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Alcohol Facts & Risks: Units, Health, & Costs

The Facts and Math
The recommended weekly limit for a healthy adult drinking alcohol is 14 units. This is
equivalent to - Approximately 5 pints of stronger beer. (1100 calories)
- 10 small glasses of low-strength wine. (~1000 calories)
- 4-5 large glasses of red wine, rose wine, and white wine. (~1100 calories)
- 0.35 of a 1 litre bottle of Vodka.
- Smirnoff Vodka, 1 bottle = 40 units and 2208 calories. One bottle is nearly 3
times more than the weekly limit.
- Red/rose/white wine. 1 750ml bottle = 10 units and 678 calories.
- Champagne/Sparkling wine. 1 750ml bottle = 10 units and 678 calories.
all are approximations/averages and depend on the drink
What to expect if you drink over the recommended weekly limit for an extended
period of time
Throat Cancer
Mouth Cancer
Heart Disease
Breast Cancer
Liver Disease
Brain damage
Damage to the nervous system
Damage to physical fitness
Mental health damage
Violent or aggressive outbursts
Misjudging situations
Losing self-control
Alcohol dependency
Increased chances of dementia
Memory deficits
Major factor in Alzheimer’s. Especially for women.
Weight increase
Body composition
The shrinkage of frontal lobes in your brain
Weakened immune system therefore leaving the
body more susceptible to lung disease and other
High blood pressure
Erectile dysfunction
Money Usage
Approximately 2-4 bottles of wine, 1-2 bottles of spirits and extras are bought per week. Average cost of
wine - £6. Average cost of bottle of spirits - £20 | | | 4x6 = 24. 2x20 = 40. 24+40 = 64. Approx £55-70 per
week. Approx 52 weeks in a year. 52x70 = 3640. Approx £3000-3600 per year spent on alcohol alone.
Fun Facts (Alcohol Edition)
● Alcohol is a diuretic. Therefore it makes you dehydrated- the dry mouth, fatigue
or weakness you sometimes experience after drinking is all a result of the
● Drinking too much alcohol causes the blood vessels in the brain to expand which
can cause headaches or in some cases, more serious issues.
● Alcohol is a depressant.
● Food takes time to be absorbed by the body. This is not the case with alcohol!
Within 90 seconds of your first sip the lining of your mouth, stomach and throat
absorb some/most of the alcohol directly into your bloodstream.
● Alcohol is one of the few substances that can actually cross the blood-brain
barrier, designed to keep harmful substances out of your brain. This also means
it passes through the membranes of your heart and other organs.
● Most alcohol in alcoholic drinks is ethanol, or ethyl alcohol. It explodes when lit.
● Alcohol forces the brain to release dopamine - a feeling associated with
satisfaction or pleasure. What you feel because of drinking is not real.
● Being able to drink without feeling the effects doesn’t mean you are immune, it is
a sign you are developing alcohol tolerance - a major risk and contributing factor
for alcohol use disorder.
● Alcohol generally affects women more than men.
● Alcohol is actually classed as a drug and is therefore the most misused drug in
the USA.
● A study found most family breakdowns are partly or mostly influenced by alcohol.
Alcohol Use Disorder
● Unsuccessful attempts to limit alcohol consumption
● Spending more time to drink
● Strong urge to drink alcohol
● Inefficient at work and school
● Memory loss
● Unable to discontinue alcohol use despite of physical, social or interpersonal
● Giving up social life, activities and hobbies
Useful links:
NHS : https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-support/the-risks-of-drinking-too-much/
Great tools on awareness and prevention : https://alcoholchange.org.uk/alcoholfacts/interactive-tools
Tips : https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-support/tips-on-cutting-down-alcohol/
Support : https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-support/