment is
an academic infraction punishable with a failing grade in this assignment, or this course. Be
prepared to present how you completed the assignment to the class or to your instructor.
© 2023 Vishal Lala